tut: uronNTXfi oregoxiaw. sioxday, October o, mis. HELP WASTED MALE OS FEMALE. 1HE ORIGINAL MOL.ER BARBER COL LEGS will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a. si of tools, scholarship aud alploma. get you position; 32 schools in U. i. aud Cauaua. Write tor tree catalogue. Cor. 2a and Burnakie. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Hen and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed, tools free; paid while learning; tuiLion reduced. Can earn from 15 to S5 a week. Expert Instructors, 20 years in business. 23a Madison st. JIOHLER BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; position guaranteed; tool true; oald while learning. Expert instruc tors; scalp a-ad face massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. IsS X. Second st. "-"iPER'EXCED first-class solicitors want "d for household specialty, entirely new profitable and steady employment. Appl BP9 Swetland bldg. Jills DECKER' S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKYBLPG.L8P&MOR JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau.. Mn 2191 A 1670. Jap. Ass n of Or. 21b Henry bldg HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. W4NTED Names men wishing to become Portland mailcarrlers. commence t month. AV 100. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted; young man. expert ac countant, four years' experience aa cash ier and auditor for public utilities corpor ations, three years' experience ass't audi tor and traffic manager for large Western co-operative fruit sales agency; capable end desirous of assuming responsibility Address AV 71, Oregonian. ' Miscellaneous. PRACTICAL PRINTER. All-around, thoroughly experienced. Is open for engagement either as Job. ad, makeup or foreman of daily In progressive . city with possibilities. Married, sober, in dustrious. At present am foreman on live dally. Address P.. box 1H. Albany. Or. EXPERIENCED, neat appearing middle aged man of good address would like to find position as Janitor, porter or watch man, or work of some kind, city refer ences. Address Peter Pastoret. Gen. Dei.. Portland, Or. JAPANESE, two men. want situations, in .high-class private family; work together; one Is frst-class cook, one is housework. washing. 121 X. 15th. Main 36U3. CARPENTER, Inside finish or cabinet work, odd jobs, carpet sweepers repaired; by day or contract. ' C. G. Sheppard, Main 6-1 S5. - ENGINEER wishes position in small mill or stationary plant; have marine license. E 860, Oregonian. CHluBTEUR and mechanic, five years' ex perience, wlsiies driving or garage work. Main USo. GOOD cook and baker would consider night work. Howell. 511 Everett. Marshall 1842. CHEF-COOK, first-class, good in pastry, wants situation. F but, Oregonian. JAPANESE, reliable man, wants place as general housework In family. Main 3693. JAPANESE school boy desires position In city. AN 846, Oregonian. BOY. 18, wants employment. AF 870, Ore gonian JAPANESE boy wants position as school boy in the city. Kayama. 46a Hoyt. PAINTING. carpenter work. remodeling cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87. WANT work In hotel or baker's helper, country or city. BP 879, Oregonian. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting neatly and cheaply done. JIarshall 2403. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. - LADY, well versed In office work, switch board operator and competent stenogra pher, with own typewriter, wishes 3 to 6 hours' work daily. K feGO, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years experience, desires position, city reter - -nees. F S03. Oregonhtn. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like small set of books to keep In spare time. Main 71)1. KX-PrJitlENCED and reliable bookkeeper wishes position; good typist; will con Fider half days. D S.37. Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER with Jong shop experience would like a few more customers. L Burrar, 117 North lath st. Main 8193. LEARN embroidery on your sewing ma chine; leson given and work done rea sonable. 211 V4 2d. room 10. SEWI.nG by the day or in shop; experienced woman. $1.25 by the day. Phone Main 3341) ask S. E. D. DRESSMAKING, ladies' or children's work by day, reasonable. Miss Cooper, Main 4403. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes work by the day. Tabor 8579. Nurses. NURSE wishing position nursing, will travel to assist as companion and help in general: will work reasonable. AL 841, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wants cases of any kind; invalid or elderly person. Doctors' references. Cell East 5970. NURSE, care invalid, elderly, or some light work for room, board and medium salary, town, country. Mar. 260. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE nurse wishes nurs ing, care of old people or ohlldren; good references. Phone 75M, Milwaukie. GIVE invalid, aged, comfortable home; beet care; reasonable; refs. Tabor 2213. TRAINED nurse wants case; anything taken; 12 years experience. Tabor 6945. Housekeepers. GERMAN lady, middle-aged, wants position as housekeeper for gentleman or chamber work. 64 4 10th st. Mar. 5S3. No triflers. WOMAN wishe housework; is plain cook. Call Main b:iO after 9 A. M. Domestics. "WANTED Experienced cook for mining camp preferred; best of references; can furnish assistant. Phone Tabor 102. Miscellaneous. GERMAN instruction given by experienced high school teacher trom Germany: best town references. Fraulein Z., 666 Glisan St. Main 5544. fcTHONG girl wants general housework or day work good cook; good references. AN S3S. Orescnlan. 