THE MORNING OltEG ONIAX, FRFDxVT, NOVEMBER 3. 191C. ID I t. -ln directory ia for the Inrormalio ot itke public, to give as Jar &o pu- I Bible the Uiriereut lines of business watch the average person many find occ- I mloa to use. Any information wnicb cannot be found here will be gladly tut- I ntiibed by phoning Main 7070 or A. 6QS&. Houaa 40. ACCORDION FLIiATlNU. C ii 1 &HA.S, hemstitching, scatluping, ac cord. Siuts pleat; button, covered; mall orders. aS fltlock tlK. Broadway luuu. AOJATIS CCTTfcKS. 2d. lbl-k. Mil,'. Jewelers. Expert watchmakers. Millers. 3iJA Waah.. bet. Bdwy. and fark. ASsAYEKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. HZ 2d Uold, Eilveryxnd platinum bought. ATTOKXKYS. "VV. J. MAK.KL.iM Frobate. real estate, min ing aud corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. i-j-i northwestern ijanK bldg. 31aln uiio. 1 D. MAHOXE, lawyer, 40J Panama bids- BKICK, CEMEN'T, 1'LAST.EKlXti. 22KICK. tile, cement work, plastering promptly attended to. Phone Marshall Mnii. CAFETEKIAS. " " PUKITA.N Vocal and orchestral music; dinner dances from 0 to 8 P. M. Brandes, proprietor. CAM-tB. M. JOXES, -M. O. CA.NCEK TKEAIED. Brewer bids., lsth & Alberta. Woodln. 41UB CAIU-KT HJiAVER. FLUFF KUG8 FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North treat Hug Co., 1SS E. Sth St. Both phones. CELll MllD BUTTONS, BAUUKS. THIS 1RW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington St. Main 12 and A 1204. ClIIKOl'OUISIS. "William. Kstelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 30:." Gerllnger bldg., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main laul. , CHlllOPKACTiC PHYSICIANS. SUCCESSFUL, with diseases; restorln many so-called incurable g health without drugs troubles. 31 adjustments. or scars; chronic lo; acute cases, Reventh year in Vest Side. IfOS-2 less time, less money; Portland: here to stay. 12 Macleay bldg.; East oiue, sanitarium, phones. Dr. M. H 734 Hawthorne. Both McMahon. Making good. ' CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANK LETTER CO., C10 N. W. bldg. Mar. 5822. 100 letters multlEraphed for $1. CLOTHING WANTED, BECOND-HAND CLOTHING wanted; $5 for suits and up. Mar. 3 221. 229 Madison. . . COLLECTING AGENCY. NETH &. CO., Worcester bids. Main 1706. No collection, no charge; established 1900. . DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 5th bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons. J2; A. M., P. M., eve; latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs.. Sat., eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily; class Tues., Fri. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d St.. bet. ash, and Stark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c. MISS IRELAND. 50!) Dekum bids. 10 prl. lessons f 5: ballroom, stage. 10 A. M.-9 P. M. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS. Treatment by specialist- glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bldg., 3d & Wn. l'TRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIP.E INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AXD BlXiGY TOPS. DUBRUIL.LE B UUGV TOP CO., 209 2d sL auto springs manufacturing. . LAMER SPR!NGCQ--r inK; springs carried in stock. hisr ist loth t Couch sts. BAGGAGH CUi:CIi.KU AT 1IOMK. Baggagu it Omnibua 1 rausier. Park fc Uavla. DKY GOOUS- WIIOLKSALE. T.. Dinkplnipl C.n. l.V Sherlock Bids-. Third, corner Oak. GKAIN MERCHANTS, M. H. HOUSiii, Board o Trade bldff. GKOt'KKS. WAP HAMS CO., 07-75 i-'ourth street. HATS AN'I CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., &3-D5 Front at. HUKS, WOOL, C A SCAR A 15AKIV. KAIi.N BROS.. 11 Front street. IMAXt'FACTliKKKS LADIES' NKCKWIiAR. EASTERN NQVKL.TY M FU. CO., bO1 5th at. IKN'S AX1 WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., jjth st. MFRS. TYPE AND PRINTERS SUPPLIES. American Typefounders Co., ii!-94 Front st. REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. TWO relinquishments 8,000.000 on each; bet timber in Oregon, near railroad and 3 sawmills, will bring $10,000 soon as pat ented; get them tor $300 each. 403 Mer chants Trust bldg. Phone Main 6758. Por Sal arms. WILL sell 450-acre farm belonging to th Charles Muckle estate, located in sections 7, 8. 16 and 17 In township 4 north ot range 1 wet in Columbia County, Ore- fon, a portion of which lies on the famous cappoose bay; 200 acres ot which la , cleared and under cultivation; all level, easily cleared and well watered. For terma apply to James Muckle. GC'i Ladd ave., Portland, or W. J. Muckle, St. Helens, Or. ULBOUT 200 acres of old Moar donation claim on Sauvles Island, mile and half be low Burlington ferry, high and low land combined, suitable for' dairy farm, all 1 cleared and fenced; bouse and barn, stock If desired, best duck shooting lakes; i reached by county road; $S0 per acre. Ad drees Thomas Moar, care steamer America, foot of Alder street, or Inquire on prem ises. 6000 ACRES of logged-off land In various parts of Southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only at prices ranging from $5 per acre up; small cash payment down, balance in 10 annual cash payments, with Interest at 0 per cent Call or write lor particulars. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. SALE OR TRADE. 113 acres, 23 fenced, 5 plowed, 80 nearly cleared; house and lumber for barn; $ltf per acre; 73 acres, 20 nearly cleared, $230 worth of lumber, outside range; $16 per acre ; some Incumbrance; both places 7 miles north of Camas, Wash.; one-halt f mile to school. w rue tu tavut. Brush I Prairie. Wash. fTOO old to take care of place, will trade highly lmproed 42 acres, 1 mile from town of 1500. on main line of R. R. Modern bungalow, fine barn; all stock, crop and machinery; mtg. $400, 3 years. What have you to offer for equity? 123ft 14th st. EM ALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes, highly pro ductive land; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion Munger. A-241 X. T. Lite bldg., Kansas City. Mo. WITH wheat at a dollar and a half a bushel, land that can raise 30 bushels to the acre sounds cheap at $25 an acre. If you have the money to buy. write ' M. Fitzmaurice, Condtfn, Oregon. KORTHERX PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $13 per acre; suitable for farming or gracing; easy terms. For Information write or see W. E. Hjlt. Miles City, Mont. 1GO ACRES or less, a mile west Butteville station, Oregon Electric; $2000 personal property; Improved, cultivated ; 23 acres commercial orchard. E. A. M. Cone, K. D. 3. Aurora, Or. IMPROVED farm near CreswelL $50 per acre; 169 acres; good Improvements, some Implements. RITTER. LOWE & DEFOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. 