THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 191G. t3 SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WOMAN, experienced, wishes position In hotel or rooming-house or cleaning offi ces. Tabor lb&tf. WANTED TO KENT. lioottea. WANTED To rent furnished 10 or 12-room house; very desirable. West Side, prefer ably Portland Heights or Westover Ter race or King St.; must be excellent in all respects uultf, Oregonian. Uli-blFHO.NiC Lri AT UNCK. We need more houses; best rental service in city. . THE ER.NtiST YOUNGER CO.. Mala 5191 lt5 Park bt., near Wa:::. A 1051. Apartments. 4- CLEAN H. K. rooms, furnished, in private famity, for coupie w ith' t-months-oid baby, central East. Portland. V llb. Ore- Ionian. Booms, WANTED Home in Christian Science fam lly by young man. Will furnish refer ences. H fria. Oregonian. . Kouuis WHli Board. LAD Y with child U years wishes room anil board in refined home, where child yill be cared for while mother is employed; reierence-s. O y-'u, Oregonian. W A N'T K D Home where mother can room. wnere child will be cared for arternooni and evenings. Give phone No. L Ore gonlan. FOR KENT. Furuiithed Koonis. ANSONIA HOTEL,. 124 14th St.. Cor. W asUinsrton St. A ireiroof, up-to-date, exclusively lo cated hotel, spotless, large attractive truest rooms: Individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 to to per wt ; 5uc to VI. 50 per3 day. Elton court hotel, yamhill at 11th. Fronting Public Library; uptown busl Tiess district, but aw,iv fro in. nmst of traf. fic; runninut water or bath in everv room. Private phones, elevator; $3 to $0 per ween. iaia Oi?o. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Airs, x.iu:an Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 270 Fourth St., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phono Mar shall 5355. WASHINGTON HOTEL.. Absolutely fireoroof: beautifully fur nished, comfortaole outside rooms, modern conveniences; Mo and up; central iocs' tlon, l'-'th at Washington St. HOTEL. VERNON; steady heat; rooms S2.50 and up week; no finer rooms anywhere; elevator, free baths, tree phones, kindly service; Dig notei service at small notel price, q-tn and btarK, near Washington. , HOTEL. COXRADINE. 10th st. at Oak Desirable downtown loca tion; respectable and str.ctly modern, fire proof building, elevator ana large lobby rooms $3 per week and up. ETANDISH HOTEL, 6484 Washington St.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-hected rooms. H.uO per week; G per mo. and up. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Washington; nicely furnished rooms; mod. conveniences; $2.50 wk. up. iNICELY furnished front room, walking; dis tance; both phones, reasonable. 402 ft 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly (2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th at. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room. $3 up. Main 8472, A 4783. ... HOTEL NORRIS. 5334 Alder, strictly mod ern. 11.50. 42 and $2.50 a week. MAXWELL Hall. 207 14th: strlotly modern, use or parlor; real home. SI. Off ip. M. 1153. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TO gentleman, completely furnished room and porch, private family of three adults, no other roomer: West ?ide; walking distance: hot water heat. Phone A 4J89, or call 525 13 Montgomery st. FOR gentleman or lady, well-furnished room In steam-heated flat. Call before 11 A. M. and after 0 P. M. East Go9u. liC EPTION ALLY attractive, large front room, fireplace, piano; modern; single room. 327 Sixth. VERY pleasant bay window, steam-heated room in apartment house; walking dis tance. Marshall 4765. STEAM heat, hot water, bath and phone, large front room, near in, on West lde. for gentleman. Marshall 1714. NICELY furnished steam-heated bay-win. dow room. See mgr. The Dezendorf Apts., 2t'S 16th St.. or phone Mar. 231G. A 5725. NlCELiT furnished room, $1.50 up: furnaco heat, electric lights, bath, phone. Main 7023. 208 17th St.. near Taylor. $0 MONTH Furnished room, all conveni ences, walking distance. Main 4712. 43S :id st. NICE bay window front room, heat, reason able. 389 Taylor. Main 6634. PLEASANT room with board, reasonable - rato 70ti Flanders st. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, new home, 1 blocks to I or B car, near club. E. 419. CHEEKFUL room, modern home comforts. w a Iking distance. 675 Gllsan. Main 1145. NICELY furnished H. K. and sleeping rooms. - -, a -" uj., 00- r lauuers. NEATLY furnished room, heat, hot, cold water. $2 and up. 211 12th st. RHAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home: references: Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. CLEAN, warm rooms. $2 week up. 44S Tay lor st. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence Hotel. EuiUs Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Mar. 6170. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 02&3. A 6628. THE WHITEHALL. 253 6TH. " Renovated and ready for business; popu lar priced; women cooks; 3 'jlocks from P. 0 . 6th and Madison. Owner, manager. PARKVIEW HnTKt. 