THE aicmNTNG OKEfiOXIAJf, MONDAY, AUGUST 14. 1016. 13 HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar menu Factory, Oregon City Woolen Mills, Qregon City. WANTED Woman under 40 to do cooking and ironing in family at Reed College w here there are 4 children, 2 adults and second maid; no washing; salary $30. Ger man, 5 v ede or Finn preferred. Sell. 1235. SCHOOL girl to assist in amah family from 5 to 8 evenings; must be within walking distance of Alameda Park district. Wood- 1 aw n 4446. WOMEN. Government jobs; $70 month. Write immediately for list of positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 R, Rochester, N. Y. r Eanitarv Beauty Parlors College for ladles onlv; make yourself Independent with good trade. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and wash. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, In dividual instruction, start any date. ftun Orpheum bldg- positions secured.- W ANTED Two dictaphone operators; one stenographer. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED To let everyone know that the house with a million bargains can supply your needs. 131-133 4th st. i WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, Vlavl Company, 424 Pittock blk.. 3S5 Washington. WANTED Good cook for 5 to 7 men, coun try. Call 2 to 4 Monday. Mr. Dorsey, Oregon Hotel. PRIVATE home for children, any age 13 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted, 05c hour. Busy Bee Candy Co., 283 Mor rison st. WANTED Competent maid for waitress and second work. Apply 721 Main St., cor. St. Clair. WIDOWER wishes a good housekeeper, age between 2S and 40; good wages; city. A 758, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 230 24th et. Marshall 1321. LADIES TO LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. NEW METHOD. 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework nnd cooking; 3 adults. 739 Kearney st. WANTED Experienced girl for general houeew ork. Call East lo47 or B 1102. WANTED Girl for general housework. 600 E. 25th st. N. LADIES WANTED: 1 TO J3 DAT 13 MADE. 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand, typewriting. $o mo. 283 14th. Main 3btf8. THIS AD, 25C. MANICURE. MASSAGE. 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- ply 010 East 22d st. N. WANTED A girl for dining-room, 510 Flanders st- EXPERIENCED dining-room girl wanted, 710 Waahinsrton. GIRL for kitchen work and assist with cook ing. "10 Washington. GIRL for peneial housework, good cook, 4 adults, good wages. 661 E. Taylor. GIRL for general work, 2 hours. In exchange for room. 475 Morrison. UFLP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 1800 HOPPICKER3 for Llvesley yards. Tick ets now on sale at Dorcas Bros., 221 Pit tock bldg.. 10th and Wash. eta.. Portland, Or. Round-trip fares Lakebrook $1.70; Holmes $2.15, Percival $2.35, Murphy $2.60, Lewis $2.40. Free tents, wood and straw, good camping ground, water, store, butch er shop and restaurant; 40c per box. First special August 23. Trains later, Sept. 2, 3 and 4. Write, call or phone Broadway 321 , A 1717. Come early and get your places. Office open Sunday, 12 to 4. H O P P ICK E RS WANTED! Large yards, good picking. Fine camp ing grounds, with free cabins, wood, straw and running water. Grocery store, butcher hop and confectionery on grounds. Apply A- J. RAY & SONS, 338 Fherlock bldg. Phone Main 842. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the barber trade. Summer rates; tools tree; paid while learn ing. Write for catalogue, 2d and Burnside, 10O HOP-PICKERS wanted for Schema wa, near Salem. Call at St. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison. Wood already cut, furnished. 40c a box. WANTED 80 hopplckers; families pre ferred. Inquire of Henry L. Bents, Au rora, Or. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. 233 Madison. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge In 8 weeks; position secured; pay while learning. B6-3S N. 2d st. JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau, Mn. 219TA 1370 Jap. Ass'n of Or., 218 Henry bldg. MIPS-rDECKER,S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLD.. 3D A MOR'N. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES of men, IS or over, wishing Gov ernment Jobs, $75 month. AV 424. Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHIC course, special rates. Miss Ostybe's School, 211 Stock Exchange bldg. SITUATIONS WAXTEP MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, WILL keep set of books during spare hours; $10 to $40 a month. Main 6718. Akin. Miscellaneous. EXPERT AUTO MECHANIC. General overhauling, carbon removed, valve arlndine. carburpfnr rttn nnrt adjusting, valves tappets adjusting, tuning ip eiiK'ne, ignition cleaning ana adjusting; also expert on magnetos ; work done at your own garage. You'll take no chance by calling mo up. All work absolutely guar anteed. Prices reasonable. Call Broadway 2676. N. S. EVAN OFF, 73 N. 3d St., City. CHEF COOK, dinner and a la carte, wants situation, hotel or club; long European and American experience. Y 57. Orego nlan. CHEF-STCWARD desires position; over 20 rs. experience in leading hotels and cafes; excellent references. BF 767, Oregonian. WA NT ED Housework. Aiao care auto, by jitpmi t:so cuaiiieur. wi: n. th St. Pho. A 7272. MAN, 12 years In responsible railway dos! Hon, tariffs, claims and operation, wants pugiunn. ai r. nyan. .via in gjs i. WANTED Brickwork, boilers, cement work ana piumomg. cay or contract. Burley, 4-8 Washington. Marshall 2St3. Vo'lNU man. well educated, desires employ ment where promotion may be earned. AL 7."