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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1916)
I , i ".-. - .'.-.-. T . . -- --a . THE IHORXTN'G OKEGOXIAIV, " WEDXESDAT, DECE3IBEF 13, 1916. 19 . f . . t i ' ' 'I . i A:; V HFLP VrANTFT) rALE OR FEMALE. . THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL- , - i LEGE will teach you the trade In eight t "weeks, pay you while learning, give you ; a set or tools, scholarship and diploma, i get you position; 32 schools in U. S. and " '. Canada. Write for Iree catalogue. Cor. ; -d and Burnside. .-I FOR BUSINESS KSOWXEDGB ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, , i ALISKY BLDG, 3D & MORRISON 6T3. SITVATIOK9 WATEP MALE. . Bookkeepers sad Clerks. BY middle-aged man, married, good habits, thorough knowledge of retail Insurance, general mercantile business and bookkeep- I lng; will accept a position on small sal- i ary where there is a chance for Improve ment: city refs. Address "W 981. Ore gonlan. YOUNG married man needs work: experi enced receiving clerk, general office work and have had considerable selling expe rience; good references; start at small salary. Call E S. A., 6717. Apt. MIS. LIVE WIDE salesman; well qualified to get results, well known In Portland and ad jacent territory, open for engagement; salary reasonable. D 974, Oregonian. SD-CLASS mechanic wants lob In garage: will work reasonable. Y 977. ut Oregonian. MIHlnnfloiiii. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese. competent and careful driver, wants work afternoon for moderate wages, without found; good me chanic: West Side desired; excellent ref frncw. BF 979, Oregonian. FOSITION wanted by registered pharmacist of ability, 27 years' experience, 89 years or age; can furnish Al references: can leave Itv J. F. Kurka. 672 E. Morrison. East 1308. : YOUNG JAPANESE desires a position as rook, butler or general housework In fam ily. References. S. Hlrota. B 081, Orego n fan. WANTED Job on ranch by experienced cou ple 30 years of age. no children, thoroughly experienced r Al references. F 975, Ore gonian. SITUATION by young man, 30, married, mechanical ability, with company where there Is chance for advancement. J. F., nrm E 22d st. South. SALESMAN with Ford wants position sell ing, collecting, distributing or light haul ing. W 078, Oregonian, . YOUNG married man must have work at once. WIIHnir to. do anything. Good ref erence. B 981, Oreeonlan. YOUNG Japanese man wants Job. general housework, elevator boy or porter. Frank Wcgama. 26S Everett St. M-N with 3-ton White truck wants -work; hsuling of any kind; by day or contract. Phone Tabor 6203. i EXPERIENCED young man, 19. wants steady work on farm; can give references. AO 984. Oregonian. GROCERY and delicatessen clerk. 4 years experience; good references; young man with family- D 977, Orstgonlan. JAPANESE man wanted position for cook or housework in the city or country. 87 N. 5th St. "WANTED Management of apartment-house bv experienced couple: no cnitaren; uetn of rity references. F 977. Oregonian. TOUNG married man wishes work of some kind. Helper on truck preferred. AB PKO. Oregorlan. LANDSCAPE gardener, gaMen and house work; reference. No. A. Phone Marshall 444. George Schmidt. I WISH to be a schoolboy on West Side; yourg Jaranese. 17 years 'old. T 974, Ore sronian. MAN with family will do any kind of work, handy with tools, understands mercantile business. Main 70r1, A 1M7. WANTED Plastering, painting and kalso mlning bv two experienced men. Main 7ir.l. A 1MT. JA TNTINCJ, all brnnches.experlenced wnrk rosn. cheap. Phone Main 7324 or Main R162. TOUNG Chinese schoolboy wants position after school. AN P4, Oregonian. i JAPANESE wants situation to do first-class cooking. Broadway JS8. 327 reverett St. GARDEN man. finest references, desires work. 294 Sheridan st. Main 4B1S. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. . Bookkeepers and Stenographers. KTHXCKiRAPHER. bookkeeper. 5 years ex perience law, lumber and railroad work. rererences. t;ast rMr.jH. COMPETENT and thoroughly experienced stenographer desires position. Moderate salary. Tabor 167. STENOGRAPHER wishes position. 431. DrfflgmsKert. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, ladles" tailor ing, altering. Work guaranteed. Day, week. Tabor 1408. FASHIONABLY made suits and gowns by experienced dressmaker; day. bast o-bl. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall J722, DRLSSMAKCiit, by the day; experienced and responsipie. n;ast OIHL will care fcr children 4 hra, 50o and car faro. Tabor 31i. PRACTICAL nurse with hospital training. Keierence. Alain 3003. Housekeepers. YOUNG American woman with six months hahy wants housework In good home, city or country, $10 a month. Main 7802, room SC. VERY competent woman desires position ti nouseKeeper in mocern nome, witn refined people. Marshall 2S44. or A US2, Oregonian. f Domestics. EXPERIENCED German kIH wants dof.I Hon, housework and cooking, small fam- ny. Afj Vi, oregoniah. YOUNG woman, capable, good worker, conk wants situation 2or 3 adults. British pre- inrcu. wages -:o. rcererences. Alain ei. EXPERIENCED cook wants place to cook and serve dinners or luncheons. Call any Time. iuarsnait 4ooo. Miscellaneous. LADY of refinement, with quiet girl of 8, oesires to excnange services attending tele Phone and office in first-class ann.rtmn building for suitable furnished apt. P. O DUX OUI. POSITION. desired Waitress or second riiuiuj experienced ana Dest rererences. r. w, uregonian. IOLLS dressed, orders taken for crocheted articles. lancy caps, watcn fobs, chiffon liuwer jaoois. main 4uso. 