18 the' morning oregonian, moxdat, xoteiiber g, img. Dm m r - " - 1 1 bit U rectory is for the inlormatio ot tbe public, to give aa far aa poa U"i , ,7?? aite.reit lines of buaineaa which the average person many find occa-Yln-r kJ u Al?y information which cannot be found here wili be gladly fur uhed by phoning Main 7070 or A 6096. House 40 . ACCOKtIQ- rLEATIXH. C. STEFHAX, hemBtiH-hina. tcuiKipmg. ac cord. s:de pleat; buttons covered; mall orders. 22s l'ittock blk. Broadway 109. AGATE tLTTtKS. vif,, Mfs- Jewelers. Kxpert watchmakers. Ml"e. iriiV Wash., hfi Bdwy. aud faik. ASSAYEH3 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 112 2d Gold, . silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. V. J. MAKKUM Prooaie, real estate, min ing and COl'DGraTinn law uKn-ii,.fc o n Vle.a examined; written opinions furnished. 14J4 Xortnwestern Bank bids. Main 5T4!. 1,p- MAIIOXE. lawyer. 4U2 Panama bids. Marshall .'ioo. BKICK. CEMENT, PLASTERING. BlilCK, tile, cement work, plastering promptly attended! to. Phone Marshall 4065. CAFETERIAS. " Pl'RITAX Vocal and orchestral music; dinner dances Irom 6 to 8 P. M. Braudes, proprietor. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bids.. ISth & Alberta, Woodln. 410a CARPET WEAVER. FUFF KUGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North Treat Rug Co., 1SS K. Sth St. Both phones. CELLULOID bT'TTONS, BADGES THE mil'IX-KODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington St. Main 312 and A 1?04. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlingei- bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. BUCCESSFUL with many so-called incurable diseases; restoring health without drugs or scars; chronio troubles. 31 adjustments. $15; acute cases, less time, less. mon-y; fventh year in Portiand; here to stay. West Side. 1MS-212 Macleay bldg.; East hide, sanitarium. 734 Hawthorne. Both phones. Dr. M. H. MoMahon. Making good. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 Jf. W. bldg. Mar ."i22. 100 letters mnltigraphed for fl. CLOTHING WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING wanted- S5 for suits and up. Mar. 1229. 229 Madison. . COLLECTING AGENCY " KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge: established 190O. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 83 H 5th bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, 2: A. M-. P. M . evo. ; latest dances guaranteed; class Tht:rg.. Sat., eve.. 7-S:uO. Bdwy. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; class lues., Frl. eve.. 8 to la 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and stark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c. MISS IRELAND. 10 private lessons, 5; les sons daily to 0 P. M. SOD Dekum bldg. EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS. Treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casse.iay. 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d & Wn. EIRE INSrRANCET PACIFIC STATES FIP.E INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phong Main 33. A 2153. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PrBP.UILLE BUGGY TOP CO..2092dst. AUTO SPRINGS MANUFACTURING. , . . . - a - 1 ! f4 . ana repalr- LAMER SPRING CO Ping; 4UIKI springs carried in stock. 13th & Couch sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & omnibus 1 ransler. Park & Davis. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L. Dinkelspiel Co. 1: GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HQUSER. Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., 07-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THAN'H.VUSER HAT CO., 53-35 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CASCAKA BARK. KAH.N BROS., l'Jl Front street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., bo h 3th St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., S3 3th St. MFRS. TYPE AND PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. American Typefounders Co., 92-04 Front st. AMUSEMENTS. R AITCD Mains. A 5360 l-3-2Vll. Bdw j & Morrison TILE ALCAZAR PLAYERS "Always a Show ot Quality." Home of the Alcazar Players. Portland's high-class dramatic stock company. (Election returns tomorrow night be tween acts. Tonight, all this week. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday. Most tremendous sensation of the age, THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE A powerful play of modern city life. Evenings. 25c, 30c, 73c Sat. Mat.. 25c, 50c. Tonight and Wed. Mat., bargain, all seats 25c (except box). Next week "NEARLY MARRIED. TODAY. SOPTTIK TUCKER and Her Five Kings of Syncopation. Cant w ell & Walker. Kutta Bndd BERT FITZGIBBOX Iteenmn & Anderson Etelle Kichie & era Burt Orpheum Travel Weekly Orpheuru Concert Orchestra For tlie Epicures of Vaudeville. CK.NBKKKIES. mm VANTAGES MATINEE DAILY 2:30 "A NUT SU"NDAE" Vaudeville's Sparkling Musical Refreshment 6 OTHEH am ACTS 0 Esecond Episode of THE iASS OF THE LUMBEELAXDS" With Helen Holmes. Soxes and loses reserved by phone. Curtain. 2:30, 7 and S. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. . . Per Line. One time i2c ?ame ad two consecutive times. . . . 1 1 1 !!22c ame ad three consecutive times o eame ad six or seven consecutive times. . &ttc The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the followina;: Situations Wanted Male. (Situations Wanted Female Vor Kent Kooins Private 'Families. Board and Rooms Private Families. Housekeeping; Kiom Private Families. Rate on the above classifications is 7 cents m liue each insertion. The Oreitonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber of either lihone. No price trill be quoted over the lione. but bill will be rendered the follow ing day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of tele phone advertisements. "Situations Wanted" and "Personal" advertisements will not bs accepted oer the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted lor "Furni ture for bale," "Business Opportunities," "Roomingr-Houses" and "Wanted to Rent." serious errors In advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional i-harge, but such republicataion will not bs made where the error does not materially affect the value of the advertisement. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 133 Courthouse. Sth-stree Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 878, Home Phone A 2525. NiKltt call after office hours Main 270 Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for sma.. animais. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding There la no more city pound. Just Oregon Human society. mm m ntrmrrrrrrrrrrirm' iririr .1 am i nn MUSICAL. SMIL. THIEIJiORN, Violin Teacher, pupil Sevclk. 2U7 Flledner blag. Marshall 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. . GLASSES, guaranteed to fit. as low as $1.50; tiio best servlca w wir Bnd material; I grind my own lenses; licensed by the State of Oregon. DR. J. SJ. MEREDITH, 829 Washington st. A SAVING OF 25 TO 80. Properly fitted glasses as low satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. - Gooo man, opiomctrist. 20K Morrison. Main PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. 8. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum ldg- rilYSICTANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Alisky bldg.- Get my new booklet. ""Chronic Disease.' It s Tree. PIANOS. ills A 1552 PIPE. PUKTuA.ND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24tn and York sts. Main 34s. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. lOOV, Front SC. corner Stark. Main or A 1413. RAG RUGS AND FLCIT RUGS. rugs, all sizes; mail orders prompt; booklet. ?4-B Union ave. N. East tf.'il6. B 147S. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STOK AGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; wo can save you money; storage, packing, moving, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Park St. Main D1U5. A 1031. Warehouse 44-46 E. 6th St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving: horse or auto vans; soeclal freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine ets. Broadway r.96. A 19!ft. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. - 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 116H. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, ISO Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, phone Main 76tl. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS Ail colors and styles; largest stock: re-covering, new handles put on. Meredith's. 329 Washington St. Mar. 1097. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD, blorkwood. Panama Fuel Co., Main 3720, A 3899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATENG BEVERAGES. TVEIN HARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NUCTAR. Henry Welnhard Plant, luth and Burneide sta. Phone Main 72. A 1172. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12tn and Davis sts. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sta PIPE, PIPE F1TTIN GAN DV ALV.ES. M. L. KLINE, S4-bii Front st. PLUMBING AND STEA.M SUPPLLES. M. L. KLINE, Front St. PRINTING. IT. BALTES PRISJTIWR F- w" BALTES AND COMPANY First & Oak sis. Main 163, A 1165 " PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PffoiTuCK COMMISSION! ERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 14U Front st. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage. Co.. 14th and Northmp. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sta. WALL PAPERS MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d St. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House, 191 2d st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P, M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second st MEETING NOTICEa. EASTERN STAR BOARD OF RELIEF will give a benefit party Thursday. Nov. 0. at the Masonic Temple. W. Park and Yamhill. Dancing and cards. Prizes. All O. E. S. Masons and their friends welcome. Admission 30c. WILL.UlliTEE LODGE, NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in K. A. degree. Refreshments. W. 6. WEST, Sec CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27, O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday evening. De grees exemplified by P, W. Mat rons. All visiting O. E. S. wel come. By order V". M. MAK1ETTE ROBINSON, Sec FR1EDLANDER S, Jewelers, for Emblems. Class Pins and Presentation Medals. lesigns and estimates furnished free. 310 Wash. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pin designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth st . DIEP. , DILTHET Nov. 4. Sina E. Dllthev. aged 41 years, beloved wife of Oscar Dilthey and daughter of Robert Carey; sister of George Carey, of Vale. Or.; Pearl Carey, of Riverside, Or.; Mrs. Emma Whitman, bpokane. Wash.: William Carey, of Drew, sey. Or. Remains at Dunning & McEn tee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. DAVIS At Scappoose, Or., D. T Davis aged 44 years. Remains at parlors of Miller & Tracey. Washington at Ella st. Notice of funeral later. JOHN ANSON In this city, Nov. S. Hans Johnanson. aged 35 years. Notice of fu netal later. ; Remains at parlors of Mil ler & Tracey, Washington at' Ella st. PATTERSON Nov. 5. John Patterson, cged 42 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors. Notice of w- funeral later. UNKR.U NOTICES. 6TRIBLET At the residence. 1C4 jj", Burhside street, William Stribley, aged 57 years, beloved husband of Annie Strib ley; father of Mrs. May Woodruff of Minneapolis. Minn: Charles Stribley. of Chicago, 111.: Tom Stribley. of Central City. Colo.; brother of Mrs. Louise Welsh of Central City, Colo. Services -will be held from the above residence tomorrow (Tues- day). Nov. 7. at 3 P. M. Royal Order of Moose will have charge of funeral serv ices. Interment Rose Citv Cemetery Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. CJRAT At the residence. 