-5. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, careful and reliable and useful In private family, wants posi t'.on at once. Henry Swada. Main 6119. BOY. 14. wishes a job. Call 229U First st. Marshall 1629. PAPER-HANGING, painting and tinting neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493, JLAPANESE. good cook, wants situation in private family. 121 N. 15th. Main 3693. REUAPLE Japanese wants place, porter or Janitor, etc. Main 86t3. TO save money on painting and kalsomlnlng call Broadway 1634. WANTED Lawn or garden work, odd Jobs, lot clearing. Kennedy. Sellwood 1453. M E ATCUTTER and groceryman wants work. AH 750. Oregonian. r IbWfS A 1 f J r7fl U . . t . JL 1 Ivwia-wm I I IJ v; ! iv 1 .. ill 11 11 .r 1 . - 1 . . irr -a . 1 , e .t j 111 1 11 CopyrigKt. 1916, by Ntmpapw FmIik. Serriea, Inc. Crwt Britwn rlghu SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers YOUNG lady wishes position as stenographer and bookkeeper, experienced in Insurance Can furnish best of reference. Write box 285. Boise. Idaho. SUCCESSFUL saleswoman wants position general store; can keep books, store or postoffice. AO 756, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Quick and accurate; un derstands office work of all kinds; desares temporary employment, Sellwood 2754 EXPERIENCED stenographer, reasonaole. Main 2bl7. Dressmakers. CALL, Woodlawn 4752; fashionable dress making, silk suits, tailoring, day or home. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring; home, day. Summers, Mar. 195Q. apt. 23. DRESSMAKING Ladies' or children's work by day. Main 4405. Call Miss Cooper. NURSING, any kind, hour. day. week, ma ternity patients a specialty, reasonable; ref. Main 2754. M I&cellan eou s. WANTED by capable, experienced woman, management of rooming-house or apart ment. Phone Marshall 2211, room 7. 1G3 17th st. WORK for two; woman and grown girl want work together; camp, boarding or rooming-house. AV 552, Oregonian. WIDOW WOMAN wants day work, washing or cleaning ; experienced worker. East 6091. WANT to care for Infants In my home. Sell- WOOK WANTED Dressmaking to do at my h at Multnomah Station. Phone Main 4 mm a 4626. A COLORED woman wishes a poslton as a cook (good cooit). roaaway oao. - EXPERIENCED laundress, splendid ironer, wants day work. Tabor 4341. A RELIABLE! woman wants work ty the day or hour. phone Main 9492. GIRL wants work by day or hour. Mar shall 4525. WOMAN wants day cleaning; good refer ences. Phone East 123. WA.NTED TO RE'T. MODERN, furnished house 5 or six rooms and garage. Permanent -If suited. Re sponsible tenants. V 764. aoregonian. WANTED Cottage of 4 or 5 rooms fof month of September; must be near water, modern, and all conveniences; give loca tion in first letter. Price must be rea sonable. AR 767, Oregonian. Rooms. YOUNG man studying architecture at Ben son Tech desires neatly furnished room floee to school for coming term; must con ain every convenience necessary to com 'fort and quiet; wish to do considerable research work; desire one that has fire place, desk, large study table, rocking chairs,- arm chair and private bath; must be reasonable, will take It for at least 6 months; can give best of references; prefer home where there are no small children. In answering give complete de tallo, price and location. AD 756, Ore gonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED ROOMS for young men In all parts of the city, also In Y. M. C. A. build ing especially desirable during the Sum mer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.70 per week. In cluding fuil association membership priv ileges, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand- - ball coart and many other club privileges. Full Information at Y. M. C. A, business office, or telephone Main 7065, A 6561. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Marshall 9500. New management. New furnishings. Newly renovated. Beautiful lobby. Ladies parlor. Popular prices. CORINNE. 374 THIRD STREET. Main 110. A 1136 Modern, single rooms, equipped for light housekeeping, women only; $10 and up. Laundries, parlors and sewing rooms for use of occupants. HOTEL RITZ. Park and Morrison. Beautiful furnished rooms, with or without bath, hot water 24 hours. Phone , In every room; elevator .service. Special rates to steady roomers. FOR home comforts try TOURIST HOTEL; modern conveniences; reduced rate; front rooms. $3 week and up; 50c, 75c and $1 per day; no extra charge for two in a room ; tourist trade solicited, Morrison and 1st sts. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. cor. Washington St. A fireproof, up-to-date hotel offering accommodations at very low figures to permanent and transient guests. STAND1SH HOTEL. 643 WASH. ST.. COR. 17TH. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per month and up. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th & Washington, nicely furnished rooms; modern conveniences; $2.50 week up. Main 31. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th REDUCED RATB3. 50c day up; weekly, $2.50 up; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 -209 H 4TH. Rates 50c. 75c. $1 day; permanent guests $2.50 week up; for choice suites with connecting baths. $20. $25 m onth. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both phones, reasonable. 402 s 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th at. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. 475 MORRISON Large or single newly fur nished convenient rooms, board optional, home cooking. