l N ' " THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. . :iriy VIVIAM M ARTIM . MELEM HOLMES J Z r , ' -- -"m ' ' The Peter Pan Girl in E joy. av-J " f t mffm- i strong ,, 4 4 - , 1 ' jiff -.aMpe . I TODAY'S F1XM FEATURES. Pickford "Judith, of tho Cura berlands." T & D "A Woman'i Way," "Glo ria's Romance." Columbia "The Marriage of Molly O," "Laundry Liz." Majestic "Veda the Vampire." Sunset "The Moral Fabric," "Dizzzy Heights and Daring: Hearts." Peoples "The Stronger Love." Columbia. MAE MARSH, the star of so many quaint Triangle productions, and who last appeared In "The Wild Girl of the Sierras," will be presented to Columbia Theater patrons today in "The Marriage Of Molly-O," a story of Ireland. Pigs, mud huts, the poor peas ants and the wicked landlord, his vic ious son, and then the disguised no bleman who falls In love with the lit t'e peasant lass, all contribute to a production said to more than usually charming. Fay Tincher, the black and white girl of Triangle, Is the star of a two part comedy, "Laundry Liz." The Manhattan Trio, which opened an engagement several days ago, will continue their repertoire of popular eonsa through the week. The "har mony boys" are making a hit with Columbia folk. With Miss Marsh In "The Marriage of Molly-O" appears Robert Harron, who seems to be her regular dramatic part ner these days. Kate Bruce, James O'Shea and Walter Long are other prominent members of the cast. Holmes, feminine star of "Whispering Smith," appears In a picturization of tne well-known Alice McGowan story, "Judith of the Cumberland. " The three primitive passions, love, hatred and revenge, form the basis for this story of action, with the old code of "an eve for an eye and a tooth for a tootn" as the dominant note of the film. Miss Holmes plays the role of Judith Barrier, daughter of the hills, who is torn between duty to her clan and love of her sweetheart. The story treats of an ancient mountain feud, in which Creed Bonbright. who lost his father in a fight with a rival clan, tries to educate the sturdy mountain men to respect the law instead of disregarding it. The scenes are all laid in the Ken tucky mountains, giving an opportunity for some wonderful photographic ef fects. The Seller-Tribune Weekly of news events is another subject to be screened. ' Sunset. The Sunset Theater's new Paramount-Triangle programme for today features "The Moral Fabric," one of those dramas of modern life. Involving the sacredness of matrimony, "which causes so much discussion. Frank Mills, speaking stage star of "Ready Money" and "Bought and Paid For," Is the leading figure in this production. "Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts," a BCfntillating Keystone comedy, starring Charter Conklin and the Burton Holmes Travelogue, are other films on the bill. Free love, one which scoffs 8t con vention and holds marriage ties as v'taker than cobwebs, is the theme of "The Moral Fabric." A friend, a prophet of the new thought, robs a husband of his wife, leaving: the stunned man with the remark that he cannot possibly object for the wife has transferred her affections. But there comes an other time, with the situation reversed, and this "other time" is what gives the photoplay a "punch." which Is sure Xirs. Peoples. "The Si.rcr.ger Love," a Morosco mado photodrama of the mountain clans, serves tc introduce charming Vivian Martin as a Paramount star at the Peoples Theater today. Feuds and the "revenuers" have a dominant place in this production, which is said to be a masterpiece of outdoor photography, depicting beautiful mountain scenes. Miss Ma rein is presented as Nell s .t feud with the Rutherfords. Nell meets a stranger, thinks he is a "rev enuer," but the grirl is fascinated by him. When the officers raid the Serv lss atlll Nell saves tho man, when he Is charged with arso-ft. but refuses to have anything to do with him when she discovers that he in a Rutherford.' She changes her mind when the Serviss men come to tttice the sti anger away, end to save him declares that she will marry him. However, the girl loves Tom, a member of her own clan, and eft?r saving Rutherford turns to the man of cer choice. Paramount Pictographs and a Bray cartoon comedy will be other subjects on the bill. Pickford. .' Moonshiners and feudists rule the Pickford Theatrr bill today, for Helen Be Careful in Using Soap on Your Hair Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very Injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. Th best thing to use is Just plain mulslded cocoanut oil. for it ij pure and entirely greaselees. It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive soapa or any thing else all to pieces. Tou