1.CE curtains laundered; 13 years' ex perience. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 593. GIRL, wishes chamber work in hotel; ex perienced. Marshall 1352. GOOD, practical nurse; doctors references. Main GttST. WOMAN wishes care of children at her home; mother's care. E. 1347. UQM N wants day work. Phone Tabor 2S34. WANTED Day work. East 077. room 31. WANTED TO 'KENT. Houses. TELEPHONE US AT ONCE. We need mors houses: best rental service In .city THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO.. Main 5195 ' -'" " "- "-" A 1051 WIER" MR lODD. i 05 yWTlS Kl DEPa1UX5 IS MV MOlTo .' mm CopyrJgLt, 1916, by Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Great Britain FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED rooms for ouag men in sal parts of the city, aUo In Y. M. C. A. build ing, fireproof, telephone in each room, shower batns. 1.75 to 4.50 per week, in cluding gull association membership priv ileges, gymnasium, swimming pool, nana bail court aud many other club privileges. Y. M. ". A. AXSON1A HOTEL, , 12-4 14th tat. Cor. Wssnington St. Fireproof. large rooms and clothes closets; phones in each room; running hot and cold water; Northwestern heat; newly furmsned; 3 weel up; ouc day up. hotel" RITZ Park and Morrison. Beautiful iurnisnea rooms, with or without bath, hot water 24 hours, free phone in every room; elevator service Special rates to permanent guests. ilOTEL CECIL under new management Mrs. Lillian Me.ry; transient trade so iicited, raLes reasonable; hot and coK water in every room. 270 Fourth st., coi Jefferson, opposite City HalL Phone Mar snail o35S. HOTEL GEORGIAN; new mgr., rooms e2.5o and up week; no finer rooms any - where; elevator, free baths, free phones kindly service; big hotel service at amah hotel price. 12th and Stark, near Wash. ELTOX COURT HOTEL, Yamhill at 11th. Large, beautuuliy furnished rooms, with or witnout private baths, telephone, ele vator service, $3 to $0 per week. Tran sients. 60c to sl.5u per day. Main 6903 WASHINGTON HOTEL. Absolutely fireproof; beautifully fur nished, comfortable outside rooms, modern conveniences; $15 and up; central loca tion, 12th at Washington St. UNDER MEW MANAGEMENT. Newhall Hotel, cor. Grand and E. Wash ington; everything new and clean; run ning hot and cold water in each room, free bath aud phone; low rents. STAXDISH HOTEL, &48s Wasnlngton St. Hot and cold water. steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $3 per mo and up. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Washington, nicely furnished rooms; mod, conveniences; $2.50 wk. up HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths WELL-FURNISHED front room on first f:oor, nice neighborhood, walking dis tance; rent reasonable. 414 Market st. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both pnones, reasonable. 402 3d st. The Warrenton. Main' 7771. MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern. use of parlor; real home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder, strictly mod. em. $1.50, $2 and $2.rKt a week. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 Eleventh street; halt block from Morrison st Main 4226. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. TO gentlemen, in private home. West Side, walking distance, completely furnished room, with porch; hot water heat and plenty of hot water at all times; no otner roomers; 3 adults In family. A 4589. WELL furnished rooms; 10 minutes' walk from postoflive: heat, phone, bath, gas and electric lights; reasonable. Phone Marshall 4878. MODERN housekeeping rooms or sleeping . rooms, weil furnished and low rent. 489 Jefferson st, off 14th. NICELY furnished, steam-heated bay win dow room. See mgr. The Dezendort Apts., 208 16th st., or phone Mar. 2316. A 5723. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. ONE v,r two rooms in beautiful home, run nii.g .water, shower bath. 655 Everett, NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences; $1.50 up. 564 Flanders. WELL furnished room, walking distance. Main 2506. bU.N V, clean room, gentleman preferred; references. 782 Kearney. Main 6570. CHEERFUL rooms, modern housed walking distance. ' Main 1145. 675 Gliaan. 269 14TH Choice rooms, walking distance; board if desired. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 6028. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 461L THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH. Renovated and ready for business; popu lar priced; women cooks; 3 blocks from P. O . 6th and Madison. Owner manager. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms: American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 8S6 Montgomery St., Soutn Broadway. Walking distance; modern family hotel: rates reasonable. Phone Main 3783. THE HEREFORD 735 Hoyt St.. residential hotel. The cuisine and location unexcelled. pnone Main 360$, THE MANIXOU. 261 13TH ST. An attractive home-like place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD tor young women. 3.6u per week; modern conveniences. E. 4732L ANNA LEWIS HALL. 510 FlandersbusU ness girl and students. $4 to $5.75 w THE STRIKER, 554 Couch Family J-'.teT; rooms single ur en suite; reasonable .-ates. Rooms with Board in rrlvate Family, EXCEPTIONALLY good board and newly furnished room, suitatble tor two or more, in an attractive home, one-half block from Central Library; rents very reasonable, also young man wishing roommate. 209 loth st. Main 6381. A FINE large front room for two; good porch, fine yard, attractive surroundings, excellent board, tileo people. 