886 Montgomery St.. South Broadway Walking distance: modern family hotel rates reasonable. Phone Main 37S3 A HOME AWAY FROM HOMR Modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor. THE MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. An attractive homelike place, double or i single rooms, good board, reasonable. 5'HE HEREFORD 735 Hoyt St.. residential hotel. The cuisine and location unexce.led Phone Main 3306. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch Famlfy hotel: uuiuanigie or en suite; reasonable rates. ANNA LEWIS HALL. 510 Flanders, busi ness girls and students. $4 to S5.75 week. 52 Morrison, cor. 13th, under new manage ment; choice outside rms.. board optional. Kooms With Board In Private Family. tU.NGL.MAL youns man wishes roommate; good board; 209 10th st. Main 63S1. ltOOMand board, modern home, for good hoarnerr. Main 6979. HOARD and room in modern home for busl g'rl: all home privileges. Tabor 884. TWO nicely furnished rooms; excellent board. ERst 4618. ROOM and board. ,795 Irving st.. K. E. cor 24th at. FURNISHED rooms, with board ST) 11th st Main 3!34. CpTTirht 1916, by IS ewinansy ' ' f- rr . MUtfT IHA-M HttLS- ' ' - r Altlti b(J Vo I Vxt ?yT SoPtHfRES ao 1. XAR Mt.Mo': -vj ALL At TviTy'lJ FOR KENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. NOB H1L.L district, 52 Lucretla bt., near Washington; large, attractive, well-furnished front room in private modern home, suitable for two gentlemen, all conven iences; no better location on West Side; breakfast and dinner it desired BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board suitable for 2 or 3 young men. hot and cold water in room, twin beds. 2 dressers, parlor, piano and borne comforts. 2U9 10th St. Main 6381. LARGE room, with or without private bath", excellent, board, modern, new house, well heated, piano, 10 minutes ride, Hawthorne car. Rates lotv. 304 East 221, near Haw- . thorne.Phone East 0006. WELL furnished room, connected with bath. - " . uaj, - jvuuin aione. Private family of 3; best location. .266 WIDOW and grown daughter with beautiful vuiuuitii Hume. wa.Kiiis distance, wish ex elusive parties to room anri hoarri- rf erencea. East 6332 forenoons or evenings. COMFORTABLE room, modern home, walk ing distance. Nob Hill, best of meals pre pared by domestic science graduevte. Main ONE single room, excellent board, large j&.u. Bijieiiuiu neignoornood, nice people. Apply liiio 10th st.. cor. Montgomery. ROOM and board in modern home, reason able usu of piano, also room with flie- "e. ui J rinity place. Mar. 466. PLEASANT front room, modern, board if ucaneo, or can do light housekeeping. Main 3312. 361 10th -et. FRONT room with all home conveniences and best of board, very reasonable, gentle men only. yti west rsrjE St. LARGE room in a modern home; board optional. Marshall 4410. 481 West Park street. Fiirnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT 18 quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEELDON' ANNEX. popular. 10th and Salmon Sla, well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. "Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes" walk to Meier A Frank's store; .-uod surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. THE DAVENPORT, 3-ROOM APTS. Mouern fireproof brick building; two furnished single rooms for rent; steam heat and kitchenette, hot and cold water, gas. light, laundry free. Main 5433. 5o5 Jefferson st. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand swve. New completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building: white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. THE beautiful new Nob Hill apartments just completed; light, airy 2 and 3-room auites. large lawn, with all the comforts of the modern home: prices very reason able. Gllsan, near 23d. THE tVi-.KKTI, 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella sts. Furnished 3-room apart ment; all outside rooms, with or with out sleeping porch; choice location; walking dl.-tance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. S-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $23. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. THE DEZB.VDORP, 208 16th st. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apt.. All outside rooms, fine view, close in. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room farnished apart ments. close in. by week or month. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 N. 23d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private pnone and bath: $20. $22 up. Marshall 2845. BARON APARTMENTS. Hth and Columbia, Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337 DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3. 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $18 up; "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. DiEL APTS., 7811 E. Ankeny Modern, com plete turn, apartments; large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, heat, etc. East 180B. DELIGHTFUL 4-room and sleeping porch: . ime r-ieumom residence; garage; adults. $25. 1203 Rodney ave. Wdln. 2589. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apt... uj., ucai. lie u i, lum; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. GRACF. APT., 24th and Northrup. 