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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1916)
THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX," TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1916. 5T :FREE BAKING EXHIBIT TODAY, 2-5, ON SIMPLEX UNIVERSAL COMBINATION RANGE GERMAN APPLE CAKE SIXTH FLOOK! This store will not "be open any evening-we close at 6 P. M. Shop as early in the day as possible. Only 11 shopping days till Christmas. A Meier & Frank Merchandise or Glove Order solves the gift problem. Issued in any amount; redeemable in any depart ment at any time. Santa Claus here daDy, io to 12 and .' 2 to 5. A souvenir nouse with candy free to every -hild' accompanied by grown up between 10. A. M. & 12 M. Skirts accordion, box or knife pleated," 'finished, ready to put on band, for $1 if materials purchased in our Silk or Wool Dress Goods Shop. - Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and all supplies. S a t i s f a ctory enlargements made from your own pictures. Give one for Xmas. Main Floor Visit our Lower Price Toy Store in basement, Sixth St. Take Sixth and Alder or Alder street entrance. Toys, Dolls, Games 5c, lOc 15c "tire OtiAUTV Store or Psrtuns SERVICE However-Fast Gome GhHstmas Throngs 20 $7.50 Ho $8.50 Real Cameo Rings at $4.49 THREE AS ILLUSTRATED. A good time to purchase Christmas gifts ! Real coral cameos set in gold rings in several pretty, simple mountings. There are a number of different shapes and sizes for your choosing all of them very ar tistic. Buy now for Holiday gifts at $4.49 instead of $7.50 or $8.50. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor You could not choose a more practical and pleasing, gift than an umbrella whether it be for man, woman or child ! And you will be delighted with the large assortment of styles which awaits you here ! Our stocks of dependable umbrellas are complete and prices are moderate. All are made with all-steel frame and guaranteed cover. Umbrellas with American Taffeta Covers, priced from $1.00 to $2.00. With Union Taffeta Covers, $2.50-$3.75 With All-Silk Fast-Color Covers, $4.00. With the new Pickwick Loop, new Flor entine handles, new Spitalfields Base all silk and best quality, $7.50. Children's Umbrellas, 50c, 75c and $1. SPECIAL Men's 28-inch Umbrellas 982 Women's 26-inch Umbrellas 952 Umbrella Shop, Main Floor ANOTHER GREA TE VENT FOR MEN! Christmas Sale of Silk Shirts IF A MAN were to play Santa XJlaus to himself and were to decide on an article of personal attire that would appeal at once to his" sense of the refined, the rich and luxurious, the comfortable and, at the same time, the eminently practical, we can hardly' conceive of his making a better and wiser choice than that of a fine silk shirt. - And at the present time a silk shirt is a good investment in every sense of the word, for it is one that is bound" to grow in value, keeping pace with the steady advance in the cost of silk and manufacture. So men and women seeking gifts for men can exercise good taste and sound economy as well by purchasing silk shirts during' this sale beginning today, in which the "OLD" prices are., still further reduced to encourage early Christmas buying. , . MEN'S'TUB SILK SHIRTS, SPECIAL $2.45 Think of it a sjlk shirt for $2.45 ! Shirts that are fine in fit and workmanship shown in a variety of multi-color stripe effects. Wash perfectly and will not fade. $5.00 PURE SILK SHIRTS $3.65 Rich patterns in regular $5 quality pure silk shirts neat stripes of black, blue, laven der, gold, green, as well as many two-tone and multi-color effects. Excellent workman ship. All sizes. $6.00 PURE SILK SHIRTS, 4.65 Beautiful silk shirts, many showing the popular satin stripes. Plain and fancy striped effects in the season's most favored designs. Perfect workmanship and fit. All sizes. $6 shirts, $4.65. : $6.00 CREPE DE CHINE SHIRTS, S4.95 : A rare shirt value at a time when the scarcity of the greatly wanted crepe de chine is so keenly felt. Beautiful satin stripe effects woven in richpatterns of many hues. Fine $6 values $4.95. $8.50 FINEST SILK SHIRTS, $7.49 Exclusive broadcloth and peau-de-crepe silk shirts of highest quality. Custom tai lored to fit perfectly. Heavy silks in lustrous satin stripe effects. Many patterns. In holly box on request. $7.50 CREPE DE CHINE SHIRTS, $6.85 Finest quality beautiful sat in stripe chine shirts in a dazzling array of pat terns. Worth much more than our regular marked price to day judge of -the value at $6.85. $6.50 PUSSY WILLOW SHIRTS, $5.35 Rich pussy willow taffeta silk, noted for its beauty and great wearing qualities. Plain blue, lavender, etc., stripes and multi-color effects. Packed in holly box if desired.'. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor Children's Novelty 'Kerchiefs 12JcEach 3 for 25c Dainty handkerchiefs put up in the most cunning little gift boxes. Japanese banks pencil boxes and fancy boxes with hand-painted scenes on top. Crisp, new handkerchiefs with colored borders, just the right size for little folk and boxes that the kiddies will enjoy saving. 7200 boxes on special sale Tuesday-at 12Vc each, or three for 25c Handkerchief Shop, Main Floor Holiday Suit Sale ONE LIKE PICTURE , $15.65 An extra special sale of tailor made suits in plain and semi fancy styles. Effective models in medium lengths with peplum, giv ing Russian blouse effect. Ma terials are WOOL POPLIN, SERGE AND GABARDINE. The fashionable shades of blue, brown, green are here as well as black, checks and fancy mixtures. All sizes are to be, found, from misses' 16 to women's 54. Extra special at $15.65. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor Dainty New Holiday NECKWEAR Special at 48c Many dainty little gifts prac tical and pretty will be found in this large group of specially priced neckwear Sheer Georgette Crepe and Organdie, prettily, embroidered in white, gold or silver or with touches of embroidered net, col lars with plain, or scalloped edges and collars with lace trim ming. - All the most popular new shapes, both large and small, are here and a few sets, too. Splendid values at 48c Neckwear Shop, Main Floor Gift Suggestions FROM OUR Embroidery Shop Dainty little gifts easily made with the addition of a few clever stitches. SEMI-MADE CORSET COVERS Imitation hand embroidery in gift boxes $1.25. v HAND-EMBROIDERED INFANTS' BONNETS Require only ribbon to adjust $1.75. EMBROIDERED NIGHT DRESS YOKE rReal Madeira work at $1.50 to $1.75. HAND-EM B ROIDERED S EMI MADE INFANT'S DRESS Sizes 2 to 6. Real Madeira work. $2.25-$5. METAL LACE for lamp shades, fancy boxes, bags and other holiday work, half to two inches wide, the yard, 15c to 75c. GEORGETTE CREPE for blouses all shades, yard, $2 to $2.50. Embroidery and Lace Shop. Main Floor. COUCH PILLOWS Covered in remnants from our best lines of fine tapestries, cre tonnes and velvets. Today at greatly reduced prices. Buy for gifts. $1.25 Cretonne . Pillows, each . . $2.00 Cretonne Pillows, each.., $3.75 Tapestry Pillows, each . . , $4.75 Velour Pillows, each. . ...65c $1.00 $2.50 ..$3.50 $3.00 CURTAINS $2.50 - Scrim curtains with valance and wide laces at bottom. Seventh Floor From Our Baby Shop for Baby's Xmas A few practical gift sugges tions that the baby will welcome for a Holiday gift wearables and things to play with all just as dainty and sweet as you could wish for the dear little lamb ! Infants' Shoes, 60c, 75c to $1.25. Knit Shawls and Afghans, $1.25 to $5.50. Hand-crocheted Sacques, 35c to $2.50. -Embroidered Crocheted Sacques, 75c, 98c, $1.98 to $5, Long and Short Coats, $1.50, $3.49 to $12.95. Long and Short Dresses, 59c, 79c to $25. Decorated' Celluloid Rattles, 10c, 29c to 98c Comb and Brush Sets, 49c, 75c to $1.98. Hand-crocheted Bootees, 20c, 25c, 59c to $1.95. Celluloid Toilet Sets, $2.25, $2.75 to $7.50. JH.r:"iM I Fancy Crib Blankets, 50c, 85c to $1.25. Double Blankets, $1.50, $2.45 to $4.50. Silk Padded ; Robes, $3.50, to $8.95. Silk Padded Quilts, $1.50, to $6.50. Mittens, 25c, 35c. Baby Shop; Second Floor. $1.95, $3.75 $2.25 $8.00 to $10.00 Fluffy Silk Petticoats $6.98 St':;' ' 45W. ONE ILLUSTRATED Pretty, full silk petticoats, be ruffled and beflounced some with tiers of scalloped flounces, others with single flounce at bottom, corded and scalloped. Many are made fuller by means of wide bands of shirring:. - All the newest and most desir able shades are here lovely changeable effects; blue, apple green, tan and gold, pink, rose, green, brown, purple, . gray and many others. On sale Tuesday only. $6.98. . " Petticoat Shop, Third Floor Sale Nippon Hand-Painted China At 25c-50c and $1.00 The balance from our great sale of Nippon hand-painted china, that we had not long ago, to go at the same phenomenal ly low prices while any of 500 pieces remain. These pieces are useful and also ideal Christmas gifts. We have not very many pieces, so you had better plan to be here early. NO DELIV ERIES ON LESS THAN $1 PURCHASES. ("Tea and chocolate cups and saucers, hair receivers, powder. r- jars, ring boxes, hat pin holders, safety match holders, Ltea caddies, sugar shakers, pin trays and plates. rff ("Chocolate pots, hair receivers, powder jars, plates and OvJC sugar and creamers. $1.00 fFancy vases, cheese