Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 04, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With All Cash Purchases Amounting to 10c or More S. & H.Green Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month
3000 Lbs. Delicious OWK Candies on Sale Saturday at Bargain Circle, First Floor, at Special Low Prices We Are Exclusive Portland Agents for Famous Gossard Front-Lacing Corsets
Advance Showing and Sale
Xmas Handkerchiefs
Thrifty Shoppers Will Take Advantage of
This Opportunity and Buy for Holiday Gifts
Switzerland, Ireland
England and Spain.
Beautiful new designs on
finest quality linens. Strictly new
merchandise, just received, or
dered many months ago, before
the present high prices went into
effect. We cannot too Btrongly
urge those who plan giving hand
kerchiefs for Christmas to make
their selections now, while stocks
are complete. A few specimen
bargains are listed below. See
Center Circle on the 1st Floor.
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, Six in Box, for 39c
Fine Linen Kerchiefs, Three for 50c
Center Circle, First Floor Wom
en's Emerald Lawn Handkerchief
with neatly worked initial in cor
ner. Put up dozen to the box.
Nicely tied with silk ribbon. '2Qr.
Priced very special, the box J'
Center Circle, First Floor Wom
en's Shamrock and all-linen Hand
kerchiefs one corner white or col
ored embroidery. Many of these
are excellent 25c grades. CfJ-
Special 20c each, or 3 for JJl
Boxed Kerchiefs 35c to $125 a Box
Silk Handkerchiefs Special at 12xiC
Center Circle, First Floor Wom
en's Boxed Kerchiefs, initial and
one-corner designs. White and col
ored patterns, 3 and 6 different de
signs showing in box. Great va
riety of designs. 35c to $1.25 box.
Special lot of imitation Madeira
Handkerchiefs, three in box, $1.25
3 Fine Linen Kerchiefs, box 65c
Center Circle, First Floor Special
lot of Women's Silk Handkerchiefs
in stamped floral and Japanese de
signs on good quality silk. Also
real Irish hand embroidery one
corner designs in white and colors
on excellent quality linon Hand
kerchief Cloth. Open
ing Sale, special, each
Lace Edge Kerchiefs Special 12xiC
Linen Kerchiefs 65c to $2J0 Each
Center Circle, First Floor Wom
en's dainty one-corner embroidery
Handkerchiefs with VaL lace edge.
These are exceptionally pretty pat
terns and of good
quality material. Each
Department, First Floor Extra
fine quality Linen Handkerchiefs
with exquisite hand art work em
broidery in corner. Vast assort
ment of beautful new designs. Buy
now for gifts. Each C50 to $12.50
Linen Handkerchief Centers
Center Circle, First Floor Put your own hand-work embroidery and
tatting edges on fine linen centers and you will have a gift any woman
will appreciate. Don't delay make your selections now! We show a
splendid line of Linen Centers in 10 and 11-inch sizes with and 1-16-inch
hems. Economically priced. See them in Department, 1st Floor.
Children's Handkerchiefs
BOXED Handkerchiefs for chil
dren in wonderful showing of
styles and patterns. Put up three
in attractive lithograph and novel
ty boxes. Various qualities, and
prices from 15 to 350 the box.
See these at Center Circle, 1st Fir.
"PLAY SERIES" Handkerchiefs
for little tots. Colored play and
animal designs in corner with neat
scalloped colored edge. Very latest
novelties. No more to be had when
these are gone. Priced at O,,
15 each or two for only OC
For the .
Best Lunch
in Portland
Come to
Tea Room,
4th Floor.
Prompt Service.
Olds, Wortman & King
The Standard Store of the Northwest.
Reliable Merchandise
Reliable Methods. -
Free Classes
in Knitting
and Cro
cheting. Art Needlework
9 to 12 and
1 to 5 Daily.
7ivc everybody
crm ...
"'i w - - - . - . - wi.
Satarday"Coat and Suit Day "in Fashion Salons
Saturday Special
Girls' '$11.75 Coats
At $8.89
These smart new Coats are made up;
velours with new laree collars and'
Two attractive models to select from..
Second Floor
in fashionable
deep cuffs.
