Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1916, Image 23

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Receipts to Date 200 Cars
Less Than Year Ago.
Oats Market Continues to Advance.
lot-al Wheat Prices Are Under
rarity With Seattle.
r - riour Is Firm.
TTlg"h hay prices are almost certain to pre
vail during the remainder of the season.
The local market now Is strons. as very
little hay ft comlns In. owing to the scarcity
of ears. Stocks in the country are not
heavy end a close cleanup Is assured. There
Is considerable hay In Southern Idaho, but
It Is igoing to Wyoming and Utah. Eastern
Oregon hay can not be brought In in ade
quate quantities because of the car situa
tion. Stocks of undamaged hay In the Val
ley are light.
Since the beginning of the season re
ceipts of hay at Portland have amounted
to 17.6B0 tons, as compared with 21.2SO tons
received in the same period last year. There
has been a similar falling off In hay ar
rivals In the Puget Sound markets. Total
receipts at Portland. Seattle and Tacoma
for the season have been 78,520 tons, a de
crease of 16.220 tons from the correspond
ing period last year.
The wheat market was julet yesterday and
In general the tone was weak In line with
the heaviness at Chicago. At the Merchants'
Kxchange December bluestem was 1 cent
higher at $1.63. but fortyfold and club bids
were 1 to 2 cent lower. The Seattle mar
ket was 5 cents higher all around than
Portland quotations. Buyers In that mar
ket bid J1.58 for December bluestem and
11.60 for turkey.
The oats market continues to register
gains. One hundred tons of December oats
were sold at the Merchants' Exchange et
436.50. an advance of 75 cents over the
last sale on Tuesday. Barley was quiet
and unchanged.
No change was made In flour quotations
yesterday, but the market Is In firm shape.
The day's cables reported weather In
France unfavorable and seeding delayed on
a reduced acreage. The wheat yield of
Italy la disappointing, labor scarce, trans
portation Inadequate and the political situ
ation in the Balkans is causing apprehen
sion. Terminal receipts in cars were reported
by the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Portland Thurs. is
Year ago
Feasoo to date.2.94H
Tear ago 7,970
Tacoma Wed... 14
Tear ago 21
Reason to date. 3. "SO
Year ago 5.501J
Seattle Wed.... 10
Year afro i'
Feason to date.3,ir.5
Year ego 8.176
2?asler Tendency Develops In Number of Im
portant Matters.
Price changes In the past week In the cash
tnarkets for the articles In most general
consumption were less numerous than for a
considerable period, there being 43 advances
In the 331 quotations received by Dun's Re
view, and 28 declines, a total of 71, against
3 02 last week, 111 the week before and 14
three weeks ago. The most spectacular fea
ture of the week was the notable weakness
of the"graln markets, there being very sharp
reductions In the quotations of wheat, com,
cats and flour, which In part were due to
Apprehensions that an embargo would be
placed on exports.
Other foodstuffs also developed an easier
feeling, for while choice butter and cheese
remained very firm, there was a reactionary
trend to some graded of eggs, beans, sugar,
coffee and vegetables. On the other hand.
live meats displayed some increase - In
strength, there being a moderate rise In
beef, hogs and sheep, although this was
rartlally offset by more or less irregularity
4n provision.
Indications have now appeared that 1he
upward movement to litos, which has con
tlnued steadily for many weeks, is approach
ing the top. for while the market as a whole.
remains extremely strong, lower prices have
been named on certain varieties. No further
advances were announced on leather, but
with only light supplies available, values of
tMl descriptions appear to be as firm- as
Phenomenal strength and activity still
. prevail In the markets for Iron and steel,
there being no abatement in the demand for
crude and finished materials, which runs
far Into the future, and prices generally
show a disposition to seek even higher levels.
The minor metals were fairly steady, no sig
nificant movement being noted In either di
Xocal Trade of Small Proportions Butter
Is Kasier.
There was no change in the egg situation,
so far as the wholesale market was con
cerned. At the Produce Exchange current
receipts sold at 40 cents and this was the
price generally quoted on the street, though
there were rumors that the price was shad
ed. There was hardly any movement in any
Jobbing quarter, however. The market was
weak and it would have been etlll weaker
t'ut for the limited arrivals during the
day. Storage eggs were offered at the Ex
change at 36V6 cents and 29 cents was
An easier undertone prevails in the but
ter market and with Seattle again on a par
ity with Portland there may be some diffi
culty in maintaining current quotations. At
the Produce Exchange creamery extras were
sold at 30. 8H. 37 and 37'4 cents. Dairy
butter sold at 30 cents.
Steady prices prevailed In the poultry and
dreEsed meat markets.
estimated Acreage In Milton District
Seventy-five Percent.
MILTON. Or.. Dec 7. (Special.) Wheat
growers who have been investigating the
damage done by the recent cold weather,
which went 21 degrees lower than during
the same period In 1913. have discovered
much damage to the late Fall sown grain.
County Commissioner H. M. Cockburn states
that his loss will be 240 acres, which he
will reseed In the Spring, and inasmuch as
Spring grain rarely produces as much as
Winter wheat this loss will likely be in
Other growers have lost in this district
also, and some of the smaller farmers did
not even get their crops in on account of
the early Winter weather. Altogether the
estimated acreage of Fall sown grain which
stands to make a harvest is not more than
75 per cent of normal.
Oranges of Good Color.
Three cars of bananas arrived yesterday
and the delivery was good. There is a very
lair demand for oranges. Yesterday's ar
rivals of navels were of good color. The
local apple movement continues slow.
Among the vegetable arrivals from the
south was a car of head lettuce. Vegetable
prices generally were steady.
Cattle Purchased for Indians at Klamath
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec. T. (Spe
cial.) Three hundred and seventy-two
yearlings and two-year-old heifers were to
day sold by J. L. Beckiey. local stock dealer,
to the United States Indian Service. The
heifers will be delivered at Klamath Agency. I
and are Intended for distribution among the
Indians of the Klamath Indian Reservation
for breeding purposes.
The heifers are out of the Dalton herd
and are said to constitute as fine a bunch
of young stock as was ever In Klamath
County. They have been inspected and
passed by Dr. C. P. Behler, of Sacramento,
stock Inspector for the bureau of animal
husbandry. Department of Agriculture.
The heifers have been gatbered at Mer
rill, 25 miles south of this city, and will
reach Klamath Agency In a few days, and
will be turned over to William B. Freer.
superintendent of the reservation. The In
dian Service has purchased the cattle for
the Indiana to Induce them to raise a better
grade of stock.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the jv.orrhwem cities
yesterday were aa follows:
. Clearings. Balances.
Portland S.2.4O7.04T 3B3.6.",1
Seattle 3,430.001 621.210
Tacoma 845.405 61.5K2
Spokane 1.052,401 187.129
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Merchants' Exchance, noon session:
December delivery:
Tr. ago.
