THE MOHXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaaeouit. YOUNO woman with 11-year-old boy deaires housework in city; good"" cook ; $20 mo. Boy able to do chores for board and room. j.-1 rfs. Main 7001, A 1517. SOLING .sjiri. i7, thoroughly experienced, desires the care of children afternoons, o"c and carfare for the afternoon. Mar. WANTED Plain sewing, ironing, care ol children, or reading. 25c per 'hour, by ca pable woman ; good references. Sell wood 103tf. Lt.S&ONS in craft basketry and caning; artistic and iractical baskets for home use. - For information call Marshall bl7, r A 1517. ItK L.1 A B L.E w oman wants day work, l!5c hour aud carfare. A-l re Is. Main 7051, A 1517. WANTED Day work. Thursday and Friday; experienced cook and laundress. Tabor WANTED To care for children in their homes for 50c fo evenings and carfare or Si a iuy and carfare. Call Tabor 202 1. GIRL, employed, wishes work for board and room or stay with lady for company. H 701. Oregon ian. YOUXO woman, capable, good cook, wants work, adult f am iiy ; wages $-5 ; refer encea. M afn 0174. "WANT to care for iuJants in my home. Sell woo k 402. WOMAN wants washing or cleaning by , day. East 4496. fcTPiOXG, experienced woman wants laun dry, cleaning-. Main 125. lloom 15. LADY wants general housework and plain rooking. Main 4580. EXPERIENCED woman wants washing, iron ing and cleaning. Marshall 2541. OCOD lady goes out washing and cleaning. 1 1 it3 E. Belmont st- Tabor 7220. fcTKONG. experienced woman wants day 'work or by the hour. Main 2S2t. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED 5 or 6-room house with yard for family garden and chickens, give full in formation first ietter, will consider su burbs. AP 7o7, Oregonlan. lO RENT, neatly furnished o or 6-room bungalow or cottage in desirable locality; moderate rent Phone Marshall 504.0, room 408. MODERN, furnished house, 5 or six rooms and garage. Permanent If suitd. Re sponsible tenants.- V 764. Oregonlan. liESPONiilBLK couple, no children, want modern unf urnished bungalow, furnace, garage. bell wood 536. 1 UliNU married couple desire small mod i em furnished bouse; moderate rent. M 77Q. Oregonian. Rooms. SvANT to rent" basement in store or resi dence, any place in city; state size and ren.t L 7G6, Oregonlan. ILARGE unfurnished room for housekeeping, with sleeping porch, preferred. X 704, Oregonian. KOOM suitable for two gentlemen, with, garage near. X T71, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. - URM6HED ROOMS for young men in all fiarts of the city, also In Y. M. C. A. hulld ng. especially desirable during the Sum. mr; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week. In cluding full association membership priv ileges, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand bail co-irt and many other club privileges. Full information at Y. M. C, A. business office, or telephone Main 7065. A 6501. ANGELA HOTEU 625 Washington St. Marshall 0500. ew management. New furnishings. Newly renovated. Beautiful lobby. ladies' parlor. Popular prices. HOTEL RITZ. Park and Morrison. Beautiful furnished rooms, with or without bath, hot water 24 hours. Phone in every room; elevator service. Special rates to steady roomers. i'OR home comforts try TOURIST HOTEL; modern conveniences; reduced rate; front moms, $3 week and up ; 50c. 75c and $1 per day ; ro extra charge for two in a room; tourist trade solicited. Morrison and 1st sts. CORINNE. ST4 THIRD STREET. Main 110. A 1130. Modern, single rooms, equipped for light housekeeping, women only; .$10 and up; laundries, parlors and sewing rooms for "use of occupants. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14th su. cor. Washington St. A fireproof, up-to-date hotel offering Accommodations at very low figures to permanent and transient guests. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison t. at 10th REDUCED RATES, P0c day up: weekly. $2.50 up; running water, free phones and baths: steam heat. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Washington, nicely furnished rooms; modern conveniences; $2.50 week p. Main 31. STAXDiSH HOTEL. 54St WASH. ST.. COR. 17TH. CIau. cool, comfortable rooms, $1.50 per week: $6 per month and up. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 V -209 H 4TH. Rates 50c, 75c, $1 day; permanent guests 2.50 week up; for choice suite with connecting baths. $20, $25 month. YOU get better for less, either transient or permanent, at Hotel Vernon. 10tf 12th near Washington. Investigate today. HOTEL CORDOVA 260 11th at. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. MICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both phones, rpasonable, 402 3a st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. , Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, use of parlor; reai home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. .LARGE, airy front room. runnlngwater, twin beds in alcove. $18 for 2; one room, $S per month ; one small room. $0" per month. 234 10th st., corner Main. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 30th. TWO large, airy rooms, private bath, 5 minutes waik to postolfice; $3 per week. 234 10th st. $10 ATTRACTIVE room In nice home. 54 Lucretla 6t., nr. 23d and Wash. Mar 8099. IRVINGTON Beautiful rm., new home, 1 blks. "I" -or 'B" car; near club. East 419. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home, run- "'s water, nnower oatn. eoo Everett st. Kuomt With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 92S3. A CC2S. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European llan; special rates to permanent gaests. KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor. THE WHITEHALL. 