3 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1916. BIHIflaRHHHnRRNliiilnHBIIIIIIigSllriaHHRRIIIRRBHBRS MMttUBHBHaBHHHBHaHaBaBHHBBBilBBBUaUBMttHHHBaKH HfiBKEaBBBBBBttBR" GERMAN CHANCELLOR WHOSE PROPOSAL TO ALLIES FOR PEACE IS HOLDING ATTENTION OF THE WHOLE WORLD. EH v mm Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications -Latest Fall Styles Now Shown DECLARED SOUND ca POWER INCREASED GERMAN HCE IS GERIViAN WARN G STORE CLOSES DAILY AT 5:30 P. flL ON SATURPAYS :00 P. M. Peace Proposed in Conscious ness "of Responsibility Be- t fore God and Humanity EMPIRE DECLARED' SAFE Guarantee of Existence and Honor tnd Liberty of Evolution Are Ob-. Jects of Proposition, Chan ' " cellor Tells Reichlag. BERLIN; Dec 12. (By wireless to Sayville, N. T.) Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollweg's speech is reported by tlie Overseas News Agency -as follows: Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg today announced to the Reichstag that Germany, together with her allies, "conscious of their responsibility before God, before their own nations, before humanity." had proposed this morn ing to the hostile powers to enter on peace negotiations. Practically all the members of Par liament answered the unexpected sum mons. The crowded house and thronged galleries listened in attentive silence when the Chancellor rose for his speech. The Chancellor first outlined the ex traordinary political situation, and then, insisting' on the achievements of the central powers, made an announce meat which possibly may be the turn ing point in the war, which for more than two years has held the world under its spell. The Chancellor said: "The Reichstag had not been ad journed for a long period, but for tunately it was left to the discretion of the president as to the day of the next meeting. This decision was caused by the hope that soon happy events in the field would be recorded a hope fulfilled quicker, almost, than expected. I shall be brief, for actions speak, for themselves." Situation Once Serious. The Chancellor said Roumania had entered the war to roll up the German positions on the east and those of Germany's allies. At the same time the grand offensive on the Somme had as its objective to pierce the German western front, and the renewed Italian attacks were intended to paralyze Austria-Hungary. "The situation was serious," jie Chan cellor continued. "But. with God's help, our troops shaped conditions so as to give us security, which not only is complete, but still more so than ever before. The western front stands. Kot only does it stand, but, in spite of the Roumanian "campaign, it is fitted out. with larger reserves of men and material than it had been formerly. "The most effective .precautions have been taken against all Italian diver sions. And while on the Somme and on the Carso the drum fire resounded, while the Russians launched troops against the eastern frontier of Transyl vania, Field Marshal von Mackenson captured the whole, of "Western Walla chia and the hostile capital of Buchar est, leading with unparalleled genius the troops that in competition with all the allies made possible what hitherto was considered impossible. "And llackensen does not rest. Mili tary operations progress, while at the same time firm foundations for our economic needs have been laid. Great stocks of grain, victuals, oil and other goods fell into our hands in Roumania. Their transport has begun. In spite of scarcity we could have lived on our own. supplies, but now our safety is beyond question. Credit Given Submarines. "To these great events on land," the Chancellor continued, "heroic deeds of equal Importance are added by our submarines. The specter of famine. which our enemies intended to appear before us, now pursues them without mercy. When, after the termination of the first year of the war, the Emperor addressed the nation In a public appeal, he said: 'Having witnessed such great events, my heart was filled with awe and determination. - "Neither our Emperor nor our nation changed their minds in this respect. Neither have they now. The genius and . heroic acts of our leaders have fashioned these facts' as firm as iron. If the enemy counted upon the weari ness of his enemy, then -he was de ceived." - The Chancellor said the propositions which Germany was bringing forward had for their object the guarantee of existence, of honor and of liberty of evolution for the four allied (central powers. "The Reichstag, by means of the national auxiliary war service law helped to build a new offensive and defensive bulwark in the midst of the great struggle," the Chancellor oon tinued. "Behind th fighting army stands the nation at work the gigantic force of the nation working fdr the common aim. Eucmln Declared