can get this at sujy drug store, and a few ounce will last the while family for months. Simply moisten the 'hair with water and rub it in. about a teasposnfel is all that is required. It makes au abundance of ricii, creamy lather, cleanses thor iThly and rinses out easily. The hii dries culsiEiy and evenly. &ad Is soft fresh lovstiag, bright, t) ulfy, wavy, end asy to handia. Besides, it loosens sad tskeu out every partiel of dust, dirt and dandruff. Adv. Majestic. "Veda th "V'a mnira T..1 X society film, which has been playing "itny nouses, will continue to be the leadins fpttni-o v. n t programme throughout the week. Indications poit,t to very successful financial returns to the Peoples' Insti tute from this picture, for yesterday. aiier mree aays of screening, Edwin F. James, of the Majestic, paid more than 900 into the coffers of the Institute. On this basis the sum derived from the benefit by that Institution will to tal $1400 or $1500. "Veda" is proving a pleasant sur prise to those who went to the Majestic to witness a society novelty, for the film has real merit. The photography is generally good; the story, a bur lesque on the ever-present film vam pire. Is interesting, and the acting is adequate. A splendid scenic of Crater Lake, one of tne Mutual's "Seeing America First" atleZ-. Paho New Service, and Selig athletic lilnrs. complete the bill. Screen Gossip. "The Pearl of Asia." is the name of a i?.""1",1 ,featura to te made by The Film Makers. Inc. the newest Califor nia film, producing company. The pro. luctiun will cost $80,000. Marie Empress is featured with Frank Mayo in "The Siren of the Slums." It s a Balboa. The Mothers Clubs of Dallas. Texas, r.re working hard to secure motion picture machines for use in the public scrools. "Civilization." the big Ince anti-war spectacle recently was screened for the sole benefit of Henry Ford, the auto tnob.le manufacturer and pacifist. "Aches of Embers" is the name of the latest .rauline Prescript r'-re. The emotional star has not quite fin ished this Paramount feature "Jaffery." the picturization of the Locke novel, is the first of Hearst's In ternational features. Maurice Costello, starring In "The Crimson Stain Mystery," a serial, was one of the first popular heroes of tho screen: he was the first general mati- throughout the country" named "him "Dimples" and "Curly." Although he has been in pictures several years he still receives hundreds of letters in vhlh he Is addressed as "Dlmp;ee" and "Our'.jr" Costello. Little Charlotte Starbuck. a member of tie cast in the Ralph Hers Metro comedy, "Smashing a Masher.' worked at the studio during the day and in the evenicg was one of the singers of Gus Edwards Song Revue. B-.b Walker, prominent in the sup port of Viola Dana in a new Metro play, is a nephew of Robert Hilliard and Harry Hilliard. William H. Tooker, featured by Fox in "The Fool's Revenge." a play which did not pass the Fortland censors, is no iv with the Ivan Company, playing with such stars as Anna Q. Nilsson, Rose Coghlan. Harry Spingler and William Merkyl. Edna Hunter, who has signed to ap pear in Clares. Kimball Young pictures, was former leading woman for King Baggoti Valkyrien .'Baroness Dewitz), who Is the star of Thanhouser's "Hidden Val-. ley" which is to be released by Pathe, onoe was named as the most perfectly formeS grirl in Denmark. The contest was conducted oy the government, so the ballot boxes were not stuffed. . Gladys Hulette was speaking with an acquaintance at the Thanhouser studios the other day. They were discussing an extra girl. "I hear that her grammar Is atro cious," PRid Miss Hulette. "Yes." agreed the other, "and her grandpa i an old dvll. too." ' J- R. Bray. ti originator of "Colonel isCk-si Ijiar." whose animated cartoons are released exclusively through the Paramount Pictures Corporator, pre viously contributed his ctrtnon Come dies to "Life," "Puck'"and "Judge." 'The 'ei Love A story of "The Happy Valleys" of old Virginia. As Nell Serviss, Miss Martin has a character of world-wide appeal. Born and raised in the wild, wooded peaks of Nature's garden spot, her simple life is as sweet and beautiful as the mountain daisy. But her heart, when touched by the flame of love, and when she had to choose between the polished man of the city and the "diamond in the rough" of her own people, became as the Rock of Gibraltar. IT'S AS THRILLING AS IT IS BEAUTIFUL. . Bray Cartoon Comedy PEO'PI Paramount Pictographs In Her Second Star Production Judith of the Cumberlands Do you remember the "Whispering Smith" play and the big cast those strong, manly fellows that looked and" lived their every part? They're all here with Helen again Maloney, Hurst, Lingham, Brunton