Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 09, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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State Highway Commission
Refuses to Act Until County
. Court Wish Is Known.
The Mark of Mvtloa
Plcrare Bopremacy
Tfce Mrk f Kotlea
Pietnr Saprosaacy
H :
Sj r'mmm It S rwM hi It d u-7ZJ?Li I
Official to Attend Conference With I
federal. Officers In Washington.
t (Cutoff Near Glendale Au
thorized at Meeting,
SAFEST. Or, Aug:. 8. (Special.) The
State Highway Commission today re
fused to turn over $16,000 of road
money allotted to Clatsop County, to
creditors of Peterson A Johnson, con
tractors, until It learned the attitude
of the members of the Clatsop County
Court toward the proposed transfer. A
trenuous effort to obtain ' such action
was made by Harrison Allen, of Port
land, representing some of the cred
itors. Peterson & Johnson had the
contract for doing- the Columbia High
way work in Clatsop County.
The Highway Commission was ad
vised that if the state would turn over
$16,000 promised the county to the
Scandinavian-American Bank, of Se
attle, one of the creditors of the con
tractors, the bank would disburse
the money pro rata among- the cred
itors. It was asserted that this method
was satisfactory to all but a few
mall creditors. While the original
claims amounted to $63,000. Mr. Allen
told the commission that the contrac
tors had agreed to settle with . the
county for $38,000. The contractors'
creditors hope to divide the $18,000 pro
rata if it is secured, and apportion
' $22,000 later when It Is obtained from
the county.
Engineer Goes to Washington.
Fear wa expressed, by Mr. Allen that
ir the commission turns over the $16.-
000 to the Clatsop County Court the
court will proceed to pay soma of the
creditors in full and thus leave the
ricandinavian-American Bank, the Du-
pont Powder Company and the larger
creditors unpaid.
In the hope that the wishes of the
state may be made fully known to the
Government before the Federal funds
lor road work in Oregon are finally
allotted, the Commission today au
thorized State Engineer Lewis to at-
tend the conference at "Washington. D.
C, August 16 between Federal and;
tat engineers, when the apportion
ment of funds will be considered.
Engineer Lewis reported to the Com
mission that the road work at Glen
dale is SO per cent completed now and
that the cost is running well below the
Short Cot Authorized.
The Commission adviced Engineer
Lewis to use the surplus in making the
short cut on the Paclfio Highway near
BtaKe Coach Pass.
WorTc on the survey, of the road, to
Crater Lake will be completed. In three
Because expenditures on the Bex-
Tigardvllle road last year overran the
estimates and cut down the $5000 al
lotted to Washington County to $4245.
the Commission voted to give the
county $755 to complete the amount al
lotted originally. With the under
standing that the state had given the
county $5000 for road work, the Wash
ington County Court voted an equal
11 'I
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a' t j ru n
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; , I MM
- " - t - ' C O -f ST J r s . -
C 6 1 u m b 1 a "The Half -Breed,"
"Wings and Wheels."
Majestlo "The End of the Trail,"
"One A. M."
Sunset "B u 1 1 e t s and Brown
, Eyes," "The Village Vampire."
peoples 'Hulda From Holland."
Pickford "The Eternal Question."
T & D "Gloria's Romance," "The
Weakness of Man."
Hellig "The Lotus Woman."
THERE have been columns of mat
ter written about who was te
first to do this in pictures, and
who was the creator of that, and who
was the.first to secure such-and-such
an effect, but there Is one fact that is
not open to argument, and that Is, who
was the first leading man in motion
That distinction goes to Wilfred
Lucas, now a Fine Arts star, who was
without doubt the first actor to be
come a leading man for the screen.
At that time David Wark Griffith
was Just " getting started at the oid
Biograph Company in New York, and
ha-i reached a decision that pictures
as well aa the legitimate should have
Prior to that It was the custom for
the company to gather in the studio.
the director would point to a certain
man and say you do so and so. and
to anotbsr you do- this, then they
would make the. picture, the other
members of the cast being given
things to do as they occurred to the
director. Griffith knew it was all
wrcng, and subsequent events showed
the logic of his securing the services
of Wilfred Lucas as a leading man.
Mr. Lucas was playing in support
Of Kosa Stan I, and in casting about
ror a type Mr. Griffith witnessed a
performance by Mr. Lucas and prompt
ly engaged him as leading man at a
salary, which in those days was consid
ered enormous. From then on it was a
steady climb, and today Mr. Lucas
bolds an enviable niche in the photo
play "nan of fame.
