THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, DECE3IBEE 9, 1916. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS SATURDAY IN OUR CORSET SltOP-THIED FLOOR1 Meier & Frank x Merchandise or ' Glove Orders Solve the Gift Problem Issued at Special Booth Main Aisle ToricEyeglasses $5 Toric eyeglasses eliminate side reflections and give an enlarged field of vision. Spe cial Saturday, toric lenses in gold-filled mountings fitted to your eyes, $5. We repair glasses and duplicate lenses from pieces. Optical Shop, Balcony, 6th Street Choose Your Gift Kodak Here The gift no sooner opened than it is used. Complete 6tocks of kodaks, $6 to $66. Brownie cameras, $1.25 to $12. Experienced sales men to help you select. Come in today. ditnii1iv $2 Lose-leaf Photo Albums," size 7x10, in holly Cdlul Ud; boxes, for gifts, today, $1.59. Specials $1,50 Developing; and Printing Outfits, $1.19. Jl Kodak Shop. Main Floor. 1 I 'i-t Everything for a Man FROM HAT TO SHOES Here Under One Roof! More Than Any Other Time Men Are Now Selecting Holiday Needs at This Store of Quality, Variety, Service and Lowest Prices 18 mfj -Paw Si- i -iyK. $1.25 Relish Dishes 89c Sheffield silver-plated relish dishes. Also in cluded are Sheffield hammered nappies with glass linings. .75c SILVER-PLATED WARE 59 Included are marmalade, mustard and horse radish jars, Slower vases, candle holders, pic ture frames, sugar holders, napkin rings, etc A large assortment at 69c. Silverware Shop, Main Floor. New England Turkey Dinner 65c Roast Turkey. Cranberry Sauce. Giblet Gravy. Mashed Potatoes Choice of Indian Puddine with Cream or New England Apple Pan Dowdy Te4-TeaRoom and Grill. Ninth. Floor 11-2. Every Piece of Wide Fancy Holiday RIBBON REDUCED Every piece of our wide fancy ribbons all the best grades ranging from $2.50 to $15 a yard at these splendid reductions for this great holiday sale. There are gorgeous Oriental designs, brocaded metal patterns, floral and con ventional designs. Exquisite suggestions for holiday bags, coat hangers, slip pers, boudoir sets, etc., and models to show how to use the ribbons. Widths from 8 to 12 inches. WIDE RIBBONS AT THESE REDUCTIONS $2.50 Ribbons, yard $1.50. $4.50 Ribbons, yard $3.00. $6.50 Ribbons, yard $4.50. $8.75 and $9.00 Ribbons $6.50. $15.00 Ribbons, yard $9.00. LOVELY NEW NARROW-AS RIBBONS . for tying Christmas gifts and packages. All the -wanted colors are here : Ribbonzene 250-yard spools, red and green, yard, lc; spool, $1.25. Plain Satin Ribbon 10-yd. bolts No. 1, 15c; No. 1, 20c; No. 2, 25c; No. 3, 35c Plain satin No. 1 only, 12-yd. bolt, 12c. . All kinds fancy ribbons, 7Vc to 15c yard. Ribbon Shop, Main Floor. NEW HAIRBOWS 250 A new assortment of ready made hairbows. These are tied by an expert and have ever so much smartness and style. Every bow contains a yard or more. In all the most desirable colors. Santa Claus Here Today In the morning from 10 to 12 and afternoon, 2 to 5. Bring the children to talk to him and see his house and mailbox. BIG SALE BOYS' ALL-STEEL VELOCIPEDES Splendid, strong velocipedes all steel construction throughout, with adjustable seat. For children 2 to 4. LIMITED QUANTITY. Special at $1.43 and $1.58. S a m e velocipedes, with rubber-tired wheels LIMITED QUANTITY special at $2.28, $2.59 and $2.90. I Rope Toss or Steamer Quoits. Good sport for indoors or out side. Peg and 4 rope rings 50c value for 390. $1.25 Steel Wagon, with steel wheels and axle. , Size of bed 11x22 inches. Special, 980. -A. 1 11 $2.50 all-metal Freight Train. With large locomotive, tender, two cars and caboose. Special, $1.79. 