19 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, eXTXLT 26, 1916. PICKETING RESUMED ALONG WATERFRONT further Continuance of Hear ing of Injunction Case to ' - Be Asked by Strikers. STEAMER BEAVER UNLOADS T"iiion Longshoremen Will Work Out Cargo of F. A. Kilburn, Which Is on "Fair List" Work at San. ITancisco Is Questioned. for the first time in nearly a week ni. kBfinir was attain in vogue yester day imun; members of Longshoremen's Union No. 5 along North Front street, the men being in evidence between the O -W. K. & N. bridge and Ainsworth dock. No officers from the force of United States Marshal John Montag were on hand, a few patrolmen being on duty as in the past. As officers of the union had an nounced, the men conducted peaceful r.i,.k.ini and at times during the day there were none to be seen. Early in the afternoon a meeting was held at the headquarters to discuss the strike situation and during most of the after-,i-f,.-t.r of both unions were rinspted with Colonel C. E. S. Wood, ih.i, onimsrl oreoarine for a resump tion of the injunction hearing before Judge Wolverton. rn th rnnclu.sion of the court ses Bion Monday it was postponed until 10 o'clock today, but Colonel Wood said last night that he would request a fur ther continuance until iu o ciucn. morrow, the defendants not having had sufficient time in which to prepare af fidavits in rebuttal to those filed Mon day bv counsel for the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Company, which Instituted the proceedings. "We will have considerable to say when the matter is taken up again," said Colonel Wood. "Things are peace ful on the waterfront and have been for two weeks and we expect success fully to combat affidavits that have been filed." In the interim the steamer Beaver will work out her cargo at Ainsworth dock, while the arrival of the North Pa cific' Steamship Company's steamer F. a i.-iihum from California last night. will give the regular longshoremen of Union No. 6 worn, as tney nave Han dled cargoes of that fleet since the strike was declared June 1, the com pany being included among the firms on the "fair list." No official advices reached union headquarters yesterday of changes in h. San Francisco situation and the men were disinclined to believe that lumber workers had resumed work there on an open shop basis, holding that the proposal offered them was to take up their labors under conditions effective before the strike, which the union men aver included closed shop rules. LOWER DOCKS ARE UNCOVERED I'allins Waters Pave the Way for Repairs and Reoccupaiion. Lower docks are beginning to emerge from the water alone the West Side. 1h.o Bt Oak and Couch streets being tree of the overflow yesterday, ana at Ainsworth dock the lower level may oe almost dry today, so estimates are being made for repairs that the space may be utilized. Much sediment was deposited by the freshet and on some flnrks. such as at Asn street, smaii chance and such things have been ac ridcntlv dropped throusrh cracks of the nnuer dock, assuring the cleanin crews incentive for careful search be fore the collection is washed into the river. Tne official gauije reading at 6 o'clock last night showed the stage to be 1S.3 feet above zero, indicating drop of .1 of a foot during the day. The reading at 8 o'clock in the morning w.xs at a depth of IS. 4 feet and for hours preceding that time the stream had receded .5 of a foot. REAVER SAILS SATURDAY Sun l-'rancisco & Portland Line Gives Liner Longer Layover Here. For at least one trip the temporary Friday sailing card of the "Big Three fleet will be changed, as it has been determined to sail the steamer Beaver from Portland Saturday afternoon in stead. The liner started discharging part of her 1900 tons of cargo at Ainsworth dock with about 90 nonunion longshoremen yesterday afternoon, and as soon as the general cargo ana a shipment of cement is unloaded she will shift to work southbound con signments at other wharves. Officers of the vessel confirm reports from the south last week that union longshoremen at San Francisco loaded the ship, she being the first of the line in port there after the men voted to return to their labors under the former scale, pending the conference arranged for August 1. It is said that nonunion men on the company's dock left with the reappearance of the union workers. ALLART) IS HONORED New Motorxliip to Rear Name of Stockholder Prominent at Eureka. S. 1. Allard is to be the name of the next auxiliary schooner to be launched at the plant of the St. Helens Ship building Company for the Charles R. McCormick Lumber Company, it hav- i.is: been determined to christen the vessel in honor of S. I. Allard, of Eu rek.i, Cal.. one of the principal stock holders. It was first thought she would be known as the City of St. Helens and that may be the name of t'.ie next ship, the keel of which is 1 earlv. The vessel lias been chartered for few voyages in the lumber trade, the first being: by the American Trading . Company to Sydney at 90 shillings. The t lty of Portland, which is to sail in a tew days on her initial passage, ob tained 100 shillings from the American Trading Company end has been en saKcd to make four trips. ELKS MAY SEE SHIP LAUNCHED Itullilcr Hopes to Have Sierra Heady for lloquiam Convention. HOQflAM. Wash.. July 25. (Spe cial.) The motor ship Sierra, now be inff built here by the Matthews Ship building