Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 03, 1916, Image 20

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"Us Guys Have to Crane Our
Necks to Look Up to Lin
; coin's Pedestal," He Says.
Evangelist Starts to Talk to Ad Club
About Civic Righteousness,
and Soon Outdistances
' , , " 2 Stenographers.
It is always a refreshing- mental
diversion to hear Billy Sunday. Re
gardless of the merits of the doctrine
that he preaches or his manner of
preaching', anyone possessing the least
sense of humor is entertained on hear
ing him.
The crowd thai filled the crystal dining-room
of the Benson Hotel wanted
to be entertained yesterday when. Billy
spoke before the Ad Club. They were.
It never has been hard for Billy
to jump from the most profound dis
course on the beauties of nature or the
glory of the Christian religion to an
outburst of Plans', all in the same
breath. He has this accomplishment
down finer than, ever this year.
The Sunday speech yesterday was
supposed to be on the subject of civic
righteousness or something of that
sort, but it covered a lot of other
ground besides.
Some of it was devoted to a eulogy
of Abraham Lincoln. "He was so big,
no noble, so manjy, so good, so kind,
so God-fearing," he said in speaking of
Lincoln, "that the rest of us guys have
to crane our necks every time we want
to look up to the pedestal where he
Auto Slang Is Used.
Billy has added automobile slang tJ
his repertoire, as for instance:. "Too
many of you fellows are traveling in
low gear all the time."
Two stenographers tried to take
down his rapid-fire talk, but gave up
in the attempt after he had spoken
the first 100 words.
But this speech was merely a pre
liminary to the one he is going to give
at the Ice Hippodrome next Tuesday
night, when he will talk against the
brewery bill that will be on the ballot
next November. The Ad Club has re
served a big block of seats for that
"The newspapers will have to be
printed on asbestos to handle that
speech," announced Billy.
; Before Sunday opened up, the crowd
extended an ovation to Billy Sullivan,
former catcher for the Chicago White
Sox, who is here scouting for the De
troit Americans; Ed Barnard, vice
president of the Cleveland Americans,
and Judge McCredie, of the Portland
Sullivan and . Sunday are old pals,
and fell on one another's necks when
they met at the dining-table.
William McMurray. general passen
ger agent for the Union Pacific sys
tem, had charge of the fireworks and
presented "Ma" Sunday with a copy of
S. C. Lancaster's book on the Columbia
piver Highway. She spoke briefly. He
introduced Billy by telling him to shoot
when he was ready. Ihen Billy shot.
Some of. his hardest hits were:
Some Kinds of Men Hit.
"All that some fellows are good for
Is to help make up a crowd. They
only furnish statistics for the census-taker.
"Others go around disguised. They
wear whiskers and . breeches to make
yoti think they are men.
"I like the chap that never fouls the
ball or strikes out; the chap who, with
three men on bases and the score three
to nothing against his team, will step
up to the place, take three balls and
two strikes and pound out a home run
without batting an eye.
"Don't be a mut, a piker, a molly
coddle, a curmudgeon, a four-flusher
or a jellyfish.
"Some -people only are carbuncles on
the body politic.
"Too many preachers are preaching
to wooden benches anil varnish.
"Better be a Napoleon of bootblacks
or an Alexander of chimney sweeps
than a lewyer without clients or a
preacher who can't get th ball over
the plate.
"There ara a lot of first-class me
chanlcs rattling around in pulpits and
some mighty good preachers working
in machine shops.
"If you ever hand it to God in the
neck, you can be sure that he'll hand
it back to you, and then "you can thank
your stars that you are not a giraffe.
Bouquets Wanted Now.
"If you have any bouquets, give
them to me before I'm dead. I'd rather
have a funeral without a preacher.
coffin without a flower, a grave with
out -a tombstone, than to go through
life without love or kindness or sym
"Substract $50,000 and booze and fast
women from sora men and what have
you left, eh?
"What has Portland to be proud of
because you are living here? Answer
that question and see if it doesn't give
you a jolt."
"The wives of some men that I know
w-oi'ld be better off had they married a
phonofrraph or an automobile. The
phonograph could say a kind word to
them once in a while, and the automo
bile might take them out riding oc
casionally. "It is a dirty, cowardly trick to shoot
the arrows of envy into the man who
on upies the pedestal above you or the
lellow who is leading the procession.
. "Success consists in putting into life
more than you get out of it. How
many of you fellows are successful?"
Speaker Is Versatile.
Don't think that Billy Sunday is il
literate, or even not well educated. He
can quote from classics and talk about
scUncs, history, literature, the arts,
politics and current events, as readily
as he can pour forth a diatribe against
liquor, the devil t;nd the obstinate sin
ner. He did some of each yesterdav.
He wound up with a tribute to Hood
ISiver: "If the Lord ever opens up the
heavens and tells the angels to jump
down onto the finest spot on earth,
they'll land in the Hood River "Valley."
Then proceeded with this appeal for
the "old-time religion:"
"Be Christian men. Christians. Men
will respect you. women will admire
you, children will love you and God
will crown you with glory."