and the rest. The story is another thriller that they put over with the same snap and punch, and you'll enjoy every second it's on the screen. YOUR FRIENDS WILL LIKE IT TOO BRING 'EM ALONG. x Selig News Tribune Down-to-the-Minute Events. Just as They Happened B& PICKFORD HOQUIAM IS READY City Decorated and Prepared to Entertain Elks. several weeks the members have been getting in training to make their cam paign for the convention. CONVENTION OPENS TODAY Sseclal Trains Are to Arrive From Portland and Pit get Bound Tolnts Visitors to Own City on Friday. HOQUIAM. "Wash.. Aug. 1C. (Spe cial.) This city tonight is ready for the opening tomorrow morning of the 12th annual convention of the Wash ington State Elks' Reunion Association. Hoquiam is in gala attire for the visitors and already the spirit of the convention is in the air everywhere. The visitors will begin to arrive early tomorrow forenoon. The first special train to arrive will be the one from Portland carrying the Portland and Vancouver delegations and also the delegations from Raymond and South Goal t-j are to Join the Portland- Vancouver special m.1 CL:ii":. Thin train is expected to reach the city early in the morning. Reports reach ing here are that the train will have a complete crew of IClka and that from the engine to the rear end of the rear coach it will be gaily decorated. In cluding: a big: elk head fashioned In the Elks' colors, on the engine. Paget' Sowd Seeds Specials. Rr "1 ' tmtnm frfti" PiiffAt RounH are expected to arrive toout noon, coming in close together. Provision for an in terval of about half an hour between the hours of arrival has been arranged. Auto parties .will be arriving through out the day, it s expected, as reports are that many of the delegations will motor to Hoqu!a.m. The special trains will be met at the depot by members of the Iloquiaro lodge and the visitors piloted to the Elks home and the Public Library, where the men and women will register respectively and room assignments will be made. Arrangements are made so that this can be h&ndiad quickiy and without a hitch. There will be a large force of assistants to register tho visitors and get tbem assigned with out delay. Those coming by auto wili be directed to Hermans Field, the hlsh school foot ball field In the center of the city near J the union passenger station, where their autos wili be parked and from there will be taken to the Elks home to register. At the auto parking field, provision will be made for the care and guarding the machines. Friday to Be Holiday. Friday, the principal day of the con vention, when the- grand parade will be held in the forenoon and the big programme of water sports in the afternoon, will practically be a holiday in Hoquiam. About all of the stores are to be closed all day and it is prob able the lumber mills of the city wtil shut down for the day. Hoquiam peo ple will turn out as costs for the visitors. Indications tonight, based on late reports received by the Hoquiam con vention executive committee, are that tbe attendance at the convention will be close to 3000 and may even run beyond that figure. Officers of the ?rata association have sent word that reports to them show this will be by far the largest convention yet held by the Washington association. Ti e North Takima lodre has sent word 'hat it is eomlng hero to srr the 1917 convention. It is understood I a u'.jt deification will be sent and for ABERDEEN DECKED FOR ELKS City to Join With Hoquiam In En tertaining Visiting Elka. ABERDEEN", Wash.. Aug. IS. (Spe cial.) Decorations of red. white and blue and of purple and white adorn Aberdeen's streets and buslnens bouses in honor of the coming gathering of the State Reunion of Elks in Hoquiam. Aberdeen is lees than four miles dis tant from Hoquiam and hundreds of the delegates have arranged to stay here over the convention week. The Elks Club, which la a. mmtm of purple and while bunting, wilt be open Say and nljrht to all visitors. Aberdeen Elks, decked out In Ha waiian uniforms, will appear 200 strong In the Hoquiam parade on Fri day morning, headed by a 16-plece uni formed band. RAILROAD SENDS GARS EFFORTS MADE TO RELIEVE SIXV ATIOX I.V ORKGOX. DALLAS RAZOR IS ANCIENT Blade Bought Second-Hand In 185 ITsed Constantly Since. DALLAS. Or.. Aug. 16. (Special.) A story from Pendleton of the raxor of Aniasa Phillip, of Weston, that has been a tried and true friend for 66 years, caused Ferd B. West to produce the evidence of a raxor which he uses, older than Mr. Phillips' blade. Mr. West's father. James M. West, purchased the West raxor, second-hand. In Beverley. O., in 18S0. The father usea it coui "r'r- n be died and then willed It to his son