S '.US
.1)1 H
.. 1.54
. . 1.4H
.. 1.49
. . 1.40
.. 30 25
.. S9.00
Wheat -RM
Bluestem 1.53
Fortyfold 1.4S
Club - 1.48
Red fife
P.ed Russian 1.45
Oats No. 1 white feed 36.00
Barley No. 1 feed 39.00
January bluestem .... . ...
January fortyfold ................
January club
January Russian
January oats
January barley
FI.OUB Patents. $8 00: straights,
!J7.20; exports. 50.80; valley, $7.50;
wneat, granam, J8.
MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran. $16.50
per ton; shorts, 130.00 per ton; rolled bar
ley, M0U41.50.
COItN Who:e, $47 per ton; cracked, $43
per ton.
HAY Producers' prices: TImothv. East-
era Oregon, 19ig'21 per ton; timothy. Val
ley, jiu'3,17 per ton; alfalfa, 1718; Val
ley, grain hay, $13 15; clover. $12.50.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER Cubes, extras, S037i4c. Job-,
bing prices: prints, extras. 304140c; butter
fat. No. 1. 40c; No. 2, 38c, Portland.
CHEESE Jobbers' buvlnz Drlcen f. o h
dock. Portland: Tillamook triplets. 22c:
Young Americas, 23c per pound.
EGGS Oregon ranch, current receipts
38"j40e per dozen; Oregon ranch, candled,
42 3. 43c per dozen; Oregon ranch, selects, 45c.
PO'JLTRY Hens. 12H&14&C; Springs 14
15c per pound; turkeys, live, IH'a 20c;
dressed. 23&24c; ducks, 14j16c; geese,
VEAL Fancy. 1212V-o per pound.
PORK Fancy. 1212Mjc per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local Jobbing quotations:
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels.
$2.or3.6u. Valenclas. 4 ner box: Japanese.
$1.50 per bundle; lemons, $4.2504.75 per box;
bananas. 6c per pound; grapefruit, $2.75
VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75c 1.10
per dozen; tomatoes. $l.l.i"5 per crate; cab
bage. $2.2.25 per hundred; peppers, 20c
per pound; eggplant, 15c per pound; let
tuce, $2: cucumbers, $1. 67)1.23 per dozen:
celery. $4.25 4. SO per crate; pumpkins, 1
(gll4c per pound; cauliflower, $1.75&1.85
per crate; peas. 10c per pound.
POTATOES Oregon buying prices. $1.25
1.40 per hundred, country points; sweets,
$3.25 per hundred.
ONIONS Oregon buying prices. $2.25 2.50
per sack, country points.
GREEN FRUITS Apples, new. 50cl.B0
per box: pears. slai.r,o: c-rar 1.10-. to.
casabas, $1.35; cranberries. $10.50 rb 12 .so nr
8(aple Groceries.
Local .lobbing quotation:
SALMON" Columbia River. 1-pound tails,
$2.40 per dozf-n ; one-half flats. $1.50; 1
pound flats. $2.50; Alaska pinks, 1-pound
tails, $1.25.
HON.--1 Choice. $3tf3.25 per case.
NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, ISc:' Brazil
nuts. 13c; filberts. 19c: almonds, lSrgl'Jc;
peanuts. 7c; cocoanuts, $1.10 per dozen; pe
cans. 119c: chestnuts. 10c.
BEANS Small white, llc; large white,
10.85c; Llmas, 8c; bayou, be; pink, 6y-c;
red Mexicans, 8c.
COFFEE Roasted, in drums. 17fJ35e.
IGAtt Fruit and berrv, $7.'.5; Honolulu,
$7.!lu: best, $7.75; extra C. $7.55; powdered,
in barrels. $S.4.1: cubes. In fiarrels, $S.70.
SALT Granulated, $16.75 per ton; half
ground, 100s, $11.30 per ton; 50s, $12.10 per
ton; dairy. $14.75 per ten.
RICE Southern head, 775ic per pound;
broken. 4c: Japan stvle, 4.'a;4e.
IRIED FRUITS Apple!.. 10lli4e: apri
cots. 1619c; peaches, 840100; prunes,
Italian, 8i!9c; raisins. 8 16Uc dates,
Persian, 10c per pound; Fard, $2 per box;
currants, 15lGc; figs. $2g3.50 per box.
HAMS All sizes, choice, 24e; standard.
22323c; sklnnd. 21j,22c; picnics, f4',4o;
cottage rolls, 17c. '
BACON Fancv, 29331e: standard. 23
26c; choice, 1924c
DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 17 $4 0
19c; export 1719c; plate. 1415ViC
LARD Tierce basis. kettle rendered,
lOc; stnndard. 19c; compound, 164c.
BARREL GOODS Mess beef, $22; plate
beef, $23; brisket pork. $31.50; tripe, $10.50
& 11. 5u.
Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc.
HOPS lore crop, 610e per pound.
HIL'ES Salted hides C25 lbs. and up).
19c; salted stags (50 lbs. and up), 15c; green
and salted kip (15 lbs. to 23 lbs.), 19c; green
and salted calf skins (up to 15 lbs.), 82c;
green hides (25 lbs. and up). 17c; green
stags (50 lbs. and up), 13o; dry hides. Cue;
dry salt hides, 25c; dry horse hides, $14x;
salt horse hides, $35.
PELTS Dry lona-wooled pelts. 21e: dry
shrrt-wooled pelts, 17c; dry shearlings, 10
e?25c each: salte.d long-wool pelts, $ly1.50;
salted short-woo:ed pelts, 50ca$l.
ALLOW 8&uc per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. fine, 2527c;
coarse, 33 34c; Valley. 33 35c.
MOHAIR 85 45c per pound.
CASCARA BARK Old and new. Blie per
Oils. -
KEROSENE -Water white, drums, barrels
or tank wagons, 10c; cases, lSVi&22o.
GASOLINE Bulk. 21 c: cases, 30c; nap
tha, drums, 19M:c; cases. 2Sc; engine distil
late drums. 10c; cases, 18ic.
LINSEED OIL. Raw, drums, $1.10; bar
rels, $1.CS; cases. $1.13; boiled, drums, $1.12;
barrels, $1.10; enses, $
TURPENTINE In tanks, 64c; in cases,
C9c; 10-caee lots, lc less.
Prices Current on Butter, Eggs, Fruits,
Vegetables, Etc at Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 7. Butter Fresh
extras, 85 c; prime firsts, oc; fresh
firsts, 34 c.
Eggs Fresh extras, 40c; pullets, 37c.
Cheese New, 17c; Young Americas, 19c.
Poultry Hens, 1920c; old roosters. 11 9
12c; fryers, 2223c; broilers, 27 8 30c; large,
20tif22c; squabs, $22.50; pigeons. $1.25
1.75; ducks. 134yl4c; geese, 1517c; live tur
keys, 26 Q 27c.
