THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, .DECEMBER 8, 1916. 9 V t 4 Kxtrart from Journal, front pace, Not. 4. BIG DEALS IN REALTY CLOSED IN PORUAND IN PAST 24 HOURS Building on l-'oortb. Street Let, Tenth tot ret; t Property Sold; Smaller Lease Are Made. One large deal and two leases, of con siderable item, were closed during the last 4 hours, making the week one of Im portance In the real estate market, despite the fact that election Is supposed to have a dampening effect to dealt. One of the largest of several months was the one closed yesterday by Stanley & Thompson, Involving an aggregate rental of $36,000 over a period of 10 years. The main floor, full basement and mezzanine fioor of the building on .Fourth street, be tween Washington and Siark. now oc cupied by the Fourth-Street Department fa tore, was leaded to the Lewis-Stenger Barber Supply Company by the Bates Real Ivstate Company, which has charge of the estate of the late George W. Bates. The epaca leased con tains approximately 12, 60O square feet, 5000 In the basement, 5000 on the main, floor and -000 on the mez zanine floor, Tho lease begins January 15, when the lease of the company now occupying the premises expires, and the Lewia-istenger Company will move from Its present quartc-rs In the TJlfoi d building, at Tenth and Morrison streets, to its now quarters after making extensive al- Concluded ou Page Column 2.) At Last It Has Happened the 4th-St. Dept. Store T7 ou The LEWIS-STENGER BARBER SUPPLY CO. Have leased our premises from the Geo. W. Bates Estate, owners of the building1. Never in the history of Portland has a large store been in our predicament. LL o There is not a vacant store building in the business sec- tion of the city large enough to house our stock. We have made every effort to secure a building large enough for our purpose, but all in vain. There is only one thing to do .for the present close out. the stock. MEETING CALLED A meeting was called by the officers of the corporation and held in the offices of their attorneys. It was attended by practically all the stock holders and directors. After long discussion it was decided that the most reasonable coarse to pursue would be to commence to close out the stock, and as we have a little better than thirty days notice, maybe a storeroom will be procured, but the outlook is doubtful. In the event that a store room is not leased by that time, then all the assets of the Fourth-street Department Store should be invoiced and sold in a lump to highest bidder. RELEASE of TRUSTEESHIP The public well remembers the difficulties encountered by the FOURTH STREET DEPARTMENT STORE. We were attached in May, and later there was a compromise with the creditors, and a trustees was appointed. The trustee, Mr. L. Sommer, was recently released and the affairs of the store handed back to the corporation. It is to be regretted at this time that the store should be without a. home, as its financial and business. af fairs are in a prosperous and splendid condition. The store has made thousands of customers, who give this store their continued patronage and support. The Most Sensational and Staggering Merchandise Calamity in All the History of the Entire Pacific Coast Tens and scores of thousands of dollars of the world's most famous brands of merchandise make up this