Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 04, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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3 C011ISSI0K
De Facto Finance Minister
Heads Body to Negotiate
L With United States.
Washington Takes Announcement as
Sign That American Proposal Has
Been Accepted Power " Is
, Only to Recommend.'-
MEXICO CITY. Aug. S. It was offi
cially announced at the Mexican For
eign Office that Luis Cabrera, Ygnacio.1
Bonillas and Alberto Fanl have been
selected as the commissioners to nego
tiate with the United States commis-
Fioners regarding the questions at issue
between Mexico and the Xjnited States.
The commission will be headed by I
Senor Cabrera and Juan B. Eogo will
act as secretary. 11
Eliseo Arredondo, the Mexican Am-
lassador at "Washington, - has been no- I
tified of the appointments. If accept
able to Washington, the delegation will I
start for the United States as soon as
One of Commissioners on Way.
Louis Cabrera is Carrsroza's Minister I
of Finance and leader of the adminis
tration party. Ygnacio Bonillas is tin
der-Secretary of communications. He 1
left Mexico City July 31 for New York.
Alberto J. Pan! Is president of the Na-
iwnai railways, oz juexica
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. The final
word from General Carranza necessary
to initiate organization of a joint com
mission for settlement of border dis-1
putes is expected to reach Washington I
in a day or two, and officials believe I
the commission s deliberations may be
gin within a week or 10 days.
Official announcement in Mexico City
today that Mexican commissioners al
ready had been appointed was a sign
that the American suggestion broaden
ing the scope of subjects to be dis
cussed at the conference probably had I
been accepted.
Goethals Mentioned for Place.
There are many indications hat
high Army officer will bei one of the
American commissioners selected by
the President because of the military
nature of the problems to. be consid
ered. Major-General Goethals has been
mentioned. The other men under con
sideration include .members of the Su
preme Court and men in close touch
with commercial and financial condi
It is known that the possibility of
arranging financial aid for the de faao
government has been- talked over.
The commission's power will be only
that of recommendation. Whatever
plan it may propose must be ratified!
before il is any way binding:.
L "3jS;' ' V ' - ' : ; ' J "''..L il.-k ; .l. . .'l .. . s . ' - :'. ' ' - ; ............... ; I
jj &rc.-i-oi3ar " ' "
Our Store Will Close at 1 P. SI. on Thursdays During July and August. Thus Allowing
Our Employes o Enjoy fa Weekly Half-Holiday Each Week During This Hot Period.
Will You Co-operate by Arranging to Do Your Shopping in the Forenoon Thursdays?
830 A. M.' JfJy 5:30 P JI
9:00 A. M. "S'y- ' "V-' - rr 6:00 P. 1.
MARSHALL 50S0 The Most in Value The Best in Quality A 2112
. j
Our 821st Bargain Friday!
We Have Arranged the Following List of Underpriced Offerings In Each Item
There Is a Worthy Saving; for All Those Vho Can Arrange to Attend :
EXTKA! Special for Bargain Friday!
A Sensational Underpricing of Our Entire Stock of
Sport Stripe Suitings
25o Yard laxly Sold Up to 85c '
Never before in this city have you heard of a sale of such standard quality and such fashionable Wash
Goods at such a price reduction as we are offering them for Friday. Without reserve you have
choice from -our entire stock of Sport Stripe Suitings hundreds of yards including all wanted weaves,
weights and ctolors -up-to-the-minute styles in dependable qualities selling regularly up to 85c a OP
yard. All priced for the one day only BARGAIN FRIDAY at -3C
No Mail or Thone Orders Filled at This Sale None Sent CO. D, None Reserved None Sold to Dealers
$1.23 Feather Pillows, Bargain 7c
Friday at . OC
About 100 fine Feather Pillows to close out at this
bargain price they come 3 lbs. in weight are
covered with, fancy stripe ticking and filled with
nice, clean feathers. Regular $1.25 grade. T
Bargain Friday at OC
$1.93 Outing
Robes, Bar- - A o
gain Friday at, Each
A special purchase and sale of Outing Robes of
gtjod size and quality they come in a full variety
of Indian styles in many colorings the kind regu
larly sold at $1.95, on sale Bargain Fri- (J1 A Q
day at only.... pj..0
Men's Silk Lisle
Socks at lTo Pr.
