Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 16, 1916, Page 24, Image 24

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D o South Dinner 60c
Fricassee of Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Waffles With Chicken Gravy
" Southern Apple Charlotte
Tea or Coffee
Tea Room, Ninth Floor.
Buy Handkerchiefs in This Sale
Time to be thinking of Jtandkerchiefs for holiday giving and fresh supplies for your own use.
Here is an excellent opportunity to purchase dainty little linen, lawn and silk kerchiefs for women
and children. Women's novelty handkerchiefs, with fancy colored borders, are priced as low as 5c;
Madeira-like handkerchiefs are 25c; Japanese silk handkerchiefs, with novel designs, 10c; children's
kerchiefs in quaint designs are priced at 5c, and others at 3 for 25c. Hundreds of savings.
Handkerchief Shop. Main Kloor.
Jj Just 32 Shopping ' J
Days Till Xmas
& Shop, Shop Early JB
Tmct Quality" Stor.e or- Portland
Portland's Greatest Store Announces These Offerings for Thursday
A ' ' 5
Pre-Holiday Showing and
Hundreds of crisp, new, white aprons, in all styles. Some
with bibs, others in dainty lace-trimmed styles and many in
the plain, generous-size style. Buy them now for personal
use and holiday gifts.
FANCY APRONS, trimmed with fine lace and ribbons.
Priced at 35c, 50c, 59c, 75c to $2.25.
MAIDS' PLAIN AND FANCY short aprons. Priced at
50c, 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.25 to $1.98.
MAIDS' LONG APHONS, both plain and fancy. Priced
at 35c, 59c, 98c, $1.25 to $3.50.
BAND APRONS, plain and gathered styles. Priced at
35c, 50c, 59c to $1.25.
NURSES' AND WAITRESSES' aprons with large skirt
and bib. Priced at 59c, 75c to $1.50.
SEWING APRONS, daintily trimmed with lace and rib
bons. Priced at 59c, 75c, 79c to $1.25.
' See our hundreds of dainty, new aprons bearing this label.
which insures their having been made under sanitary,
wholesome conditions.
EEN, PERCALE AND WOOL ALPACA, $2.50, $3, $6.50
House Dress and Apron Shop. Third Floor.
25 c
Buys a Good Warm
Looks and wears like the 50c
article just what you want for
this cold weather. Warm knitted
mufflers in fitted chape, made with
fastener. - A good assortment of
colors to select from. See illustra
tion. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor
New Shipment of Warm Winter Gloves
For Women & Children
That touch of frost in the air makes warm gloves a real
necessity now. Here are some brand new arrivals for women,
misses, boys and little children gloves for every-day and
dress wear, and most of them washable. Come in today and
try on a few pairs.
Chamoisette washable fabric gloves in black, white and all
newest shades. Pair, $1-50.
Kayser's Lyke Leather" fabric gloves that look, fit and
wear like kid gloves. Pair, $1.25.
New double silk gloves, with silk on suede linings. Black,
white and colors. Pair, $1 and $1.25.
Knit golf gloves, white and colors,
pair, 25c, 35c and 50c.
New Winter Gloves for Children
Kid gloves, silk lined; white, tan
and gray, $1.25.
Kid gloves, fleece lined, various col-
. ors. $1.50 and $1.25.
Kid mittens, fleece lined, tan only,
pair, 75c
Kid gloves with knit lining and fur
tops, pair, $1.25, 85c and 75c
Knit golf gloves, all wool, all sizes,
pair, 50c and 35c
"Boy Scout" gloves in all colors,
pair, 75c
Infants mittens, white and colors,
pair, 25c
Annual November Sale
50c Hinds' Honey and Almond
Cream 400.
25c Woodbury's Facial Cream 200.
50c Melorose Cream 450.
50c Sempre Giovine 390.
60c La Blache Face Powder 390.
50c Java Rice Face Powder 370.
25c Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder 170.
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste
at 200.
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 390.
15c Mennen's Talcum, 2 for 250.
Melba Hand Lotion 250.
15c Williams' Talcum, 2 for 250.
25c Cuticura Soap 180.
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 200.
10c California Medicated Soap 70.
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 790.
$1.00 Herpicide 750.
Danderine, 800, 4O0 and 200.
5c Wash Cloths, 3 for 100.
30c Whisk Brooms 230.
60c Hand Mirror 290. Main Floor.
Handsome blanket robes
in a good comfortable
weight. . Made with con-,
vertible collar, fancy color
at cuffs, bottom and col
lar, buttoning down the
front with large pearl but
tons. Two patch pockets,
all edges bound with silk
cord and all seams satin
piped, with satin yoke at
neck. Many colors and
combinations, in all sizes.
