THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, FRIDAT, DECEMBER 8, 1916. m:wTICKETS for PORTLAND-SEATTLE HOCKEY GAME, ICE PALACE, TONIGHT SPORTING GOODS STORE, BASEMENT BALCONY 75 AND 1 4& ' Z v " " ' ' m i ' ' ' I 1 31- . j Beginning a New Century of Surprises With Phenomenal , Sales All Over the Store Save on Useful Gifts i I I I I I 1 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.50 to $2.75 Hat Shapes, Friday, 95c A lot of untrimmed silk velvet and other hat shapes in many smart styles and sizes. Fourth Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's 35c to 75c Neckwear Only 19c Final cleanup of a large sample line of fancy neckwear. Collars, sets, vestees and guimpes at 19c. Main Floor. 1400TII FRIDAY SURPRISE 75c to $3.50 Fancy Wings, Etc., Y2 Off All sorts of novelties wings, fancy feathers, stickups, etc. to trim a smart hat Friday at Vz. Fourth Floor. 140OTH FRIDAY SURPRISE 75c to $1.00 Warm Winter Gloves 50c A sample line men's, women's and children's wool gloves. Also women's chamoisette two-clasp gloves in long lengths. Main Floor. 140OTH FRIDAY SURPRISE 50c to 75c Veils Friday at Only 25c Flowing Veils 1 1-4 yards long. Novelty meshes in black, white, brown and navy. For Friday 25 Main Floor. 140OTH FRIDAY SURPRISE 3 Women's Holiday Kerchiefs for 25c Pretty handkerchiefs with taped borders, new rolled hems and fan cy corners, packed in gift boxes. Main Floor. 140OTII FRIDAY SURPRISE 40c Grade Bleached Sheeting, Spec'135c Short lengths of best quality 9-4 bleached sheetings. Lengths 7 to 30 yds. Sold in piece only. Second Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Wide Ribbons Are Special, at Yd., 15c Plain colors and fancy stripes. Hairbow and sash ribbons with moire centers and satin border. Main Floor, 140OTH FRIDAY SURPRISE 60c-$l Gift Books Friday, Special, 39c Novelty books poetry, essays, etc., 39c. 35c Calendars and "Blue Ribbon" Cook Books, 250. Basement Balcony. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c Samurai Talc'm Powder, Tin at 15c The deliciously fragrant Sam urai Corylopsis Talcum powder. 1-lb. tin, Friday special, 15c. Main Floor. Writ FRIDAY SURPRISE Cocoa Door Mats Reduced Friday A special sale of cocoa door mats. Best quality, 14x24 inches, 79c; size 16x27 inches, 98c. Seventh Floor. 1400Ttl FRIDAY SURPRISE Dennison's Crepe Pap'r Dec'rat'ns 83c Dennison's crepe paper poin settias, with long stems and large red flowers. Special, dozen, 83c. Main Floor. MEIER & FRAXK'S HOOT 1 1 FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Special Sale Serge DRESSES $11.45 One Sketched Pretty little street or business frocks, made on the new, long pleated lines. Very becoming and youthful styles in belted and basque ef fects, with smart touches of wool embroidery in bright colors. Good quality of serge is used in these frocks and colors are navy blue, black, brown and green. All sizes here Friday for an extra special sale, $11.45. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. ! Uli MEIER & FRANK'S I40OTH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $2.00 Nickle Casseroles $1 Only 100 of these Casseroles with nickle-plated frame and 7-inch brown and white fireproof pottery lining as il lustrated. Friday just half price $2.00 Mahogany ServingTray$1.48 Splendid mahogany serving trays, one as illustrated. Handles are of mahogany. Well made and finished, in 19xl3-inca Size. Basement 1400TEC FRIDAY SURPRISE S3 to $4.50 SILK WAISTS $1.95 Exceptionally good val ues' in these waists Fri day! Crepe de chines in flesh and white and a few striped and plain lin ens and Georgette crepes. Odds and ends of good styles Friday $1.95. -Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. . 