3 and -r-i luiiiipneu apts. juarsnau IU18. ARDMAY TERRACE. 390 12TH First-class in every respect; attractive rates. NEW furnished apts.-, concrete block; 10 and 812. 1162U Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phones, gas. light; $3 up. New Hart, 170"A 2d at. THE BJELLAND. 3 and 4-room furnished. join ana t,ovejoy. Main 1867. APA RTMKN T S f or renL The Winston. 14th Biiu marxet sts. CUMBERLAND APTS., 301 W. Park; best location city, facing the park. M. 1080. 19 WARM. cosy. 2-r. apt., walking dis tances vv einaston Court, 521 Everett. Unfurnished Apartments. Just Completed. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS. Fourteenth and Clay sts. Most beautifully located. High-class tenancy. Two, three and four-room apartmenta. Prices most reasonable. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart- wiiu u mouern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas. electric lights. etc: newly carpetted. renovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376. A 1301. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms unfurnished, ail outside rooms, verandas, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants: references required. 689 Irving st. Phone Marshall 274S. UNFURNISHED S-ro"om apartments; also o.uaia loouie; ones ouiiuing, hardwood floors: $15 to $20; heat, light, gas range and phone Powell Apartments. Haw- TTTnnD iDVrU lTHDT,.C,T.n ISth and Couch st. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2, 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. IRVINGTON 109 E. 16th st. N.. cor Haiv- cock St.. hot-water system of heating: In center of finest residence section. See jan- m. m.i 1 oujru 01 j race Oldg. FORDHAM spells the latent and best in a modern apt.-nouse; Nov. 1 will have a choice unfurnished 4-room apt., rent reasonable. Phone Mar. 3SS1. ROOMS sleeping porch: . ail outside .""' reiprencea: isv Irving. Mar. 173S. THE ORMONDE .- rooms, all outside; mod An t ...I. . . , ...... . " mni o. 1.00 n 1 1 1. main tVTTTRT A DTQ AO -i liT-.r o-it r.m . w., " .1 w i. j ii ij ai. Finest nnfurn. In city; private porches. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. LarKe. lieht. 5. rms.. ren v. tsia i .tm Fifn. o - - . urenr,UU,rgku,,r,e4. iReitiersJ i. 11 o 7;30 o'clock" Satnrday evening and 8:30 o'clock ether evenjngg is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads. forrercjas8j f icationg for the next day's iisaeu Classified Advertisements ac cepted after these hours will bo run under the heading " "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOR RENT. Enlornished Apartmi 705 DAVIS STREET, At King aud Davis Sts. 7-room dup.ex. 4-room and 6- room apartments; furniture t-Sr one apartment; the building is absolutely fireproof; apart ments have hrepiaces, mahogany wood work, papered walls, tiled bathrooms and maids' rooms, vacuum cleaner and eleva tor service. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucr!a st., near 23d and Washington bib Sftrictly modern high-class apt.-house. 2-3-4-5-room apts., best service: rents res sonable. Ref. required. Mgr., Mar. 1013. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3. 4. 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. 6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn ... a w 1 , joj r. loin St.; Fnrnisiied or T;nfurnl?ued Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 188 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive. sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service- spe cial arrangements tor permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCLIBiK COURT. REX ARMS. Eunnyside carllne, ciose In; 2 and 8 room ; desirabie and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harris-.n htrictiy modern; all outside apartments; idal location; references. Phoue Main 1091 snd 1052. CARLOTTA COURT Everett and 17th. new. mooern. - ana o-room apts.. o rain, zrorn bus. center; plenty sieain heat; laundry; excellent service; references; save cartarw. 660 FLANDERS, 5 and 6-r. turn., unf. apts.i porcnes; low rent. 3iain 801. NEATEST 5-room apartments in city; ail modern conveniences. Main 4376. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and 4 rooms; nign-ciass: references Main 2-08 Flats. 4-ROOM lower corner flat. hall, pantry. uaiu, i..j; o-room lower riat, nan, pan try, bath. $12.50; 8-room upper fiat, $15; walking distance. Main 3001 or East 4198. East hide. $18.50 INCLUDING water, modern 5-room upper; uutcn kitcnen. furnace, fireplace, etc. 68'- East luth st. Jo.. cor. Lavis. Woodlawn 4373. MODERN 4-room flat; porch, wood, gas rauKe. unoieum, garage ll wanted. Market st. 6 ROOMS Modern, very desirable; steam heat and water furnished: front and back porches. 307 11th St., near Colombia. $10 A MONTH t rooms, desirable location, close to school and cerllneC Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. MODERN four-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main 8888. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat for rent. Ap ply 185 or 187 16th St.. near Yamhill. 