Deceived. ' "The empire is not a besieged fort ress, as our adversaries Imagined, but one gigantic and firmly disciplined camp with inexhaustible resources. That is the German empire which is firmly and faithfully united with its brothers in arms, who have been tested in battle under the Austro-Hungarian, Turkish and Bulgarian flags. Our ene mies now ascribe to us ajjlan to con quer the whole world. But, not confused by these asseverations, we progressed with firm decision, and we thus continue our progress, ready to defend ourselves and fight for our na tion's existence, for its free future, and always ready for this price to stretch out our hand for peace. "Our strength has not made our ears deaf to our responsibility before God, before our nation and before humanity, The declaratlpns formerly made by us concerning our readiness for peace were evaded by our adversaries. Now we nave advanced one step further in this direction. "On August 1. 1914, the Emperor had personally to take the gravest decision - which ever fell to the lot of a Ger 1 - ' ; 1 1 - yv ' ... yw v I . v . II . i- f(y fl- . yt 1 V : - - - . ' .... y- . ( - i VOX BETIIMAXX-HOLLWEG. Count von Roedern, Answering British Secretary, Asserts Cost of War Is Public. CREDIT STATEMENTS MADE mm tm EH KM BB Ba mm ea mm mm am STORE OPENS DAILY AT 8:30 A. DL - ON SATURDAYS 9:00 A. ftL PACIFIC PHONE MARSHALL 5080 The Most in Value The Best in Quality ca ea ea mm mm mm mm aa aa aa HOME PHONE A 2112 wiwiiwinaBaWajaaBgaaB W y y : Arrow formfttCOLLARS arc curve cut to fit the. shoulders perfectly Cluett, fcabody &0:lric.Xtikers man the order for mobilization, which he was compelled to give as a result of the Russian mobilization. During these long and earnest years of the war the Emperor has been moved by a single thought: how peace could be re stored to safeguard Germany after this struggle in which sh, has fought vic toriously. "Nobody can testify better to this than I, who bear the responsibility for all actions of the government. In a deep moral and religious sense of duty toward this nation and beyond it. to wards humanity, the Emperor now con siders that the moment has come for official action towards peace. wis Majesty, therefore, in complete harmony and in common with our al lies, decided to propose to the hostile powers to enter into peace negotia tions. This morning I transmitted a note to this effect to all the hostile powers, through the representatives of those powers which are watching over our interests and rights In the hostile states. I asked the representatives of Spain, the United States and Switzer land to forward that note. The same procedure has been adopt ed today in Vienna, Constantinople and Sofia. Other neutral states and His Holiness, the Pope, have been similarly Informed." After reading the note the Chancel lor said: "Gentlemen, In August. 19.14. our enemies challenged the superiority of power in the world war. Today we raise the question of " peace, which is a question of humanity. We await the answer of our enemies with that se reneness of mind which Is guaranteed to us by our exterior and interior strength and by our clear conscience. Wanting la Issued. "If our enemies decline to end the war, if they wish to take on themselves the world's heavy burden of all these terrors which hereafter will follow, then even in the least and smallest homes every German heart will burn in sacred wrath against our enemies, who are unwilling to stop human slaughter, In order that their plans of conquest and annihilation may continue. "In a fateful hour we took a fate ful decision. It has been saturated with the blood of hundreds of thou sands of our sons and brothers who gave their lives for the safety of their home. Human wits and human un derstanding are unable to reach to the extreme and last questions in this struggle of nations, which has un veiled all the terrors of earthly life. out also the grandeur of human cour age and human will in ways never een before. God w-ill be the Judge. We can proceed on our way." xne jnancenor s speech was listened to by thronged galleries. The royal box was crowded. All the ambassadors and ministers of foreign governments were in the diplomatic box. Idaho Debaters Win. MOSCOW, Idaho. Dec' 12. (Special.) At the annual debate held between the University of Idaho and Wash lngton. State College at Pullman, each college maintaining a. team on each 6ide of the question, the University of Idaho was victorious in both events. WHEAT PIT EXCITED Grain Market Slumps Wildly on Word of Peace Offer. REBOUND ONLY TEMPORARY Extreme Breaks Reach 1 1 3-4 Cents a Bushel and Close" Is Not Far From Lowest Mark Other Grains Also Go Down. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Wheat values plunged wildly downward twice today, first on account of Germany's reported overtures for peace, and. secondly, ow ing to traders' assumption of a likeli hood that the character of the terms reported to have been offered to dis cussion would bring about an accept ance. Extreme breaks in prices reached 11 cents a bushel, and were accom panied by the transaction amounting to millions of bushels. Belief Is Expressed That 'Economy Forced on Fnblio Because of War Shortages Will Assist ' Materially In Faying Debt. BERLIN. Deo. 12. (By wireless to Sa'yville, N. T., to the Associated Press.) "Germany's war finances are an open book from which an attentive reader can learn the height of the war ex penditures, the maximum limit of the floating debt and details regarding war outlays of the federal states and mu nicipalities necessary for forming Judg ment as to the soundness of Germany's financial position." This fs the reply to T. McKinnon Wood, the British financial secretary of the treasury, of Count von Roedern, secretary of the imperial treasury; who. In an interview with the Associated Press, the first and only interview granted since he assumed 'direction of this highly important section of Ger many's war machine, .discussed criti cisms recently made by the British 1 financial secretary that Germany was keeping secret essential factors of the financial situation and showed how the figures are contained in the accounts p'ublished by Germany. Policy Declared Sound. Owing to the war labor law and' the extension of . the field of operations in the Balkans, said Count von Roedern, Germany's war expenditures, which had averaged 2.187,000,000 marks monthly, had somewhat increased but he was convinced that the necessary funds could be obtained in the future, as in the past,, upon long-term loans, and he had no present intention of departing from this standard German policy of funding the war expenditures and pro viding interest charges by taxation. The projected application of the pro ceeds of the tax on war profits, which in unofficial circles is estimated at 8, 000,000.000 marks, to the reduction of the war debt. Is only in form a de parture from this principle, the tax mentioned, being a. non-recurrent levy of an. extraordinary character and not regular revenue. Count von Roedern, like the business men with whom the correspondent has talked, scouted the possibility of Ger many embarking after the war on a policy of "dumping," pointing to the scant accumulation of manufactured goods for such a purpose and the ex pected high cost of raw materials at the conclusion of the war as preventive factors, but declared that the restora tion of the normal exchange rate of the mark would have been assisted by the restriction of certain imports part ly owing to high prices and the simpler scale of living introduced during the war and partly because Germany, un der pressure of necessity, had learned to use home substitutes for various raw materials, or, as in the case of nitrate fertilizer, to supplant imported articles with home products manufactured at considerably lower cost. British View Ridiculed. "The British Financial Secretary," said Count von Roedern, "naturally presents the official British stand point, and I can understand why, in contrasting the German and British financial arrangements, he paints our situation in black colors. "The German government" has been publishing statements of revenues and expenditures by the submission of the usual budget in the Reichstag. This done at the beginning of 1915 and 1916, and will be done again in 1917. . The war expenditures for the army and BB KB aa . aa I MM a jaa is' mm M?pJi 3 aa aa aa . y ' BB mm . Let This Great Under price Sale Assist Yon! Let this great underpriced sale assist you with your gift purchases. Time's passing quickly. Don't let the last moment find you with a gift list only partially "crossed off." Hasty buying aa means incomplete satisfaction and the dis- em quieting reflection that you might have chosen something that would have been more appropri ate. Come to this store, full of gift things, and aa stay until the last present has been purchased. m Choosing can be carefully and leisurely made J and money saved. aa ; Hi aa mm only i o mole days xmas aa aa aa aa ea cinnino- nuntatinna c.t fi flair woi-a fleet do not appear, it Is true, in the at nearly the bottom level touched, I DudSet estimates, but their maximum with the market as a whole 4Tfc to can be obtained from the amount of 10 cents under yesterday's finish. I w" credits voted by Parliament, Just 1 Hesitancy in the wheat market after M'u JMigmno. urew oriiam e first break in prices was the result. Publish a detailed account of the of opinions expressed by leading trad ers that a refusal on the part of Great Britain