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, uae of parl-Tr; real home. $1.50 up. M. 1153. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. $10 ATTRACTIVE room in nice home. 54 Lucretla st.. nr. 23d and Wash. Mar. 6096. NICELY furnished rooms $1.50 and up. S87 Mill st. Roonm With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL. 28d and Hoyt Phone Marshall 881. THE CAMPBELL-HILL. 23d and Washington. Phone Main 7584. MODERN RESIDENTIAL HOTELS. American plan, on carline. 5 to 10 min utes from business center. Attractive dining-rooms. Resident rates to permanent guests. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 92S3. A 6628. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH. Renovated and ready for business: roou- lar priced; women cooks; three block from if. u., vta ana iiaaison; owner manager. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 4611. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modem rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL. Broadway at Taylor LARGE, airy front room, with fireplace, or single rooms wun Doara; nome cook in g; walking distance. 261 ISth st. ANNA LEWIS HALL, Bl( Flanders, business gins ana stuaenta. s to go. .& week. AAVAil Afi Cauls, it "But I "TiT tr 1 .I-PfV-T IT AAI 15.1 Dt I 1 . T.TfWM FOR RENT. Rooms With .Board In Private Family. EXCEPTIONALLY good board and newly furnished room, suitable for two ar more In an attractive home, one-half block from Central Library; rents very reasonable : also young man wishing roommate. 209 10th st. Main 6381. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms with twin beds, sleeping porch. In beautiful home, across frm Multnomah Club; shower, hot water heat, large porch and every con venlence Main 7720. LARGE, nice, clean room w ith good board in modern house; all home privileges; two people. 369 E. 7th st. N. Phone East 273. W E L L- FURNISHED room with board; modern conveniences: reasonable. 7vo Flanders st. Main 1853. ilNE, lare room for 2 young men; separate beds, next to bathroom, home privileges. Main 6726. 263 13th st. PLEASANT room, facing park, with board, 2 meals, woman employed. 302 Park cor. Columbia, LIGHT airy room for 2. and good table board, reasonable price. 83 N. 17th St. Furnished Apartments. ' A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined. Clean, safe. - THE WHEELDON ANNEX popular. luth and Salmon Sts. well knows, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMW ELLt Fifth and Columbia. Sts. Five minutes walk to Miler & Frank's store; good surroundings; rtrictly modern S and 8-room furnished a partments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA. ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gerden In Connection walking distance. References. STELWYN. Very high-class, finest In th city: beau tiful apt., sleeping porches, for auulta and batchelors; furnished In willow, blue end Turkish rugs, silver, linen; references required. M. 2620. HIGHLAND. COURT APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan Sts. 8-room newly furnished apartments. All outside rooms; sleeping porch. Marshall 3181. ELEGANT 4 -room apartment, large recep tion hall and bath ; completely furnished. Including piano, fine china, cut glass and silverware; strictly modern, close in, rea sonable. See Janitor, Kings Hill Apart ments, 171 King st. CARLOTTA CO'RT Everett and 17th. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, new, modem, bath and private hall, steam heat, laundry, good service, choice residence district. 5 mln. from bus. center; references. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FUNiSHED APTS., $16 TO $25. WALKING OIS1 A.NCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. PENROSE APARTMENT9 N-. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, modern 2 and 3-room furnished; service first-class ; walking distance. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS One 4 -room unfurnished corner apartment; one fur nished 3-room. wall bed. on first floor, very reasonable. Main 2506. A 8149. BO NZ ANT A APARTMENTS, 189 23D. Summer rates, big reduction, 3-room $15, 4-room $22.60; private phone, bath, heat; completely furnished. Marshall 2945. MADISON PARK APTS" . Par': at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-roora furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. AVALON Modem furnished 8 and 4-room apart ments; sleeping porches; corner Clacka mas and Ross sts. Phone East 8172. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between Oth and Ella sts. Furnished 3-room apartments with or without sleeping porches; all outside rooms; walking distance. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. STEVENt Most comfortable apts. in the city, 6 large outside sunny rooms; plenty of heat, hot water, phone, front, back and sleeping porches. 791 Northrup st.. nr 24th THE DEZENDORFF, 208 16th st.. near Taylor, Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3. 4 and 5-room apts. All outside rooms, fine view, close In. MONTGOMERY APTS., 3d and Montgom ery Modern, brick, fur, apts., automatic elevator, close In: $16 to $4. Main 9466. THE ELMS FURNISHED APTS. Nice iignt z ana s rooms reasonane rent. 191 14th st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. OWNER leaving city, must sacrifice at tractively turnisnea apartment for rent, furnishings for sale. Call Marshall 5709. HAD DON HALL, 414 11th st., modern, con. venlent, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments. Mar shall 1163. GRAY GABLES. 89 10th at Modem 1 and 2 -room furnished apartments, close in, py wfen or montn. 