Neatly trimmed with velvet,
intermediate. $11.75 Coats
velours with new large collars andjf
?ct from. M
Girls' Raincoats $4.98
Second Floor Girls'VWaterproof Raincoats with
Hats to match. Made in latest full styles with rag
Ian sleeves. Stylish and serviceable. Ages T A QO
6 to 14. Special for this sale at low price PsO
GIRLS' MIDDY SKIRTS of excellent quality blue
serge. Latest full plaited styles for school JO
wear. Ages 6 to 14. Priced special today 4
GtRLS' BLOOMERS of navy serge. Are
made in full styles. Ages 10 to 14, special
Infants' "Beacon" Bath Robes Special 98c, $1.49, $1.9S
New Street Coats $22.50 to $45.00
.Evening Coats $49.50 to $190.00
Second Floor Saturday the Fashion Sa
lons will have on display over 200 beau
tiful new Winter Coats for women and
misses. Latest belted effects with large
collars, deep cuffs; also loose styles and
semi-fitting effects. Velours, zibelines,
broadcloths, cheviots, Bolivia cloth and
various other weaves. Smartly trimmed
with fur, velvet, plush, buttons, etc. Now
priced at $22.50, $25, $35 and $45
Women's $38.50. Suits $24.98
New Velvet Suits $29.50 to $55.00
Evening Coats in p i Yv
first time Satur- U1ftV,?i- W
of satins, velvets, H i'Tli KV V
, etc., with trimmings I "" 1 I i-i.'4j;tl
Second Floor New
models shown for the
day. Beautiful Coats
plush, brocaded silk
of fox, mole, martin, etc. Shown in black
and all the desirable evening colors. If
you are looking for a coat distinctive in
style, don't fail to see these on display
Saturday. The prices for these Coats
range from $10.50 on up to $190.00
Second Floor Smfirt Suits of broad
cloths, cheviots, velours and serges in
navy, black, green, brown, gray and Bur
gundy. Strictly high-class garments in
belted, semi-fitting and novelty cuts.
This season's latest models.
Suits worth up to $38.50 at
Second Floor VELVET SUITS! We
have them in the season's very smartest
styles Russian belted effects, semi-fitting
waistline models and various novelty
cuts. Black and popular colors. Many
are trimmed with fur. Triced special for
Saturday's selling at $20.50 to $55.00
$10 to $20 Trimmed Hats $7.50
Demonstration "Raya
Silver Cleaner
Thjrd Floor Come and see the
wonderful "Raya" Electric Lustre
Silver Cleaner demonstrated in the
Housewares Section Saturday.
Hot Water Plates
Special 39c
Third Floor Lower part, filled
with hot water, will keep food
warm for hours. Assorted dec
orated designs, one as shown above.
A limited number of these "ZQ.
on sale Saturday at only J-'V.
Main Floor GOOD SUITS made
to withstand hard usage. Latest
Norfolk models with 3-piece belt,
patch pockets, etc. Two pairs of
full-lined pants with each suit. At
tractive new patterns in tans,
browns and . grays. $6.50 is the
price these Suits should (PC ff
sell for. Special price PJU
Boys' Shirts and Blouses for
school wear. Priced 50c to $1.50
Saturday's Special Offering
in Delicatessen Dept.
for Saturday at, the pound
sale Saturday at, the pound
machine sliced, at, the lb.
Our New Refrigerator Show Cases for Delica
tessen Goods Insure Our Customers Receiving
Their Purchases in Perfectly Sanitary Condition
sizes (bulk), the quart at
RIPE OLIVES in bulk,
Saturday special, the qt.
28c a lb., or two pounds for
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
Saturday will be a great day in!
the Millinery Section, for we shall
offer choice of any Hat selling
heretofore at $10 up to $20 at
$7.50. Nearly 200 beautiful mod
els are included in this extraordi
nary sale. DRESS HATS, SEMI
TTATS in all the season's favored
modes large and medium sailors, small and medium turbans, tricornes,
side and back rolls, drooping brims, soft crowns and various other novelty
trimmed with fur, flowers, gold and silver novelties, bows, etc There
are in the assortment pretty jet hats for evening wear and dancing.