A special sale of Men's Fine Silk
Lisle Socks in gray, black and
tan all si2es in a quality and
make regularly sold at 25c.
Priced for Bargain Friday "t ""T
lit only A C
Or 3 Pairs for 50
Photo by Underwood.
Shower baths are few and far between In dry. duajty Mexico, but our boys with Pershlng-'s force In that country
are not to be stumped by the absence of running water. At thla camp they have constructed a bathhouse of tree limbs
covered with leaves and herbage, a pipe was sunk Into the ground and a pump fitted on top. One soldier pumps
water up Into the barrel while his tentmate stands under the Improvised shower.
Settlement Declared After Result of
Arote-Is Determined. ,
NEW YORK. Ausr. 3. The garment
strike which virtually has paralyzed ICnitthorn llpmnnrats flnlV fin.
the Women's suit and cloak industry wwu",w,, '',""v"""v r-
in this city for nearly four months
was declared settled tonight at a gen
eral meeting of the strike committee.
The announcement was made after
the result of balloting at 29 halls at
which strikers were assembled had
been determined. The vote was taken
on the question of ratifying the
amended agreement drawn up. two
weeks ago between representatives of
the strikers and manufacturers, the
original terms of which previously had kgeijator Robinson Argues Congress
uecn icjwicq uy LXie Btri&erit.
ThronIi Kruianon. ui
in e roe Can Attain Same End as
States by Police Power.
ponents of Bill in Senate.
Civilian Clothing Worth 91500 Is I
Taken by Burglars.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 8. The Senate
Into tod -v Decan consideration oi iuo
OAKUND, Cal.. Aug. 3. National i" lo Prevent " I "
Guardsmen, relieved from duty on the the products or cniiQ laDor. xu i-
border for dtsaDUity, returned to uaK- .re was restored to a pmto .u
land today to find their armory had ( legislative programme for this session
been looted of 41500 in clothing by at tho request of President Wilson.
burglars who had cleaned out every I after the Democratic caucus once aa.a
locker. decided to let it go over until Jecem-
Many of the soldiers had left tbelr ber. Southern uemocrats are im oo
civilian clothes in the lockers and. In I opponents of the measure, which will
addition there were many small be kept before thq Senate until It la
articles of value. I passed.
senator ivooinson in prcmiu6
hni nn Vip.ha.lf of the commerce eom-
MYSTERY HOUSE OPENED mltte told his Southern colleagues
11 I O I tn I nUUOC UrtlHUU st-og sentiment in favor
(Continued From First Page.)
of it In their states.
Constitutionality Is Defended.
Answering contentions mat xne pro-
had been living in apartments. ilr.
r"'T"',r" .Tr.. oh act would effect an unconstitu-
i Lire, qui no ivun. inunt. o nu - . , ... -
j i.!. i ij.h tinnal transgression of the rights or
HHVeU MIX UI3 UCUUirjo, cluuii uailviuvu i -
J " . .l.. T3 ,i ,. r the states, the Arkansas Senator de
pany, making the latter his agents, clared that under decision of the Su
Everybody was pledged to secrecy, to preme Court the power of Congress to
give Mrs. Coleman a genuine surprise. reguiatecommerce is complete anu u
. . .k. solute, extent as limited by the Con
Portland Trust Company bought the situation itself; that the only nita
quarter block of land at East Sixteenth "on is the fifth amendment. hlch
iiJ;v .... i. t, nrovides that no person shall be de-
tracts foTthe new home". acVorng to pmad of lit., liberty or property with
plans that Mr. Colernan'i architects out due process of law. that the 14th
i.tiri nrnri. .Mr. Coleman was not I amenament
known in the matter. He visited the
vicinity of his new home, by stealth,
and never revealed his identity to the
workmen. They never dreamed that
lie was their "boss."