Company, probably will be launched during: the Klks state con vention in lloquiam. Every effort is beinfr made to get the vessel ready for thi date. The Sierra is the largest vessel ever built in the lloquiam yard and also is the first motor ship ever built exclu sively for the lumber-carry iny trade. Other vessels have been launched or are building which will have internal combustion engines as auxiliary power. but the Sierra, will not carry any sail. her engines of the semi-LMesel type furnishing her only power. UPPER RIVER PACKETS DUE Inland Empire Got. to Yard Again Since Rush Is Over. Returning- from their first trips to the Upper Columbia, district since the June freshet bothered navigation, the steamers Twin Cities and Inland Em pire are due in the harbor this after noon, the former to load again for Lewiston, departing- tomorrow, while the Inland Empire will be ordered out of service, as the other boats can take care of the business. The J. N. Teal, of the same flag, is expected Friday and the intention is to start her upstream again Saturday. Because of the long period the ves sels were idle considerable freight piled up, except emergency shipments an dthose of a perishable character, so for a. time at least the Twin Cities and Teal will be kept going. SAILORS CONTINUE SCARCE Talbot Lacks Trio to Complete Com plement for Run to Sydney. Skirmishing is being carried on to obtain three sailors for the schooner W. H. Talbot, which has finished her lumber cargo at Westport and should get away shortly for Sydney, being un der charter for that voyage to jomyn, Mackall & Co. She only carries six tars, three having been signed, but at this time shore billets have drawn some followers of the sea and others have berths, so extra men are not nu merous. On the departure of the Talbot only two offshore lumber vessels will re main, the new auxiliary schooner City of Portland, loading at St. Helens for Port Pirie, and the converted barken tine Amy Turner, working a Shanghai cargo at Wauna. OPEN SHOP IS RESUMED LIMBER HAXDLtHS WORKING SAX FRANCISCO. Union and 'on-t nlon Men Alike Are Employed and Work Begins Without Disorders. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal., July 25. (Special. Lumber yards of the city and lumber -schooners resumed opera tions today without disorder, the em ployers taking: on both union arid non union men and at the same wage scale which existed prior to June 1. The union men were taken bade as quickly as non-union men at the lum ber yards and, although the police were on hand at various yards throughout the city, no disorder was reported. The going to work, today of the lumber handlers, who are also members .of the Riggers and Stevedores' Union, ends temporarily at least the third water front strike and freight is now being rapidly handled along the entire front. The lumber handlers voted to return to work under open-shop conditions after the lumber interests, represented by the San Francisco Retail Lumber Dealers' Association and the Ship owners Association of the Pacific, served notice through the law and order committee of the Chamber of Commerce that non-nuion men would go to work yesterday morning unless the union men agreed to come bac to work at open-shop terms and at the original wage scale. STEAM SCHOOXEKS ARE BUSY More Carriers on Way and Lumber Handlers Settle Differences. Since lumber handlers have taken up their burden once more at San Fran cisco yards, agreeing to accept propo sitions of employers to return to worx at the former scale, increased business is looked for on the river in" the way of Coastwise cargoes. During the strilea period a few of the steam schooner fleet plied to the river, but for the past week or 10 days more have teen in service. The Yosemite got out of the river last night with a full cargo of lumber for San Pedro, while the steamer Daisy Freeman left the Golden Gate late Monday night for Portland and others are on the way. so arrivals will be more numerous. Marine Xoles. New propellers, being cast solid instead of having separate blades. have been : shipped on the government tus J. Post j and H. M. Adams, which were on tho Oregon drydock. and they have been sent ; back to the Government moorings to await orders for the dredges Multnomah and Wahkiakum to scume work, the tugs being tenders for the machines. To replace the Wlllapa Pay gas buoy, the tender Manzanita was ordered to sea from Astoria yesterday. The tender Heather left here in the morning after a thorough overhauling, and will load at Astoria for Washington stations. Cargo cleared aboard the steamer Sue H. Elmore yesterday for Tilamook and New port totaled 45 tons. Her Inbound manifest showed she brought 2395 cases of cheese and 15 tons of freight from those harbors. The gasoline schooner Tillamook, hailing from Coos Bay, was entered with OS tubs of butter and 20 tons of miscellaneous consign ments. After discharging barrels of fuel oil here yesterday the Union Oil Company's tanker Washtenaw, Captain H. W . Lewis, sailed on the return to Port San Luis. Captain A. X Geer took the steamer Bailey Gatzert out for The Dalles yester day morning. Captain C. M. Alden having obtained a brief vacation. Annual inspection stunts were gone through yesterday aboard the steamer N. K. Laner. which was down from Oregon City and moored at Ainsworth docft, while the Federal otticers went tnrougn tneit yearly scrutinization. Increased