See Morrison-street window. Hats formerly selling $10 up Cf
to $20 on sale Saturday in Millinery Salons, Second Floor, at 4"
Km S
BeantifulNezvStreetDr esses
$15, $16.50, $19.75 to $28.50
Second Floor Particularly attractive are the many handsome new Betty
Wales frocks (shown exclusively at this store). These are especially
smart for young women and misses. Also other makes for street, school
and general wear. Made principally of wool serges in combination silks
and satins, trimmed with colored embroidery, beads, fancy stitching, wool
fringe, etc Shown in full range of sizes. Triced $15, $1(!.50 to $K.5(
New Models in Waists and Sweaters
Second Floor New Waists in dark
er tones that go well with Winter
suits. Chiffons, nets, crepe de
chines, taffetas, messalines, etc.
Newest large collars in pointed or
square effects. $4.75, $5, $5.50, $6.50
Second Floor Angora Sweaters in
plain colors and novelty stripes.
High collars, deep belts, fancy
pockets. Triced each for $7.50
Another model in lighter weight
Angora priced today at only $9.95
SILK PETTICOATS The largest and most complete stock in Port
land. High-grade taffetas, messalines, silk Jersey, etc. Every wanted
plain color, black, white, changeables. Priced at $3.S9 up to $12.50
Drugs and Toilet Needs in a Rousing Saturday Sale
Special Demonstration
f BOEDDfc !
- Malted
Special demon
stration in Drug
Dept., Main Fir.
Reduced prices
are now in force.
Regular Af)r
F0c size. tJ
$1.00 size
Reg. $3.98 size
JKK $2.98
Borden's Malted Milk is used
in thousands of homes.
6 Cakes of Ivory Soap for 18c
Main Flooi We reserve the right
to limit quantity of any article to
be sold to any one customer. No
deliveries of Soap except with oth
er purchases Saturday in the Drug
Department on the Main Floor.
Bocabelli Castile Soap, the bar S5
50c Dodd's Kidney Pills, now 35
Woodbury's Preparations for UO0
50c Hall's Catarrh Balm now 370
50c Glycothymoline, special at 400
50c Antithermoline a s u r g ical
dressing Saturday special at 290
50c Cuticura Ointment only 390
25cBeecham's Pills, special 220
Patent medicines of various kinds
formerly selling to 25c now at 100
50c Rubber Bath Mittens for 350
Orangewood Sticks at 2 for 50
25c bottle Witch Hazel now at 1O0
25c Mentholatum, special now 1 70
50c Phillip's Milk Magnesia at -1O0
Hand Brushes Saturday only 1O0
Djer-Kiss Talcum (rose only) 19c
25c Ricksecker's Complexion Soap
on sale Saturday special price H0
Pebcco Teolh Paste now only 390
15c Jar Petro Jelly on sale at Sc
$1.00 Fairchild's Essence of Pepsin,
special for Saturday at only 730
25c Tube Pasteurine Taste at 15
25c Jergen's Benzoin and Almond
Lotion Saturday at low price 170
25c Hill's Cascara Quinine at 180
25c Orangine priced special at 190
$1.00 Louisenbad Reduction Salts
Saturday specially priced at 590
10c Fluff's Moquet, for the hair,
25c Saponaceous Dentine now J Sc
25c Boric Acid, 1-lb. package 1K0
Oakley's Violet Ammonia now 190
$1.50 Oriental Cream now $1.10
25c Tacker's Tar Soap at only 180
Teets Bros.' Crenie Oil Soap spe
cially priced today at only 1)
Bath and Toilet Soaps good vari
ety of odors, lOc4, three for 25c
l-il. Merck's Sugar o' Milk at 29
Odds and Ends Talcum now lOo
25cEuthymol Tooth Taste at 15
23c Denver Mud, special for Kic
50c Canthrox Hair Shampoo 3JIC1
$1 Lavoris Mouth Wash now SO?
50c Soap Lake Salts, special 150
Hard Times Cost City $118,
606; County $27,867.72,
Fifty Per Cent Increase In Expendi
tures for Charity by Regular
Board Is In Addition to Aid
Given in Emergency.