Wife Sent on Vacation.
The house for the 11.000 pipe organ
took snape rapidly, and the job made
more and more demands on Mr. Cole
man's time. He persuaded Mrs. Cole
man that she ought to take a vaca
tion, and hinted that the mountains
were looking fine this season. Mrs.
Coleman .went on that Tacation. and
nor husband got busier than ever as
a house-builder and pipe organ en
. Residents of Irvington began to get
curious about what they called the
"mystery house." For whom was it
belnsr built? What about the Ira
mense number of organ pipes they saw
carried inside?
Curious Ones Are Foiled,
- . Wise ones - went to the Courthouse
and saw the records stating that the
to the Constitution Im
poses tr-e same limitation on the states
as that Imposed by the iiitn amend
meet on the Federal Government, and
that "if the states In the exercise of
the police power can suppress evils of
child labor, congress, tnrougn its
po-vTor to regulate commerce, can pro
mote the lams end by denying the
channels of commerce to persons and
enterprises in the interest of the pub
lic health, morals and saiety.
Indirect Performance Cited.
Senator Robinson asserted that Con
gress could do indirectly a great many
things that it could not directly per
The lottery cases and the white
slave cases decided by the Supreme
Court." he said, "affirm the power of
Congress to enact legislation in the
nature of police regulation through its
powe- to regulate commerce; that Con
gress has as much power to suppress
recognized evils in the conditions sur
rounding the production or manufac
ture of -commodities through a regula
tion of commerce as it has. to ac-
health of the troops on the border has
been excellent. The first and second
battalions now ' are both at Yuma.
Camping facilities are good there.
- Colonel David J. Baker, recently
promoted, is in command of the
wenty-first Regiment now. .
Columbia Highway Travelers Awed
by Work on Washington Side.
Blasting on the big sentinel rock on
the Washington side of the Columbia
River yesterday gave travelers over
the Columbia River Highway in that
vlcinv a thrill that for the moment
surmounted 'the beauty of the scenery.
Workmen were engaged In tearing
away the rock for the trail, which is
being built up the Sentinel. From
across the river the report from the
blasting camo over to the Oregon side
like the roar of a cannon. The first
blast mystified the highway travelers.
A second later huge volumes of smoke
and dust rose. .
Travelers over the highway gathered
In crowds to watcb the unusual operation.
The fact that the blasting was prac
tically on the peak of the big rock,
added to its spectacular nature.
Mrs. Edna Iewis, Proprietor, and
Three Men Arrested.
Several gallons of liquor were seized
last night in a police raid on the Sum
mit Hotel. 489 Washington street. Mrs.
Edna Lewis, proprietor, was arrested
on a warrant charging her with violat
ing tire prohibition law. Charles
Macken was arrested in the hotel on a
charge of drunkenness, and Jesse I
Victor and Emil Erickson were held as
The police hauled a patrol wagonload
of empty bottles to headquarters as evi
dence. The raid was made by Patrol
men Powell, Richards, Schum and
Eubanks, in charge of Lieutenant
Harms and Will Warren, secretary to
the Mayor. e
Advertising Vigilance Commit
tee Scores Point.
.lot was in the name of the Portland I complish the same end after transpor-
I rust company, ana mcu mat. me i tation has ended
building permit was in the name of
that rnmnetiv Irvington folks, and
others, interviewed the Portland Trust COLONEL FRENCH IS BACK
r, ..Vinr .hout th irientitv of i " Ul 1 1 .u"Wft
that "mystery bouse.'