Vegetables String beans, 8 12c;
fancy. 13c; Llmas, 68e; lettuce, 50390c:
peas, southern small, 6 Hi 8c; large, 109
12c; Summer aquash, southern, 90cS$l
crate; cream squash. 7390c; fancy. $1
cucumbers. hothouse. $2 & 2.50: tomatoes,
5075c; fancy, 65i'73c; egg plant, TfeSc;
green peppers, u(-t8c; garlic, 4 jp5c; celery.
$2.252.5); rhubarb, 85c4t$1.25; marrowfat
and hubbafd squaah. 85c(i$$l sack.
Potatoes $2&'2.25; sweet potatoes. $1.00
Onions $2.75 3.
Fruit Lady apples, $2 Ti 2.25 ; cranberries,
$ll?ill.50: grapes, 60Sjp85c: pears. Winter
Nellis, $1.75; persimmons, 534!85c; lemons,
$33.50: limes, $11.25; oranges, navels.
$-.502.73; grapefruit, $2.2"5$i 2.50 ; bananas,
Haw-.lian. $1.502: pineapples. Hawaiian,
$2.25413- apples. Newtown pippins, $ll.lo;
Belief Jeur. $lr1.10.
Feedstuffs Cracked corn and feed corn
meal, $8.50030.50; rolled barley. $45047:
centals; beans. 21S4 sucks; potatoes. 23T25
alfalfa, carloads. $20: less. $21.
Receipts Flour. 3420 quarters; barley,
4730 centals: beans, 1843 sacks: potatoes,
1725 sacks; onions, 325 sacks; hides, 1405
pelts; wine, 22,500 gallons; hay, 5t2 tons.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Cooper firm. Elec
trolytic, lirst quarter, nominal; second and
third quarter, 82.50 gS4c.
Iron steady end unchanged.
Metal Exchange quotes tin easy. Spot.
43.75S 44.25c
At London 8pot copper. 152; futures.
143; electrolytic. 170. Spot tin, 188 10s;
futures, 188 10a
The Metal Exchange quotes lead 7.70c
Spelter weak. Spot, East St. Louis deliv
ery. 1212c.
At London, lead. 30 10s. Spelter, 58.
Hops, Etc., at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Hops, steady.
Hides, firm.
Wool, firm.
Dried Frnlt at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec 7. Evaporated apples,
dull. Prunes, firm.
Prices Are Off One to Three
Points in Final Hour.
Weakness Follows Reports Indicat
ing Renewal of Strain Between
United States and Germany.
Tone of Bonds Also Heavy.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. The market's ex
treme susceptibility to any abrupt change
In the international situation was again
strikingly exemplified today, prices yielding
1 to a points in the final hour on reports
suggesting a renewal of the strain between
Washington and Berlin.
Prior to that period the general list had
been active and strong, the only notable ex
ception being the metal group. The reason
for this 'condition found partial explanation
later when-dividends on the leading coppers
were announced. While some of these dis
bursements, regular and extra, were In ex
cels of those declared three months ago, the
aggregate dividends of $3.50 on Utah proved
disappointing. Utah registered an extreme
decline of 2 points with 3H for Chile, while
Chile 7 per cent bonds made an extreme
loss of 6- points.
Other moderately heavy stocks Included
motors, sugars, some of the recently active
equipments and munitions, as well as ma
rines. On the conservative side the noteworthy
feature was the further extensive demand
for secondary or reorganized railway shares,
especially Wheeling & Lake Eries. Missouri
Pacifies. Rock Island, Missouri, Kansas &
Texas, Texas & Pacific, Toledo, St. Louis &
Western. Southwestern, and Seaboard Air
Line. Dealings In these stocks embraced
fully one-third of the day's business.
Atlantic, Gulf & West Indies added an
other 5 points to its recent rise at the new
level of 137H, and Owens Bottle Machinery
also made a new maximum at 105. with
irregular gains in almost a score of other
United States Steel was less active and
succumbed to the pressure of the later deal
ings, closing at a net Ios of a point. Other
shares of the same description also for
feited gains of the forenoon with high-grade
rails like Reading, Union Pacific, Canadian
Pacific, Louisville & Nashville, and Illinois
Central. Total sales of stocks, 1,400.000
Bonds were heavy on the lower records
made by Anglo-French 0s, American Foreign
Securities 6s and Paris f.s. Total sales of
bonds, par value, $3,175,000. United States
2s advanced , the Gs s, and 4a H per
cent on call.
Fales. High. Low. bid.
Am Beet Sugar.. 3.6-JO 107? li."li 10514
American Can.. . .400 03 G-'m
AmCar&Fdry.. 8,400 7Si 77 77 14
American Loco. . tsOOO ! bi MO't,
Am Sm & Kefs 115
Am Sugar ReXg. 1.200 116-H ' 115.i- 115
AmTel&Tel... 3.100 12SV 127S 128
Am Z L & S 7.000 (131 00 ;0
Anaconda Cop. . 17.1in u US :m
Atchison fi.t0 1MU 105 'i
Baldwin Loco 13.30O 7Si 7i 7$ii
Bait & Ohio 2,8110 p'S SO
Br Rap Trantit.. StJO b."'j ti3 So
B & S Copper... 10,000 73' 71'i 72;,
Calif Petrol 3.61)0 2U.a 27;St, 25
Canadian Pacif.. 1.50O liiSU 167 167
Central Leather. 12,700 110i loS',4 lon'A
Ches&Ohio lU.HOO 71 7iVt 701
Chi Mil & St P. . U.7PO iHn 93
C'hl&NW 3.100 125'i 12A 125
CRldcPRy.... 25.00 404 39H HUM
Chino Copper 4,a00 6974 H 06
Coio Fu & Iron.. ",7O0 f.7i 6&'. 56T4
Corn Prod Refg. 42.IOO 2, 2t' 0,
Crucible Steel. .. 10.6OO 87 t5 t5
Dlst Securities ..... 43
Erie 52.200 SOi 37-, 3SXi
Coneral Electric. 4.40O 1 S3 ISO IhOVi
Gt Nor ptd 2.400 117H 117 117
Gt Nor Ore etfs.. 2.400 4 Vs 43 43',
Illinois Central.. 3.700 J0SU 107 ' 107
Int Consol Corp. b.OoO IS", 1 7 ' !'.
