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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1916)
TIIE MORXIXG OliEGOXIAN, THUESDAT. DECE3IBER 7, 1916. Days Till Christmas At Soda Fountain A FREE Souvenir No Matter Where You Shop Shop Early stock .Exposition Union Stock Yards, North Portland, De cember 4-9. Everybody go! Hot coffee, tea, chocolate, malted milk, etc., served all day' from 9 A M. to 6 P. M. at soda fountain, Mezzanine, Fifth Street. E5T. 1837 a to every child accompanied by parent or adult who comes to our sixth floor this morning: between 10 and 12 o'clock. The Quality Store of Portland Today an Unprecedented Disposal of Men's Christmas Handkerchiefs Men, and Women Who Buy for Men, Will Find in This Event a Handy Solution to the Gift Problem 4 : 5 gMany Thousands of Dollars Worth of Newest and Finest Gift Kerchiefs Offered at "OLD" Prices i 21 Mm 8 i t I I Men's Pure Linen HANDKERCHIEFS 11c Men's good quality, full-size pure linen handkerchiefs, made with -. inch hem. Buy for self and gifts by the dozen and half dozen at the extraordinary special price of 11c each. 12V2C MEN'S PURE LINEN INI TIALED HANDKERCHIEFS Good quality, all pure linen initialed handkerchiefs. Made full size, with. one-quarter-inch hem. 50c MEN'S COLORED INITIAL HAND KERCHIEFS, BOX OF THREE FOR Fine quality cambric Handkerchiefs, with self stripe and fancy colored initial. Buy the box 50c. 25c 50c Pure Linen HANDKERCHIEFS 35c 3 for $1 New popular corded border hem handkerchiefs of fine quality linen and all in full size. Excellent handkerchiefs for holiday gifts. Good 50c values. Priced special at 35c. PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Pure linen Handkerchiefs, with initials hand-embroidered. Six in holly gift box if desired $1.50. 25c Pure Linen HANDKERCHIEFS 17 c for 50c Men's fine quality pure linen handkerchiefs, all in full size. Made with and -inch hem. Excellent values at the reg ular price of 25c; extraordinary at, each, 17c. 50c MEN'S PURE LINEN INITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS, THREE FOR ' Pure linen, with the popular long-style initial. Very desirable holiday gifts. , MEN'S PURE LINEN INITIALED d A HANDKERCHIEFS 25c SIX FOR P 1 Good quality and all full size. In fancy holly box for gift giv ing if desired. Box of 6 at S1.40. 35c 50c PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Box of 6 for S2.T5. -A- complete assortment of scrip, block, fancy long and medallion style initial. Full size, with hem and corded tape borders. ' In holly box if desired. 75c PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Box of 6 for S4.15. Extra fine quality, pure linen Handker chiefs. Newest styles initials medallion and fancy colored block designs, in two-tone effects. All beautifully hand-embroidered. Men's New Initial HANDKERCHIEFS 6c A special purchase just received gives you this unusual opportunity to buy men's initialed handker chiefs of good quality at the ex ceedingly low price of only 6c each. PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS 3 for SI. All full size 'kerchiefs in block, script and long initial. Complete assortment. Men's 10c Linene HANDKERCHIEFS 5c Men's good quality soft linene handkerchiefs in full size. Made with Vi-inch hem. For this great Christmas sale, exactly half price. Regular 10c handkerchiefs reduced to, each, 5c. PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS 75. 3 for S2. Extra fine quality all pure linen Handkerchiefs, with seed-worked hand-embroidered initial. Box of 3 for $2 in fancy holly box if desired. A most acceptable gift. PURE LINEN HAND-EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS $1 3 for S2.75. Newest style, with wide, colored borders and fancy medallion hand-embroidered initial in two-tone effect. Medium sheer quality. A handkerchief that is "different." Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor Men's 50c Silk HANDKERCHIEFS 35c 3 for $1 Men's fancy border silk handkerchiefs that are more pop ular than ever at this time. Many different designs in colored bor ders. Regular 50c silk handker chiefs priced at 35c. Odds and Ends Jewelry 50c HUNDREDS OF HOLIDAY GIFTS IN THIS LOT A big cleanup of odds and ends of jewelry in this big sale for Thursday ! A large special purchase made- by our. buyer in New York recently that includes all the newest novelties as to stones and settings. Added to these are broken lines from our regular stocks. Cuff Links, Beauty Pins, Pearl Beads, Waist Pin Sets, Laval lieres, Hatpins in fact, all the little dainty gifts of jewelry that you could wish to see are included in this large assortment at only 502. Center Aisle, Main Floor Wei worth BLOUSES $2 Speaking of a useful gift for a woman, why not make it one of these pretty new Welworth models on sale today for the first time? Here only in Port land. Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. Last Minute Needlework Suggestions for Gifts Pretty little gift suggestions that are simple to make, yet have that "personal touch" so desirable in gifts of this nature. Dainty Dresser Sets, scarf and pincushion to match, stamped on heavy white linette. Doilies for hot rolls, biscuit, etc., stamped in appropriate designs. Refrigerator Bags for let tuce, radishes, etc., all stamped in simple designs. And scores of other simple articles too numerous to mention. Dresser Sets, 35d, Hot Roll Sets, 25S Refrigerator Bags, 25. Scores of Doilies at 25. Art Needlework Shop. Second Floor. Special Christmas Sale Boxed Hosiery for Women & Children This event offers splendid opportunities for the selection of good, useful gifts for women and children, at special prices by the box. Included are fine silk, lisle and cotton qualities. We list a few items from our wonderfully complete, new assortments. CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED LISLE HOSE 25d. 3 Pairs, 70d. Children's lisle Hose, in sizes 5Vt to 9. Black and white. Made with seamless feet. WOMEN'S $2.00 THREAD SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, $5.50. All pure thread silk Hose, in as sorted colors or one color to the box. WOMEN'S $1.50 THREAD SILK HOSE Box, 3 Pairs, 4.25. Pure thread silk Hose, in assort ed colors, or one color to the box. GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE SILK HOSE Box 3 Pairs, S3. Famous Gotham Gold Stripe Hose, in special box of 3 pairs, $3. WOMEN'S 40c FINE LISLE HOSE Box 6 Pairs, S2. Women's full fashioned mercer ized lisle Hose, with double garter welts, six - thread heels and toes. Black only. Sizes 8 to 10. MISSES' BLACK CAT LISLE HOSE 35d. 6 Pairs, SI. 80: Misses' fine ribbed mercerized lisle hose, with reinforced seamless feet. Black and white. Sizes 5 to 10. BOYS' AND GIRLS' BLACK CAT Famous Hose. Wear like iron. Have triple knees, linen heels and toes. Medium weight in black and tan. Sizes 6 to 9, at 25c pair, 3 pairs, 70c. Sizes 10 to 11 at 35c pair, 3 pairs, 90c INFANTS' PURE THREAD SILK HOSE 606. 3 Pairs, S1.65. Infants' pure thread silk Hose, in white only. Sizes 4 to 6A. Pair, 60c; 3 pairs, $1.65. WOMEN'S "SILK MAID" HOSE, S1.15. The best silk hose made to sell at the price. Ideal silk stockings. All staple and novelty shades. WOMEN'S FINE BURSON COTTON HOSE 25S 6 Pairs, SI. 35. Burson medium weight cotton hose in plain black. Seamless feet. All sizes. ' WOMEN'S 60c BOOT SILK HOSE Box 3 Pairs, SI. 65. Fine boot silk Hose, in black, white and colors. Hosiery Shop. Main. Floor. $1.50 "Crepette," Yard $1.19 The popular 40-inch "Crepette," very similar in texture and appearance to Georgette. Pretty for blouses and gowns. In black, white, orchid, rose, maize and flesh. Special at, yard, S1.19. $1.50 ETAMINE VOILE, YARD, $1.19 40-inch etamine voile in black, white and navy blue, for blouses and frocks. Both practical and very pretty. Special at $1.19. 72-INCH DRESS TULLE FOR FROCKS New evening shades in fine imported nets and dress tulle for party frocks. A wide and varied assortment. Priced from $1.75 to $2.25 yard. Competent Salespeople to Help Plan Your Frocks Lace Shop, Main floor. New Books 60c Twenty-Fourth of June Molly Make Believe Penrod Big Tremaine Looking After Sandy Wild Animals at Home Poor Little Rich Girl VThe Way of the Strong THE LATEST NEW FICTION The Career of Katherine Bush Elinor Glyn $1.30. Mary Gusta Lincoln $1.35. Emmy Lou's Road to Grace Martin $1.30. Rainbow's End Beach $1.35. Cappy Ricks Kyne $1.35. The Leatherwood God Howells $1.35. Book,Shop. Basement Balcony. Special Showing of NeAest Street Coats I At $19.50 ONE STYLE ILLUSTRATED. A good assortment of practical coats in the newest styles! Brown, navy and black, in long, loose styles ; full-flaring and belted effects, and some with half belts. Many have deep cape collar and oth ers show full raccoon collar in nat ural color or black. Some exception ally smart and attractive models at the low price of S19-50- Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Boys' 2 -Pants Suits ALL SIZES 6 TO 18 YEARS Extra Values $5 A wonderful assortment at this very low price! The models are new and stylish and . include the' popular "Pinch - Backs." Good, serviceable mixtures in smart pat terns light, medium and dark grays, tans, browns and greens. Each suit with 2 pairs full-lined knickers. Materials are cassimeres, fancy cheviots and tweeds. Boys' Clothing Shop. Third Floor. $2.75 Mahogany NutBowls$2.18 - Solid mahogany nut bowls with nickel nut cracker and six nut picks, as illustrated. An acceptable Christmas gift. Buy today, when the price is $2.18 instead of $2.75. Basement. Fifth Street. Hand-Crocheted Sacques Special $2.59 ONE STYLE ILLUSTRATED. Little sleeveless Jackets and "Hug-Me-Tights," to wear under your suit or coat or in the house, these chilly days! Pretty shades of grey mixtures, and solid white, with pink or blue trimming. Good gift suggestions ! 