Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Saturday Will Be Another Great Day in Toyland, on Fourth Floor
Santa Claus Will Welcome and Entertain the Children From 10 A. M to 12 and From 2 to S P.M.
Christmas Greeting Cards
Main Floor Clever, original new de
signs in splendid assortment. Put up
in neat box. We also show an ex
tensive assortment of Art Calendars.
S The Standard" Siarz of Ibz ftariforzisi ?!
L OIds,WoFtman&Kjeff J
gtelitible Merchandise 'Relrable MetfjDds
in which to do your
Christmas Sho pping.
Quick, satisfactory
service at this store I
Merchandise Bonds .
The Satisfactory Gift
rBonds may be obtained at special
booth on First Floor. Issued for
any amount, redeemable at any
time. Give an OWK Bond this year!
S&H Green
given with purchases.
Stamps given on charge
accounts if paid in full
by the 10th of month.
Choose Your New Coat at This Store Today and Save !
Great Sale of
At !4 tote Off
Trimming Dept., First Floor
Smart Millinery at $5
Mid-Winter Models
Approximately a hundred Hats in
this special lot to be featured in
the Millinery Salons Saturday at
$5. Large black velvet sailors,
trimmed with flowers, ribbons and
fancies small turbans and tri
comes trimmed with wings,
breasts, gold, silver laces, etc. The
latest midwinter mod- TC fC
els. Choice today at only PJ vU
Millinery Salon, Second Floor.
Men's Christmas Ties
50c to $4
Main Floor Three large display windows on
Morrison street have been given over to a no
table display of Men's beautiful new Christmas
Neckwear. Don't wait until the best are gone
make selections now, while lines are complete.
Gift Suggestions
Arm Bands and Garters boxed at only 50
Boxed . Garters and Belts 75 A up to $1.25
Suspenders put up in attractive Christmas
Boxes, 750, 1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and S2.00
President Suspenders, boxed, for 250 and 500
Men's Wool Muffler priced at $1.50 to $2.50
Caps to. match wool muffler, now for only 750
Fancy Silk Crepe Full Dress Mufflers for par
ticular men. Priced now at $3.00 and $3.50
.Men's Knitted. Silk Mufflers $2.50 to $3.50
Men's Wool Sweaters priced $3.50 to $8.50
Men's Silk Shirts priced at $3.75 to $10.00
Gloves and Hosiery in Christmas Gift Boxes.
excellent range of new styles and
various colors and patterns. A gift
any man will appreciate. Prices
range from $3.95 up to $15.00
assortment of patterns, colors and
styles. Early choosing is desirable,
before the sizes are broken. The
prices range from $3.50 to $18
Boys' Suits $4.85
With 2 Pair Pants
Main Floor Newest pinch-back models, built to
withstand the wear and tear of vigorous ener
getic boys. Tweeds, cheviots, homespuns, cordu
roys and novelty materials. Two pairs Q1A OC
full-lined pants with each suit. Special P"TOJ
Boys' Mackinaws $5
Main Floor A splendid, serviceable gift for your
boy! Latest models with large ruffneck collars
in convertible effect, .back or full belted. Rich,
dark colorings. Sizes from 6 to 18 years of age.
Boys' "President" Suspenders in
attractive holiday box for only 500
Boys' Woolen Toques 500 to $1
Dutchess Trousers $1.25 to $2
Boys' Gauntlet Gloves with good
warm linings priced 500 to $1.00
Boys' Christmas Neckwear, put
up in neat boxes, priced at 250
mm -
At $6.75 4
"Third Floor Nickel-plated Coffee
Percolator, as illustrated. Strictly
. first-class made by the celebrated
Manning-Bowman Co. Seven-cup
size. Black enamel han
dle. Sale price now only
Cofjee Percolator $o.i versal" electrical goods.
For Gifts!
Main Floor With Handkerchief
stocks now at their -best prudent
shoppers will make their Xmas
selections now instead of wait
ing until the lines are broken.
Boxed Kerchiefs
Especially selected from the best
manufacturers' and importers'
lines. Carefully and artistically
put up in attractive Christmas
boxes. Finest of linens. Initials in
white and colors. Exclusive one
corner designs in white and colors.
Put up 3, 6 and 12 to the box.
Shamrock Cloth Handkerchiefs
priced at 25c, 35c and 50c the box.
Women's fine Linen Kerchiefs,
with one-comer hand embroidery,
hand - drawn hems. Very fine qual
ity. 35c, 65c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 each.
Imported Kerchiefs
Beautiful Kerchiefs, made in
European convents. Finest of
needle art work. Exquisite gifts.