T & D Organ. x
The Portland public will be tendered
the opening recital tonight on the T &
I Theater's new $25,000 unit orchestra
organ, with A. H. Mallotte, a New
Yort musician, at the keys. It Is the
only organ of the character in Port
land one which was awarded a
gold medal at the Panama-Pacific Exposition.-
The combination of various Instru
ments and possibilities of the organ are
unlimited, for among the many instru
ments combined in the unit orchestra
organ are: Ophiclelde. bass, tubs horn.
SEATTLE. Wash,. Aug. 8. Mayor! cello, contra viol, clarinet, viol d'or-
Gill today signed the drastlo liquor c"rawr' viul ceiesLo. nuw, voi nuniana.
ordinance passed by the City Council '- ".'
yesterday. I rtrUm. cvmbals. slalerh bells, cathedral
The ordinance is designed to pre- chimes, xylophone, triangle, tamborlne.
vent the drinking of Intoxicants in castanets, combination pistons, tremu-
Drugstore Restricted In Sale f Intoxi
cantsVehicles Laden With
Liquor Held nalunea
cafes by patrons who carry their own
supply of liquor and to enable the
police to enforce more strictly the state
prohibition law. Under the terms of
the ordinance it is unlawful to offer
to or accept a drink of Intoxicating liq
i or from any one in a public eating
place or a place where soft drinks are
Some stops are duplicated to play
the various alto, soprano, and bass
parts, as Instruments are duplicated
to play the various parts In sun, orchestra.
A particular feature and possibility
attained on the unit orchestra is that
sold Vehicles. Including wirnn hnnta known as the double touch. Theplayer,
or automobiles, carrying in excess of 7 a little harder pressure from one
the amount prescribed by law are de
clared public nuisances.
Drugstores are prohibited from keep
ing liquor except on the premises
where they exhibit licenses and must
keep a record of sales made. All bot
tles of liquor sold by druggists must
bear a green label, stating the con
" tents and the date of sale, and no one
is permitted to have in his possession
on the street any such bottle on which
the date on the label is more than
five days old. Druggists are required
to file with the City Comptroller every
three months inventories showing the
amount of liquor in stock. Goods not
Included in the inventories are subject
to confiscation.
finger, can bring out in solo any one
of the numerous instruments and at
the same time the other fingers of
the- s&me hand are playing the melody
parts on different instruments. The
double touch is ofttimes explained as
giving the organist four hands and
four feet when playing the unit orchestra.
New Sliow at Sunset.
Bessie Barrlscale and William Des
mond are co-stars in the Sunset Thea
ters feature offering for today. "Bul
lets and Brown Eyes," a drama of Eu
ropean princelings, is the Triangle fe
ture which opens for a four-day screen
ing. "The village Vampire. a two
reel Keystone, comedy, with Fred Mace
in the stellar role, is another strong
subject on tne tUL
Miss Barrlscale appears disguised as
a nun in Bulleu and Brown Eyes,
while Desmond rs a dashing young
prince in love with a girl he has never
seen. This girl assists in the capture
of the prince, but falls In love with
him and aids In his escape.
Mills and Logging; Camps Will Be In
spected by Visitors and Hoa Hooa
, Will Initiate SO Kittens.
BEND. Or.. Aug. 8. (Special.) Ar
rangements are now complete for the
entertainment of the Western Pine
Manufacturers' Association, the mem
bers of which will arrive here tomor
row for their quarterly meeting. In
the morning they will inspect the saw
mills, taking, lunch at the Shevlin-Hix-
on town boarding camp, and In the aft-
Farnum Fish.
William Farnum. star of "The End of
the Trail." used his spare minutes in
fishing while he was taking the out
door scenes for the William Fox photo
Director Oscar C. Apfel was awak
ened one night about S o'clock by i
"Dear Oscar, said the note that came
with the package the boy broTight,
"I lust caught this and I am sending
it to you at once by messenger. I hope
it wakes you up at midnight. I spent
4s minutes in landing bim on a three
six rod. Incidentally, the Tuna Club
incr ii t some buildiners. and Miss Haw-
ley didn't discover the explosive until
the car had gone a couple of miles
and then she got quite a variety of
thrills. The roads were bumpy and
full of ruts and the fair Ormi decided
the dynamite would be much safer in
her arms than on the floor of the
tonneau. so she picked up the bundle
and held it In her arms, as one would
a child, throughout the trip. This ride.