who uses . daily. toince coming Into Fred B. West's possession, the razor hu been ground once. The cs.:ne, "Wilson. Smith and Mocre." which la Just lejrible and the part word "field" makes it appesr that the steel is the make of Sheffield, a firm in England. Atlanta. Gl. has rmJd $13,000 to cquIo Boy Scout. Sonthrra Parlflo Head Advlaea Chamber f CmaBaerr 33S Eaaattlea in Movlaar an k ward. All energies of the Southern Pacific Railway Company are bent to relieve the car shortage In this territory, ac cording to a message sent to O. M. Clark, president ot the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, by President Will iam Sproule. of tit Southern Pacific Mr. tfproule gives the following state ment. Indicating that substantial prog ress has been made In this respect: Th car ahortaaa la s-anaral vr our aa tlra territory. a era malting awry affort to raliava tha situation lu Or con and dur ing lh paat 49 boura hava dai!rad at Aati land f3 amptjr bourara, 32 ampty sondoiaa and thraa amntr riata; total of aft amptl for tha Portat.d dlvlaion. Thar I now moving northward on tba fthaata division 12 boacara. a! ampty gondoiaa and '1 ampty (lata, a total of ;3 atnpl!a. moat ot avblctl tali! go through to Portland dlvlaion. dent Commlaatlon is plaintiff and An thony W. Fox. a sawmill owner. Is defendant. The complaint alleges that 1159.61 Is due the Commission, being the total of the SH per cent of the payroll, plus the 1 cent a day which Is required to be held from the pay of each employe. Fox. It la alleged, elected to come under tha provisions of the Jaw, but failed to make payments. ; FIRST SUIT IS COMMENCED State Sue A. VT. Fox Indrr Em ployers' Liability law. ECGEKE, Or, Aug. 1. (Special.) Tha first suit filed In Lane County to enforce provisions of tha employers' 11a v!r law was filed Tuesday by J. M. Devera. acting for Altorctj-G... : Brown. The Oratron Industrial eri- RIDGEFIELD CLUB GROWS Delegation From Vancouver Attends Special Meet Inc. IUDGKFIKLD. Waah Aue. !. (Special.) The regular meeting of tha Ridgafleld Commercial Club Monday night, which had a special oprAlog oon. latlng of a prosramme of alx Inatru mental numbers by tha atrlncrd in atrument orchestra In chars of Thomas Mitchell, from the rxtra crw of the Northern Pacific Railroad, waa an en thuaiaatlc ana and waa alCndrd by & membvra and others, making a total of 125. A numbar of Vancouver peraona war preaenu Including llonry Craaa. Will iam K. Dudley, county school aup-rln-tondant; iiwrc Mr-t'ov and Pr. Clvda IJearr. William Meikle, of Kennawlck. Wash, waa also a guest. Six new membera ww admitted to the club, which now has a member ship of about 130. Hanry tiraaa. of Vancouver, made a hart addresa on the work of commer cial cluba and congratulated the loo a I organisation on having such a largo, live memberahlp. ORCHESTRA MAY GO TO FAIR Harney County Sympltony Possible a Added Attraction. CIT.N'S. Or, Aug. 1. (Special.) . The Harney County Symphony Orches tra la likely to prove one of the attrac tions at tha State Talr thla Fall and this group of talantad antertalnera may alao b heard in concert In Portiand. Tha symphony orchestra la regarded aa a erat credit to thla undevalopad aactlon of tha state, aa well aa to tha state aa a whole. Thraa lltll people will. It la fait car tain by Hamar County paopla. prov a surprise to al who are fortunata enough to "haar thant. ithr at Salam or Portland, and their many friends In this section predict a great success for them In tho entertainment field. l "The Moral Fabric" The kind of a drams eeroa3 a talks about "Dizzy Heights & Daring Hearts' A knockout Keystone comedy and EUR1YJN HOLMES TRAV ELOGUE comprise The Show That Never Fails TODAY UNTIL SATURDAY SUNSET n 9 ANY TIME 10c ANY SKAT i NOW SHOWING Portland Society Film try "g Veda Vampire Benefit Peoples' Institute ALSO Pathe News Scenic Crater Lake Regular Admission Varied Sports. 15c 100,000 Trunks With Hardly a Mistake The B. & O. T. system of checking baggage is practically error-proof. A vast number of trunks are dispatched erery day to all parts of the country. The U. &. o. T. yeiiow check on .a trunk will take it Etraight through to destination to hotel or residence in a'most any city or town: No other check is necessary. This is the only cafe, sure method c? checking baggage. It avoids hurry and confusion. Your trunk is ofter waiting for you when you arrive. Specify "Special Delivery check likewise when checking baggag from out-of-town points to Portland. We deliver immediately on arrival here. Baggage 6f Omnibus Transfer Company Check Your Baggage From Home Telephones: Broadway 1000 A 3322 -ZSlThe Check That "Took th Trouble Out of Traveling' ! A iS J. .A O I