$2.00 Handkerchiefs now $1.25
$3.00 Handkerchiefs now $2.00
$5.00 Handkerchiefs now $3.00
Smart Coats at $9.98
Fashion Salons, Second Floor Don't judge these Coats by the price we have
put upon them, for they are worth far more than $9.98. The assortment
comprises this season's best models many in belted effects, others in loose
models, with latest collars and cuffs. Some models trimmed with opossum
fur. Great variety of materials, including fancy mixtures. Colors, navy,
brown, gray, tan; also checks and plaids. A number of coats in CO QQ
this lot are of figured plushes. Exceptional coats at this price P'.S'O
Sale of Coats at $13.50
Fashion Salons, Second Floor Warm, comfortable, roomy Coats for motor
ing and storm wear. Stylish Coats in popular belted effects, dressy enough
for any occasion, and many other novelty cuts are included in this sale.
Chinchillas, velours, cheviots, ribelines and mixtures. Coats in black, Coats
in navy and Coats in broken checks and plaids. Mostly in CI "2 CA
lengths. Some have large plush collars. Practically all 6izes lO.OU
Sale of Coats at $22.50
Fashion Salons, Second Floor Particularly smart and dressy are the many
Coats shown in this lot, made up in warm, serviceable mixtures tweeds.
fancy plaids and broken checks. Also plain colors. Many of these Coats
have large collars and cuffs of plush, others are trimmed with plush. A
complete range of sizes for women and misses. First-class fr
workmanship. See these new Coats. Priced special at only P""""
Misses' and Children's Christmas Fur Sets
Second Floor Every piece of Fur iri this showing is new and made up In the
latest modes. Splendid assortment of the popular furs to select from. Furs
make an ideal Christmas gife.
Saturday Specials in Children's Wear
Girls Silk Dresses Reduced
Girls' Wool Skirts, Special $3.49
Second Floor G IRLS' SILK
DRESSES in dainty new styles
special lines from our regular
stock in plain colors, fancy stripes
and checks. Ages 8 1 Cff
to 14 years. Choice 4 V-JH
cellent quality navy blue serge
also in pretty plaids. Made up in
the new full styles very desir
able for school wear. , In
sizes 8 to 14. Special at
A ppropriate Christmas Gifts
BATH ROBES for children,
ages 8 to intermediate. Pretty
floral and Indian designs in vari
ous colorings. Many are satin
trimmed. These make excellent
gifts. Priced $1.98 to $3.85
KNIT LEGGINGS in gray and
red. Priced special at only 780
grade wool. These are
regular $1.25 grades, pr.
We give S. & H. Trading Stamps.
and blue animal and floral de
signs. Priced special at 790
Double Crib Blankets white
with colored borders. For $1.98
Infants' Beacon Blanket Bath
Robes pink or blue now 980
Infants' Quilted Satin Carriage
Boots, fur-trimmed very dainty
gifts. Priced, pr. $1.39, $1.89
Infants' Fur-trimmed Eider
down Slippers, special, pair 980
25c to SI: 75
Second Floor Fancy Aprons for
gift-giving the largest and best
selected stock we have ever had
ready for your choosing.
MAIDS' APRONS in dozens of
pretty 6tyles, trimmed with lace
and embroidery; also plain hem
stitched. Priced at 350 to $1.75
TEA APRONS of fine grade
Swiss and lawn. Trimmed with
embroidery ruffles or insertion.
Prices range from 250 to $1.75
smart fitted styles or large full
models. Square or round bib. The
prices range from GO0 up to 900
Do Your Shopping in the Morning and Avoid the Afternoon Crowds
Ivory Articles
In Great Variety
at Center Circle
Bonnett Mirror in good large size
with sprung glass. On sale l-2
Saturday at low price of )J.J
HA Hi BRUSH of ivory with solid
concave back and nice
bristle. Special today at PJJ
IVORY Talcum Holders, Picture
Frames, Trays, Powder Boxes. Hair
Receivers or extra heavy CH.-.
Dressing Combs at low price
Delicatessen Store
Saturday Specials
Fourth Floor F a n c y dry
picked hens the lb. at only
Roasting Chickens, the lb. 250
Ripe Olives (bulk), quart for 400
Large Queen Olives, quart 350
Frankfurters, special the lb. 140
Tillamook Cheese, a lb. at 250
Peanut Butter, special, lb at 110
Women' s Xmas Neckwear
In Wonderful Variety
Prices Range 35c to $5
Main Floor A .dainty piece of Neckwear never fails
to please. We are showing an exceptionally complete
stock of the very newest conceits from the best mak
ers. Styles that are distinctive, made up in broad
cloth, Georgette crepe and fine organdie. Imported
Collars and Sets here at" most reasonable prices.
We are anxious to show you these new novelties just
$1J)0 to $2 Neckwear
At $1.25
Min Floor New assortment of
broadcloth Collars and Sets and
Georgette Collars. Large and me
dium styles. Some embroidered,
others in cut-out effects, corded,
hemstitched, pinked edges, gold and
steel beaded, etc. Newest CI OC
styles. $1.50 to $2 grades PX.J
Imported St. Gall Collars and
Sets and other Neckwear, of the
finer grades $1 4?p to $5 each.