25c Metal Tea Set; 4 cups and saucers and tea pot. Special 190 " Toytown, Fifth Floor. SANTA CLAUS HERE TODAY, SIXTH FLOOR 10 A. M. TO 12 M. AND 2 TO 5 P. M. Saturday Drug Specials 35c Pyralin Ivory Flexible Nail 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder, 200. Files, 230. ' 25c Packer's Tar Soap, 180. IVso lF7 f 19 25c 11 Wh Kse Glycerine $2.50 Pyralin Ivory Beaded Bon- a. -to net Mirrors, $1.08. . Q $3.00 Pyralin Ivory Hair Brushes, 2oc Pear 8 Glycerine Soap, 180. $2.19. 10c. Jap. Rose Glycerine Soap, 50c Java Rice Face Powder, 370. three for 250. 15c Jergen's Benzoin and Almond 10c Physicians' and Surgeons' Lotion, two for 250. . Soap, three for 250. 15c Mermen's Talcum, 2 for 250. Hansen and Jenks' English Tub 25c Dr. Lyons. Tooth Powder at Soap, 250. 170. Main Floor, Sixth Street. 2'QldHickory 'Nut Bowls 'LM Gjli r"01d Hickory" wooden nut bowl and hammer, exactly as illustrated at left. Very useful and an ideal Christmas gift. Buy today when the price is $1.28 instead of $2. S3.00 Toaster $1.79 "Red Top" Electric Toaster and Stove. Toasts bread crisp and brown in two minutes.. Just 48, as illustrated, today at $1.79. Basement, Fifth Street Our Sale Men's Xmas Kerchief s Is a great annual event taken liberal advantage of" by thousands of men and women who buy for men. Every handkerchief in our magnificent stocks is still marked at the '"OLD" prices and in this sale even these prices are reduced. Here are a few examples: .." MEN'S FULL SIZE PURE LINEN .KERCHIEFS H Good quality linen hand kerchiefs with quarter-inch hem. -REGULAR 23c PURE LINEN KERCHIEFS 17 Kull size. With eighth and quarter-inch hem. 3 for 50c HAND-EMBROIDERED LINEN INITIAL 'KERCHIEFS 25. Pure linen handkerchiefs with initials, hand-embroidered. REGULAR 10c SOFT LLNENE . KERCHIEFS 5c Full. size. With quarter inch hem. Exactly half price. REGULAR 50c PURE LINEN KERCHIEFS "35 Three for $1. Corded bor der hem. Full size. HAND-EMBROIDERED LINEN. INITIAL KERCHIEFS 35d Three for $1. Block, script and long initials Full size. SPECIAL PURCHASE NEW INITIAL KERCHIEFS 6 Men's initialed handker chiefs of good quality at 6c. 50c NEW FANCY BORDER SILK KERCHIEFS 35d -Three for $1. ' Different designs in colored borders. Wonderful Xmas Ties 65c Beautiful new silk neckwear the regular $1.00 qualities in a special sale. Rich generously-cut silk scarfs in stripes, brocades, allover pat terns,iPersian designs and changeable effects. .Wide flowing end ties with slip-easy bands. In gift box if desired. $5.00 Pure Silk Shirts at $3.65 Luxurious silk shirts in a variety of handsome patterns plain and multi-colored stripe effects. Perfect in fit and workmanship. All sizes. In fancy holly box upon request. ' . , $3.50 TUBULAR SILK MUFFLERS, SI. 98 Smart striped patterns in dif ferent color combinations. Suitable for women's wear. $1.50 STERLING FRONT BUCKLE BELTS, 98d Cowhide. Sterling' silver front buckles, engine turned or with en graved initial. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor THE MOST FAMOUS TAILORS IN THE WORLD HAVE GIVEN US THEIR BEST FOR THESE- SUITS AND OVERCOATS $25.00 R:RGEH 'ABLE MEIER & FRANK'S "STANDARD" CLOTHES . Here are clothing values at twenty-five dollars that are simply unmatchable! These suits and over coats represent the best output of the best tailors vieing with one another to give the most in value at a price that is within the reach of all men. Where, outside of Meier & Frank's, can you buy suits and overcoats tailored by Adler-Rochester, Hickey-Free-man,: Rogers Peet, Alfred Decker & Cohn (Society Brand) for such a modest outlay? At no other store on this Coast that we know of. With such choice as we alone can offer you. this is the logical 'S? j t i-: -i- j. i j. i i-j j iuie at wiuui tu select your new noiiaay amre. SUITS for men of all ages and tastes and builds in all good fabrics, models, patterns and colors. Included are advanced