and her allies to treat on the basis of the supposed German offer would doubtless bring about a sharp rebound in wheat prices, whereas any serious peace discussion might cause a materially lower range of yalues. Corn and oats felt the effects of the peace news to a much less extent than wheat ' Pork and ribs also were compara tively stable, despite the excitement, in wheat. On the other hand, lard Jumped up 55 cents for the day, the general idea being that big shipments of lard would be wanted in Central Europe if the movement for peace proved a success. MARION'S' VALUATION LESS Property"1 In , County Is Assessed on Basis of $41,418,619. SALEM, Or., Dec. 12. (Special.) B. F. West, County Assessor, has completed the statement of the assessed valuation of Marion County, showing a total valuation Of 141. 41S. 619, ' with a total corporation value of $5,237,393. The latter valuation shows a da crease of $69,643 from last year. The total valuation is also considerably less than that of preceding years. GERMAN PEACE NOTE TO ENEMIES B ERLIN. Dec. 12. Following is the- text of the note addressed by Germany and her allies to the hostile governments: I "The most terrific war ever experi enced In history has been raging for the last two years -and a half over a large part of the world a catastrophe which thousands of years of common civilization was unable to prevent, and which injures the most precious achievements of humanity. "Our aims are not to shatter nor an nihilate our adversaries. In spite of our consciousness of our military and economlo strength and our readiness to continue the war. which was forced upon us, until the bitter end if neces sary, at the same time prompted by the desire to avoid further bloodshed and make an end to the atrocities of war, the four allied powers propose to enter forthwith into - peace negotia tions. Lasting Peace Proposed. - "The propositions which they bring forward - for such negotiations and which have for their object a guaran tee'of the existence, of the honor and liberty of evolution for their nations, are, according to their firm belief, an appropriate basis for the establish ment of a lasting peace. "The four allied powers have been obliged to take up arms to defend Jus tice and the liberty of national evolu tion. The glorious deeds of our armies have In no way altered their purpose. We always maintained the firm belief that our own rights and Justified claims in no way control the rights of these nations. , "The spiritual and material progress which were the pride of Europe at the beginning of the 20th century are threatened with ruin. Germanv nrt her allies, Austria-Hungary. Bulararta and Turkey, gave proof of their un conquerable strength in this struggle. They gained gigantic advantages ovor adversaries superior in number and war material. Our lines stand unshaken against ever-repeated attempts made by armies. Balkans Victory Cited. "The last attack In the Balkans has been rapidly and victoriously over come. The most recent events have demonstrated that further continuance of the war will not result in breaking the resistance of our forces, and the whole situation with regard to our troops Justifies our expectation of fur ther successes. "If, in spite of this offer of peace and reconciliation, the struggle should go on, the four allied powers are re solved to continue to a victorious end. but .they disclaim responsibility for this before humanity and history. The imperial government, through the good offices of your excellency, ask the gov ernment (here is inserted the name of the neutral power addressed in each instance) to bring this communication to the knowledge of the government of (here are Inserted the names of the belligerents)." does not of war ex penditures any more than does Ger many. "Mr. "Wood has declared that we con ceal the floating obligations of the empire. Whoever takes the trouble to study carefully our financial arrange ments will see the total war credits voted to the present, and the total long- term loans, the exact figures of the subscriptions having been published. The difference between the two sums represent a maximum amount for which short-term treasury certificates may be Issued. That maximum, how ever, is naturally approached on the eve of the grant of a new credit, and is at present far from being reached, since he previous credit was author ized only last month. With each of our five war loans we have been able to convoke the greater part of our standing short-term obligations into the funded loan scope. This will be l the case in the future. na aa wsm GB mm ca as aa aa aa aa Ka aa aa as aa aa mm aa EH na aa aa ca aa aa Ha aa aa aa aa aa mm mm. BB aa mm mm urn mm mm mm aa urn mm mm mm na tm mm mm BH mm aa mm urn mm na aa DO aa aa aa