809 10th St., corner Montgomery. WANTED Lady to board and room. $5 a week, laundry Included; walking distance; special rates made to 2 in same room. Call East 5039. WANTED A young woman to share small apartment, breakfast and dinner. Trinity Place Apartments. Main 3039. LARGE, airy room. In modern home, suit able for 1 or 2; board optional. Marshall 4410.431 West Park. ROOM and board and good care for child in house near school; $18 per month. Ta bor 695. aj. WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; board If aeslred. 745 E.Mad ison. Phone East 72tf2. ROOM and board, home comforts, good Ger man cooking. 331 1 Montgomery st. ROOM and board. 332 10th st. Main U979, A 2S65. Kuraishet! Apartments. A RDM AY TERRACE, 395 I2TH First-class In everv respect: attractive rates. KEARNEY APTS. 5 ' rooms, nicely fur nished. Apply manager. 672 Kearney. NEW .furnished apts.; concrete block: $10 and $12. II6214 Union ave. N. Wdln. 612 CUMBERLAND APTS.. 301 W. 'Park; best location city, facing the park. M. 1080. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phones, gas. light; 3 up. Nett Hart. 170, 2d st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room apt.,-$45; adults. Mar. 5026. FURNISHED one and two-room apartment. SSOu, Morrison Bt. rR5UM r I lilH OfFRAcrf- ' A j n FOB KENT. .Fnmi.nhed Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined. clean, safe, popular, well known. THE WHEKLDON ANNEX 10th and Salmon Sts. of highest standing;. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. 1 Fifth and. Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier St Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Tavlor. Most modern apartments on the Psclflo Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. 6UNLIGslT APARTMENTS. E. 45TH AND BELMONT STS. Three-room furnished apartments, with separate bath, pacific phone, all outside, well-lighted, cheery rooms. Good car service;. $15 to $17 each. Tabor 6065. D 1035. CAR LOT T A COURT, Everett and 17th. 2 and 8 rooms, furnished, new. modern, bath and private ball, steam heat, laundry, good service, choice residence district, 5 min. from business center; references. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 to $25. WALKING DISTAXCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. NICELY furnished 2-room front apartment, everything modern, 10 minutes' walk from P. O. ; also garage. 326 Hail st. Marshall 3292. BOZAXTA APARTMENTS, 189 N. 23d Un der new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone and bath; $20. $22 up. Marshall 2945. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 8, 4 and 5-room apts. All outside rooms, fine view, close In. MADISON PARK APTS.. Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart -ments. close In, by week or month. AVALO.N. Modern furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; sleeping porches; corner Clack amas and Ross sts. Phone East 3172. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS One 4-room unfurnished corner apartment; one fur nished 3-room: wall bed. on first floor; very reasonable. Main 2506, A 314V. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12TH ST. By the day, week or month; modern, close to P. O. ; reasonable; references. Mar. 2052. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts.. $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. DELIGHTFUL. 4-room and sleeping porch; in fine pieamont resMence: garage; adults. $25. 1203 Rodney ave. Wdln 2599. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 8, 4-room furnished and unfurnished. $19 up: "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny Modern, com -. - .. .... to, I.. rn.i " -."iuul; , clean, electric lights, heat. etc. East 18i'8. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, lowest rates In city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup. GRANDESTA. East Stark And Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone East 208. GRACE APT.. 24th and Northrup 3 4-room furnished apts. Marshall 1079. 3 and CAMAS, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3-room --arl-rr.ents. $15. $20 and $27.5tl. Marshall 2m7. TCmnralsned Apartments. BEAUTIFUL new Nob Hill apts., the last word In apt. -house construction, will be opened Monday, the 16th. Light, airy, 2 and 3-room suites, elegantly finished; ideal location; unexcelled outlook; large lawn, with all the comforts of the mod ern home: rates very reasonable; mam reservations now. OUsan St., near 23d. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas. eiectrlo lights. etc.; newly carpeted, renovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4370. A 1301. . I LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretla st.. near 23d and Waehlngtotn sts. Strictly modern high-class apt. -house, 2-3-4-5-room apts., best service; rents rea sonable. Ref. required. Mgr., Mar. 1513. UNFURNISHED 3-room apartments; also single rooms; brick building, hardwood floors; $15 to $20; heat, li&ht, gas range and phone. Powell Apartments. Haw thorne and S7th. Tabor 1SS1. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2. 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway S. One 4-room unfurnished first-floor corner apt.; separate bedroom and wall bed in living room: very desirable. Main 2506, A 3149. STEVENS Most comfortable apts.- In this city. 6 large outside sunny rooms; plenty of heat, hot water, phone, front, back and sleeping porches. 791 Northrup st. nr. 24th. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light 5, 6 rms.. reas. M. 7516, A 2676. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, in small, ex cluslve apt.-house; references. 780 Irving. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3. 4. & rooms, reasonable Marshall 3350. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outsld-; mod. ern; 656 Flanders. Nob Hll. Main 8251. Furnished or rntnmiwhed Apartments. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished, 2, 3 and 4 room: rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2901 and 2tf64, Walking distance, 21st and Irving. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four and 5 rooms, unfurnished all out side rooms, versnda, good service, low rates to permanent tenants: garage in connection; references required. 689 Irvine st. Phone Marshall 2748? .K.I,NGSB,;;RY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton: large, attractive. sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, supsr- lor service,, unsurpassed view. walaUiur. distance. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCLIKFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunnyside carllne close In; 3 and S room : desirable and reasonable. "TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONS. 49-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110L WEIST APTS. 9 NORTH 23D ST. , Finest In city, each with large private porch. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; ait outside apartments. Ideal location: 'references. Phone Main 109 and 1052. 662 FLANDERS 6-room newly urn and unfur. Outside rooms, porches: 3 and 4 room furn. Low rent. Main 825L KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st 3 and 4 rooms; high-ciass; references. Main 2vM. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th and E. Stark. 8-room apts.. all outside rooms; quiet. - 'rights reserved. Registered ia U. S. Pi eteat FOR RENT. flats. MODERN 6-room flat; furnace, sleeping porch, $16; garage it wished. 167 K. 27th St., near Belmont. . ATTRACTIVE, warm, clean. 6 large sunny rooms, sleeping porch. fireplace, well kept grounds. Nob H11L Call 772 Kearney. 743 OVERTON Choice location: modern. - sunny 6-room flats, with or without ga rage. MODERN, heat and water furnished, good car service. Sellwood 1001, after 10:30 A. M. 6 ROOMS .Moderz., very desirable: steam heat and water furnished; front and back porches. 307 11th St.. near Columbia. $10 A MONTH . rooms, desirable location, close to school and carUne. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 2t"2. MODERN 8 and e-room flats, porch, wood and gas range, linoleum, space in garage; no children. 569 Market. 6-ROOM modern flat; beautiful porches, on two carilnes; ;i85 E. Davis, near 14th st.; rent only $15. ROOMS Modern, very desirable; steam heat and water furnished; front and back porches. 307 11th St.. near Columbia. $20 NOW rents fine, close-in flats. Owner, East 6505 or Main 7776. COMPLETE 5-room lower corner flat; ga rage. .'uquire 601 ri E Morrison. MODERN four-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main 898R. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 781 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. 4-ROOM upper flat; gas range, heater, fur nace. near Sandy blvd. K. 7617. WEST SIDE upper flat. 6 outside rooms, ex cellent conaition; reason, le. ojtf Everett. &TKICTL.Y. modern 7-room flat for rent. Ap. ply 15 or 1S7H 16th St.. near Yamhill. Furnished Flats. ATTRACTIVE, well furnished 8-room flat, absolutely clean, waiklns distance. Mar shall 6168. FOUR rooms, well furnished. including piano, strictly clean and modern. Also garage. Call 115(4 E. Buxton ave. FURNISHED and unfurnished 5-R. Tats, sleeping porch; walking distance. E. 3737. LIGHT and roomy. 6-room furnished flat; walking dlst. 330 13th. Main 8430. LIGHT and toomv e-rooiu lor. flat: walk Ing distance. 330 13th. Main 42.17. Housekeeping: Rooms. NICELY furnlshea . housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones: $2 per week and ui ; newly renovated. Main 7771. The warrenton, 4ti2H 3d st. FUR. H K. rooms, central, cheap, families and bachelors. 142 H 1st, at Alder. 263 y Wssh.. at 8d. ONE suite of furnished H. K. rooms; sinks. 267 Knott, near Williams. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.; reasonable. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, very cen tral, chap. 223H Pine, corner 1st. Honsekeeplnr Rooms In Private Family. $6 Newly papered, painted, completely fur nished H. K. rooms: kltcnenette, cn curtains, carpet, tree phone, lights. 7S0 E. YamhllL . PARLOR, kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms, fur nished; gas, wood ranges; $13 mor. h ; plarro, light, phone Included. 713 Rodney, near Fremont. W. A. car. NICE. clean housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 164V4 Union ave. East. Kalis Gar- Mnghouse, prop. 4S3 WEST PARK 2 front rooms, use of kitchen, part hest. part light; walking qistance; no children; $9 per month. 2 A WEEK, furnished H. K. rooms; phone, electricity, bath. 651 East Morrison. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, close in. 394 Columbia St.. cor. 10th. 8-ROOM. private bath, porch and entrance. no other roomers. 572 E. 6th st. SelL 165. TWO large unfurnished H. K. rooms. In modern home. 494 Taylor. Mar. 4410. $1 WEEK CleanT quiet, close in, large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, 1, 2 and 8-room suites. 413 Mill St. 213 10TH, corner Salmon; nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping. TWJ modern H. K. rooms, heat and hot water. 