bxislness on the Portland Astoria route has drawn the steamer Undine, of the Harklns fleet. Into service for a short time. Tow boats of the Shaver fleet have been ordered for Friday morning to assist in getting another cigar-shaped log raft from Wallace slough to the lower harbor, from where It will b towed to San Diego. . Merchants Exchange advices from Astoria last night were that the Hammond Lumber Company's steamer General Hubbard was seen townr inside soon after she went to sea. It being assumed that she had experi enced machinery trouble. Leaving the Columbia ttiver March 15, the French bark Joinville reported at Fayal In the Azores, Friday, according to a mes sage reaching the Merchants' Exchange yes terday. She was dispatched with grain. News From Xortltwest Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. July 25. (Special.) The gasoline schooner Gerald C. arrived today from coast point with freight. The steam schooner Davenport is en route from San Francisco with freight. The steam schooner Shasta is due to load lumber at St. Helens. The steam schooner Willamette Is due from San Francisco to load lumber at St. Helens. The steamer Great Northern sailed for can Francisco tvlth a heavy freight and a fair lit of passengers. The lumber laden schooner sW. H. Taibot was brought from Westport and will sail lot Sydney, within a day or two. The steamer F. A. Kilburn arrived from San Francisco via Eureka and Coos Bay with freight and passengers for Astoria and Port land. Six longshoremen left for Wauna to rig the lumber carrier Amy Turner. The vessel was formerly a bark and is being changed into a barkentine. Three Army ltecruits Obtained. MARSHFIELD, Or.. July 23. (Spe cial.) The United States Army is re cruiting In this vicinity and Corporal Hagen, who was here for a week, oo- tained three, who were sent to Van couver for examination. The Army is adding seven infantry regiments dur ing 1916 and several companies of cavalry. Those who left here were Z T. Funs. A L Hinz and John Lep Jpard. SWEDISH' SAILOR HELD MAX TAKES OFF W.' H. MARST05 SHIPPED AS F. SWASEX. Others Held by British at New So.tb. Wales Are W. Engeli, "enuj," and W. Hitter 'Holland." Original shipping articles on file at the Custom-House relative to the men signed on the schooner W. H. Marston here July 22. 1915, show that one man referred to by Captain Wann as F. Swansen, taken ashore by the authori ties at Newcastle, N. S. W.. with W. Engels and William Rltter. was signed as F. Swasen. He was 31 years old then, and gave Sweden as his birth place. W. Engels gave his age as 2eJ years, and said he was a native of Aor way; William Ritter was 43 years old and signed as a native of Holland. The sailors for the Marston were signed on before United States Ship ping Commissioner Harry Montgomery, at the Custom-House, and were fur nished by Jack Grant. Mr. Montgomery said yesterday that he warns all mas ters of vessels clearing for the Antipo des against signing German tars If bound for British ports, though recently a German was accepted because he said he did not wish to go ashore there. Jack Rosen, business agent for the Sailors' Union here, says that Paul Stover, August Wever and Gust Halz man are held on Somes Island in a concentration camp, having been taken from the schooner A. B. Johnson, at Wellington, New Zealand, when the war broke out. Men of the Portland branch of the union have sent them periodicals and money at times, while letters have been received in return. MAKING INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUB TO ARRIVE. Name. From Date. Beaver .'.Los Angeles. . . ...In port F. A. Kilburn San Diego In port Northern Pacific. . .San Francisco. .. -July -! Great Northern. ... San Francisco. . . - July 28 Rose City ...Los Angelea Aug. 1 Breakwater San Diego Aug. 2 DUB TO DEPART. Name. For Date. Harvard S. F. to L. A. July 26 Northern Pacific San Francisco. . . .July Celllo San Diego July F. A. Kilburn Sa.-i Diego July Yale 6. F. to L. A July Willamette San Diego July Beaver .Los Angeles. .....July Great Northern. ... San Francisco. . . . July Multnomah . -San Diego. ..... . . Aug. Breakwater San Diego .Aug. Rose City Los Angelea. .... .Aug. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, July 25. Sailed - Steamer Washtenaw, xor fort ban j,uis. Astoria, July 25. Arrived at 9:20 A. M., gasoline schooner Gerald C, from Nestucca. Arrived at 1 .10 P. M... gasoline schooner Delia, fro.n Cloverdale. Arrived at 1:30 and left up at 6 P. sr., Bt earner F. A. Kilburn, from San Francisco via way ports. Sailed at 2:30 P. steamer Great Northern, for San Francisco. San Francisco, July 25. Arrived at 6 and sailed at 11 A. M-, steamer Klamath, from Portland for San Diego. Sailed at 0 A. M.. steamer Breakwater, for San Pedro and San Diego. Sailed at 11 A. M., steamer North ern Pacific, for Flavel. Arrived, steamer El Segundo, with barge 91, from Portland. Seattle, July 25. Arrived at 8 last night. Steamer F. S. Loop, from Columbia River. Fayal, July 21. Arrived French bark Joinville, from Portland for Ipswich. Astoria, July 24. Sailed at 4:30 P. M., steamer General Hubbard, for San Pedro and returned at 5 In tow of tug, disabled ; at 8:30 P. M., st earner Toaemite, for San Pedro. San Francisco. July 24. Sailed at 11 P. M-, steamer Daisy Freeman, for Columbia River. San Francisco, Juif 25. Arrived Steam ers Columbia, from Port Angeles; Klamath, from Portland; Grace Dollar, from