1400TII FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.50 - $2 Corsets FRIDAY SPECIAL AT 95c Broken lots and odds' and ends of good corsets. Quite a num ber of our standard makes in cluded! Medium and low-bust styles, with long hips and some front lace models included. Flesh and white in many styles. All sizes in the lot, but not in every style. Come early! Corset Shop. Third Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 50c to 85 c Yard Laces at 25c All desirable new patterns. Lace bands and edges in white and ecru shadow laces, imitation Duchesse, filet and novelty meshes. Widths from 7 to 12 inches in demand for camisoles, blouses, caps, etc. The yard, 25c 25c TO 40c EDGES AND BANDS 15 Laces, radium edges and bands, shadow laces and edges, galloons, etc., in white and ecru. For holiday sewing. Yard 15c. $1.75 DOTTED NETS YARD FRIDAY $1.19 40-inch silk nets in pretty dotted designs. The season's new fabric for party frocks. Friday, yd. $119. Lace Shop, Main Floor. Friday and Saturday Surprises $1.50 No-Fade Shirts 95c Guaranteed Not to Fade or a New Shirt Free Famous NoFade shirts that are practically wear-proof and laundry-proof. Good quality per cales crepe" and crystal cloths in the most desirable new patterns. Soft and laundered cuff styles- Fri day and Saturday only 95 50c SHAPE TIES AT 35c 3 for $1. Large, generously cut Ties in a wide range of patterns in cluding stripes, dots, brocades, Per sian, figured and plaid effects. All made with slip-easy bands. An ex cellent gift suggestion. 25c Silk Plaited Fancy Sox 17c Dotted, striped and clocked effects. Black, white, navy, gray and Palm Beach. All sizes but not all sizes in every color and pattern. 3 pairs 500 Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Floor I400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c-60c Curtain Scrim 2000 Yards Friday 15c 5 to 10-yard lengths of excellent quality scrims at this phenomenally reduced price, because some have slight imperfections, which do not, however, impair the looks or wearing quality. ' Seventh Floor, Sixth Street. 140OTH FRIDAY SURPRISES 1000 Pairs Women's Silk Hose of Famous Make, Pair for 69c These are second selections direct from the mill of a celebrated manufacturer of women',s silk stockings. Broken lines of sizes and colors. Black and white included. Friday 69c. Hosiery Shop, Main Fir. Every Piece of Fur Trimming Reduced Nearly Every Piece at Wholesale Price Fur trimming no fashionable gown, coat or suit this season is quite complete without a touch of it! Here is a wonderful opportunity to buy fine, reliable fur bands, strips, etc. at about present WHOLESALE PRICE. REVERSIBLE CONEY White. Black and Brown 85c Fur, one - inch, at, CQn the yard. 30 1.50 Fur, two-inch, P I OQ 35c :59c at. the yard.. fZ.Za Fur. three-lncn.P I nn at. the yard Jli03 J3.25 Fur. four-inch, CO OO at, the yard Wtitu STRAIGHT CUT COXEV 45c Fur, one-inch, at the yard. 75c Fur. two-inch, at. the yard. $1.25 Fur, three - inch, OQn at, the yard . OSU J 1.7 5 Fur, five-Inch, I OQ at, the yard. O 1 13 $3.95 Fur, eight-Inch, Q E at, the yard. OOitU SKUN'K OPOSSUM Black Sable Dyed, Brown, Natural. Blue Fox Dyed and Fitch Opossum. $1.85 Fur, one-inch, O j OQ at, the yard QImJLq $4.00 Fur, two-inch, CO AJ at, the yard PAiH $6.50 Fur. three-ffOQQ inch, at, the yard. . . OOiOO $7.50 Fur, four-inch. 4 QC at. the yard. (P'tiOa GENUINE FURS $7 Ermine, one-inch, OA AO at, the yard 04-iK) $12.50 White Fox, CQ A Q one-Inch, the y ard . . 