14 TIIE MORNING OHEGONIAN, SATURBVY, NOVEMBER 18, WIG. ,.? directory Is for the InformaUo ol the oubllc. to give as far aa pos sible, the different lines of business which the average person many find occa rv"1 , use. Any information which cannot be found her will be gladur fur ausned by phoning Main 7070 or X 6096. House 40. AftOJtUlQX PLEATLNU. " iiP-H A., hemstitching, scallopm., ac cord, siue pltal; bullous covertii; mau orders. 22 Viiim.k. blocK. Broadway luua. AGATE CL'TTEKS. M. 1874. Mig. Jewelers. Expert KaUboiakers. MilltTH. 343' ash., bei. Bdwy. and fark. ASSAl-ERS AND ANALYSTS. Humana assay Otfi'lCK. l.a ad ioid. silver and plaunum bought. ATTOBMS1S. "VV . J. Makelim Probate, real estate, mln- , "is anu corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnishe.!. 14.i4 .Northwt-stern Bank: bids. Main 0T4S. LAWYER, tils pittock block7.'o charge for lretiminary consultation. L. . MAllo.NK, lawyer, 40 U IJanama bldg. Marshall fiXta. HKICK. CK.MKNT. TLASTKRINO. iiJtlCK. tile. cement work. plastering promptly attended to. Phone Marshall 40b0 CAFETKRIAS. tUKITAX Vocal and orchestral music; din ner dances from to 8 P. M. lirandes, Prop. t'ASlEK. L. M. JU.N.ES. Brewer bldg. M. D. CANCEK TREATED. 18th & Alberta. Woodln. 4106 ( AKI't.MEKS ANU BllLUEKM. Pll'I'Y & WELD, building contractors. Shop 3Q Pine st. Phone Broadway ao. CAKI1ST WEAVER. KLl'FF Ilt.'is FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refiitiuK. etc. North west HVK Co.. l.VS E. Sth St. Both phones. CKI.LlI.OID HITTONS, BADGES THE IRWIX-HODSOX COMPANY. 387 Washington st. Main 3 la and A 1204. C'llfROrODISTS. William. Kstelle and William. Jr" Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. I'arlors :toa Uerlinger bldg.. southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC-PHYSICIANS. T DI5. M'MAHON making good. Macleay oldg. 31 adjustments, Jj. sanitarium. $43 a month. Both phones. C I KCILAK LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 X. W. bldg. Mar. fiS22. loo letters mulUgrapbed for $1. COLLECTING AGENCY. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17H6. No coliection, no charge; established looo. UANC1NG. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85 V4 0th, bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, $2; A. M., P. M., eve.; latest dances guaranteed; '1a?s Thurs., Sat., eve.. 7-8:30 Bdwy. 21B0. HEATH'S SCHOOL. Lessons daily: "class Tues.. Frl eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 320u. Lessons 25c. KVE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT, LINGS. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & W'n. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MACHINISTS. Machinists BELL, & WILDMAN. Upshur St.. bet. ltUh & 20th. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY" MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2153. WHOLESALERS AND Al'TU AM) Bl'UUY TOPS. DrBRUlLLE BLUliY TOP CO.. 209 2d St. ALTO Sl'IUNG MAi'F.Cil"BlNU. LAMER SPRING CO mB ;' 4ouo springs curried In stock. 10th & Coucn sts. UAOOAOK CHKCKKU AT HOME. BasrEaim at omnibus Xiausler. Park JJavls. OKV GOODS WHOLKSALE. I T:t-l..n.i l lia SuerlocH mag s. vv. Third, corner Oak. .lt.VLN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOLatiK, Board of Trade bids. GHOCEKS. WADHAMS & CO.. 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THAXHAUSEH HAT CO., Oa-55 Front St. 11IDKS. WOOL." CASCARA BABK. KAHN BHOS.. lal Front L M NIFACTIRERS LADIES' NECKWEAR. liAr-TEK.V XUVKLTY MtUCO.. 8j Othsu MEN'S A"I WOMEN'S NECKWEAB. CO 1 . U MB I A .Neckwear Mfg. Co.. b3 Olb. St. JHKS. TYPE AND PRINTERS' SUPPLIES". American Typetounders Co., U2-94 Front st. Phone Your Want Ads to TIIE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093 ' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Oitice Room 153 Courthouse. Stfe-strcss Entrmncs. Phone from 8 to o iuun S78, Home Phone A S2o. N Is lit call sitter olfice hours Main Z1 Heport all cases of cruelty to the above daress. Electric lethal chamber (or small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dos or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look alter all Impounums There la no more city pound, lust Or.gos Muman. Society. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priwt leees allowed. No delays. LAKGK LOANS SPECIAL RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. X17-2t! Northwestern Ha nit Building. Marshall el 14. A .118. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 6 Private KsuJi at a and 7. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwntern Bank Uldff. "Western . Bond c Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Current rfatee. MVMCirAL AM CURPORAT1UN ' BONUS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. 60 Fourth St.. Hoard of Trade Bldg. EBDLEOUBEYCO e 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE. iL-UrYI I T NORTHWfwSnCRN BANK BUiLDiNQ ij-;al estate. For Sale Lots. DnDTi a xtt vi KTfiHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage in this choice district; a lew sacrifices. Marsnall 48117. BROOKE. A 8839. For friale Houe. i'OK SALE or trade Iot 27, block o. Reservoir Park; for sale to best offer, or will trade for a late model Ford In jiood condition. Address C. t. Atkinson, Nanilake. Or. TREMENDOUS BARGAIN, 5-room, 2 i ears o!d, up to date, warm bungalow, near jtood carline. Easy terms; $2ol down. Phone Tabor 22Vtt or lidwy. 74. BUY Irvl niton's real bargains. R. T. Street. Irvlnfpton agent. Knows eacn gooa one. BARGAIN 7-room modern house on Mt. Tabor; must sell; owner. H 943. Orego man. l'OR SALE by owner, a dandy corner six room h ouse ; full baseme nt, f u rnace. 1RVINGTON bargain. $5000 house for 3."O0, must have $1000 cash; no agents. M 844, Orearonlan. 4-ROOM house. $WK, J20 down, balance easy terms, can afternoon. ioo n.. itn si. North. PIEDMONT, modern homo at a big sacrl- lice; no junisj Maranau ooo. MUSICAL. EillL. TH1KLHORX. Violin Teacher, pupil acvcik. 2I Filed ner bids. Marshall 1WJ. OITDMETKISTS AI OPTICIANS. .CLASSES. Ruaranteed to fit. as low as 1.0. llie oei and material; I grind, my own lenses; licensed by the state or Oreitnn. Uii. J. JJ. AlfcitEUl Wasnitigtoli t. WHY PAY MORE? A SAV1NO OF 25 TO 00. Properly fitted glasses as low sib ii : A(um Kitisi iecl custumori; satisfaction guaranteed, t'has, W. Good man, optometrist. Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. It. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. Out Dekum bldg. rilYSK'IANS. ' DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Allsky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chronic Disease." It's free. 11 OTM , MARSHALL S3 AND STARK &T A f??2 PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and olfice near 24th and York sts. Main PRINTING. KEYSTONE l'liBSS J. E. Cantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping, lou Jr'rant Jt., corner .Stark. Main or A 141S. KAG RIGS AND h X t f Kl'G S. Ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna. Axminster. rag rugs, all sizes; mall, orders prompt; booklet WESTKHX KLUJ-'K RUU CJO.. 54-51 Union ave. X. East t5Jtf. IS 1475. KKAL ESTATE DEALERS. FALMKR-JOXES CO.. II. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FJtKE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone lor our proposition; we can pave you money; storage, packing, moving, shipping1. .Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY .STORAGE V TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Park St. Main oil'."., A 1U5L , Warehouse 44-4S E. ttth St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods, specialists: storage, packing, ship ping and moving1; horse or auto vans; SDHi-lal frelirht laics to all Doints. C. O. PICK TRANSFER 6c STORAGE CO., 2d and pine Sts. Broadway 5lG, A 19''C. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GUsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main G9 or A llb'. W own and oDerate two laree class A" warehouse on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE, Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, rnone Jiaia UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS All colors and styles; largest Mock ; re-covering, new handles put on. Meredith'e. 321) Washington st. Mar. 1017. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLAEWOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co.. Main 07-0, A 5899. Wood and Coal. GET your wood and coal at lowest prices. DVinnA nrnrullBtvn T til B1ANUFACTURERS NON-1NTOX1CAT1NU BEVEKAGES. WEI.HAHU'ri tiOlLli.S A.MUh.t. .StC'l'AR. Henry W'einhard 1'lant, lolh and UUrnttide am. FhoBe Main i2. A lli'Z. PAINTS AND RUBRICATING OILS. W. F. FULLKH & Co.. I2La and Iavs sts. PAINTS. RASULSali.V a, OILS AND GL.VSS. Co., -d ana 'iaior sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. K KLIMi, b4-bli Front U PLUMBING M. L.. K.L.1SH. AND STEAM SUPPLIES. 84-aO Front st. PRINTING. DDIMTIWfi F. w BALTba AND COMPANY First & Oak 6Ls. Main 103, A HGo PUODUCE. PRODUCE, dried iruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co.. 12b L'nlon ave. PRODUCE ' COM .MISSION ME RC HANTS. EVi.iHJl.NU He t'AKKLLL. 140 Front mu KOPE AND BINDING TWINET PortlAnd cordage Co., 14l1i and -Northrup. ' sXsHTlobRS A N D G LASS. W. P. FLLLEK 4c CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL. PAPER. MORGAN WALL, PAPKlt CO., 230 !d St. KEATj ESTATE. k or Sale -House FOR SALE Attractive, modern 9-room res idence, quarter block, K. loth and Hasaalo ts.. Jriouaday Addition ; entire oIock hiKh ly Improved with ornamental trees md shrubbery ; all street Improvements com pleted and paid for; will make material sacrifice on actual value. Fur terms and further particulars see owner, witn Mc' Cargar, Baiea & Llve.y, 3U1 Yeon bldg THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE FLA.N ANU ISUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con structlon. sketches and estimation free, fur nish the money if desired. AH depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., Contracting Ar- cnuecis, z- ADington oiagr. LAl'RELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laureihurst, tne Addition of Beautiful Homes, is tne show place of Portland, and challenges comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office -wovfe stark st. Alain lfou, A 131.5, FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, $1690. Up against it. I must move. My mod' ern home on 1st st.. near Gllsan cat line; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, laundry trays, bookcases. Cost me i:8.. will sen tor iuuo. terms. Mr. Hagerman. Broadway loo 8. I AM compelled to dthpose of my cu.rly new i -room nouse one diock irou Pe n Insula Park. All modern conveniences. If you have a little money 1 will sur prise you In price. l-'lioiie Bdwy. FOR SALE Modern D-room house on Pros pect drive; no more denirable situation on Portland Heights; should be seen to be appreciated ; terms reasonable. J as. Mel Wood, Railway Lxchange bldg. LOVELY bungaJcw with garage, walls pa- pereu, oen, i irepiin-e, DUiiei, JJUtcn kitchen, sunroom; breakfast nook, hard- wooo iioors mrougiioui; terms to suit. H.. 4da ana ivnotu litaumont car. E. Slbo, For Sale Bn news Property. FOR SALE New one-story and basement brick store Duuaing in rirst-class wat Side residence district ; pays 7 per cent net on total valuation of l.&OO. J l4 Oregonlan. Suburban Home Property. AORE, ideal place for home, where you can raise an our vrgetaojes, Oerries, chickens, etc., whirh is greater part of your living; price ii.0. -o cash, balance iu per monm. ai. h.. iee, iUi Corbett uiag. $200 cash buys $12uO equity. Cost $2000 tnree years ago. ah unaer cultivation. 4. rtsttni house, roou lamliv nrcharri vm. well. VJmbden-atock & Larson, aotf Oak GIBSON HALF ACRRS Good soil; good water, close to carline, eahy terms; wiil build to suit purchaser. rnoae .via,rsnaii jobj or e 1 1 wood 47tk JOHN GIBSON, Owner. For Sale Acreage. 20 ACRES. S00O. Easy terms; only 35 miles from Port. land; running water, good soil, close to scnooi ana stores, x miie to i-c. tt. station ana tow a AKERSOX. OOOCH A CO.. 60 5 Stock Exchange B 1 d g. j OSWEGO LAKE ACRE. Onlv $10 down and S10 Der month watr and liehtu teieohone: fto rm mutation fare; price only $400. Call at iit.i toncora Diag. 116 ACRES. S. E. Of Salem, about 1 A A in bearing prunes, bal. clear; prune dryer ana strict iy moutrn Dungaiow, $ob0O, terms; within stones throw of R. R. flepot. ce owner, .ow otartc, near 4th A GOOD BUY An arrp.- close to electric station on rock road. SO minutes out: trice nntv $200; terms $5 per month. Call at oncord biog., La ana btarK. BIGGEST bargain of the season in ONE ACRE near city umius. uut-ot-town own er sacrifices equity for loo. Balance asy terms, oim iaic at. Phone Bway. TIGARD BARGAIN. Two acres, all cultivated, fenced, close to station; fineM soil, good view, will sell at a big sacrifice. Call at 6u Concord bldg., 2d ana Marx. ACREAGE In famous Tualatin Valley; best of soil, good location, low prices quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy J3TOS., owners, "t. oiuck iucoailK bldg. j. e Jnarauau nw. REAL ESTATE. For Snle Acreage. WILL sacrifice 4Jt acrt-n, tt miles from Portland. 