department store. Merchandise for street or ballroom, for laborer or professional man, .for every day or holiday, is here ready to choose from at absolutely the greatest known discounts. Ten thousand bargains are at your mercy Thousands of Christmas practical and useful gifts at ridicu lously small prices. Far and wide will the news be spread of our predicament, our closing out of our stock. Hundreds of our customers throughout the state will learn of this event- It is utterly impossible to advertise everything. Some lots are too small to advertise and some of the advertised items are also lim ited. While our stock is in first-class condition, it is to be ex pected that the choicest goes first. Read every price quoted the savings are simply without a parallel! 75 Extra Salespeople Will Be Employed EXTRA DELIVERY SERVICE WILL BE INSTALLED SHOP ON A TRANSFER AND YOU WILL SAVE CONSID ERABLE TIME Sale Begins Friday (Today) 9:15 Sharp Bates Real Estate and Investment Company Bat,, Dock Builoin. tOO BURHSIM STltKK, 1 Mr. John leavitt, 104-106 Fourth St. , City. PORTLAND.OREGON 2eoem"ber-l3t. 1916.. Dear Slr:- This is tQ'ao.tif you that "you bus t vacate premises which you are now occupying., known as 104 and lOSIVsurtb Street, by February 1st. 1917. Jours' very truly. CBKA BATES EEAL ESTATE & IHVESn.rF.HT CO. Jr ,MM.f mm: v I i i:ti sit t' 10c Outing FLANNEL Yard 3Vc 75c Table DAMASK Yard 29c 5 c Navy Blue ES.O.r Serge Q)oC $1.00 Silk POPLINS Yard 49c $3.00 Wool CLOAKINGS Yard 98c $1.00 Wool DRESSGOODS Yard 39c $2.50 N'lty Wool Suitings $1.19 15c Heavy Twilled Outing, 7c 25c Pillow Tubing for only 14c $1.50 Bedspreads, full size, 89c 45c Bath Robe Flannel at 29c 15c Flannelettes, dark coVr, 9c 20c Flannels, yd. wide, IOV2C $1.75 Cotton Blank'ts, pr. $1.09 $4.50 Wool Nap Blank'ts, $2.95 15c Blue-White Ticking, lOc 75c Hemmed Sheets 72x90 44c $2.50 Wool Batts, 2 lbs., $1.95 $1 Merc'd Table Damask,. 59c 50c Finest Linen Huck at 29c 15c Figured Cretonnes at 7c 15c Beautiful Silkolines at 9c $1.25 Silk Velvet Colors, 87c 15c Linen Crash, yard, IOV2C 15c Linen Glass Cloth for 8c 15c Border'd Curtain Scrim, 9c $1.00 Feather Pillows for 59c 75c Crib Blankets for only 38c To $25 Ladies' Suits Big Lot . ,q $30.00 Ladies' New 4Q QC Winter Suits Only. $50 $40 Ladies' New r Q Winter Suits at. . $10.0:1 mn HOI 25c Fine FLAX0NS Yard 3c $1.50 Ladies' p Umbrellas OOC .00 IT 1 v i L.aaies UNION SUITS Garment 39c 15c Ladies' HOSE JPair at 3 c 8c to 15c Laces and Insertions -tl the Yard JiC 20c to 25c Laces, the yard, 2c 35c Fine Laces, the vard for 5c 10c Embroideries, the yard, lc 15c to zOc Lmbroideries, yd. 3c 25c to 50c Embroideries, yd. 6c $10.00 Ladies' Good ?f& Coats w -l $15.00 Ladies' Good Coats at $20.00 Ladies' New Winter Coats at . . $25.00 Ladies' New Cl 1 QQ Winter Coats at. .?l.UV $30.00 Plush Coats for only $3.89 $8.69 $14.77 $3 to $5 Men's Fine Oxfords $1 $5-$7 Men's Flor'm Ox'd $1.89 $3.50 Men's Gun'l Shoes $1.98 $5 Work or Dress Shoes $2.87 $3.50-5 Ladies' Low Shoes 50c $4 Ladies' High Shoes for 75c $4 Ladies' Shoes, all sizes $1.69 $5 Ladies' Best Shoes at $2.59 No room to quote prices on Boys', Girls' and Children's Shoes. We promise you the biggest bargains in America today. 