On top of the $118,606 the City of
Portland has had to spend for" the re
lief of unemployed during the hard
times of the Wilson Administration
come figures from the records in the
office of the County Auditor that show
total expenditures for relief of unem
nloyed of $27,867.72 during the Admin
istration, jiot including the 50 per cenc
increase necessary to meet demands
through the county board of relief.
On top of the city and county expen
ditures are reports or charitaDie or
panizations showing the Increased
burden of charity by reason of desti
tution during the last three and a half
years. Including reports of those who
conducted soup houses operated at a
loss for the benefit or the needy.
Situation Acute in 1915.
The county had no unemployment
camps during the Winter of 1914, the
unemployment problem being new at
that time and the city having cared
for the greater part of it. private
charities providing for the rest.
In the Winter of 1915 the situation
became so acute that the county final
ly opened up road work for the beneat
of the unemployed. Men were put to
work on Fairmont and Skyline boule
vards at wages of $2.25 a day. The
county spent $26,328.4 for relief work
of this sort during that winter.
During last .Winter the county con
tributed to the cause of the unem
ployed to the extent of $lo39.28. which
was spent for snow shoveling work.
Charity Inereane Astonishing;,
The records show a most astonishing
increase In the amount of charity -work
forced on the county board of relief.
In 1912 the work of relieving destitu
tion rout $11,417.68. while during last
Winter the cost was $18,119.23. Fol
lowing is a statement of the expendi
tures of this board each year since
110 X 4,8S7.371914 $16,368.88
1SH1 7.277. Hi.6ai.iil
11.41 i.LS 1U1B iO,"-
1U13 11. 994.531
Carlstrom Breaks Another .Record
ton Last I.ap of Journey.
NEW YORK, Nov. 3 Victor Carlstrom,
who left Chicago yesterday for New
Tork in a New York Times mail-carry
ing aeroplane, descended on Governor's
Island today, ending his flight at 8:5oVj
A. M. The flight from Hainmondsport,
where the aviator resumed his trip at
6:35 A. M. today, was without incident,
Carlstrom flying at a- height of 2000
feet, aided by a good wind.
On his flight from Hammondsport
today Carlstrom broke another record,
covering the distance, 315 miles, at an
average speed of 137 miles an hour, or
11 miles an hour better than the record
held by Jules Vedrines, the French
aviator. .
Realty Board Hears Arguments
on Proposed Amendment.
Ask for and Get .
36 Pigr Recipe Book Free
Edward Ralston Accused of Spend
ing Money on Another Woman
Edward Ralston is in the County Jail
because he disobeyed the order of Clr
cult Court Judge McGinn to pay his di
vorced wife $30 & month, and also be
cause he called the court a liar, when
Judge McGinn accused him of spending
his income on another woman instead
of helping out his wife and seven
He was divorced from Ellen Ralston
June 16, and ordered to pay alimony, on
failure to do which he was cited by
Judge McGinn for contempt of court
and later remanded to the - County
Jail. '
German array surgeons have to have gold
for many Jobs of Jaw patching. Among- the
articles being melted down for the material
are old wedding rings, English eolna and
van fillings from the teeth.
Ex-Governor West Speaks in Favor
of Measure Members Against
Single Tax and Support Tax
Exemption for Ships.
Both the merits and the demerits of
the proposed constitutional amendment
limiting the increase of taxes to 6 per
cent over and above tne taxes or tne
previous year were presented to tne
members of the Portland Realty Board
at their luncheon meeting in the Hotel
Benson yesterday by Ex-Governor
West, one of the autnors ot tne pro
posed law, and by Robert II. Strong,
manager of the Corbett estate, who op
poses the adoption of the bill. Each
speaker was allotted 20 minutes to pre
sent his arguments.
At the conclusion of the debate an
effort was made to place the Realty
Board on record against the proposed
amendment, but the motion was post
poned indefinitely on the ground of
courtesy to Uie speakers.
"Nobody can point to an emergency
that could not be provided for under
this law." said Mr. West, who opened
the debate. "We all desire relief from
excessive taxation and this bill will tie
the hands of officials againct increas
ing taxes unduly, yet the people will
retain the right to meet any contin
gency by voting a bond issue or a sup
plementary tax levy.