Buy for self and gifts at
Other bath and lounging
robes $1.98 to $35.
House coats $5 to $20.
Third Floo.
Cashmere suede-lined gloves, black,
brown, navy and gray, all sizes,
pair, 50c
Infants' all-wool mittens, white and
colors, 35c to 65c
Infants' thumbless mittens, all
wool, pair, 50c and 35c
Glove Shop. Main Floor.
More of the Smartest New
Coats Just In
and Priced $19-50
The newest mid-Winter models are be
ing shown in these exceptionally smart
new coats at this ' very reasonable price.
Wool velour, gabardine, pebble cloth and
fancy mixed tweeds are here in
All are full flaring models, some with
belts and many with fancy large collars.
The lines are full and the styles very
smart. All sizes here priced at $19.50.
Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
81,30 and $1.50
Strong Scrim
Curtains 95c
Attractive scrim curtains, edged
with good lace, Thursday at splen
did savings; pair, 95c, instead of
$1.30 and $1.50.
$1.50 to $2.50
Covered Sofa
Pillows for 65c
. A limited quantity of these excel
lent sofa pillows at considerably
less than half the regular prices.
Covered in good-looking tapestry
and cretonnes.
Seventh Floor, Sixth Street.
$1.00 Wear-Ever
Just 500 of these double-lipped 2V-quart Wear-Ever
aluminum saucepans in shape, as illustrated. Note the two
lips a feature which enables you to pour with either right
or left hand. This special offer is limited as to time, and
expires November 25, after which date the regular price of
$1.00 will be in effect. To obtain these saucepans at 69c
each you should fill out coupon and bring to our hardware
on this item.
We carry a full
line of celebrated
Wear - Ever alumi
num cooking uten
sils at all times.
See our window
Basement. Fifth Street.
Wo will accept this coupon nd
tv In payment fr o "Wrr
Kver" 2 Vt -quart Saucepan, which
Pfl!i regularly at fl.oo, provided
you preaen t con pon at our store
on or before Nov. t3, lultf. and
write on tho coupon your name,
aditresa and date of pure ha.
City rTite.
Sale of Books
33c to 60c
Books at
A special sale of novelty gift
books and calendars 35c to 60c val
ues in this sale today at 19c.
75c to $3.00
Books at
A table of hurt books, boxed grift
and miscellaneous volumes, spl 50c
15c to 25c
Books at
A table of children's picture books.
$1 Baum's
Story Books
Story Island, Sea Fairies, John
Dough, formerly $1 each, now 60c.
Book Shop. Basement Balcony.
Grocery Bulletin
Gnhnm Flour, or Whole
Wheat, one of the best
brands, freshly
milled. 9 -lb. sack.
Italian Prune, new.
large size, 8 -lb. box.
Steel Cut Coffee, Early
Dawn, freshly roasted.
j-iD. can, toe; id.
9wll t'n B n e o n. Empire
orana, eastern suear
cured, whole or half '
strips, lb
i ntorl
: a r -
Rolled Oat, fresh stock
just received. lbA7p
fioLClC aaaoaeaoeoo an W
Chipped Beef. Gov- I n
ernment Inspected, lb. rUu
Wot a Seed" Hnlnlna, fin
est quality, Thompson's
seedless, doz. $1.65; 14.
pkg. ; I4C
Citron Peel, b e s t On
quality, lb Ul
Lemon Peel, or Or
ange, highest grade,
Apple Specials Today
box .
i, Baldwina, ftreen
Ortleyn or A r -
a Black, per
Jonathan, well colored,
good sizes, per J g
Ben Davis, good col- QCf
or, good sizes, box.. www
Ortleya, extra fancy,
large box, f 2.15, J g
NO PHONE ORDERS Some quantities limited these
prices while any remain. On sale Basement Balcony.
Alder-street Entrance.
Spltsenberga, Ortleya, or
Arkanuf Illack, fancy
quamy, goou sizes
Some attractive, new arrivals
in heavy madras waists, in plain
white or self-striped patterns.
New tailored styles, with high
and low necks. Priced at $1.75
and $2.50.
Waist Shop. Fourth Floor.
$10,00, $10.50, $11.00
Robes $7.65
Wool auto and steamer robes; beau
tiful plaid effects; large size, 64x78;
single and double, faced; just right for
this weather and will give a lifetime
of service.
$14.00, $14.50, $15.09
Bags $11.75
Traveling bags in best grades of
leather. Ail leather lined, with hand
sewn frames and corners. Single and
double handles. Sizes 16, 17 and 18
inch. $6.50 "OREGON CITY
Robes $4.98
tiful colors.
size 64x76.