'ELL educated lady of good appearance, capaDie; cesires position or trust. Mar- nail io. ,V AN T.D Chamber, restaurant or da worn, experienced young woman. Mai 3397, room 17. RELIABLE younn woman wants hnuMclea n ing or Ironing by hour or day. Main 7304 WORK wanted Wednesday; good laundress. WANTED Work by day or hour; refer ences. jaoor law. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or Dy tne nour. labor 2u2ii. STEADY day work of any kind wanted by reliable woman. East 1017. li.XPERIEXCKD woman wants day work or MARRIED lady wishes two housekeeping ....... tJ tv pi i. urtgonian. 'To Strike. &o. jCopyriEht, 1916, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain X y WANTED TO KENT. IIou . 4 OR 5-room furnished modern apartment; reasonable. Family four; near public school, with kindergarten preferred. D 79. Oregonian. TELEPHONE US AT ONCE. We need more houses: best rental service In city. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Mallf 6195. 105 Park St.. near Washington. A 1051. WANTED - by Dec 15. Modern 5 or o room bungalow. B 977. Oregonian. Rooms. RESPONSIBLE party of good reference wants 4 unfurnished connecting rooms in downtown, steam-heated building with hot and cold water, for office and living rooms; permanent; reply at once. P. O. Box 886. 4 OR 5-room furnished modern apartment; reasonable., family lour; near puonc school, with kindergarten preferred. W 977, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Booms. ELTON COURT 1TOTEL. YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath In every room. Private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per week. Main 6U53. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water in every room. 270 Fourth st,, cor. Jefferson, opposite City HalL Phone Mar shall 5355. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 4th at., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephones, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 00c to $1.50 per day. . HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Elevente and Stark ots.. brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $L50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL CONRADINE, 3 0th st. at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. WEEK up, clean, comfortable, right aown town; not water, uatns. iree ail hours; desirable people only. The CadU lac, 3d. near Jefferson. STANDISH HOTEL. 54S Washington St., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week: $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSHMARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance. $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 5G54 Washington st. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phones, reaeonable. 40. 3d st. .The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY .Morrison St., at lOI KATES 50c day up. Weekly $3 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th st. Strictly -jnodern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 9472, A 47S3. MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th: strictly modern. use or parlor; real home. $1.50 up. M. Hod. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 14 Alder. Strictly mod ern. 1.5(1, si and 52.50 a week. Furnished Rooms lo Private Family. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home. running water, shower. 655 Everett st. $10 STEAM heated, outside room in brick apt. Marshall 1323. FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 per week and up. lsii west .fane, i Kooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. fnone Aiam v-A, a uo-h. ALEXANDRA COURT, 63 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. bultes Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. A HOME ARVAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European Plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broaaway at Taylor. THE MANITOU. 201 13TH ST. An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, gooa board, reaeonable. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch: family hotel rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Rooms With Board In Friva4e Family. FINE large front room, well heated, excel lent Board, modern new nouse, piano, good location; xu minutes riae Hawthorne car. Rates low. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. Plione East etiso. INCLOSED sleeping porch and living-room. suitable for two to rour young men, $15; witn boara $o; no otner boarders; walk ing distance; home privileges. AL 085, uregoman. ROOM and board, modern home, large front room with Tireplace; use or piano. 57 Trinity Place. Marshall 466. ROOM and board, refined, congenial family, home cooking, reasonable. 3S4 Park. Mar- sliall 3D6U. BEAUTIFUL room, with two meals. vjn lovely lrvington home; tiled bath and shower, use or piano, victrola and fireplace. E. 5116. LARGE ROOM in modern home, board op tlonal. Marshall 4410. 431 W. Park St. ROOM and board. 333 10th st. Good home. Main 607H. BOARD and room, modern, private home orice reasonable. Tabor !1R4 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms In nHvala famllir 911.1. IT Furnished Apartments. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New. completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Bond brick building: white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service first- ciass; walking distance. MADISON PARK APtS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by weea or montn. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, rirst-ciass. reasonable rates. Mam 7337. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 JC. 23d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone ana Dam; up. Alarsnall LrU45. THE DEZENDORF. 208 1 6th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324 Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. ah ouisiuo rooms. line view, close In. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts $10 up; neat, light, bath: clean, respect' apie. iri urano-ave., cor. Washington. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern s -room xurnisned and unfurnished $18 up. "SV" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. ARGYLE APIS, 841 14th: nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, pnone; tin up; new management. A TENANT desires to sublet his beautiful B-room lurnisned apartment- See Janitor, r ( - 1 . CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th rtegervations umen tor January . ONE front 4-room newlv furnished apt. UtnM.nH ante NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 ana xioj'-b union ave. N. Wdln. 512 6kT BiAr"tSrtTuI6- VoCdI MAD. MA. 4aJd WE'LL (WiTAiESS "THE f j Hryl' . 1 MycfXr iDO IT y 0....1.7f 11119 111 "- a if I i V l?t II J 11 I u I 7 PA'S MAD ENOVGH, BUT NOT MEAN ENOUGH. BY FOB REST. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT 13 Quiet, refined. clean, 1 safe, THE WHEELDON ANNEs, popular ruth and Salmon St a, well known, of highest standing. A house of quality. comfort and service. " THE CROMWELL. Fifth' and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store: good surroundings; etrlctly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VLLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. ' Moat modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens In Connection. Walking Distance. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, ugnt; $a up. jew Hart, zu s- Unfurnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 68 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished. 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building, 2, 3 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-roora apartment. W lckersham apts., isth. ana inlanders; cen trally located; every modern convenience. Main 2201. j A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken: ugnt and airy, unexcelled outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc. Glisan, near 23d. ; WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, unfur.. clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 blks. car line, walking distance. East 2907. 3-ROOM, front and rear porch, $15. IT1 Green ave.. near -.XI ana w asnington. SIX rooms. sleeping porch, all outside rooms: references. 7SO Irving. Alar. 105. THE ORMONDE 5"rooms. all outside; mod ern: 056 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main B-01. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, o, 6 rms.. reas. M..7Q10. Aom. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4. 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 33bO. 6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 1B5 is. latn st. ; $30. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking dis tance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2901 and 2964. Walking distance, 21st and IrvlngJ TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 4:1-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110L WELLES LEY COURT, MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunnyslde earline, close In; 2 and 3 room; desirable and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison fetrlctly moaern; an outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Main 1O01 and 1052. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu- cretia st. jwarsnail aou, a rto.n. Flats. $18.50, INCLUDING water, modern u-room upper; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 66H E. 19th su N., cor. Davis. Wood lawn 4373. AN attractive furnished or unfurnished flat of j rooms on Portland Heights, batn, fireplace, furnace, beautiful view, phone Marshall 2270 or Broadway 1871, 4-R., HDW. floors. Ivory finish, modern, sep arate entrance; Alberta car; J.8. Jb. titu. 3i0 Monroe. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location, closo to school . and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. ' FLAT of six rooms and bath 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main feOSS. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co. 7b3 Kearney. Mar. 3456. 5-ROOM lower flat, all outside rooms. 662 E. Main and ISlh. East 2764. Furnished Flats. 12 CHAPMAN Beautifully furnished five room flat, piano. $27. 5U; also 6-room flat. WELL-FURNISHED five-room flat. $25; furnace and fireplace. Marshall 6108. Housekeeping Booms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room, 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 291 Columbia St., near 5th. -v NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones: $2 per week end up; newly renovated. Main ?771. The Warrenton. 