4-ROOM steam-heated flat wltli sleeping and front porch. Ill N. 21st St. Furnished Flats. 5-ROOM flat, with sleeping porch on Port land Hts., very attractively furnished: Turkish rugs, piano, silver, linen, sewing . machine. Mrs, ott. Mar. 6013. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room lower fiat, furnace, fireplace, absolutely clean. West Side, central: rent $35 to reliable party. Main 6726. 363 loth Bt. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room lower flat, furnace, fireplace, absolutely clean. West Side, central; rent $35 to reliable party. Main 6726. 263 13th at. WOULD share quiet, cosy flat with business woman. W est Side, good locality, ciose in, low charge. A 913, Oregonian. FOR RENT Furnished modern 0-room bun ga.ow, near good school. Apply 1221 Mil waukle. 4-ROOM well-furnished flat, strictly clean end modern, with phone. 827 Buxton avenue. East 1908. 192 CHAPMAN Beautifully furnished room flat piano, $27.50; also 4-room flat. piano. $20. SMALL furnished flats, private bath, sleep ing porch, stove heat: walking distance; very reasonable. 671 Belmont. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 4-room furnished cosy flat. Phone Tabor 6752. 5 ROOMS Completely furnished; furnace. fireplace. Marshall 616S. 5 ROOMS, unfur.. 2 and 4 rooms, fur., heat, sleeping porches: 783 Kearney. Mar. 3456. 4 LARGE, furnished rooms. 260 Nartilla st. Ilonsekee ping Rooms. rOR clean beds and cosy i and 2-room apartments for housekeeping go to the Marr apartments. SbO", Morrison SU op posite Olds. Wortmau ac Kin a store Phone Main 2387. " lore- NICELY furnished housekeeping sul- walking distance, both phones: $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 771. The Warrenton. 4Q2 3d at. a . I .a a - w. . .oi w 11 iceu SVEXGABilC CEKTAIXLY HAS LIVENED IP THE HOUSE BV CLIFF FOR REST. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from tu and Moriivon sts., $14 up. 81 Colum bia t.. Hlh r- :,th 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and io-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Mouwkeepiug Rooms in Private Family. H 3-ROOM suite, furnished complete, In cludes lights, phone, bath; private en trance: nice yard; refined neighborhood: walking distauce. 064 E. 6lh at. Phone Seilwood lloy. IilVlNinON Three large, m-ell-f urnlshed toxins, on canine; zireplace, player piano, etc.. $25. This Includes furnace heat, phone, water and garbage. Adults only. Last 4384 THREE large rooms, kitchenette and bath, lower floor, yard, basement, scrupulously nat, lacing park; references. Marshall ONE large room, kitchenette sink and utr. i oon stove, private entrance, ground f!".r; also 1 H. K. roem. close in. 414 Columbia. LAR'IE room, newly papered; hot. cold water, sleeping porch if desired; $12; aleeplng room, heat, $S. 6."5 Flanders st. P. O. box 1131, Medford, Or. LARGE housekeeping room with kitchen etie. 474 Salmon. TWO furnished lioiuvnin. ... . Crj' bath and toilet; reasonable. 440 n : iu ins ave. bait 0U08. -.o uanay small room, suitable for lady I ""eiiimu. Xor ngnt housekeeping, cheap. Main 3312. 361 10th el. iii -EE nicely furnished housekeeping t T'i entrance and porch. 10ii FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished housekeep ',15 roorna and kitchenette: no children. " ."."ui at. x-uone r.. oisu ONE or three furnlnhed H. K. rooms, ertc trlcity. bath, phone. East 0374. 561 E. Morrison. LARGE housekeeping rooms with all modern conveniences. 494 Taylor st. Marshall 4410. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet! close ln large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. ONE or two furnished rooms with kitch. enette; reasonable. 205 E. 23d. 8 FURNISHED H. K. rooms cheap, close In. West Side. Tabor 1901. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms free bath, double or single. 63 N. 20th st. 3-KOOM FLA r Gas and electricity, wood i.rai owMQway prioge. 3X2 E 1st N. Yi . Toom- newly papered, clean. $ to $12 monthly. 655 Flanders St. DESIRABLE housekeeping room, suitable ,m ....aiq Ionian. ( 1 Hoyt THREE rooms In pleasant home; adults. 500 Yamhill. Main 4410. ' LARGE 11-room house, 1164 Patton ave, rent $16: 4-room house. 360 B 34th $: l?rBS.J"room hddae, with garage, at 390 9th. reasonable rant to right party. Tabor 7422 or Main 1677. 12-ROOM dwelling, modern, centrally lo cated. Shades to all windows and lower 'oor "rPt-d. Freshly tinted and painted. Can Mr. Crain. Main 208. RUSE City Park bungalow, desirable, five rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, attic and basement. Tabor FREE STORAGE: Household good stored free, expert movers, packers and shippers Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. BEST RENTAL SERVICE IN CITY Call or We Bva you time and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 0190. 105 Park st.. near Washington. A 1051. IRVINGTON 7-room nearly-new house, $22.50 per month. Broadway 5170. 618 Plttock blk. W LsT SIDE, 5-room, modern, large yard 5 mln. from bus. center. Manager Carlotta Court. 17th and Everett. 4-ROOMED house. with bathroom and kitchen. $8 per mo.. Including water. 