Tacoma; Doris, from Grays Harbor. Sailed Steamers Northern Paclfio, for Astoria; Congress, for Seattle; Asuncion, for Vancouver; Daisy J? reeman, lor Portland. Hongkong. July '2'2. Arrived Steamer John I. Archbold. for San Francisco. Sydney, N. S. W., July 25. Arrived Steamer Ventura, from San Francisco. Auckland, July 24. Arrived Steamer Ni agara, from Vancouver. B. C. Shanghai, July 24. Sailed Steamer Shid- zuoKa Maru, ior lacoma. Seattle. July 25. Arrived Steamers Jef ferson, from Spokane; Santa Ana, from Southeastern Alaska: Despatch, from Powell River- United States collier Nanshan and U. S. A. transport Crook, from San Francis co. Sailed Governor, for San Diego; North western, for Southwestern Alaska; motor schooner Great Bear, for Arctic cruise. Norfolk, Va.. Jfuly 25. Arrived Yacht California, f torn San r ranclsco, Marconi Wireless Reports. ( U positions reported at 8 p. M., July 25, onlesa otherwise designated.) Pennsylvania. San Francisco for Havana, 72S miles from San Francisco. 8 P. M. July 24. tsan Juan, Balboa for San Francisco. 1210 miles south of San Francisco, 8 P. M., July 24. Multnomah. San Pedro for San Francisco. iu intips west ot i-an fearo. Floridian. San Francisco for Sydney. 3331 miles from San Francisco. 8 P. M.. July 24. H vanes. Honolulu for San Francisco. Ve nules from San Francisco. 8 P. M.. July 4. l-urllne. San Francisco for Honolulu, ltilti miles from San Francisco. 8 P. M.. July 24. W a pa me.. St. Helens for San Diego, five miles north ot rlgeon Point. Kreak water. San Francisco for Santa Bar bara, 121 miles south of San Francisco. Klamath. San Francisco for San Pedro. 90 miles south of San Francisco. congress. San Francisco for Seattle. 10 mnes soutn. or point Arena. Asuncion, ruchmond for Vancouver. 20 mnes norm or point Reyes. lopeaa. san Francisco for Eureka, Zo mnes north or point Keyes. Atlas. Richmond for Seattle, 245 miles irom Kicnmona. Richmond, and bat-en ft.V Rlrhmnn .-. ocaiue, j.w mites norm or baa if ranclsco. Vessels Entered Yesterday. American steamer Washtenaw nil fnm ron ean j,uis. GaSOl he schooner TtllAmnrilr nnl .o-.-n from Bandon and way ports. American steamer Sue H Elmnr rr,mrm i .a,&vr. Hum .v yui i u it li way ports. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. American steamer Sue H. Elmnr pnfii ku. -s i iiiiviuuuK a II u .N e w port. American steamer Washtenaw, ballast, fo: Columbia Klver Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. July 25. Condition of tne oar at o p. ju. : aca, smooth; wind, west. ii mnes. Tide at Astoria Wednesday. . H1Kh. . 1 Low. 11 .-'1 A. M. . ..6.8 feet;.V04 A. M 0.S foot 10:o0 P. M. ...S3 feet'4:T.a P. M 3.8 feet MILLMAN FORECASTS GAINS Increased Sales of Lumber in Cal fornia Expected. ABERDEEN", Wash., July 25. (Spe cial.) Better than normal lumber business from California is predicted for this Kail by C M. weathcrwax Aberdeen millman. who has just re turned from a southern business trip, He bases his prediction on the facts that California business conditions are good, that crops promise to be larg and that quantities of capital are seek ine investment In California. San Francisco lumber yards are well stocked at present, Mr. Weatherwax says, yard owners having refused to sell since they closed, due to the strike. San Francisco persons, he says, pur chased nearly all the lumber left over fronf the exposition, much of which was almost rubbish. STATE RED MEN MEET Washington Great Council Holds Annual Session at Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 23. The State Great Council of the Improved Order of Red. Men convened in Knights of Pythian Hall Monday with about 200 representatives present. One hundred and fifty members of the auxiliary or der, the Degree of Pocahontas, are con ; vening in the Swedish Club Hall. To- I aisht tiio two organizations with AMTSEMESTS. IMIPPODROME Feature photoplays and Vaudsvtus. 8 to B: :S to it r, M. Sol. Bun.. BoUdays 1-.1S to lists.. 10c; Xlchta. 15a. km MISS RITA OOfLD, The Girl of CladuEU rersoBalltr. 6 OIHEK BIO ACTS Botei, first row balcony seats reserved by phone. C'urtsin, 2 :30, 1 and 9. OAKS PARK Chat No. 74 Fernlloa la fcalninar In popalsurity every dayT At each performance new people see and enjoy him. Musical organisation are n vailing: them selves of an opportunity to bear the band In a body, and various Port land people are having; line box and Srroup parties. Parents seem to realise the value of good musle to children and so are brlna-lna; the little ones to hear the Kerullo concerts, ot only la ft a wonderful musical body, bat one that Is now playing; in a beautiful and Ideal pleasure spot. Ton can en Joy good music in a garret, but you can live In It and be happy if you're out among the trees in nature's own retreat the Oaks. Today Is children's day. You sure ly don't want yonr children to miss this opportunity to hear the famous Kerullo band. It'll mean a great deal to them now and long; after wards. All youngsters under 15 will be admitted free and given a free ride on the mystic river. The ladles of the Eastern Star will picnic at the Oaks tomorrow. The ew En. glanders are coming also nnd will have their annual state so ciety picnic, to which all former New Englanders and their friends and families are Invited. Michigan State Society will be here Saturday. Cars leave Klrst and Alder streets every few minutes for the Oaks Park. JOHN V. CORDRAY. Read the Chat Daily for Oaks Park Events' BASEBALL RECHEATIOV PARK, ' Corner Vaaghs and Twenty-fourth St a. PORTLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO July 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. -ame II earl n Weekday at 3 P. M., Sundays, 230 P. M. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Ed wards' Cijar Stand, Sixth and Washington Streets. sift Ion I)n y Wednrnrlny find Prldsiy. many individuals, and some dclega tions garbed in picturesque Indian cos umetume, paraded Seattle's streets. The opening: day was started with addresses of greeting - between the Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Oddfellows and the Red Men, and greeting by Mayor Hiram C. Gill, Frederick O. Downs, grand in cohonee. was the principal speaker at the Rea Mens morning session. The officers of the Degree of Poco' ohontas elected at the afternoon ses ion were: Great Pocahontas. Mrs. Buelah Hazel tne, of Puyallup: Great Winona, Inez Harned. of Port Townsend; Great Min nehaha. Miss, Helen Wynn, of Seattle prophetess. Miss Margaret Brook, o Everett; -keeper of records, Mrs. Mat tie L. Leonard, of Tacoma, and keepe of wampum, Mrs. Christine Egan, of Bremerton. IRRIGATION PLAN DRAWN SPECIFICATIONS COVER 96,000 ACRES IX CENTRAL OREGON. John T. Whistler, of Federal Barrio and Stale Ena-lneer Lewis Co-operate la 'Work. SALEM. Or.. July 25. (Special.) I co-operation with John T. Whistler, of the United States Reclamation Service, John H. Lewis. State Engineer, has Just completed the preparation of plan and estimates of cost for the reclama tion of 60,000 acres of land in Warner Valley in Lake County, and of 86,000 acres along: White Kiver in Wasco County. Under the Warner Valley project, it is proposed to drain a large area of swamp lands in that section so that 33,000 acres can be Irrigated by rrrav ity and 27,000 acres by pumping: in th south end of the Valley. It is esti mated that the development will cost ?1. 726,000, or approximately $29 an acre. The irrigation of 36,000 acres of land lying on both sides of the White Rive short distance above its Junction with the Deschutes, it is estimated will cost 1.300.000. or about $36 acre. The project in addition to using: the waters of White River will be supplemented by the storage of 18,000 acre feet in Clear Lake, and also with the waters of Gate, Rock and Three Mile creeks. COLUMBIA DROPS QUICKLY Farmers Are Moving Back to Land Recently Under Water. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 25. (Spe cial.) The Columbia River Is now dropping more rapidly than at any time since it reached' the crest of more than 24 feet, and today is around the 19-foot mark. Farmers In the lowlands along the river are beginning to move back to their farms and are bringing in their stock. It as expected that in three weeks the grass, killed by the water, will have started growing again and cattle will graze where water Is now several feet deep. Albany Pythians to Setftl 100. ALBANY, Or.. July 25. (Special.) The local lodge of the K n i Rh ts of Pythias is planning- to send 100 men to Portland next Tuesday to partici pate in the big Pythian parade. Ar rangements have been made for a spe cial train to take the local delegation to the metropolis. The Albany Munic ipal band, most of whose players are members of the lodge, will accompany the excursion and participate in the parade. A good many of the members of the local lodge expect to spend sev eral days in Portland next week par ticipating in the Pythian festivities. Club Vote 4 9 Times to Elect. WARRENTON, Or.. July 25. (Spe cial.) it was not until the 39th bal lot had been taken that Frank M. War rea today received a majority and was This directory is for tho information of the public, to ftlve as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A. 609 a. House 40. ACCOBDIOX FLKATDiG. K. fiTtHA.N, benuUicHuK, scuUopias. ac cord, sid. pleat, butuios covered; mstl orders. Z28 putock Mk. Broadway lwO. FLOATING, hemstitching. - button, covered. fc.ast.ern Novelty Co.. bo , Stn. b dmy auoo. AND ANAHIMa. kO.NTANA A&iA( Officii, Iti 1 suv.r and pisHnum bomat ATTOKlsfcVt. W. J. UAKEUUr-rroliale, real HUle, mln. inn and corporation law; aoairmcl and Uues examined, written opinlou lurnlsn. la. Nortnwe.tera Bank blag.- Main ai.a, GlUHiH, BCKTI COOPER lieneral bracu.ee: attracts examined, tool- l'ill Dl( CAitltKlAS. PURITAN CArKTfcHlA, stark, bet. id and im; coot piaue to eat. At. c cranuw. proi. CAXCfcB. . M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. Alberta .t, Wooulawn 41oe CA1U-ET WEAVE.K. i'LLKF KUlid FKOsl OLU CABrI& Carpet cleaning, refilling, etc North west Hum Co., lbs E. btu. Both pbone. CLLILOIO BUTTONS, MAIM.fcS. THE 1RW1N-U01JSON COMPANY. S57 laahlattoa au Aiala 812 and A 12Q4. CHIKOFODLSTS. William. Efltella and William Jr.. D.v.ny. th. only .cieutlilc chiropodists In tne city. Parlors &02 Oerlln.er bids., southwest corner za and Alder. PUone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M U. i. -- a iieoner blug. Main H73. CHIROTRACTIO PHYSICIANS. SUCCESSFUL, with many so-called Incurable w aojustments, Sli; west blue. Macleay bld.; East Side, sanitarium, il ..hwibr ur. Mcatanon. cniropractor. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 10 N. W. bids. Mar. . Msa-asn ayniu, IIIUL111, aU Uia3SlU, COLLECTION AGENCY. KETH A- CO.. Worcester bids- Main lltto. iNO collection, no etiarte; established laoo. COXTR.UTl.NU AND BUILDING. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNING and bulld- piane, specifications, estimating; car pentering, painting; jobbing given prompt attention; contract or day work. R. Whlt tier Bartlett, 30iv. Alder st. Phone Main DANCING. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily: class 1-ri. eve., s to lo. lo ild St.. beu Wain, a: 1 stark. Main 320S. Lessons. i-Sc DE REAL' Normal School of Dancing Toe, Spanish lancy. Oriental Egyptian esthetic, Russian, soft-shoe. Phone Mam TooG. POO AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HUTHMAN. VETERINARIAN- Hospital 110 E. 7lh at. Dogs clipped and ached. East 1S47, Home B 11(62. DRAMATIC ART. LEARN DRAMATIC ART FOR MOVING PICTURES. MAIN 7656. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. r-tJ?t!?t by specialist; glasues fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bid j.. Sd A Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. ACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and Mn.-yi-ics. r-nono Alain OS. A 2133. MUSICAL Emll Thielhorn. violin tcacber. pupil Sevclk. r usuner Diag. A .100, Marshall ltfW. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 208 2d St. AUTO SPRINGS MANUFACTURING. o Mfg. and repalr- LAMER SPRING CO- ing; 4O00 springs carried in stock, lftth at Couch St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage ec Omnibus Transfer, Park Ac Dai BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery at Conf. Co.. 11th and GRAIN MERCHANTS. H. HOUbEH, Board ot Trade bids. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO.. U7-75 Fourth St. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 68-55 Front st. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 181 Front St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA -Vekwesr Mfg. Co.. 5th St. elected president of the Warrcnton Commercial Club over CI. Clifford Bar low. Other officers elected were: G. Clifford Barlow, vice-president; O. S. Wiggrles worth, secretary: v. C. W Ick line, treasurer. The Commercial Club has 160 members. RATE ON CRABS DELAYED AVells-Fargo N'ot lo Change. Price Till After Hearing. SALEM, Or.. July 25. (Special.) Wells, Fargo & Co. has agreed that, pending a hearing by the Public Serv ice Commission set for July 31 at Port land, it would transport crabs from Newport, Or., to Portland, charging on the basis of 22 pounds a dozen instead of by actual weight as heretofore. This charge Is on the same basis as the rate on crabs from Puget Sound points to Portland. George Plancich. of Portland, com plained to the Commission that the Wells-Fargo rate "on crabs discrimin ated in favor of Puset Sound dealers. CLASSIFIED jAD RATES Dally and bun day. Tr LlBt. Ovt time ....... ! k.mM amri (W rtlOMCUtive tllDM bjajue fxl tnrec consecutive tunc ...w frame aJ aix or Kea i-onaecuuve timea.. Xtie above rate apply lo wtvertiMaueut under New Xwwy" ana iu u . Usa except tise folio wins Bitaaiiona Wanted Male. b.iuaU"u. Wanted ietnnle. irwr .Kent Koouia Private i-Hmlllen. fciuarU and Kotun Private .Families. uauaabMoiB' Koouii ATWate t amillea. sUate on tne above ctaeitift atinne a 7 cents a line eacn inhenitw. tHsb Aar.iEajnun will accent claMifled ad vertisemenLs. over tne telephone, provlued tx9 advertiser la a aubacriber of eitber ubune. o price w ill be quoted over tb pboae. but bill vill be rendered tlie following1 netber auttaeciuent auveiiettteut will be accepted over tne pboae depend upon tlie pruinptne of payment of telo nminii advert iaementa. "Situation Wanted" and "PerMntl" advertisement will not b accepted over the telephone. Order for en liuertum on It will be accepted for "stnxai lure for fc-aie," ".Buslne Opportunities. 'u..m.nr.HuiiMM' and "Wanted to ftLeat On "cUarte" advertisement diarse will be baed on the number of line appeaitaa 4s. nathssr. reaardlemt of the number ot word in caca line. Mini run m charge, tw lines. AU-dTlieniint to receive nrooer clari fication munt be In The Orearoniaa office before 8:45 o'clock at nijrht. except Satur day. Closing; hour for The feunday Ore- fonlan will be ?:30 o'clock Saturday night, lis. fftr r1U h. onen until 1U o'clock A. M. as utvial. and all ads received too late for propel ciadricatlon wll be run under the heading- "loo Late to Classify." Telephone: 31 am lo.O. A 6tt5. AUCTION RALES TO DAT. At 1v A. M.. of unclaimed barjrr.xe for the O.-W. R- fr N. Company at Ash -street dock. George Baker &. Co., Auctioneers. Ford Auction House. J91 5d st. Furniture, carpzts. etc Sale at 2 P. M. Tomorrow at Grand Rapid auction house, 84-S6 Grand ave. toaic at iu a. n. . At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. Furniture. 16W-1T1 Second aC MEETING NOTICES. PAVAR1TAV LODGE. NO. . u, 1 O O. F. Recular meeting thi $2iLJrtL (Wednesday) eve., at 8 o'clock ?rT at I. O. U. F. Temple. 226 Alder t. Initiation. Visitors ala welcome. R. OS VOL. L), tfrc. E. JT ELMGKEN. N. G. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new deai a, Jaeger Bros., 131-3 .stata su, ATl'ROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. FU1LUPS. Oresonian bids'. My spe cialty la chronic diseases; constipation, nervousness, headacnes. atomact. liver, kidney, female and other chronla trou bles yield readily to my Improveil drus less roetnod: consultation free. OFTOMJiTRISTS AND OPTICIANS. BAYS YOUR Correctly fitted (lasses, old '"! mountings as low ss 91. oo; quality and service the h-.t w aoodman. optometrist. 