and cracker dishes, fern dishes, cov ered muffin dishes, salad bowls, handled relish dishes, comb and brush trays, chocolate pots, cracker jars, fancy plates and cake plates. Basement, Fifth Street Eggs, Doz. 45c Strictly fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs, 1 doz. only to customer. None delivered, doz. -45 Lipton's Tea, Yellow Label, 1-lb. cans 580 Baking Powder, Carnation, strictly pure, high-grade, phosphate baking powder, that contains no alum or egg albumen; satisfaction or money back; 25c No. 1 cans, on sale at.............; 19 Seeded Raisins, new, large package 9 Ground Pepper, pure, one-pound package, 28, half-pound package 150 Cocoa, Hershey's brand, half-lb. cans 140 Asparagus Tips, white, one of the best brands, dozen, $2.25; can 2O0 Spaghetti, Franco-American, formerly 10c limit of 12 to customer can .60 Clam Nectar, No. 1 cans, -formerly, 10c; limit of 12 to customer can.. 60 Coffee, Mocha and Java type, freshly roasted, 45c blend, pound....: 350 Navel Oranges, good size, thin skinned, sweet, juicy fruit, box $2.95, dozen 150 Dog and Puppy Biscuit, Bennett's Maltoid milk-bone,- fresh shipment, pk. 1250-100 Ninth Floor, Fifth Street A GIFT FOR A MAN THAT MAKES STAYING AT HOME A PLEASURE Blanket Bath Robes $3.98 First, it is their attractiveness that will make men wish to wear these robes and then they will like them for the extraordi nary comfort. As. a gift there are feVv things that appeal more to a man. Con sider this robe as illustrated a big roomy, full-cut garment, with rope tie at neck and heavy rope girdle at waist.- Satin yoke at neck, all seams piped, two large patch pockets, sailor collar. Fancy trimming at cuffs and bottom. A world of attractive colors and combinations. And the price $3.98 is not the least attractive feature of these good-looking robes. Other robes at $2.98 to $30.00. Boys Overcoats, $2.95 A snlendid eift for the little fellow. Good warm rray chinchilla overcoats in sizes for boys 2 to 8 years. " Several smart models some with belt all around, others in "Pinch-Back" style, double breasted coats with military color. Lined with soft flannel. Limited number just received. Third floor. M Hon DIES FUNERAL WILL BE TOMORROW FROM KING-STREET HOME. Wife of Hardware Company Founder - Portland Reatdent 46 Years, and Prominent Church Worker. Mre. William Honeyman, wife of the founder of the Honeyman Hardware Company and for the past 46 years a resident of this city. died, early yes terday at 193 Kins street. Her funeral will, be held from that address tomor row at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Honeyman died at the age of 78 years, after an illness of two months. Born In Fifeshlre, Scotland, March 17, 1838, Mrs. Honeyman was a resident of that country until coming; to the f nited States in 1870. At the age of 23 years, and before her departure for this country, she was married -to Will lam Honeyman. After the arrival of the couple In Portland they f Immediately bjame Identified with its Industrial and jporal growth. Mr. Honeyman built up one of the best-known and most successful businesses in the city and on the Coast, and Mrs. Honeyman became a promi nent member of the Calvary Presby terian Church and a large giver to general charities. Mr. Honeyman died In 1899. Mrs. Honeyman Is survived by four sons and one daughter. They are Thomas D., James D., Walter B.. and David T. Honeyman, and Mrs. David C. Lewis. The funeral cervices will be con ducted by Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian- Church. In terment will be in Riverview Oemetery. LewisUm Gun Club After Results. LEWISTON, Idaho. Dec. 11. (Spe cial.) A movement to amend the game laws of the state. Introduce the com mission plan for administering the game affairs, restock the . county with quail and Introduce Hungarian pheas ants was launched here at ' the meet ing of the Lewlston. Gun Club. The club will conduct a Christmas turkey shoot, and a two days' tournament will be held, April 23-25, under the Squier money-back system. The tournament held In the Spring is attended by hun dreds of sportsmen from all parts of the Northwest, as well as expert shoot ers from the East. CITIES JOIN 111 FIGHT PORTLAND TO AID VANCOUVER TO KEEP ARMY POST. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Committee From Chamber of Commerce Named to Help Oppose Efforts Made by- Taeona. O. B. Clark, president of the Cham ber of Commerce, yesterday named the Portland committee, which will co operate with Vancouver, Wash., In the fight against the efforts of Tacoma to have the division and mobilization post for the Pacific Northwest moved, from Vancouver to American Lake. - The committee will meet soon to make plans for Its activities In behalf of retaining the post on the Columbia. Emery 01mstead,.C C. Colt, Julius L. Meier, Rodney L. Glisan. E. G. Craw ford,' E. C. Mears and John . McCourt are the members of the committee.' No word has been received from Sen ator Chamberlain as to the situation in Washington, although a message was sent a week ago to him. asking tar Information on the subject of the proposed move. Senator Poindexter has informed residents of Vancouver that the establishment of .a post in Pierce County will not mean the discontinu ance of a post .at -Vancouver, but the position taken by the Vancouver com mittee is that if development of a mob ilization center at American Lake is taken up by the Government, the Van couver post-will be- gradually reduced to a mere -nonentity; - LIQUOR LAW HITS SAILOR Man Off Tanker Heron . Gets Jail Term for Suitcase. Arthur Osborne, a sailor, was con victed before Municipal Judge Lang guth yesterday on a charge of vjolat ing the prohibition law. Ho was sen tenced to pay a fine of 8150 and spend 20 days in Jail. It is prooable that the fine will also be served out." The arrest was made by Patrolman Whitehead, after Osborne, who Is em ployed on the tanker Heron, delivered a suitcase of whteky to Victor Schnei der, a clerk. Tne latter was tried for receiving liquor, and was convicted and fined 850. payment of the fine beltf suspended. . . C 'LIQUOR SKIPPER' TRIED CHARLES J. BERTELSOX'S MENTAL SOUNDNESS QUESTIONED. Sale of Intoxicants From Boat Off As toria Is Charge Judge Wolyer ' ' ton Hears Case. Charles J. Bertelson. former saloon keeper of Astoria,' who made three trips to Vancouver, BC, in an open 20-foot gasoline boat and brought back sup plies of liquor, was brought to trial yesterday in the court of Judge Wol verton. Dr. W. T. Williamson was called to pass on the soundness of the man's mind, which had been questioned as the result of a supposed injury. Bertelson declared to United States Attorney Rankin that he was the sec ond man to make the trip from New York to Denmark in a 30-foot open boat. He maintained that he made the adventure with a companion because of his great longing to see his home country. He is alleged to have made the first trip from Astoria for liquor on June 6. .when with one companion he left that city ostensibly to fish. ' On the way up the coast they were driven over a sea wall -In a storm and landed at Port Angeles and then at Victoria, where Bertelson. contrary to the wishes of his companion. Is said to have later taken on 10 cases of whisky. These he took to Astoria. In July, it is alleged, he made an other trip, and again-on. August 6. On this venture he was arrested at the mouth of the. Columbia River as he was about to enter by Deputy Collec tor of Customs H. F. McGrath. On October 16 he was indicted --tn three counts- by the Grand Jury with his companion, C. F. Robinson, who was subsequently sentenced and fined. Dr. Williamson will present his find ings in court today at 2 o'clock, when the case will ccne up for disposition. QUAKERS OPPOSE DRILL Universal Service and School Both Protested by Friends Church. : Military training, compulsory or vol untary, in the public schools is opposed strenuously in the resolutions adopted at the quarterly meeting of the Church of Friends last week. The law pro viding for the conscription of all the able-bodied men of the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 was met with a move for its repeal. The bill that is said to be pending in Congress for universal training for all citizens from 12 to 20 also brings a protest, and a request for efforts for its defeat. Such an idea the church declares to be foreign to the principles of the schools. Why Suffer From Migraine or Sick Headache? Sr. J.J. Caldwell says that this exceedingly distressing disease does not shorten life, but does not appear to be curable. Suffer ers (ram this affliction are condemned to undergo the periodical attacks every few weeks until they areiorty years of age, after which the attacts are leas frequent, and finally disappear entirely. Palliative meas ures during the attack are all that It is nosslble to saffsest. while care In the diet Is the best preventive measure. An attack may- ta do. iitc veincu dj iuiuv iwu antl-Vamnla tablets when the first sytnp tomi appear, and -one antl-kamnla tablet every two hours during the attack shortens it, eases the pain and brings rest sad quiet. Antt-kamnla tablets may be obtained at all druggists. Ask for A-K Tablets, Xaey quickly relieve all Fata.