Inspiration Cop. 8,-'i0 70i 69'., i!)',i
Int ilarv N J 400 12:.'., 1 'S.i - 121
Int M M pfd ctfs. 1,700 117 110- 11
K C Southern. . . 3,400 28 Vi 2714 27
Kenneeott Cop.. E0.&00 r,s r.6 fi0?i
Louis & Nash. . . .100 135 332i Y.Vt
Mexican Petrol.. S.OoO 1'4 10S14 10&V4
Miami Copper. .. 2.70O 4S 43 46i,
MKATpfd S.20O 24 22", 20
Missouri Paclf.. . 1.0'iO 22 4 20 20 ij
National Lead. .. 600 63 US US
Nevada Copper.. 11.400 31", 30i SOU
NY Central 1.900 1'S, 107 107
N Y N H & H. . . 500 5S 57 .'.7
Norfolk & West. 1.300 1 41 140 140
Northern Pacif .. 1.700 111 111 111
Pacific Mall 6fiO 26 26 2
Pac Tel & Tel. .. 300 !;. 34 05
Pennsylvania 3,400 57 56 56
Ray Consol Cop. 11,100 33 S3
Reading 73,600 112 110 110
Rep Ir & Steel... lS.'.OO Sr f-t S7
Shaft Ariz Cop.. 700 33 S3 S3
Southern Pacif. . 4,100 100 !9 99
Southern Ry. .. . 71.80O ?.2- T, 31
Studebaker Co.. 7.1U0 121 119 120
Tennessee Cop 20
Texas Co 2,200 206 205 203
Union Pacific. . . 12.500 17 14-6 145
IJ S Ind Alcohol. 2.600 136 134 135
U S Steel 126.500 127 125 125
do pfd 2.2lil 122 121 121
I'tah Copper. .. . 24.700 126 12.1 123
Wabash pfd B-. 9.700 32 81 32
Western Union. . 1.90O 1.3 102 102
Westing Elect. .. S.S00 64 62 63
Total ales for the day. 1.400,000 share..
3 S ref 2s reg. 99b;no Paclflf! s. . f.7
do coupon... 99 is Pac T & T 5s. .10B
G S 8s reg 101 (Penn con 4s.l05-
do coupon. ..10O a so Pac ref 4s. . 92
TJ S 4s reg HOB Union Pac 4s.. 9SB
do coupon. ..110BJLnlon Pac cv 4s 93
Am Smeit 6s..H6H U S Steel 0s 106
Atch gen 4s... 94 So Pac cv P..104
NYC deb 6s.. 113 Anglo-Frch Os.. 93
No Taclflc 4.. 94
Boston Mining Stocks.
BOSTON. Dec. 7. Closng quotations:
AHouez. 77 Mohawk .......103
Ariz. Com. ...... 16
Cal. & Ariz PO
Cal. & Hecla . ..60O
Nip. Mines !
North Butte.... 27
Old Dominion... 7l
Osceola 100
Centennial ..... 2-t
op. R. a.
. Butte C.
Co.. 77:Ouincv
Mine 1S Shannon .
21 i
Franklin ...... 4
Granby Cons.... 105
Greene Cananea. 52
Isle Hoy. Copper 3
Kerr Lake ..... 4
Lake Copper.... 16
Pup. A Bos. Mtn.
I'tah Cons
Money, Kxchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Mercantile paper.
4ff per cent.
Sterling. 60-day bills. $4.71; commercial
60-day bills on banks, $4.71: commercial
60-day bills,. $4.71: demand, $4.75.; cables,
$4.76. Francs, dr-mand, $5.85: cables, $5.84.
Marks, demand, 66c; cables, 6c. Kronen.
demand. llc; cables, llc. Guilders, de
mand. 4vc; cables, 4Qc. I.lres. demand,
6.77c: cables, 6.76c. Rubles, demand, 29c;
cables, 29 c
Bar silver. 7Bc.
Mexican dollars, S8e.
Government bonds, strong; railroad bonds,
Time loans, firm; 00 and 0O days and six
months, 4 per cent.
Call money, firm; high, 5 per cent; low,
3 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; last
loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent;
offered at 3 per cent
SAN FBANC1SCO, Dec. 7. Sterling.
$4.70: demand, $4 75; cables, $4.76.
Mexican dollars, G7.dOc.
LONDON, Dec. 7. Bar silver, S-id per
Money, 4 Per cent.
Discount rates Short bills, 6g5 per
cent; three months, 35 per cent.
Guggenheim Copper Dividends.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Dividends on the
various copper properties controlled by the
Guggenheim interests were declared today as
Utah Copper, $2.50 quarterly and $1 ex
tra, $1.60 and $1.50 - extra three
months ago.
China Copper. $1.50 quarterly and $1 ex
tra, against $1.25 and $1 extra three months
Rey Consolidated, 75 cents quarterly and
25 cents extra, against 50 cents and 25 cents
extra three months ago.
Nevada Copper. 50 cents quarterly and el
extra against 50 cents and &0 cents extra
three months ago.
Dividend rates, regular and extra, en
Butte &. Superior, were unchanged at $1.23
quarterly and $3 extra. y
Stocks ActlTe at London.
LONDON, Dec 7. Prices of American
shares were the bright festures. Missouri.
Kansas & Texas and Southern Pacific were
most prominent in the trading on the Stock
Exchange here today.
Coffee Fatnres Close Lower,
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. The market for
get lor i
ent lm-
er a ra- I
coffee futures lost part of Its rece
crovement during today's trading under
newal of scattering near month liquidation
and moderate offerings from trade sources,
which were taken to be against purchases
In Brazil. The opening was quiet at a de
cline of 1 to 2 points, and active months
sold about 4 to 9 points net lower, with De
cember touching $8.05 and July $S.e0.i Clos
ing prices showed slight rallies on Decem
ber, but were at the lowest point of the
day on the general list, and from 4 to 8
points net lower. Sales, 40,500. December.
$3.07; January. $3.14: February. $S.2l:
March. $8.29: Anrll. $8.86: May. $8.44; June.
$8.61; July, $8.59; August, $8.65: Septem
ber. $8.70; October. $8.75; November. $8. SO.
Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 9c; Santos 4s, 10 c.
Cost and freight offers from Santos were
reported unchanged to 5 points lower, with
quotations ranging from about $9.90 to $10
for 4s. London credits.
The official cables reported a. decline of
E0 to 75 reis In Santos futures and an ad
vance of l-16d In the rate of Rio exchange
on London.
Shipment Is Made by Umpqua Valley Fruit
ROSEBTJRG. Or.. Deo. 7. (Special.') The
Umpqua Valley Fruit Union today shipped
a carload of Douglas County squash to the
beattle markets. The squash is of excellent
quality and will bring, the growers the top
notch price.
The Douglas Ice & Storage Company, of
this city, was today awarded the contract
for furnishing the Pacifia Fruit Express
Company with 1100 tons of Ice with which
to cool the cars in which the Umpqua Val
ley broccoli will be shipped to the Eastern
markets In March. It Is estimated that not
less than 150 carloads of the product will
be shipped out of Douglas County during
the coming Winter.
In Hoc Market, Top Price for Day la
S0.6O Sheep and Lambs
Are Firm.