253 CTH. Renovated and ready for business: popu lar priced; women cooks; three block from P- 0th and Madison ; owner manager. PARKVIEW HOTEL. SS Montgomery St.. South Broadway. Walking distance, modern familv hotel; rates reesonau-e. Phone Main 37-V3. ANNA LEWIS HALL, 510 Flanders, business girls and students, $4 to $5.75 week. THE RTRYKER. 554 Couch Family hotel, rooms, single or en suite; reasonable rates. r 4 I 2& - - t- L- I V Copyright. 1916. by Newspaper Feature Sernce. bc Great Britain , FOR BENT. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL. 23d and Hoyt Phone Marshall 88L THE CAMPBELL-HILL. 23d and WaAington. Phone Main 7584. MODERN RESIDENTIAL HOTELS. American plan, on carline, 6 to 10 min utes f:om business center. Attractive dining-rooms. Resident rates to perina nent guests. ALEXANDRA COURT, 5a Ella Street. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 4011. Rooms WU h Board in Private Family. EXCEPTIONALLY good board and newly furnished room, suitable for two or more In an attractive home, one-half block from Central Library; rents very reasonable; also young man wishing roommate. 20J i'f tn sr. . am tjjsi ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms with twin beds, sleeping porch, in beautiful home, across irom Multnomah Clu-b; shower, hot water heat, large porch and every con venience. Main 7720. TWO fine corner rooms, windows on both sides, with or without board. 56 Lucretia st. Marshall 210. I.AKGK front room, very nice size lot two; alio single room with excellent Bard, fine yard and porch. COO 10th bL PLEASANT home in suburbs; ice cream and chicken twice a week; married couple or two ladies preferred. Tabor 683. x LKMSKKU rooms with broad sleeping porch. 320 11th et. Main 3S34.. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, - of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' waik to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-roora furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete.. Roof Garden In Connection, walking distance. References. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS, 22d and Ullsan Sts. 5-room newly furnished apartments. All outside rooms; sleeping porch. Marshall 31S1. FURNITURE SACRIFICE Am moving from city and will sell my completely furnished apartment at a big discount; apartment rented reasonable: 3 rooms and sleeping porch, with all modern conveniences. Phone Marshall 5709. STELWYN. Very hlg-class. finest In the city; beau tiful apt., sleeping porches, for adults end bachelors : furnished In willow, blue and Turkish rugs, silver, linen; reference required. Mar. 2830. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, new, modern, bath and private hall, steam heat, laundry, good service, choice residence district, 5 in in. from bus. center; references. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella sts. Furnished 3-room apartments with or without sleeping porches; all outside roomi; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS., 16 to $27K WALKING DISTANCE GARAGE, CONVENIENT. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New modem 2 and 8-room furnished; service f it-st-nlass ; walking distance. FLORENCE APARTMENTS, " 383 11th 3 and 1 4-room completely furnished apart ments, sleeping porches, roof garden, sand box for children ; reasonable. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS One 4-room unfurnished corner apartment; one fur nished 3-room, wall bed. on first floor, very reasonable. Main 2506. A 3149. BON Z ANT A APARTMENTS, 1S9 23D. Summer rates, big reduction, 3-room, $15; 4-room, $22.50 ; private phone, bath, heat; completely furnished, Marshall 2945. MADISON PARK APTS. Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. - AVALON. Modern furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; sleeping porches; corner Clacka mas and Ross sts. Phone East 3172. STEVENS Most comfortable apts. in the city, H large outside sunny rooms; plenty of heat, hot water, phone, front, back and sleeping porches. 791 Northrup st.. nr. 24th. THE DEZEN'DORFFi 203 36th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3. 4 and 5-room apts. All outside rooms, fine view, close in. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two nnd 3-room apartments furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. THE ELMS FURNISHED APTS. Nice light 2 and 3 rooms reasonable rent. 191 14th st.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and a-rm. apts..' $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Washington. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $1S up: 'W car to Northrup. Mar. 227. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished , 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup. D1EL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny Modern, com pletely fur. apartments; large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, heat, etc. East 1S08. MONTGOMERY APTS.. 3d and Montgom ery Modern, brick, fur. apts., automatic elevator, close in; $16 to $24. Main 9466. GRAY GABLES. 289 10th St. Modern 1 and 2-room furnished apartments, qlose in, hy week or month. MORTON APTS!, King and Washington sts. H and 4-room unfurnished basement apts., $10, $15 mo. Walking distance. Main 1082. 3-KOOM furnished apartments; separate bath and phone. East Side, good location; $17. Tabor 0005. D 1035. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12TH st. By the day, week or month; modern, close to P O. ; reasonable; references. Mar. 2052. GRAND EST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Modern, three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone East 208. THE LAURETTE Furnished" and unfur n ished 3-room apartments. 229 11th st. MEREDITH. 3 rooms, new furniture; $24; close in. 22d and Washington. M. 7134. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162tfr Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. CAMAR, "04 Lovejoy 2 and 3-room apart ments; $15. $20 and $27.50. Marshall 2917. MEW HART 1, 2, 3 rms.. light, phones, gas. $3 up. 170$ 2d. nr. Morrison. .jMevator 4th. WELLINGTON COURT &21 Everett 2-2 room furnished apartments. S18.5Q. $22.50. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH First-class in every respect: attractive rates. Unfurnished Apartments. MEREDITH. 3 rooms, folding bed, front, $24. Washington and 22d. Main 7134. 3-ROOM apartment, private bath; rent only $10 month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. UIWl' AsT&- T ' tUKALALt MAD. I FOR BENT. Unfurnished Apartments. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building, iJ, 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. IRVING APARTMENTS. Three and 4 rooms, unfurnished, all out side rooms, verandas, good service. low rates to permanent tenants; garage in con nection; reference required. Ca Irving St. Phone Marshall 2748. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretla at., near 2:td and Washington sts. Strictly modern high-class 2-3-4 -5-room apts., best service; rents rea e on able. Ref. required. Mgr.. Mfcr. 1513. UNFURNISHED 3-R apts.. also single rooms, brick bldg., hardwood floors, $15 to $20; heat, light, gas range and phone. Powell Apts., Hawthorne and S7th. Tabor 1SS1. 325 10TH, near Clay, 5-room apartment; large sleeping porch, front veranda, oak floors, gas range, refrigerator, beat and hot water, new, modern, unf urnished. WEIST APTS., 69 NORTH 23D ST. Finest In city, each with large private porch. FOR" RENT 2-room, strictly modern apart ments; very quiet; beautiful outside rooms. Rent $15 to $20 per month. 355 Chapman street. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway S. One 4-room unfurnished first-floor corner apt.; separate bedroom and wall bed in living room; very desirable. Main 2506, A 314'J. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Hand some unfurnished apartments for perma nent tenants only. Tel. Marshall 5753. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3, 4, 6 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3300. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5. O rms., reas. M 7516, A 2676 THE ORMONDE Modern 4-rm. apts., front. 56 Flanders, Nob Hill. Main 8251. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, superior serv ice, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4- room; rates moderate; good service ; spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phones. Marshall 2961 and 1.1.04. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT, MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. JSunnyside carline, close In; 2 and 3 room ; desirable and reasonable. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; Ideal location ; references. Phone Main 1091 and 1052. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. IRIS, 362 THIRD STREET. MARSHALL 21tt8, A 8017. Modern 2-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished; $15 and up. WINDSOR APTS. 2, 3 or 4 rooms, furn. or unfurn.,' clean, comfortable and homelike, walking Aitstance. near carline. E. 2o7. TH E LET A High-class, 5 large rooms, balcony, lee plug porch, like a bun ire low home; walking distance. Marshall S2G7. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 H" Killingsworth av. ; low rent, close to car. Phone Woodlawn 1907. ROSEN FE LD brlck 14th and E. Stark, 3 and 4 rooms; private phones; quiet. 658 FLANDERS 5-room, $35; 6-room, $".50; sleeping porch. Main 8251. GRACE APTS.. 24th end Northrup; furnished and unfurnished apts. Marshall 3079. KING-DAVIS APTS., 64 King fiL a and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058. rut. MODERN G-roshn upper flat, fin condition, close in. West Side; rent reasonable. Main 3983. $10 A MONTH, 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. FLAT of G rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. 5 ROOMS, fine condition, well located, phone, watsr, garbage. $17.50. K. 7277. DESIRABLE 6 and 7-room heated flat. 715 Johnson. Call Main 2595. 6-ROOM UPPER Strictly modern, steam heated. 307 11th st., apartment A. MODERN lower 5-room flat; E. Burnslde, corner 12th. East 2301. Furnished I"lts. FOR RENT 6-room modern flat, complete ly furnished; $21; or will sell furniture. Call 562 E. Salmon, between 2 and 5 or phone Main 7940. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room flat, piano, rent $27.50: also 4-room furnished flat, piano, rent $20. Key 192 Chapman st.. corner Taylor. References required. 2, 3 AND 4-room furnished flats. Including light, phone and fuel, sleeping porch; $10 up. 360 Chapman. Marshall 4174. ONE 6-room up-to-date furnished corner flat, all outside rooms, 635 E. Madison. Phone Jast I'd 4. FIVE rooms, modern, clean, completely fur. n ished, sleeping porch. 572 Mill. Main 4 i. MODERN, well-furnished, homey; references. Marshall 6163 MODERN 4-room furnished flat, walking distance. 569 Market. porch FOR RENT Modern 3-room furnished flat; walking distance. Phone East G046. HounekeeDlns; Rooms. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking1 distance, both phones; $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402H 3d St. NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 Mi Killings worth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phonr Woodlawn 3PQ7. $2.50 LARGE, clean, single IL IC room; also small H. K. room, $1.75; gaa, phone, light free. 314 Mill St. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. ; reasonable. THE OILMAN, 142 1st Furn. h. k. rooms for bachelors and families, $1 week up. Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family. 4 NICE unfurnisned housekeeping, running water, close in. 4C5 East Ash, cor. fatli. Broadway 957. $9. . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, prl vatae family, on ground floor. 294 Eugene jst. East 2515. NEWLY furnished front suite, vry conven ient, near schools: walking distance; reasonable. 390 Hall. Marshall 2424. TWO or three modern H. K. rooms: heat and hot water. 781 Kearney. Mar. 4337. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first and second floor, private entrance, free phone and gas, strictly clean and close inn. sim ioth st. 271 BROADWAY, near Madison, beautifully furnished room with kitchenette; rent $12.50. m TWO lovely front furnished housekeeping rooms; phone, bath, porch. 195 l;uh st. $1 WEEK Clean, aulet. close in. large grounds, phone. 80 E. 8th. ONE 1L K. room, first floor; $2.50 per week. 1S9 Park st. $11 3 NICE, large-room suites complete; yard; walking distance. Sell wood llo9. THREE modern front housekeeping rooms; cheap. 70 N. 15th st. 3-ROOM suites, two beds, piano, etc.; $3.50 per week. 535 Yamhill. Ht MOST HOL ,y- tWdT) 1 .siR.y- nr. UAUAllAd tUKAULt HAVtRS. ILL BKMj right, reserved. Registered in V. S. Patent OfF.ce. GREAT SCOT! THIS THING'S CETTIXU TO BE IXTERXATION AL BY CLIFF FOR RENT. .Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 2-ROOM suites, $10; single room, private entrance, $20; electricity, phone, bath, 3G5 5th. ONE or more splendidly furnished roomi in modern bungalow; all home privileges. Tabor 1753. Houses. S-ROOM HOUSE $23. CI6se In on East Side. 284 Wheeler st. ; house newly painted outside, tinted and varnished inside, wired and electric lighting fixtures in stalled; furnace heat; gas for cook ing. THE SHAW-F0AR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth SU A 3500 o-ROOM modern house. No. 1 72d St., water paid, $11; 5-room modern flat, 420 11th St.. water paid, $16 OREGON INV. MTGE. CO. 202 Stock Exchange bldg. Mar. 203. $10 NEW 6-room modern cottage, with garage, one-half block from Mount Scott car, with 6-minute service, W. E. Brook, owner, at 64o3. 92d st. tf, E. Telephone Tabor 1279. b REE STORAGE: Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th ana irioyt sts. Broadway TOtt. 5-ROOM modern, E. Grant, near 40th, $15. 7 rooms, Willis blvd. and Flsk St., $15. Owner, E. 491. Evenings, E. 132, $7 PER MONTH will rent modern 3-room house In good location. West Side. Bee owner. 512 Piatt bldg $12 AND $16 -Not for sale if rented. Two corner up to-d-ate bungalows in Alberta, Owner, East 6261. Main 5596. $.5u MODERN 6-room house close in. A. H. Akerson. 05 Stock Kxch. bldg. Main 6765. IRVINGTON reSidence. 8 rooms. 500 K. 14th st, N. Furnace, fireplace, gas range, oak floors. Rent $30. Call East 8225. MODERN 7-room house, Portland Heights, large lot. fine view, a bargain at $7000, easy terms. J. E. Cronan, Main 408. $23.00 IRVINGTON., 7-R.; modern. 026 E. 16th N.a near Bra zee. Will renovate. Main 1068. ATTRACTIVE bungalow in Irvington. 6 rooms, sleeping porch ; $25 per month. Phone East 466 or C 1358. uuui) & T room house, northwest corner of K. Burnside and E. 11th; rent $lo. Owner, 669 E. Washington st. . -ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near . 22d. Inquire 130 6th. Main 6278. REAL Piedmont home, partly furnished, garage, large yard, shade, $25. Wdln. 2599. CHOICE Irvington homes for rent, sale. t, T. Street, Irvington agent. 6 ROOMS, 434 E. 11th sU, corner Sher man. Sell wood 1S59. 4-avuOM modorn bungalow, cheap to party io looK aner property, a lonu HOUSE for rent, all or part furniture for sale. 399 E. 46th N. 7-ROOM cottage, S. W. cor. Hancock and i.ui. rurnace, etc.. s-'u. raoor ;i.iiu. MODERN cottages, close In, by owner, cheap. Morris. Main 6976. 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. HOUSE, 6 rooms, hall, bath, gas, electric 246 MeMillen. Main G525. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Completely furnished modern o-rooni residence. In fine neighborhood, paved streets, one block from car; rent reasonable. Phone StiUwood 627. 110S Woodward. 6'iiHLiLV up-to-date new bungalow; nicely furnished; new furnace, flreplac. hardwood floors, flowers and garden; E. 40th st S. : Hawthorne car. Rent $30. kJK KENT To responsible parties, elegant, modern, newly furnished home, complete In evtsryg respect; choice, convenient loca tion; rent $125 month. Y 768. Oregonian. MODERN 4. 5 and 6-room cottages, near S. P. sbopu. $15 to $18. See Mr. Klkchea, $03 E. 25th. or call East 3225. WELL FURNISHED MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Gar3jre, Rose City Park. Call Tabor 2334. BEAUTIFUL home, 5 rooms, fine location, piano, fruit, tc, block Woodlawn car. $18. 1481 Winona. NEW flve-rm. bungalow, nicely fur., piano, furnace, paved st. Sept. 1st. Westmore land, Mar. 4893, 20 minutes' ride. 7-ROOM furnished house, modern, electric lights and water furnished, $17. 479 E. 10th gt. S. East C235 or Bdwy 427. FOR RENT Completely furnished home, with sleeping porch, west side. Nob Hill district. Telephone A 138L FOR RENT Modern residence. Portland Heights; choice situation, P 770, Orego - nfan. MODERN 7-room furnlsned house, with piano, to rent for six months; West Side. Main 4489. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, very fine 7-room house, Oct. 1, $5Q. See now. Mar. 277. FUR NT SH E D 6-room cottage! pismo! Call 7i1 Davis, near Kins; and Washington sts. NICELY furnished cottage, electric lights, gas: references required. 414 College st. MODERN S-rooru house Irving Win., furnished or unfurnished. 5S4 E. 13th N. E. 4226. 6 ROOMS 'Walking distance. 313 Tilla mook st. $22.5o NICELY furnished 6-room modern bungalow; piano. Phone Tabor 8267. FURNISHED bungalow. 2 Tots, big garden, 12.50 a -..lonth. Main 3-S51. i Hummer KHort. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. WRITE COLONEL WHITE for Infor mation about Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake, both nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, offering tourists wonderful, awe-inspiring scenery. un equaled in the world, on the Great North ern Railway, the only line reaching Flat head Lake, and both entrances of Gla cier National Park. Address Colonel White. Hotel Portland, Glacier Park Hotel, Montana. General office. Poison, Montana. SPEND the Winter at Newport; mild cli mate, no Winter fog, sunshine or rain; modern furnished bungalow at $5 to $10 per month; a modern school system, pri mary grades and well-equipped high school, with courses in manual training, domestic science, music; cost less to live here than at home. Write Newport Com mercial Club. Newport, Oregon. SECURE RESERVATIONS from the Gilbert Company. 3S4 YnmhiU st., for Hotel Becker, Cannon Beach; It will pay you; hotel new, attractive, reasonable ; fronted by old Haystack Rock. Main 3887. ROCK AWAY BEACH September is the nicest month on the beach. Reserve your cottages now. Address J. J. Krebs, Rock away, Oregon. Stores. FURNISHED ground floor office, or will remodel for any small business; fine loca tion; large back yard; large storeroom; rent cheap. SSlOth st. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between nth and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 4 feet deep; long lease, APPly Sherman, Clay & Co. F'OR KENT Corner store In suburban busi ness district ; good for any kind of busi ness. Particulars 123 1st St., near Alder. 2 STORES 25x94. first St. south of Hall, tlS each. E. H. Collls, 216 Oregon bldg. ROOMS for manufacturing: steam heated ; 11 1 2d st. Phone Main J 8.1. Offices. OFFICES. $7 up. Furnished offices, lek room reasonable. 303 S wetland bldg. POLLY AND HER 'f&ROOAl Mt, - tUKALALh '. 1 r FOR RENT. Offices. COMPLETELY furnished private office. ad Joining attorney, $10 month. Stock. Ex change bldg., 3d and YamhilL WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room, $5 aiHl $7. 723 Cham, of Com. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL SELL CHEAP. Confectionery, fountain, cigar, lunch Toom, 50 cnickens, 4 living-rooms in rear, low rent, free lights. Will take auto as part payment. P. R., L. & P. Co. waiting room, and Vancouver carline. Phone A 5S10. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec'y. 202 Henry Bldg. LARGE corporation, operating all over U. S., wants several capable men to start Ju local organization and develop with business; rapid advancement assured men who qualify. 21-23 S. Grand ave., Port land. SOLID office business, owner wants a part ner no can depend on to wait on custom ers, help in the office, etc Pay salary of $S0 month and share of profits; re q ulres In vestment of $1500 ; some terms. Call: 248 Stark st. IF YOU are looking for a, good-paying busi- jic3 ox any Kina, call anu iee ub ; we imvu a variety ranging in price from $,150 to $65,000. Efficiency first, satisfied clients always. The Pacific Agency, Inc., 329 Morgan bldg. BIO MONEY IN THIS BUSINESS And we have more than we can do, want to sell store of 5 departments; getting 40 per cent profit on dally sales of about $65: inventory about S350O; $20OO cash, and terms, jtiaerie, azx xeon Diag. FOR SALE First-class restaurant. with tables and lunch counter, splendid loca tion, thoroughly equipped and old estab lished place; investigate. Owner going away. Box 295. St, Helens, Or. LOOK. $250 will buy fine tailor shop: good lo cation; only shop in town ; must sell this week. Hansen Tailoring; Co., White Sal mon, Wash. WANTED Partner to go into automobile business. Must have $750 cash, same will be secured by 7-paBsenger Stearns car. No experience necessary. Answer today sure.. AK 769, Oregonian, WANTED A steady man as partner in a profitable florist's business, to tend In store, etc. This requires smaH invest ment. Can make big profits. Call 24oVs MarK st. TRANSFER and storage, owner wants a re- age, etc., as he is busy outside. Can't de pend on hired help. Salary $75 month and chare of profits. Call 2486 jtark at. CREAMERY in central location. clear, above ull expense, over $400 monthly ; exceptional opening for energetio man who wants Independent Income. 