209 Morrison St- Main ia. GLmvSSES, guaranteed to fit. as low as Sl.su. The best service and material. I rlnd my own lenses. Uceaaed by the Stal. er Onion. DR. J. D. MEREDITH. i- Washington st. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C TVRiailT. 22 years- experience U. snJ forvltn patents. tfl Dekum blc. IOTM AND STARK : MARSHALL S3 f ?2 I PORTLANu WOOD PIPE CO. Fsctory and office near S4th and York sts. Msln 34S9. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gsntenbeln. Mar. Prlntlnr and linotyping;. lOOv, Front st corner Stara. Main or A 1413. DDIUTIUO P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY "fllll Mill) FliTt ft Oak St. Main IPS. A 11SS RAH HI AN1 n.I FF RI CH. ' lnurains. uilmc,., oloiiiu. Aitmlnsters. rag ruga, all si-; mail oiuirs prompt: booklet. WESTERN KLUrK RUG CO.. M-Stt Union ave. N. Kast lipid. B ! REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALM KK-J ONES CO. H. P.. 40 Wilcox bid. BENEDICT BROS.. o Hawthorne avenue. SOAP. MAGNOLIA Healing Soap, animal tat. Call the S made without oan Store, --i vb Larrabee. East 849. C. Milton Moore. STORAGE AND TR-4.Nstt.lt. FREE STORAGE FRES MOVING For a limited time. In order to fill our modern brick warehouse, located la th. heart of the city. Expert packing and moving. SECURITY STOKAGB A TRANSFS5R CO, 44-48 E. th St. N. Phones East 8S49. East 3g6T. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods -specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points, j- n Pirv TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 69. A l&t8. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A lies. We own and operate two large class "A" uarehouses on leimlnai tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. 1B Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main VETERINARY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sep tember 11. Catalogue free. C. Kjeane. pres ident, 1818 Market St., San granclsco. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. block wood. Panama Fun Co. Main oi... A asm. MANUFACTURERS WFlNAHns l.ttl.UEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Welnhard plant, lth and Aiurnalds sts. I none Main t -, A in. PLAIN AND LUBRICATING OILS. P. FULLER CO.. llith and Davis I w. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUbSEN si CO., I'd snd Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. I. KLIN E. S4-b Front st- PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. K.L1NE. b4-t Kront St. PRINTING. DDIMTIUft F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY rillilllllU First A Oak SU. Main 165. A 11 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDlNli A FARRELL, HO Front at. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. 1S84 4th. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER Ac CO., luih and Davis its. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 5J9 2d St. AlEETINO NOTICES. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. RIt3rLiAR MEETING this ( Wednesday evening EaHt (h and Alder streets. A" 11 tor cordlnatly Invited. r irst aerree. . ROBT. CHRISTMAN. X G. V. WjTERKY. Secretary. Correctly designated emblem cards for all orders. Kllham Stat'y A Pi. Co.. 6th A Oak. DIRD. DEATOX In this city. July 25, at the resi dence oi tier daugnter. Mrs. M Byrne A. Deaton, 107 Eaot Twenty-seventh street North, Mary E. eaton, axed 61 years. The remains are at the residence establish ment of J. P. Fin ley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. KINNE In this city. July 25. Robert James Kinne, age . years months. The re mains will be forwarded by Waiter C Ken worthy to Woodland, Wash., Thurs day morning for Interment. IT'EBAr NOTICES. WAGXIT7, The funeral srvlcew ot the late Mit. Katherlne Wagnitx will be n id tomorrow tThursday), July 27. from the new residenct establishment of R. T. Hyrnes, VH1 Williams ave., between Mason and Skid more streets, at 2 F. M., Inter ment will be at Rose City Cemetery. Krlends Invited to attend, bervices at the grave private. CRAIG At 70S Tacoma avenue. July 23. Etta Mary Craig, aged 25 years 1 month 11 days. Kuneral services will be held to morrow (Wednesday!. July 26. at 2 P. M. from the residence funeral parlors of alter C Kenworthy, 1532-1.14 East T hirteenth street. Hell wood. Friends in vited. Interment Mtlwaukle Cemetery. M'CARTHY In this city July 21. John J. McCarthy, aaed at years 2 months h dtvi Funeral from Holman's funeral parlors at 8:30 A. M. today Wednesdavi. .lulv thence to the Cathedral, lath and tsvis ata., where services will be held at :1 5 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Ml. calvary cemetery. OLSEN The funeral services of Enga Caro line uisen, oi os lacoma ive. will be held tomorrow (Thursday), July 27, at 1 P M. from the residence funeral narlnra of Walter C. Kenworihy. 1532-134 East Thir teenth street, Sell wood. Friends invited. SCHMIDT The funeial services of the late Paul E. Schmidt will be held at P. U. Lerch undertaking parlors. East Eleventh and Clay street, today at 2 P. M. Friends invited. HAVE client who will rent 30 to 10O acres ior dairy ranch near Portland, and will buy stock and equipment if bargain. X 6'Jt. Oregonlan. tt'XEKAL DIRECTORS. llUNNINO ss M fc.Nit.lC. tuners! dlrectora Broadway and Pine. Pbons Urusdssy so, A 453s. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, lite. Eaat 6ld. Funeral Directors. 