Livestock prices were fairly steady at the
yards yesterday with attention centered on
the stock show. The run for the day was
light. Cattle sales were limited and were at
established prices. About five loads of hogs
were sold and $9.G0 was the best .price of
the day. The few transactions In the sheep
house indicated a continued firm market.
Receipts were J18 cattle, 3 calves, 443 hogs
and 123 sheep. Shippers were: Walsh Bros.,
Republic, Wash., 1 car cattle; Attalia
Produce Company, Attalia, 1 car cattle,
calves; Gerllnger Stock Farm, Washougal,
1 car cattle; O. C. Hughes, Washougal. 1
car cattle; J. E. Proffit, Dayton, 1 car cat
tle, hogs; C. H. Farmer, McCoy, 1 car hogs,
sheep; J. E. Smith, Newberg, 1 car hogs; H.
G-ibbons. Estacada, 1 car hogs; Paul Du
Perteries, Woodland. 1 car sheep; M. P.
Whalen, Woodland, 1 car cattle.
The day's sales were as follows:
Wt. Prlce.l Wt. Price.
25 steers .. 624 $5.00i 1 1 hogs , . ; .. 205 $8.00
2 steers ..142o 9.50 17 hogs .... 23 9.60
9 steers .. ti77 5.30 S7 hogs . . 198 9.60
8 steers .. S67 5.251 1 hog .... ISO B OO
2 steers ..1310 9.50 4 hOKS 3s2 8.60
1 cow ....1100 4.0( hogs 122 8.25
1 cow !30 4.501 1 hog 200 8.O0
1 cow 1200 5.50 2 hofis 160 9 60
1 cow 960 5 001 66 hogs 215 9.60
6 cows . .. 950 3.K5 40 hogs 7 9.60
1 cow ....1025 4.50 2 hogs .... ISO U.60
Scows ... 727 3.50 7 hogs 340 8.60
1 cow ....1070 5.75 66 hogs .... 1US 9.60
3 cows ...1020 4.50 06 hogs .... 155 9.60
Scows ... 767 4.00 31 hogs .... 179 9.00
1 cow ....1120 6.00 4 hons 390 8 60
6 cows . .. fel2 2.25 3 hosts 370 8.60
1 bull ....1150 3.75 2 heifers ...825 4.00
1 bull 1250 3.25 3 calves .. 203 8.50
1 bull 1050 3.25 2 calves .. 265 4.00
1 bull 1430 4.10 .1 calves .. 417 4.00
2 bulls ,..15S0 3.63 30 ewes 128 C.25
1 bull ....1850 4.50i 19 lambs .. 90 9.23
,92 hogs . . . 179 0.60
Local yard prices are as follows:
Steers, prime -
Steers, good
Steers, common to good.
Cows, choice
Cows, medium to good...
Cows, ordinary to fair ..
Heifers -
Bulls P - ..
Good to prime mixed ..
Rough heavy
Pigs and skips
. 6.40WK.75
. 4.23S6.25
. 6, 50 ft 6.18
. C.25(i5.50
. 4.50 rrf 5.00
. fi.nO'fiO.OO
. 3.0O(&)7.00
. 9.600? 9. 60
. 9.40419.50
. 8.U0I&S.73
. T.OOfilO.SO
Yearling wethers
. T.BOtoS.OO
Old wethers
. .75'if7.0')
. 5.OO&7.C0
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA, Dec 7. Hogs Receipts 17.000,
steady. Heavy, $9.6510: light. $9.80(0)9.80;
pigs. J7.75W9; bulk of sales. $9.50g 9.S0.
Cattle Receipts 56O0. slow. Native steers.
$7011; cows and heifers, $5.75& 7.50; West
ern steers, se.fgiu.zo; itxas steers, fbttf
7.25; stockers and feeders, $6 8.
Sheep Receipts 13.50O, slow. Tearllngs,
$8ifS10.25; lambs, $11.50 12.25; wethers.
$7.50 8 9.
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Dec. 7. Hogs Receipts 52 000.
10c under yesterday's average. Bulk. $9.55
O10.05; light. $9yl0; mixed. $9.3" ? 10.15
heavy. $9.00 10.20 ; rough, $9.G0&9.75; pigs.
Cattle Receipt 8000. steady. Native beef
cattle. $712.75: Western steers. $7310.50
stockers and feeders, $4.607.85; cows and
hellers. $3.soQiia.oo: calves, $.aosc 13.-25.
Sheep Receipts 16.OO0. steady. Wethers.
$S.30''b 9.-5; lambs, ?
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 7. Turpentine,
firm. 49 c. Sales, 263 barrels; receipts, 225
barrels; shipments, 1562 barrels; stock, 21,
905 barrels.
Rosin firm. Fales, 1067 barrels; receipts,
1567 barrels; shipm'ents, 3400 barrels; stock.
93,166 barrels. Quote: A. B, C, D, B, $6.20:
F. $6.2O&0.22; G, $6.22 0.25; IS. $6.25
?6.S0: I, $6.30: K, $6.304i6.40: M, $S.40!tJ
6.50; N, $6.73Sr6.80: WG. $7; WW, $7.20.
Chicago Dairy IToduce.
CHICAGO. Dec. 7. Butter, lower. Cream
ery. 31&37c.
Eggs, lowf-r; receipts, 1SBS cases: firsts,
S7c; ordinary firsts, 3v&36c; at mark, cases
Included, 32$37c
New York Sugar Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Raw sugar firm.
Centrifugal, $5.69; molasses, $t.S2. Refined
steady; fino granulated. $7.20,
Dulnth Linseed Market.
DTJLUTH, Dec. 7. Linseed on track.
$2.92; choice, $2 91; arrive. $2.02; De
cember, $2.92; May, $2.96 asked.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Spot cotton quiet.
Middling-uplands. 20.05c; sales, 600 bales.
Idalio, Oregon, ' Washington and
Montana Unite in Plea, for Fruit.
BOISE, Idaho. Dec. 7. (Special.)
State and Federal aid for the handling
of the fruit crop In the states of Idaho,
Oregon, Washington and Montana is the
recommendation of the joint, conference
committee of representatives of these
states held at Spokane this week, ac
cording to W. O. Scholtr director of
farm markets for Idaho, who attended
as a delegate.
Recognizing that fruitgrowers in the
Northwest are in sore need of finan
cial assistance and that tho states
should work co-operatively, it was de
cided to ask for Federal and state aid.
Link in
Sunshine Itoad
With $150,000.
L.BWISTOX. Idaho, Dec. 7. (Special.)
The voters of the Lapwai Valley
Highway district have authorized the
Issuance of $150,000 In bonds for the
construction of an automobile highway
'n that district which will form a link
in the Sunshine Highway that will ex
tend from Nogales, Ariz., to Marcus.
