V THE 3IORXIXG OREGOMAX, SATTJRDAT, JTJjLT 2C, 191G. 13 situations wanted male. Miscellaneous, TOUNG man, 19, wishes steady position; Is handy with tools and has worked at vari ous things; is free to go anywhere. What have you.jto offer? George Justus. 542 K. Stark et., Portland. Or. 1IAX, all-round cook, wlXt to wash dishes or do chamber work; best of references; wages 160 to $75; country hotel or beach. AP "06, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers) and Stenographers, GENERAL office work. tvpist, penman, private ator. East 2651. Experienced Al exchange oper- YuUNG lady desires position as office girl, physician office preferred; salary or $S5. Call C 1813. 4 YEARS" office experience;, good typist; telephone exchange operator. C 70S. STENOGRAPHER wishes position- A 710, Oregonian. Dressmakers. SUITS, coats, party gowns, alterations. Marshall 5896. Nurw. INVALIDS CONVALESCENTS. Ekilied care at reasonable rates. , ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. 275 N. 22d St. Phone Marsh all "-'775. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants any kind of case; wiU go to coast. Phone E. S4Q. Housekeepers.. LADY with 12-year-old daughter desire housekeeper's position where there's chil dren, city or country. Room 1, 1S1 6th and Yamhill, ' EXPERIENCED woman wants care of rooming-house; room and wages. Phone C 1194. I WANT place to work as housekeeper. Ta- bor 6657. Dnmnikii. AN" elderly woman whose only support has been called to the Mexican border would like to take care of children afternoons or evenings or do any other kind of work; formerly nurse in hospital ; reliable and very strong. Sell wood 731. "WANTED Plain housework by experienced lady; adults preferred; no washing. Mar. 2157. SWEDISH GIRL, experienced in cooking and second work, wants place. AD 718, Ore gonian. YOUNG girl wants to assist with housework or care of children. 3i:s Tillamook. YOUNG girl wishes housework; small family. Call Main 0054, 8 o'clock mornings. GIRL wants housework. Phone Columbia 7u4. Miscellaneous. MPTHEK and daughter want work In min ing or logging camp preferred, good cook and waitress. L 714. ortgonian. A GOOD, plain cook, A-l chambermaid, woman, kind end capable tocare lor In valid and home. Phone Main 2437. EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wishes temporary or permanent position. East 4377. WOMAN wants day ' work, all or part day Saturday. East 6091. MUSIC lessons given in exchange for eew lng or housework. D 713. Oregonian. WILL care for children in my home. Sell wood 4u2. WASHED TO RE3TT. House. WANTED To rent about 12-roora furnished or unfurnished house within area bounded by E. Uurnside. E. Broadway, E. First and E Tenth bib. E 71::, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. ELTON COURT HOTEL, Yamhill at 11th St. Large, beautifully furnished rooms, with and without private baths, telephones, ele vaLor BTVice, $3 to $0 per week. Tran sients 50c to $1.50 per day. Main 6953. Furnished Booms. FURNISHED ROOMS for young men in all f tarts of the city also in Y. M C. A. bulld ug, especially desirable during the Sum mer; fireproof, telephone in each room, hower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week. In cluding full association membership priv ileges, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand ball court and many other club privilege. Full information a Y. M. C. A. business office, or telephone Main 7003, A t3tl. HOTEL RITZ, Park and Morrison. Beautiful furnished rooms, with or with out bath, hot water 14 hours. Phone in every room; elevator service. Special rates to steady roomers. FOR home comforts try TOURIST HOTEL modern conveniences; reduced rate; front rooms. $3 week and up; 5uc, 75c -and $1 per day ; no exi ra charge for two in a room, tourist trade solicited. Morrison and First sts. CORINNE. 374 THIRD STREET, Main 110, A 1136. Modern, single rooms, equipped for light housekeeping. Women only; $10 and up. Laund ries. parlors and sewing rooms for use of occupants. .t A X S O X I AH O T E l7 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. A fireproof, up-to-da Le ' hotel offering accommodations at very Mow figure to permanent and transient guest. rALACE HOTEL, 12th "id Washington Sts. Close in, fireproof, moJern. light, airy, outside rooms ; ratrs $3.u0 per week up. PHONE MARSHALL 504O. STANDISH HOTEL, .1488 WASH ST.. COR. 17TH. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, $1.50 per week : $0 per month and up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at Ulth REDUCED RATES. 50c day up; weekly. $2.50 up; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOT EL ROWLAND. 207 209 4 T H Rates 50c, 75c, SI day; permanent guests $2.50 week up; fur choice suites wtth connecting baths. $20, $25 month. INVESTIGATE the low rates and superior service at HOTEL VERNON, where the management's great endeavor Is to make you happy. 103 12th, near Washington. COM FORT All' I.K furnished room, use of bath and phone. 55 month. 790 East 6th N. Woodlawn 2438. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both phones, reasonable. 402 3d st. The Warren ton. Main 777L HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictlv modern ; private baths en suite ; rooms $3 up. .Mam i'-i i -, A i SJ. EXCELLENT modern rooms, reputable brick hotel. S6 mo. 227 1 ; Larrahee. E. 849. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modern, use of parlor: -real home. $1.50 up. M. 1133. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. COMFORTABLE room for business man ; very close In. modern, private family, bath, phone, 322 Broad way South. 1 OR 2 nice rooms la a beautiful home ; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett. FURNISHED room in private family, $2 per week. 6t7 O'.isnn. Mar. 11 17. NEWLY furnished front room, single or double, reasonable. 3S9 Taylor. Main 6634. 94 N. 16TH ST. Clean, nicelyf urnlshed room; very reasonable. BE A UT I FT I.I. Y furnished rooms in good home; reference: Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. Rooms With Board. LARGE, airy front room, with fireplace, or sin pie rooms, with board : home cooking, alkin g- distance. 261 15th et. THE STRYKER, 554 Couch Famtlv hotel; roomi, !nple or on suiie: reasonable rates. ANNA LEWIS HALL, 510 Flanders, business girls and students. $4 to $5.75 week. CO0L0 OTO'. 12crtT ALOAG - Ccpyrtsbt. 191ft. by Kmptp. Futurl FOB RENT. Rooms With Board. HOTEL. CAMPBELL, 23d and Hovt phone Marshall 861, THE CAMPBELL-HILL. 23d and Washington. Phone Main 758. MODERN RESIDENTIAL HOTELri. American plan, on carline, 5 to lu min utes from business center. Attractive dining-rooms. Resident rates to permanent guests. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suit ps Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Main 411. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 34th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guest. Phone Main t283, A 6628. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor, one block south of Journal bldg. A HOME AWAY PROM HOME; modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent- guests. THE HEREFORD. 733-737 Hoyt et. Quiet residential hotel, American plan; suites, single rooms. Ex cellent tabie. A 1772. Main 330a. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3S6 Montgomery st.. South Parkway. Walking distance, modern family hotel; rates reasonable. Phone Muln 37S3. THE HAZEL, 3S5 3d st. Nicely furnished rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat; board; home cooking; reasonable. Rooms With Board In Private Family. EXCEPTIONALLY good boardandnewly furnished room, suitable for two or more in an attractive home, one-half block from Central Library; rents very reasonable; also young man wishing roommate. 200 10th st. Main 6381. , LARGE room, fine new furniture, with or without private bath. New house, piano; 10 minutes' rido Hawthorne car. Rate very low. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. Phone East 6636. ATTRACTIVE room for 1 or 2; bath, at tached, twin beds, good board, central, $25. 291 W. Park st. WOULD like two to room and board; nice room. Nob Hiil, close to Washington st. Marshall 2190. ROOM and board In modern private home, use of piano, home privileges. 344 Salmon st. Main 4504. PLEASANT room, facing park, with board; 5 minute' walk from Postoffice. 