1102 Glenn aw., 2 blocks N. Alberta. 6-ROOM modern house, cor. Myrtle and Chapman su.. Portland Heights; beautiful view. Call Mr. Crain. Main 208. SUNNYSIDE 5-room, modern bungalow Phone Tabor 131'tf. Qo Reimont. NEAT 7-room home, nice yard: hot water furnace; 510 Market, $20. Main 401O. " 8 ROOMS, bath, closets, garage space. 173 Pettygrove st. Main 88. 8 ROOMS, modern, 806 24th at. N. Phone Main 5290; references; rent reasonable. ROSE CITY PARK 2 bungalows, very at tractive. S. D. Vincent at Co. Both phones 63 E. 21ST ST.. 5 rooms. modern7cleanTgarl age Phone East 776. $12 4-ROOM cottage E. 10th and Sandy blvd. East 2301. SUNNYSIDE, near 35th. a nice little 5-room cotiage. $11. Msln 4744. 1059 K. Salmon. 5-ROOM bungalow near Peninsula Park. All conveniences. Bdwy. 1658. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, newly kalso mlned and cleaned. $10; at 821 Sumner st. MODERN bunealow in Hawthorne diet. 378 56th st. South. 8 ROOMS, modern, sleeping porch, furnace. 70 K. Main, cor. 24th, very reasonaii 1 e. FOR RENT New modern bungalow 2 blocks Clinton Kelly School. Tel. East 566. POLLY AND HER FOR RENT. House. 6-ROOM cottage. Portland Heights; beauti ful view. $20 mo. Phone East 8922. urnlshed Houses. 520 HALL 2 and 4-rm. tent cottages, large sleeping porcn. fine for Winter, fine view, gas. phone, shower bath: 13 minutes' wtik P. O.; cheap rent; see to appreciate. FOR RENT Modern 19-room house, com pletely furnished, one Uioek from "W" car. 2 blocks from 23d-su car. Call Main 2470. E 917. Oregonian. BEST located West Side 10-ioom house, well furnished, prominent lOuxloO corner, for rent, long or short time: will build garage if wanted. T 919. Oregonian. 6-RCOlI furnished house, modern, close In. water and electricity furnished, $10. St'9 E. 9th si, bouth. Broadway 427 or East 6235. COMPLETELY furnished home In Irving ton, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, piano, etc; win rent reasonable. Phone East 2682. $25 FURNISHED complete, modern 7-room bouse, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4U7. $lu MODERN 3-room furnished house, re liable tenant only. Room 400 Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor. COMPLETELY furnished Laurelhurst horns; hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, up to dste. Tabor 29l2. 3032 Pacidc Hr..i FREE for responsible carekeeper for river home. South Milwaukee. A i 898. Oregontun. IRVINGTON Beautiful 8-room. completely furnished home. East 1470. 0-HOcM .uiiMlow. fully furnished, 37th aud Broadway Tabor 3-9Q. NiSHEli 4-room modern house. Mu Scott line. Tabor 1940. - COTTAGE. 243 Monroe, near Williams ave. Water paid; nice yard. Store. FOR RENT 3 desirable store locations, on corner 22x59. suitable for cigar or con fectionery; 2 spaces 40x5O, A -1 location for restaurant; reasonable rent; wUl re model to suit tenant. A. fciiaplro. Mar shall 26I.V " FOR RENT Store on Morrison at., between 6th and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 14 feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay dV Co. Offices. tV ELL-FURNISHED private office, aviso desk room. $0 and S. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished of rices, "desk ,00111. icaaonaoi. ji.j owetianq. Didg. FoR RENT 3 rooms, suitable for doctor cor, lrtth and Marshall. Main 1867. NEATLl furnished daneehall. corner Front and Gibbs; reasonable; also large, Weil equipped lodge ball. Main 151L BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIE8. MERCHANTS. TAKE NOTICE. HEHK IS THE MONK V - MAKER FOR THE HOLIDAYS YOU KENT OIK MASsiULRADE COSTUMES. We have the largest and finest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the Northwest and wo want one agent In every town in Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Montana to rent and handle our goods during the holidays; now is the time to act If you want to add to your Income, here la the chance; this Is a fine propo sition for a general merchandise store, drug store, stationery store or any one with a business rating or reference; It noes not cost ou one cent to enter Into this new field, as we furnish everything. Anjone that Is Interested, act qulcklv and set full particulars from Mrs. F. G. onder. The Chicago Costume House. Stark st, Portland. Oregon. , f AURANT Excellent opportunity for tthie-awake man; beat location in town of .'-;'!'. J complete equipment and Well es tablished business; business lias paid for itself in past 4 mouths; other business reason for selling. Part terms. 206 X loer ave.. 1cntralla. Wash. mil man with money or man with teams to buy 200 cords oak wood on the ground. Hi mile from the R H. station, gravel roa.i. price $2 .'. a cord. For bet '' Information, inquire James George, asmhlll. Or. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing aeal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland l:ealty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec v n 11-,.., t, . 1 PARTNER wanted for auto business, pays you $l..o month: experience not necessary beyond ability to wult on customers, etc and only $400 cash required which will .meu. au room J29 Morgan bidg. '"n Retail grocery stock. Invoice around $5M: Aug. business $4064; Sep tember business 4.