414S Sixty-fourth street, Southeast, November 2, Regtna M Gray, aged 77 years, 8 davs, beloved mother of N. Rickert. of this city. Funeral will leave the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. Washington at Ella street, to morrow (Monday), Nov. 6. at 8:15 A M Mass will be said at 9 o'clock at St." Ig natius Church, Powell Valley road and Forty-eighth street. Interment Mmmt Scott Park Cemetery. WILSON At the residence, 816 East Irving street, John G. Wilson, aged 54 years, be loved husband of Selma Wilson, father of Klia, George and Edna, brother of Victor Wilson. Funeral services will be held st the above residence tomorrow (Tues day), Nov. 7. at- 1 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. M'AYEAL In this city, Nov. 4 Alva A. McAyeal. aged 5 years, months, 16 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. McAyeal. 439 Vancouver ave. Friends in vited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:30 P. M. today ( Monday Nov. - 6. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. THOMPSON At the family residence, 272 Floral ave.,, Nov. 4. George Thompson, aged 78 years. 1 mo. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2:3o tomorrow (Tuesday), Nov. 7. Interment Riverview Cemetery. LUCK The funeral of Mr. Sing Hee Luck will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Dunning & McEntee's chap el. Friends invited. Interment at the Riverview cemetery. , CONNOR Nov. 5, M. H. Connor, aged 62 years. Remains will be shipped to St Paul, Or., today (Monday) at 3:55 P. M. from. .Dunning & ilcEntee's . parlors. SIC" h W&3tuw&xj&iHi Ingrain. r.rtis.seis amwna. Axmlnster. rag FtNEKAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD H0LMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE ' UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 PKRFKCT FUJVERAL SERVICES FOR LESS $150 FUNERAL FOR $75 Higher-priced funerals in proportion MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Ukrectors. lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella at.. .Bet. zuth and 21st. Main A 7ss0. West bid. DUNNING 5c M'lN 1EL, luncral directors. Broadway and fine street. Phone, .broad way 43V. A 4558. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLER & CO., &"J2 WILLIAMS AVE. East lubs. O 10bS. Lady attendant. Day and night service. J. P. FIN LEY &. SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. MvjNTGOMKR V AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 52, 2525. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY,3d Bnd Clay. Main 4102. A llol. Lady attendant. MU. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu" nerM service. E 80th and Gljgan. Tab. 4313. BUlIEZi! b SNOOK. Suuojslda Parlors. 1026 Delmont. Tabor 125S. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main H3o. A 22oo. P. L. LURCH-, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. Last 781, R 18&S. FLORISTS. MARTTN sz FORBES CO.. Florists, 854 Washington. Main 269. A 12DK. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison St. Main or A 180.1. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215 A 212L Sell lng bldg.. 6th and Alder sta TONSETli FLORAL rb 285 Washington St., between 4th and 5th. Main 5102, A 1101. MONUM ENTS. PORTLAND MA RBI, K WORKS. 2B4-2G6 4th St., opposite City Hall. Main 8504. Philip Neu & Sons for memoriais. BE BLAESiNG GRANITE CO.1 THIRD AT MADI5QN STRFrnr DIRECTORY Williams Ave. Fuel Co. 1 m-.tl r - i '"J Coal Briauetten and IrV l- sawed Wood Especially. E 357t C 1763. . . X ;r',:" ;-. mmmrn l '.tv r - a ins mmmmmm im irii mils - -' -t r ir J LIBERTY COAL & ICE CO. EAST THIRD AND ASH. THE CLEANEST COAL T7R WORLD ' CALL. IS 620. B 148. THAT GOOD KNIGHT COAL HARD, HOT, CLEAN. A1BI.VA FlKb CO.MPAJiV, B 182. O 1117 Standard Wood Company WOOD EABST615 COAL 294 HAWTHORNE A V K V U K. Red Oak Rock Springs Ojy l Creek Coal STANDARD BRICK. A TILE CO, 81 Kourth St., Henry Bids. Main 1109. A 1109. Portland and Suburban Coal & Ice Co. G. C. TON liGLOFFSTEIX, Mauser. CLEAN, HONEST COALS Broadway S5S. A 3338. Lind Sawdust & Fuel Co. SAWDUST, DRY SHORT WOOD, SLAB WOOD AND WRECKING WOOD. S41 Macadam Street. Corner Curry. Phones Pac, Main 60U7 Home. A 2122. KW TODAT, MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 8 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SPECIAL RATES A. II. BIRRELL CO. Z17-219 Northwestern Bank Balldlag. Marshall 4114. A 4118. E0WMBE.6QUBEYC0 sH "7 LOANS yi ONJ MORTGAGE SECURITY Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Current Rates, Ml'MCIPAL AND COHPUHArlO.V BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. feO Koarta St.. Board of Trade Hide MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Funds at 6 and 7. ROBERTSON & EWING 2Q7-H orthrffrn Bnnk Bldtr CtCf LOANS made on modern resl v O dences In choice portions of city. COMMERCE SAKE DEPOSIT AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, Main 067. &1 TJiird Street. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. "AT TOUR OWN PRICE." WTiat am I offered for lota 21 and 23 block 16, 'Willamette Tract, 100 feet by 107 feet. Corner of Portland blvd. and Atlantic st. Bee It quick as 1 mean busi ness. W. Burchardt 2015 Ma pit ave.. Los Angeles, CaL CONTRACTORS. WAKE UPI pTour opportunity lies in laurelhurst. I have a dar.dy lot near the Park I will sell you with second mortssee privilege and will furnish you money to bulid. Your own time and a small amount of cash orly required. Owner Tabor E8-5. FOR SALE One and a half lot In Ports mouth Villa, with good 13-rooin house on it ; fine shade and fruit tress; two min utes to carilne; call and see. Owner, a 4 05 East 44th st. S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage in this choice district; a few sacrifices. Marshal! 4627. BROOKE. A 8839. FOR SALE 100x100, cor. 3d and Everett its.t by owner. I 91 U, Oregoplan. 2 LOTS free and clear of all Incumbrance; cost $:t50; sarrlflce $150. Call Main MS5. For lale -IIOUA HOME BARGAINS. 2 Rooms 4 Kooms 5 Kooms 0 Rooms 0 Rooms .$ 6JW . is.'.o . lrtro . 71'00 CUMBERLAND JOXESMORE ROSE CITY PARK IRVINGTON Will show In our auto. Easy terms. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON", Phon-i Bwdy. 165S. 300 Oak st. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TUKN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANT THING, residence to factory, or any con struction, sketches and estimate free, fur nish the money If desired. All depart menta one office. TV a actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L." R. BAILEY CO., Inc.. Contracting Ar chitects 324 Abingto nbl d g. I WANT TO FIGI-RE WITH YOU. I can convince you that you can own this home In Laurelhurst st a less cout than you could rent it. There's noth ing addd to its cot because it's close to the Park and Clubhouse, yet this lo cation should demand an extra price. If you are interested iu a real bargain. lt m tell you about it. Phone owner, Ta or 1702. ONE of Irvlngton's newest and finest resi dences, 12 rooms, finished In selected ma hogany, oak and ivory enamel, hardwood floors throughout. large fluisnrd attic, full cement basement, three toilets, tile baths, three artistic tHe fireplaces, best of ma terials used In entire construction ; closest inspection invited; large grounds, beauti fied with choicest shrubbery. For sale by owner on terms to suit. Y U14. Oreponlan. j.;;:sj. isi.-L.t this w ct: K.. My now fi-room houe in Laurelhurst must be old this week or it will be rented. This Is th lait word in mod ern home construction,' complete in every detail, in fuct It will suit the most fas tidious. I am not particular about terms and will make a bargain price. W. T. Lownlnr. H. 42d and Burnslde sts.. or Main 1TOO. y;iio0 LA L'RELH I'RST $3600. New 6-rt.om bungalow, fine location, nrar park and cluL, larj-s living-room, dining-room, three bedrooms, kitchen and breakfast room, full cement basement, fverythiner complete ; finished in old ivory; com out today and see this. Kev at Laurtlhurst Tract Office, E. Ruth and Gllsan ts., or call Tabor r4r for auto. J. DWahunt?. during week. Main 170. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes. Is the show place of Portland, and challenges comparison with any similar propert In the world Main office 270H Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. 60x1 12 FT. lot. street graded, cement curb ing and walk; 3-room house, large porches, fruit trees, rose bushes, lawn, electric llehts, watf.T, gas. block and a half from Woodstock car; $1100 part caah, bal. $10 per moph 1173 Raymond ave., Sel. 274V. LoVELY bungalow with garage, walls pa per,ed, den, fireplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, sunrooms, breakfast nook, hard ood floors throughout: terms to suit. E. -laid and Knott. Beaumont car. E. 31S5. IN Walnut Park, 7-room modern house and sleeping porch, neaj Jefferson Hiarh; best car service in city; a snap. Woodlawn 2 i00. BUT Irvington's real bargains. R. T. Street. Irvlngton agent, knows each good one. LA U RE LHURST See my warm, cheerful. ri-room home before buying. Tabor 2703. HOUSE and lot. $X0O cash; z6 minutes' rido. S mi, Oregonlan. . Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil ; good water, close to carilne. easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. JOHN GIBSOX. OWNER. For Sale Acreage. 20 ACRES. $0OO. Easy terms: only 35 miles from Port, land; running water, good soil, cloae- t school and stores. 1 mile to K. R, station and town. AKERSON. GOOCH & CO.. 605 Stock Exchange Bldg ACREAGE In famous Tualatin Valley; best of soil, good location, low prices, quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy Bros., owners, 201 otock Exchange bids. Tel. Marshall 20G. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near rortland, $75 to $200 per acre; easy termi. best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McKarlaud. 005 Yeon bldg.. Portland. HomcMcadw. TWO relinquishments S.0O0.OO0 on each; beat timutr in Oregon, near railroad and 3 sawmills, will bring $lu.0U0 soon as pat ented; get them for $i0O each 405 Mer chants Trust bldg. phone Main 675d. For hali -Farms. 106 ACRES. 40 acres In cultivation. 20 acres cleared a.ad uady for cultivation, balance timber and. pasture; large new barn, good house and outbuildings, orchard, team, cow. band of goats, chickens, wagon, hack, truck, mower, binder, disc, harrow, roller and numerous other tools; Too bu. of oats and 4 tons of hay, 6 acres of potatoes. 12 miles from Portland, hard-surface roads about h way, balance macadam. AU goes for $13,000. 40 ACRES. 20 acres in cultivation, one acre young, beaming orchard, Spltzenburgs. Pippins and pears; house, barn, fine ever-flowing spring- at house, horse, wagon, mower, rake and all implements; fine soil, no waste land; H mile from boat landing and town on Columbia River; price $1000, t cash, balance terms. CO acres, adjoining the above: R ares can be put in cultivation and crop first season ; balance young timber and brush ; very sightly, lies level; no waste; price JlOuO, terms $200 cash, balance long easy term. OUR OAKPOrNT. 10, SO and 40-acre tracts; for sightli ness, fine soil and good water are un surpassed; we are selling these tracts at $50 per acre, one-fifth cash, balance long easy terms; also have a few tracts at $20 per acre. 160 acres. 14 miles - from Vancouver, Clarke County. Washington, burned over and brush; A-l soil, for $10 per acre. o acres, unimproved ; 14 miles from Vancouver, burned over and brush land In a settled community; one mile from school; 910 per acre. 40- acres In Clarke County 25 miles from Portland; good automobile road to th place, unimproved, easily cleared, good sawmill within half mile; price $400, terms. 80 acres unlmnroved. million and a half feet of good saw timber, balance aecond growth and some easily cleared; CO per cent tillable; on survey of the Columbia High way, six miles from a good town and railroad ; good school near the commun ity; party going away and will sell for SC'O; long, easy terms. 1B0 acres 14 miles from Vancouver, Clarke County Washington; burned over aud brush; A-No. I soil; for $10 per acre. 80 acres, unimproved, 14 miles from Vancouver; burned over and brush lend In a settled community ; one mile from school ; $10 per acre. 40 acres In Clarke County, 25 miles from Portland ; good automobile road to the place ; unimproved ; easily cleared ; frond fcawmlll within half mile. Price $4uo; terms. E. BRONG. 40s Chamber of Commerce. 