402 hi 3d st. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. reasonable. MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison; single and en suite; furnace heat. $6 up" monthly. Housekeeping Kooms in Private Family. $14.00 THREE completely furnlshe1 house keeping rooms; electric lights, private bath; gas range, phone; neat, clean, cosy, close in. 128 East 19th..near Morrison. $lu-$12 EAST or West Side. 3 nice, large, sunshiny rooms, complete: electric lights, water, phone, yard, bath: walklng dis tance. 134 Porter. Sellwood 1109. $1 TO $2.50 a week; furnished H. K. rooms free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. 406 Vancouver, near Broadway. THREE unfurnished rooms. Including tele phone, water, with elderly lady; $5 mo. Tel. mornings. Main 1339. FINE front alcove and separate dining and kitchenette; modern; near C. S. church. 56! Everett. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close -in, large grounds, phosie. 90 E. 8th. FURNISHED H. K. suites, cosy, clean, walk ing dlBtg.nce. East 1929. 13 F. 7th; cheap. ROOM and kitchenette, electric light, fur nace -heat, $4 per week. 189 Park st. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. lower floor, yard and porch. 100 E. 18th st. FURNISHED H. K apartments, 2 rooms, $2 v ecu up, -i .nuuigomery, cor. etn. 354 SALMON Two desirable rooms, fur. nishfed for housekeeping; single h. k. rms. DGdT . ME lop tt4R. WOMAti . OS. ILL tRfjiT "TH4T 1 f IT- x . rights reserved. RosisteredUn U. S. Patent Office. FOB RENT. IIouHea. Phone Marshall 4600, A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU TH FLOOR. We have at alt times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. In all parts of the city. Avail yourselves of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. ' FREE RENT. Dandy 5-room house, 1 blk. from car, will give 1 month's free rent to good ten ant who will put the place in shape, ana only $3 month after that. W. C. Becktell. 515 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT A modern lO-room residence. West Side, in perfect order, suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., 6 th and Mor rison. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 8th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 708. 11 BEST RENTAL SERVTCEIN CITY Call or phone. We save you time and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5195. 105 Park st., near Washington. A 1051. NICE West Side 6-room bouse, desirably lo cated on Park blocks, reasonable rent to adults. Main 1955. MODERN four-room house on sightly lot close to car and school; modem con venlences; $7.50 per month. 404 Piatt bldg. 6-ROOM moaern house, oak floors, furnace and up-to-date. 71 Clinton it. . Phone Tabor 191. WEST SIDE, B-room modern, large yard, 6 mln. from Justness center. Manager Car - lotta Court. 17th and Everett. SPLENDID 6 rooms, very modern, choice lo cation; elderly couple. East 273. Herd man. IRVINGTOX Neat 6-room house, near both "IJ" and B" cars: rent very reasonable to tight tenant. MalTt 8429. IRVINGTON HOME, oalc floor, fireplace. good furnace, (25. 703 Lewis bldg. Main buts. 3-ROOM modern house, corner Myrtle and" Chapman sts., Portland Heights; beautiful view. Call Mr. Crain. Main 208. COMFORTABLE 6-room home. West Side, walking distance; hot water, furnace, small yard, $20. 510 Market. Main 4510. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 180 6th St. Main 6278. 8 ROOMS, low rent, fine location. Petty grove St., near 24th.Maln 38. FOR RENT lrvington, T-room house at 637 E. 11th st. N. 618 Pittoclt block. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, walking dis tance. e7 Kverett st. f none but s. 8 ROOMS, modern, 806 84th st. N. Phone jaam ou; rererences; rent ressonaoie. 6 ROOMS, modern, .No. 1 X. 72d su. rent $11. Main 8Z. 5 ROOMS, modern, with 5 lots. No. 50 62d St.; rent $15. Main 4892. MODERN 7-room house1, 245 23d street, near Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. FOR RENT 6-room. 2-story modern house. riollaaay park. Phone woodlawn 696. WEST SIDE Modern, 7-room house, 415 I4tn at. tit M. Tomllnson. City Hail. $10 MONTH New 6-room bungalow. Inquire e'.f o,jtn st. -is. Furulshed Houses. SMALL HOUSE $14, including water. 916 Mllwaukle st. Key at 711 Mllwaukle. Phone Sell. 10S. IRVINGTON Nicely furnished B-room bun galow, rent $20 per month. 717 E. 27th N Phone Main 6180. Mrs. Fletcher. FURNISHED house. Portland Hts., 8 rooms, sleeping porch, antique mahogany and wal- nut. excellent view. Main 20U4 or Mar. 6013. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow with garage, $12.:o per month. 1458 Fern St. Phone Main 3U76. FOR rTjnt Beautiful 10-room house, re sponsible parties, or will sell furniture. 453 Market st. Main 4237. 8-ROOM furnished house on Porter street. $18; walking distance. Call 816 Board oi Trade bldg. Main 7452. $12 TO-$25 COTTAGES, bungalows, modern. Main 5411. Main 3072. 505 Yeon bldg. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, 1033 Arnold NICE 4-room house, furnished, only $&. 