Indian patterns in beau
Will not fade nor shrink.
Shop. Sixth Floor.
Warm New Furs to Defy
Wintry Winds
Handsome new' furs to add
beauty to your costufhe and
comfort to your walks or rides
these wintry days. All the new
est and smartest shapes in muffs
and scarfs.
Hudson Seal, Beaver, Nutria, Kolin
sky and Moleskin, in clever little chin
collars, fitted cape effects and throws.
Also "Wee" muffs in ball or melon
shape. The Set $40 to $95.
Skunk collarettes, scarfs and throws with small pillow or barrel muffs
separate pieces $17.50 to sets $135.
' -
Separate muffs in raccoon, I Children's and misses' collars,
opossum, muskrat, Jap mink, etc, muffs and sets. $1.50 to $25.
from $6.50 to $85. , Fur shop. Fourth Floor.
Horseback Riding, Too, Comes in For Much Attention When She Has Time
Between Shows to Indulge This Outdoor Whim.
RUTH GATES and I were having a
chat yesterday In her dressing
room while she was carefully
placing Beveral perfectly nice beads on
her up-curling lasiies. A colored maid
held the little pan of hot, sizzling
black liquid 'while the attractive young
actress deftly dobbed a toothpick into
the mess and onto her lashes. And
while the fascinating process processed
we talked of roles and cloUies and
horses and war and washing one's hair
and babies and books. And when we
grot around to the last subject she told
roe a funny etory. At least I think it's
funny. Miss Gates says it's an old one,
but some of the oldest get laughs some
times, and this one got one from me.
i Miss Gates is tremendously keen
kbout reading. Has O. Henry en
shrined in her dressing-room and a
set of Byron close by and one of Mrs.
Browning and a flock of magazines.
She has a newspaper for breakfast
eve?y morning, and all this makes jer
and me belong to the same lodge so
we talked about it. Then she told me
the story I'm telling you about. It
seems a grand dame of the chorus was
going to observe one. of her birthdays
and a bevy of her colleagues of the
front row were planning to give her
a present. They thought of various
things to give her and finally one
little fairy said, "Oh, I know, let's give
her a book that's always acceptable."
'Oh, no," chorused a chorus, "she's al
ready got a book."
. Maybe you won't think that's a yell,
but I do. So does Ruth Gates. That's
her real name and she's of English
descent, bjt Texas-born. And she jas
the native Texan's love of horses and
lives in a saddle. She isn't motor mad
t all says all they're good for is to
(ro on- shopping tours or take one. home
from the theater at night. She's going
Mini Rath Gates, Leading; Wom
an of the Alcaaar Flayera, ait
the Baker Theater.
5 T
the early morning, rehearse all day. or
play a matinee, play In the evening
and dance my head and heela off after
the show at night."
As a mere matter of information to
several who have asked, this is Miss
Gates' initial visit to Portland. She
played in stock in Omaha one season.
She calls Omaha West, and I almost
wept with Joy. Everybody else out
here calls Omaha and Billings. Mon
tana, "hack East," Just, because It hap
pens to be East of us. "Why don't peo
ple out here speak of their destination
as. say, 'I'm going to Pocatello. Idaho.'
instead of vaguely referring to any
trip 10 miles in that direction as 'I'm
going East'? It's queer to me. for out
here La Grande, Oregon, or Hacken
sack. New Jersey, are equally "back
Ease' " And in answer to another
query put kindly by a cat soul I
know Miss Gates' hair is all her own
she has gobs of it. and it's a gor
geous Leslie Carterish red. Her eyes
are topaz brown, and she's mighty
sweet to know. She's got a beau In
the trenches and. she wears a medal
he won. It looks like a cross betweeen
a Carnegie hero plate and an Elk's
poster, and is so large she can use It
for a chest protector when cold
weather comes.
"So I suppose the beau in the
trenches win take up all your spare
thoughts thlsseasonr I surmised ques-
tloningly. "Well, I should remark not.
said iiiss uates. "l m perfectly crazy
about the good-looking men In Port
land. The trenches are far, far away,
this season.
to have a lot of. wonderful rides around
our lanes and driveways, and is nego
tiating now for a saddle horse. She
doesn't give a tinker's darn for teas
and gossipy parties, but does love to
dance and says that dancing and books
are jer two diversions.
"I adore my work but all work and
no play would make this little Jill a
very dull girl," she says. "So I read in
Pioneer of 1852 Dies.