66 ACRES, good soil. 5 A. clear, 40 A, creek bottom easy cleared, creek throucrh place. 45 A- fenced, 1 miles from Highway, mile to school, good road, house furnished, 2 cows. 1 heifer. Call 270 Clay st. 6NAP 120 acres by owner, $4300. 37 acres . under cultivation, bal. pasture; 7-room house, barn 50x100, orchard, 3 miles from Columbia River, easy terms, no trade. Ta bor 3212. 6'-0 E. 67th North. FOR SALE 80 acres, 30 cleared, balance pasture and timber, machinery, buildings. Home beaverdam land, R, R through place. AV 151, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 236 A. or 10fi. 22 miles from Portland, 1 mile from Willamette River; best ot land in Clackamas Co. Owner. F. L. Roberts. Sherwood, Or. FOR CASH Cheap land, 40 acres or more. gonian. LOGGED-OFF stump land. $10 acre up; terms; good toll, running water, markets, employment. Mr. Sharpe, S3 ft 3d. rm. 557. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. T J. M'CBCKEN, 304 M'KAT BLDO. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Farm. 20 to SO acres, at Fair view or near Portland. 216 Henry bldg. MUSICAL. EillL THIELHORN. Violin Teacher, pupil Sevclk. 2u7 Flicdner blue- Marshall 12'J. OPTOMETRISTS AM) OPTICIANS. GLASSES, guaranteed to fit, as low as 1.50; the best service and material; I grind my own longp,' l!rn,iri hv lllA Ktate of Oregon. DR. J. . ilEREUITU, 32U Washington st. 1VUV D1V MflHK' A SAVING OF 25 TO 0OS4. Properly fitted glasses as low a S1.50-. 4000 satisfied customers. satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W '.;"" man. oploftetnaft 2urf Morrison. Main -1-4. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years" , experience V. 6. and foreign patents. 001 Dekum Diag. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Allsky bldg . Get my xvi "rhrnnli. Disease." Its tree. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 34s. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbcin. Mgr. Printing and lynotyping. 1004 i ront St., corner atarK. Alain m i-i-- RAG RUGS AM) l'LlEF KIG8. lnnraiii, trussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster, rag rugs, all sizes; mail orders prompt ; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF UUG CO., B4-56 Uiiton ave. N. East 6.'16, B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAI.MER-JONE3 CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREK MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, moving, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Parle St. Main 51Ui. A 1051. Warehouse 44-48 E. 6th st. ALWAYS ' PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists: storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 2d and Pino sts. Broadway 596. A mi6. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A llt;9. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. ISO Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main TOfll. DEAD storage. $2.5Q per month; fireproof building. West Side, phone Marshall 536. UMBRELLAS. UMBRELLAS All colors and styles; largest slock: re-covering, new handles put on. Meredith's. 329 Washington st. Mar. 101)7. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co., Main 5720, A 3899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVEltAOES. WELNHARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECT-AR. Henry Welnhard Plant, 13th and Burn side sts. Phone Main 72, A 1172. PAINTS ANI LUBRICATING OILS. W. p. FULLER & CO., 12th and Iavis sta. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUisijEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE. Pll'te KITTING A0VAL M. L. KLINE, Front t. PLUIBtNG AND STEAJW bUPFLIES. M. L. KLINE, b-i-bt Front st. PRINTING. DDIPJTIW0 - W. BALTES AND COMPANY I lllil I li3 First & oak ata. Main lUo, A lltK. " proiuceT PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co., 123 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDINO & FAKKELL, 14l Front st ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. TV. P. FULLER &. CO., 12th and Davla sts. WALL PAPER, MORGAN WALL. PAPER CO., 230 2d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE NEED lots to build on If you have a lot and can make a small payment, we will build a home for you and turn a burden into an income; call and Inspect our work and plans. Enterprise Builders, 303 Belmont st. E. 3185. WE have a number of clients with farms, stock, wheat, etc., from $25,000 to $450, 000. who wish to consider Income Port land property. For personal interview see H. G. Epton, 42 Chamber of Commerce. WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. T-OR RENT FARM. 7ft ACRES, 2 blocks from Bellrose station, on Estacada carline; 0 miles from Port land; eight-room bungalow, 3-room house, good barn; fruit tress; good gooseberries, strawberries. East 5356. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE: California chicken ranch, 15 acres, good soil, about 400 chickens. 7-room house, barn, granary, 14 fruit trees, some oranges, lemon trees, good well, 2 acres gum trees, ft acre grapes, mile from R. R. station and school. Price $3000, clear; want West Oregon farm for about the same value. Jul bplittstoessur, San Marco, San Diego County. Cal. A TRADE EXTRAORDINARY. Departing for East and don't want to leave my 2 modern eight-room Laurel hurst homes with agents. Leased to de sirable tenants at $30 and $27.50. Will take $3000 in trade on each house. W. T Downing. Main 1700. IMPROVED ranch, near Molalla; price $7500. Consider clear property to $4500. Elegantly Improved ranch, close to Port land, worth over $20,00o; owner must sell, take $13,500; $5000 cash, balance property and mtg. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. WILL exchange my lots, 100x100. In Wal nut Park, on Williams ave. carline, for house and lot in Portland or Vancouver, Wash.; must be clear of debt; price of lots, $3000; close to Jefferson High School; will take acreage. Phone Tabor 5S05, or write 401 E. COth North. OREGON' CITY LINE. Fine home and 1 acre of ground. 7-room house, water system, macadam road, near Jennings Lodge; value $6000; will trade for Portland residence to $4000 value. A 921. Oregonlan. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of improved city, farm and Income properties; no Inflated values considered. CAijLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg- 150 ACRES, Willamette Valley, near Sheri dan; all or part for city property or close in acreage. Empire Inv. Co.. 401 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or exchange 5 acres good, fer tile' soil, 50 fruit trees, 8-roora house; Monmouth. Or. A J 1MJ5. Oregonlan. TRADE 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park for lote or ranch, 477 E. 50th St. N. Tabor 5904. HAVE $30,000 worth of land, small incum brance, to trade for apL-house. AO 873, Oregonian. $1000 LOT cheap land. Swank, 601 North west bldg. FARM WANTED Have city property and acreage to trade. AJ 906, Oregonian. IF it's a square deal, see Northwest Realty Co.. 822 Chamber of Com. bldg Mar. 2272. . FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness. Etc. FOR SALE Team of well-matched maiW 6 years old. weight 3000 lbs.; 1 team of horses, weight 2400 lbs.; 1 cheap farm horse, weignt uw ids. Russell st. DEAD horses and cattle taken f:ee; cash paid for cows, crippled and down-out stock. Tabor 4203 FOR SALE One team, also one single work horse. National Biscuit Company. East 444. . DEAD HORSES taken, $2 and up paid for dead cows. $2 for wornout horses. Mil waukle 60 J. FOR SALE Wagons and horses, cheap. 88 E. 7th st. N. DEAD horsea and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSES for hire by day or month. C W. Townaend Co., 3SO Front. Main 1571. HORSES, wagons, buggies and. harness for ale Apply, ZQ Grand ays , PIANOS. - I IOTH AND STARK &TSaX 252j FOR SALE. Hordes, Vehicles. Harness, Etc. BLACK mare and brown horse, weighing 2'juo lbs., 8 and 9 years old, good, true workers. $120, Span of geldings weighing 23D0 lbs., $ and 7 years old, good workers and sound, $140. At Model Stables, 5th and Davis. MAKES Team bay Shire mares, 2000 lb sound and true; ulo team 205O ib. mares. 6 years old. Both teams will be sold rea sonable. Call Har' Barn No. 3, East Uth and Flanders st. l7Urc jjALE six good teams cneap, weign ing from 1500 to lbOO lbs. Star Sand Company's Barn on Delay st., between (Joidsmith and Russell sts. Piano, Organs and Muftlrul Instruments. WILL CLOSE OUT TO FIRST CALLER. $35t Hallet & Davis, cash $115 $425 Smith & Barnes, cash 110 $750 Bennett, baby grand, cash 345 $40O Chickering &. Sons, cash 43 $250 Angelus player, cash 25 Security Storage Co., 109 Fourth U $1.25 W E E KLY b u y s 1 0 1 6 m o d e 1$ 3 2 3 piano for $235 during closing out sale of Nich olls Piano Co.. Frisco stock of pianos now in progress at Sen wan Piano Co., Ill 4th street. $145 CASH buys $350 piano, upright, new 1015 model, during closing out sale of Nicholls Piano Co. Frisco stock of pianos now on sale at Sen wan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. PIANOS stored 23c monthly or will sell plana at your price or buy It for cash. Call Main 5323, Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. $05 CASH buys $450 Hardman upright piano and bench. Security Storage Co., 109 4th street. POSITIVE bargain, $650 beautiful, highest grade piano, bench, new, $250, $25 down, $10 mo No interest. Marsh. 2543. Itoi. lllrds audPet Stock. AIREDALES ANNUAL SALE. LADD1X KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. FOR SALE CHEAP Nice Spitz dog; owner leaving. Apply room 406 Hotel Dayton. FOR SALE English bull pups, pedigreed. Call 6 N. 5th st. Furniture for Sale. WEATHERED oak diniug-room set, con sisting of 54-inch top, 8-foot extension table and 8 heavy leather-seated chairs; cost when new $S5; to move quickly we otter entire set of 9 pieces for $35. Mlsh Furniture Co., 184 First st. MATTRESSES renovated and made over from $1.50 up; will call for same and return following day. Mish Furniture Co., 184 First st. Phone Main 578. Livestock. 6000 BREEDING AND BRED EWES. 4000 EWE LAMBS. 800l WETHER LAM B3. WRITE COFFIN BROS.. NORTH YAKIA. WASH. FOR SAL1S Cow, or will exchange for ranch horse. 19G7 E. Stark at Launches and Hoata. LAUNCH frame, 32x7 $25. Tabor 6b28. Veady for plank, only rype writers. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models. $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. ; other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makta of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER cO., 321 Wash. st. NEW, reouilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., agents. 110 6th st. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL COUPE, 6-cyI., late model, power tire pump, excel lent shape ....$1000 MITCHELL SIX, good condition 450 MITCHELL 4, late model, 5-passen- ger 6."0 MAXWELL touring car, big value... 873 LIGHT ROADSTER 223 MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVERCO., B 1216. E. 1st and E. Morrison. East 7272. SPECIAL BARGAIN, STUDEBAKER, 1015, 6-cylinder. classiest looking car in city. Very cheap, easy terms. VELIE, 1010, light six, good as new, all new tires. See this car for a groat bargain, easy terms. CADILLAC, make great bug, very cheap. SEVERAL FINE little cars that Will make good light trucks or deliveries. OPEN EVENINGS. EASY TERMS. PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH, Broadway and Davis St. Broadway 321. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS NEW 191T FORDS EASY TERMS. - TRADE YOUR OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ON" H. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Authorized Ford Aent. E. 1199. East 13th asd Hawthorne 1016 FORD roadster in perfect condition; has Silverton cord tires, same size wheels In front; tire carrier on rear, two extra tires, speedometer, dash light, foot throttle, auto lock, large steering wheel, bumper bar; price $325, terms $100 cash, bal. $23 per mo. BEN J. E, BOONE) & CO., 514 Alder st. Main 3966. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. New and used Fords sold on easy pay ments. RUSHLIGHT, -RANSOM & PENNEY, Authorized Ford Agents. Phone E. 7950. 273 U olo n a ve,. cor. Wasco, PACKARD LITTLE SIX. 5 passenger, electric lights and starter, demountable rims; terma. AO 856, Ore gonian. 4 liilo MAXWELL, runs fine, looks like new, the biggest bargain this year; don't wait, will be snapp.'d up at this price, $5o0, cash or terms, phone Tabor CGO or car can be seen at tfl5 Washington st. Ask for Montgomery. OVERLAND, 1016. 