I Downward Tendency Forecast.
"Under this law the tendency of taxes
will always be downward because one
year of economy will guarantee econo
my for all the future."
He predicted that the bill will carry:
that it could rot be defeated with a
"I am no pessimist." began Mr.
Strong by way of rebuttal. "I believe
Portland and many of the other citie
and towns of Oregon are going to
grow and I wouldn't like to forecast
that they will grow only on the ratio
of 6 per cent a year. I am not here to
urge an Increase of taxes, but I main
tain that taxes have been growing less
during recent years considering the
jiio- r.r wealth. This is
not a high-taxed community as com
parative statistics prove. Many of the
taxpayers have been suffering, but it
comes from a reduction of income.
So far as bonds go. they can go to
the sky for a limit. Just
Besides, Oregon is one of tne 12 state
in the Union that ref 'n?d.. ""2
bond Issues and I am proud of It. We
ought to pay our bills as we go.
Expense Declared Low.
"What business man would lay down
the rule that the overhead expense can
not be increased irrespective of how
much the activities of the business ex-
j -..,- has not been going
paiiu. yu. w - f
too much ror operands , ' J -,. '
they are low, comparatively, but it nas
gone for laudatory develPme"S,e"ter:
prises that none of us would like to
do without. .
"This tax limitation would not reach
the counties that have been extrava
gant, for they will be able to go even
per cent higher, but it will affect the
counties that have been economical
with important improements planned
fOnthmoUonrof F. N. Clark. .. Board
voted to advertise in the newspapers
its stand agalnet the propose d lnKl
tax and its recommendation of the snip
exemption measure.
Oregon City CongregaMonalists In
vite Rev. J. W. MacCallum.
nurnnv nxv Or.. Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) At the annual business meeting
of the First Congregational v-uurtu
nirh a call was issued for Rev.
i tv MQCnllum to fill the pulpit of
the local church. His nome nas Deen
In Tacoma. vvasn.. nnos" "
been supplying mo "'v
se vrral .Sundays.
Ker. Stir. jinv-vaiiuiii
Canadian by birth and was educated in
j - Ti, V. KAn In tha ITnitAd
(..tiiinuu xao no o '--- ...
States for many years, however, ana
nas n e Id important paomiB
The pulpit of the Congregational
1 1 LI I 1 1 lin ucsu -. - ' -
George Nelson Edwards resigned early
in the year to take up work in Mon
Rooster Rock Cannery to Move.
VANCOUVER, Wasn.. Nov. 8. (Spe
cial.) The Rooster Rock cannery for
salmon Is to be removed to a site on
the W. X. Morgan place on the Colum
bia River Just above Ellsworth, it is
reported, and men already are at work
making preparations to Duua tne can
nery. The machinery will be shipped
down the river and put in this can
nery. It is said that the building will
ctst from JSuOO to flO.000 and that the
change Is made desirable by the chang
ing sands near the old cannery.
Euscne School Iedlcated.
EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 8. (Special.)
Presentation of a large portrait of
Georg'e Washington byIrs. B. L. Bo
gart on behalf or the Pauuhters of the
American Revolution anil Its accept
ance by Superintendent W. It. Ruther
ford on behalf of the schools marked
the dedication today of the "Washing
ton" grade school building in Kiiarene.
The principal address was made by E.
O. Poller, chairman of the School
Board. The structure cost 113.000.
A Frenrh inventor la makir aa pipes
from paper, comprcsd, dried and Tar-nl!i1.
ill M W lit
Higher and higher go tne prices on all
important foods beyond the comfortable
reach of most households.
You'll save money without reducing the
quality of living by substituting Ghirar
delli's Ground Chocolate for other mere
expensive foods. Despite present condi
tions Ghirardelli's Ground
Chocolate has not been ad
vanced in price.
A tablespoonful, a cent's worth,
makes a cup. The most nourish
ing: of all foods is
Ground Chocolate
S'mem 1852
Saa Fraaciica
ChlrarJelli't Groan J Chocolate
comeM In XA - "nd 3
lb. hermetically icolti