Dont fail to see these Collars!
New Collars and Sets
At 35c
Main Floor New Collars and Sets
of fine lawns with embroidery de
signs in neat attractive patterns
just received. Good deep-back ef
fects with well-worked designs. A
great many different styles.
Priced for this sale at only
NEW LOT of Women's Fancy
Neckwear. Fine Organdie Georg
ette and broadcloth collars in the
latest styles. Extra good CCr-.
values in the lot. Priced atvJJL.
Silk and Silk Net Scarfs and Throws
Silk Net Scarfs for party wear.
Black and evening shades. Dainty,
effective designs embroidered in
silver, gold and Persian effects.
Some with tassels. $3 to $7.50
Any of these Scarfs will be put
up in neat Xmas box if desired.
Crepe de Chine, Italian and
Spanish Silk Scarfs made only
from best silk. Plain full-length
styles with hemstitched ends, also
woven butterfly and printed floral
designs. Range of colors and prices
to suit every fancy. $1.49 to $25
Drugs and Toilet Articles
Standard Lines Underpriced
Main Floor On account of the low
prices quoted in this list, we re
serve the right to limit quantities
sold to a customer.
1 lb. Merck's Sugar of Milk at 290
$1.00 Cuticura Ointment, now 790
50c Hair Brushes, special at 390
1 lb Hospital Cotton,' special 290
15c Transparosa Glycerine Com
plexion Soap, special today at 90
Metal Hot Water Bottle
Special $1 ,
Drug Department Metal Bot
tles will retain the heat longer
than rubber and will not get out
of order so easily. 2- CI (f
qt. Metal Bottles for P.UU
15c Mennen's Sen Yang Talc 100
25c Creme L'Ame, now only 160
25c 4711 Opal Glycerine Soap 140
25c Colgate's Tooth Paste at 2O0
50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil at 450
50c On Rial Hair Remover at 330
50c Dora Face Powder at only 330
50c Weller Safety Razor and 50c
package of blades on sale for 500
10c Armour's Fairskin Oatmeal
Soap, Saturday special at only 50
10c Armour's Rosaire Soap at 60
50c Packer's Tar Soap now at 370
10c Gum Camphor, 1-oz. cube 50
Epsom Salts 70 lb., 15 lbs. at $1
75c Antiphlogistine now only 530
50c Sempre Giovine now for 390
25c Rubifoam, specially priced 180
25c Lyons' Tooth Powder at 170
25c Massatla Talcum now for 130
25c Lavoris Mouth Wash only 2O0
$1 Lister in e, Saturday at only 730
Note the following specials on
sale Saturday hundreds of oth
ers equally good not advertised.
At $1.19
Fourth Floor Toy Locomotive
and tender, as shown above. Made
of pressed steel. 8 inches high,
5 inches wide, 30 inches long.
Four drive wheels. Nice- (PI -l Q
ly finished. $1.50 Toy at P-L.iy
$1.00 to $36
Fourth Floor "Meccano" the
toy that instructs as well as
tmuses the most interesting
gift you could give your boy. We
have all sizes. Prices, $1 to $36
65c to $3.00
Fourth Floor Upright Toy
Pianos, made like above picture.
Substantial in construction and
nicely finished. White and black
keys and correct tones. The prices
range from 650 up to $3.00
At 49c
Fourth Floor Toy Cannon, made
of wood. Good size, painted blue
with red stripes. The boys will
have lots of fun playing soldier.
Shoots rubber ball. Reg
ular 65c Cannon, special s
We Give "S. & H." Green Stamps
Women's $4.50 to $6 Shoes $3.85
Button or Lace Styles Full Range of Sizes
Shoe Department, First Floor Women's Shoes of patent, gunmetal calf and vici kid. Lace
,or button. Short vamped with neat rounding toe, or the most popular narrow toe with
long vamps. Luoan or nau-j-iouis neeis ana weitea soles. Koit kid or cravenette q-
tops. Dozens of styles in this special lot. Shoes of $4.50 to $6 grades. Today, pr. J.cO
Xmas Slippers 89c to $1.89 Box
V & 1
I -rx- : .
Creation of Independent Hlchway
Body and Increase of Auto Tax
, Likely to Be Urged. .
The members of the executive com
mute of the Oregon Good Rgads Com
mittee will meet In the committee
rooms of the Portland Realty Board in
the Henry building this afternoon to
decide upon recommendations to be
made for highway legislation. At a
general meeting of the full -committee
in the ladies' dining room of the Ore
gon building these recommendations
will be acted upon and plans outlined
to lay the committee programme, be
fore the coming Legislature. .