763 Kearney. Marshall 8456. 2, 3 AND 4 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms with yard and porch, 100 E. 18th St. FINE H. K. rooms, newly painted, papered, heat, hot and cold water. 534 Morrison. LARGE light 11. K, room, heat and water. 712 Hoyt. Houses. FINE, modern 8-rooiu house, oorner East 41st and Harrison, hot water, heat, lot 50x100, for rent by W. G. Beck. Main 8407. 5 AND 6-ROOM bungalows in Alberta; mighty nice for $14 and $17. East 6261, Main 5596. NEAT 7-room house. West Side; walking distance; hot water furnace; small yard. 510 Market, near 14th St. WEST SIDE. 7-room cottags, in good re pair, Yamhill, bet. 10th and 17th. In quire 175 16th St. 5-ROOM modern house, cor. Myrtle and Chapman sts. Portland Heights; beautiful view; Call . Mr. Craln, Main 208. MODERN 6-room house, with Ivo extra fin ished rooms in attic. 253 IPast 15tn at., corner Madison. FOR RENT Modern three-room bungalow. 100 Gladstone ave., near 84th st. Phone Mar-hall 4029. LARGE 12-room dwelling. centrally lo cated; modern; newly painted and pa pered Call Mr. Craln. Main 208. FURNISHED or unfurnished 12-room house, two sleeping porches. 295 West Park and Columbia. References. ROSE CITY PARK 2 bungalows, very at tractive. S. D. Vincent : Co. Both phones. A 5-ROOM cottage at 270 E. ih N. Phune Woodlawn 4179. NEAT 6-room cottage, walking distance; nice yard; West Side. 2"6 loth. Main 4510. 8 ROOMS, modern. 806 24ia st. X. Phone Man "0290: references: rent reasonable. 6-HOOM 2-story house; 8 bedrooms, gas. electricity bsth: $16. 246 McMlllen. MODERN 6-room house with furnace; 64 E. yth N.. between Davis and Everett. MODERN house, 6 rooms end bath, sleeping porch, door yard. 404 13th st. No dog. 9-ROOM modern house; sleeping borch; 207 N. 23d St.; owner. Main feOj. MODERN seven-room house. 531 Flanders St., between 15th nnd 16th. MODERN seven-room house, 251 N. 21st. near Marshall. $16 Clean 5-room modern house and ga rsse; E. Pine and 29th. Tabor 5124. MODERN, attractive seven-room house, best West Side residence district. East 4855. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 944 Cleveland ave. Take U. car. Main 7616. $16 CLEAN. 5-room modern borne and ga rage; Pine and 29th. Tabor 6129. 7-ROOM house. 46 E. 24th N., nesr Couch st., good condition and location: rent $m. 6-F.OOM modern house, large lot and-garage. Tabor 4"!28. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 609 E. Ash.; nne yard, chesp rent. Apply 695 E. Couch. NICE little fi-room cottage 1058 East Sal mon. Telephone Tabor 1811. POLLY AND HER b4R miss rtbuy. 15 MY AtoTTo? Office. experience: has givex PA some hard knocks by cliff sterrett. FOB BENT. Houses. BKFORE RENTING A cold, uncomfortable house or bottling yourself up in an -unhealthy apartment, let -me show you my beautiful new, com pact Laurelhurst bungalow, which 1 will sell to a responsible party for actual cost price; $3900 twlth all street assessments paid.) Owner. Tabor 5S45. MODERN' 4-room bungalow. 567-577 Web ster, with bath, seif-llghtlng gas range, water heater, bullt-ln beds, buffets, book cases and window seats, hardwood floors; one block north of Alberta car. Owners, P-lanchsrd A Clemson. 702-3 Selling bldg. -ROOM house, 40 East 24th St., North, nesr Couch st; good condition and location; rent iis, PARRIPH, WATKIN8 CO.,. 106 Second St. $20 Modern 6 rooms with garsge, newly tinted, furnace, gas, water heater, sleep ing porch, lawn, roses, berries. 869 Hal sey at. Inquire next door. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Msnnlng Warehoase st Transfer Co.. ta end Hoyt sts. Broadway 708. R1VERDALE. EWAHWE STATION. Homey. 5-room cottage; beautiful site, overlooking Waverley Kolf links; attrao tlve grounds; phone. Phone Main 7672. BEST RENTAL SERVICE IN CITY CalTor phone. We save you time and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO.. Main 5195 lt)5 Park st.. near Wash. A 1051. 8-ROOM nne modern house, with or witn out garage: Overton and 24th sts.; walk ing distance: desirable neighborhood. Phone Main 2474. Farnianed xtoasee. 6-ROOM house, built for a home, fur nished complete and excellent; modern in very respect. Investigate If you want to live in a fine home for five or six months Responsible party only. 1454 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 3459. FURNISHED 6-room modern colonial house, furnace, .gas and electric lights, piano, east front, nice lawn, choice location, near Alberta St.; reasonable rent. Puone S. L. jones. tvoodlawo 8558. 12-ROOM modern house, furnished complete (except linen, silver, crockery). 8 fire places. 8 baths. Oriental rugs, hard n ood floors- heated by central heating plant. Nob Hill district. BF 887, Oregonian. 8-ROOM home. Waverly Heights: beauti fully furnished: 1 block "R. M." car; very reasonable. llus Woodward ave., cor. 87th st. Sellwood 527. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, fireplace, large sleeping porch and ail modern conveniences, on East Purnslde, near 20th. Call Mar. 2316 or A 5725. 1RVINGTON 3 rooms and sleeping porch. 4-3-9 E. 16th N.. cor. Hauoock: Broad way or Irvlngton cars; see Janitor or call 71 Board of Trade. a-ROOM furnished bouse, clean, cony home, bath, gas and wood range, elertrto lights, nice yard, nears Jefferson High School. 944 Gantenbeln ave. BEAUTIFUL furnished 8-room modern Lau rel hurst residence, choice oriental rugs snd grand piauo. Long time tenant preferred, ruterenee. Phone Tabor 4300. ort KENT Nicely furnished room, suita ble for couple or young man; one-half block from Jitney; 469 30th st. 3.. near Division. Sellwood 1942. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house in Irvlngton: weil located; references re -oulred. Inquire owner. Esst, 1412. $20 5-room bungalow for rent, furnished, to responsible party. 388 c-t 36th si phon. Tabor 1711. COMPLETELY furnished Laurelhurst home; hardwood floors, built-in conveniences; up-to-date. Tabor 292. $18 MODERN 5-r. bungalow. furn. ; sawing machine; near Franklin High. Sell. 20&L, PART of furnished home, modern. West oiue, pnoue mornings. A sioi. WILL rent my home to couple for board oi owner. 82S Park. IN lrvineton, modern 5-room duplex, phone Main t!792. $25 6 ROOMS, modern; roses. Iswn: Bel mont st. Msin 8672. 309 Yeon bldg. PORTLAND HTS. Very fine 7-room house, mahogany furniture. See now. Msr. 277. XiCELY furnished 5-roora cottage; electric lights. Call 414 College st. 6-ROOM HOUSE 816 Clackamas st; key at M2 Wasco. East 7164. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. I-quire 130 ttth St. Msin 627S. NICELY furnished bungalow, Alameda I .1 1 ,V. IVUVIIIIlWII ttVO. 7-ROOM house. 446 Tenth st. : $22 50; elec- 12-ROOM house: furnace, garage, close in: S" Main tO H RENT New 8-roum bouse in Alameda, Park. Phone E. 2432. 5-ROOM cottage. West Side. Phone 819.1. b I ores. FOR RENT Store on Morrison at., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 2.1 feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman. Clay st Co. Offices. WELL-FURNISHED private office. also desk room. $5 and $7. 728 Cham, of Com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. S0 Swetland bldr. Halls. NEATLY furnished dancehall. corner i'ront and Glbbs; r.-asonable; also large, well equipped lodge halL Main 1511. M iM-ellaneuns. DUCK LAKES for rent at Deer Island. Or.; blinds all ready. Inquire of N. Merrill, Clatskanle, Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PORTLAND MANAGER. WANTED MEN Who have been successful in business, to start candy butcher shops and fruit stores In sll parts of the United States. You must have a capital of not less than $40u. W. K. Rayl. Xonam Novelty Canuy Co.. SJ8 Washington st. THE only garage In town; steel building, lo cated on West Side highway. For partic ulars write or see. Xewmsn Bros.. Amity, Or. STOCK of general merchandise; thriving town In Eastern Oregon; good location; fine building. For partleu.ars. AV 711. Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for lady to clear $70 a month: $50 will handle; bears the strictest Investigation. 3VT Northwest bldg.. eta and V esh. HOTEL furniture, fixtures, fine Valley lo cal tun and will lease bldg. Moms. Mam U76. FOR SALE Cheap restaurant, doing good business. In the heart of the town. 713 Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. FOOL hs'tl, cigar - store, bar. cor. bldg., ground fl.. good location, cheap rent, good busines; come. Investigate. 121 Grand ave. pARTNFtt wanted with small capital, wltn experience canning crabs. Box 428, South Bend. Wash. 600 KUS1NF.S3 CAR DM 45c Special for Oct. Only. Pe City Prlntery. 3d. cor. Taylor. TAILOR SHOP for sale on account of sick ness For particulars call and see lu 430 1 Hoyt St. GOOD stationery business In college town; best location, stock 2no0; account of Illness must sell. Hoi 27. Corvsllls. Or. FOR SALE Location on market; dandy place for meat market. 24i Yamhill st. WEI.L-E.TABI.:HKD tailor shop In Ore gon town. Address AV 7IH. Oreeonlan. BARBER shop, good business, chesp if taken st once. 653 Alberta st- PALS 5 T jjm i D 5v4 f DID 4 ' ofSSl MkJoTir. OcfT Adoo it "a BrMXKS3 OPPORTUNITIES. PICTURE theater for ssle; owner left an estate in East requiring attention; fine equipment and fixtures. brick corner building; long lea&e. low rent: money maker; worth $4oou; will sacrifice for cash; town 150. just bonded to build railroad to main line; mills promised; boom coming, only snow; fine location; 15c prices. Investigate QLICK. LYRIC THEAiEK, Prineville. Or. GROCERY stock and fixtures doing nice, cash business. I have been In this loca tion psst 6 years, no deliveries. If you are looking for a nice, little, safe busi ness, loi.k this up. My health Is poor and must swi. Will take lltl cajih; rent $10 pe month. Take Mt. Scott oar to Clark's Station. See owner, no trade. AL 839, Oregnnlatl. FOR SALE OR TRADE Four-chatr first-class barber shop. Call Marshall 2442. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIBS WANTED; SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS on the dollar buys one of tiio best gen eral merchandise businesses in the Wil lamette Valley; will accept unincumbered larm or city property tor part: no indateu va.ues considered. Evans. 1035 N. W. Bank bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal (or so-called Interest in established real estate business get ad. vice ef Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL, Seo. nenry bldg "AN'TED Two good farm salesmen; one city salesman; one downtown rental man, on commission; business picking up; me are cu the cv of great doings; get rout share, see Mgr. R. E. DepL of Hart man -Jfc Thompson itank. HOTEL for sale; good location and well fur nished: steam heat, hot snd cold water and baths: will Kacrlflce to right party, part cash and balance menthly payments. Call 347 Oak st. Phone Broadwsy 1770 NINETY CENTS on the dollar buys the $;oo. stock of hsrd wsre in a prosperous farming town: it's clean and doing a good cash business. Evans. 1035 X. W. B.nk b'.dg. FOR RENT Commercial hotel in Payette. 