Lldaho, on the Canadian border. The
bonds will be sold immediately so that
early construction may commence.
These bonds make a total of $500,000
provided for permanent highway con
struction within a radius of 15 miles.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Fear of Break With Germany
Starts Selling at Chicago.
Absolute Lack of Fresh Export Busi
ness Also Adds to Depression of
Grain Murket Shipments
to Australia Larger.
CHICAGO, Dec 7. Uneasiness about pos
sible renewal of differences between the
United States and Germany had a bearish
effect on wheat today, and emphasized
weakness that resulted from a letup In ex
port demand. The close was heavy, lo to
8c net lower, wltn May at $L78 to
$1.73 and July at $L4S to $1.48. Other
leaking staples, too, all showed a setback
corn lo to ISc. oats c to lo and pro
visions 22 to 0O cents.
Although It was known long before noon
that the German defense for the sinking of
the Arabia presented & chance that the
United States Government would take a
sharply different view of the facts, wheat
traders did not seem much impressed with
any sense of danger until the last 15 min
utes of the session. Then a Washington
message, saying that a break with Germany
over the Arabia might occur at any time,
led to a. selling drive and prices crumbled
Absolute absence or export ousiness naa
been a previDUS source of depression, which
was added to bv forecaots of large shipments
from Australia and the lack of an adequate
number of freight carriers in the North At
lantic. Prospecus that export buying, which since
the first of the week had been on e. big
scale, would be continued today, seemed
bright at first, but dwindled to nothing In
the end. Temporary advances in the price
of wheat accordingly formed the rule in the
morning hours, and were helped by woru
that ships would be withdrawn from the
Argentine trade, presumably for trips be
tween North America and Europe.
Increased country offerings put corn on
the downgrade, together with the weakness
of wheat Rainy weather acted as only a
transient offset " '
-flV. vmv witli other sraln. Scarcity
of cars tended to restrict demand from the
seaboard, although exporters were said to
have disposed of 240.00O bushels.
Provisions fell in ri.-sponsa to a neciine
In the hog market. Packers were conspicu
ous on tue selling siae.
Leading futures ranged as ioiiows:
Open. High.
May . $1.81 $1.82
July -i-u-
May 95 .93
July 95 .93
May .59
July i 66 .56
2 13.03
3 8.07
Id. 10
..14.15 14.15 13.90
..14.33 ' 14.37 - 14.17
Cash prices were:
Wheat No. 2 red, $1.80 : No.
8 red.
nominal; jto. 2 hard, nominal
No. 8 hard.
Corn No. 2 yellow, 9596c: No.
yellow. t3Sjuoc: No. 4 white, b495o.
Oats No. 3 white, 54e55c; standard,
Rye No. 2, $t.471.48.
Barley 5c$1.23.
Timothy $3.505.50.
Clover $12 17.
Foreign Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Dec. 7. Cash wheat, un
changed to Id higher: corn, 2d to 3d higher.
LONDON, Dec. 7. Cargoes on passage:
Wheat, Od to 9d higher; corn, 9d to Is
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 7. Wheat Decem
ber, $1.82: May, $1.86. Cash, No. 1
hard, $1.8ij.l.90. ; No. , 1 Northern.
si.s3! i.b ; ?i-o. - Northern, SI.7S9
Flax, $2.SS&2.94.
Grain at San Francisco,
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7. Spot quota
tions Walla, $2.75(8)2.77; red Russian.
-.iJ'.a7'j.u: MurKey red. $Z.S5'gyz.90; blue
stem, $2.832.90; feed barley. $2.22 2.25;
wnne oats, t-.u- Qj z.oo ; bran. $29 Oj 30;
middlings. $37?3S; shorts, $32(jj.33.
Call board Barley, December. $2.20 bid,
$2.24 asked; May. $2.31 . Sales, 20O tons.
Puget Sound Grain Markets.
SEATTLE, Dec. 7. Wheat Bluestem
$1.58; Turkey red, $1.60: fortyfold, $1.63;
.l.o., uic, x.oo; reo xtussian, si.oo.
X3trie. too per ion.
Yesterdays car receipts Wheat 19, oats 4
corn 3. hay 9, flour 7.
TACOMA. Dec. 7. Wheat Bluestem.
!..;; lorcyroia, n.o-j; cluo and life, $1.52
red Russian, $L45.
i ar receipts wheat 14. barley 2. corn t
Idaho Delegation Seeks Approprla
tion for King Hill Projects
BOISE. Idaho, Dec. 7. (Special.)
The Idaho Congressional delegation
will lend every possible aid to .the
programme to obtain a Federal arniro
prlation for the King Hill irrigation
project, wnicn it is proposed the Gov
eminent take over and manaca.
Following a conference with settlers,
Governor Alexander urged Senators
iioraii ana xirady and Representatives
McCracken and Smith to bring pressure
to bear before the appropriations com
mittee, now in session at Washington,
s mat it win include in its recom
mendations sufficient funds to reclaim
the project originally promoted under
the Carey act by private parties. Sen
ator Borah also will endeavor to get an
appropriation for the Black Canyon
district in western Idaho.
Reorganization of Interstate Com
merce Body by Zones Advocated.
BOISE. Idaho, Dec. 7. (Special.)
President Axel P. Ramstedt, of tho
Idaho Public Utilities Commission, has
Issued a statement, in which he makes
it plain he favors reorganization f the
Interstate Commerce Commission by
zones similar to the Federal reserve,
and placing of the jurisdiction of rate
making entirely in its hands, thereby
preventing interference by state com
The N'ewlands committee is not con
ducting an Investigation into this mat
ter at Washington. The railroads
represent supervision of their rates by
various state commissions retards de
velopment. especially in Western states.
O. A. C. Secures Services oX Two
Meat Company Men. -
LEGE, Corvallis, Or., Dec. 7. (Spe-
lal.) B. C. Darnell and A. R. Bohasky,
both of the Union Meat Company, of
Portland, have been secured by the col
lege for Important work in connection
with the week's hog school to be held
here January 2 to 6. The Portland ex
perts will explain and demonstrate to
the farmers and producers the tech
nique of selecting and developing the
most desirable and profitable market
types of bogr.
The state s leading' producers, buy
ers and packers, as well as college spe
cialists, will have charge of the work.
Mr. Darnall will lecture on the provi
sion market, and Mr. Bohasky will
give demonstrations in Judging market
classes of hogs. The management,
feeding and care of swine will be dis
cussed by other authorities-
Marriage Licenses.
JBfTERT-BAKER George Edward Jef
fery. Congress Hotel, and Winifred Baker,
Roselyn Apartments.
KNIGHT-WARREN Walter R. Knight.
Corbett, Or., and Crystal E. Warren, Park
Macdonald. Y. M. C. A., and Lily Frances
Lifton, 921 East Couch street,
KATtSTETT'ER-PAGiS John J. Karstet
ter, 470 Columbia street, and Nellie A. Page.