All of the SO members of the commit
tee, together with a number of high
way authorities, have been invited
to be present at Monday's meeting.
Among the speakers will be B. J. Finch,
now in charge of thee Government
Highway Department affairs, and Or.
L. I. Hughes, who is to preside over
the Government headquarters in Port
land for the entire Northwest. All of
the seven sub-committees of the gen
eral committee will file their reports
at the Monday meeting.
The members of the executive com
mittee, each of whom Is chairman of a
sub-committee, are O. W. Taylor, J.
C. Alnsworth, Robert B. Smith, E. E.
Brodie, 'who is now in the East; C. E.
Spence, J. D. Brown, J. F. Daly and B.
D. Leedy.. The creation of an inde
pendent highway committee and the
increase of the state automobile tax
will probably be among the Important
recommendations of the committte.
On motion of J. D. Brown, who was
re-elected president of the Farmers'
Union at McMinnville recently, a reso
lution was adopted by the union in
dorsing the work of the Oregon Good
Roads Committee and offering its sup
port to the highway programme contemplated.
Practice Is Denounced by Judge Day
ton. Wko Says Court Is Power
less to Stop Such Actions.
C. W. Hopkins recently paid an
amount for which he was sued, vol
untarily, two days after he received
notice of the action, and paid as much
again in court costs. He was made sub
ject to an execution yesterday for al
most twice as much as he had already
paid, that the attorneys for the plain
tiff, George W. Gearhart and Ben Rels
land. might receive the statutory fee,
of $2.50.
"This sort of thing is an outrage, but
it's being done all the time, and the
court is powerless to stop it," com
mented District Judge Dayton, before
whom the case came, yesterday.
Mr. Hopkins became indebted to
James B. Bacon in the sum of $1.25
for tinning work about his home. Mr.
Bacon filed suit to colject this amount
November 16. Mr. Hopkins was served
with a summons November 21 and came
Into court to pay the bill November
31, saying that he had never received
a bill and that this was the first Inti
mation he had of the amount he owed.
So he paid into the District Court
$1.25 in satisfaction of the suit and
11.30 in court costs, and received a re
ceipt in full.
To settle an account for which he
said he had received no bill Mr. Hop
kins Is asked to pay $6.05 more than
the $1.25 for which he was sued.
Winlock Club Elects.
CENTRATJA, Wash.. .Dec 8. (Spe
cial.) New officers have been elected
as follows by the Bungalow City Club,
of Winlock: H. J. Maury, president; A.
C. Sbives. vice-president; J. L Seward,
secretary-treasurer, and J. H. Mar
cotte, N. G. Peasley and. Fred Ness,
trustees. , . r
Belief Is That Threat Is Hove to Com
pel All ' Vaudeville Actors to
Join Organisation.
There are no Indications that the
threatened strike of the White Rats
Actors' Union will affect the theaters
in Portland and on the Pacific Coast,
according to announcement made by
Portland theater managers yesterday.
The managers expressed the belief that
the strike, if any should develop, would
be confined to Middle Western show
houses and that there would be no trou
ble here.
One of the leading managers said
that nearly all the actors playing
vaudeville on Portland circuits are
member of the. White Rats . and,, that
he felt certain, should any difficulty
arise, those not members would readily
join. He said he did not anticipate
any trouble.
, On the other hand, managers of one
of the other circuits making Portland,
it Is understood, made an effort to book
actors in no way connected with the
union. This circuit likewise would not
be affected seriously by any move for
a strike on the part of the White Rats.
It Is the general belief of the man
agers that the houses which are more
likely to suffer a walkout are what
Is known as burlesque houses. Some
of the players in those houses are af
filiated with the White Rats and some
are not. it is said, and with a division
of that character it is considered there
is more likelihood of a controversy.
There are no burlesque houses on the
Pacific Coast, it is said.
The move on the part of the White
Rats Is believed to have as Its object
the compelling of all vaudeville actors
to join the organization, according to
local managers.
Copper Company Officials Visit.
S. S. FVuhart and Dr. R. N. Leeier,
the president and the treasurer of the
United Copper Company, arrived at the
Imperial Hotel yesterday morning from
their mining properties in Southern
Oregon, near Leland. The present high
price of metals, especially copper. Is
affording the miners an opportunity to
develop and equip their properties with
modern aprliance, they said.
Scared mothers who dread the hoarse
cough of croup at night will find a sure
quick help In Foley's Honey and Tar.
It stops croup quickly and if given at
bedtime will prevent the dreaded at
tack. Mrs. BUlie Mayberry, Eckert, Ga,
writes: "Three weeks ago two of my
children began choking and coughing
and I saw they were having an attack
of croup. I gave them Foley's Honey
and Tar at bedtime, their cough stopped
and by morning all signs of croup were
gone." Croup, whooping cough, tickling
throat, bronchial and la grippe coughs
quickly stopped. Try it.