3-ROOM furnished apartment; separate bath and phone. East Slue, good location; $17. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and is-rm. apts. $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Washington. MORTON APTS.. King and Washington sts. 3 and 4-room unfurnished basement apts.. j. j uiu. "ain'iig uiamnue. aiain iue-. NEW apartments in new brick bldg. corner Broadway and Clay, rents reasonable. Main OOUl THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnish. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city, corner j. zatn ana Northrup. DIEL APTS. 790 E. Ankeny; modern, com", pletely fur. apartments, large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, heat. etc. H ikum HAMMERSLEY COURT, 250 12TTI st. By V n Vctnnnhl- t- for,. rw- m'b. GRAND EST A, East StarK and Grand av Modern three-room apartments Greatly reuuceuiaiM, rnuuo cast -UO. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 8, 4-room f urnisned and unfurnished, $13 up; "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. NEWLY furnished 2 and 3-room apts.. $16 up, including lights. etc. BELKNAP ArAKT.M K.Ms, io( lith, near Yamhill THE LAURETTE Furnished and unfur nished 3-room apartments. 22ft lt'. st. MEREDITH. 3 rooms, new furniture, $24, close in. 22d and Washington. M. 7134. CAM A R, 704 Lovejoy, 2and 3-room apart ments, tiif, i-w tt nu Aiarsnau iii NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; 10 ana 1104 union ave. is. wain. l NEW HART 1. 2, 3 rms., light, phones, gas, $3 up. 170 H 2d. nr. Morrison. Ele-vator 4th. ARDMAY TERRACE, S95 12TH Flrat-clasa in every respect; attractive rates. CLMULrtLAND APTS.. 301 W. Park; bet location in city racing tn ark. M. lose TWO rooms, sleeping porch, 2 closets. 5o: E. Yamhill East 1710 Unfurnished Apartment. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5. 6 rms.. reas, M 7516. A 2676 MEREDITH. S rooms, folding bed. front. w ssnington ana z.'a. Mam 7134. LIGHT 4 and 3 rooms, porches, yard. $20; opp. 31 u it. wiuo. nou Apts.. Biz Salmon To ffTri JfbdASD v. 01 hs 1 1 s-is i rMr,ad. Rutarad la U. S. Offic FOR RENT, Unfnrnlhed Apartments, TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch bim. Ma.-vhsU 159. Mod ern new building. 2, 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. 4 IRVING APARTMENTS. Three and 4 rooms, unfurnished, all oat aide rooms, verandas, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; garage In con nection , reference required, ttotf Irving at. Phone Marshall 2748. LUCRE TIA COLRT. Lucreria at., near 23d and Washington sts. Strictly modem high-c'ass apt.-huue. 2-3-4-5-room apts.. best service; rents rea sonable. Kef. required. Mgr., Mar. 1513 UNFURNISHED 8-R. apts.. also single rooms. wii-. utu., iiu woya noon, 910 10 9-U. heat, light, gaa range and phone. Powell Apts.. Hawthorne and 87th. Tabor l&bL --"j 10TH, near Clay, 5 -room apartment; large sleeping porch, front virandt, oa floors, gas range, refrigerator, heat aul WEIST APTa. 69 NORTH 23D feT. Finest in city, each with large private porch. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway 6. One -room uniurnisnea iirst-iioor corner apt.: separate bedroom and wall bed la living room; very desirable. Main 5oii, A 3141 KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Hand some uniurnisnea apartments lor perma nent tenants only. Tel. Maranau otoa, THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3. 4. A rooms, reasonable. Marshall .3360. GRACE APT3., 24th and Northrup; furnished and nnfllPnlihiul m r.t m Vlap.h.ll Furnished or L'nf urnlthed Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outslds rooms; firlvate balconies, modern, superior serv es, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 8 and 4 room ; rales moderate; good service; spe cial arrangements for permanent tenanta Phones. Marshall 2961 and 2tf6. Walking distance. 21at and Irving-. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Bunny side carline, close - In; 2 and S room ; deslrabie and reasonable. IRIS. 362 THIRD STREET. MARSHALL 218. A 3U17. Modern U-joom apartments, furnished or unf urnfshed ; $15 and up. TRINITY PLACE "APARTMENTS, THE HOCSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101 THE BUE.NA VISTA. Uth and Harrison etneuy modem; all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and 105U. ROSENFELD (brick)- 14th and E. Stark. 3 nut ruumi; jnva 10 pnonea ; quiet. 658 FLANDERS - 6-room. $35; 6-room. $37.50; sleeping porch. Main b251. GRACE APTS.. 24tL and Northrup; furnished ana uniurnisnea apts. aaaranau IV 1 iv. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King at. 3 and 4 rooms; nign-ciass; references, juatn Uoo. Mat a. 721-723 & KEARNEY ST., Weat Side, 6-room n a ib m gooa oraer. near new coucn School ; fireplace, furnace, with hot water coll. white atationary tubs, gaa and elec tricity; reasonable rent. Phone mornings and evenings. East 8413. T.VVO modern 6-room upper corner flats, fur- msnea or uniurnisnea. zurnace, fireplace, Eas range, water heater. 15th st. North, a locks or Washington, Best of condition. Main 398S. IRVLNGTON Strictly modern lower corner flat, 6 rooms and sleeping' porch; clean; win build garage. 13th and Schuyler. East 4076. $10 A MONTH. 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carline. Ogden. lu Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 743 OVERTON; choica location, modern. mutiny, o-room XiatS, With Or WithOUl garage. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath 781 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th. phone Main 6278. 