1 mile frdm hard-stirfaced high way, lir-s pood and fine sandy loam soil; you will n.t get another Laraln line thi, some terms; 1 will pay no -jtn minions at my isacrifu-e pric-, $44i0. H. a. Cal.. ij6 E. Morrison at , Portland. CHICKEN. FRUIT. HARDEN' RANCHES. Aear Portland, $ T. to $20o per acre; easy terms, best soi I. Karma for sale, all stses. McFrland. 503 Yeon bids.. Portland. 1 1 o M i e t eitd m. TWO hori'sted reiiruulRlirn'nt, cl-e to i im n, ra 1 1 roan, r I; t.ors arul i Piiwrniiis; $"00 ea-h ; 1 , .fwnt.iMk, timiier. w ill bring 1 j.0.m when patt-ntt-d. It is r. al mei it. 4'T. M-rrh iint: Ti!!st h!-!. I:iin 7."S. Itio ACliES; cabirs; neighbors, school, road. rpt'K. outrange ; snap, $1 .0. J4 salmon. T ACRES. 13 mil- from T'ortland, n a. pool ri.ad; IS acres in cultivation, halan easv rlraring. House, hurn. w-II, on a poo'l public liiglia; pri.e lOuu, on caty terms, acr-ts. all uiidr high mat nf cultt vation. well feiirrd, running wat'-r. good ormapl, good house and barn and out buildings, on a Kood macauum rad Into the (it, la miles from 1'ortiaud ; price $lo,0oo; terms. 17 arrm, houM and bnrn, good walrr, 2 fyres Italian prunes, 7 acres in berrtes, all in M;sh st.te of cult Uation. on a. gool pub lic b igh way. 14 utiles soutli of Portland ; price $."um. res. r.n the Oregon Klctrlr. adjoln inp the station; all in cultivation; price $100o ; terms. T.2 acres, one-half mile from the town of Woodburn, good houst' and barn and fruit. This Is id'-al jjlat e for loganberries; might consider clear property to the value of $ Jo tO. but must be cK-ar from incum brances, as the farm has no moituage on it. 2fl arreg on the Oregon Cttv road on the went side of the Willamette River, 9 miles from the city of Portland; this is an ideal place for country home. Will make a very close figure on this ; catsy terms. E. BRONti, Room ROT, isroadway ildg., Broadway and Morrison Sts. SOME SNAP. IK acres of tli choicest potato land mostly in rlovr. a fine new 7-rootn bun galow, p;antered. ben nied reil ! nga, t-uil t-ln I ix t ires, oa k rum It ure, fine piano. rnK. he:itcr anu oil stove. cooking uten&iit, d is hen, I iii en. every t hing to kt-ep house, butb, toi.et. city .i ter, curined I it. large two-story barn, $4UU woriii of hay, 1..0 bu. spur.s. 10 .ai ks npplcn, all farm and ga rden tools, gen t .e J u sey cow, f ul blood chickens, wagon, iiarn-sd. and two years wood. TliUi place coat $7fOO the way it Planus. 1 will sell fur $."-0oo; take :too0 caslt. $2"0( in 0 -ars at ti per cent. Fine level land, outside city limits of Carson. Wash, Take .Mineral Sprints jit ney to our door. Address Mrs. t E. Gra ham, Carson. Wash. . FOR HALE 0 acres, improved ranch, '5 acres in cultivation, .o acres in crop. 2 '-a miles to railroad town, gravel road, on cream rural route; phone in house; eight milk cows, a hore-'s, 1im ciilekena. hos. ooo bu. oats, loo bu. wheat, 20 tons hay, 7oo bu, potatoes; thresher engine, e-n-siiage cuttr. all kinds of farm imple ments, blacksmith outfit. Price $b..u0, $,i;ioo cash, baiance 5 years o per cent. Address Box 55, JL F. U. No. 2. liai se ; Or. 5000 ACRES of logged-off land In virinui parts of Southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only at prices ranKing from $5 per acre up; small cash payment down, balance tn lo annual cash payments with interest at 6 per cent. Call or write for particulars. WEYERHAET'SER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. LOW PRICE for close-in 15-acre farm; new uuiiKio w, new oarn ror J norses and 10 cows, woven wire fences. 3 miles south from HilJsboro station and but a few miles from Portland ; suitable for poultry and dairy; beet land in Oregon; price :t000, part cash, bal. best of terms. L. K, Moore, 317 Board of Trade bldg.. Port land, Or. SMALL MIPSOl'RI FARM, 110 cash and $5 mommy , no interest or taxes, nigniy pro ductive land; close to 3 big markets. Write for pnotographs and full Informa tion. Monger, A-241 N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 500 acres, beat larm in Willamette Valley, half mile from Monmouth Normal School; will divide. Frank Lucas, administrator, 125 4th St.. city. FARM of 3 5 acrep. best of soil and well Im prover), now orrered at very low price; only 4 miles from city limits. ti30 Wash ington st. LOOGF.O-OFF stump land, $10 rre up; terms ; goon sou, running water, markets, employment. Mr. Pharpe. S3 3d. rm 557. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Large, well-built home, choice i-.ast fcide district. 10 rooms or more; have good Irvine ton home, lots or acreage to exenanae for same ; may assume, owner, A E t , Oregonian. WILL pay cash for Irvington lot; must be oetween n,tn ana .iiih and south or Knott; must be a bargain; state location and price in first letter, o 04o, Oregonlan. WANT 7-room house. Re-d CoKege olstricu lor Clear lots. Jiaio, AVilcox bblg. WE buy equities, priced righu 407 Panama omg. FOR 8AIsE TIMBER .LANDS. . TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AN) SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAV BLDO. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. MAN. 42. would like to har from some middle-aged lady having umall poultry and vegetable far.n to rent, furnish. -d, at shares; also willing to act as housekeeper and take tare of 3 small children at small wages; references exchanged. 11. Wilson, Vancouver, Wash. Box 1 :i, R F. D. 1. WILL rent small farm and trade Sunny iw iioiiic ioi rtiocH. anu implements up to tiouo. woonruir, Denver ave. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 10O-acre farm, n.-ar good high scnooi on main roaa. srood soil, r h T.n, e location and lull particulars In reply. Ad- orebtj tr. w. uox lc.Minnville, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL K STATE. JUST THINK. Lambs $1 1.75, beef $11 .40. hot-- $0.90 Kan sas City. Buy this 3ooo-A. ranch. Grant 'ount; plenty feed end stock to stan. best stock ranch In We.t; owner wants retire acct. age; value $15 A. ; consider sumo trade, some cash, balance can run, 7 per cent; also $7."A' clear property in Arkansas tor OregorrrVash. or stock hdw. Money to loan. E. A. E AS LEY, 212 Selling Bldg. EXCHANGE improved 100 A. ranch, Che halis Valley, 6 m. Ceutraiia, Wash.; 'ji cows, 3 horses, pigs, lu chickens, luo tona hav in barn. 2 tons potatoes farm imole- mects. $30,000, mortgage 10,Oou, to trade Portland clear income; mignt asHume; a No. 1 deal, pacinc Agency, tilo iSwetiand bldg. EXCHANGE improved 1 OO A. ranch. Che halis Valley, m. Centralia, Wash.; cows, norses. pi, jpo cincKens. iou toas liay In barn, 2 tons potatoen. farm imple ments, $oU.o00. mortgage Hi, Obit, to trade iJorttano clear income; mignt assume; No. 1 deal, pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. EM'HANGK 10 A.. 7 m. f nun Centralia. Wash. : nearly all under cultivation : head of stock, chickens, implements, grain and hay. spring water. rver thing com plete, $20.imm; trade clear Portland In come, jaeiuc Agency, inc., swetiana bldg. EXCHANGE 1-0 A., 7 m. from Centralia, "-Wash., nearly all under cultivation; 50 bead of stock, chickens, implements, grain and hay. spring water, everything com plete, $y0.iMM.; trade clear Portland in come. Pacific Agency, Inc., 515 etland bldg. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. CALLAN & KASER. 414 Ore gon El d g. $115t EQUITY for most any city lot; modern bungalow at "M E. 40th Ft. S. $1100 mort gage, lue 19i'. ; other incumbrance $20; get busy. East UJui. aiatn .i.i:n. TO T K AD E 1 tiO-acre farm In Harding Co.. p. D., for sniKll frut t r.nrl chicken ranh near Pity. John E. Fries, Sabu'.a. I a. WILL exchange Chalmers 6 fur Irvington or Laureihurst lot; no equities consiuereu. O 044, Oregonlan. LITTLE larm, 15 acres, improved, near Houlton, fine creek; $250; want city p t pe rt y AR 0Q3, Oregonlan. GOOD RTAL ESTATE TO TKADE FOR HOT'SKMOLD GOODS. NO AGENTS. 12S FIRST ST. . SELL or trade small ranch on bay; cattle, sell or trade for auto or property. Phone Sellwood 27-"2. FCR SALE or trade. i acre, good 5-room house, family orchard, small fruit, cheap. Call 1JV7S E. Glisan. FOR SA LE c-r trade for Portland property, first-class f u ml tore, stock and improved bldg. ; sood value. Box 35, Dayton, Wn. TO EXCHANGE MICETsI-ANEOrS. W A NT ED Piano or Ford car in exenauxe for Jersey cow. horse, harness and buggy. AM Olti. Oregonlan. FOR 8 A LB. Horses, Vehicle, Harness, Ft. FOR SALE Six good teams cheap, weigh ing from 1 ." M to lbuo lbs. btar Sand Company's Barn on Delay st-, between Goldsmith and Russell sts. AN Y reasonable offer takes team suitable for ranch; also harness and ai1 w aon gear. Geary Ice S tables. J4th and Y a m -hiil. LHA U horses taken free; $. paid for dead cows, crippled and worn-out horses, ore ton Bone Meal W orks, Lents, or. Tabor 1EAD horses taken ; $5 and up for dead cows ; cash for uown-and-out non.es, Cai up wltnout fall Milwaukie bSU. LEAl homes and animals hauled away fr. Wood law n 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES for tilre by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co., 380 Front. Main 1571. FOR SALE Wagon and horses, cheap, ea E. 7 th st. North. HORSES, wagons, buggies and, barn ess for sals. Appl 2o Gran a av. TivXM and wagon for sale or trade. Phone W uodiawn 1'ianon, Organs auid Munltal inHlruraeni. WILb CLOSE OUT TO FIRST CALLER. ?. Hallet St Uavls. cash $115 $4J. Smith 6t liarnes, cusb .110 $7."iU Bennett, baby grand, cash...... o43 $4oo Chirkeriug A Sons, casn. ........ 45 $soil Angeius player, cash 2$ Security Storage Co.. lul Fourth St. $145 CASH buys $3."0 piano, upright, new model, during closing out sale of NicnoKs Piano Co. Frisco stock of p.anoa now on sale at Sen an Piano Co., Ill 4tn st, l.i: WEEKLY bujs 1016 model $325 piano for $ Ja. a u ring closing out sale of . ich olls i'lano Co., Frisco stock of pianos now in progress at Sen wan piano Co., Ill 4ia eireot. LANL)Y Marslii.l A. Wendell piano, beau tiful maiiog'ai.y case, excellent Lone; Xirst clu conUiiKtu; cost new $4., only $14, lj down. 45 per month. Call iu Aider. PIANOS stored 25c monthly or will sell pis no at your pj-.ce or buy it for caah. Call Main Security Storage Co.. Joi 4 tli st. 1 ' T t rad vour old piano: have it re fiuihhod by a new process at tu former cost. l-arjld to Gilbert, 3S4 Umiuu si. Furniture for Sale. FIRN IT I' RE for 0 rooms complete; two beds, dinintr-room, sitting-room, living- room mid k; It hen : roiii east ; must aeii. 'ali 52H Vj .Montgom cry. Mara n an -- TYPEWRITING dedk. sanitary, and Reming ton tl pewnt-r. No. 1, both. b4v W li.iamJ ave. j'ibt 04 17. F I UNIT I Hi'., Axminster ruKK. Call beiore Saturday evening. . Gltsan st. Marshall Ai-i. K i.N US OF GOOO H EA TIN ti STVES TO TRADE. WHAT HVE VOL. ilAI.N 4 4 OFFICE furniture lor sale. Room 611, Henry bldg. Livestock. AUCTION SALE. Am nulttlne dairy business and will sell ent.re herd at Arata station, Troutdale carline. 1 mile east or Jr airvu-w, ur. Monday. Nov. J0, 10:30 A. M. sharp: 55 bead milch cows, ai unaer ears ex cept 3; aoout fresh, nearly all of bal a. nee coming fresh within 40 days; mixed breed jersey-Hoietein-llurham ; also 24 coming 2-year-old hellers; Jersey bull. iioWtein bun. . Terms, under $20 cash; over $20, 0 months time. S. A. ARATA, Owner. W. S. Wood, Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wn. COWS lor sale. il head of grade Jersey cows, from 2 to ears old ; some in nii.K! some dry and bred and to have calve-s Irpm time to time. Address W. li. Savage. P. O. box 2tf, Corvallis, Or. BIG COW to exchange; can use horaes, har ness, wagons or buggies, iu.u iast i am- hill st. FiiE.-H cows at Hawtnorne Stables, 0th and Hawthorne ave. Phone bant ti. Dogs, Bird nod Pet Stock. AIREDALES ANNUAL 8 A LB. LA DD r X K EN N E LS. EST AC A DA. Or. Typewriters, NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase: visible models. 43 mo.; $7.50 f"r 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, bo Broadway. Telephone uroatiway oi. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TY PEW R 11 r. It UU,, w sin. st. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main I . v . x-vmnv . j a v , - . j ... .. X k V rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut r. . f-. TLfsstn 1 sOT Automobile. WE are offering some big-argain In used cars and invite your Inspection. 1018 Paige, 5-pass., Jum overhauled, tires and motor In fine cond it Ion, $o25. 1911 Studeiiaker. 7-pas.." ptartteally new, complete electrical equipment, $u5u. 5-pass. Stoddard-Day ton, would make fine business car for rough work, $275. Buick 4-pa as., with removable tonneau, fine for light delivery. $2oo. Saxon Motor bales Co.. 52U Wash., near 16th st- FOP.DS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. s RUSHLIGHT. RANSOM A PENNET. Authorized Ford Agents. Phone E. 7U5o. 275 Union Ave.. Cor. Wasco. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21t and Washington. Main 6244. lui4 ox ERLAND. electric lights, self-starter car has Just been repainted, tires are new This is a real barnain at $4oo cash or terms. Pbone larshail 4022. Ask for Montgomery, NEW MAXWELL. Prosper Mvv purchaser of a new Maxwell will find It to ids advantage to investi gate this absolutely new MaxwVII touring ar. l.ihem! discount. W 14. Oreironiau. 4-CVL. 1015 Mitchell, 4 new tires, one extra. In fine cond It ion ; never been on Jitney ; must ro tins week; $550. Phone Wood lawn 3074. NEW delivery truck, standard make,, D'OO-lb. capacity; have no use for same, will con sider some cash and terms, V Orego- DoDo E ft-pas, car, elect, lights, starter, generator, extra tire; best of condition. Sell cheap. Call Wash. st. Garage. 1st and Waan. Mgr. Main 3716. HAVE no use for my Ford touring car dur ing Inter; will sell great sacrii iie for rash; electric equipment; other extras like new. pbone Broadway HS7. A FINE light car for sale at a very low price. Regal model 2o ; Junt the car for tow n or country. See Guodfellow at 31 Com.h st. FORD. 6-pa-3engr car. good oondltion; good tires; J 185. Klsselcar, Broadway and Davis FORD touring. 3010, excellent condition all around, good tires; stand any test. Sell wood 309. FORD touring car; speedometer; good tires; $250; JlOO down, $25 a month. 429 Bel mont. East 7H24. mm HT'nSON' PIx-fortv. perfect cond It Ion. half price; real sacrifice for $700; terms if desired. N 04.1. Oregonlan. H ER K ESH OFF 'SIX," HkUIs and starter; owner wlsht-s to sacrifice. 303 E. OreKon Ft. Kant 7222. DODGE touring car, fine condition; always had best of care; $55o. with extra equip m e nt. E 04 2. Oregonlan. 1 1 .1 DOUG E, pood merhn nicat cond it ion, tires practically new, $Gu0 cash. 303 E. Ore gon st. E 1 1 t 72 2 2. DORT Spassenger. practieal'.y new; will sell or trade for larger car. AG 040, Ore-Konla-u li V E to ralne money : will sell my little roadster for ;oO; rout new $075. See Mr Steele at 529 Washington, near 10th. lylii GRANT, twed as private car, gn0d as new lots of extras; forced to sell at sac rifice, cal L- R.Mjirk, Tabor 4158a lil'DSON. ft-54 Just repainted and over hauled, $800. 3u:S East Oregon st. East FOR SA1 E Overland 5-pnss.. 1(W mlfl. fi ll eqilPPd. electric s'nrter and lights, nod eondltlnn. E-s 4447. 0VEKLA:;D TOl RIN1 114. to be sold for about $100 les than market value. 363 Oregon st. East 7222. WHAT have you to trade for my $rk0 equity In a Wlnton Six lf12 7-passenger car price $SQ0? 750 Washington st. Ui'LblKH "EIGHT." soM new $101. drlv-n 14U0 miles. 1910 modl. $150; terms. 363 y Oregon st. East 7222. iy 1 5 FOPD with "eat covers, first-class shape; cheap. Terms If desired. Phone Main 1"', A -t- OAKLAND SIX. 5-pass.. 1016. In good cn - i nablnn Auto Sa 1st. Pn 1if k m m ..-'I" Mln Alt I'M try. . 1915 FOItD, overhanlecl, four good tires. terms If ieiren. -non- .Mam mi. a 244: SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul c a nlz-d. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. c14o r.-PASPENGER car; running good. 222 4 Crosby St. USED AT'TO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. S9 N.Broadway. fyT 5 CVI a N D LE IV lUht 5lx. a quality car. 303 Oregon st Haat 7222, FOB MLE. A uioxxiobllra. A FEW SNAPS LVFT. An Apperson for power; Is one of the best bui on can mase; see luo one we have ml a very low price. Frd with many extras. Including seat cov er. Maxwell, a special mdel that may be Just hu(. ou are lookiuK for. Peo tix; equal to new and fully guar anteed. Twenty other standard and well-known mais to freu-ri trom; cah r terms; twenty buurd tree service witb every used car. NORTHWEST AITO CO.. Broadway ut Couch. Phone Bdwy SS7. Vifl'D AUTO FNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. Cssr touring car, excellent shape. Mitchell Six. touriug car, exceptional va ut. Mitchell Pix. (rtuji. s fine Winter car, in excellent cotKlitton. Also light di livery and other touring cur. Look, our f totk oer. V e cn suit oo i.hu MITCHELI LEWIS e- STAYER 0, I.at 7i:.. B llu. ST UDE BAKER "Four," 1914 model. electric starter and lights $450 HUPMOHILE. 1115 model touring car JooO 1ST I DEBAR i-.R. llld touring car. hearl new $700 PAIGE touring car, e.ectnc starter and llgnis $375 And several other bargains ia late znouel cars. Liberal Terms. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. 6TCDEl.AK.KK 1 1 1 S T R 1 H L'ToRS, J-rner lark and buv.i tits. FORDS. FORDS, FORDS. FORDS. NEW 1017 FORDS. EASY TERkS. TRADfe YOLK OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ONE. FR A.N CIS MOTOR CAR EX. Auilinrlztd Ford Agent. E. 3199. Last Uiii and Hawthorne Ave. BITICIC. Lltrlit touring car that certainly Is bargain at $.;.". Aio a Dno. Cd4ili and many others. Do not f.iit to see our ueu l it is or t ore nu i ng. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Main U24-. maa Waan. FoltD -R I nused PUT model for sale; h-connt; terms. K VM4. Oregonlan. Automobilee an text. lo ACi;i-, tahjf cl'.-ured, near Elgin, Grand Ronde Val.e Worth $40 sere, trad for goou ora. Jas.Mellien. Oregon City. WILL pay spot cash for second-hand cars, jiroaovxay GaitiRe. E. -4th and Broad ay. iast i:55i. LIGHT 1016-1117 runabout; will give lot in county seat vvasn. and cash. AE W41. Ore go man. WAN1 automobile; $500 equity in $14k "viuw io wftue j,or iuiu in good condition Tabor ti'.is2. " - pay cash for late model Fords. wuib rio. or uuica autos. xiouue Co., 514 Aider st. Main Sbtki. WILL pay cash for soconti-hand Ford ex- Ifi e oouy. Jdain lBbU. Auin '1 ire mimI Ai-i-et.ri-- ACTo TI RES Pn. sill. V. -. " . . . . 1 1 , o.-ii nun 8n iq tires ; run l.'.o miles. $nt each, cost $-5 each. -i ii n ml. .liain ..i.n. Atitouiibilrs fur lilre. 11,1 ,. ANoN 0 highway, depots, touring. At io without driver for hire. Long A f"a. iu. iiawtnorno hv. i'bone hi. o4U, ALT iS for rent without drivers, Hawthorne. East 102. 450 . 1010 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call ii'K ana gnopping. 'Alain Mlfteellaneous, SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for le. No atcents ern ployed ; all machines s ut out sew perfect anu .uaruniftM; maeuit.eS repairea. ma cl-.ines rented $2 monthly. DEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1!M 5d. near iabr st. A Jol. Main V4J1. SEW IN G M ACH IN ES 2nt slightly ussd ewmg macnines, aa maa-s, wi.i be ciued out. Dropneu'ls. $5 and up; box tops. i and up. S. is. Siegel. two stores, 33 Aldsr st ar.a Aiuer at. l or Electrl. al Machinery livpairs Call buiiafer. Mar. 4 1U R. It. 1'oppieton, Electrical Machinery. t5 Front at. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shot k una, cameras, kooaka and lenses bo uk h t. sold and exchanged. Homre.d S Uint ra Exchange, hj 3d st. Main 3581. L.N 1..1MEI felt sale, wlioie-ula and I eta ll. y A. M. to 5 P. M. Candy, tov intwiii. dryp(M..ls, etc. Consoliuaied Sales t o.. .'irtiiiii nt., near i. lay. COMBINATION burglar and fireproof Hail t-a 1 e. good as new, $ 1 25 cash or mignt trade lor ir ora. Dux wul. While Saiiuou. CASH RE;iSTEKS, slightly used; our prices are low er. i.an nt-tcmier exenange, aiJl y iBimir.iM JTt Kill W9, FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an Kinui mucmnery, rails, car. rtaii way r.o, u i ,;nni o.. . o jaa.a .juj, Fo ! t S A LE one earNmd ond growth fir. $5. 'lelivered ll reasonaMr- distance, 7tn atui Mo t. i'lu-Tio Kat ti2J4. ELKCTK 1C i.'.o'on for saie. trade or rent expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 4 1 A urn aide at. troao way or A GO 74. bECO.N D- HAND oftice furniture for rent or sale; ail Krajen; large eeieciion. Pacific btaty. & Ptg. Co.. lo7 2d si. Main U71. Fi-t i 1 Ll.Lit ow r borae manure, rotted or g ree n. tai t l M'M. PL CM BING suppliea at wholesale prices. r-tarK-uavi e o., 1 a au jsaia i7. MACHINERY bouKht, aold and repaired. N w b-aa iiacnmery i,o., Jii hrunt at. NEW books, section cas.-s. i;e w dress suit slse 44, cheap. Marshall 33 . 9. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland ch Register Co., 1st & Yamhill WANT iiiotoi-cyci. Presto tank and Lite, also bicycle. Main 44'- . 12s 1st PL n'KVITl HK W ANTED. MONET TALKS. We nay tbe best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, runs, carpets. stoves and ranges. For prompt attention puone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC., IS to 111 let st. Mar. 5lhl. A 3224. r E L L S T K 1 N FCRNITL'RE CO. nia all kinci of second -hand furniture. We i buy merchandise stocks of any deacrio tion. lOO-Dib First U, beu Morrison and vamniii. Main 4tkj. IF YOU want to turn your furniture lr&o money and get all It's worth, call M.T.i Furniture Co., Ie4 First SU Mam 5oa. v e render prompt service, WILL PAY CASH FOR PECOND-H AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN ".'iii 2. A 2567. W A N'T second-hand furniture and carpets. snip out town; can pay more man ort land dealers. waiao, jaain i4. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any decnpt Ion ; have the rendy cash phone today. Main or 04 i-irst st. HIGH E-- i' prices paid for your furniture. novel and carpets. Gevurtx Furniture store. o 1 1 st at. uaranau o. W E want good second-hand furniture and will pay tne price. Marshall l2X. HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture an mdse. stocks. J. M. S.mmonds. East 5Mts. BE WISE dell your furniture to ib.e Ford Auction Co Main sw."i. iui za st. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand fuinlture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall WANTFItt MISCKI.LANKOrS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 I'AII) FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LA Di ES AND UtXT S SUITS. SHU ES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN JoKw GLOBE STORE. MAIN 200 Xb5 FIRST S T.. N E A R J E FJ- E KSO N bECOXD HAND CLOTHING? WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.5U AND L P FUK htt'U.N O-liAN li SLITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE KUK SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE . RELIABLB BUY Eli. MAR. 1229. .-' MADISON ST. DL'CK LAKE wanted for Sunday, Fept. 19 or 26 by a party of three; wi'.l pay good price for good shooting ground. Address giving location ana particulars. A V 131, Oregonian. NO RT H WESTE RN J UN K CO.. Main 50i6. New buyers in Port. and of machinery pipes. mtal. all kinds of Junk ; special buyers or junn autos. f ront st. WANTED A good second-band feed roller. writ- Edwin 11. b man. v. t . u. No. - (ox tt.i. Aurora, or. CASH tor your old gold, silver, platinum an n nun-a rau e ore. ti. aa i"ic aerm g. virg. jeweler, iis orfornin oiag. WANTED National cash nglsters. Main eon. 301 Washington st. EECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED, CALL MAJ.N 4776. OR -4(1 FIRST fil WANTED Mlf El lANFOrS. READ. READ. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE Buys all kinds of men's clothing. Junk of any description, furniture. shoes. We wreck automobiles for material and Junk. We buy any quantity of lrott and otner merchaudlve. Call us 'up and try us CALL OR WRITE MARSHALL 32-5 Or 2UO M API SON. LEVIN HARDWARE 4r Fl" HMTL RE tU. will buy your used furniture and a4i ainns of tools snd pay vou hII it Is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample prof th..t e haiio.p iieiny everytuing ou Deed lu th ho:n or e.aewhtre. CASH OK E Jl'1--5 Front I'hune Main 0O WANTED c-.cind-band pressing machine. orpheum Cleaners, 355 MarK, cor. 'ara. HELP WANTED MALE. A T H mill crew. Central Oregon, pine lath. 1 bolterman $3, 2 lain teis $2. i5. 2 bolt pullers $-..0, 4 stock pickers -.-5 a ia . suauy mill, goinl tuu, ii.i.L oi.er, $ .00, jara men. $-.-o2.5o. lKXiis, taiui nanus laborers all kinds. See? uu r Hsu Two teams haul lumber, close in. $1 per lui)o. PACIFIC KMPLOYMENT CO., SECOND AND BU RNSIDE ?r. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. . M. C. A. Conducted fr tne specific purpose of serving bo s and young men seeking em ployment or a u vice. We are duy re ceiv.ug many caLa from employeis for boys and men in clerical, technical and commercial Lues. Every young man co st ring employment or a better position should be registered in tbi utfparuuent. sian.ey Baker. Sec y. Bl SiNESS AND S7 E N OGR AJt' 1 1 1C SCHOOLS for nuu clay or iiiKhu over halt miuion doilar plant e uip. 11 nt ; expert. .p rb uced instructors: ld-al conditions tor incre-ibing amiiK power; this school nialiuained b leauiuf huiness men of 1'ort.and, not for p roll 1. but to produce ef ui-iii men of chsract r In business. Adures Di llou Dept. of Education, Y. M. i . A. LARGE Fort Tsnd store desires te services nnv u ru.r . , ,1 .1 f.ri tvniM for ad vertising office. State age, experience and salary expected in first lcltcr. AC JM4, oregonlan. WI UELESS TELE i R A I'll Y Over one hun- or-u snips n -rig ciiiiiiiM' Coast requlri:ip two wireless operate a (ten; owners looking to Portland Y. M C A. lor supply, school in tt lutein best equipment and Instructors. Kuil In form a -tiun D. vision Dept. of Education, Y. M. A. 4-ROOM basement flat. East Side, close In, firep,ace. bullt-ln siueboard and naoKcases. gas rauge and water beater; for rent to e'.uerly couple, who may pay rental by dicing l.ght work arouud Dat building. I'bone Ma:n 5417. A Y OL NG man who has some knowledge of bookkeeping, to act a casnier .a m mercantile eaiabtishment ; roust write a good business naud. be accurate, and have experience; salary $70 to start itn, AO 7, oregonian. WANTED Two oung men, from out oi town preferred, to travel in crew ku nianaKei and solicit: exp.