0 3 it 0 $7 Red Fox. one- 4 A O inch, the yard O'rif0 $7 Civet Cat. four- A AQ inch, the yard tPfit 0 $3 Natural Squirrel. I QQ one-inch, the yard.. . 0 I iOO $6 Natural Squirrel, ffQ QQ two-inch, the yard.. OOiOO $6.50 Chinchilla Ol AO Squirrel, two-ln., yd. OH'itO $7.50 White Polar ffC in Bear, one-inch, yd.. tfUiHO $12.50 Brown Polar CO QQ Bear, two-inch, yd...w0i00 $4 Taupe Wolf, one- CO DO Inch, at. the yard... 4i3D $4.75 Skunk, one-C 010 inch, at, the yard. .. OuifO $8.50 Skunk, two-CO QQ inch, the yard OQiOO $12.50 Skunk, three- CO QQ inch, at, the yard. . . OOiJJO $3 Mole, one-inch, at CO AQ the yard Qtt'tO $6 Mole, two - inch, at, the yard. $12 Mole, four-inch, at, the yard....' $4.98 $8.98 69c IMITATION FURS 85c Ermine, one-inch. at. the yard. . $i.7S hrmine, two-ri nn inch, at, the yard.. . 0 I iJ $2.25 Ermine, three-CI QQ $4.98 inch. at. the yard. . $1.2d Mole, one-Inch, QQn at, the yard JQl $2.50 Mole, two-inch, C I QQ at, the yard 01 .03 $5 Mole, four -inch, CO A Q at. the yard tfOi0 $7 Mole, six-inch, at. the yard. . . NATURAL RACCOON $3.50 Fur, one-inch, CO QQ at. the yard j.ZO $7 Fur, two-Inch, at. the yard. $8.50 Fur, three-CO Q inch, at, the yard. . . wOi'tO NATURAL. MUSKRAT $1.35 Fur, one-Inch, at, QQn the yard 30U $2.50 Fur, two-inch. at. the yard. $5.50 Fur, four-inch, CO AO at. the yard OO.fO $10 Scalloped Bor-CCQQ der. eight-inch, yard V 0.30 : $4.49 $1.89 FRENCH SEAL $1.25 Fur, one-inch, at, 0Qr the yard 030 $2.50 Fur. two-inch, C I QQ at. the yard $5 Fur, four-inch, at. CO QQ the yard 00.03 KID FOI CONEY. $1.25 Fur, one-inch, at, QQn the yard 030 $2.25 Fur, two-inch, C 1 fQ at. the yard 01 .03 $3.25 Fur, three-inch, CO OO at. the yard yCtLO HUDSON SEAL. $2 Fur, one-inch, at, C I AQ the yard 01 ifr3 $4 Fur, two-inch, at, CO QQ the yard 04.30 $8 Fur. four - inch. at. the yard. $16.50 Fur, eight-CI I QQ inch, at, the yard. .01 1 .30 GRAY REVERSIBLE CONEY $1.25 Fur, one-inch, at, QQn the yard 03b $2.25 Fur, two-inch, C OQ at, the yard.. . : 01 .03 $3.25 Fur. three-CO OQ inch, the yard 0t0 -Trimming Shop, Main Floor. $5,93 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CANDIES Made by artist confectioners from purest ingredients in our own spot less candy kitchen on the ninth floor. 60c ' Sugar-coated Almonds.OQp pound at .OI7L 40c Chocolate Mint Sfluares.OQ-, pound at iJ 40c Peanut Butter Chips, atOQf pound, only 30c Peanut Bar, 2 days atOO pound ,-v 25c Fancy Cream Mix, pound, "t Q special v -LJU -Basement Balcony. -Main, Ninth Floors MEIER fc FRANK'S 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Great Grocery Surprises Bacon, Swift's Premium, finest Eastern stigar cured, whole or half strips, lb., 320. Coffee," our Victor 30c quality, pound, 250. Peanut : Butter, pure, best quality, none delivered, lb., 110. Flour, -graham or whole wheat, . fresh stock, one of the best brands, 9-lb. sacks 430. Cut Macaroni, Portland made, 5-lb. pkg., 290; 2-lb. pkg., 120. Corn, Country Gentlemen, new pack, doz., $1.40; can, 12540. Kippered Herring, MacConachie Scotch, genuine imported, doz., $2.60; can, 220. Prunes, new Italian, 15c grade, lb., 110. Apricots, new fancy quality, spe cial, lb., 190. Sardines, imported, large 25c cans, 200. Salmon Steaks, Chinook, No. 1 flat cans, doz. $2.60, large can 220 Tea, basket-fired Japan, 40c grade, lb., 290. - White Figs, new, extra fancy qual ity, large size, lb., 140. TJ,rT7T71 With each 3-lb. can Royal Club Coffee at $1.10 r SXSltSli fuii 2-ozj bottle Royal Club pure Vanilla Extra pure Vanilla Extract. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. I400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.00 Striped Silk Taffeta, at Yd., 79c 24 inches wide. Silks in the best colorings. Pretty for waists and dresses special Friday 79c. Second Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.00-81.50 Fancy Brooches Only 69c A big assortment of barpins, brooches, etc., set with rhine stones and vari-colored stones. Main Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c Stamped Guest Towels, Special 15c Pretty little towels, stamped to embroider on huck toweling. Sim ple cross-stitch design. Good gifts Second Floor. 140OTII FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.50-81.75 Glove Silk Underwear 81 Glove silk underwear vests and knickerbockers, in. white and pink. Sizes up to 42. Main Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 20c Stamped Pin Cushion Cover 10c Stamped to embroider on white linon in many dainty designs. Both round and oblong shapes. - Second . Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's 86.50 Silk Petticoats at 84.95 Fin taffeta skirts, made with full flounces. Good assortment of light and dark shades. Third Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 65c to 85c Stamped Bath Towels at 49c A large assortment, of bath towels, stamped to embroider, in many pretty designs. Today, 49c. Second Floor. 140OTII FRIDAY SURPRISE 86.50 to 89.00 Fine Hair Switches 85.00 All the natural shades of hair in 'these fine imported cut-hair switches. Fifth Floor. 1400TM FRIDAY SURPRISE $5.00 Fluffy Wool Blankets at 83.98 Handsome big, fluffy blankets, full 5 pounds in weight. With pretty pink and blue borders. Second Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $2.25 Adjustable Silk Flounces $1.49 Taffeta or messaline silk flounces ready made to sew on petticoats. Colors. Second Floor. 1400TII FRIDAY SURPRISE Pictures in Dull Gold Frames at 59c A large assortment of subjects beautiful pictures in dull gold frames. Copies of masterpieces. Fifth Floor. MEIER &. FRAXK'S 1400TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Men's Blanket Bath ROBES $2.49 SOLD ELSEWHERE AT $3.50. This surprise sale of men's handsome blanket robes comes just in time for holiday choosing. Good-looking, comfortable Bath Robes in a splen did selection of desirable colors and combinations. Made with sailor collar, large patch pockets, cord tie at neck and heavy rope girdle at waist. All seams welted. All sizes Other Bath and Lounging Robes, $3.98 to $30 Smoking Jackets in velvet, silk and broad cloth $5 to $20 Boys' Raincoats Only $2.98 Celebrated "Goodyear" Raincoats that are absolutely guaranteed. Serviceable roomy coats in raglan 6tyle, full cut and in good length. Convertible collar and two big patch pockets. These are tan raincoats with black rubber lining. Sizes 10 to 18 years but limited number in some sizes. Worth at least $4 if sold regularly. For Friday $2.98 Third Floor. FOR TWO DAYS "Oregon City" Indian Pillow Tops 69c Another big shipment of those wonderful Oregon City cushion covers that have cre ated such a furore every time we have placed them on sale. Beautiful, durable, in rS manv different and authentic Indian de- signs broad stripes in contrasting colors S and countless other handsome effects. All well made, with taped or fringed ends and SSSS3 strong sateen back, ready to put pillow in. . . .f:vGuaranteed fast colors. Buy for self and iW pfts today and tomorrow, when the price is 69c instead of $1.25Center AUle.Ma!n Fl Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. 1400TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Leather and Wilton Foot Rests at $1.47 Friday only, leather or Wilton carpet foot rests, serviceable for home or auto use, special, $1.47. Seventh Floor. )