-.iy; good reasons for selling: best town In Oregon. Address AV 116. uregonian. TO RENT. 40 moms, unfurnished, nicely arranged for apartments and rooms; 3-story brick, steam heated, rent very low. tiiw. p. Mali, 104 2d st A PARTNER wanted with small capital to buy half Interest and take part manage ment In coal mine. Address box 643 Rose burg. Or. A CASH business wants a steadv partner willing to work and satisfied 'to make $2.. week at start. Call room 329 Morgan bid. PARTNER wanted In -carpenter and build ing business. This requires small Invest ment which la secured. Call 24S'4 Stark street. FOR SALE Garage and machine shop with a lathe, drill press, grinder, motor, good line shaft, pulleys, small tools, etc Ad dress AV 111. Oregonian. $500 CASH, then $50t annually for 4 years pay ior weii equipped gold hydraulic mine; mining season just btginnlng. Ad dres BC 8SS. Oregonian FOR SALE Restaurant, good business and iii'Te;i:ni an me lime: good location for family; cheap rent. 252 Everett at. DON'T WORRT. I can trade or sell it: anything. Lay nsn. r.VT Cham of Com. HAVE Interesting proposition to you to . ... 1... c ouiiiuv Dufineas now estab lished. W 919. Oregonian, PARTNER wanted In old established office. . vwnor Hi""" active young man more than money. Particulars 248 Stark st. BrsiNKst, oppoRTryiTiKa wantfd. WANTKU By experienced lawver, location In live, growing town. Address AV 120, oregonian. WANT good rooming-house for cash today wuisiauiii, -oi v, immut-r 01 vummerce. KOO.MIG-HOlSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent, Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 624 N. w. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE for ssle. 12 H. K. rooms: tine .location: rooms alwavs full; good In come; price $300. Marshall 875. 11-ROOM furnished apt.-house for sale or rent, p-e owner alter p. M. 569 Avon, beu E i:Uh and 14th. FURNITURE of U rooms for sale cheap, good corner, electric light, all full, good Income. 394 Columbia st. Mar. 4214 TX)ST AND FOrxD. LOST Brlndle bulldog: spiked collar vmau pauiocK. tau last 8233. LOST Airedale dog. llrht gray color, black oiiiir. ornrn eiuos. t none r.ast 1139 LOST Lady's Elgin watch. Initials L. M. i v -. b i u rv i,,o, urrnnnmn. LOST Small gold brooch, keepsake 21st and O'tsrtn. or north. f Marshall 4153. PALS STERRETT. 1 1 I LOST AND FOrXD. THE following artlclea were found In cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company: Nov. 1. 1116 6 umbrellas, jug. package laundry, bungle asparagus, blue print, 2 glove?, purse, 2 pkss. turead and Pins, rll butter, package staples, sheriffs commission. 2 packages shoes. 3 basket.-t. hat. sack net bag. overcoat, hand Lag, suitcase, ladle, bundle brooms. Own-, ers may onlaln property at station First and Alder streets. LOST Red 8-year-old steer, purchased near Lebanon and lost near Turner. Or., about Sept. 1. Suitable reward. W. M. Bogynaka, 746 y. Winter St.. Salem. Or. LOST On Friday afternoon between 4th and Yamhill and 3d and Alder, small leather purse containing aoout $20. Fincer will be rewarded on returning to 736 Irving st LoST On Third street. brown pudse, containing money. Owner's name Inside. 449 Alder or Marshall lu74. Reward. Please return. STRAYED OR STOLEN A large white Nor man horse, disappeared Oct. 17: suitable reward for Information. John Daliiqulat. Portland. R. D. No. 2. box 94. REWARD for return of dark-brown toy Boston bull, female, lost Oct. 3L Phoue Main 5906. LOST Purse containing card, money, gold piece valued as keepsake. A 814, Orego nian. LOST Gold watch and chain, name tni,ide case. Initial on outside. Reward Phone Main 233, A 23C3 or T 917. Oregonian. JiPEClALJiOTICE Proposals Invited. I WILL receive eealc-d bids at my office, 4U Morgan building. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, No vember 11. 1916. for a stock of mer chandise located at North YamhllL, lamhlll County. Oregon, consisting prin cipally of groceries, S143".T0: clothing and men's furnishings. $1239.24; hardware and house furnishings. $.".30.92; shoes, $0i3.12, dry gooils, piece goods and no tions, $lioil.Sti. of total li.v.ntory valu- . ntion of $57oo.89. together with fixtures. $1130. Terms cash. Certified che-k for 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office aud stock Inspected at North Tamhill. K. L. SAHIN. Dated. Portland. Or.. November 3, 11H0. SEALED proposal will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Court houee, until 3 P. M. Thursday. November 10. 1916. for programme docs: system lor Ben son Polytechnic School. "Bias will be opened In room Sol Courthouse at 4 P. M. Deposit of $1 is requlled for specifi cations, which may be outamed at tne of fice of F. A. Naramore, fcupt, of Prop erties. 3u3 Courtaouse. . Certified check tor 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Cl-rk. mut accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the riht to reject anv and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated November 2, 1916. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given that Multnomah County warrants, classea "F," .;." "V and "J." the same having been drawn upon the Koud Fund, and that were presented and .indorsed. "Not paid for want of tunds." from Sep tember 21. 1916 to October 31, 1816. both dites Inclusive, will, if properly indorsed. 1-e paid on presentation at the ofilce of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and alter the date of this notice. JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. Portland. Ore awn November 4. 1916. .M icr!laneoua. BARGES for rent; capacity Out tons. Mar shall 6454. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property o to 8 per cent Business pioperty 0 to o per cent. Farm prop..riy 7 to 8 per cent, WH1TMER-KELLY CO., 7il Pittock Blk. FIRST and second mortgages: also sel;er's Interest in contracts Oregon or vali. H. E. Nopie. Luuibtraiens bidg E BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. western Bond a Mortgage CO.. . 80 4th St.. lioaru of Trad B.dg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, ruort-ss-es purchaed. Lewis; Co., 4 Lewis bldg. tsrfc and 1 toll ilk. ' FOR SALE Five shares Kwl.itni; T-anmislon i-o. sloe. Aouieb u. F. Koo fins, ii, .-ortn u s:.. Aberdeen. Wash. Mocey lo Loan un Keal Kstate. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low tstei, promptly closed. Attractive repalng privi.tgcs. A. H. BIKKtLL Ac CO, 217 N'orth w etet n Bank B.dg. Marslia.i 4114. A 411a. I HAVE $.1' ou to loan on acceptable Mult t.oman property; location not materia.; $2cto cios-ln dwei.i.i; must be o. K. l'ilolie Maranall 0ve. 7 PER CENT MONEY W ll.amette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions Devereaux Mortgage Company. oo7 Con cord bliig . 2d and stark sts. el.'.oo, 4::ouu. .ooti and $1u.uimj to loan at 7 per tent, F. E. Bowman A.- Co., .13 chamber of Commerce. Main S26. Money to loan on citv or farm PROPERTY; WILL CAUL IF IN ES TED. Phone labor 2o6. CITY AND FARM LOANS. " FARR1NGTON. 80 4tU cm.. Port.and. Or. $200.uou TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loa-fti. Iow-el rates. v . G. Beck. 3i0-3lu Failing bids. Phone Main 34u7. FARM, city and acreage loans made! " GEO. H. AUOMAS. 2G7 Oak Sc. Room 2, Ainsworth Bldg. money to loan, 7 per cent. rORTLAND llll'llul ED RLAL ESTATE E. 491. $200,900 TO LOAN In amounts of $1000 and up: low rim: no delay; see us fuse Krebs-Lcgu Co.. 110 luth st. MONEY TO LOAN. 7 PER CENT PORTLAND IMPROVED REAL ESTATE E. 491 FARM LOANS S PER CENT. No cuimniuluii, no attorney ice, no red tape. A J 803. oregonian. mortgage loans in any amount OREGON IXV. Ac MORTGAGE Co. Ic' Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and YamhilL $000. $l00O AND upwards on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain OUT Spaidiug bldg LOWEST rate loans on Willamette Valley farms. H. E. Morton, Salem or McMiun- ville. I'.NLiMlTED Eastern funds, 5 to 7 per DooLEY at CO.. 312 Bi-srd of cent, bidg. MONEY Any amount, 0 lo 8 per cent. W H- aeitx. 310 apalding. Main 6084. LOOK NOW Money 0 to 8 percentl H. L. Murton.605 Pittock block. Broadway 174ti. MONEY TO LOAN k N AN Y AMOUNT Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com, $iuuo To $3uoo for building loans; no coxu musion. Dcahon Ac Hawk, Main 1166. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CSVI. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 300 OAK ST. TO LOAN. $V0. $luO0. $1200. 613 Plttock block. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver ail Hlckey. Atty.. 826 N. W. Bank bldg. 6 PER CENT to 7 per cent In any amount. P.lchanbach Co.. V07 Lewis bldg. $20o. $400. $5'm). $i,.-,o. $750. Fred W. G,,. man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LA.VS A. H, Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS oa city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. $louo TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm; no commission. P. O. box 878. City. $200. $350. $Jo0. $12i0. $18oO. Fred W. Germsn AV Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. I I FINANCIAL, Money to Loan on Keal l-tt e. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for oil months or $21.24 tor 6o mon-.hs. or $15 17 tor 96 months, pays a 81000 loan and interesc Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commissicn ci-.aiKed. EyUITXHUE SAVINGS Ac LOAN ASSN.. 242 Sssrk street. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. AT PER CENT. Any Amount, No Delate. Repamer.t Pnvilrtss. ... CLAi.K, KENDALL A CO, Z05, uu North westera Back Bldg, 6 PER CENT money. 3 or 5 ears. residence property; will accept $loo or more oa principal at any interest period pa v merit; 5l-s per cent mom-y on buMness protierty. amo terms. Pacidc Title A: Trust Co.. I Chamber ofComnierce. Marshall 12. 5 PER CENT loans win "be made on cea tral retail busine properties. 