5 $3.50 SILK PETTICOATS $1.08 With jersey tops and good messaline flounces. In black and many, colors. Special Thursday at $1.98. BATH ROBES, SPECIAL, $2.98 Blanket bath robes, made with and without collars., ment of colors and patterns. NEW, WARM EIDERDOWN DRESSING SACQUES $2.59 Snug, warm eiderdown dressing sacques light in weight and pretty. Made with large sailor collars, daintily trimmed in ribbons. In good shades of rose, Copen, red and Oxford. Third Floor, Sixth Street. A good assort- 40c-50c Cretonnes, Yard 33c An unusually fine assortment of foliage cretonnes tones of green, brown, blue and rose light and dark grounds. Very special, yard, 33. $2.75 CURTAINS, PAIR AT $2.15 Serviceable, good-looking, lace-trimmed 'Marquisette Cur tains at this good saving today. Seventh Floor, Sixth Street Today's Gro eery Specials Coffee, Tea Room blend, freshly roasted, 40c grade, pound, 350. Shrimp, new pack, guaranteed best quality, No. 1 cans, 100. Codfish Bricks, best quality Alaska cod, 2-pound bricks, 280; 1- pound bricks, 150. Salmon, medium red, No. 1 tall cans, dozen, $1.60; large can, 140. Salmon, fancy red Alaska, No. 1 cans, dozen, $1.95; can, 170; No. cans, dozen, $1.60; can, 140. Cottage Butts, medium weights, nicely trimmed, pound, 160. Bacon, Willamette, whole or half strips, pound, 290. Sliced Peaches, best California fruit, in good sugar syrup, large No. 2h cans, dozen, $1.60; the can, 140. Lobster, Red Ribbon, new pack," one of the best. No. 1 cans, 350; No. cans, 300. Soap, Royal White or Victor Nap- tha, two of the best, 10 bars, 390 Ninth Floor. Fifth Street I ! I s I I I 5 3 MAN, 50, ON BICYCLE HURT Auto Driver Says He Couldn't See Rider In Early Morning. 'In the darkness of early morning:. August Sholtz. 50, of 433 Baldwin street, was struck by an automobile while ridinfc his bicycle yesterday In the Kenv ton district. The car was driven by L. jr. Stadelman. of 191 West Farragut ptreet. Mr. Sholtz Is now at the Good Samaritan Hospital suffering from se vere bruises about the head. In his report to the police Mr. Stadel man declared that the bicyclist did not have a headlight displayed and that the darkness of the early morning hour made the accident unavoidable on the part of the motorist. He picked up the injured man. , Roseburg Councilman Resigns. ROSEBURG, Or.. Dec. 6. (Special.) C. W. Clark, for the past three years & member of the City Council, has re signed. He will leave soon for Eu gene to live. It is understood that Al Creason, a heavy property owner of the city, will be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Clark. BRIDGE LIGHTS TO REMAIN Council Provides Money for Illum ination Until Christmas. Portland bridges are to be lighted until Christmas, to stir up the Christ mas spirit. The City Council yester day authorized an expenditure of $350 to cover the cost from December 10 to 25. Request for this action was made by the retail merchants' branch of the Chamber of Commerce. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company turned on the lights Decem ber 1, and has agreed to continue them until December 10 free of cost to the city, this being the company's con tribution to the Christmas spirit and to electrical week. Flax Product on Exhibit. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 6. (Special.) Samples of products from rlax produced at the Oregon State Penitentiary have been received from Calirornla by R. B. Goodin, secretary of the State Board of Control, and wilfbe placed on exhibi tion. The articles included linen huck towels, shoe twine, wrapper twine and sack twine, all of wjicu aoceared to be superior products. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS GAIN December Opens With Rush of Mis haps and Jars Former Records. December has'opened with a rush of traffic accidents, marring the fair rec ords that have delighted Harry P. Cof fin, of the Public Safety Commission, in the preceding months. At noon yes terday, with but six days of the month checked off, the record was: Eighteen automobile' collisions, nine collisions of automobiles with pedestri ans, 14 persons injured in automobile accidents, and one person killed by being struck by a, streetcar. Tariff Commlsslonershlp Souglit. ROSEBURG, Or.. Dec. 6. (Special.) J. M. Moore, prominent member of the Douglas County Grange and for merly a rancher of the South Deer Creek country, has presented an ap plication to President Wilson, Asking that he be appointed a member of the new tariff commission. Mr. Moore says he is a Progressive-Republican in politics. It is understood here that Mr. Moore was prompted to make ap plication for the position by an item appearing in the Portland newspapers that no Democrats had openly sought the positions. Mr. Moore has resided, in Douglas County for a number of years and is well known here. k. aw m m. wan a m m m a -aaa Tl.. j rent pol yen ran hur, Kps bran or silver musi Oftl inftrumnr)i)c0 new. ioa tha work m In two aize oatib by 11 ?rooerr Hard ware ua Dru Look fw lhota cm C