2 $1 Children's Felt Slippers 57c $1.50 Misses' Felt Slip'rs $1.09 $1.75 Ladies' Felt Slippers 98c $1.00 LADIES' SPATS at CLOT $10.00 Men's Good Suits. $15.00 Men's Wool Suits. $20.00 Men's Wool Suits. $25.00 Men's Best Suits III 3.98 6.79 3.3S $15.00 Men's Overcoats $6.59 $20.00 Men's Overcoats $9.85 $25.00 Men's Overcoats $13.89 $10 Sk Poplin Dresses Now at $4.44 $18-20 Silk-Serge Dr'sses $8.98 $35 Beau'ful Party Dresses $9 $2 Beautiful Kimonos at $1.19 I $3.50-5 Flannel Middies, $2.29 50-75c Children's Rompers 39c $1.25 Ladies' Flan'l Gowns 57c 5c Ribbons f the Yard H C 25c Wide Ribbons, the yd. 12c 50c Royal Society Package (0 Goo d.s qJC $1 Royal Society pg. goods 69c 10c Royal Society Cro. Cot. 6c LADIES' WEAR $2.50 Serviceable Skirts at 98c $5 Wool Fine Skirts at $2.48 $7.50 High-Grade Skirts, $4.29 $2-2.50 New Shirtwaists at 97c $3.50 Silk Shirtwaists at $1.89 $1 Black Sateen Petticoats 38c $1.50 Cot. Messal'e P'coats 79c $10 Ladies' Tex ture Raincoats $12.50 Ladies' Eng R'c'ts $4.88 $15 Ladies' Eng. R'coats $6.89 $8.50 Fine Fur M Q Scarfs Now at . P" $10 Beautiful Scarfs for $3.98 $15 Finest Fur Scarfs at $5.39 $7.50 Ladies' Muffs, only 98c $2 Child's Ast'chan Muffs 59c $1.25 Good House Dresses 58c 75c Bungalow Aprons for 43c $1 Ladies' Muslin Gowns, 47c $1.50 Ladies' M'slin Gowns 79c 50c Corset Covers at only 19c $1 Fine Envelope Chemise 49c ard CORSETS $2 Fine Corsets, now for 97c $3 High-Grade Corsets, $1.59 $7.50 Men's Raincoats $1.98 $12.50 Men's Raincoats $4.89 $20.00 Men's Raincoats $8.85 $7.50 Men's Mackinaws $3.98 $12.50 Men's Mackinaws $7.39 $5.00 Boys' Suits, 13-17, $1.98 $6.50 Boys' Suits, 8-17, $3.98 $1 Boys' Small Knee Pants 29c Mens Furnishings $1.50 Men's Union Suits at 86c $3.00 Wool Union Suits $1.48 $4.00 Wool Union Suits $2.29 $5.00 Wool Union Suits $2.89 $1.50 Wool Single Garm'ts 77c $1.50 Wool Single Gar'ts $1.39 $3 Men's Sweater Coats $1.40 $4 Wool Sweater Coats $2.37 $5 Wool Sweater Coats $2.88 Tifl Ladies 9 Underwear Hosiery $1.50 Ladies' Union Suits, 79c $3 Ladies' Union Suits at $1.69 $3.50-4 Ladies' U'n Suits $2.29 $1 Ribbed Vests and Pants 59c $2 Wool Vests or Pants $1.19 $1 Misses' Union Suits at 57c 85c Misses' Union Suits at 44c 50c Fibre Silk Hose for 29c 25c Ladies' Fine Hose at 16c 50c-35c Ladies' Fine Hose, 21c 85c Heavy Fibre Silk Hose, 59c 15c Children's Hose, only 6c 25c Children's Hose, only 14c 35c Child'n's Cash're Hose 16c 10c-15c Ladies' Fine Hdkf s. 4c 25c Ladies' Linen Hdkf s. 12yc 50c Ladies' Silk Hdkf s. at 33c 50c-35c New Silk Ties, now 18c $1.00 Heavy Silk Ties, now 48c 10c Men's White Hdkfs. at 2c 15c Men's White Hdkfs. at 6c 25c Men's White Hdkfs. at 14c DC Men s SUSPENDERS Pair at 3c 25c Boston GARTERS Pair at 7c 10c Canvas GLOVES air at 2c $1.50 Men's Umbrellas for 83c $3 Men's Wool Jerseys $1.69 CO K( TT.o "Mr Uoo nf CI QQ $3 Best Felt Hats, now at $1.69 25c Black Socks, now at 12J4C 35c Lisle Fine Socks for 17c 50c Silk Socks, now at only 28c 25c Wool Socks, now for 14c 75c Men's Work Shirts at 29C $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts 59c $1.50-$2.00 Dress Shirts at 97c $1.50 Soft Dress Shirts at 79c $2.00 Flannel Shirts-at $1.17 $3.50 Pure Flan'el Shirts $1.89 50c Lisle Suspenders for 29c $1 Men's Flannel Gowns 48c th Street, Between Tf Wash, and Stark 35c Black CASHMERE SOCKS 14c siMen'sE UNDERWEAR 29c Garment ens FLANNEL Shirts 47c 75c Men's Cotton UNDERWEAR Garment 19c $1M $2M ens ,acli 48c OPEN SAT I RD AY EVEMNGS