THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1916. jwitf?twc- 37 Shopping Days Till Christmas No Matter Where You Shop, Shop Early '' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CANDY SURPRISES Skirts Cut FREE If materials are purchased here. We cut, sew and accordion, knife or box pleat skirts for $1. We baste, fit and make ready to finish for a small charge any style tailored skirt you may select. Drees Goods Shop, Second Floor 10c-15c Pattern Free With copy of the Buttenck Winter Quarterly at 25c. We are principal Portland agents for famous Butterick patterns and publications. Our experts will give you every assistance in choos ing. Pattern Shop, Second Floor. Buy "Munsiiigwear 99 Now for the Family Our great four-days showing and sale of warm Munsing undergarments for men, women and children ends tomorrow night. Main Floor. 40c English Almond 40c Toasted Marshmal lows 2o. 25c Sugar Coated Pea nuts for 15. 25c Mint Chews 19. Toffee 29. 40c Peanut Butter Chips 29f. 25c Peanut Brittle 19$ The Quality" Store op- Portland -Main, Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony i This Is Only a Partial List of Today's Surprise Offerings Look for the Equally Good Unadvertised specials- rA - Mraimks 1 396iSi Fridav Sunwise eier 1L 29 i m Sales i i I 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c to 75c Fancy Ribbons, Yard 10c Broken lines fancy figured gros grain ribbons, 1 to 3 inches wide, plain or picot edged. Main Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's New 12c 'Kerchiefs 5c Splendid quality lawn handker chiefs, with rolled edges and pret tily embroidered corners. Main Fl. 139TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Reg. $1.25 Fancy Neckwear at 79c 120 fine net and Georgette crepe collars all daintily hand em broidered. Many, shapes. Main Fl. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's Pure Silk Hose Only 79c Mill run women's black, white and colored pure silk hose, with double lisle tops, soles. Main Fl. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE p5c Infants' Crib Blankets at 59c Infants' crib or carriage robes, white with pink or blue crocheted edges. Special at 59c. 2d Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Samples Fine Knit Underwear for 39c Vests of fine cotton and mercer ized lisle with band and crocheted tops. Special 39c Main Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 50c-85c Allover Laces, Yard 39c -36 - inch silk finished allover laces in white and cream. Especially dainty for blouses. Friday only, yard 39c. 8c-15c Laces for 5c All the dainty laces that are so necessary for pretty holiday gifts imitation Irish and Cluny laces and cotton torchons. Edges and insertions for curtains, art work and underwear. Friday only, yard o. $1.25 Flouncings 69c 25-inch batiste flouncing for infants' and chil dren's wear. Finished with dainty 5-inch ruffle. Lace and Embroidery Shop, Main Floor MEIER A FRAXK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Flannelette rNignt smrts 69c Good weight flannelette sleeping garments for cold nights. , All extra well made, finished with silk frogs and pearl buttons. . Have military collar and pocket. Neat blue and pink stripes. Sizes 15 to 20. 35c Socks 25c Good medium weight fine soft cashmere hose, with dou ble toe, sole and heel. All sizes in black, white, natural and Oxford. MM Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor 1396TII FRIDAY SURPRISE Good 15c Bleached Muslin, Yard 11c Good, medium-weight bleached muslin, 36 inches wide, free from starch and dressing. 2d Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $2.75 to $3.75 Waists Now 82.22 Splendid values in Crepe de Chine waists in white and flesh. Lace and tuck trimmed. 4th Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Best 15c Checked Nainsook for 10c Dainty for underwear and chil dren's aprons. Full 36 ins. wide. Best 15c values, yd. 10c. 2d Fir. 1396TII FRIDAY SURPRISE 81.00 Heavy Table Cloths Now 75c Mercerized table cloths. A good heavy quality that will stand wear and tear. 64x64 ins. 2d Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 60c to 75c Gift Books for Only 50c Leather gift books in boxes. Poetry, classics a great number of titles at 50c. Basement Bal. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c to 60c Gift i Books for Only 19c Boxed and novelty gift books. Prose, poetry, etc. Buy for holi day gifts, 19c. Basement Balcony. MEIER & FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Silver Deposit Sugar, Creamer Selling Regularly at $1.00 Pair 54c A limited number of these at tractive sugar and creamer sets in sterling silver deposit design and shape as illustrated. Al ways useful and very suitable - for Christmas gifts. A limited number today at, pair 54c. Basement, Fifth Street. MEIER fc FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAl.ES. One-Piece Serge Dresses SpecialFriday Only $12.55 Serge dresses aye quite the fad of the hour and never were frocks more becoming! These are of fine quality serge in black, Burgundy, navy, green and brown, made on the new straight lines and blouse styles. One particularly pretty model is surplice with half-pleated skirt and others have broadcloth or Georg ette crepe collars and cuffs. All sizes very special Friday only $12.55. Apparel Shop, 4th Floor 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Odd Pairs of Curtains Reduced Good-l o o k i n g, serviceable net, scrim and marquisette curtains at less than half the regular selling prices, because there is only one pair of a kind in each pattern. At these surprise prices: Fine $1.50 Curtains. . . $2-$2.50 Curtains. . . $3-$4.00 Curtains. . . 