E3 mm ma aa mm mm 3 ua BH Mm mm aa aa aa BB LA. Special Holiday Showing and Sale of TuAC Work An exceptionally extensive and complete stock to select from Vals., Torchons, Cluny, Metal, Net Top, Venise, Silk, Filet, Hand-made Laces, Etc., Etc. In fact, every desirable Lace for Holiday sewing is here in the best new patterns and at the lowest price quoted in this city. We are sho"wing extraordinary values in Val. and Torchon Laces at 5c Yard Edges, Insertions and Bladings in dainty Zion Laces also Cotton and Linen Tor Aon Laces C in a full variety of patterns ALL AT YD. New Novelty Ribbons at 59c Yard High-class Novelty Ribbons in light and dark Warp Print Patterns the popular new stripes, plaids and plain colorings they come 7. and 7V& inches wide and in qualities regularly sold up to $1 aCQ yard. THIS SALE AT UZJC Narrow Xmas Ribbons, 7c to 15c Bolt An unusually fine showing of Narrow Xmas Rib bons holly effects and other novelty patterns in desirable colorings the kind especially desirable for tying holiday packages all 7 "P 1 C to ww prices from A BOLT. New Fancy Ribbons at 25c Yard Just in by express, a special lot of- Beautiful War, Print Ribbons in the latest and best colorings and patterns 5 and 6-inch widths at one price OF yard .aiOC Boudoir Caps at 59c Another underpriced sale of Boudoir Caps, the lat est new styles in Silk Crepe de Chine and Satin, with beautiful trimmings about 20 styles CQ and colors to select from", priced, this saleO'' Boudoir Sets at $1.19 to $2.50 Something new and useful that will make an un usually attractive gift a dainty Boudoir Cap with Slippers to match they come in a neat holiday box and at all prices $ 1 1 9 U? $2 50 Wonderfully Attractive Showing of Christmas Slippers For Men, "Women and Children On the Main Floor, Morrison-street Entrance, we've arranged a special showing and sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's Felt Juliets and Slippers that it will pay you well to investigate. All Sizes for Women QQ Specially Priced, pairfC Sizes &Vz to 2, for QQ. J Misses. Special. Pair Sizes 5 to 8, for Chil- HCk dren, Special at, Pair iV Selling Regularly to $L50 It is the best and most complete assortment ewe have ever shown. Included are the most popular styles and colors in Fur or Ribbbn Trimmed Juliets, with fine belting leather, hand-turned soles, all colors. Also the Padded Sole Moccasins. Women's "Felt Slippers in regular $1.75 lines on sale at only $1.10 Men's $1.50 Leather Slippers in all styles epecially priced at $1.19 Men's $1.75 Leather Slippers in all styles specially priced at $1.49 Men's $2.00 Leather Slippers in all styles specially priced at $1.73 Men's $2.50 Leather Slippers in all styles specially priced at $1.98 Women's Bath Robes at $5.00 and $6.75 The best styles, patterns and color ings In th& celebrated Beacon Blanket Bath Robes for women. Extremely well made garments with silk-bound seams and silk collars and cuffs. All JC '7C sizes at $5.00 and OO.lO Women's Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists at - $4.95 A beautiful gift. Chic styles In Women's Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists in all colors and sizes. An unsurpassed showing. Waists selling regularly (4 QC to $6.50, this sale at. . L0PJD0N AGAINST PEACE (Continued From First Pace.) Commons, said: "This is clearly a po- llticl maneuver, designed to Impress the world aa a dramatic stroke, but having little serious purpose - toward securing an enduring peace. One of the chief essentials of any peace would be such a curbing of German mili tarism that a resumption of the pres ent conflict would be impossible. With out such a guarantee, England and France would be compelled, as a mat ter of self-defetnse, to retain vast armies and thus continue the enormous war bureaus of the present, instead of being permitted to resume peace with assurance that they will not again be plunged into war," , The offer finds th Foreign Office upset in the midst of a change of ad ministration, but as the new Foreign Secretary, A. J. Balfour, has kept most closely in touch with foreign affairs while serving in a different- depart ment In the late government. It la not expected that it will take long for him to be as well prepared as Viscount Grey, the retiring Foreign Secretary, to take charge of Great Britain's end of any negotiations which might fol low Germany's offer. Allies Must Be , Consulted. Although It Is still a matter of mere speculation. diplomats believe the modus operandi would follow the prece dent set by the negotiations Wbicn end ed the Spanish-American War, when France presented the Spanish offer through Jules Cambon, the French Am bassador at Washington. No action could be 'taken, of course, without full consultation with Great Britain's