2-story brick. 40 rooms. 2U rooms fur nished, stem hest. hot and cold water. u.iinumi. owner, rayottg. Idaho. HOVP X- . . - i aim services lo invest in good-pay. ing businc": full particulars in first let ter. AG 875. Oregonian. BOOMrVG-HOrSFiS. TV YOU WISH TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE A HOTEL. ROOMING. On APT. -MOUSE. COME TO I1EAK.JUARTERS. A. J. IJE Fo.iKST. 03-207 BOARD tjF TRADE PLPQ. FOR SALEtTo experienced hotel people, furniture of 4i-rnotn mutlrrn hotel st sac rifice price. Centrally lov-.ited building for lesse reasonably. N. J. Larsen lammii. trstor. nini, Mam St.. Boise. Idaho. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leaclne Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable A n t- v in 'ltv - X. W. Tank id.. nth and Morrison. $42rt CAMl-i: h. k. rom. m- locat.on. l iVSe. tood iiicom-. reuootbi. Mr nIl 97o. mVKCIAI, NOTICE. rropoftals Invited. 1 WILL receive a.lcfl bldn Mt m v n 1.-. 740 MortRHn bldv up to 12 o'clock noon 01 neonwif.y, Oct. 11. .or a stock of men's turnishm. etc., of the Inven tory valuation of iiT5.u- tuxihr with fixtures of the Inventory valuation of J3il.0O, located at -73 Kussell P om it nd, Or. Terms eah. Certified check for 10 pr c-ciit of amount on t; red must accompany eacli bid. Hiht la re-served to reject any and all bids. Inventory may bo een at my office and proici t y lna,cted on application. a. iAttlis. Latt"d : Port liwid. Or.. Oct. 7. MMrt. M ir-eceUane-ons. BAHGES for rant Capacity &o tons. Mar shall o-O. rosr and ForD. Downtown district, lady's eold watch snd pin. 15-Jwtl Hampden movement, monogram N. on Criw and pin, gentle man's picture In front cae. valued aa kewp-tke. Return to Mrs. Howe. iis Mor. rison aU. or lu. II lh at. and receive re ward. BETWKEN Tay.r and Chapman and 15th ana Uttvi. silver and amei li) t lavalUere Kinder pleage call Main oilS. ON nt reet or 1itn y, black purse i outainitiK check, cmah and ker Mam after o clock. Mar-shall 1:714. LOST Balcony H 1 jpodrome Tht- a ter, Sun day P. M., astrakuhan neckpiece; suitable reward ; valued as keepnnkc. phone O l'ld. LOST Olid horse uo nail pin with nam Marie; valued aa keepsaktu Call Kant JUtsS. LOST REIsATTVKS. UNDERSTAND Patrick Sweenev bfon trv lnv to locate me last K ears: have ben prutipectitiK In Alaska last IS years. Writ me. Matt it. ueluurcy. ireadwail, Alaska. WANTED TO KNOW Whereabout- of Al bert Marcus. Iast heard from about four mouths atm; motlier died. Plea) write, I. Marcut. father FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property 6 to 8 per cent. Huinea prouertv 6 to tl rt-er ceni Karm properly 7 to per cent, WH1TMLK-KELLY CO.. Til Pinocle bMk. WK BUY mortgaea. bunds and notes. WESTERN BO D A. kuRTGAG CO., eO 4tli St.. iioard of Trad Bide. FIRST and second montage; at.so seller's Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or w can, n. J.. .Nop.e, Lumoernuni okag. MORTGAGE losna, not-., contract, niort- gages purchased. Lewii k to., 4 Lewn bldg. Money to Joaa on Heal Ktat. E US today for loans on improved city property, o to o per. ceat; 9 .ix and up. C'eilars-Murton Co.. a Yeon bldg. $3uO, $luvO AND upwards on Improved real estate; favorable terms ; no delay ; no oroKcrags. jonn nam. ivi Spalding bldg eW'tU.uOO TO LOAN la sums to suit: bulldinc loans, lowest ratws. W. G. Bi k. aii-Jlt tailing oiQC. rnone attain mui. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 3 to 7 per cent. cny ana iarm property. DOOlsKY A CO , Bisi Board of Trade Bldg. i.'.0. 400. -"". stttO. 7&. Fred W. Ger man co.. u. i-nainocr oe i o in meres. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CKNl. LOUls SALOMON Me CO.. HVO OAK aT. X. $350. fdOO. $11:06. $1600. Fred W German A Co., 731! Chamber of Commerce. $1mo TO $3000 fur building loans; no coin mission. Dehon &. Hawk. Main lloo. LOOK NOW .Joiiy 0 to b per c-nt. H. L Murlon Pittock Mock. )'road-ny 174-S MONEY Any amount, ft to 8 per cent. W. 11. bona. 3J u r-DttuiDK. jsain TO LOAN. $o0u, $1000, $1200. 018 Pittock bloc. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS A. H. Haraing. ai3 (namoer ut tommerc. LOAN on city and mrm property, a per cent up. r. ruccis. inam. oi uom. "MONEyTO LOAn'iN ANT AMOUNT."" Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com. $10M) TO $10.O'O TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission. I. O. box 87i, city. $10uO TO $10.00 to loan. 7 per cent; no com., ciiy improvea property, r.. 4 VI. PRIVATE mney to loan. $10' o to $3io0, on improved proper! y. East oi lo. Sift I I ldTCiro"TrUT OFFil iy r F1NANC1AX. Money to I.emn on BesJ Estate. OUH installment plan Is the bast and surest method of paying a loan. $2.2o per monui for ctt months or $-1.-4 for 60 months, or $10.17 for (6 months, pays a $1000 Kan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. W loan on Improved ctty property. Or for building purposes. N o com mission charg ed. EQUITABLY SAVINGS fc LOAN ASSN.. eJ4L Stark Pt.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT U PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. . R'pamrMt Prlvllftps. -x cla:;k. k e nt a i l v CO.. :or. lud NoitlivMM-.ru Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly do sad. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIKKLL & CO.. 217 NorthwcM-.ru Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. 6 PEK CENT money, a or 5 years. rMd-ance i'i-uifriy; win accept iiiu or mora on principal at any Interest period payment; S Per cent money on business property, same terms. Pm irto Title Trust Co 7 Chsmber of Commerce Marshal 12. 