5 ROOMS, fine condition, well located, phone. 6-ROOM UPPER Strictly modern, steam . heated. 3o7 11th at., apartment A. 690 GLISAN Modern upper flat, ft outside rooms. Sellwood 1808. 4-5-ROOM, strictly modern, low rent, corner. 1058 Cleveland. Woodlawn 2295. . DESIRABLE 6 and 7 -room heated fiat. 715 Johnson. Call Main 2595. ft-KJl.. modern; choice, lower, garage, 1 blk, to Bdy. East 1137. Furnished Flats. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room Hat piano, rent $27. 50; also 4-room furnished flat, piano, rent $20. Key 192 Chapman at., corner Taylor. References required. TWO modern, well furnished 5-room lower flats, furnace and fireplace, walking dis tance, close to school; 16th and East Al der. Main 1728. o-ROOM furnished flat; hardwood floors, tiled bath, sleeping porch, fireplace; 3lO Glenn ave. Tabor 2045, $13. 4 ROOMS, lights, phone, water, piano; $16, S rooms; $13, 8 rooms, walking dis tance. East 8310. 271 BROADWAY Near Madlaon, nicely fur. nished 4-room flat; piano; $17.50. MODERN 4-room flat, walking distance. 8S3 Ross st.. 2 blks. Broadway bridge. $14. MODERN, well-furnished, homey; references. Marshall 61CS. MODERN 4-room furnlahed flat, porch. walking distance. 5 Git Market. Housekeeping Rooms. NEWLY furnished H. K. room, $9 month, in. dual a liclits. phone, janitor service, etc BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near x am mil. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones ; $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 777L The Warrenton. 402 3d st- THE GILMAN. 142H 1st. Furn. h k. rooms tor oacneiora ana.ramuieB. si week up. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.; reasonable. HO YOKES T, 175 12th Housekeeping rooms, iay. week or mo.; all conveniences; piano. $1.75 Single front H. K. room, gas, phone. llgnt iree. av- .win st. Housekeeping Ruomi in Private Family. 105 2tTH ST.. cor. Flanders; neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms, large, light and clean. TWO or three modern H. K. rooms; heat and hot water. 781 Kearney. Mar. 4337. 271 BROADWAY, near Madison, beautifully furnished room with kitchenette; rent 112.50. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, $5 to $10 month free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill, be tween 12th and 13th. LARGE rooms and kitchenette, very con venient; $S to $12 monthly. 655 Flanders street. tl WEEK Clean, quiet, close In, large grounds, pnone. bu la. Btn. THREE rooms and bath, furnished for light H. K. 410 iarra oee st. HOUSE of T rooms. 744 Hoyt st finished with an mocern conveniences. 70, ST.HfJ MODERN 6-room house, close In. A. H. Akerson. 6u5 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 6TP5. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, trays, gas. electricity. i.ey 01 c. xiin. POLLY AND HER L0PK FEFDRt -iNt A MUSICAL . .n. Tl LOOK Cf fiDKCJI too LtA?iT -TbTt FOB RENT. Houa $10 3-ROOM new. modern cottase with ga rage, fcood neighborhood. ' ner school, corn, streetcar and Pacific H gh way ; 5 mlnute car service ; rental may apply en purchase; wlil accept vacant lot. horses or auto as firat payment; or what have you? Tabor 1279. W. F. Brock. 403 -d at. S. E.. Lents, Or. ROPE CITY PARK. 6 -room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood fioora, 2 bed rooms, small outside building, can be used for maid's room or storage, comer lot, very sightly, lota of rosea. S. E. corner East 47th and Hancock, $22 per month. S. i. Vlr.ce n t A C o. $10 NEW fi-rom modern cottage, w 1th garage, oce-haif bloc from Moui.t Scott car, with 5-minute service. W. K. Brock, owner, at 64v3 2d au S, E. Telephone Tabor 1279. MODERN 5-room bungalow with large liotpiff porch, near tne Capitol II' gh ar and close to good car service. AM mod ern conveniences; $10 per Jbee 512 Piatt bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Cottage. 6 rooms and attic, basement tuba, electricity, gas. Call Marshall 4SS7. mornings, 7 to 9. or Main 6'b0 later. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt at a. Broadway 7i3. FOR SALE by owner, a dandy corner 6-room house; full basement, -furnace. Phone Broadway 180. See owner. 15 N 8d. city. 5-ROOM modern, E. Grant, near 40th, $15. 7 rooms. Willis blvd. and Flak st. $15. Owner, E. 49L Evenings, 132X 14TH-COLUMBIA. sear-In houses, low rant. Owner, 290 14th. Main 76S0. HOUSE on East Madison for' $&. Phone Ta bor 3226. REAL Piedmont home, partly f urnlahed. garage, large yard, shade, $25. Wdln. 2599. 4-FAM1LY house, partly furnlahed, only $1$ rent; near Brooklyn School 862 Front at 7-ROOM house. 768 Hoyt; 2 bathrooms, near Couch School; rent reasonable. Main 674. S-ROO.M HOUSE Newly tinted; walking distance. 447 5th at., near College. 9 ROOMS, modern. 76S Mara hall iL, low rent. Phone Main ol9Q. MODERN house with barn or garage. Owner. J. D. Morrta, Main 6976. ' 6-ROOM modern house, 712 Love Joy, near 2Jd. Inquire 130 6th. Main 62TH 4-ROOM cottage. S. W. corner Hancock and 47th; low rent. Tabor 5510. 7-ROO M bouae. garage. In Irvlngtou; well located. Call owner. East 1412. MODERN 8-room house and 5-room fur nished cottage. Inquire 42 E. 15th at. 5o7 EXPANDERS ST. Dwelling Of 7 rooms and bath; rent $30. CHOICE Irvlngton homes for rent. aale. R T. Street, Irvlngton agent. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, trays, gas. electricity. Key gf t. 1 tn. $25.00 IRVINGTON. 7-R., modern. 