6 and 7 per cm"i."l",r.Mcur'"f' EDWARD E. ool Dt) CO . Nortnwestern l-:ank bldg. SEE US today for loans on improved city property, o to s per cent: 2vu aud up Cel.ars-Murton Co.. e2o Yeon bldg Money to Loan Chattel aud Hajari. SALARIES CHATTELS. IF TOD NEED MONEY. SEE US. Loans made to persons cn salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, auios. diamonds and other- personal propeity without unneces sary de.a) ; ea& luita.lmelita for repay ment if uesire.l: lc-al rates of Interest witnout broera;e. PoKXLAND Loan COMPANY (Licensed) 8u6 lltkum Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY loan a. loans. $5 AND UP. All thst Is necei-aiy to establish credit w-itn us is that ou either own furniture, pianos, or tnt you are working eitutr V...I do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 817 Failing Bldg. PORTLAND KEMEUtAL LOAN A4SOC1A 1 ION Estat.iisned i.y l'ori,and business men lo protect borrower. Carrl Myers Herrman. manager. a.4 Stars; st- Money loaned cn diamonds, jewelry, pianos and houneiiold lurni lure. MoNEY LOANED to salaried men or on chattels at ,eai rate, oa easv lnstaii nieiits. Hoie liistal.ment Co , oreiauised exclusively by sa.aned men for mutual protection. 2'J McKay bldg. MONEY to loan on d ainonas. jewe.ry; legal rate; ail articles he.U 1 yr ; ealab.iaaml since IsftS. iiiuai i, .3j t asmr.gton. Loans Killed. " $' AT 8 PEK CENT. Neat 4-rooiu mod. in buntalow; well Ke;,t gtounds: ocvuiued bv owner- ali-o have appi. cation tor $70o at pef rent on u-room bungalow; ,,.t 74 xloo. Fred. A. German Co.. 732 Chamr-er of Com. $2-".9 AT 7 per cent. Roe City Park lm proved : no com;r.ry:on. N i6, Oregonian. rr.o.u prlvaie jaities. $200 on my dlm- Orep-..r.inu. $2ooo WANTED ui 1166. Deslion Ai t sur.i-.slde home. Main Hawk. l'lKMIML, hair goods lowest pricks, SO-uich wavy swilcii. 2 i.a $L58 24-lnch wavy switcn. 8 Sep 1 U0 Ali-arouud transioriuatiou .......... l.e, face massag. hair bobtiing. iiianicr.i,, 20c. liair re moved by e.ectnc neva.e. switch made ot combinga. uOc We ouy our comomss. Sanitary I'ariors. 4oo-412 bug od and ainiiglou. jar..all llu2. WHERE ARE MY CHILD KENT FiwEE: h;eei all FKEk :.'frei hivs j our Uia anu sca.p 'XallliuvJ aud le tausht to look oUr Pest, 'ih laLt.' ana most sv.iauiiiic Uuiiaiuut tor ver; alt.ictiou VI the lace auu scalp. All Holme Riobectve. private par.ora. 129 jj. 12UI hl., near VViuli. lei. Jaar. o2o0. FEUVEl At HANEBUT. leading wlgand loupe makers; t.neat sloes, numau nalr gouus; i.airai s.uai, iuai,.cui ;ng. lace and Sva.p l.cluuleil to a4J Aider, l.eai Broauwa. i-oC.Ai, Nrl..l,i t.e.n.ait tia.i'.t:d nurs ana matsreufte, sives iietment lor riieu l:.llm. .umoao. ni uia.sia. clu, missage and oatlis; l.u now .ul, leu at ..I-.. I'.ii'k gl. M.irr..u.l o. ci.-en ;-,ii..a3 , CPEKILCOUS HAllt uealroyed luiever by Dr. burcu 4 mu.Lt.e uvouie inetuod; cuie KUiiralKUttd ; no Scats. Mile. iittUiug, Ju4 i wet land b lug. WILL oung laUy wno came to me for help at Til C'aks oauuug p. ace curiQ Xllsl part ot Aukusl, iiil, suu address id AV 122. Olegouiau KoSE CAHiLL. magnetic healer. Healing lest cue tea iliuia, 1'. M.; Sdnd&y lec tures and teta. 161 N. ioth at. Malu nealiuas aily. Gi-llMAN nurse; li.aag'-, electric b.annets and batlia lor rneuiiia;idm. lumcaso, neu- laiai-i. etc. lady tiaine.i ml: lltu St. Open f-uiidaya jc-v .- i cu v.ion.ptly itl.eN.s headache, neu taigla and la i.pbe. lor aa.w t Port laud litel 1 haru.acy. RE V . M Rii. j 7 C. SC 1 1 6 Rl, cTrcTe"a every lilght. a o'clock: mutations answered, ria,iuga d-u.;. 412 iota et. Main 811. 14.1 cultui'tsciiu ale-ai Lsitiis, heat, llgnl. eiectiii. and v.wiatuiy n..-.afce, or. Auar gare t lia l,le, 0 1 A w e I .alio. Mailt 1 oA. Ml.s. M. L. li Mar. Spiritualist, teacher oir paluustiy and caid-icadn.. La removed to 230 olh st4 cor. Mam at, boPltlA B. SKIP, teacner inentarand apirlt ual philosopiiy dai.y. 3o9 Touiny bidg, ed qaeation nignu Mar. 3Uio. ELE:T KIC treat mi nts for poor circulation, rheumatism, la. c and scaip, sail tatiis. 42i C.u st. Main 8J..9. THE FLR SHOP. Rcinodeliiia . new orders: trimmings; best woik. lovv prices, ou. f'.vetlaud biag. MKS. aiEE.S, 24 e.ns in Portland; 2oth centuiy ci ncc in pa. spirit ual readings uai.i. J10 i'alor it SPlitl TC ALl-M Rev. Mary A. . Price, circl Tuesday. 2. Wed. and Sun. e P. M. ; read ing daily. 212 Cay. Marshall 396u. ELKc'TlUO treatments, scaip and mass. 417-2U Nurtll Weslei u Balis, bldg. 1-AC1AL and scalp i HO"1. st. massage, shampooing. Oll.ce 2u2. MA i ANDIIEVVS te... card rending. 2.V2 P; es l-nienoloety aud a EC Mam 7048. MOLES, sure.-fluous holr removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. l;u.-KN T A LO It Maasouse ar.d scalp spe- li:. r.irk st. Marsr.aH 313r. LA LM OF FIG COMPOUND. Royal Toms Tablets 5Q4 Davis st. I'hoi.e Main 2393. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurt. :;o 3d. Apt. C, Main 14. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism, Ot fire 210. 3.',u i Morrison st. SCIENTIFIC life reader. Hart Apts., 2d and Tamhill, sp t . 1 5. -M a rs h ail 2631. MISS JOHNSON" Chiropody and niagnetfo treatmentsj appointments only. Main Oo-l. MAGNETIC healer, treatments dai'y. The Har, 2d and Yamhill, apt. 22. 4!h f?oor. FACIAL and scalp treatmecta. 427 rz Aider, room 2'".. M.VNICUP-1NG Ladies and gentlemen. Room 4.C14.V, Broadwav. tl'.ird floor i