II. T. Smith, of Yamhill, is at the
C . Kent, of Woodburn, is a guest
at tne taion.
. II. W. Hansen, of Aberdeen, is regis
tered at the Oregon.
Fred Hoeflich. of Albany, is regis
tered at the Perkins.
George O. Goodall, of Salem, is regis
tered at the Oregon.
A. W. Phelps, of Roseburg, is regis
tered at the Perkins.
w. C. X'ook, pf aicilinnvilie, . was
among the arrivals at the Perkins yes
terday. A. D. Johnson, of Salem, arrived at
the Oregon yesterday.
G. O. Brooks is registered at the Kor
tonia from Goldendale.
-George W. Briggs, of Arlington,
staying at the Eaton.
N. N. Blumensaadt. of Rainier,
registered at the Eaton.
Mrs. Leon Cohen, of Pendleton,
registered at the Portland
K. C. Eldridge, of Independence,
registered at the .Nortonia.
W. H. Harris, of Seattle, is passing
a few days at the Portland.
F. W. Gaston, of Tacoma, is among
the arrivals at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Haas, of Salem,
are registered at the Imperial.
Fred Wortman, of McMinnville, ar
rived at the Portland? yesterday.
H. M. Elder, of Pendleton, was among
yesterday's arrivals at the Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Robinson, of San
Francisco, are registered at the Wash
ington. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith and son, of
St. Helens, are - registered at the
A. G. AHingham. a prominent mer
chant of Redmond, is staying at the
Perkins. .
Mrs. E. E. Kirtley, and four children,
of La Grande, are registered at the
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lane arrived at
the Washington yesterday from San
Jay G. Fountain, of Seattle, arrived
in tho city yesterday. He is registered
at the Oregon.
Mrs. G. L. Baker and her niece. Miss
Cooper, are registered at the Washing
ton from McMinnville.
Mrs. Joseph Coulson Hare has re
turned from Astoria, where she went
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Flora
Hare Gilman, who was an aunt of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Woods and W. E.
Nixon motored to Portland from Twin
Falls, Idaho, to attend the Knights of
Pythias convention. The party is reg
istered at the Nortonia.
-MDur experienced men tailors will cut to your measure,
baste and fit correctly, any style tailored skirt you may
desire, from materials purchased here at $1 a yard or
over, absolutely FREE! This offer is for a limited
time a smart, stylish tailored skirt for the cost of the
materials alone. Dress Goods Shop, Second Floor
Automobile Club la sues Bulletin on
Best Routes for Drivers to
Take to Sound Clty.
For the benefit of those motorists
who contemplate driving to Tacoma
this week for the automobile races to
be held there next Saturday, George
M. Chambers, assistant secretary of the
Portland Automobile Club, has pre
pared a detailed report of road condi
tions from Portland to Tacoma, via
Vancouver. Kalama. Kelso, Chehalis,,
Centralia and Olympia to Tacoma and
Following is the special bulletin:
Portland to Vancouver-Motorlsts may
take their choice, either using the road on
the Oregon side of the Columbia River via
St. Helens to Goble and terryingr across the
river at this point to Kalama, or they may
louow the roaa on me wasnmgion
crossing the river from Portland
couver. The latter route is advised.
Vancouver to Kalama The first 7 miles
out of Vancouver is a gravel and planked
road, In good condition, then turn left and
go 1 mile -west to Pacific Highway and then
go 1 mile right and thence north 24 miles,
then turn right and continue east M. mile
and take left-hand road at top of hill and
continue to 1-a Center. The hlli is now en
tirely dry, and -while it Is rough, motorists
can get through without any danger of be
ing stuck. From La Center to Woodland
a good gravel road with 1 mile of gravel
and pavement through Woodland. From
Woodland to Martin's Bluff there is a five
mile stretch of road which Is narrow, but
entirely safe. From Martin's Bluff to Ka
lama there is 2 miles of good gravel road.
Klama to Kelso Roads are good.
Kelso to Chehalis Take road north from
Kelso via Cathcart to ferry crossing at
Olequa. Cross on the ferry at this point and
continue to. Toledo. Leave the main street
of Toledo and turn right, taking the road
over the hill to Winlock. Continue straight
through the town of Winlock and on to
Napa vine. Leaving Napavine take the road
going right, which will lead you northeast
to the Pacific Highway. 2 miles south of
Forest. Follow the Pacific Highway north
through Forest and detour alongside the
new construction work to Chehalis.
Chehalis to Centralia Use the old river
road, as the Pacific Highway is closed on
account of paving
Centralia to Olympia The best road Is
via Bucoda, through Tenino and thenco into
From Olympia to Tacoma "use the Pacific
Highway, much of which is pavea.
Man Agrees to Stop Drinking and Is
Set Free by Judge.
Robert McCarthy, who was brought
before Judge L.ang-guth yesterday in
Municipal Court after he had fallen
unconscious in a barbershop at 48
North Third street as the result of
protracted spree, pleaded for his free
dom in his richest brogue. The Judge
finally continued sentence against him
on condition that he leave the "booze
alone. The man's limbs were shaking
as with the ague as a result of the
alcohol he had drunk and he had to be
sent to the Police Emergency Hospital
for treatment before he. was in con
ditidn to be released.