626 E lmh N., near uraxea. will renovate. Main IOC. b-ROOM modern house, Willamette Heights. can Eaat i:oitu. $25 TO responsible party; modern, 6-R, -to L,ucretia at. so., vouo. Furnished Hons ON account of owner's death last week. widow will rent ber rurnished house at 1551 East Flanders to reliable couple with out children at $17.50 per month. Call Tabor 5&38. C-ROOM furnished house, modern, elect rlo light and gaa, fumlanea, close in, 910. Ao9 E. 9th at. South. East 62.i5 or Broad way 427. NEW flve-rm. bunsalow, nicely fur- Piano. furnace, paved at r-ept. 1st. w estxaore- land. Mar. 41)3, 0 minutes' riae. 17 PER MONTH will rent modern 8-room bungalow In good location. West Side. See owner, 512 Piatt b!dg. FURNISHED 6-room cottage, piano. 701 Iavls at., n&ar 21st and Washington, phon Main 6236. s $22.50 Nicely furnlahed 6-room modern bungalow; piano. rnom isoor o-n. NICELY furnished cottage, electric lights, gas; reference required. 414 College at. NEAT, well -furnished house. 6 rooma cheap. 1574 Belmont st. Call forenoon a MODERN 7-room furnlahed house with piano to rent for montna. weat aiae. stsm e-tow 7 -ROOM furnlsned houae, 367 6th at., bet. Mill ana iiontromery. ApP'y sow 01 n. 7-ROOM eo isc!. handy Lincoln High or 1 add scnooia. Appiy J3tn st. a efvs Snmmer Resorts. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. WRITE COLONEL WH ITE for Infor mation about Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake, both nestled In the heart of the Ro-'ky Mountains, offering tourists wonderful, awe-inspiring scenery, un- equaled In the world, on the Great North ern Railway, the only line reaching Flat head Lake and both entrances of Gla cier National Park. Addresa Colonel White. Bote! Portland, Glacier Park Hotel. Montana. General office. Poison. Montana. SECURE RESERVATIONS from the Gilbert Company. 8M Yamhill et for Hotel HecKer. cannon tteacn : it win pay you hotel new. attractive, reasonable ; fronted oy 01a Haystac kock. Main ssst. TWO fine cottages at Seaside for sal or exenang. 71a to wet an a. 0104. COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. East 1277 or hlaat 4H3S. SEASIDE Neat 3-room bungalow, ocean, rent reasonable. Tabor 4818 Store. BUILDING. 4-story and basement. 100x100. on N. P. Terminal Co. trscks. N. E. cor. 13 th and Hoyt; excellent location for wholesale business or warehouse. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 28V, feet deep long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay at uo. 8-STORY building, lower floor, with built-in oven, for bakery; upper floors, rooms. 230 tturnsine. Maranau e-tu. 2 STORES 2."x94. first st. south of Hall, $15 eacn. ii. ti . coma, 210 cregon mug. COMPLETELY furnished private office, ad Joining attorney, $10 month. Stock Ex change bldg.. 8d and Yamhill. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room, so ana -'3 Cham, or com OFFICES. $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room xeasonable. 803 S wet land bldg. BUeLNESS OPPORTUNITIES. 8325 TAKES fine grocery, lneludlna fur nished living rooms ; fine stock; fine f lx- turea. 04 tn St.. umn ave. m. scott car. STORE FOR RENT Good location for shoe it ore. wltn snoema Kers machinery; less than nan price. 10a ivimngswortn. WANTED to get In touch with parties to develop good gold mine. Writ W. 211. Cosmopoiia. asn. FOR SALE Reataurant. old established trade; good location ; nice for man and wife; rent 110. Jisa iou, uregonian, BOARDING-HOUSE bualneaa for sale: well furnished; prioe $400. $40 North 16th it. portiana. ur. GROCERY Rent $15. with living" rooms. $473; part terms. Tanor 501. CASH grocery, good business, cheap rent. living rooms; win invoice, w ooaiawn iata, CONFECTIONERY and lunch; best locaUon cannot handle. 854 Union ave. N. AUTO. $650; grocery delicatessen. $800. Sell separate. awsna. o'n .onnwaat piag. PALS IM JESS TflJJAi rui5. ricfr s6oToL2jk vttnRE Vol) nil-' 1 " . : . A KAite r hMT'L - BIM.NESS OPPORTUNITIES. LEARN fVe real estate bua'.neas ; our com p.ete Instruction bHk tra.-hr: Listing. appraUicr. maragemcnt. .emnh t. in u:tacA bro?rafto., rent!r.g iffncioi. tui:nM opportunit :. eV 2 J jbec:; excels $20 correspondence course; - tie) rtlarged edition, ai.k c.oth. $L J.U S F-oott Store. CALTION. PlYSRS. Before Cioir.(r deal for o-cl!ed Interest In eatablis'ied real eatate business set SI vice of Portland Rea'.tv Bard. PALL A. COWGlLL, Secy. 203 Henrr HMg $12;.0 C A till buyi exclusive sales agenc for Oregon. Including hundred inatruroenta for garage and auta shops: !; on sighi . largd profit; no competition, merits lnes tigatlon ; no trlf iers. A B 7 "7, Orl n!an. FOR SALE Com ertionert alore and nee- tar.J with a paper rrmte paytr.i? ) s month. A good p'.ace. a joa locmrin itnl gaod business. Must sell on account uf h ealth. Apply Kainier Conlact:oaer. Rainier. Oregon. FOR E.VLS At a baricaia. 15.CC0 dsl.y capacity asm mill complete and Id opera tion; plentv of orders, feet timber, available, on main line S- P. Ad-di- owner. Pox 4 1 '2. Cottage Grove. Or. W A VIED Manufacturing plant; gTod loca tion, on s main line raiimaya; water con nection with Portland. For full informa tion trqulre of Sec'y of Commercial Club, Ridgefieid. Wash FOR SALE Flrst-claas restaurant. with tables and !unch counter, apieadld loca tion, thoroughly equipped and o;d esrsb llahed place : In veat tgste. Owner going away. Box 293, St. Helena, Or. WELL-ESTABLISH ED manufacturing cou- cern would like man with capital to take working Interest In the business; money to be uaed to enlarge p. ant. BC 7C9, Orego nian. FOR . SALE A high-grade confectionery and cigar bualneaa, new and complete, now on the market. A valuable asset iu connection. Address B 756, Oregonian. WARM mineral aprlnga, improved ready to mm money, on ai t. nooa auto, roaa cmter of resort diatrtct ; ould take some trade. H. E. Meserve. Rowe, Or. GROCERY, established 6 years; a money maker; 8 living rooms; rent $15. including fixtures; will Invoice; no agents. O 751. Oregonian. JEWELRY STORE, good stock, good repair traae. tine location; win sell at invoice on account of health; terma. AV 549. Ore gonian. PLUMBING and aheet metal bustnesa for sale; oner going fc.ast; good location and Going 1. Ice business. Apply 1391 Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 6732. PARTNER with $1SOO. fine confectionery ana cigar store ; a money-mntcer; suitable for lady or gentleman. AK 92. Oregnman ROOMTNG-HOrSF!. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartm-nt-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. B24 X. W. Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison. LOST AND FOUNT. $50 REWARD, for recovery of Studebaker "IT series. six-cylinder touring car. stolen in Tscoma Saturday. August 5. Car bears Washing ton llcinse S3T94, motor 39J25. Report any information to The Studebaker corpora tion, Portland, or th Lltt.e A Kennedy co.. 1 sco ma. LOST Packer e contalninr baby's shirt. UK Biocaing, jarus 01 iace ana oox 01 talcum povt der, on Y am hill. bet. 3d and 5th.. Saturday eve., about 4 P. a. East om. Kcwara, LOST Ladles' wsltlng-room. Meier A Fran"t lomsanye. tanatag, containing silver purs-. Keep money, return purse to Ore gonian. LOST A us. 9. at O. W. K. or nelshborhood. pacsage containing carving set. 1 none laoor ail. Kewmra. LOST Dark sray coat, on Columbia Hish way, near tjonneviue. TaDor iteward. LOST Near E. 14th and Taylor, a gold oracaiet. Kewara. Telephone Eset 719. SPECIL NOTICE. Proposals invited. NOTICE. Bids will be received by Court M. Bar- gent, secretary of St. Maries. Idsho. for conatructlon work ana material for drain age dlatrlct No. 2, Benewah County. Idaho, before 12 o'clock noon on Auxuet 81. 1916. Engineer's estimate of yardage. , 120.OOU Cubic yards embankment- 2a.uv0 cubic yards ditches. Certified check for 6 per rent or aggregate bid to accompany proposal. Rlalit to refuse any and all blca reserved. Write to M. S PARKER. ENGINEER. ST. MARIES, IDAHO, or the secretary, tor ae talis of work and con ditions of bid. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property 6 to 8 per cent. Business property 5 to 6 per cent. Farm properly 7 to a per cent. WH1TMEK-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock Ma Fl KST and second mortgages; also seller's Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or aan. 11. n.. .""oiie, Dermens blag. WE Bl" Y mortgages, bond a and noua. WESTERN BOND a MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. f 500, $1000 and upwards on Improved raa estate; favorable terms: no detay; no brokerage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. MOHTG AG E loans. not.a enntrscta. mort gagea purchased. Lewis A Co.. 4 Lewis bid Money to Loan on Real KMate. OCR installment plan la the best and surest nemoa 01 paying a loan. $:2.1'6 pr mo rah for 86 months or J21.25 for 60 months, or 15.17 for 96 months pays a $1004) loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN" ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. NEW YOKK FINDS and lowest Interest rates lor mortgage loans n Portland real dences. apartments or bualnesa DroDertv, Any amount, attractive terms and priv ileges 10 oorrower; prompt action. Realuence loans st 64 per cent, CLARK. KENDALL A CC 208-206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Ai:rc.ivc repaying privileges, A H. B I KR E LL A CO., S17 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshal! 4114. A 411 S. MORTGAGE LOANjs. Any amount on Improved city and xarm properly; will consiaer good OUlid tug loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6J15. 171 4th St. A 2915, MONEY TO LOAN. $10O0 to $loo.0t0 on Portland Improved real estate. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm loans; lowest rates. MALL A VAN BORSTEL. 104 2d St. 5 PER CENT LOANS will be made on can tral retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on otner securities, euw ARD GOl'DET A CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. 7 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley xarm loans; no aeiay; no commiaalona ieveresux Mortgsge Company. 607 Con curu oiug., u ana otsrs sts. I2O00 TO LOAN on Portlsnd real aatata mlsrht conaider acres ks not too far nut Will split Into smaller loans if desirable. can ror particulars at 612 Piatt bldg. 5 ro 7 per cent money to lend In amounts . of $1000 t- $50.O0. O. W. Bryan, &09 i.namoer or commerce. siain $5h0 PRIVATE money to loan. Will con si der good vacant property or acreage tee me st 01 r'istt mag. TJ-A - A -HI-HI-tt Ho-A-o , 1 11 ill! r I I I J I I X i f - I ) 1 111 , C ' t . i hK-!fd3H .ty, M ''''' -3 riNANCIAl- Money to I.-tafl lioal t state. t.'.'UAv0 TO LOAN in inniuti of $;vko a:. a up ; low rater . no d - . see u f irl Kreba-Logua Co.. llu liUh MONET TO LOAN C.N CITY OR V A T- t r koperty : will call if XNI&k- L c- T r -1 . I'Viotie T or .'' $U .M AT 7 I EK I a rr n v r r 1 1 v p rv ; M KEN .IK C- V 11 N T .'ii entice KHr oa (:r insurance. ; Kvig l.M.IMITKi. E;in rot, 5 to j.r etui, c H a v. -1 r a r ;n l ro p r t Ti OLK Y s . O.. l oard of Trade Mdg. MONEY TO LOAN tor private partv on irn rrv.l city jrv-,e:tx. ll vieranger Mdg. Pnone Mam i MOK ro.AO LOJ t'Kt.G'N INV I ANY AMOl NT, KTG GE CO . IN-' . a . .-t sr.d Yimhi.l. lITV AND TiM 4:h St. lorti LUA N S s:. id. Or. Loan 5. any a mo in r Ci;l rite r p none .onhr; Kta.iy o. C h am- be.