829 Mor gan bldg. OPENING for energetio man in a light manufacturing business. Will be some out side work and good pay; only $350 re quired. Call 24S Stark st. CLEAN stock of drygoods and gents fur nishings, inolce about $42uo, lor 75c on dollar; no fixtures, cash only. 534 Will iams, before Friday noon. FLOURISHING millinery business In best Eastern Oregon town; good reason for selling. Inquire Muller JL Haas Co., Mor gan bldg. MR. PRINTER, $75 cash gives you imme diate possession of well-established coun try newspaper. Investigate now. Oregonian, WARM mineral springs, improved ready to make money, on M t. Hood auto road in ct-nier of resort district; would take some trade. J I. E. Meserve. Row e. Or. WAN'J'fciD A roo1 live man who can invest $1500 tor one-half interest In a going manufacturing business; everything open for investigation. Call 1H1 4th -t. OWN your own business: for $10 we will teach you a business that will make you a good living, suiy place, any time. M 768, Oregonian. JEWELRY STORE, good stock, good repair trade, fine location; will sell at Invoice on account of health; terms. AV 549, Ore gonian PLUMBING and sheet metal business for sale; owner going East; good location and doing nice business. Apply lo91 Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor B732. OLD groceryman wants small grocery or bakery, describe fully or no attention paid. Have cash ; agents keep off. AK 768. Orepontan. GOOD newspaper plant in Central Califor nia, paving well, to trade for Portland home or busiuess; value $40uu. 329 Mor- Ban bldg. PARTNER in paying proposition, clearing $25 weekly - $ 150 required, money se ta cured. a 20 Morgan bldg. AUTO rr-palrs, A-l location, books show net $noo monthly, $1400 required; terms. 329 Morgan tldg. LIST your business wilh us for quick pales, we havrt the buyers. The Pacifio Ageucy, Inc., 329 Morgan bldg. TO INVEST from 50O to $1000 with serv ices; must bear investigation and be of uiocii menu j u ii. oregonian. FOR SAIJE 3-chair barber shop, fine loca tion, doing nice business. Write to D. f. Williams. 215 E. 2d. Eugene, Or. FOR SALE A splendid little laundry In a "Plenum territory, rrice .uu. Address A, T. Morrison. Coqullle. Oregon. FOR ALJ Small established candv busi ness; good opportunity to develop large oumnesa. vvrne or call at Union ave. $2;o TAKE S fine grocery, good stock, good fixtures, including furnished rooms; oar gain. C4th st., 39th ave. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Half interest Hi s valuable railroad patent; will eell or trade. What nave you ? K. M. Babbitt, Hlllsboro, Or, LIGHT grocery and soft drink store, doing good business. Might take auto in part r.uMHn;e. j. v odv, uregoniail. NICE little hardware store, invoice about B2uo: wit i give Bargain; going away. Inquire Owner. 122 E. 28th N. WANTED to get In touch with parties to aeveiop gooa goia mine. w rite w. 211. Cosmopolis, Wash. RESTAURANT Will sell cheap; for man anu wne. wo jerierson sr. RESTAURANT and delicatessen, must be so hi at once; part cash ; terms. 2bS 3d. URo-CE RY and confectionery, living-rooms; mis lit consider part trade. Wdln 4672. BARBER SHOP for sale; good location. 299 iU st. FOR SALE Beauty parlor in live town, bear investigation. AV 567, Oregonian. CAN YOU BEAT IT? A good furniture store ror only f-UO. 320 First st. FOR SALE Dairy lunch, 469! Wash., or exenange ror gooa car. ROOMING-HOUSES. COUNTRY HOTEL SNAP. No meals, just rooms, 15 rooms, beauti fully furnished: rates SI to $2 oer dav commercial trade only; $850 cash handles it; population or city, 10.000. Mr. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. WILL trade 52-room modern anartment- house, well furnished and paying $125 per month net, clear 01 cent, ror reai estate. Mr. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel. Apartment-Hous Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 624 N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE, paying proposition, sell or exchange, xor ciaar property. -t 3411 PALS MR. I rfmoos aaid I. DoaJt VLA tVKALALt . STEItRETT. Lit -. rt-Baoos amd i. ;-tts . . LOST AND FOOD. THE following articles were left in cars or Portland Railway, Light & power Co., Aug. 15, 1916. Owners may obtain prop erty at station. First and Alder-st. : One purse, 1 sack fruit, 5 packages. 1 box eggs, 1 ax, 1 roll oil cloth, 1 umbrella, 1 basket, 2 packages, 1 baby blanket, 1 pair spectacles in case, 1 piece iron pipe, 1 grip, 1 lunchbox, 1 milk can. 1 pickax. 1 bucket, 1 knife, 1 package postcards. 1 handkerchief. $50 REWARD, for recovery of Studebaker "IT" series, six-cylinder touring car, stolen in Tacoma Saturday, August 5. Car bears Washing ton license 3794. motor 39125. Report any information to The Studebaker Corpora tion. Portland, or the Llttie & Kennedy Co., Tacoma. LOST Small round locket with B. G. K. on one side, clover leaf set with stones n other. Liberal reward for return of same to Q. Q. Reeves. Wells-Fargo bldg. LOST Bunch of keys at Horsetail Falls, on uoiumoia Highway. Return to im press Auto Service, lv7 Broadway. Main 3483. LOST Child's purse, in Macleay Park Sun day; please return purse less change to Oregonlan office. Phone East 7125. LOST On "Washington st., between 16th and iuin sts., one silver watch, initials s. x . Reward. Bay. 1662 LOST Saturday, string gold beade. Alberta ana wiiuams ave. Reward, woocuaswn 2140. LOST Wednesday, bet. Union ave.. Broad- ay Driage, green satin tatted bag con taining crochet work. Please phone E. 2445. LOST Black purse containing cross ana fwigusn coin vaiuea as Keepsake. F lease re turn to cashier, Oregonian office. Reward. LOST 'Mesh bag, small black purse Inside, contained about $:t. Telephone East 7722. SPECIAL NOTICE. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE tiMTbU STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Nettie Peery, bank rupt: REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing property of the bankrupt, located In the store formerly occupied by said bankrupt at Stayton. Oregon, up to and until .12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, Au gust 22, 1916. at my office, 740 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon. Stock of goods, wares, and merchandise consisting of gents' furnishings, etc., of the inventoried value of $815.20, together with fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of $49.25. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory may be seen at my office, and also at Stayton, Oregon, where the prop erty may be Inspected. R- L. SAB IN, - Receiver. SEALED prosals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 3:00 P. M-, Thursday, September 7, 1016. for Heating and Ventilating of tht Benson Polytechnic School. Bids will b opened in room 304 Courthouse at 4:0u P. M, Deposit of $25 Is required for plans and specifications, which may be ob tained at the office of F. A. N a ram ore. Supt. of Properties, 303 Courthouse. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount ' of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each pro posal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject anv and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Ttftted August 14. 1916. NOTICE. Bids will be received by Court M. Sar gent, secretary of St. Maries, Idaho, for construction work and material for drain age district No. 2, Benewah County. Idaho, before 12 o'clock noon on August HI, 1916. Engineer's estimate of yardage, 120.000 cubic yards embankment. liit.Ot'O cubic yard uitches. Certified check for 5 per cent of aggregate bid to accompany proposal. Right to refuse any and ail bids reserved. Write to M. S. PARKER, ENGINEER, ST. MARIES, IDAHO, or the secretary, for details of work and con ditions of bid. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE Quartermas ter's Office, Portland, Or. Sealed proposals will bo received here until 11 A. M Sep tember 1, 1916, and then opened for fur nishing at Portland, Or., or other prom inent railroad - points, 12,750,000 pounds hay, 6,.tj,uo0 pounds oats and 190, 000 pounds bran. SEALED PROPOSAI-S will be opened by the lighthouse inspector. Portland, Or., at 2 o ciucK tr. iu... lor uocKing, cleaning, paant. lug and repairing relief light vessel No. 92. Information upon application to the anove orrice. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; We. the Bush A Lane Piano Company of Port land. Or.: Seattle. Wash., and Holland- Mich., will not be held responsible for any act. aeea or oongation maae ny Air. E. E- Roberson. formerly of Ashland, Or. Bush &. Lane Piano Co. NOTICE I will not be responsible for -any bills contracted by anyone except myself 111 person. x l. lLHAMt, FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property 6 to g per cent. Business property 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to 8 per cent. WH1TMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blK. CLIENT wants $13,000 on brick business building in prosperous valley city. Ten years' lease of property offered at good rental. Scott Bozorth, 702 Spalding bid.. Portland. FOR SALE: $4700 10-year utility bonds. Net income more than twice Interest charges on wnoie issue, bcott Bozorth, 703 Spaid ing bldg., Portland. Fl RST and second mortgages ; also seller's interest in contracts purchased:; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 0 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gagee purcnasea. jewis & to., 4 Lewie bid Money to Loan on Real Estate. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON, 80 4th St.. Portland. Or. LOANS. ANY AMOUNT Call, write or pnone jvortnwesi realty Co., 822 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2272. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit: bulldinK loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 31 4J15- cio .railing piug. rnone Aiain o-iui. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property, o to per cent ; sjho ana up. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. $250,000 TO LOAN in amounts of $1000 and up; low rates; no delay ; see u first. ivreDS-Logus lo., 1 ju lutn st. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED, r'none laoor .020. 0 TO 7 per cent money to lend in 'amounts of $1000 t $50,000. O. W. Bryan, 509 Chamber or commerce. Main 1963. $500 PRIVATE money to loan. Will con slder good vacant property or acreage. see me at 01 fian oiag. $1000 T ) $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm; no ccnmission. r. j. uox Bid, city. $lo0o, $1500 and upwards to loan ; no com mission. Deshon & Haw k. Main 1166. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. rucni, a z t, nam per of commerce TO LOAN $5500 or less, improved city or farm property. At zis, uregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 300 OAK ST. $2i0. -$350, $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German A Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, Jl3 Chamber of Commerce. w - FINANCIAL. Money to Loa n on Real EM ate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $o2.26 per month for 3d months or t21.25 for 60 months, or 15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. , We loan on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 212 Stark St.. Portland. Or. NEW YORK FUNDS and lowest Interest' rates ior mortgage loans on Portland resi dences, apartments or business property. Any amount, attractive terms and priv ileges to borrower; prompt action. ' Residence loans at O1 per cent. n.ARk u'fvViui i. s. r 205-206 Northwestern Bank iBldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, prompt lv closed. Attractive repaying privileges, A. H. B1RRELL & CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN. $1000 to $100,000 on Portland Improved real estate. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm loans; lowest rates. MALL & VAN BO RST EL, 1U4 2d St. $2000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate; mignt consiuer acreage not too far out. Will split into smaller loans If desirable. Call for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg. & PER CENT LOANS will be maae on cen tral retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GQUDEY & CO., Northwestern Bank bldg. 7 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley 1 arm loans, no oeiay ; no commissions. Devereaux Mortgage Company. tio7 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. $1000, $15oO, IMPROVED property. 7 per vein, no uuuiuiiMiioa caargeu, Ai ido, Oregonian, $5u0, $1000 and uptfftrds on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $10o.ou0 AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farms or city prouesty; fire insurance, M KENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerllnger bldg. UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 5 to 1 per cont, city and farm property DOOLEY & CO., 312 Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC.. Stock Exchange bldg., :d and Yamhill. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz. 310 Spalding. Main 65S4, Monry to Loan Chattel and Salaries. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 306-307 DEKVM BLDG., CAu Oregon Corporation.) Operating Under State License. SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc Legal rates of interest. without any brokerage or appraisal charges ; favorable monthly or weekly installment terms of repayment If desired. Installment loans may be repaid at any time with interest charged for actual time money is used. Business strictly confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., 317 Failing Bldg. Salary loans on plain notes. Also loans on household furniture, pianos, etc., at the lowest possible rates. REMEMBER, we do not remove furniture from your home. Salary loans are strictly confiden tial. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., 317 Falling Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rate; all articles h..ld 1 yr.; established siuce 1SSS. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. Lounn Wanted. $25,000 WANTKJ- lor lodging operation for three years; will pay lu per cent; security H3.tKi0.o00 feet of timber worth 93.000 C. Anderson, Hotel Martinique, Vancouver, B. C . $05o, 7 PER cent, private nionev, on house und 80xlo0. Mt. Scott car; value lu0. t;aiian : ivastr, veoii. $GoO WANTED First mortgage on $2800 realtV. Box A V .r..".7. Orw-m is n PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-iucn wavy swttcu, 2 ep $Lfi0 4-iiicn wavy switch, ii ep 1.00 Ail-around transiormatiun 1.45 Hairuressiug, bhampoolng, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c. Hair re moved by e.ectric needle, switch made of comDiugs. 95c. We buy your combings, baimary Panors. 4u0-412 pekum bidg Jd and -Washington. Marshall 470. FiBVEX 6z HANtBUX. leading wig and toupo milkers; finest stock human hair gouds; hairdresslug, maniourlng, lace and scalp treatment, combiugs inaue up to or der. 147 Bioaaway. Main 546. GLSXO promptly relieves ail forms of dys pepsia, heariourn. bloating,, indigestion, acid fermentation and paiu existing after eating. For sale by Portland glutei Pilar macy, cor. 0th and Morrison. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHOlil teaches truth; circles t-very night, rcaaiiigs aaiiy; aula it uaUsm, obsession laugnt the cure; 412 llKn st., bet. Harrison and Hall. Marshall 2674, IF iuU have common eiib, have horoscone cast." uuotes Ella Wheeler your Wtl- cox. Auami Astrological School. iJ50 ' Morrison st. Write or call; bftt. reterences. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland; 2ota century science in palmistry taught; spirit ual readings aaiiy. jo layior st. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS Special care of the scalp; xaciai snampooiug. l7-o Northwestern iauk bldg. SOPHIA B. SElt. mental and spiritual sci-. cutis t. o00 Tourney Plug., 2d aud Taylor. Marsnall aouti questions Wed. 8 P. M, iLtJcTKlO TREATMENTS for poor circula tion, rneumatism, lumbago, face and scalp, salt batns. 426 Clay st. Main So.'.Q. UMBRELLAS, all colors and style; iaigest stock; recovering; new handles put on. Meredith's. 32i Washington st. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Alary A, Price; circle Tuesday. 2; Wed. and sun. 8 P. M. ; read ings daily. U- ciay. jiarmau aifoo. MAY 1RV1N, facial and scalp treatments. 211 Morrison St.. room 30. BALM OF FIG COMPOUND. Royal ToaiO Tablets. 504 Davis st, Pnone Main 230b. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. liill. 42i Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. yR EATON, Painless Chiropodist; exam. free. Globe Then tor bid g. Main 8314. SCALP treatments, shampooing, facial sage. 35QS Morrison st., oL'ice 202. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology aud card reading. 282 Park st. Main 7543. iMADAME NONA teaches phrenology and card -reading dally. 3 SI Yamhill ft. ELECTRIC treatment and manicure, mas sage. Room 1. Lafayette bldg. Mrs. Burk. M N1CU RING, scalp, face massage treat ment. 3o7 Northwest bidg. 0th and Vant ROSEN A T AY LOR Masseuse and scalp special I st. ltitf Park st, MarshaU ,ltf. MASS A.GE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. oQS-C 3d st. Main 104tf. M N I CUR IN a for ladles aud gentleman. Room 22. 350 tf, Alder st. BOY or girl about two years old, desired for adoption. AJ 750, Oregonlan. TH ELM A HANSEN teaches curd reading, Mondays aud Thursdays. Oakland. Ore. MISS JOHNSON, chiropodist, massage and light magnetics. Appointments only. Mn. 504. AVE