allies. Much speculation In official circles as to the possible action of the Reich stag today had hardly prepared them for an actual offer of peace, and the utmost curiosity was displayed as to the details of the proposed terms. Afternoon papers, which were on the street at 6 o'clock contained only brief bulletins giving the bare facts of the German Chancellor's- announcement that a.formal offer for peace negotia tions had been made. The general im pression was that the German offer was 59 KB a mm mm mm mm KB turn urn mm RS ea KB urn bs Ea mm mm hut ES mm mm KB PRACTICAL GIFTS! For the Men ! street 10c 10c 15c 49c 65c nt? C size 50 for Men's 75$ lar styles at xoe up io our Tbird- Keatly Pay a visit to our popular Men's Section, Just inside . . . . n. o.1..t from thBA offerincs: Each. 3 zor tor uens inuiai naQUKercaieis. hemmed and of good size and quality. each, 3 for 25i. for Men's Fine Cotton Handkerchiefs with eaclh? s'f or'zsSl" for Men's Initial Handkerchiefs of splendid for box of 3' handkerchiefs of pure linen. and nut up in fancy box. for box of S Men's Initial Handkerchiefs. Neatly hemmed Pure linen. Put and 30o each for Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs of good Suspenders in Christmas box. Men's Bath'Robn In new patterns ana colorings, z.s to St.i)Si nd quality. TT ti v for Men's Fine Elastic Suspenders In Christmas box. Exquisite Crepe de Chine Underwear at 75c Up to $10 a Garment. Camisoles, Chemise and Gowns in rich, luBtrous crepe de chine silks, exquisitely trimmed with dainty and beautiful laces, insertions and ribbons. The very latest new styles in a complete assortment of sizes and delicate shades of pink. Camisoles at all prices, 75c to F1.SO Envelope Chemise. flJ)8 te $3-50 Gowns at all prices, S3.25 to SIO Fancy Turkish Towels for Xmas Gifts at 59c Regular 5c and 7Sa Lines A special underpriced sale of fancy Turkish Towels in styles with col ored border, in checks and stripes In blue, pink, gold and hello. A large variety to select from In qualities selling regularly at 65c a.nd 75c Priced for this CO sale at very low price of The Most Attractive jn ew Styles Fancy Tea Aprons at 25c Up to $1.50 An inexpensive gift and one al ways appreciated. Doiena and doz ens of styles in dainty Lawni, Swisses and Sheer Nainsook, pret tily and attractively trimmed with laces, embroideries and ribbons. Round, square and novelty styles, with or without bib. All are well made and finished with wide tie strings. Come and make immedi ate selections. Prices range from 25C to 81.50. BH Ba El mm mm mm mm ca mm mm EH mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm KB mm ea BH H BB BH EN BB BR BB Eia EH BH Bin bib EH na EH ea XA1 BB BH BH BB ea Bsa ra BH KB Eta Ea PJ9 EH BB via aa Ba eb ea E3 EH EB EM Ea ES r.H BH va KB EH EH BH urn es EH EH EH ES mm am Ea tarn KB EH mm ;s mm ca sa es am Ba rm EH mm mm na ES ES ea mm mm EB EH CH ea am tH iagBaagaiBBgBaBggBBgBgBlBBBgag not likely to bring immediate results. particularly if, as tns emperors p. o nouncement indicated, it was made on the basis that the Central Powers are victorious. Press Comment Is Sarcastic Later editions of the evening news papers comment sarcastically on the German peace offer. The Evening NewB says that inasmuch - as. the Germans have obtained their "maximum of plunder," and as "the avenger in the shape of Lloyd George is about to in flict punishment," Germany now de sires to make peace. - "The Chancellor's declaration is al most blasphemous," the News con tinues. "After the crushing of the clti- ELL-A MS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25cat all druggists..; sens of Roumania, and tne deportation of French and Belgians, the Kaiser and Chancellor place on the allies the re sponsibility for continuing the war." - Norwegian Steamer Sunt. , LONDON, Dec 12. Lloyd's announces that the Norwegian steamer Agder is reported sunk. The Agder is a vessel of S04 tons gross. Her recent movements have not been reported. $55.00 .RANGE $35.00 WkH Every (our room outfit. Thai exact range. Nickel leg bate, am pUte attached. "Hot oom ten mtnuia." Our Evirtg room, dining room SkSuJ - mW J -. I - Ux not be WTuuiefi for . r 3 than w ask. "Up-to-date and ripht" Eaay payment or cmah, nl delivered anywhere. M. H. CALEF 540 WiffiaiM Are. PnooeEa64l7 YES I Drink it Gargle with it. A te will prove tts remarkable value. wffltvay foltoxo tiircctlQlu mim 1 sssg. fell 223 tised internally as directed in book let packed in all original red cartons, f ives permanent and positive relief rora indigestion, gas on tho stom ach, lower bowel troubles, gastritis, catarrh of the stomach, ulcerated stomach, - sore throat, biliousness, ptomaine poisoning and similar ail-, menu. For sale at all druggists 'Insist on Genulno In Bed Cartons. ,