English form-fitting styles and the wanted Pinch-Backs as well as semi-fitting and boxback effects for more conser" vative dressers. All sizes, of course, for every build. OVERCOATS in the finest and warmest overcoatings of the season. Full length and three-quarter-length garments in v form-fitting and Pinch-Back, semi-fitting and boxback models. Single and double-breasted styles, with convertible collar velvet or 6elf-material. Included are coats quarter lined with satin, and all seams satin piped, and many beauti ful plaid-back garments. THE WORLD'S FINEST CLOTHES AT $25 Men's flothingr Shop. Third Floor. ESTER, Children's Holiday Coats Reduced Clever, little coats for children from 6 to 14. Youthful models in all the most favored materials. --Plush kersey-and novelty fabrics. Several ef fective straight line models others in flaring and cape styles. - $33.00 Coats, S26.50 $30.00 Coats, S23.95 $25.00 Coats, S19.95 $17.30 Coats, S13.95 . , $3.93 TO $6.49 COATS, S4.95 A large and varied assortment of styles. Such materials as matilamb,. zibeline, plain cloth and novelty weaves. . Some with large cape collars, velour and satin trimmed. Sizes 2 to 12. MISSES' SMARTEST DRESSES Many styles suitable for school and street wear in light and dark plaids and plain shades with plaid combinations. . Two-piece and coat styles, with plain and pleated skirts. Some with guimpes. Sizes" 14 to 16 years. Priced S7.95 to 10.95. A RAINCAPE FOR DOLLY WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF THESE RAIN COATS AND CAPES TODAY CHILDREN'S $2.00 SWEATERS S1.69 Copen, rose and green fiber knit sweaters. Ruff-neck styles with two pockets. Sizes 1 to 4. Excellent for gifts. Special $1.69. ' CHILDREN'S $3.00 SWEATERS, S1.95 Fiber finish sweaters, made with roll collars and two pockets. In pretty shades of Copen, rose and green. Sizes 3 to 5 years. s Girls' Shop, Second Floor. , CHILDREN'S RAINCOATS, S4.95 Good quality rubberized cloth in brown and black tweed mixtures. Byron collars and deep inset pockets. Hats to match. Sizes 8 to 14. CHILDREN'S RAINCAPE S, S2.98 - Rubberized sateen, of excellent grade, cut hi good, full styles with, hood attached and lined in fancy colored silks. Sizes 2 to 14. 75c Xmas Stationery, Box 49c Fancy"Christmas stationery in a very attractive box. sheets paper, 18 gold-edge cards and 36 envelopes. 18 75c PENCIL SETS 490 Children's pencil 6ets, contain ing 8 pencils, 2 penholders, pencil sharpener, dozen pens "and rubber bands. XMAS STATIONERY 130 Stationery in fancy Christmas box. Consists of 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes to match. Buy for gifts. 25c FANCY 1917 CALENDARS, BOXED, 100 Stationery Shop, Mala Floor. Newest Holiday Veils So many of the hats are built to wear with veils they appear quite incomplete without! All the newest effects and novelties are to be found here first always. See these smart new veils and veiling patterns Saturday ! SHETLAND VEILING, 18 inches wide, with novelty borders. In the new "Blarnie" effect. Taupe, navy, white, black and purple. 85c values for, the yard, 65c. CIRCULAR AND FLOWING VEILS, in black with neat chenille dotted borders and designs. Priced $1.25 to $2.50. SQUARE AND CIRCULAR VEILS with metal embroidery. Very new and chic. Priced $3 to $5. MOTOR VEILS of double chiffon with satin borders. lx yards in size. In 12 shades, at $1.25. COLORED MALINE, for evening scarfs, etc. Complete lines in all colors. 27-inch widths. Yard, 25c and 35c. LACE, CHIFFON, ETC., 25c all-linen Barman lace exact imitation of real Cluny for centerpieces, runners, etc., 3 to 5 inches wide, yard, 18c. Ecru Barman laces ' dark shades for holiday work. 1 to 2 inches wide. Yd., 10c and 15c. FOR HOLIDAY WORK 40 - inch chiffon. American Beauty. Black, white, emerald and flesh. 