Vancouver Officer Shifts to Post on
Staff at Chicago.
the owners of
"Who were they
"Clients of ours," was the reply, and
the gossips were no further along than
A t oavi co Mr. Coleman took a VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash,
few close friends into his confidence. I Aug. 3. (Special.) Colonel Francis H.
and the invitations for the house-1 French, who commanded the Twenty-
warming and organ recital were is- first Infantry while it was stationed
sued. - The organ has been dedicated here and who went to Tuma with the
to the Portland Symphony orchestra headquarters and Second Battalion
and the members have been Invited to when the troops were ordered to the
call ami near it olaved. It Is also a border in April, has arrived here to
playet-orgun, by turning on an elec- pack his personal belongings, prepar-
Men's $1. 5 O Sport
Shirts Fri. $1.15
Choice from all our $1.50 lines of
Men's Sport Shirts a wide selec
tion in all sizes. Bar- J 1?
tain Friday at P 1 1 0
EXTRA! Special for Bargain Friday!
An Underpriced Purchase and Timely Sale of
Women's Wliite Skirts
at 98c EjactL
The time for economical women to buy is now. Here are the concrete
reasons, briefly and clearly told: We secured unusual price concessions
from the manufacturer on a fine lot of high-grade, well-made muslin
skirts and, notwithstanding thfe fact that we were already well stocked
with such goodn, we could not resist the temptation to take advantage
of an opportunity that would bring such unu.-tual savings to our patrons
it is now for your to profit all are double-ruffle skirts trimmed In
many styles. Some with seven and eight rows of pretty val. laces, others
with beautiful embroidery edge, with insertions to match, in fine baby
patterns and bold floral or conventional designs. Still others are shown
with- organdie medallion insertion with dainty wide shadow- lace edge;
also a big variety with fine cambric embroidery insertion and edge to
match patterns with well-finished strong buttonhole edge dozens and
dozens of styles to select from in skirts made to sell regularly UQQ
11.25 and S1.60. Bargain Friday at. 1. 30C
EXTRA! Special for Bargain Friday!
Shower and Spot Proof
Foulard Silks
Cheney Brothers' Standard 85c Quality at, CQ
the Yard JVC
A sale that actually "puts money into your pocket" for Cheney Bros.'
Foulard Silks are of standard quality, and the regular selling price is
well established in the minds of all silk buyers this offering includes
our entire stock without reserve and you have selection from an
extensive variety of patterns and colorings suitable for both street
and evening wear. All ar of 85c quality and all go on sale CQ
Bargain Friday at JJ7t
50o Character
Dolls at 39o '
At our notion counter we place
on pcia.I sale the popui&r 18
lnch Character Dolla with romper
suits or dresses the kind regu
larly sold at 50c Priced
for Kmrpain Friday at.
25o Whisk
Brooms at 19c
25 dosen Whisk Brooms In styles
with ebonoid and burl handles
all sizes lines regularly sold at
zac. jfricea xor aiiitu
Friday at.
Wagner and Huson to Be TTrged on
Xew York Democrats.
NEW TORK. Aug. 3. Robert F.
Wagner, of New York, for Governor,
and Calvin J. Huston, of Yates Coun
ty, for Lieutenant Governor, was the
ticket agreed on at a conference here
tonight of 15 prominent New York
City Democrats.
Mr. Wagner is Democratic leader In
the state Senate and Mr. Huson is for
mer commissioner of agriculture.
Tammany-Hall is expected to stand
behind 'the choice of Wagner and
Huson at the unofficial Democratic
state convention at Saratoga Springs,
August 11.
tricat switch.
- The Great Western Hallway Company was i
Incorporated in 1835 for the construction
or a j:ne batwsea- London and Bristol.
atory to shipping them to Chicago. He
has been relieved of his command and
assigned to duty on the general staff
of the central . department.
. Colonel French, reports that the
Glacier National Park and Flathead
Lake, the second largest body of fresh
water in the United States, can be
visited at small additional expense in
connection with eastbound Summer
tours. Let me help plan your Eastern
trip one way, via Great Northern Rail
wav system, the only line reaching Flat
head Lake and Glacier Park in Mon
tana. Address Colonel White, Portland
Hotel; Glacier Park Hotel, Montana;
Flathead Office, Poison, Montana; Gen
eral Office, St. Paul, Minn. Adv.
H. S. Bennett's Home Robbed.
Burglars last night entered the home
of H. S. Bennett, auO East Taylor street,
and stole S3.10 in cash and a quantity
of Jewelry. Entrance was made by
hoisting a stepladder to a window. De
tectives Gotts and Howell investigated.