- ,.f b g. Martini! 2-7 2. Ku.tiu TO LOAN tn 1 imi to uit. builoiv.g Ioaus, lowest lattt. . Hei'k 314-1-3 11 FalUr.g l ll Phone Main S4"7 fc K E I t today for loans on improved city j-rop rt. to ft pt r cei l; SUd Up. Cel !ars-! urton Co.. f-C j Yeon Tldg. PAYABLE ry t.iiie. r.e. co sxpenae. fiti cwmm5ion 1. r. t zaic. je.-;; agt IP rV. W. Hi:tik bl-Ig. Main 14'.J. LuAN.s on i !y at.l fa : :n p:oprt. ier cnt ui. t . ru-h 4J LimmUr of Commerw. TO I. OA N ". V cr less. i: proved city oT farm proirgrt: . AP 2 Is. Oregonian. Mortgage loans, 6 and 7 per cv:nt. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. r.'0 0K ST. $2t O. J3.".U. $i U. ll'-'io. 1. Frd W. - C hambvr of Commerce. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. ti iiart'.in g. ? t i.imr of (. ommrr. MONEY An a:n.'.nt. to S per cor.t. W. xt. cux. out psiaing. iisin e.. . $U'Oij. 1 oCH) and ipir.!f to loan ; no com mission. L'tjnon A: H aw k. Mam llOti. LOANS on city ami farm property. 5 percent up.rr ucna. t :;a:nPr 01 commerce. $10O0 T-J $ TO LOAN on city or farm; no co.nmiaaion. r. o. Box T3, city. Money to Loan Ohal tels and Salaries. PORTLAND LOVN COMPANY, 3u6-37 DEK I'M BLDG.. (An Or-gon Corporation.) Operating InUtr State License, SALARIES CHATTEL8. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycles, automobiles, uuiuionda, etc Legal rates of Interest. without any brokerage or appraisal chsrgea; favorable monthly or w . kly inatailment terms of repayment if desirtd. Installment loans may be repaid at any time with Interest charged for actual lime money is used. Business strictly confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., 317 Falling Btdg. Salary loans on plain notes. Also loans on household furniture, pianos, ate. at the lowest possible ratea REMEMBER, w do not remove furniture- from your horn. Salary loans are strictly confiden tial. Ton can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO- 817 FalUng Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N, uiaouaaea ry t-oriiand business man to protect borrower CARRIB MY ERS H ERR MAN, Manager. sl4 Stark St. Between West park and 10th Sta LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURES MONEY to lean on diamonds, Jewell y; legal " a i-vies una x ? r. ; estsonsnea slnc 1SSS. pan Marx. 23 Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY. $15oo for a years; have as security 160 acres land, part.y improved, valua $6000. AV 647, Oregonlsn. fkaO.NAL, HAIR GOODS. LOV EST PRICKS. 80-inca wavy ewitcu. 2 sep $1.50 .av switch, a ss. ...... ... Aii-arouna trausloimsuon 1.4 Bsarureasing. auauipits;, lace maiu, hair OooutoK. manicuring, zc. nar re moved by .ctric nui, laucb mau of comoinga, wo. m buy your coius.nga. bam tax Partors, kj-4Lu Deaum Ctiug d ana ashing ton. Marsnail llvz. fthVtf st MA.NtulX, lesaing wig- and toup makers; aivui ousio hair goous; haiiuieasing, manicuring, lace and suap ircaiOieui, comoinga maut up to or Cer. 147 Brosa wsy. Matii 56. ii.s lu prompi.y rtttitvM ail forms of dy a pepsa. hear 10 urn. b.uawng. indigesuoa, acta ivrmtaiauoa tea psin xauig a-iter sung. For ssa by Port. and xiwtai Fueu macy, cor. 6tn avnd Mornaon. HKV. MnS. J. C. SCilORl teachss truth; circles i'Vr night, reaaiuga oaiiy ; spirit uaaum, obsaiuu taugut il cuts. 412 loin at., beu iiarna-jQ and Ball. Maxahail 2r74. "i.F luU ha common sense, have your horoscope cat," quotes Lia Vhlr v ii- 11 . Allium AftLt o.uitlrAi Kr t rx-i . M 4i Morrison st. Write or call; beat rvierencss. LuKA C. LITTLE, ciptrL heaiia Xoous. health coacmng. books; morn Ingea ouiy. llu 4od ae. S. E. Tabor bJL kitb. olEVb-NS, 24 years la Portland; 20ta oentury sciencs tn pa.unstry taugnt, spirit ual readings daily. 47 j Taylor at, GLHMA.N ttaned nurse gives treatments for ruauiuauam, lumoagu. neuraugia, etc.; msaaage and bama 256 llitx. Mar. 5ok boPBlA B. SElt, mentai and spiritual sci entist. UUtf Tuurne blug.. -d and laylor. Marsnall 3t'to. Questions Wed. a P. M. C.LECTRIC TREATMENTS for poor circula tion, rhe4imati&m, lumbago, face and scalp, salt baths. 4J6 Clay it Mam b35tf. L MLR ELLAS, all colors and styles; largest stock; recovering, new put ua. Meredith' a. li-i Warning ton su LutCi'K.C Tivi-A'l ailM S Special care f tit scalp; facial shampooing. 417-kU North tern Bank bWg. bPiRlTUALISM Re. Mary A Price; cirola Tueaday, 2; Wed. aud Sun. 8 P. M; reaa lnga oally. 22 Clay. Ma.-ahall 3uu0. MA Y 1HV1N. facial and scalp treatments, ul h Morrison at., roam eu. BaLm"oF FlO COMPOUND. Royal Toms Tablets. 504 Davis at- Paon Main 23 MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mra, M D. Bill. 42tf Filedner bldg. Mala 473. ELECTRIC treatment! for rheumatism. Room 215. itO'Vt Morrison st. I)H EATON. Painless Chlrouodlat free. Globe Theatur bldg. Main 3314. SCALP treatments, shampooing, facial mae- sage. 350 -i Morrison st.. of. ice 2u2. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 2S2 Park st. Main 7548. ELECTRIC treatment and manicure, mas sage. Room lu. Lafayette blug. Mrs. Burk ROSEN A TAYLOR Masseuse and acalp specialist. 169 Park at. Marshall 8136. MASSAGE treatmenta, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. 809-C d at. Main 1049. GENTLEMEN Manicuring or shampoo. S5c; 9 to 6:30. 707 Rotfachlld. 2S7 Waah. at. MADAME NONA teaches phrenology and card reading dally. 3SI YamblU. MANICURING for ladles and gentlemen. Room 22. 350 Alder at. MISS JOHNSON, chiropodist, msasage snd light magnetics. Appointments only. Mn. 504. I QTCha ma. J-s., rs r 1 TOU CAST JUDGE A 91USICIAXS SIZE BY THE srZE OF" HIS PEST-BOX. -BY CtlFT STERRETT.