75c values, yd., 59c. Semi-made corset covers.' Imi tation handwork on batiste. Nicely boxed for gifts. Each, $1.25. Main Floor. Fifth Street. Boys' "SAMPECK" Clothes HERE ONLY IN PORTLAND Look for the Label J-We are proud of having been chosen by the house of "Sam peck" as exclusive 'Portland dis tributors for these famous clothes. This line of boys' cloth ing has for more than 30 years maintained its leadership in the , most convincing way. To the guarantee of the "Sampeck" la bel we add the Meier & Frank assurance of great and lasting service. As a holiday gift f or any growing boy we cannot think of anything that would bring the recipient greater pleasure than a suit or overcoat of this famous make. Sampeck woolens are carefully selected from the best procurable. These clothes are tailored by master craftsmen, and for style they know no rivals All models in suits for boys 6 to 18 years from $10 to $20. Overcoats for boys 2 to 18 years from $7.50 to $20. EVERY FANCY SAMPECK SUIT HAS TWO PAIRS FULL-LINED KNICKERS. YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO "AMERICAN BOY FREE With Every Purchase of a Sampeck Suit or Overcoat Today in Our Boys' Shop, Third Floor From 9 to 12 Today Only Limit One Dozen to Customer Fresh Ranch Eggs, Doz. 45c 1500 dozen guaranteed Btrictly fresh Oregon ranch eggs. Dozen to each customer, from 9 to 12 only. Coffee, our "Superior" 35c blend, 2 pounds 550t pound 280. Grapefruit, ripe, good size, doz. 550, each 50. Boiled Ham, sliced, lb. 350. Corn, Maine, new pack, the dozen $1.45, can 120. Old Dutch Cleanser child's bank free with every purchase, two cans for 150. None delivered. No phone orders. Wienerwurst, fresh shipment to day, pound 140. Spices nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves; allspice, mustard, ginger, pep per, sage not more than 12 of a kind to a customer, 2-ounce sifting top cans 60. Bacon, Columbia fine sugar-cured, whole or half strips, the pound 32H0. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. Saturday Children's Hosiery You will find our stocks splendidly complete in all sizes and styles of hosiery for boys and girls. Hose for the sturdy . youngsters who love to romp and play for school wear and for dress occasions. The best brands made are to be fouiid here. 6 PAIRS 23c STOCK INGS FOR $1.35 Fine Ribbed Lisle Hose, with seamless feet; In black, white and tan. Sizs up to 9; pair 25c. sue pairs $1.35. 2 PAIRS INFANTS' 15c HOSE FOR 250 Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose, with seamless feet: In soft finish; black and white; sizes 1 to 6. "BLACK CAT HOSE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Hose that always give satisfac tion. They are made with triple knee and reinforced linen heel and toes. Excellent quality. Girls' "Black Cat" Hose, sizes 6 to 10 pair 25c Children's Fine Mercerized Lisle 6 to 10 pair 35c Boys' and Girls' Medium-Weight Cotton Hose 6 to 10 pair 25c Bovs' Extra Heavy Ribbed Cot ton Hose sizes 6 to 25c; sizes 10 to lla, pair 35c. three pairs Jl. CHILDREN'S GOOD ' RIBBED HOSE 150 , Splendidly - made Elastic Hose, with seamless feet; black only. Excellent grade at, pair, 15c 3 PAIRS 35c FINE CASHMERE HOSE $1 ' Fine Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, with seamless feet; sizes 6 to 10 pair 35s three pairs $1. INFANTS' WOOL HOSE, PAIR, 350 Infants' extra quality Australian Wool Hose, with silk heel and toe. In black and white, sizes 4 to 6V3 pair 35c, three pairs Jl. INFANTS' PURE SILK HOSE 350 Seconds of Pilk Hose, in white and a few colors; in 6eamless style excellent hose at, pair. 35c, or three pairs $1. Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS NO MATTER WHERE YOU SHOP SHOP EARLYw 9 I I