-nses advanced, ex p-rience unneci ssary ; good money ana steady work. t all 0 to 3 today. Hotel r:ir'.tun. .-k for Mr. Gray. ACToMOrULE SCHOOL Conducted on practical shop basis. 1 eaclies tnorougni coi.structlon and operation of motor arc Sp-i lal r. f-rei.ce to lunition ami carbure tlon. Address Division Dept. of Education. Y. M. C A. . RAILWAY mall P. O crs. carriers, cus tom-house t-mpbyes; $. to io a montn, life Jobs, no at rices, no layoffs; exame. announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Pacific states School. McKay bldg., clty fai'LEN LD career open to gooo mecnem , practi'-a; courses in ail urancnen ui -glneerlng; work belps pay tuition; Illus trated catalogue from Seattle Engineer ing School. Roy sc. Seattle. SA LE of unc'.almed frelcht. A. M. to .i P. M. Mens sinsn siiil iif-i. -. $1.50 soft shirts, 7".c; smoking tobacco. 45o pound. 'onolblaled Sales Co.. 311 Seconti bt., near Clay. SALESMAN wanted for ury goods d-part- meiit in country store, close- to r-oriianu , one competent to ake charge; give refer ences an J r:t.iiry ex pec ted. Auuress AV 1 32. Ore gulllan. . WANTED Good bty for general office work; answer in own handwriting, stating t;e ex o.rience. tc .: no boy w Ho smokes 1 1 c a -e ties or us-s tobacco In any form win be cnld r-d. X t4'J. t.regontan. WANlEii Two expert cutlers and pattern makers on ladles" niKti-graue anu uu drerwtta. Appiy WlLmm l-'icher, bJO S. liro.tdway. Los Angers, v n MAN to w atch duck lake for h.s board ; aood home for Winter. ia.i eary Satur day morning. Olsen shoe Shop. tor. Un ion ne. and 7 iiUinooa su ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Day and nlK-'t schools. laboratories unexce.ieu ; instruct ra. practical engineers. Address Division D pt. ol K 'ucaOon, Y. M. C. A. STRl'"Tl"RAL steel designers, checkers and ri 1 a I a; .tml toh lor I . rt-C leaflM melt. Address Ciilef Engineer, box 10o5, Ta coma. Wat.li. MENS SUITS, OVERCOATS, x3 SO U P. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. ;.. stara. corner rira. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. Trtr irric 1- KXPtKIKM'E UX REAL ArTiiMoHILKS and T K ACTION ENOINE3 1 Ul .x l .M r. .N , diuuin-, timwt. d-s"-- Ixeeiie V ., inuiri m v urn. u"l: ynl'NO man to take position as ass. slant to purv-tissinK scent. Apply w u.anieiie Iron and steel Works. SIN young men to barn tit 'e searching Earn 75 to 1 2o. lr competent. J. Knauss, Abstract Room. Courthouse. WANTED Young man. living at home, for cleaning and polishing automoouea. o-1 Hurnside. W A NT El First -elans saod 1 maker to sadd le department of sacdie iactory. dtev box AV 137. Oregonlan. V A NT E 1- Names men wishing to be. Portland mail carriers; commence $'J month. AV 170, Orenonlan. GOOD saah and door machine, liand. lerprlse P'.:nii.g Mill Co., E. Water En- and E. Ynmnin sts. a V Tl'IIT lanlf nr- mutt undaratanJ mn htnt-v n-fdrslica Mtfclis r r t itA lira. gon ia n. FIVE II v Sii'.esnien, good money-ma king proposition; commissions puia. iri I'll- tock ;k. WANTED Solicitors for repair proposition nothing to buy nor sell; good commission 413 Hawthorne avenue. THE business of tbe International Corre spondence school Is to raise sa.arlee. Let us raise yours, can aid oa. FI RST-CLASS coatmaker wanted ; come at onre. E. K. Villa, merchant tailor. South Bend, wash. I.-ATHER wanted, $2 per M. Phone 320 Ore gon City. EXCHANGE property for painting and kai- somlnlnR-; half cash. W 142. Oregonlan. Fl LL value paid for men's castoff clothing. Main 734. NONUNION sheet metal workers. Apply 714 Board of Tnile bldg. WANTED 2 experienced newspaper or mag ax tne solicitors. R V42. Oregonian. SPECIAL edition ad solicitors and mug write-up men. -1 1 stock Ex. W A NTED Unv with wheel. Kte. 12- Sixth. I'owers Sc. BOOTBLACK wanted. 18S Third street. Help Wanted Agents. WHY s 11 Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. Help Wanted SalrsmrQ. AGENTS wanted In every town for tbe only tatting shuttle winder on the market; quirk seller: big profits; be sales man a iter tr our town ; cample 25c Write J 04 5. Oregonlan. HELP WA NTED V E M A LK. M I ILLE-AG i--I woman for general hooax woik: no washing; JO month. D i42, ore gonian. WANTED Experienced ttfirl for ieenrsl bouse ork lu lamily of three; references. Tab.-r o"72. EXPERIENCED, first-css cook wanted for Country Club. Call Main 313o( ask for rranager. WANTED Waitress, ta-irant. 252 Everett. International Ra- TWo ladies of ability, $in week etaru 340 Morgan bldg.. -12 A. M. W ATPT.M AKER and apprentice. TeciJaie. imvif. bet. IRth and loth. WANTED Nurse girl for care of infant, 1&3 N. 2oth. References required. WANTED Competent housekeeper; appiy pun'u mi.', num. .iini-tui-nie ev e, TAILORESS for repair work wanted. Ore gon Tailors. 117 2d St.. near Wash. PRIVATE home for children, any age ; 15 ears' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. MISS MATTIXOLT'S SCHOOL. Shorthand. Typewriting. $5 mo. 261 14th. Main 3ht3. GlitL for housework; music lessons as part pay. bl w auiaauma. HELP WWTED FEMALE. LA RGE Portland More desires tbe services of copy v r.ier and expert typist tor ad ert;.ng oit.ee. State stf, rxpoience and sa.ary expected lu lust ieiu.r. AC V44. uri goniau. ALE ut u--c (Mint en (reicht from A. M. to 5 P. .M. $-.25 cornets, 75c; ladle. li"use lr"r, 4.M-, nits?es" $5 lace dresses, cl.iu. ten's iou; wool seaiers c.i tooc la1i-'r.- rlr.is, .:oc; ladles' $i union miiis. 55c; as iota of uoiis. toys. -; g .m ;.. rto. l imw ulated fra.ti Co.. ! J "i:1 near i n. CHOCOLATE dipper; Pti experienced will be c Jit sole red. Apply supt. office, base ment bale-on,, M. v F. Co., between V A M. and lu A. 51- ANTED A competent aca.h- to twke ct.srge of dry ttoou depuriment in gen era; More tu tow n cios in I'ort ' and e tu.i paiticu.aia. Address AV lt Orega- Ti in n. WA NTED Stro.tg. rapkvl-lo Kirl for general house work in family of lour, two chtl tirvn. .