Campaign for Trutb Is Prosecuted
Vigorously Promoters of Scheme
Are Said to Have Realized
Fortune by Activities.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. As the re
suit of an investigation which is con
ducted at the request of the Associ
ated Advertising Clubs of the World
in their campaign for "truth in adver
tising," the Postoffice Department to
day issued a fraud order against the
International Automobile League, Inc.;
the International Automobile Tire Com
pany, of Buffalo, N. Y., and A. C. Bid-
well, president of both concerns.
The request for investigation was
made to the Postoffice Department by
Merle Sldener. of Indianapolis, chair
man of the National Vigilance Commit
tee of the advertising clubs. Postof
flee Department records show Bldwell
has bean Indicted by a Federal Grand
Jury at Rochester, N. Y.. charged with
using the mails to further a scheme to
defraud, and that he and two of his
agents have been indicted by the Grand
Jury at Fayette County, Pennsylvania,
on a charge of conspiracy to defraud.
Hearings on the complaint covered
4S days, and brought out testimony
that Bidwell and bis agents, soliciting
members for the league at 110 each,
represented that the league had con
tracts with manufacturers of standard
motor car accessories which enabled
the league to serf them to members at
dealers' and manufacturers' prices.
Manufacturers of such products testi
fied that the league had no such con
tracts and it was said that Inferior ac.
cessorles were- offered Instead.
The fraud order also Is based on a
series of other acts held to be illegal
and with intent to defraud. Postof
fice officials say the promoters of the
scheme realized a fortune.
Parliament Asked for $30,000,000
for Widows and Dependents.
LONDON. Aug. 3. Parliament will
next week' be asked to vor 6.000,000,
including il. 000. 000 already voted, to
provide the full estimated cost of sup
plementary pensions of widows and
depender's of noncommissioned offi
cers and men, and of partially disabled
noncommissioned officers, and men.
This sum, William Hayes FUher, Par
liamentary Secretary of the local gov
ernment board, explained in the House
of Commons, is estimated on a number
of deaths not exceeding 230,000. If
this number is exceeded, the amount
would be increased porportionately. An
additional grant would be made for
officers and men whose general cir
cumstances warranted assistance.
Missionary to Liberia Dies.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3 The death of
Rev. S. D. Ferguson, for the last Si
tears bishop of the Episcopal Church in
ibeYla. was announced today in a
cable dispatch received by the Domestic
and Foreign Missions Society.
' Judge Jones Rules Alone.
District Judge Jones is the only act
ing judge in the three district courts
this week ami also holds down the posi
tion of County Judge in the disposal of
cases of Insanity. Probate matters
coming before the County Court have
been transferred to the Circuit Court,
with the exception of contest cases,
which await the return of Judge Clee
ton from his vacation in September.
Motion Picture Actor Killed.
BALTIMORE. Aug. 3. In a leap from
a speeding automobile that was being
filmed here yesterday. David Dictor. to
years of age, a moving picture actor,
sustained a fracture of the skull and
died a few hours later.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
oroves it 25c at all druggists.
so vlo of tke fluMt oils, ocntklna do svcia wsJ
BOsvmmonisikrtcliinK injuriou. OImouI h , rM
fad polish. QatcksMtaf vll. Imrrt 1 Al
a brUii&nt, lastinc l"-r o door knobs, .j f I
bxtvM railing- and svU bright met!. T7iVI
Sold In two six ons by H i v J
rooxy. Hnrdwt and Jru Btor . r i
New Prices August 1, 1916
The following prices .for Ford cars will be
effective on and after August 1st, 1916
Chassis . ... . $325.00
Runabout . . . . . 345.00
- Touring Car .... 360.00
Coupebt . . . , . 505.00
Town Car. . ... 595.00
Sedan 645.00
f. o. b. Detroit
These prices are positively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1
1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance in price at any time.
OUR BRANCH IN PORTLAND, OR., 481 East Eleventh St.