5. pass., in splendid condition, very good tires; a barealn at $55. Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Wash. Main 6244. BUTCK SIX. In good condition : electric lights and starter; terms. AL SSfl. Oregonlan. FRANKLIN SIX. In good condition: electric lights and starter; terms. AO 855, Oregonlan. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main G244. 6-54 HUDSON Thoroughly overhauled and repainted, very attractive car for rent or stage work. A great bargain at any price under $1000. Make an offer. East 7222. 363 E. Oregon st. FOR SALE $350 each, cash, two practically new 1916 Ford roadsters, with Stewart speedometers, extra inner tubes, etc.; must sell today; cars can be seen corner 4th and Stark. $750 FOR an 8-cy Under 1916 5-pnssenger touring car. This car sold for $1035 origi nally and Is In good condition. See it. 303 E. OREGON, EAST 7222. FORD roadster, 1916 model, A-l condition, cash or terms. Good fellow, Broadway 887. or call at 331 Couch st., near Broad way. HL'PMOBILE roadster, late model, 5 good tires, car In best of condition, on easy terms. Phone East 7222 or call at 363 E. Oregon st. $550 CASH takes Dodge u-passenser tour- In car, fine condition, run little over 900 mils; always used as private car. Writs to w uo. oregonian. 1914 OVERLAND. 5-passenger touring car, lots of extra equipment, a real car, at a sacrifice. See Jt at Hi. uregon, or pnone cast HAVE Just bought a new Grant Six; will sell at $150 discount, on easy terms. Ap ply AL 919. Oregonlan. KERRESHOFF 6 Just overhauled, full electric equipment, a real bargain. Pee it today at 363 h:. Oregon st. isast 7222. 5-PASS. Oakland, 1916 model 38; will ac cept roadster as part payment; terms if aesirea aiain - Aiaer st. ONE new 1910 light six, cheap; terms if de sired. AL 891, Oregonlan. NEW Grant Six, must sell; terms If desired. AL 8O0. Oregonian. FOR SALE: 1 Ford ton truck. Call East CS4Q. or 462 Hawthorns ava. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $10 each: vul canized, 2"c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. WILL sell my new 1917 Ford at a discount; easy terms. Apply AL 917, Oregonian. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half pries. Auto Wrecking Co., 89 N. Broadway. MY 6-GO H. P. roadster. In A-l condition, bargain ; must sell. Main 4165. FOR 6ALE 2-ton truck, pries $175; BOAdiUon 307 Everett st. L-l FOR 6 ALE. Automobile C. L. BOSS ft COMPANY. 615-17 WASHINGTON ST. 1 MARSHALL 4022. We have on hand a few used curs that are excep tional values at the price ws are asking for them. The Hudson Super-Six advances $175 in price December 1, and our customers who have purchased them st the old price have sacrificed their cars in order to get In before the rais-;. You will be the one who gains by their loss. Take advantage of this opportunity. See these cars in our used-car department. All makes and styles, roadsters, touring cars or bare chassis. The prices are right and better values than you find elsewhere In the same kind of sv car. Ask for Montgomery. C. L. BOSS ft COMPANY. 615-17 WASHINGTON ST. MARSHALL 4022. BARGAIN. 101 5 Casf. looks and runs like new; electric lights, starter, better than you think; come in, write or phone us; price $1000; terms if you wish. Ak for Mont gomery. C. L. BOSS ft CO., 015-617 Wash. st. Phone Mar. 4022. PORTLAND, OR. STUDEBAKER "Four." 1914 model, electric starter and lights $450 HUPMOBILE, 1915 model touring car $650 STUDEBAKER, 1916 touring car, nearly new $700 PAIGE touring car, electric starter nd lights $375 And several other bargains In Lite model cars. Liberal Terms. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS, Corner Park, and Davis Sts. WE HA VET THEM. Many different makes of good used cars at prices that mean a substantial saving. Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington ats. Main 0244. $650 TAKES 5-passenger American; cost $4800; terms. S 019. Oregonlan. Automobiles Wanted. WE will pay cash for late model Fords, Dodge Bros, or Bulck autos. Boone ft Co. 514 Alder st. Main 366. $3200 EQUITY In $4000 stock ranch, 100 acres, - trade for a good auto, or what have you? N 915. Oregonlan. WANTED 2000 or 3000-lb. truck; must be In good condition. Burke Fith Co., Broad way 4700. WILL trade Wlnton car In first-class condl tion for lft-ton truck. T 120, Oregonlan. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E, Hawthorne. East 14J28. 1916 6-PASS. Dodga for hire, touring, call. ing ana shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without driver for hlrel Long ft Sllva. 402 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. tt84o. 1916 SAXON 4$, highway, depots, touring calling, shopping, reasonable. East 43S2. Alotorej'clcs. Just Arrived. First Carload 1917 HARLEY-DAVIDSON3. t Now on Display at MOTORCYCLE ft SUPPLY CO. 209 4th St- largest exclusive motor ctcle Dealer 3 in the state. 8HAW bicycle engine, new. 2ft 11. , mag neto ignition, $25. Room 19, 91ft W. Broadway. 1910 HA RLE Y-DAVIDSON motorcycle, driven 100 miles, $2ik. 323 Washington. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and secondhand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines senf out sew perfect and guaranteed ; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d Ne ar Taylor st. A 362tf. Mai n 8431. SEWING MACHINES 500 slightly used sewlr-g machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up: box tops. $2 and up. S S. Slegul, two stores, 383 Alder fct. and 242 Alder st. P1TE Secc-cd-band and new, black and gal vanized, an amount of any size. Uet our pr'cea and we'll get your order. M. Barde ft Sons, the Home of a Million B are .Unit, Aiain anu rront streets. CRA N btKKY VINES. Anyone contemplating planting cranber es this season will iind it to their inter it to addrtss AG 844. Oregonlan. for Mne rles es HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses; bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Cam-rs Exchange. 83 3d sL Main 8,"M. FOR SALK Remington automatic shotgun. No. 12 guage, nearly new, with canvas cover and leather shell case; bargain. See Bain. 129 4th st., fourth floor. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 351ft Washington st. Main 606. 4-DRAWER, pew model electric grocery Na tional cash register for sale or trade lor good auto. AV fcb7, Oregonlan. BAKER'S large portable oven, fine condi tion, coal or wood; alo portable gas oven; both snaps 677 K. 37th st. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Hallway EQuir-ment Co.. 76 1st. Main 23G3. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent, expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 41; Burnside st, Broadway or A 5674. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; large selection. Pacific Staty. ft Ptg. Co.. 17 21 st. Main 1971. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 12 3d st. Main 797. FERTILIZER Cow, horse manure, rotted or green. East 41o6. NEW" BOOKSrSECTI ON CAS Ed. Marshall 3379. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead ft Machinery Co.. 311 Front st. FURNITURE WANTED. CASH TALKS. Ws buy secoud-hand household furni ture, rugs, stoves and ranges; also oXfic furniture. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185-187 First st. Marshall 5B8L FREE STORAGE: Any goods put Into our fireproof storage will be stored free me first month. Kates very seasonatble there after. Van Horn Transfer Co. Mala 33, A 1984. FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO. wants all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 160-lt3 First st., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4033. IF YOU want to turn your furniture In: money and get all it's worth, call Mtah Furniture Co.. Ie4 First st. Mala We render prompt service. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, ship out town, can pay more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. CAN USE GOOD FURN'ITURB of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 Front st. HIGHEST prices paid tor your furniture, stoves and carpets. Gevurts Furniture Store, 207 1st st. Marshall 587. CROWN Furniture Co. pays you all your furniture is worth. 209 1st. M arshall 2693. WE want good second-hand furniture and will pay the price. Marshall 1822. HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture and mdHe. stocks. J. M. immond. East 5868. BE WII Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8051. 191 2d st. WANT RANGE. HEATER. COOK STOVE AND FURNITURE. MAIN 4495. WILL pv cash for 2d-hand rural Luxe. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. FURNITURE WANTED. LEVIN HDW. ft n'RX. CO.. 221 Front st. We buy. sell all kinds of household zoods. furniture, carpets and ranges, restaurant outfits, hardware, including tools . of any description; slso trunks, vatises, suitcases, guns, rifles. Main 9u72. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. READ READ PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE Buys all kinds of men's clothing, junk of sny description, furniture, shoes. We wreck automobiles for material and junk. We buy any quantity of Iron and other merchandise Call us up and try us. - CALL OR WRITE MAT? OH ALL. 8225 or 209 MADISON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $750 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS S7.30L HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS SUITS. SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 208i. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2080 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THK RELIABLE BUYER. MAR 1229 229 MADISON ST. C O RDW O 6 D W A NT E D No. 1 dry fir cord wood, first growth ; can use 300 cords' during Winter; quote price f. o. b. cars Portland. Terms cash, AK 881. Oregonian. WANTED Machinery, pipe. etc. We buy or dismantle old plr.nts Call our Junk dept. for your unk. M. Bards ft Sons, Main V3. A 16fi3. SMALL boiler. 2 to 6-horsepower ; must be in good condition; state price in first let ter. P. W. Chrlstensen, Astoria, Or. WANTED Scales for weighing gold bullion up to not less than 20O ounces. Advise E. A. Burt, room 7, at 250ft Third st. C A S H for your olil gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering. mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. HIGHEST cash prices paid for old metals and rubber. J. Leve. led Columbia. Main 5108. WE buy junk of all kinds, furniture and other merchandise. Marshall 3225, WANTED National cash registers. Main fev 6. 33 1 ft Washington st. WANT dresser and good rug, cheap for cash. Mam 68S0, room 302. WANT Underwood or Uemlnjjion typewriter cticap ior CHgn. ij ireg oninn SECON D - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR 246 FIRST ST. nKtP WANTED MALE. WANTED TODAY. Boy for grocery store. Delivery boy, meat market. Delivery boy, florist's. Six ger eral tarm hands. Man and w ife for farm. Boys for local furniture and dour factories. Six resaw yers and rippers. Four rouKh tallymen. Five chalnmen. Fifteen f round men. work electrifying steam road, re fare. SPECIAL Can place six family men. having boys over 16, in permanent work with kirffo lumber conccru. Eastern Oregon. PUBLIC EMTLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT UEPT. V M. C. A. Conducted for the specific purpose of serving boys and young men seeking em ployment or advice. We are dally re ceiving many calls from cmploert for boys and men ta clerical, technical and commercial lines. Every young man de siring employment or a better position should be registered ta this ueperuuiuu Stanley B a k e r . Ke c' y . BOYS. 1C-17. Must live with parents. Ap ply between 9 and 10 A. M., teuperlntend ent's oftice, basement balcony, Meier ft Frank Company. SUITS, RAINCOATS. OVERCOATS. Menl I sell hlh-grado suits and ovcr-i coats for luss; $25 values for $15, and $30 values lor $20. All ready to wear. Jiiimy Dunu. 2d floor, Eilers bidg- Cat-ty corner from Pantagea Theater. A LARGE whulettsle firm has opening for office boy about 17 years of age; oul who has had some experience prtlerred; reply in own handwriting, stating age, educa tion, experience and. salary expected. B 920, Oregonian. DRUG CLERK Must have some experi ence and be willing to do second clerk's worn. state salary expected ana give reterences. all iu first letter. Small town in Washington. Address AV 114, Orego nian. WANTED Printing salesman ot good ad dress, competent to estimate, energetic and able to develop Ideas ; when answer ing, state qualifications, experience, where last employed and expectations. Ad dress T 918, Oregonian. WANTED, at once, first-class open- hop brass foundry m older for out-of-town work: also in city; good wages to -efficient men. . 