'I srive you my word of honr that
will let the stuff alone," said McCarthy.
My little experience has given me
healthy fear of this place." McCarthy
said he was a railroad man.
Australian Songht Here.
R. A. "Winn, of the Lyceum Theater,
on Pitt street, Sydney. Australia, has
written to Portland in an endeavor to
locate a brother, A. C. Winn, from
whom he has not heard for some time.
A letter addressed to the Actors' Union
was turned over to the Heilig Theater
attaches yesterday. Mr. Winn wrote
that his brother formerly was Stage
manager for a Curtis comedy company,
of which Frank S. Ryan was manager.
Mr. Winn said his brother at one time
also was with Ralph Stuart. Mr. Winn
would appreciate any information dl
rected to him care of The Lyceum, in
Flour, Sack $1.35
A Men's Furnishings
Shop, -Main
to Finish
Estaaa4 t
The- Quality". Storr op- Portland
Furniture that's GOOD at far - and away the
LOWEST PRICES of the season. Hundreds of articles,
separate or en suite. Living-room, dining-room, bed
room and library furniture that's. desirable. Easy terras
of payment arranged if desired. Come and get prices.
Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor.
"Victor" or "Magic," high-grade
patents, milled especially for us.
Order before . another advance!
Recently packed, good grade. No.
2 cans. Priced for today, each 10d.
Light, 8 to 10-lb. strips. Whole or
half buy in this sale at, lb. 22 Vi
Made from purest cream in our
own churn. Fresh daily, roll 68.
12c, 15c, 25c. Convenient all ready
to eat. Ninth Floor, Fifth Street
jff 100 Women's Smart
V7 X
! . o. ,
$17.50- $20
A! V &f
A BIG SALE of smartly tailored, practical
coats for general wear coats that will
prove serviceable throughout the year.
Serges, gabardines, poplins, coverts and tweeds in
navy, black, tan and various stripes, checks and mix
tures, some three-quarters and others seven-eighths
in length. Belted, loose and semi-loose models, half
or fully lined. The first hundred women coming
here Thursday will find wonderful bargains in these
clever coats at $10 ! Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor
You Are Invited to Make Use
of This Store's Conveniences
Postoffice, Express Office, Accom
modation Bureau (packages wrapped
free ; money orders . cashed, etc) ,
Basement Balcony. Rest and Writing
Rooms, Telephones, Beauty Shop,
Children's Playground, Fifth Floor.
Nursery Sixth Floor. Restaurants
and Lunch Counter, Ninth Floor.
Soda Fountain, Mezzanine. , Cafeteria,
Basement. Escalators, 16 Elevators,
Observation Tower, etc. Ask any
floorman for information.
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you want- to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is
very harmful. Just plain mulsified co
coanut oil (which is pure and entirely
greaseless). is much 'better than the
most expensive soap or anything else
you can use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly Jnjure the hair.
Simi-ly moisten your hair with water
and rub it In. One or two teaspoon
fuls will make an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleanses the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather
rinses out easily, and removes every
particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex
cessive oil. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and It leaves it fine and silky,
bright, fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at
most any drugstore It is very cheap,
and a few ounces is enough to last
everyone in the family for months.
Adv.. , r
To Fit Men of Every Build
See Our Fifth and
Morrison Street
Window Display-
See Our Fifth and
Morrison Street
Window Display
Promptly When the Store Opens Today at 9 A. JVf.
3500 Men's Spick and Span New
Go in a Sensational Disposal at Only
They Should Sell
Men & Women
Who Buy for Men
Should profit by this
great money-saving op
portunity. Every shirt
in this sale is new and
perfect. Every one at
a saving. It's "Stock-
f1 Up" time!
in a
At this price, but in
case any are left they
will remain on sale till
Saturday at 6 P. M.,
after which regular
prices will go into effect.
Our Biggest Shirt Sale of the
Will have to yield the palm when this sale's record is totalled
Shirt Supply Time for Hundreds of Friends Old and New
These Shirts are all cut coat style with soft cuffs and five-button front. Included are
fancy woven madras, corded madras and self -figured madras, pongee cloths, reps, etc. Plain
single and dashing multi-colored stripes in a world of smart effects. Shirts for BIG, MEN
and LITTLE MEN and everything in between. All sleeve lengths. All made" to our own speci
fications. All acquired in one great special purchase. NOT odd lots, incomplete assort
ments, "seconds," old stock or shirts picked up here and there. All new, fresh, clean mer
chandise. Fast-colored shirts that will wear like iron and that look in every way to be the
best $1.50 and $2 values, which, indeed, they all are ! Grouped according to sizes on separate
tables to facilitate selection. Comfortable, full cut, roomy, perfectly made and finished.
Shirts for men of all ages and tastes. BUT COME EARLY!
Extra Salespeople Extra Quick Service No Shirts on Approval
None Sent C. Q. D. Be Here at 9 A. M. Thursday for Yours!
Men's Furnishings
Main Floor