10o ACRES unimproved, A miles from cum mtt, about the same from Hoskins ; joins school on public road; aseesed $lb00. Go and look; make offer. John Myers, Rai nier. Or. Box 4 FOR SALE Stock ranch, 219 A., county road being rocked; R. F. D.. cream routa. telephone; $0 If quick sale. Grace toiu, bcotta Mills. Or. REAL ESTATE. For bale -i- arms. WILL sell 450 -sere farm belonging to the Charles Muckle estate, located In sections ?, 8. 36 and 17 in township 4 north of range 1 west In Columbia County, Ore gon, a portion of which lies on the famous Scappoose bay; 2o0 acres of which la cleared and under cultivation; all level, easily cleared and well watered. For terms apply to James Muckle. &03 Ladd ave.. Portland, or W. J. Muckle, St. Helens. Or. ABOUT 200 acres of old Moar donation claim on Sauvls Island, mile and ha.f be low Burlington ferry, high and low land combined, suitable for dairy farm, all cleared and fenced; house and barn, stock It desired. best duck., shooting lakes; reached by county road; $80 per acre. Ad dress Thomas Moar. care steamer America, foot of Alder streut, or inquire on prem ises. 000O ACRES of logged-orf land In var;ou parts of Southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only at prices ranging from $5 per acre up: small cash payment down, balance In 10 annual cash payments, with interest at 0 per cent. Call or write for particulars. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO- Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. ATTENTION. MR FARMER. Here Is a chance of a lifetime to close out a corporation ; we have two improved farms, finest of va Iley oil, 30 miliss of Portland, near both electric and steam transportation, good town with creamery and condenser, good terms, long time and low interest. See Mr. Rose at room 1, North Bank Freight Station. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes, highiy pro ductive land ; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion Munger, A -241 N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. loo ACRES or less. H mile west Buttevtlte ctstion, Oregon E'.ectrlc: $2m0 personal property; improved, cultivated ; 25 acre commercial orchard. E. A. M. Cone, K. D. 3. Aurora. Or. . LOGOED-OFP stump land. 10 acre up; terms; good soil, running water, market, employment. Mr. Sharpe. 63 3d. rra. 557. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE NEED lots to build on- if you have a lot and can make a small payment, we will build a home for you and turn a burden into an income : call and Inspect our work and plans. EnterprUo Builders, 3'.3 Belmont t. E. 31 S 5. HAVE YOU A CLEAR LOT? I can take clear lot in trade for we' built. nicely located LAI !iE LHU K.-T home ; low rate. ln 5-term rnort auge re duces cost to minimum. Phone J. M. REKVES. Tabor 172 SPOT CASH. houo barpaln wanted to Fr.oOO. Marshall 125. 201 Mohawk b'dg. XV E buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama DM. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMPER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MTPXCKBX. 304 M'KW Pt.PO. I WANT timber. Northwest Orenon: give f ul I Information frul?c legal description and price. AC Oretronian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SoOO-ACRE stock ranch, fully equipped combine and auto, about 12 00 acres till able land. 050 acres best hummer fallow In country, running- water. 75 htad horses, IO head cattle. loO hojrs : will trade for good stock gn. merch arnlise or smaller place; must have ruunlnj water and some alfalfa land. GEO MACKINTOSH, Box 244. Condon. Or. CHEAT BARGAIN ftio acru. Crook i'mniy, 550 acres tlllaMe; 2 s;ood houses, tarn and out bid 1c In vs; well feru-t-d, plenty of water; loo a'-res In cultivation; 50 acres Sum-mi-r fallowed. A great nacrlt ice sale at $10 per acre: cash $2loo. balance t per cent ; will consider clear property to fifimo and bnlaurc ci3h. 4t.7 Panama bldg. FOR EXCHANGE California cnicken ranch. 15 acres, good soil, about 400 chickens. 7 -room house, barn, granary, 12 fruit trees, some orange, lemon trees, good well. 2 acres gum trees, hi acre grapes, mile from R. R. station and school. Price $50uo, clear; want West Oregon farm for about the same value. Jul bp.lt tstoesscr, San Marco. San Diego County, Cal. THIS IS A GOOD ONE. T-aurclhurst home, 0 rooms and sleep ing j-orch, located on blah, sightly lot. one block from car ; a snap at 5 -1500 ; mortgage. $2f.OO; trade eq nit y for clear luts or acreage, or any good value. Phone owrr, Ts')nr 54."!. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties ; no inflated values considered. CALLAN & KASKK. 414 Oregon Bldg FOR SALE Five acres at Portland. 7 acp.i at Washougal, Wash.; will trane fur propertv on Sandy road if near Fairlew. Chas. Gill. Fatrvlew. Or EXCHANGE hotel for farm free of mori g. ; cash sale les than half original cooU owner. Box 186. Yamhill. Or. WILL exchange fine residence lot in New. part. Or., for used automobile. Adcrcss F. Becker. 210 E. 11th st., Olympla, Wa it FARM WANTED Have city property and acreage to trade. A J OOrt, Oregon ian. IF it's Q square deal, see Xurthwest Realty Co., 822 Chamber of Com. bldg Mar. 2272. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT to exobar.ge desirable lota for paint ing, one half cash. AH &0u, Oregoniau. FOR SALT. Horse. Vehiclet.. Harness. KtC HORSE FOR SALE. 1000-pound horse, city broke, true and gentle, anyone can drtve, also have aliort turn Mitchell bliiglu wagon with seat top, cupacity one ton; will sell at bargain if sold at once. Apply fc07 Sandy blvd.. near 2Sth et.. or phone East 51. FOR SA LE Six goud teams cneap, eign ing from laoO to 1M lbs. Star Sand Company's Barn on Delay at., between Goldsml t h and Ru ssell sta. FOR SALE One team, also on single work hoi St. Rational Biscuit Company . East 444. DEAD hordes taken; $2 and up paid for dt-ad cows and noru-out horses. Milwaukee Fort SALE Wagons and norses. cheap, ba E. 7th st. N. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 2u. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES for hire by day or month. C W. Townsend Co.. 880 Front. Main 1571. MOKsEa, wagons, buggies and harness far tale. Apply 20 Gratia ave. ' $a." TAKES team, harness and vagon. 