414 Bast Alder Street. Eaat B2, B 2025. A. R. ZELLEK Jk CO.. SU2 K1U.1AMS AV iAaT C 1U.S. lady attandant. Iay and nlsbt service. F. S. DUNNING, INC., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder Str-ft. East B -0o. BKGK.h: 4e S.XUOK. Eunn.aiile rarlora Auto hearse. 1U2 Eelmont. Tab. 12iS. B Uii P. 1 lastly . ii:i:Ci. Kast 11th and Clay stress stteudant. Last 751. B 1S8. HICSON Residence CndertaKlns Parlors 12th snd Morrison sts. Msla 61':3. A 22 .2. MR. AND MP.ii. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service 1. 0th and Gliian. Tab. 4313. BREEZE c SXUUK. aunnyald Pariora Auto hearse. 12CM1 Belmont. Tao. 1258. B 2J EKEWtS UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Msln 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant sVh.NEa. new rsldnt cfcis liaumtBL 2jl Wau. avs. Wdln. 220. C 1K13. sjcjl NO- 3. R. S. M.Stated as xCTfII inibly this (Wednesday) even rCY7 tn 7 :trt- E Eighth and Burn XLZjl side. Visitors welcome. ' ' J. II. RICHMOND, Recorder. RNEKAL IUHHTORS. EDWARD HOOIAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL. DIRECTORS . Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Street. Main 507. A . . PERFECT FCNERAL BKRVICK ron IXM $15Q FUNERAL FOR $75 Higher-priced, funerals la preportios, MILLER & TRACEY, Independent l-'aneral Directors JLady Assist salt. Washington at aula su. bet. 20th and ZlsU Main -ufl. A IWw West bids. J. P. FIN LEY BOX. KCNKKAL btlttClORS. J FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists. zs Was HI acton. Main aw. a i-op. r lor all occasions artlstlcslly arranscO. CLAKK BROS-, tlorlts, 1ST Morrlsoa aL slain or A. ISOO. ln iiosrs un iihsi ocslps. brauch stores. GUSTAV J. BURKHARDT, 112 23d. fHONE MAIN A S601. Florsl designs, cut flowers and trna 11 AX M. SMITH. Main 7213. A il.i. bsll- ing bld.. 6tli ana Aiaer sts. TONSETH FLORAL. CO.. 285 Washing.!-'. su. bet. 4th and otn. Alain jioi A nw. MONrrErNTS. PORTLAND MARBLK WORKS. r'j4-i ss 4ta Fnlllo su. onn.-wita city nail, aiaia jo. Neil ft Sons for memorials. BLAESING GRANITE COJ ITT """0 AT MADISON STREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Koom 153 Courthouse, 6tb-siree Entrance. Phone from 8 U ft Main 38. Home Pbone A NlsBlit call alter vfl.ee uouxs alaia j-teport an cases or crueny 10 me mww address. Electric lethal chamber lor email anirralr Horse cnbulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets, communl cate with us. call for all lost or s.rayd stock, as we look after all Impounding. There is no more city pouno. just urtit H uroane Society. ' NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at S and T per cenu r ami ana suDuroan joana at current rates. Liberal repayment prlTi leges allowed. No delays. 1ARGB LOAX9 SPECIAJi RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. tl7-21 N.rthssesteria Hank Bnlldlas;. Marshall 4114. A 4 lis. 6 Tea as of 810.00 and en Iiw- i raved UuMlnetNi Propertx (or foe ImproTCment Furpoeee.) J. P. IJPSCOMB. 143 fitark, btreei. UI.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHI E IIOXEY FOR FARMERS E S At Carrent Rates. Z come: i. and talk, with 179 z ZZ or Write. ZZ Bsskcra Mortcraae CorvratlOBva Z Capital 8SOO,ko. ZZ ZZ Title, dt Trait Bids;- Portland Ore sea. S riuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiuHifmnimiii.' RUPTURE Johnson & Umbarger RUPTURE SPECIALISTS 411-412 Alisky Bids. Results Guaranteed. MORTGAGE LOANS We.hava Insurance Money at 5 Private Funda at and 1U ROBERTSON "& EWING 207-8 Northwesters! Bank Bide Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Osr Own Menr jr ait Csrrrst Rats. MCPTIClfAl. AND CORPORATION BONUS. FARM AXD CITY LOANS. ttO K.artk St Board of Trade lai. ntGOUDEYCO 6 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECTJKITT NORTHWCS1ERN BANK BUILD INS Money to Loan Abundance of money, prompt service. UKO. H. THOMAS, 267 Oak Street. Room 3, AlnswortK Bldff. RKAL ESTATE. For Sal- FACTS ARE WHAT TOU WANT. lMt 10. block . Orovelsn! I'ark Ada., can bo bought today lor 250 spot cash: sold 5 yfara alto for 10li0. Clear of incumbrance, except city liens: on Division st.. fuciug the new Franklin High Your chance, will you lake It? J B RL'LEY CO., 028 Cham, ot Com. CASH SACRIFICE. One of the most sichtly lots on Taurel Jturst; fine view of entire city and Unrfl liurst Park: at a real bargain. Tabor oMO. 3 LOTS. K. 21st Ipaved). near Powell. $500 each, your own terms: one lot with two corners 204 feet front, on Kllllnssworth. E. Oth and Brown ave. 814SO, own terms. Phone Sellwood 771. LARGE, beautirul view homcslte. West Fide; city water; best value In Portland at 3-. 10 down and a month. M. L. Lee, 5uS Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage In this choice district; a few sacrifices. Msrshall 4S27. BROOKS. A 883. MAKE offer to owner for lot 18. block. tjv.r!y. AV 4.M. Oregonlsn. IRVINGTON Owner sacrifice IS fine lots; no "fair offer refused. X T1. Oreijonlan. St Helens snd other property cbesp. H. B. Nlcho sa 715 Oregonlsn bide. Main 835a. 3i .o LOT a. blk. 141. 4th near Alameda, Rose City Tark. Owner. Main 3844. Foe Sal -Ho BV OWNER, nlc. new. amail furnished house: lovely lot: flowers and lawn: nice location on carline near Reed Collese. 41st snd r.th eves.. Woodstock car. (V E have been obliged to take back new r.-room house, cor. lot: the other fellow's loss your Kain. Mr. Joliuaou. 11H K. W. lijiiilc bids. MUDCRN 5-room house. $rMKj; payments live r nt : -.'oud location. Matterson, 2 2 Wilcox blua.