5 PER CENT LOANS win oe made on csn- irai retail Dusti.e properties. 6 and T per cent on other securitit-. EDWARD E. GOUPEY CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. 7 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley i arm loans; no delay; no cam mission. Dever-aux Mortgnw Company. tjOZ Coa cord bidfc-., Jd and Stark sts. $lioo.oyo TO LOAN in amounts of $10OO and up; low rates; no delay; sea us first Kr-ba-Logus Co.. HO lOlh St. MOKTGAliil LOANS TN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. w MOiiTGAGB CO.. INC.. Slock Kxchange bklg.. ad and YamhllL MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OH FARM? PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF iNTtK KTKP. Phone Tabor tUd. CITY AND FA KM LOAN& FAKR1NG TON. 80 4th fct.. Portland, Or. ft TO 7 per cent money to lend In amounts) of $10U0 to $o.txo. O. W. Bryan. ftQtt Chamber of Commerce. Main 1W-63. PRIVATE money for cliy or farm loana in sums to suit. VANDL YN st WALTON. 51B Cham, of C. Money to Lean Chattel nnd Salmrte SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. Also loans' on fcouseho!! fumlttsra. pi anos. etc. at the low tj-t poaaib.a rates, REMKMHER. We do not remove furniture from yotzr horn. Saiary loans strictly confidential. COLUMBI A DISCOUNT CO LICENSED, UT Failing Bldg. SALARIES CHATTELS. TF TOU NECD MONEY, SEE VS. Loans mau to persons on salary or fixed incomtt. on household furniture, pianos, autoi, motorcycle, diamonds and other pTioutl pro pert y without unneee sary delay ; easy installments for repay ment If desired; K.al isiu of interest without brokerage, PORTLAND Loan COMPANT (Licensed) 30tt Dekum Bldg. PL'KTLAND REMEDIAL, !XA ASSOCIA TION HMaMivh-ed 1'V Portland buMnesa men to protect borrower. Carrie Mvr lierrman. manager. oM Stark st. Mone loaned on diamonds, jewelry, pianos and household furniture. MONEY loaned on chattels or raary at legal raiea on ea-y Instalments, lioma Install- m---.it Co.. "2 McKay bldg MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all artic les held 1 vr., established alnce lts Dan Marx. 83 Washington. Loans anted. WANT $ll.'d loan on dwelling orUi $C'0O. and $ 11HHJ on residence wot th $-Hi.V-. con servative vaiuea; interest b per cent. K frfy-i. Oregon .an. WANT $luihi on my nearly new .".-rm bungalow; woith e-0iw. Owner. AO &.. Oitjji'nUn. 1'EKsON A L. HAIR GOODS LOW EaX PRICES. So-in ch wavy .mien, - ......$1 51 4-incu wafcy s-ucii. a ep. ......... . I.vj Ail-arounu transformation 1.4 Hairuressinji, snain poouij, face massagv. bair bobuicg, mauicunag, ilic. Hair r uiovca by t i.ciric nceuie. switch mad 3 of cotubings. Uc. We buy your coiuoings. baniiaiy Pai.orm. 4oo-4i-- Deaum bug X and V Hbtnngtoti. Maisnall 17u. Uth: KKhh! ALL WKKK! FREE! FREE ' Have your face a ltd scalp examined and be taugm t look your it; the kieit aud moest a.unu&c trcatmenia for any af fliction of tue lae una tcalp. Aja Holmes KiuoecKe, pr.vatc parlors. 1 LV'la St near uah. T-: 1. Mar. il-tK GKaTO promptly relieves all forms of dys pepsia, heartburn, bloat ills. indigest:on. acia lermcuuuua and paiu existing after eating. iur a,e- by Portland stiotel pnaxm acy. cor. bth and Morriuon. FK BVfclT & H AN E B IT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock Human hair gous; tiairur-esslau. manicuring. tac abw scalp treatment. KemuvU to JkUuata near IS roa u v ay. . IF YOU have common sens, have your horoscope vast," quotes E.la Wheeisr Wil cox. Adams Astrological Cchool, $60 m Morrison st. Writ or call; best rt-Jerencea. Ch HSUi'KACTlC. ateatn batns. electric, heat sad vibratory massage. M Staud blag. Main lJtto. Dr. sWa:gait liMynie. LIGHT magnetic and maf?age treatments, apt. 22, The Hart, -d ana Yauaiiill. 4tn floor. tiOPHlA B, SE1P. teacher mental and spirit ual philosophy daily. Sou Touray bldg. Wed. question night. Mat. 3uao. MRS STEVENS. 24 years in Portland; 20in century science in palmistry taugtit; .spirit ual rcadlnK daily. i;5 Taylor st. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism lumbago, face and sclp. salt I'M t h. 4 j 0 lay st. Main boil. Till- FUR SHOP. Remodslinsa; new order; trimmings; beat work, low prices, Co a Sweusod biag. He v Mrs. J. C. Schorl Clrctes every night, 412 loth t. Mar. -671, bun day 5 P. M., meet ir.g a t our home. GERMAN trained nurso gives treatments tot rheumatism. lumbago. neuralK'a. etc.; massage and baths. 11th. Mar. &033. te.pl RirL'ALli-M Rev. Mry A. Prte. circle Tuesday, 2: W ed. and sun. P. M. ; read ing oaily. 2'.'2 Clay. Marshall 3i-W. MOLES superfluous lar removed. Mrs. D. Hilt, 4-". Fiisuner bldg. Main $473. AV ANDKEWs teaches pbrenoloxy 4 card read.ng. S2 1 arkat. M in.74S. KOSKNA TAYLOR Masseuse and sca-p specialist 10'. Park st. MarbhaU 313d. MAi'Ail E NoNA iechea phruo.-wgy and c .irj reading dal! y. 1 T amh 1 1 U BALM OF FIG COMPOUND. Royal Tonic TaMeta. I Davis -l. phone Main iPli- MAN1CLMNG. face luassage. scalp treat ment. 3''7 Nor'hwft Mdp.. th and Wash. FACIAL and sculp massage, ah am poo lag. ;;." Morrl?n fl-. office -0 J. MANICL'KINU I-adics and gentlemen. 14V- 1-trondwar. rrm 40. MAY 1KV1N. fai-ial and aca.p treatment. 3-iOH A!drr St., rcom 7. MASSAGL'. t rca Uumu. electric vibrator, by trained mirfe. X a1. Apt. C. Muln 1Q4i. ELKCTKlt1 tr-i-t ments, icalp and massage. 4 1 7-20 Nort h western Bank b:,i e. MISrf JOHNSON", manlcurinir. niaa and magnet I cs. Appointments only. Ma;n flo4. KI'KCTRIC 'r. atmentH for rheumatism. Qt flca 21o, o'm)Uj Morrison st. FACE and scap muoiist, Room 1. 3n Yamhill st. shampooing. 7 rUr I " (