Miss Hawley told the other members
of the company afterwards, was her
idea of zero In motoring.
New Leading Woman.
Iona'Hartley, aged- IS. a salesgirl of
Patterson, N. J., is the young woman
Crane Wilbur, Mutual star, is going to
make a screen twinkler. Some weeks
ago Wilbur announced that he would
take a salesgirl or stenographer with
brains and make of her a good lead
ing woman, whether or not she had
dramatic talent. The letters commenced
to pour into Wilbur's mall box and
from a selection of 10 girls Miss Hart
ley was the lucky one.
Within a few days the new leading
woman starts for Southern California,
where she will be given instruction in
the art of motion picture acting.
Fcreen Gossip.
Blllie Ritchie, the comedian who Is
particularly popular with English and
Canadian fans, has been approached
to- head a company for the manufacture
of slapstick comedies in Canada.
Now It's J. Warren Kerrigan who is
going to have a California estate. Jack
has bought a tract of land. Including
a trout stream, in San Gabriel Canyon,
according to the press agents.
Ruth Stonehouse has a famoils foot.
It must be so. for Anthony Novelll.
Italian sculptor, has chosen one of her
feet for a model for the marble seatue,
"My American Lady's Foot." Such is
fame and perfect feet.
An average of 25 letters written in
Spanish are received every day by Miss
Helen Holmes, star of the Signal Film
Corporation, since the publication of
her knowledge of Spanish by an editor
of a Mexican newspaper.
William S. Hart is to wear that fa
mous duisy-bedecked vest in an early
picture in which he Is again the bad
man of the West.
While Viola Dana, the Metro star,
was playing "The Poor Little Rich
Girl" in New York, her still littler sis
ter. Shirley Mason, was playing the
same role In San Francisco. Since that
time both of these baby stars have
been working almost exclusively in
pictures. Shirley Mason, who has been
on the stage since she was 3 years old
and who is now less than 16 years old.
has been placed under a long-time
contract by McClure - Pictures. Incor
porated. Miss Mason has already ap
peared on the Edison, Kleins and Para
mount programmes.'
. .
Pauline Frederick ground the motion
picture camera, while Marguerite Clark
waved an American flag, as the brave
boys of the Fighting Twelfth Regiment
of New York passed the Famous Play
ers studio on their way to Mexico.
The stars stopped work on the Para
mount pictures they were making and
the soldiers were greatly Interested in
their fair photographer and will long
remember the farewell wave of that
National emblem.
Herbert Standing, the Pallas-Para
mount star, has only one fault to find
with the motion picture professslon and
that is that he can hardly keep track
of the film activities of his family,
Standing. Sr., who is playing a kind
old father In the "Parson of Panamint.
a Paramount Picture, says that he has
got to go to a different movie theater f.
each night to see all of his ons in
action. Then, when he meets them at
home, he has to reconcile his personal
knowledge of them with their widely
varying screen characters. No wonderl
He has seven sons and two daughters,
nearly all of whom are in the profes
- m m
Billle Burke's handbag the one that
you see stolen from her in chapter 13
of "Glorias Romance is a gift from
Mr. Ziegfeld, was bought at Tiffany's
and frequently holds as much as $4o,000
worth of Jewelry when Billie turns it
over to her maid to guard while she is
acting In a scene.
Emmy Wehlen is still under contract
with Metro and will be seen shortly in
another Metro wonderplay. Her serv
ices were loaned to another company
recently, when Metro did not have an
available story for use at that time.
ernoon they will hold their business button comes with this fish. Bill."
meeting, followed by a dinner given by
the commercial duo.
The day will end with a "big Hoo Hoo
concatenation at the Emblem Club,
with more than 20 kittens to be in
Ilia ted. The visitors will be taken out
to see the Brooks-Scanlon logging op
erations Thursday, and will have lunch
at the Brooks-Scanlon camp. In the
afternoon they will motor through the
worked to prepare the exterior of the
fish, while the best cook in California
worked to prepare the interior.
Mothering Dynamite.
Ormi Hawley, who is at present In
Maine, being filmed with Edmund
Breeze in a five-reel Popular Plays
timber by way of Lava Butte and Spring and Players production for the Metro
River to tne bneviin-mxon operations. I programme, -Tnotnered a large bundle
In the evening tney will attend the I of sticks of dynamite on a recent auto-
Kmblem Club dinner, with Emblem I mobile ride from Milrlnocket. M&, to a
Club stunts and songs, tne party leav- I lumber camp some 20 miles into tne
tng on the night train, wblch will be I woods.