SS9 Going street.
tensen. Seattle, Wash., and Marie A. New
ell. 220 Morris street.
MOoIBR-BOTD Lester L. ' Mosler. 21
W'est Park r.treet, and Minerva M. Boyd,
same address.
- LBW1S-BURCH Fred Denxel Lewis. Los
Angeles, and Hazel M. Burch, Hotel Benson."
KEIL To Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Kelt.
Hillsdale. Or., November 23, a daughter.
AKERILL To Mr. ad Mrs. Harry L.
Akerill, 71S East Taylor street, November
22, a son. ,
BAILEY To Mr. and Mrs. Ward B.
Bailey, 2139 East Alder street, November 4,
a eon.
LAFFERTY To Mr. snd Mrs. Raymond
E. Lafferty, 631 East Tenth North, Novem
ber 5, a con.
BOLAN'D To Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Boland, 6101 Ninetieth street Southeast, No
vember 26, a daughter.
WALBOM To Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wal
bom, 112 East Slxty-Hita street North, No
vember 27, a daughter.
SHIEL To Mr. and Mrs. John D. ShleL
8038 Fifty-seventh avenue, November 23, a
H LDBUKG To Mr. ana Mrs. jonn ttea-
urg. 530 East Fifty-first North, NovemDer
0, a daughter.
DABNEY To Mr. and Mrs. Henry R.
Dabney, 171 East X wenty-third street, No
vember 30, a son.
mn-oaht. To Mr. and Mrs. George Lln-
dahl. 70 Falling street, November 22, a
HICKET To Mr. and Mrs. cnanes n.
Hickey. 323 Fourth street, November 13, a
LOOSLEI To Mr. ana Mrs. uary v.
Loosley, Fort Klamath, Or., November 29, a
l-KYCKHOLM To Mr. and Mrs. jixei
Fryckholm, 3909 East Fifty-first street. No
vember 80, a son.
ELLIOTT To Mr. and Mrs.- Harry C Kl-
Hott. 441 East Forty-third street North, No
vember 13, a sou.
Building Permits.
R. E. WILLIAMS Repair One-story frame
dwelling. 3710 Sixty-fifth street, between
Thirty-sieventh and Fortieth avenues; W. A.
xoung. builder: $45. ,
O.-W. R. & N. COMPANY Erect one-story
frame storehouse, foot of Arthur street, be
ween Moodv street and Willamette River:
Northwest Steel Company, builders; $3500.
JUIl.N KDEK lirect trame garage. ai-
Belmont street, between Thirty-eighth and
Thirty-ninth streets; builder, same; $25.
PANY Repair one-storr brick ordinary
warehouse. 193 Front street, between layior
and Yamhill streets; builders, same; $350.
A. J. KnANTZ Repair one-story rrame
dwelling. 1756 East - Glisan street, between
East Sixty-eighth and Sixty-ninth streets;
R. M. McLaughlin, builder; $35.
BURKHARDT ESTATE stepair one-story
frame ehed, 393 Gllian street, between Eighth
and Ninth streets: E. C. Keller, builder: $33.
EDWARD E. JONES Repair one and one-
half-story frame dwelling. 564 East Thirty
fifth street, between Woodward and Brook
lyn: builder, same: $100.
MRS VAN KLEIiK Repair one-story
frame dwelling, 3S7 East Sixth street; J. U.
Snyder, builder: $330.
R. L. GLISAN Repair one-story rrame
dwelling, '321 North Twenty-second street,
between Quimby and Raleigh streets; Walter
R Thorn, builder: sib.
ELLA LA POINTE Erect one-story frame
dwelling, 629 East Fifty-fourth street North,
between Stanton ana stisttiyou streets; ex
Rasmussen, builder; $2275.
S. D. VINCENT Erect frame garage. 13S1
Sandy road, between East Fiftieth and Fifty.
Ilrst streets: jonn Anaerson. Dunuer; suio.
HEXTER Ac STRAUSE Erect concrete
basement for three-story building at Mor
rison and Park streets; Lltherland & Abrey,
builders: $2uoo.
E. C. GUNTHER Repair one-story frame
store. 970 East Gtlean street, between Thirty-
second and Thirty-third 6treets; C B. Leh-
mann. builder; $loo.
MRS. ALICE HAMM Repair two-story
frame dwelling. 47 Harding street, between
River and Lonng streets; L. it. JJupre,
builder; $150.
Vanconver Marriage XJcenses.
HOPANEN-RIIFINEN Felix Hopanen. 59,
nf Portland, and Anna Rliplnen, 2L of
of Portland, and Eva McReynolds, 25, of
of Scappoose Or., and Jennie AiLllette, -0,
. C.n-nt.nnma fir.
OLL-I.ANDIS Albert Oil, 61, of Sher
wood. Or., and Mrs. Ida Landls. 49, of
Sherwood, Or.
JJISHOPSHEEDY M. s. Bishop, legal,
of Portland, and Mrs. Lydle Sheedy, legal,
of Portland.
KEINRIOII-TAFTS Adam Helnrieh. 25
of Portland, and Ella Tats. 20. of Portland
MORRIS-MILLS Claude A. Morris, 2. of
Nowbcr. Or., and BeulaU D. Mills. 22, of
Newberr. O:.
I.AMM-LAMB Robert Lamm, -'7, or jio-
lalla. Or., euid Mrs. Eula, Lamb. 26, or aio-
lalla. Or.
I-! n v-l.T "POT ".SOTs. George Turner. 4
of Portland, and Mrs. Alice Ferguson. 36, of
PORTLAND. Dec. 7. Maximum tempera
ture, 40 degrees; minimum. 32 degrees. River
reading. S A. M.. 6.8 feet. Change In iast-4
hours, 0.1 foot fall. Total rainran to r. ju.
to 5 P. M.). none; total rainfall since Sep
tember 1. 1916. 10.81 Inches: normal rainfall
since September 1. 13.68 Inches; deficiency
of rainfall since September 1, B.b lncnes.
Total sunshine, 2 hours 10 minutes: possible
sunshine. 8 hours 48 minutes. Barometer
(reduced to sea level), o f. Ai.. o.a incnes,
Relative humidity at noon, 7 per cent.
Boise . .
30 0.001 . .1SE lOIear
ailTtr.OO' . .'NW Clear
4 0.0l..'E K'lear
64 0.0i 20 .-! (Rain
24 O.l'O'. . jNWi.Ctoudy
f.S 0. n'.. .IXWjOlear
Jl.yO.on io sw (Cloudy
Des Moines
Eureka .......
Galveston ....
Jacksonville ..
Kansas City . . .
Los Angeles .
Marshf ield . .
Minneapolis .
Montreal . . .
New Orleans . .
New York ....
North Head . ..
North Yakima
Omaha .......