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, custom-house employes; $75 to $150 a month; life Jobs ; no strikes, no layoffs; exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book." Paciiic Statts school. McKay bldg., city. MECHANICS wanted everywhere; good wages. Fit yourself by courses in steam, gss or electrical fcngmeeriug. Student aid plan. Free catalogue from Seattlu Engi neering School, Hoy st., Seattle. ' WANTED For services in U. S. Coast Guard, two boys between ages of 17 and 20, of good ha Jits and character. Apply to Commanding Olficer. Manning. Asioria, or. EXPERIENCED janitor for lioteL Must be familiar with oil burner and have own tools for repair work; wife to do chain ber work. No children. Campbell Hotel. WANTED A man to do turning, bandsaw and shaper work. KING SASH. DOOR ft LBR, CO. Spokane, Wash. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS, 3.b0 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orphean Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. WANTED A neat-appeanng young man with selling ability; experience unneces sary; opportunity for advancement. Call 20$ Ablnt;ton Bldg.. bt. 8 and A. SI. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL, HD hAUTHUK.MS A V ii. PRACTICAC EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES and TRACTION ENGINES OREGON AUTO " SCHOOL, 42i-U BKLMONT ST. REAL INSTRUCTION REAL WORK. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. WANTED At once, first-class open-shop wood patternmakers for out-of-town work; good vsatfi to efficient men. 417 Oregon bid., 5ih and oak sts. WANTED Men to distribute circulars. Ap ply 7 to 9 A. M. today. Kelly Advertising Co., 427 East Morrison. SECOND-HAND clothing buyer, Meyer, the tailor, pays $3 up for suits; shoes bought. Marfhall 122. 229 Mldl'on. WANTED Good all-around beveler. wages $19.50 per week: steady employment. Ad oress C. C. Belknap Glass Co., Seattle. WANTED Experienced bush el man, men's dept. R. M. Gray, Washington and West Park. WANTED Boy to deliver orders on wheel. Must know the East Side streets, steady Job National Market. East 42 or "B 2242. W A NTEI 2 news ati-nti to work on pas senger trains; small cah bond required. Apply at ltiftft N. Oth st. SEVERAL young men to prepare for po sitions. $75 to $125. J. S. Knau&s, Ab stract room. Court houpe. WANTED First-c!ass p:ate printer and em bosser. Apply R. F. Prescott, 144 Broad way, near Alder. THE business of the International Corre spondence schools Is to raise salaries. Let us raise yours. Call 313 Oak. WANTED Young, energetic man for clerk In large office; state age, experience and salary expected AH 920, Oregonlan. MAN to colieit wood orders, good proposi tion. Call Tabor 2400. MAN and wife on a farm; woman to cook. man llynt farm work. AH 912. Oregonian. ERRAND BOY wanted. Columbia Wire ft Iron Works. East bth and Market. PAUL REVELLK, there Is money for you at 112 East 6th st., Portland. TAILORS wanted. Moore ft Moore, Tail ors, Eugene, Or. COUPLE for work In apt. house; apt. and good salary, aj e. uregonian WANTED 2 window washers. 66 6th st., upstairs. BOY wanted, with bicycle or motorcycle. Inquire 410 Alder st. Bl S H liLMAN wanted, Herman Schulz. 403 Washing ton. Experienced delivery boy with wheel; splen did opportunity; steady. Lubllner. florists. WANTED Clarinet teacher. Call Woodlawn 3309. BOY with wheel. aftr school and Satur days or all day. Apply 824 Stark. FULL value paid for men's cast off clothing. Main 734. BARBER wanted for Saturday; wages guar anteed. 2'W First st. FIRST-CLASS coat finisher wanted. Ra.y Barkhurst, 6th and Stark sts. TAILOR wanted at 727 Thurman st. CHEF wanted. Call Main 59. Help Wanted -Agents. WHY sell inferior? uur hospital policy costs bo mora, 601 Board oX Trade bid. HELP WANILD MALE. Help Wanted mIpmbcb. A LARGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has a splendid opemr-i for a hign-grade salesman, a man without previous vx pern-nee preferred. Must be a man of char acter, of good appearance and a proven producer in his previous work. Instruc tion in insurance salesmanship will be supplied. An excellent mon-y-making op portunity fur the right man. Harmon ft Cummyigs, Gen. Agts., 12u8-l3 Northwest ern Bank bldg., city. WANTED Man with Ford car; long Job. Call Friday after 9 A. M. at Rita Hotel, room 408. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Several first-class house-to-house solicitors; something n?w. absolutely nothing like it on the market now. We give you one-half of what the article sel's for Call this morning sfter 9, room 207 Byron Hotel. 210 Broadway. EXPERIENCED stationery saleswoman; K must thoroughly understand taking en graving orders. Apply 9 to 10 A. M-. Su perintendent's of lice. Olds, Wortman ft Kir. tf. WA NT ED Home where mother can room, where child will be cared tor afternoons and evenings. Give phone No. L 920, Ore gonlan. W A NT ED First-class cook ; no one except those capable of cooking for Institutions need apply. Address The Dalles Hospital, The Dalles. Oregon. WANTED Women or plrl for seneral bouse work; can go home nights if pre ferr. 0. 8:9 Kesrney il, near 25th. WANTED Ladles to do crocheting st home; steady work. Call bet. 1 aud 5. 415 Yamhill. WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman f r housework who wishes a good home. Call at 3s9 11th st. Phono Mar. 5007. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 403 Bdy., Yamhill bldg.. trains sou well ; you hold your positions secured for you. WANTED Experienced slrl for general housework; 2 in family. 627 Knott it., Irvmgton. WANTED Ftrst-ciuss maid for general hotuework. I'hone Mar. 3054. 1240 liiur man t. WANTED Experienced ladies cloak and suit salesladies. Auply Rosenthal's, 146 5ih rtreet. WANTED Experienced waitress for luncf counter. Apply at oncu. Union Depot Res'.aui ant. GOOD lady retoucher. $1S to -' per week. Angvlre Studio. Spokane, Wash. 1 Ivl V A 1 E homo for clilluren, any a&e; 1 peers' rx erlpnce. 714 Everett. Mar. 2112. GIRL for geueral housework; references re quired. 7e9 Love Joy. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthana. Typewriting. $5 mo. 209 14th. Msln 3'. EXPERIENCED girl for general home work, 4 In family. Wages Main 2571. WANTED School girl to assist with 11. ht housework. Phone Marshall 1243. YOUNG woman fr general huutcwork ; wpes $30. Call 32f Psttocte. bids. GIRL wanted for general housowork. Call Main 6345. WANTED Lady cook In small hotcL Hotel Dixon. Elk city. orcKon. WANTED Girl for housework and plain cooking, good wages 1764 H. Yamhill. GIRL to assist with Ho lit housework; no ash In g ; $ li month. Timor 0010. INSTRUCTORS lle.ath"s Dancing School, 109 2d st. COAT finisher wanted on men's coaia, 4i3 Merchants Trust. WANT a hl.h school girl to help in home for board and room. Woodlawn 1010. HELP WANTF.I1 MALE OR FKMAI K. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach ou the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you position; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade In s weeKa, fosiiion guaranteed, lools free; paid whue .aruing ; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to 25 a week. Expert instructors, 20 ears in business. 2o3 Madison st. MUHLKK BARBER SCHOOL wants men ana women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; position guaranteed : tools tree; paid while learning. Expert Instruc tors ; scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition red u Led. 38 N. fcecoud st. MiiHT SCHOOL for ambitious eirls and boy a HINSDALE'S COMM EKC1AL SCHOOL, 403 Bdwy.. Yamhill 0M., cor. Yam. -Bdy. WANTED A boy or girl to wait on table noun und evenings for meals. Phone Eat fvSl. Call atHi Grand ave. North. MLS.S DECKER'S PRIVATE BLSIN KSS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG. . 3P ft MUli. JAPANESE Free EmpL Bureau. Mn. 2101, A 107u. Jap. Ass'n of Or.. 2 IS Henry blug. II LIP WANTED MISCE I.LANKOl'S. $5 A DAY gathering evergreens, roots and herbs; 10c brings book and war prices. Particulars free. Botanical. New Haven, Conn. NAM ES men wishing to become Govern ment railwuy mail clerks; $15 mouth. AV 770. Oregonlan. ' SITUATION? WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER and clerical gentleman, 31 years of age. requests a trial where ability and steadiness will count for promotion; salary secondary. C 91a. Oregopiau. STENOGRAPHER. 27: very neat, rapid, competent. Mr. George. East U220. M i v 1 1 a n eo 1 . WANTED Situation as manager of general merchandise or grocery store; 11 years' experience; references. A. E. COLLINS. R o s cburg, Or.. Phone SO 0-R. j A P.VNESE couple, professional chauffeur "and useful man; wile good cook, general work; want positions together or sepa rate; neat, competent; A-l references. S i2. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted, experienced dru or grocery clerk, 2! years, married, refer enced; or will consider any talus'. Address M 919, Oregonian. WANTED Position, electrician, experienced line work, inside wiring, telephone and storage battery; familiar wuu as en gines. O 91. Oregonian. NOTICE When you have wood to be thrown in or other odd jobs to do cs.l A 2'.nt or address room 19, 91 W. Rroadw ay. AUTOMOBILE mechanic and trouble repslr; have good experience; wish to get steady lob as urKr or repair man; know the Ford car thoroughly. Marshall 29oS. YOUNG MAN attending Holmes Business College wints work lor room and board. Telephone Main 513. " WANTED A job by first-class cook in a restaurant o r nwin. . .- m.vwu, B.akstons Hotel. Marshall 2710. HONEST, elderly American wants steady position taking care of place; Al farmer and stocaman. Arw., urcjiom WANTED Land to clesr or slash by con tract. Phone Droaaway ibi. -uo coucn st. F. Kshlfeld. CvjLLEGB student wishes employment I..r Saturday axternoon or evening or .both. T 9li. Oregonian. WANTED To drive touring or delivery car; know about repairing; Siudebaker car pre ferred. V 91'. Uiesoninn. YuL .N G Japanese couple, man good cook, wife general housework, wish position, private family. Box 125, city. YOUNG man. 21, wants steady work of some kind in city. Call room :j Aioiei liroau w a y. YOUNG man wants work In gsrace or as chauffeur In private family. AD o9, Ore gonian. COUNTER MAN wants position; Al rcisr ences. Call Marshall 3S22. room 33. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling cheap by contract. Phone SeUwpod i7. JAPANESE wants work on every after noon. Marshall 729 Charles. PAINTING. tinting cheaply done; work guaranteed ; references. Mt.n 573. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position in good family. Broadway fiS. W ANTED Position as jagitor. Phone Broadway 2104. 2u6 Couch st. F. Kshlfeld. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants position for apartment and wages. East P312, room 1. STRONG, willing boy. 15, wants steady work; good refs. Writs 491 Market st. e rrc atiqns wanted female. U.okkrriii tmJ Xftucniuhen. STENOGRAPHER, five years' experience; A-l references; reasonable salary. Mar shall 1150. EXPERIENCED stenographer bookkeeper desires position; references. Marshall 5i5 GENERAL office wanted by experienced young lady ; small salary. M ar. e-7. T reM m a k ere. DESIGNER, plain fancy gowns, suits, also mukeover, $3.5o up; goods spoiled replaced. Your home and in Marshall 57T.S. EXPERIENCED tailoress and dressmaker, div or hnme. East 54t. GOOD practical nurse; doctor rclorsuces. Alaln 6937, j SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. PR ACTiC A L nurse, with doctor's refer ences, wishes position; reasonable. Wood lawn 2li75. COM PETE NT infant's nurse wants place; waes $ ;5 a month. Wood. awn 471S or 621 Pattoa av. HOM K caie for elderly invalid; refs. Tabor 2213. YOUNG woman of good family, intelligent, excellent cook, manager, neat la every Wi.y, desires pns::.on in home of gentle man as housekeeper: best of references given; moderate salary. X 920. Oregonlan. WANT the management of sn apt. house with no salary, only a comfortable apt. to live In ; cau give the bet of refer- encs. N V 7. Oregonian. I ni e.tea. fOL'NO woman in need of home would Ilka position in private family ; have had ex perience in caring for children. AK So9, oregonlan. GIRL wants ups:airs work or as lady's maid: experienced hair dresser by trada. Call W o o.I : w n 13 ; 7. M iwellaneous. LADY with daughter wants housekeeping for respectable ma a or men; im&ll wates. Woodlawn 113 i. WANTED Morning work and bundle wash ing v tnke home. Ph one E. 4t52. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Woodlawn 1733. YOUNG lady wants work w here can havs hoy of 4. N i14. Oregonlan. WOMAN wants day work ; strong; expe rienced. Woodlawn 210-t. ST HONG. rciluMe wc:i: an wants day woxlc of any kind. East 1017. W A NT I! I TO KENT. lloufea. WANTED To rent furnished 10 or 12-room house; very diiraMv, West tf:cle. prefer ably Portland licit; n;a or We Mover Ter race or Ktn st.; must be excellent in al respects, o 010. Oregonlan. TtUKPKONtl Li AT oNCE. We need mors houses: rental service la city. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO.. Mala 5ira. J 5 Park si., neur sa. A 105L FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. ANSON 1 A HOTEL. 124 14th tt.. Cor. W aLins'ton St. A fireproof, up-to-date, exclusively cated hotel. ti.'tlc., iare attract Ku't rooms; individual teiuphoue, c cnuous heat trnd hot water Service; $3 $0 per w k. ; 5tc to $ per day. tLTON COURT HOT El YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness dlsirict. tut away I:oiu of traf fic; running water or bath In eery room. Private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 pec week. Main 6H5X HOTEL LIL-MER, under new maniK-ement; Mrs. LUlian llerry; transient trade so licited, rales reasonable ; hot and cold water in .very room, 27ul5 Fourth it. cor. Jeficrsonv opposite Ci'.y llalL Phone Mar s i 1 :i 1 1 5155. WASHINGTON HOTEL. " Absolutely fi: . proof ; beaut .fully fur nished. coxiifor: Me ouislde roonut, tuouern con veti:en-eA , S : 5 and up; ctutral ioca t;on. 12th ut Va!'.u.ritvn t. LiOTUL VERNON: steady heat; rooms $2.50 and up eek; no rooms any here; elevator, fiee baths, free phones, kindly service ; big hoit 1 s--rvice at bin all hotel pri- e. 12th and Murk, near Washington. HOTEL C O R A D I N E , 10th st. at Oiik downtown loca tion; respectable and strictly modern, fire proof bandit!, e. ova tor and large lobby; rooms g3 per week and up. STANDIrili HOTEL. PIS i Wash In 1; ton et., corner 17th. Hot snd cold water; ateam-hected rooms. $1.50 per week; $-J per mo. and up. lTcCK I Ni 1 1 A Nl HOTEL. 2itlh and Washington; nicely furnished rooms ; mod. conveniences ; $2.50 wk. up. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance ; both phones, rensona- Ie. 402 Vs 3 st. The War rent on. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2fi 1 Uh sL S tTlctTV modern; pnate oaths eu suite; rooms $$ up. Main 0472. A 473. HOTEL NOR R IS. 533 S Alder, strictly mod- ern. $1.5o. $2 and $2 . 5 if a w ec k. MAXWELL Hall. 207 14th: strictly modern, use or parlor: real home. $1.5tf ip. M. 115.1. umitietl Room. 111 I'rivate 1 umtir. J tieniieman. completely furnished room and porch, priva to fa mi.y of three adults, no other roomer; West Side; walking distance; hot water heat. l'hoiie A 4550, or call 525 1 Montgomery st. WELL FI'RN ISH ED room coaected with uutn, witn - nieais a uay, s.i; room avoue, $10: private iamlly of 3; best locution. 200 Broadway, near J of f ureon. A 4522. lone. NICELY furnished steam-heuted bay-window room. See msrr. The Dexetidorf Apts., 2uS 10th St.. or plune Mar. 2316. A 5725. VERY warm bay-window room, cloe in. ER Y warm bay-window room, cloe in, modern, gentlemaa preferred ; cheap. 501 Kv iTiir. NICELY lurnlshed rooms. $1.50 up; furnace niit. e.ectrie lights. iat;i, pnone. jaain. .'2t. 17th st-. mar Tuylor. FOR lifiuii'inan or l;"iv, woi!-f urr; ished room In flat. Cull before 11 A, M. and hIut 3 I'. M Euat in. EAVEl'TI N ALLY attractive, larse front room, fireplace, piano; modern; sing. a rorm. 327 ixth. TWO pleasant front rooms, running water, $'.: 4-roo:n flat, llirht. clean, not modern, $12. 3.;5 Montgomery. CHEERFUL room. mo. lorn home comforts, walking distance. 075 Gllsan. Main 114-V SINGLE or en se.ite. tonv. nit r.t. new, s.ep ihr or housekt. eplng. 475 Morrison. NICELY furnished H. K. and sleeping rooms, modern cjnv.; $1.50 up. 504 Flsnners. $1.50 A WEEK in? (llianre. -Very pleasant room; walk :;2. w. Park st. NEATLY furntMu l room. heat, hot, cold witter. $2 nnd up. 211 12th st. BEAL'TI FULLY f urn's' ed rooms in good home: references: Nob Hill. 73$ Johnson. NEATLY furnished froi.t IcJroom, walking d ictance, J Liu per week. 431 0:h su IR VI NGTON Peautl'ul room, new home, I - blocks to 1 or B car. i; club. E. 41i. Rooms Willi Hoard. ALEXANDRA COURT. 5 L-a t-triet. An American Plan HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Mar. 617. THE VIRGINIA HILL I4t: and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to trans ems or permanent guests. I'hone Main V 2 Mi. A 00 2S. THE WHITEHALL. 253 6TK. Renoated and restly for ousuiess; popu lar prlc d ; women cooks; li blocks from P. O . Cth snd MaJ Owner, manager. PARKVIEW HOTEL. SS6 Montgomery st.. Suth Brosdwsy. Ws Iking distance ; modern f ami' y hotel; rates reasonable. Phone Main 3, S3. A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME. Madera rooms; American and Europea plan; r:ites to permanent cueitt. KARL HOTEL, Brosiway st Taylor. THE MAMTor. 201 13TH ST. An attractive place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. THE HEREFORD 735 Hoyt St. residential hotel. The cu::ne and location unexcelled. Phone M;iln 33'5. THE STKYKER. 554 Couch Family hotel; rooms, sin;- or en suite: reasonable rates. ANNA LEWIS HAUL. 5IO Flanders, busl oess girls And rtu-it-nts. $4 to $5.75 week. 452 Morrison, cor. lath, tinder new manage ment ; choice outside mis., board optlonsL K(Hiint With Hoard la Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or 3 young men, hot and cold water In room, twin beds, 2 dressers, parlor, piano and home comforts. 20J 10th st. Main t3Sl. WIDOW and grown dnuRhter with besutlful colonial home, distance, wish ex clusive rtle to room snd board ; ref erence Eajt 0"32 fori, noons or evenings. LA D Y with ch!M 0 years, w ishes room and board in rcTlned home, where child will be cared for while mother is employed; references. O 920, OreKonian. COMFORTABLE room, modern home, walk ing distance. Nob H ill. best of meals pre pared by domestic science graduate. Main 4341. FRONT room with all home conveniences and best of board, very reasonable, gentle men only. -''1 West Psrk st. LAKUE room In a modern home; board optional. Marshall 44lo. 451 West Parle street. FRONT ROOM with all home conveniences and best of boar.!; very reasonable. 2'J 1 est .raric si. 31 am ;y. LA RG E f ror.t room and porch, cozy home, Portland He!(jhts. excc','.nt mea.s. horns privileges. Marshall 1720. CONGENIAL joi? man wishes roommate; g 00 1 on rd : 200 1 ' t h s t. Main 0o M. ROOM and bard. modern home, for good honnierr. Vain flf?'.. BOARD and room in modern home for busl nesa girl ; alt home privileges. Tabor ifSL PLEASANT room with board; reasonable raTe. 700 Flanders su TWO nic bonn:. F-. fu: Ithed rooms; excellent t -UU'". FURNISH ED rooms, with board. i20 11th, SU Main &&3 i