UUjed, la auxtas to vccqmmoda,t Jt, I 7ha dynamite TU to b nstg-ts klojc-
Formal Opening Tonight of
Our New $25,000
Wurlitzer Hope Jones
Unit Orchestra
Cathedral Pipe Organ and Symphony Orchestra Combined
The Master Organ of the World!
The Wurlitzer Hope Jones Unit
Orchestra is the master inven-.
tion of the world's famous
organ builder, Mr. Robert Hope
Jones. This wondrous instru
ment combines the majestic
tones of the pipe organ and
the orchestral ensemble, and
places it under the instantane
ous and unified control of a
single musician.
The combination of various instrument and possibilities of the in
strument are practically unlimited. With the advent of this great
instrument the organ may be said to have come into its own.
Amongst the many, instruments combined in this one masterpiece
are the following: Ophicleide, Bass, Tuba Horn, Cello, Contra Viol,
Clarinet, Viol D'Orchestra, Viol Celeste, Flute, Vox Humana, Viol,
Octave Celeste, Piccolo, Chrysogott, Snare Drums, Bass Drum,
Kettle Drums, Cymbals, Sleigh Bells, Cathedral Chimes, Xylo
phone, Triangle, Tambourine, Castanets, Combination Pistons,
Opening Recital This Evening :
by Mr. A. H. Mallotte
Direct From New York,. Especially Engaged by
Turner & Dahnken
Now Playing All This Week
of heart interest, THE WEAKNESS OF MAN." The story of a
virtuous wife and a frivolous woman. BILLIE BLT.KE in "THE
MIDNIGHT RIOT" Chapter 13 of "Gloria's Romance.
W. 0. Bower, Alleged Bigamist
and Forger, Held in East.
Lane Sheriff on Way to Get Man
Who Is Wanted In Oregon, Wash
ington, British Columbia,
TTtah and California.
request bis presence to answer to accu
sations similar to those launched
against him by Engrene authorities.
Noted Pioneer lias Sinking Spell
but Rallies.
Joseph Buehtel, a pioneer of 1S53,
who has been confined to his bent,
1260 East Washing-ton street, had a
serious sinking' spell Monday morning,
when his attendants thought the end
had come. He revived in the course of
an hour and partook of a light break
fast. .Mr. Bucbtel'a condition shows In
creased weakness. He is practically
helpless. If he lives until November
he will be 88 years of age. He took
an active interest for" more than 60
years in Portland affairs and started
the movement for the first bridge
across the Willamette River. He bas
been blind for three years.
Lillian Glsh will appear In the role
of a chorus girl In a forthcoming- Tri
angle production.
lima. Olga Petrova In a eomedy role
is something new Metro has in store
for the fans.
Three trained pigs will appear In
"Little Lady Eileen." Marguerite
Clark's next play.
Gladys Hulette plays the part of a
bootblack In a new Thanhouser film to
be released through Pathe. Florence
La Badie will play a dual role In an
other new Thanhonser.
Some days ago it was annonnced that
Roscoe Arbuckle. famous as Fatty, of
the Keystone comedies, would return
at once to the Los Angeles studios of
the Keystone Film Company. Arrange
ments have been made, however, for
Arbuckle and his company to remain in
the East long enough to complete an
other picture. The new corned jr will
be entitled, tu A-Ubi.-
Willlam O. Bower, alias Albert Had
ley, alleged bad-check man and de
serter of many wives, has been ax
rested in Petersburg, 111., according to
advices received by the Burns Detec
tive Agency here.
Bower's alleged msjeonduct covers
th entire country and it is said he
has left weeping widows in several
states, and police officers looking for
him everywhere.
Between April 1 and August 15 Bow
er Is thought to have swindled bankers
and merchants out of approximately
$3000. Portland was one of the numer
ous places where he operated.
Portland Crime Charted.
Bower appeared here early in the
Spring, when be cashed a S50 draft at
the store of A. Eemler. He had come
to this city f4om Canada, where he
had enlisted in the American Legion.