11M E. Stark st. Trial allowed. DELIVERY horse for sale. Pacific Laundry Co., 1st ana Arthur st. Fiamm. Organs and Musical Instrument. WILL CLOSE OUT TO FIRST CALLER. $r.;, Hallet Sc Davla. cash $115 $-125 Smith c Barnes, cusu ... llo $ -0 Beu net t, baby grand, cash 14- $400 Chickerlng fc Sons, cash 45 $250 Angeius player, cash 20 Security Storage Co., 10 Fourth Su $1 25 WEEKLY buys 1 1016 model $325pIano for $235 during closing out sale of S'ich olls Piano Co.. Frisco stock of pianos now in progress at be h wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th street. SPLENDID SS-note player piano, like new. lot of music rolls, bench and cabinet; will sacrifice, arrange terms to responsible partv. Please call at 25 Morrison st. Ask for Mr. Foster. $14-"i CASH buys $.150 ptano. upright, new 1315 model, during closing out sale of Nicholls Piano Co. Frisco stock of pianos now ou aale at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. PIANOS stored 2Tc monthly or will sell piano at your price or buy It for cash. Call Main 523. Security Storage Co., 10 4th st. STEINWAY piano, elegant bench and cover. Will sel! for $12.'. ; pay $5 cash and $1 per week. Apply 25 Morrison st. SPOT cash paid tor Victroia or Grafanola; also records. Mnln -1 405. WILL store piano and pay small rent; ref erences. Main 245. H LADY desires to rent piano; best of care; no children. Main 6204. FINE piano, $120; beautiful tone, perfect condition, stylish esse, oto Union North. W.iN'' Um for li ?ht fa-m work during Winter for feed, labor 723. DANDY little practice piano, $40, terms. 151 4th st., near Morrison. PIANOS rented. som s low as $1 per mo. 151 4th s.. near Morrison. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of S0--oon hotel for sale or will trade for longed-off land or other properly. P. O. box 1067. LARGE flat-top deSlc. typwrlfer desk and six tables, cheap. Inquire 204 Washing ton st. FURNITURE, bedding, rug?. 11 rooms, good cash bargain. Mar. 764. 77 Gllsan st. Pom. Birds and Pt Stock. AIREDALES ANNUAL SALE. LADDIX KENNELS. EST ACAD A. OR FOR SALE Young homer pigeons. Phone SeT' wood 170. Livestock. FOR SALE Cow. or will exchange for ranch horse. 1 :r.r E-.Stark at- Typewriters. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2265. E. W. Peaae Co., agenta, no 6Ux at. IX) K SAT.E Typewriter. NFW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With snstnafacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase ; visible models. $3 mo-; $7.50 for 3 mos. ; other models less. Rem Inrton Typewriter Company. t6 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makf of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER iO., 321 Wash. St. NEW, recullt. second-band rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. AitiomoOlle FORDS FORDS FORDS NEW 101T FORDS EASY TERMS TRADE YOUR OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ON2L FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Authorised Ford A sent. E. 319'j. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay- UUSHLIOHT, RANSOM PENNEY. Authorized Ford Agents. Phone E. 7000. 275 Union aa.. cor. Wasco. TOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., Slat and Washington. Main $244. bargain ni4, model 54 oidsmobiie. ;- pajis, electric lights and starter; abso lute 'y ilrst-clJMs condition. -Call Mrs. O Kaufman, Nortonia Hotel. $55o CASH takes Dodge 5-passenger tour ing car, fine condition, run little over 9000 miles ; always used as private car. Write to W oreonian. . A SACniFU E lOlt; Colo 8. cost $1800. good as Uf . for nuick sal will take $1 loO: investigate. W tiTB. Oregonlan. 1U15 5-PASS. auto. fine condition; elec liwhis. self -sta rter, etc ; terms to reliable piMv. A 1 1 5. Orenon lan. FuK S A l.E I i-.e-d the money ; $.0 cash buys mj classy 4-cyl. bug. 30 Hawthorne. Pho: !7ns 5' '7 2. WANTED 2oo or 3'00-Tb. truck; must be in noon condition. Burke Fish Co.. Broatl wav 4700. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $1 each: vul canized, tire repaMnr. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Huaihon car, 6-cy Under. 7-r- enirer; good condition; $. "". Mar. 2 GALVANIZED iron portable garage for aiu cheap. Mar. 258i. WILL sell my new 1017 Ford at a discount; easy terms. Apply AL 017. Oregoniatt. USED A 1 'TO PARTS at less than half price. Auto. Wrecking Co.. hi N. Broadway. MY U-60 H. P. roadster, in A-l condition. bargain ; must sell. 51 a in 4105. FORD roa rioter cheap. C'l.ismobi.o Co. rt Oregon. Broadway and Cotn-h. WILL trade intou car in first-das con d it ton for 1 H -ton truck. T 020. Oi aonian. Atit(tnitilr BRiNG in your Ford car and we will con vert it into a 1-ton truck for $300; terms If desired. Ber-J. E, Boone Al Co.. 514 Al ri'T m. Main lt'3. m WE will pay cash for late model Fords, Dodge Bros, or ButcK autos. Boon St Co., M4 Alder st. Main 'JOo, CLASY SPEEDER to trade for SJita.l tour ing car. 1m9 llth ct. W K wreck old automobiles for material. all Marshall 3225. CASH for jour old cars. H& llth st. Automobllew for Hire. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 B. Hawthorne. East 102, lultf 5-PASS. Dodse for hire, touring, call ing ana shopping. Main 74H5. AUTOS without driver for hire. lll SAXON 6. highway, depots, touring, talllr.s'. shoppin g. reasonable. East 4:2. .'iotorvyclea. Sll AW bu trie engine, new. ; neto ignition. $25. Kwuin Krojidway. , H.. maj 10. 11 Vs N. Machinery. FOR SALE One Kewaiiee tubular boiler, 2-1 n. diameter by 10 ft; 125-H. P. boiler nu in operation under luu lbs. steam prt Hsure. One 75 H. P. return tubular boiler, Co in, diameter by 14 ft. Oie luo-H. 1. high-speed Ideal engine. Piston valve; enclosed crank case. One deep-well steam pump, A. D". Cook Co. make; size luxh. Two 70-xx. P. Willamette clutches. Above machinery and boilers all In good condition. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland. On ;;on. M ihct-I lan rout. EE WING MACHINES of all makes, new and secondhand, sold for less. No agents em ployed: all machines sent out sew perfect and guaranteed ; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, UK) d Near Talor iC A oQJd Main 043 L SEWING MACHINES 200-jlightIy used sewlr.g machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheaus, $5 and up; box tops $2 and up. S S. Sie?el. lwo stores, SSi Alder st. and 242 Aluer st. PiT'E Secur.d-liand and new. black and gal vaidxel. au amount of any ie. Get our pr'ces and w'it get our order. M. Bards e Sous, the Home of a Million Bargains, Main and Front streets. CRANBERRY VINES. Anyone conieaip.aung planting cranber ries this eMu w.ll Had it to their lnter est to addrfcss AG t44. Oregonlan. for vines HIGH F.ST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, camera, kouaks and lenes; boUsMit. sold and excliauged. Hochf elti's t am. la Exchange. 5 st. Main :;:!. NE A RL Y new National cash reKiyter. ret:s L ters 5c to $7; any reasonable oner will be BCLriru H iu".tn ai uucu. xvosarian Lld ter la. Morgan bid y. FoK SALE New chiropractic suitcase, ad JustinK tablfr. 510 .Nunhutit Mug., 0th and Washington, CASH REGISTERS, sligi.tly used; our prices mi e low er. u tnier xuxcnanga. dl V Washington st. Main 006. 4-DRAWER. new in ad l I -lectric grocery Na tional caoh register for sale or trade for good auto. A V tb7, Oregonlan. I OR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all klnus machinery, rails, cars. Hallway Eu.u.vment Co.. TtJ lat. Main 2aii. ELECTKiC motors for sale, trade or rent. expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 4 1 Burnslde st. Broad a ay or A 5674. bti'OND-HAND oTlce furniture tor rent or sale; all grades ; larjcti selection. Pacific Staty. c Pig. Co.. lo 7 2d et. Main 1U71. DUCK hunting rights let out for Thursday and Sunday on line lake on tiauvlcs ls.au a. PLUMBING supplies at wholesai prices. btark-Davis Co,. 112 ad st. Mala 787. FINE blcjci;; must bo od today; leaving town. 12 1st. liuK.NLb-a talking machine and 24 sc.ee- tiors. 3 2S 1st, ne;,r A Ider. TVo good heaters. price, or wi;i trade. 1 2 s l";rst, n a r Alder. kiACHl.NKUY houaht. suld aud repaired. X. W. Uad A: Wacnlr.ery Co.. 311 Front St. FINiu diotgun and lifb., good as now, baif price. 12i Fi: st. tTRMTl KE WANTED. CASH TALttS. We boy seco.id-hand household furni ture, rugs, atoves sad ranges; aiao oUice furniture. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185-1S7 First st Marshall 59RL LEVIN HDW. fe FURN. CO.. 221 Front st. We buy. se.l all kinds of houeuoid gooaa, furniture, carpeta and ranges, restaurant out tits, hard w are. including tools of any nettcriptlou ; aiao trunks, va.isea, suitcases guns, r.tles. Main bo72. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all kinos ol secoad-nand furniture. We also buy merchandise stock of any Descrip tion. 16-18 First st-. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4to3. IF YOU want to turn your furniture- ln-: money and get all it's worio, call Mislt Furniture Co.. Ib4 First st. Main 6.6a. We renurr prcmpt service. WILL PAY CASK FOR SECOND-HAND HOL'aEHOLb GOODS. PHONE MAIN 8332. a 2507. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, ship out town, caa pay more tnan Port laud dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. " ""CAN USE GOOD FURNITURB of any description ; havo the ready cash; phone toQMj . Main 4t27 or ko4 Front vt HIGH EiT pi icr iaid tor your furniture, tuves and carpets. Gevurts Furniture t-tore, 2o . 1st st. Marshall 567. WE want good second-hand furniture and will pay tr.o price. M arshall 1 822. HIGHEST caah price paid for furniture and mdse. stocks. J. M. elmmonds. East 6S6e. BE Wlai Sell our furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main S051. liU 2d st. WANT RANGE. HEATER. COOK STOVE AND FURNITURE. MAIN 445. WILL rv cash lor 2d -hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn Marshall 4763. m'Antf.p MiscKLnyrory. WANTED Good .second-hand stump pullur. Answer before noon today. G Mo. Oregouiar. Hi'iHEST cash prices paid for old metals ar.d rubber. J. Leva, 1M Columbia. Main 51iS. WANTED MISCELLANF-OrS. READ READ PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE Buys s.l kinds of men's clothing. Junk of any description. furniture, shoes. We wreck automobiles for material and Junk. We buy any quantity of iron and other merchandise Call us up and try us. CALL OR WRITE MARSHALL 3225 or 209 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINQ. $T50 PAID FOR MEN'S SLITS $7.5A. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES AND GENTS SUITS. SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2tS. GLOBE STORE MAIN 2ut0. 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED - J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.5 AND UP FOR S GOON D- H AN D SUIT-;. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MAR 1220 22. MADISON ST. WANTED Machinery, pipe. etc. We buy or dismantle oid plr nts Call our Junk dept. for your 4utk M. Barde c .Sous Main 6ti3. A 1663. it M ALL boiler. 2 to tt-horsepow er ; must be in good condition: state price in rirt iot ter P. W. Cfi r;?teneii. Astoria. Or. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg Jeweler. 21 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED National cash reelsters. Mam ed. 51H Washington st. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR 246 FIRST ST. 1TELP WANTED MALE. ADYlfeOUY EMPLOVMET iJEPT. V M. C A. Conducted for the specific purpose of reeving bos and youug men seeking em ployment or advice. We are daily re rrivlng many cel. from employers tor boys and men la clerical, techntca. anj commercial lines. Every young man de siring employment or a better posltloa should be registered in this department. bia'.ley HakeT. SfC'y, WAN 1 EL Kikpvrit iiced juiator ki.d wi.a ivr M.'urtineiii houe. Must hav own furniture and tools. None but experienced Janitors need apply. tate cpritnco aud waaiea expect u. A P i5, C'rcgonian. W ANTE Tw o oung single mm of neat appeal a nee to tra v l in live crew and so licit; experience unnecessary; men fro'U out of town prele-j red. c'a.11 at Hot- I Carlton alter lu A. M. today, atk for Mr. Gray. RAILWAY mail P. O. cierK. carriers, cu.