621 l eon Plug. twery. , 4-ROOM bungalow, furnished, ML Scott car line. Phone Sellwood 2483. - Stores. TAILOR SHOP, best facilities, specially con structed, aew building, desirable for la dles' or men s tailor or for workshop; well iignted, nardwooa floor, electric connec tions. large room for 20 or 30 workers living apartment In connection; low rental floor space Sox 100 feeU Call 1025 Yeon bldg. FINE location on Third and Yamhill, now occupied by Haines tea store; deelrable nmrnet iulkuur i present iraue collet, bakery goods and light lunch business lease and reasonable rent to right party. conn uroB., uu Htock mxenange biag. LOW RENT. Billiard room for rent. Bowling alley adjoining for rent. Good East Side location. East 491. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between Oth and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 Vi feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay Offices. PRIVATE office, use of reception room. and pnone, or deskroom, reasonable. L. K.. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office. a desk room, $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. ADVERTISING agency has desk room, phone desk. Clyde Agency, 211 Stock Ex. bldg. Halls. NEATLY furnished dancehall, corner Front una (ili)Ds: reasonable; also large, well- equippea loage nan., main BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GOOD opening in Roseburg for up-to-date shoe store; modern front; best location in town tor rent. Address AV 287, Oregonian. OFFICE BUSINESS Owner wants a rellabT partner,) to tend office and meet customers etc. Pay good wages. Particulars 248 ft ataric su STOCK of gen. mdse.. about (2U0O. Wil lamette Valley, 75o oa the $1; clean, new jsvucn. o-acnic Agency, inc., oia bwetiaoa oiag. . ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coal yard will be sold or traded for any thing woman can handle. Sekhers Wood uo.. j Bin ana vaugnn sts. "FOR SALE." (food implement business; good new stock, in good location; win sell at a bar gain. Acaresa- al u-io. uregonlan. IF you have a business of any kind and can t sen it, we can; tnat s our business. Pacific Agency. Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. WE have 40 grocery stores from $40O to $40,000. cash ana trade, pacllio Agency, inc.. oia swetianq P':- FOR snaps in rooming-houses see Pacific Aarency. inc., oij bwetland bldg. BARBER SHOP. pool, confectionery, $200 per mo. clear. Aoaress av oo. oregonian. LIGHT grocery. $800. terms. Pacific1 Agenos" Inc., 515 Swetland bldg. POLLY AND HER TH4TS 'R.ShT 600O dUALLQV UtfCtlD I rvxJRLiL 1?0T I CUli BRw- I " I I I m . . I ,-f tX I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MAN OF GENERAL BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE, a bookkeeper or good salesman with I50O0 or more in cash can get into business with me on the ground floor. - I ' will put in the use of my fully-equipped manufacturing plant and divide the work and profits equally. Fine business, good profits. Have nothing to sell you. N 850, Oregonian. $1000 OR TRADE BUYS a coming business consisting - of confeo tionery, bakery, news stand, meat market and 5 modern rooms upstairs, all In one building; rent $25 per month. Located about 10 miles from Portland on High way. Mr. Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT. Another factory for Portland. Well known manufacturer, established 8 years, forming new company, branch here. In vestors $2000 to $5000 invited to partici pate. Safe and conservative. Principals only; no com, paid. D 963, Oregonian. A-N' established manufacturer wants general saies manager to open orrice ana manage salesmen; $300 to $700 capital necessary. Money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Acme Brass Works, Inc. 1012 Republlo bldg., Chicago. ' EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. $2250 will buy a clean-cut cash busi ness having about 6000 satisfied customers. Will sacrifice for the actual Invoice of atock on hand and machinery at its pres ent value; act quick. Mr. Do Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED- Party with $4O0O cash to invest ror a 4 interest in a proposition or merit that will give handsome returns; strictest investigation solicited; this is an unusual opportunity and only those having the money will be considered. BF 961, Orego nian. CAUTION BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec. . 202 Henry, Bldg. WANTED 12 men with $500 each to form a company to buy a state right to manu facture and sell my kidney medicine. For inn particulars write bamuel Thomas, Lebanon, Or. IF AN-income of $300 per mo. interests you. we nave a milk ana cream route witn store trade that will' stand strict investi gation; $1400. Faciflo Agency. ,Inc, 515 Swetland bldg. GROCERY, corner store in new brick bldg. .-New stock ana nxtures, owner unable to attend to business, will sell for $8u0, or win invoice. RICH AN BACH & CO., 707 LEWIS BLDG. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Chance for ac five man as partner In solid business: anouia clear iiau montn; only $450 re quired, which will bo secured. Call 248 Vi stark st. HARNESS shop for sale; located In best sitlon; large country to draw from; about S4aoo win rtandie stock and machinery. narnflsi anop. i.auroi8 vy asn. FOR SALE Saloon, depot location; clearing -u a oay; cause or sale, death. , COWING & CO., 1408-9-10-11 CHRONICLE BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A CHOICE confectlonerv. and lisht orrocorv aoing gooa ousiness; living rooms, cheap rent: -$110. Paclflo Agency. Inc., 615 wetland DIdg. OPPORTUNITY for active man able to in vest $17o with services as partner In a safe cash buslnesa Pay $15 week and share protiTs. can Z4H stark st. A COMPLETELY stocked ranch, no rwi horses, chickens, hogs, 160 acres, in Che- nails valley, to evade for gen. mdse. Pacific Agency, Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. $000 HANDLES pool hall clearing $150 ni montn aoove an expenses; located . In oig payroll town near Portland. Mr. De For- est. ;ui Board of Trade blag. We have a cash buyer ror an out-of-town grocery or gen. store not to exceed aaooo; this Is bona fide if you want to sell. facmc Agency, oia bwetland bldg. A.N1 auto and garage business that Is on paying basis; investigate this. Pacific Agency. Inc.. CI5 Swetland bldg. WIS buy bankrupt stooks. any size, anv where, pacific Agency. Inc., 515 Swetland IF YOU have $500 and want a Job $4 day, come to Paclfio Agency, Inc., 515 wenana Diag. DON'T WORRY. I oan CTade or sell it; anything. Lay man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. LIGHT notion store. $350. Pacific Agency, inc., Dto sweuana blag. FOR SALE cheap, 2-ehalr barber shop, in cluding two living-rooms. 529 3-1. 18th. CLOTHES cleaning shop, plenty tailoring, small investment required. 255 N. 17th st. BEST shoe shining parloir for sale. 5th at., bet. lamnnt and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSES. HOME EXTRA GOOD BUTS. 23 rooms, housekeeping, close In, rent s. -I. including neat, not una cold water, nricA S!H1- 4HO iv-ll! hnmlltv $400 cash handlesv 50-roum fiouse; rent $50; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. Price $1105. 14 rooms, housekeeping; good location, all full: price $500: $2S5 will handle. For Rent 10-room beautifully furnished home, or will sell furniture. MRS. KRANTZ. 621 Yeon Bldg. LARGE MODERN HOTEL. WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS OR TRADE the complete furnishings of a 190-room modem hotel clearing $250 and up per month above all expenses; price $10.0OO. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. 23 ROOMS, In two-room suites, rent $50-, in cludes heat and hot water; water Itta-aII suites; good furniture- rooms all full; in come $125; price $800, terms. Call 249 4th st- $275 (ONLY $100 cash, balance $2.50 wit) buys my elegantly furnished modern 8 rooms: actual cost $70O. "WA" or "B" cars. 306 Hancock. 130-ROOM apt. house for $2050, easy terms. West Side location, in walking distance; rent $275 per month. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED- By man and wife with experi ence, rooming-house, furnished, good loca tion; rent must be reasonable. W 983, Oregonian. MRS; M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison. 56 H. K. RMS., rent $50; a org money-maker, rooms always full; mostly modern con veniences: splendid furniture; price $2260, Consider part trade. Call 24 4th st. FOR SALE 10-room apartment-house, good location. 240i Fifth st. . Main 2143. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND at 3d and College sts., bag of needle work; owner can have same by paying for this adv. Apply 442 3d st. LOST Dark Jersey cow, spot on forehead, has halter on. Notify 5U3 Reedway ave. Phone Sellwood 1S31. LOST Between Clinton and Tlbbett sts.. watch In purse. Reward. Sell.. 1294, 605 E. 22d St. LOST Diamond ring, set in platinum, lib eral reward if returned to office of Carl ton Hotel. LOST Silver meah purse containing silver coin purse. Main 4905. Liberal reward. t gla . 126 black case. Return to hat store, LOST A sapphire and pearl bar pin, safe, ty clasp. Liberal reward. Main 63SO. LOST Perhaps a -week ago, large beaver neckpiece. Reward. Phone Main 3239. PALS CLIFF STERHETT. 1 1.0ST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found in cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company: December 11. 1916 1 role book. 1 en velope pictures. 1 bunch keys. 1 Jewel case, 1 package dry goods, 1 package nails, 1 ax, 1 suitcase. 1 lunchbox, 1 rule, 1 package linen, 1 package white ribbon, 1 purse. 1 cigar case; 1 book school tickets. 1 knife, 1 bell, 1 package clothing. 1 package saw dust, 2 rolls music 1 crochet hook. 7 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at station. First and Aider sts. LOST At the Ice Palace, Thursday. Dec. 7. about B P. M., pair of Barney & Berry fancy skates, size 10, with shoes. Finder please phone Main 6t58. Reward. LOST A brocade bag. silver mounted; con tained purse, fountain pen, etc; valuable as keepsake. Reward. Sell. 641. LOST Light colored Airedale terrier, name Bob. Call Mar. 4750, arter 6 o clock. Reward. LOST Brown Boston bull i goes by name of -Juno. 749. E. 14th. LOST Package containing 2 pr. rubbers and A shoe; leave at loc store. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed trustee otrrea -r- rosier, Dan k rtlpt, doing business at the Beaver Store at 76 Ninth avenue. East Eugene, Or., as such trustee, will offer for sale to the flghest bidder for cash at the office of he undersigned trustee at 760 Willamette street, Eugene, Or., on Saturday, the 16th day of December, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon that certain stock of gro ceries, crockery, glassware, etc. Invoiced as follows: Groceries, $883.29; glassware and stoneware, $SS7.46; hardware, notions, etc.. $420.42; fixtures. $1769.18; total. $3960.35. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accom pany each bid. Sale subject to confirma tion by referee in bankruptcy. Inventory can be examined in the office of the trustee and stock examined at 76 Ninth avenue. East Eugene. Inventory also at the office of A . M. Kennon. referee. Title & Trust building, Portland, Or. (Signed) J. T. Micklin. trustee. Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent, capacity 50O tons. Main 63. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to Is per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent, WHITMER-KELLY CO., 711 Plttock blk. FIRST and second mortgages: also seller's interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or v asn. ti. u,, Ptoble, Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contractu, mort gages purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and 'surest iaethod of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months or S21.24 for 60 months, or $13.17 for 96 months paya a $1000 loan and Interest, Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6V4' PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL & CO., 205, 206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any ' amount on improved city and Tarm property; will consider good build ing loana. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6H15. 171 4th st. A 2S15. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges A, H. BIRRELL & CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. 6 PER CENT money. 3 to 5 years, residence property; will accept .$10O or more en principal at any Interest period payment; 5 per cent money on buslnesa property. same terms. Paclfio Title & Trust Co., 7 -,namDer of commerce. Aiarsnau l. $1000 TO LOAN on good acresga or a lit tle farm,; will take 7 per cent on a de siral.le loan; might split the amount for a good $500 loan. For particulars call on my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate or interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devereaux Mortgage company. 607 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. 5 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties. 6 and 7 per cent on otner securities. KDWARD a. GOUDEY CO., Northwestern Bank bldg. SEE US today for loans on improved city property, o to e per cent; $.uu and up cellars-Aiurton i-.o.. eo x eon Diag. $50,000 TO LOAN on city property in amounts to suit, at a and 7 per cent, Mc Kenzie A Co.. 515 Gcrllnger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT UKKliUN l.V, MOUTUAU1S CO.. INC Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 0 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM propkkty: will call if inter F.STED. Phone Tabor 2620. TO LOAN $1000 to $3000 at 6 and 7 per cent, on improved city property. .rJ. J. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money to loan in uny amount, city or farm, 6 and 7 per cent; describe property. uso, oregonian. $200,000 TO LOAN in eums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W G. Heck, 313-316 Failing bldg. Phone Main R407. $50O, $10u0 AND upwards on Improved real estate; iavoranie terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 6 PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DESHON & HAWK. MAIN 1166. 720 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $500 TO $2000 up, 7 per cent. In sums to suit, loan on good farm or city security anduyn & Walton, uio Cham nber of Com FARM and city loans, 6 per cent. No coin mission, a. i4i. oregonian. $200. $350, $!0O, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German & Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce, UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY & CO.. au Board or Trade bids, MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. 11. Seltx. 3IQ Spalding. Main 65S4. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT, LOUIS SALOMON Sz CO., 30O OAK ST. TO LOAN. $300. $1000, $1200, block. 61S Plttock HAVE clients with money to loan. Olive M. Hlckay. Atty.. 826 N. W. Bank bldg. $250, $400. $500. $650, $750. Fred W. Ger man Co., ij- cnamoer or commerce. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm no commission, r-. yj. oox oio. ny. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on rity and farm property, 5 per cent up. r . Fiicns. u cnam. or com. IF YOU want a lock. Marshall loan, try Mann As Car 0.r.8. ME tHlISRAaJD 4lAiT tScjr j4 I FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. $9000 8 PER CENT, city or firm. $7500 8 per cent, city or farm. $3500 7 per cent, city or farm. $20008 per cent, city or farm. t40u0 S per cent, farm. 2000 8 per cent, farm. $1060 8 per cent. farm. $2500 7 per cent. city. $2000 7 per cent, city. $150j 7 per cent, city. $1000 7 per cent, city. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 202 Stock Exchange. 170 Third St. Money to loan Chattels and Salaries. CHRISTMAS MONEY. FURNITURE. SALARY. WANS. LOANS. ' All that Is necessary to establish credit .with us is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you are working either will do. HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. LICENSED. 317 Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED XMAS MONEY, SEE US SALARIES .... CHATTELS, Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal properly; legal ratea. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 300-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager, 394 Stark st. Money loaned on Uia monds. Jewelery. pianos, h. h. furniture. ORGANIZED by salaried men, we make sal ary anu cnattei loans on easy terms. Home Installment Co., 202 McKay bldg. Open Saturday until 8 P. M. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; an articles neld x year; established. since .lass, pan aiarx. 2S3 Washington. , PIANO and furniture loans; licensed by the ueo. narveyt tabor 3&uii. Loans Wanted. $4500 S PER CENT, East Side lots. $4O00 8 per cent, suburban Income. $3000 8 per cent, close-in acreage. $2000 8 per cent, income suburban. $5000 7 per cent, 25 acres on Canyon road. 6 miles from Courthouse. $15.000 7 per cent. Income business. OREGON INV. &. MORTGAGE CO.. 2Q2 Stock Exchange. 170 Thud St. WANTED By owner, loan $3000 on ma chinery oi oio esiaousned paying business; no agents, no commission. W 97a, Ore gonian. WANTED $1300 for three years on 4 acres, nve miles north of Vancouver. Wash., on Paclfio Highway. Phone- Woodlawn 1591 after 6 or Sunday. MORTGAGE FOR SALE. $1200, dated Dec. ll16. duo 1 4 years. 8 per cent; property worth $a.S,OoO. J oh a W. Cook. 432 Cham, of C out, bldg. $1200 ON .well-improved farm. 3 miles to city umiis value 40iio. occupied by owner. 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED $300 on improved farm, good se curlty. Mr. Jouno, 205-7 Board of Trade" Diag. WANTED from private party. $2000, 2 yrs.. income property, west blue. Macadam ave AD 977. Oregonian. 20OO. 3 years on Oregonian. ' uburban acreage. JL 976, : PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-iuch wavy switch. 2 sep $1.S0I 24-Inch wavy switch, 3 aep 1.0(1 All-around transformation I.4.' Hairdressin, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings. 90c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 4O0-412 Dekum bidg., 3d -and Washington. Marshall 1702. FEBVET & KANEBUT. leading wig and tuupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; hairdressiug. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Removed to 341 Alder, near Broadway. Main L40. LOUISE XETZEL, German trained .nurse and masseuse, gives treatments tor rheu matism, lumbago, neuru;giu, etc., massage and baths; lady assistant; now located at 310 Park st. Marshall 5u3. Open Sundays. GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets and bathe for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc., lady trained nurse assistant. 256 11th st. Open Sundays. Marshall 3637. . ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; sat baths. 426 Clay su Main 8351). REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL" circles H P. M.. readings daily, questions answered. lt5 Park, cor. Yamhill st; Mar. 578. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple-needle method; consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 54 Swetland Bidtf. idliS. S'liiVENS, 24 years In Portland: 20th century scienco in palmistry taught; spirit, ual leadings daily. ::75 Tavlor St. WOMAN'S bakery. VG Morrison st. Bran, Roman meal, white bread, brun gems, doughnuts, pics, home made. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental, spiritual seieuiisi. 30U Tourney bldg.. lo to 4 daily Written questions Wed.. 7:43 P. M. Mar 3096. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. Price, circle Tuesday. 2 and J P. M. and Sun. 8 P. M.; reading dally. 21'2 Clay. Marshall ."'.'6Q. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring and vibra tory massage. Office 40, 3d floor, 145 Va Broadway. ADAMS ASTROLOGICAL SCHOuI, scien tific forecasts and instruction. Best ref erences. 350 Morrison st. Write or call. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, light, heat, electric and vibratory massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynle, 5i7 Swetiand. Main 1765. ASCAPSO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. AZA H. RIBBECKE. private beauty parlors, 129 12th st., near Wash. Tel. liar. 82UU. Appointments only. Advice free. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 347& . MAY ANDREWS card reading. 2S2 teaches phrenology and Park st. Main 7518. FACIAL and scalp massage, shampooing. 350 Morrlsn st.. room 202. ROSEN'A TAYLOR Masseuse and scalp specialist- 161 Park st. Marshall 3136. BALM OF ti&s COMPOUND. Royal TonlO Tablets. S5p Hoyt al. Phone Main 23U3. " MADAME LEONE teaches phrenology and card resdlng dally. 190 West Park. MADAME NONA teaches phrenology and card reading daily. 381 Yamhill. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice 215, S50Va Morrison St. CHIROPODY, massage and magnetics, Ap polntments only. Main 504. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. MANICURING, ladles and gentlemen. 201 Va Morrison St. Office 10. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist, 29114 Morrison st. Office 11. FACIAL and scalp treatments. 323 Fllidaer bldg.. 10th and Waah. H ours 1 1 to 7. Pauline Dare, from the East. Facial .sea massage. 407 Wash., Rm. 323. Hrs. a to LIFE READER, Hart Apts.. 170'4 2d St., apt 15. 4th floor. Marshall 2631. MAGNETIC healer, treatments daily. 170t4 2d St. Hart Apts.. apt. 0. Mar. 2497. CHIROPODY, maaaaira and magnetics. Ap pointments only. Main 504. EDUCATIONAL. EXPERIENCED Italian teacher will give private and class lessons. Main 47S5. rT)l(jrl does loon. , s$w$3 - . -. Ir-