WALLACE, Idaho, Nov. 15. (Spe
cial.) John J. Brown. 90 years, 8
months old, died here today. He lo
cated in Lane County on a farm in
1852. fought in the Bogue River In
dian War. moved to Salem, where he
lived until 1892. when he moved
Spokane. The body was shipped
tab Basin Line Surveyed
DENVER. Colo., Nov. 15. Prelimin
ary surveys for the proposed railroad
into the Uintah Basin of Utah have
been practically completed, it was said
at the offices of the Denver & Rio
Grand Railway here today.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Proffer Camea Front UnlveraltT of Ore
coa Medical School Acceptance
Hanca on BuUdlnjf Fnada.
Formal offer to the Board of County
Commissioners of a free deed to a par
cel of land In the O.-W. R. & N. grant
to the University of Oregon medical
school on Marquam Hill, above Terwll
liger bolevard. for the location of a
county hospital was made yesterday by
the medical school through Dr. 1C A.
J. Mackenzie.
The communication of Dr. Macken
zie was placed on file, but it is likely
that the offer will be accepted if the
county finds funds available for the
construction of the first unit of a hos
pital on the site this year.
As there is a doubt that the county
could he bonded for such . a purpose,
tnere la to be an attempt made this
year to obtain 1150,000 out of the com
bined county and road levies to be used
for the first building of a county hos
pital on the proposed location. The
necessity is said to be great, the pres
ent county hospital being sadly In need
of repair and hampered by lack of fa
cilities. To assist In the selection of a Jury
list for 1917. the Multnomah Bar As
sociation has appointed the following
committee, which waa approved by the
County Commissioners: W. M. Davis,.
Ralph R- Dunlway. John H. Stevenson.
Alex Bernstein and W. T. Masters.
Appeal Krom $150 KIne for Alleged
Sale of Alcohol Is Heard.
C. F. Yielding, druggist at Union
avenue and Russell streets, went on
trial before Circuit Judge l5avls yes
terday on an appeal from a fine of $100
The most you can do for your
teeth visit your dentist twice a
year and three times a day use
For The Teeth
Powder Cream
Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial package of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Benlal Craam to
L W. Lyon A Sona, Inc., (M W. 27th St, New York Cry
levied In the Municipal Court on a
charge of selling a pint of pure al
cohol to a man of Intemperate habits.
The man was Pat Kennedy, member of
Judge Stevenson's 1916 "booze club" at
the City Jail a year ago.
Police Sergeant Roberts and Patrol
man Llllls testified to seeing the man
stagger Into the .drugstore. Mr. Yield
ing said he did -hot know the man was
drunk or of intemperate habits.
Oregon's. Report Is Baals.
Oregon's experience in dealing with
the car shortage will be used as a basis
for action by the Interstate Commerce
Commissioner McChord, who Is in
vestigating shortages In some of the
Southern states, has telegraphed the
IMibMc Servlre Commlpfon of Oregon
for its report on the recent survey fof
the Southern Pacific's shortage.
The Oregon report is the firet com
prehensive and analytical review of
car shortage and their causes presented
in this country. The commissions of
other states likewise are usklng for
Ersrt poiifth ycrr 1:1 If fa "
e bay. Kpsjtj
bruitriiWrmui. rPffV
c) instruments) I lk iUAYj
dw. Uom Uie work '
and Mallr. tirtlS
In two tit cn by
1) (irowr, IIrd
w r 0 vnd l)rag
Lk tmr Thmtm mm Cm
Goveraaaeat Artlrlea Out of the Ordinary for Fall aad Win
ter Keep Dry and Warm.
All-Wool B 1 a n k e ts.
many kinds... 82 to 86.00
Huntlnir Coata IJ2.25. -
83.75. Si.oO. 86.50
Corduroy Suls 813.00
Logger Shirts, water
proof 84. 50
Army Sweaters, olive
drab 84.SO
Flannel Shirts 81.50-84.50
Shoes. Army Munaon
Last. 86.00
Overcoats, all wool,
82.50. S6.50. 88.50
Overcoats, bear skin 825. OO
Trousers, all wool,
at 82.50 to 84. TV
Rubber Ponchos, a big
"ne S2.00
Rubber Boots. 86. OO
Campaign Hats
at 81. S1.50. 81.TS
Packsacks 35d to 81. OO
Ladles' Petticoats, all
wool. 60e
Middy Blouses.' a lan
yard free 75c to 82. 25
Army Cotton Sox 15c
Khaki Shirts.. 60C and OOc
A Satisfied Cutomn la Onr Aim. We Invite Your Inanee
tloa of Tkia La rare Stork.
Kree. V. S. Army oron. T"
meat with every bill of
(ooda over BOe. W rite JC.
or Phone Slain 4215. l