THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TnURSDAT, DECEMBER 1 14, 1916. Former Salespeople, Not Now Employed, Desiring to Assist During Holiday Season; Report at Supt.'s Office Today 9 A. M. rWCtTTICKETS " FOR PORTLAND-VANCOUVER HOCKEY GAME, ICE PALACE, TOMORROW, 8 :30 P. M SPORTING GOODS STORE, BASEMENT BALCONY 73c AND This Store Will Not Be Open. Any Evening: We Close at 6 P. M. Shop Early in the Day: 'Morning Hours Are Best 0 A Meier & Frank Merchandise or Glove Order Solves the Gift Problem Issued in Any Amount, $1 or More Redeemable in Merchandise, Any Department, Any Time. Santa Claus Here Daily 10-12 and 2-5. Free Souvenir House With Candy to Chil dren Accompanied by Grown-up, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Sixth Floor. Skirts Accordion, Box or Knife Pleated Finished Ready to Put on Band for $1, if Materials. Purchased in Our Dress Goods Shop Second Floor. , TJ. S. Postal Sub-station, Express Office and Accommodation Bureau on Basement Balcony Packages Checked and Wrapped Free. Shop on a Transfer. The Quality Store of Portland 24 i MERRY CHRISTMAS Buying Is On in Good Earnest HERE! 1 i i i BOOKS A Few Holiday Suggestions From Our Newly Enlarged Book Shop To the lover of books no gift is quite so welcome or so dearly esteemed as a good book. There are books and books for every taste Travel, Art, Music, Drama, Fiction all the best and most popular titles are to be found here. Come in and browse around you 11 iind just wnat you want most. sue rui i ivj. a Ai lift,.. Christmas Day in the Morning. Brotherly House. Under the Christmas Stars. A FEW TITLES FROM HUNDREDS. "Under the Northern Lights," Alaska Poems, by "Platinum Bill." Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.50; Leather, $2.25. "The Columbia, America's Greatest High way," Samuel C. Lancaster. Cloth, $2.50. "Rhymes of a Red Cross Man," Robert Service, $1.00, $1.25 and $2. "Hungry Stones," Tagore, $1.35. "Fruit Gathering," Tagore, $1.35. "Lincoln Packet and Washington Packet," books with framed portraits, each, 75c JUVENILE GIFT BOOKS. "Tales From Shakespeare," Doran, $1.50. -"Boy Mechanic," Vols. I and II, each $1.50. "Billy Whisker Stories," 80c. "Bed-time Stories," Burgess, 50c. "Old Mother West Wind Series," $1.00. "Alcott Series," $1.35. "Child's Garden of Verses," Stevenson, 25c to $1.50. "Treasure Island," Stevenson, 25c to $1.50. " Anderson's Fairy Tales," 25c to $1.50. "Grimm's Fairy Tales," 15c to $1.50. "John Martin Annual," $1.00. "Arabian Nights," 50c to $2.00. "Rinki-Tink, of Oz," $1.00. "Paper Dolls," 10c to 50c. "Paint Books," 10c to $1.00. i ''Cutout and Scissors Book," 25c to 50c. Book Shop, Basement Balcony. ' 'if-- '" . r-C' el - Vy' ra - (mm Fine Neckwear $1.50 Ties 98c Beautiful Christmas neckwear that will appeal at once to men and women seeking gifts for men. Rich, lustrous silks in generously cut wide flowing-end shapes. A bewildering array of clever new patterns, including bro cades, stripes, dots, ombres, changeable and allover ef fects. Discriminating men of every taste will find in this assemblage a tie to satisfy their fondest desire. Some exclusive designs to be found only in the highest priced scarfs. All of these ties are made with the convenient slip-easy band to save time and wear. Packed in fancy box if desired. Choose liberally for gifts in this sale any selection you may make will do credit to the taste of the donor and delight the recipient. I SILK FRONT SHIRTS, S1.50 Another out-of-the-ordinary value and acceptable gift for men particular about their dress. Bosoms and cuffs of silk and bodies of mercerized material to match. Plain and novelty striped effects, including the wanted satin Stripes. All Sizes. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main. Floor "Vogue" Painted Wood Novelties f brXmas Gifts Unique gifts that are most f ul. We list but a few : GAILY PAINTED- BUCKETS for sending homemade candies, jellies, etc; 3 sizes 85c, $1.65, $2.50. DUTCH GIRL Safety-Pin Hold ers, $1.50. t BLUEBIRD GIFT BOXES Dain ty hand-colored boxes for your holi day gifts, 8c to $1.25. original and altogether delight- "VOGUE" GIRL Flower holders, enameled and painted. Priced at $1.25. STOCKING DARNER, in jolly de signs, 50c. FISHERMAN String Box com ical old fellow, $1.50. Art Needlework Shop, 2d Floor. Holiday Sale 200 Suits $25.00 to $29.50 Values $17.85 ONE STYLE PICTURED Misses' and women's tailored suits in smartest styles for holi day wearing! There are loose, semi-fitted and belted styles. Very smart models, with VELVET AND FUR TRIMMED COLLARS In black, navy, green, brown and gray serge, poplin, broadcloth and gabardine. All the smartest midwin ter styles are here in all sizes, today $17.85 Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor $3.59 Japanese Crepe Kimonos, Special $2.75 ONE ILLUSTRATED Light blue, red and pink crepe kimonos, beautifully embroidered. Gifts that are dainty practical and most acceptable. On sale Thursday at $2.75 instead of $3.59. $1.50 TO $2.00 PETTICOATS, 98 One lot of good sateen petticoats and percale petticoats in black and colors, some in fancy Dresden polka dot and stripe design. Excellent values Thursday at 98c. $10.00 WOOL SWEATERS, $7.45 - Good quality wool sweaters in the most desirable shades, some trimmed with self shade, others with white. Made with sash or belts in good practical styles. Thursday $7.45. Third Floor, Sixth Street. Christmas Sale of Boxed Hosiery This event offers splendid opportunities for the selection of good, useful gifts for women and children, at special prices by the box. Included are fine silk, lisle and cotton qualities. We list a few items from our wonderfully complete, new assortments. WOMEN'S $2.00 THREAD SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, $5.50 All pure thread silk Hose, in as sorted colors or one color to the box. WOMEN'S $1.50 THREAD SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, S4.25 Pure thread silk Hose, in assort ed colors, or one color to the box. GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, S3 Famous Gotham Gold Stripe Hose, in special box of 3 pairs, ?3. WOMEN'S 40c FINE LISLE HOSE Box, 6 Pairs, S2 Women's full-fashioned mercer ized lisle Hose, with double garter welts, six-thread heels and toes. Black only. Sizes 8 to lOt MISSES' BLACK CAT LISLE HOSE 35, 6 Pairs, 1.80 Misses' fine ribbed mercerized lisle Hose, with reinforced seam less feet. Black and white. Sizes 5 to 10. BOYS' AND GIRLS' BLACK CAT Famous Hose Wear like iron. Have triple knees, linen heels and toes. Me dium weight in black and tan. Sizes 6 to 9, at 25c pair, 3 pairs, 70c. Sizes 10 to 11, at 35c pair, 3 pairs, 90c. INFANTS' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE 60, 3 Pairs, $1.65 Infants' pure thread silk Hose, in white only. Sizes 4 to 6. Pair, 60c. 3 pairs, $1.65. Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED LISLE HOSE 25S 3 Pairs, 70 Children's lisle Hose, in sizes 5 to 9. Black and white. Made with seamless feet. WOMEN'S "SILK MAID" HOSE, $1.15 - The best silk Hose made to sell at the price. Ideal silk- Stockings. All staple and novelty shades. WOMEN'S FINE BURSON COTTON HOSE 25S 6 Pairs, $1.35 Burson medium weight cotton Hose in plain black. Seamless feet. All sizes. WOMEN'S 60c BOOT SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, $1.65 Fine boot silk Hose, in black, white and colors. New Christmas Slippers Choose from our great new stocks of luxurious, comfortable house slippers for personal wear and for gifts. We have an unusually fine assortment for men, women and children at a wide range of prices. Here are three good suggestions : MEN'S SLIPPERS, PAIR, $1.50 "Rest Rite" felt Slippers as il lustrated. Soft-padded soles; col ors dark blue, gray and wine. Good looking and comfortable. WOMEN'S SLIPPERS, PAIR, $2.25 Daniel Green "Comfy" Morning Glory De Luxe, as pictured. Beaded collar. Austrian blue, light blue, lavender, orchid and old rose. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, $1.25 Children's and' "Siesta" bootees. Heavy wool - lined soles. In blue ar d red. One style as il lustrated. Sizes 5 to 10 at $1.25. Sizes 11 to 2, pair 1.50. Shoe Shop, Third Floor. ..!. a 77 4 i Two New Models Wei worth" Blouses $2 There is always wonderful value in the "Welworth" Blouse ! And this week's ship ment shows two exceptionally attractive models. The mate rals are , VOILE AND SILK CREPE The voile has touches of embroidery and deep collar edged with lace, while the silk waist is on plain tailored lines with touches of hemstitching. Good value these at $2. Here only in Portland. Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. 300 Pairs Men's 50c-75c-$1.00 Bath Slippers 23c An acceptable gift at a sensa tional reduction in price to dispose of the entire lot in one day. Extra heavy brocaded fancy crash up pers, leather and carpet soles. Col ors and combinations in good va riety to match bathrobes. 50c, 75c and $1 bathroom slippers today, 23c. Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor. ' Hand-Decorated Cake Plates at 89c Hand-decorated German China, in mat rose decoration, as illustrated. Also hand decorated Nippon China Cake Plates, in white and gold decoration. See these ideal Christmas gifts today at, each, 89c, instead of $1.25. $1.50 SALAD BOWLS at $1.14 Salad Bowls in. Nippon hand painted white and gold decoration to match Nippon Cake Plates above. Special, $1.14. 75c Silver Deposit Lemon Set 49c Silver deposit glass Lemon Dish, with silver-plated fork, as illus trated. Basement, Fifth Street. "Bluebird" Initial Stationery Box 39c 24 sheets paper and 24 envel opes, or 24 correspondence cards and 24 envelopes to box. Artistic gold initial stationery in pretty bluebird design. Stationery Shop. Main Floor. Sugar Cured Ham, Pound 20c Fine quality sugar-cured Hams that average from 10 to 12 Mixed Fruit Peel, equal quantities of citron, orange and lemon peels, mixed to gether, lb., 22 Boiled Cider, one of the best, quart, 29 pint bottle, 17. Pure Apple Butter, made from selected Hood River apples; none delivered, lb., 10. Rice, New Jap, 5-lb. pkg., 22, 2-lb. pkg., 90. Graham or Whole Wheat, one of the best brands, 9-lb. sacks, 420. - Victor Bacon, sugar-cured, whole or half strips, lb., 27 'i0. Chow Chow, Cross & Black well's genuine imported, quart, 650, pint, 350. Pickled Walnuts or Onions, Cross & Blackwell's, dozen, $2.60, -pint bottle, 220 Coffee, Tea Room blend, freshly roasted, lb., 350. pounds each, lb. 200. Tea, English Breakfast, our regular 40c grade, lb., 290. California Sliced Peaches, put up in good i sugar syrup, dozen, $1.60, large can, 140. New California Prunes, ex tra large size, 5-pound box, 950. Table Raisins, fine quality, extra large new California Imperial cluster Raisins, 5 lb. box, $1.10. Ninth Floor, Fifth St. SALE "OREGON CITY" INDIAN ROBES You would have difficulty in finding a more acceptable holiday gift than one of these handsome new Indian robes of the excellent quality for which the Oregon City Woolen Mills are famous. Regular $10.00 Robes Large Size S7.75 Regular $ 6.50 Robes Large Size S5.15 $20.00 AND $22.50 CHASE PLUSH ROBES AT 15.20 The famous Chase plush robes, 60 and 72 inches in size. Heavy, durable and hand some will not lose hair and will give a life time of service. Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor Boys' Eiderdown Bath Robes $3.50 What gift would any boy appreciate more than a bath robe? We have a big collection of boys' bath robes, in all colors and color combinations. Blues, greens, brows and reds. Good length robes, large sailor collar, 2 patch pockets,' rope tie at neck-and waist, all seams are piped, satin yoke at neck. Sizes to fit all boys from 4 to 18 years at $3.50. OTHER PRICES S2.75 TO S5 Boys' Clothing Shop. Third Floor. I AMATO TO GET HEARING blajer Exonerated at Coroner's In f quest to Face Grand Jury. . Frank Amato, exonerated by a Coro ner's Jury for the killing of his brother, Kalvatore, pleaded not guilty before Municipal Judge Langgutb yesterday to the charge of homicide, and waived rrellmlnary examination. He was held to the grand jury without bail. Amato 1s represented by Attorney M. G. Mon Jrezza. Salvatore Amato was shot and killed W Frank Amato In a revolver duel at the latter's home, 289 Sheridan street. Sunday night. Witnesses who teeti- Iled at the inquest agreed that Salva tore had goaded his brother beyond en durance, had attacked him, and had been killed by- Frank in self-defense. The verdict of the Coroner's jury ab solved him from blame on the grounds of self-defense. Chug water, Wyo., Burned. CHEYENNE. Wyo... Dec. 13 The town of Chugwater, a place of about 400 inhabitants, SO miles north of here, practically was destroyed by fire early today. No casualties are reported. For temporary use. a lemon squeezer oi. paper oau oeea invented. TRAFFIC B00K IN ERROR Council Finds New Ordinance Has Many Confusing Mistakes. For three or four months the City Council has been getting the new traf fic ordinance into shape for publica tion in booklet form. The booklets were issued a few days ago and now it has been discovered that it is full of confusing mistakes. Another ordinance was presented to the Council yesterday to correct the mistakes and it may be come necessary to republish the book let. There is a mixup in the provision re garding parking and another regarding the passing of streetcars. These make it almost impossible to tell what really is meant by the ordinance. Several regulations needed also were . over looked in the ordinance. Centralia-Kelso Debate Tomorrow. CENTRALIA. Wash., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) The Centralia High School de bating team Friday night will meet Kelso here in the second debate in the Southwest Washington district. The local team will argue the affirmative side of the question relative to com pulsory military training in the high schools of the state. Centralia will be represented by Cranston Goddard, Nora Dishong and Vernon - O'Keilly, ' 0. A. C. CLUBHAS ELECTION At Annual Meeting A. F. Ershrlcht Is Chosen President. . The annual meeting and dance of the Portland O. A. C. Club was held 'Tuesday night at the Multnomah Hotel -and of ficers for the ensuing year were elected. Preceding the business session a dinner dance was enjoyed in the Ar cadian gardens, which were especially decorated for' the occasion. After the dance the members adjourned to the committee room on the mezzanine floor for the business session. Professor E. D. Bessler, of Corvallis, represented the Agricultural College and gave the anual address to the mem bers. Following are the new officers: A. F. Ershrlcht. president; Mrs. Otto Laue. first vice-president: Marion Stokes, second vice-president; Otto Laue. secre tary; Glenn Kelly, treasurer: D. Koy Groves, R. I. Thompson, Leo Bernstein, Miss Harriett Sheasgreen, Henry O'Deen and Miss Gladys Moore, direc Klaber Farmers' Institute Closes. CENTRALIA. Wash., Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) The three days' institute held at the Klaber Grange Hall for the benefit of the farmers of the Boistfort Valley was a complete success, about 200" at tending each day. The institute closed today. The farmers were addressed at the various sessions by agricultural and home economic experts from the Washington State College. A basket dinner was served, at noon each day by the farmers. Newaukum Bridge Projected. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Dec. 13. (Spe cial.) Monday the Board of County Commissioners instructed County En gineer Neville to prepare plans and es timates for a new steel bridge over the north fork of the Newaukum at the Hylak place. Engineer Neville was also asked to report on plans and costs for widening ' the bridge over Mill Creek at Salkum from eight feet to IS feet.