Phoenix ......
Roseburg .....
Sacramento ...
et. Louis
Salt Lake
Ban Francisco
44 o.ohh . . s hi MJiouay
O.O'lllS if E
,rL- ctouuy
24 O.OO IH.W
72 O.CMl. . SE
62IO.OOI. . S
Pt. cloudy
4 J O .04! . . !SE Cloudy
8SIO.OO14 NWiPt. cloudy
4yo.(2 w uiouay
3ll.0.0ti..SE (Cloudy
74 0.0". . .ISK Idoudy
CUO.00 la.NW.Clear
4lt 1.041?
S4O.0HI . .'.'B
S4-'fl.'uol.. .Iw Lciear
40 0.001 . . SE Cloudy
40 O.00.. . NW Pt. cloudy
4-wio.ont . . tN iciear
tt.s.O.04 20 S Rain
24'(. no: . I'VE Clear
02 o.CVi .. .'S Pt. cloudy
40f.. Hi' 16 (-13 uiouay
32 O.0O" . . IS .'loudy
42 O.oot. .LSW iCIoudy
42 0.0 36 S iRain
8S.O.0O'. .-E C:oudy
6S.0.0O'.. .W Clear
24O.0S 20;.NW' Snow
Tatoosh Island
Walla Walla ..
Washington -
A new storm has made its appearance over
Western British Columbia and southwest
storm warning were ordered for same at y
H. M. at all stations In this district excerft
Marshfield. A large hish-pressure area Is
central over Southwestern Idaho and a storm
of moderate energy Is central over Lake Su
perior. Rain has fallen In extreme North
west Washlnfon and precipitation, mostly
In the form of snow, has occurred In the
Upper Mississippi Valley and. Upper Lake Re
gion. It Is much colder In the Plains States
and correspondingly warmer In the Ohio
can get It for the same price?
BUTTER Js made In the only bnllt-to-order
creamery in Portland yet it
costs no more than inferior brands.
Without a Blemish
East Davis street from E.
Seventeenth to E. Twenty
fourth was hard-surfaced in
1911, and presents a surface
after five years of wear, tear
and traffic that is without
fault and Is a lasting tribute
to the wearing qualities of
that standard pavement.
Warren Bros. Co.,
Journal Bldg., Portland. Or.
Valley and the southern portion of Lake
Conditions are favorable for rain Friday In
Western Washington and for rain or snow la
Western Oregon and Eastern Washington.
Fair weather will continue in Eastern Oregon,
and Idaho. A southerly gale will prevail
Friday along the Washington oast.
Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly
Oregon Fair east, ratn or snow west por
tion; southerly winds, increasing; along the.
Washington Rain west, rain or snow east
portion; southerly winds, increasing to gala
force west portion.
Idaho Fair.
Ocean forecast. Korth Paclfle Coast-
Rain; strong southeast shlftluir to southwest
gale north, increasing southerly winds soutn,
portion. u. a. BEALS, Forecaster.
Sunday School Institute Meets.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Dec 7. (Boe-i
cial.) An interdenominational Sunday
school institute will be held In Cen-
tralia tomorrow. Officers of the West-
ern Washington Sunday School Asso
ciation, including Secretary W. C.
Moore, will be In attendance and will
deliver addresses. The sessions will bo
held In the Baptist Church.
H. U. Douglass Vlilte Salmon Mayor.
WHITE SALMON, Wash.. Dec 7.
(Special.) In the election here Tues
day, the following officials were elect
ed: Mayor, H. L. Douglass; Councllmen.
for two years. O. W. Everhart and J. R.
White: Treasurer, A. C. Keefhaver.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
(Without Chance En Route)
The Big.
Comfort able.
Elegantly Appointed,
Sails From Alnsworth Dock
3 F. 31.. SATOtDAY. Dec. .
100 Golden Miles on
Columbia Itlver
All Kates Include
liertli and Meals
Table and Service
The San Francisco Portland S. S. Co.,
Third and Washington street (with
O.-W. R, N. Co.). Tel. Broadway 4iou.
A 6121.
First Class $10.00
Meals and Berth
Sails Direct
Sunday, Dec. 10 th, 6 P. M.
122-a Third St.
Phones: A-1314, Main 1314
Portland to Pan Francisco S. Northern
Pacific, express train time. Sailings reo. fi. 9.
14. 19. 2:1. 28 Cal. Str. Express leaves 8:89
A. M. Fares SS. $12 30, $10. J17..'.o. 20.0O.
S.S. Great Northern. 6an Francisco aad
Los Angeles to Honolulu, December lo:
Jan. 4. 23; Feb. 12: UaicU S. 20. $ldi round
trip, and up.
I Tforth Bank. 5th Stark
citation, loin and llojt
d Mor., N. P. Ky.
48 Wash., a. N. By.
loo Sd. Burlington By.
Prince Rapvrt, Jtethikan. H'raneHI,
1'rOrsbnrv. Jucraa, TrraUwHI, DouglM,
Thane, JlMtnc, ttkafway. Cordova. V al
oes and ftewrd.
Via Featt:e or ban Franlcaco to IJes
Angeles tad San Dlgo. Largest ships.
unequaled service, lu w races, including
meals and berth.
For particulars apply or teiephon
Ticket Office, Z4 stain, on St.
Pac. Alain 229. Home A 220 J.
TODAV. 2:30 I M.. IEC. S.
San Kruncifico, Portland. L.oa Ane- j
les Meamiiup to. r ran it uoiiam.
Agt. 124 Third st A 4Mti. Main 26.
suprsjae fostal aervios
8. S. CIUCAtiO Dec 16, 3 P. M.
S. !. LA TOl KAINE Dec 3. ll'.M.
ri. K. IUX HA.MBt.AU Bee 80, S X'. M.
C. W. STINGER, 80 Sixth Bx.
A. t. CHARLTON. 25 a Morrison St.
E. K. GARRISON. C. St. & St. Paul B.y.
DORSE Y B. SMITH, 116 Third SC.
E. F. BAIRD. 10U Third St.
H. DICKSON, 343 Washington St,
NORTH BANK HOAu. Fifth and Stark St a
UNION PAC. R. K.. 3d & Washington tit
S. B. DUFFY. 124 Third St.. Portland.
American - Hawaiian Steamship Co.
All sailings between
U. S. Atlantic and
U. S. Pacific ports
are canceled until
further notice.
Kennedy. Act- X7U Stark Ht, Portland
n nm
1st I.
SSO ( I.
finlentlltl Twin
Bcr.w American
The Delightful Way!
: " j V'SalllnBS
ILinm to vdny, Austi
Dec. in. .!" . .lan.UO.
OCFiNir.S S CO.dnMirli.tSt S T
ILia. to Sydney, Australia, I'm. lour, S33I.K ! ti.1
C. D.
l l : -l l.
1 11