211th Overseas Regiment. He stayed in
the mobilization camp long enough to i
gather a few checks of the "militla-
and-defense" type. Drafts of this type
he deposited hero with Ashley et Rume
lin. He wore the suit he had purloined
from the Canadian regiment and mas
queraded here as an officer. The drafts
were drawn on the Bank of Montreal
ana he signed the name of E. E. Potts,
the Lieutenant-Colonel or tne zuin
He had rnarrled prior to this time in
Seattle and his wife and baby girl
were living at 2468 College street.
He also appeared in Eugene, wnere
he had no difficulty in cashing drafts.
Aberdeen Girl Victimised.
Later he went to American Lake, en
listed in Company G. Washington Na
tional Guard, and was soon after mar
ried to Miss Florence Hackett. of Ab
erdeen, where he went, asserting he
was on a furlough from San Diego.
Francis Alkus. of the local Burns
office, trailed the pair to San Fran
cisco. There Bower deserted his wife.
He later appeared In New Tork. is said
to have passed more bogus paper, mar
ried a chorus girl and then again dis
appeared. His presence at Hamilton,
Ont. was soon reported and Burns
operatives were again put on tne trail.
Mr. Alkus was notified that he mignt
be found with his mother at Greenview.
Ill, and his arrest occurred Saturday
at Petersburg, a few miles irom tne
home of his mother.
Sheriff Parker, of Lane County, bas
left for the East and will bring Bower
back to Eugene for trial. Authorities
in Utah. Nevada. Washington. Califor
nia and British Columbia will probably
Ross Hlbbard Convicted by Jnry In
Municipal Court.
Ross Hlbbard. of the Burnside House.
Second and Burnside streets, was found
guilty of selling Intoxicating liquor by
a iurr In MuniciDal Court veaterdav.
The Jury recommended leniency. Judge"
Langguth Imposed a fine of $200.
It was alleged that Hlbbard
doing a thriving business in illicit
trade with the habitues of Burnside
street. He was arrested by Detectives
Cahlll and Hill, assisted by Lieutenant
Harms and Officer Richards.
" '' i-.i ,.i.nS,
An Esquimaux Dog; Rescues
His Master From Certain
Death, in
The Drama of the Rugged
North, Starring
In His Latest Comedy
"One A. M."
Now Playing .
-inJ LI U op
i i j iiii
By Louis Tracy
Featuring Jackie Saunders and
Roland Bottomley
In "The Grip of Evil"
you see the most amazing
railroad accident that has ever
been screened a triumph of realism!
You will see Marjorie Howell, daughter of a
railroad president, nearly killed as a speeding locomotive
strikes her. You will see John Burton, laborer, millionaire,
lured into a blackmail plot by a scheming dancing master
and an innocent girl. ' You will see the life of the under
world exposed in all its grimnesst You will see the evils
of society laid bare in a startling fashion. :
In this sensational master
plot in fourteen episodes show
ing the real side of humanity, the first of
the wonderful new productions to be released on
the new $5,000,000 Path 6 Serial Program, you win see
something entirely new something entirely different
something that will make you pause and THINK. Each
episode tell3 a complete 6tory. Each episode points a
moral. Each problem presented has a vital bearing on
YOUR life. Beautiful photography, perfect direction, won
derful stage settings and an all-star cast make "The Grip
of Evfl" the unusual picture it is, SEE IT I
at These Theatres:
Flip pod rone Theater, Broadway ui Yamhill Sta. Hi4 Thar., Frl Sat
Bnrnalde Theater. SAO Bnraatde St. .Moodir
America Theater, First and Main Sta. ...Tneaday
Gar Theater, SOS Miaalaalppt Are. ...Kriday and Satnrday
RoMbol Theater SO Grand Ave. Pi..... ...Tuesday
Veasror Theater leBta 7023 53th A Tp S. E.. . . . .Wedaeaday and Thvraday
Snnnyalde Theater. 1045V& Belmont St. Friday and Saturday
Empire Theater, KS9 Grand Ave. .............. .Alonday and Tuesday
Jewel Theater. Astoria. Or. .Sunday
Graad Theater. Centralla. Wash. Sunday and Monday
Poat Exehansre. Fort Stevens. Or. ............... .Friday
Tempi Theater, Pendleton. Or. .Tuesday
Read the Story In the
Portland Teles-ram.
Released by
Produced by
V). ft. -i : yt-t
Swollen, bruised and sprained muscles and snoJi com
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Take Mu&icipal Cur line direct to the door
Motor Bs meets principal trains
Phone .Your Want Ads to The Oregonian
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