49c 89c $1.49 The quantity is, of course, limited better come early! Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Children's White Wool Coals 68.50 Sizes 3 to 14 years. Fancy all wool striped cheviot, chinchilla and broadcloth. 2d Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.25 Stamped Bath Mats at 98c Of good quality terry cloth, with pink and blue borders. Stamped for embroidering. 2d Fir. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Special Sale Cocoa Door Mats 79c-98c Size 14x24, for Friday Surprise, 790; size 16x27, for Friday Sur prise 98f. Very special. 7th Fl. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 69c Laundry Bags of Cretonne 50c Completely finished and ready for use. All colors in fancy cre tonnes only 50c. 2d Fir. MEIER FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Flour, 49 Lb. Sack, SI. 85 "Perfection" fine quality family Victor Coffee, freshly roast- ORp ed, our 30c blend, lb Tn G.rdrn Whole- Fruit, several varieties. Raspberries. Bine Cher ries. Royal Anne Cherries. Pineap ple. Cranberry Sauce: while OQ any remain. 40c Jar , ... Cain Foot Jelly. Gordon & Iill worth'i, limited uuantlty; 35c QjJ Moyml " 'Banquet " "Butter, churned fresh dally: 7Rf 2-lb. roll '0 Salmon, medium red Alaska fish, fine (trade. No. I cans, dot ICn S1-70: large can ' " flour at this low price today. Columbia. Hlver Salmon. Spring ratch Chinook fish. No. 1 flat cans, the dozen. $2. GO: large 22V2C ( lam Xeetar. No. 1 cans. 4 Spaarhrttl. Italian style. Franco American. No. 1 cans. 4 cans Dlue iJabrl Cataup. one of the pur est and best: Uoz., $2.25: Oflf large bottle t.erman Lentil., genuine Im- I On ported, lb Ob Ninth Floor. Fifth Street MEIER & FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Framed Pictures at 59c A large special showing; of handsome framed pictures in a wide variety of subjects landscapes, figures, etc., in antique gold frames. Beautiful for Christmas gifts, 59c. Art Shop, Fifth Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $3.50 Silver Vanity Cases $1.95 German silver vanity cases, fitted with mirror, memorandum pad, pencil and coin and powder compartments. Especially pretty for holiday gifts Friday only $1.95. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES 9 Boys' "Goodyear Raincoats $2.98 Just 76 of these exceptional raincoats to make this Friday surprise sale a memorable one ! Tan with black rubber lining they are of highest quality, guaranteed absolutely. In raglan style and good length. Sizes 8 to 18 years but just a few of each. - Be sure to see these splendid raincoats at only $2.98. And be sure to come early, for they will go quickly at this price! Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 1398TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $5 Silk Petticoats $3.95 A large special sale of fine silk petticoats. All the newest and most wanted colors are represented in light and dark solid tones and changeable shades. Made with full flounces, trimmed with fancy shirring and small ruffles exceptional values even for Friday surprise at $3.95! $10.50 TO $12.00 SILK GOWNS .$7.95 Just 25 beautiful gowns of fine crepe de chine in white and flesh colors. Trimmed with edges and dainty inserts of Val. lace Friday Surprise, special at $7.95. Third Floor, Sixth Street. MEIER fc FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY' SURPRISE SALES $1.50 Mechanical Train $1.19 Just as illustrated iron loco motive and tender, 1 car, 10 sec tions of track. Friday only $1.19. Toy Shop, Fifth Floor. 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE f till Oil $1.25 "Warner" CORSETS $1 The famous "Warner' corsets in models for all figures. Made of fine batiste and coutil. All sizes are in cluded Friday only $1. Corset Shop, Third Floor. MEIER L FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Friday Sale of Blankets If you're looking for the very best quality of good wool blankets or fine cotton blankets, come here, see these specials Friday. $3.00 WHITE WOOLNAP BLANKETS $2.43 Full bed size in white with fancy borders. Good values. Friday only $2.45. $1.50 EMMERICH FEATHER PILLOWS AT $1.21 Genuine Emmerich feather bed pillows, covered with fancy art ticking, filled with fine, new, clean, odorless feathers. Blanket Shop, Second Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1396TH FRIDAY SUHPRISE SALES. $5.00 to $6.50 Trimmed Hats $3.95 Just 50 of these beau tiful hats for a big Fri day Surprise Sale. In this group there are sail ors, turbans, tricornes nnl OTYIO in cfvloQ "fciY women and misses. Of excellent qualities silk velvet, with trimming of feathers, gold and silver novelties and flowers they are wonderfully smart. Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. RATE ADVANCE CUT Freight 'Charges Increased : Only 10 Cents a Hundred. steel building materials was unreason able. A meeting- was held October 24 with representatives of the -chambers of commerce of the Pacific Northwest cities, and the new rates were consid ered in detail. It was decide the rates would be modified with the exceptions or steel tonnage and canned goods, which remain practically as announced. ORDER EFFECTIVE JAN. 1 Shippers and Chambers Gain Point i in Protesting Proposed Rises on ironnd That Most Are X7n ' reasonable Charges. An advance of 10 cents a hundred pounds on all westbound carload com modities now carried in schedule C of the freight tariffs of the transconti nental railroads, to be effective about January 1, was announced yesterday in a telegram received by W. D. fakinner, traffic manager of the Spokane, Port land & Seattle Railway, from R. H. Countiss, of Chicago, agent for the Transcontinental Freight Bureau, This is a 'modification of the rates recently announced on westbound traffic, proposed some time ago, to which shippers of the West raised objections. In general, it is a reduc tion of the proposed increases. It was contemplated to advance freight rates generally quite sharply. Many lines of freight were increased 10 cents a hundred, while others ad vanced more sharply. Dry goods, for .example, were to pay, westbound, an increased freight rate or 20 cents a hundred, and oilcloth and linoleums 25 cents a hundred pounds. Canned goods were to advance from 60 and 62Va cents to IZVi, and 75 and 85 cents. NEVJ TRAIL IS INSPECTED PATH TO VERY TOP OF CASTLE ROCK IS HALF COMPLETED. DATA GLEANED FOR AGENTS Letters of John M. Scott to Tell of Country Lines Reach. A new way to advertise Southern Pacific trains has been devised by John M. Scott, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific Company lines in Oregon. He has issued the first of series of 12 train letters that will cover the next three months, each one being calculated to give the maximum of information about the chief trains operated by the system. -A map down one side of the letter shows the country traversed. These letters are to be mailed to ticket agents of the Southern Pacific and other lines in the Pacific North west and Canada, and to steamship agents in Alaska. 35-PAIL WATER BILL $2.50 V Woman Alleges Kxcess Charge for Supply for Furnace. Two dollars and fifty cents is what the city water bureau is trying to force Fannie Harrison, who lives at East Eighty-eighth and Mill streets, to pay for 35 pails of water, according to complaint filed by her yesterday. She says she has a small hot-water furnace 'which she uses to heat four rooms for five months In the year. She says 3o pails of water fill the furnace and no addition to the supply is needed The water bureau, under Commissioner Daly, has insisted on payment of 12.50 It was also felt that the advance on for the water. Easy Ascent Ip Precipitous Sides Afforded by Work, of Per. manfnt Construction. An inspection trip of the new trail being built to the top of Castle Rock by Henry J. Biddle. ownej of the prop erty, was made on Wednesday by John B. Yeon, Amos Benson, D. C. Freeman and W. A. Schwartz. The first three are well-known men of this city, and uio i j l namea is a deputy roaa en gineer for Clarke County, Washington. I The new trail up the precipitous sides of Castle Rock, the imposing monolith that stands near the bank of the Co lumbia River on the north shore, ha3 been constructed for some distance, and XX will be completed next Spring, when it will permit an easy ascent of this great rock. , The party found the trail to be of the most permanent construction and de clares it will prove a great tourist at traction when finished. They were not content to go half way up the rock by the new trail, but completed the ascent to the very top. The weather was not favorable to a good view, however. Mr. Biddle, who has six men at work on the trail, is building this scenic route from a sense of love for the out doors, and the scenic possibilities of the Pacific Northwest. He also has laid out a park nearby, which will be known as Waclella Park, the name being taken from the Indian village In that vicinity found by Lewis and Clark when they made their famous trip of exploration to the mouth of the Columbia over 110 years ago. An Knglish lighthouse has been equipped with a lamp that can be low ered almost to sea level in foggy weath er, when it would be invisible in its regular position. r s v4 I i 1000 REMNANTS AT Short lengths of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS a large as sortment of desirable material's and colors for waists, skirts and children's dresses. Your choice Friday at HALF PRICE. 1000 REMNANTS AT Short lengths of GINGHAMS, PERCALES, VOILES, SUIT INGS, etc. A large accumulation of good, serviceable wash materials to be closed out in the Lower Price Store Friday at HALF. Men's Silk Ties for 25 A large assortment of newest silk four-in-hand ties for rrlen. Women's $1 70. Waists at OC White waists in plain and lace trimmed styles. All sizes. Flannelette 1Q Petticoats 1 C Children's white flannelette pet ticoats. Six to 14 years. - Men's $1 Shirts for 65, The famous "Paragon" shirt in good Fall and Winter patterns. Women's $1.25 QCr' Umbrellas at. . OC Good black rainproof umbrellas, with a variety of handles. 25c Can of Talcum for 10c One-pound tin of Floretta talcum powder on sale Friday at 10. 29c 50c Boys' Caps for Wool mixtures in checks, plaids, mixed shades golf styles. $1 Women's Slippers at Suede, kid and crocheted bedroom slippers. All colors and sizes. 69c $3.35 $5.00 Boys' Overcoats Heavy pray mixtures in Norfolk styles. With heavy fleeced linings. 69c $1.00 Table Cloths for Mercerized table cloths, hemmed and ready for use. Size 64x6(5. Sugared Peanuts 15c Delicious sugar-coated peanuts, from our Candy Kitchen, lb. 15r. Good Jelly Beans, lb. Pure jelly beans, made in our Candy Kitchen Friday, lb. 15. 15c ! ! I 1 I 2