-m.il borne out of town. God Write at or.cf giving address and telephone. A V 2o2. Or.'KQiiian. WE want s few mre c;i;. U.e, ambitious omen to N-aru cvrretry. Telephone Main 2 -7 1 or .iti.'rri H :m:. Oregon ; n. H 1 N MALL S Commercial School, 03 Bdy., Yamhlil bldg.. trains you well; you bOid your pcsltions secured for you. EXPEKIENCED girl wanted to take care of i hiiuteu. must bae rwtoreuces. lo4 4th st. HIGH school plrl u sss'st with housework; vii.nii nMv-a, lrnr -U GIKL for general housework. Main 4i5!C HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. IRE ORIGINAL MOl.EK BAKBER COL- i.a.or. wi.i teach you the truoe in eight eivs, pay jou wl.l.e It arning, give you a act cl t'"o.. silio.urauip and diploma. .et you pohinun; i J s. hoo.s iu U. S. and Cnada. Write for Ire catao&ue, Cor 2) una I-turn&tde. TiiolsANDS men and women wanted for co eminent Job-; X..'. month; stettdy work. rort hours, common eUuonloD sulflcient ; wrtie immediate. . liee Ust poalt.ona now obtainaoltf. Krauklla Institute, desk O, Rochester. N. Y. MOHLER HAiOth.K SCHOOL wants men and women to lern me barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed; too.S free ; paid hlie learning. Expert instruc tor . sea.p a tut fw iua-Mie' a specialty. Tiii:ion reduced, a N. second st. ObKisON UAKHLU COLLEG E Men and women to ,e..rn barb-r trale tn S weetas. position guaranteed, tool free; paid while learning ; t union reduced. Can earn Irum $15 to 25 a week. Expert instructors. jcars in nu!.,net 23. i Alad.aon st, SOLICITORS to represent mfc. company lor i'oit.una. Oregon e-iiy tita Vancouver; alao one aa lea rnauaor ; ooU coinni iloa and -xtlui.i.e tui iiory. App.y Lcom Co.. 4o Orv.uii bldg. NIGHT SCHOOL for ambitious girls and boya HINSDALE S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, 4o. Bdwy.. Y am lull biug.. cor. Yam.-Bdy. Miss DEiKEK'S PRIVATE BUSlNEsd COLI.K; E. ALISKY BLDG.. 5D &. MOR. JAPANESE Free EmpC Bureau. Mn. 2lL A iuo. jap. 'Asa a of or.. Henry biag. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GET A BCsLN t?S EDUCATION. MTS3 DECKER S PRIVATE BUSINESS COL LEGE, ALISKY BLDG.. HlJ Se MORRIS N. HR AHUNS WANTKD MALE. liotovkrcprrr uml 4 le-rks. LL MKKKM AN, mill, oli.ee and road expe rience, position as buer. A J-!, orego nlaxx. LiM.K.i .audited, new teis op-tied, small sets k'-pt ; c liar gee reasonable. F U5. tr.con:.in. .M iM-el I wnevue. SA LESM A N of 3 2 years experience, i'.li i eais' experience In general gat ape work. Iefir-s iMouion; w:.l tak antmng for preent. v-itti m chance ol advance mei.. N -. i i ecou.aii. sc.-ii E li, liiou.-1 ri-uia our.g man neks ioai- t:on unto iliUnx or shop; small it:i t b-tin; for r ter-ne a and adure.i ct.i Mr. A deux, ltdwy 423. " EXPEKIENCED married man wants truck ing in w holes.iic, d n me delivery, watch-, in. i n. f :rem.i n. 51 a in 4 HI tt. a ol'.N G man. King to school, wants work of an atiernoon or eveuinit. Address U I. illiiigtv ort h ave.. room 1W. ioi' NO muii atli r.'liug Holmes Buslne It-Ke w .iita or a. tor room and V:in ..;.;. l-K oi-EK AToK - PU I NTER. with family, w I-.es tendy posit to-n In eouutry shop. 1 Tf-r V. l.ier. . Ik ora. Wash. CA 1. P ENTER, experienced In all Kinds of JobbiiiK. More fixtures. Market IU Mnihlwi!! 4-G'- M AN. ex periem e.i cook, tnut-t have work : bote!. ; est a urar.t or club ; would work as h I per. Main 7'51. A 1517. W A NTED Job as timekeeper and camp clerk by experienced man -s year of ags. A E on-Konian. MAN bandy with tools, understands fur niture repairing, wishes Job of any kind. AE 040. Oregonian. COM 1'ET ENT man ami w Ife want work ; wife good cook ; wt!l leave ltv. 2tS .i Third st reet, room tl7. Main 10-V JAPANESE couple, expert chauffeur, wife pood cook, house-s ora ; recoinmeudatlon. A K 041. oregonlan. 2kl A N A N D WI F K. c;ip.ibi8 ef inking charge cf hotel or lunchroom, or will cook for b-.ata or camp. M. Ulodgett. 223 S. F:fth. R i. i-l . RLE sieroKiapher desires position ; ex ierlcn-eii slou mechanical lines. K !M.'. r conlnn. CONTKAi'TU R. builder, all work promptly attended to very reasonable. Pbone Wood- law n 5M. JAPANESE couple wnt ,1ob in private fam ily, man cooking. P l44. Oregonlan. Y't l "NG married roup!" w lbes w orTg on i .inch or .iair. L t4 5. oregonlan. JAPANESE m.ui wi-tus work bv liy janitor or b'ufw ork. AH 'My Or'-ponian. YoCNG married man wants work of any kind. T '.43. Orcfionlan. MA N w Itb 1 Vs-ton truck ainui hauling. Main 3--50. J A PAN ES K boy wants ba.f-day work. L 942, r roman. UAKl'rlN man. finest r frence. desires work. 204 Shert-lan t. Main 41. SITUATIONS WANTKI FKM ALK. Ho4kkeeerM and M eniMt raphers. A-l STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone oper ator alesii es posit ion . references. Mamaail EXPERIENCED cashier wants position; good references. A 7534. reem ea ere. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Phone Marsnall 3T22. . DRESSMAKING, at borne or by day; price reasonable. Tabor &5. 2&30 02d st. Nurtfi. PRACTICAL nurse, kind, patient, as com panion, or rare for old lady, or will take confinement cases. Sellwood lOftH. Co.M P ET ENT t ral'ied nurse, 2 year' hos intal training, w an.ta cases of any kind. Call E. 840 AGED inalld can have home comforts; best eare; city refy Tahor 2213. 1 1 i u tr k rr iv r t. v NT E 1- b v r-l n d Eastern w ido w. posl ', at bouseke p.r lor w I. lower or bachelor, cook in hotel, ciub. or any po sition oi tn:su Mrs. Brown, 5b5 W. Aita t St. Johns. Or. LAD Y thorouK h i v experienced in f irst-claae mt--ls nnd part ni-nt-houses. d--sii--s io siiion wh.re n-stnv and close attention t o bul uess is appre lated. 2 1 N. 1 1th t. WIOOVT. no chi!drn. good cook. neat. kind. agreeable, wishes poa.iion as housekeeper In widower's home. J' 43, Oregonian. rVsPECTA RLE young lady wishes to keep house for rebpectabie party. Main 2275. room 8. WANTED Position as housekeeper lo widower's fami.y or cook in private fam ily, rcterences. K 44. Oregon. an. MU LT7l : - AGED lady with child w a n : m housekeeping for ei'erty gentleman or in horn. L '4L Oregonian. YoCNG lady v ants poslMon as housekeeper fr wiriow-r. L 04... Oregonian. 1 Kme?t kia. t -v pVKl vv'l- clrl wants second work; . f .Mu es. M aln 5274. Prefer West Side. M iMel1anenie." WOMAN, good worker, wants cleaninc and laundry work by day or hour. Woodlawo .i .MPETEN'F woman wants work Sat. and Mon.. cashing. Ironing, cleaning. Main EXPERIENCED cashier wants work, or ticket girl in movey. Aiarsnati a-o, uroia w a y 1 o4 1. WI DOW wants w ork, waahinrr or cleaning or office cleaning. Main 4.".s5. EX PERI ENrFn chambermaid wants work; go borne nights. J P41, Oreponian. A GOOD, strong woman wants day work. arv kind. Marshall WOMAN want laundry work, plain Iron ing. J &43, Oregoulao. -'