-tom-house einploves; $75to$15o a montn; life jobs ; no JiriKw. 1.0 lnotIi; um announced Jan. 15. "Free Look." Paciiio fc-tates r-ciiool. McKay ble . -. t y . MOLDEIts" FTRST-rLAS GRAY 1ROV MuLIKKS WANTED ON MEI'Ii:M W KlOii T WORK; PER M A N EN T JO B. APPLY TO PENINSULA IKON WORKS. 'OH N E R A L T A A N D BRADFORD S T S. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 4 2U H E LM ON T S T . LET OTHERS DO THE EXPKRIMENTIX'l ENROLL IN THE 1'KACTICAL SCHOOL. DEMON STRATOR of god sppearsnee f K rucery pro 1 nets. Kx per: enec not - ne ft Kiry s aies abi:n. Give qu a ! : 1 ;cat 1011 a in flrtt Kttcr. Address AV 15', Orego nlan. Mi 6 fcLITS, OVERCOATS, $3 50 CP. Drop in end loK them over. Orpheum Oaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. WANTED Young man to Uri-vo lauadi y ruu. No ex per. f nco necessary. Mt your last occupation. Give re fere -v re. Writ e A F Ort gonlan. UAWT.H RN E AUTO SCHOOL 44". HAWTHORNE AYE. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AVfMuUII'S and T H A 'T 1ON NuiNL"?. TAKE eii;inevrl.ig cuirse, sicam, pas, aut r oject rii-ai ; cour.-- to nu.t a 1; work c!on helpf pay tuition. S--a.tle Enttneer inig School. Roy sl., Seattle. W A N T E D Young man to run elewitor and mak himself usoiui urouud wffice. Broadway 4"M:. C ail between Id aud 12, Monday morn inc. MINI TE pitturt machiiie to exel sign painu r pictum work. AH Koniaii. ane tor lR. Ore- fcECON P-H AND clothing buyer. Mexcr. the tnilor. rays $5 up lor suits; shoes bought. Ma:ha 1 12-!' 22: Madison. W A N TED luv wi:h w heel .t run c rranui ; must be willing to work: chance for ad vancement. Apply Jones CdM Store. W A N TED 1 M M EDI A T E I.Y. Grocery solicitor, experienced, with ref erences; "good pay. Tabor 61. SALESMAN for local and travehng work. Peg inner considered if bus tier. MitcueiL 1124 W. Ct (i ac, Spokane, Wash. FIR EM EN, bra kerne n. beg ;nners paid $12' monthly; permanent; no swikc. liailwai, care Oregoitian. WANTED Good all -a round bovv i.-r, .gta $ lit. 50 per w-ek; steady employment. Ad dress C. C. Ho: knap G.ass Co.. s-e-jlLle. MACHINIST who understands autombO work. Tinkers need not apply. Adetrcsa The DaKes Iron Works. The Dalles. Or. V A NTK i Concrete, inan to matt.e as--s and ornaments. Call. L. lid aud Broadway. Kliuue C IwOl. WANTED Pirst-claa plate print. t ui:: eni tosser. Apply R, F. Prescott, ill b'road wa, i(-ar Alder. TH E business of the International Corre SDondence schools Is to raise sa.arie-s. Let 1 1 51 1 1 us raise 3 uu 1 - vnn V ANTED Practical maie 11 u) : Mato c v per i ence. age, etc. 1 5 1 1 i. o re-gonta n. jr'LL va'ue paid for men's castoff clothing Main 7S4. EN PER I FNCED ad so'le ber. rel.gious paper. C: itors, rtecial nuin 207 ,t..i-k Ex. BR I C K LA Y o H S. $ i. fc ou rs. Apply 714 Board of Traue. non-union. B.VKl:KU wanted, steady w ork : 22 J Iurn sine tt, BOY wanted in grocery and Irving. store to deliver. 23d Help Wanted -Agents. OREGON AND WASH. Cotmty r:phts given to asents. either wx. Hir commissions: easv s Her. Price low. Necessary articles. iuke application Tor county. D i20, Grego rian. " WH. sell inferior? our noidia; Aoy costs no more. 8Ul Board uf Trade bldg. WAN TED Agents to se'.l h or?-ra d irh , hom iny, pickles, etc. 4J4 E. Washington. Help Wanted Salesmen. SA Ll-MAX for commercial lithography, print inc. book-binding, etc., for f irst-cas tati I"Tj.ncl5o house. A good position for the right man with splendid prospect fr advancement. Writ-. giving full rartlco lars. references, etc. The Myseil-Kollir.a S2 "!mv strcc-i. 6AI.KSMHN If ou des.re to handle g cleia mony-making tor. nine nt proposition, correspond vith Jonu Liown. box btl. Denver. Co'o. ULLP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL for cook lug and general housework, small fan:il, gotd w-gv?. middle-aged women need not a-pl. Phone Moucay. Main o;a7. WANTED Firbi-clas cook; no ore except those capable of cookir.g for Institutions reed apply. Andres lii Dalles iiopi;ai. The jja.ic-s. Oregon. ' WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap ply in own hand writing, tat.ng eatperi ence. age. references and aa.ary expected. A K S7. Orc-gonian. $20 A MONTH for girl for general house work. This is a good place lor the right girl. Give axe. where -ist employed and telephone number. G.'.TS, Oregorian. LADIE YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LEARNT BEAUTY CULTURE, LATEST METH ODS. ROOMS MU-o COLUMBIA BLDG- W ANTED Ladles to no crocheting at homer steady work. Call bet. 1 and 41 Yamhlil. WANTED Lsdv houkfepr for widower, 35 to 4. german preferred, in country. R. chard KreI. K. ancouver. Wash. TRADE er hich school girl to assist 11 rot t land Heights home, email iami ; H ocd w a gejt. Main 27. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 403 Bdy.. Yamhill bldg , tram you well; you hold your positions secured Ir you. LADTVS WANTING WORE. WE WANT DEMONSTR A TORS. 1 TO $ ; DAY 14 IDE RovMS i"2-S COLUMBIA BLPG. LADIES TO GET ACQUAINTED THIS AI AND 2Vc MASSAGE AND MANICURE- ROOMS :i COLUMBIA PLUG. M"hK girl who cure for child 3 tni-s. Main P.'oo. live on veara old. .Vest Side i Phone morn- liUAD waitress., claa waitress. Hat.sen's. :i 4o out, $TTt per mo.; first 01: t. S-Z, tare advanced. W ashiiigton. FIRST-CLASS cook, family experienced. Call V lo 11 M. T..4 Couch st. totel 1 must md 2 to G EXPilKIKNOKD Firl for iceiiertil house work. 1131 Franklin. Willamette Heights. GIRL for general housework, 143 N. ISth, st, Ptione Ma .n otv2. W ANTED Woman. 4o or CO. to keep house, for on man. Box 2-. Oregon c it y. GOOD lady retoucher. $1S to $20 per week, Ar.gvire Ptuii i. Spokane. Wash. rttlVA'i'K horn for chi idren. years ex erience. 714 Everett. inv afce: li Mar. 2)62. HOTEL and family he:p. city and country nouses. Room 3". 27oi-j Washington rt. MISS MATTINGLY'S S. HOOU Snonr.an2". Typewriting. -" mo. 209 14th. Main oSi'S. GENERAL housework. 2 hrs., for room. 475 Morrison. In exchange EXPERIENCED ptrl for housewozi and plain cooklue. 174 Everett at. A