306 Park st. BEST of care to 1 or 2 children In my own home In suburb; everything new and modern ; nice yard. Woodlawn 1566. WANTED Child to board end care for be tween ages 3 and 6; girl preferred. Mrs. Cudworth. 695 Lexington ave.. Sell wood. LARGE front room, with all modern con veniences, suitable for one or two; board optional. Mar. 4410, 431 West Park Bt. ONE excellent front room, with board; first- iaos 11 CICI ICSpCLl, JUSL -SOJ.O FURNISHED rooms with board; sleeping porch. 320 11th st.Main 38-i4. ROOM, board, sleeping porch, two gentle men. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. CH I LD to board ; m other's care. Very rea sonable. Tabor 483. SLEEPIXG-porch room, board optional, modern, for 2 gentlemen. East 5561. BOARD AND ROOM. 554 Johnson. Main 7539. ROOM and board in beautiful home, very reasonable. 311 11th st. Mar. 2U03. S32 10TH ST. Main 6979, A 2S65; good home oooking. Furnished Apartment. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; Btrictly modem 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APT 3., $16 TO $23. WALKING DISTANCE. OA RAGE CONVENIENT. THE EVERETT 644 Everett, Bet. 20th and Ella Bt. Furnished 3-rooms apts., ail outside rooms, located in one of the choicest resi dence districts; walking distance. MONTGOMERY APTS.. 3d and Montgomery Modern brick buildine. all ontsidt fur nished 2-roorn apts. ; private bath, phone and automatic elevator; best service; close in.aummer rates, is and up. Main 9406. THE ELM FURNISHED APTS. Xlcelight 2 a.iU 3 rooms, reasonable rent; 5 mtn. walk from post oft ice. 191 14tU at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. MADISON PARK APTS Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart- AVALOX. Modern furni&hed 3 and 4-room tnart ments ; sleeping porches ; corner Clacica- maa anu tiosa sts. rnone c.ast 3X72. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. e w , mouern ana .i-room furnished service first-class; walking distance. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS One 4-room unrurnisnea corner apartment ; one fur nished 3-room. wall bed, on first floor, very reasonable. Main 2506. A 3149. MAKE the Bush mark your home; lights, water, gas furnished, walking distance, modern, $2.50 week up. 5Goa YVashington B OZ ANT A APARTMENTS, 1S9 23D. Summer rates, big reduction. 3-room s to, -i-room $-.tu ; private phone, bath, heat ; completely furnished. Marshall 245. THE DEZENDORF, 203 16th, near Taylor. Marshall 2.124. Newly furnished 5-room apts.; also 3 4-room furnished apartment. or i AMiiNu iu.N wu aa l. z and 3-rm. apts 10 up: heat, light, bath; clean, respect- aoie. ji uranu ave., cor. asnington. 3-ROOM furnished apartment: separate bath ana pnone. cast ji.iie. uooa location. $17. MORTON APTS.. King and Washington 3 ana -room turnisnea apartments, reason sole rent; walking distance. Main 1082. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments ; steam neat, electric lights. pnone. ei'.. , miea fix to j. i. io4 otn St. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnlh1 2. 3 and 4-room apartments ; lowest rate in city, corner .n. i.ytn ana xorthrup. WE have a beautifully furnished four-room apartment tor rent at ua Davis st. Apart ments. See Janitor. HAMMERS LEY COURT, 250 12th st. By tne aay. ween or montn; moaern, cose to P. O.; reasonable; references. Mar. 2052. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $13 up; "W" car to Xorthrup. Mar. 227. DIEL APTS. 790 E. Ankeny; modern, com. p'.etely fur. apartments, large, light, sunny, clean, electric lights, heat, etc. E. 18U8. GRANDE ST A. E. Stark and Grand ave. 3 room front apt., private bath and phone, $22.50. East 20S. CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room apart moms, $15, $20 to $27.50. Marshall 2917. NEW furnish ed apts. ; concrete block"! $Tb and $12. 1J62H Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. NEW HART i. 2. 3 rms.. lights, phones, gas up. iUHt ja. nr. Morrison, taevator 4th. CL V1KRLAND APTS.. 301 W. Park; best locat ion in city facing the park. M. He, A RDM A Y TERRACE. 39S 12TH First-class In every respect; attractive rates. THREE rooms, sleeping porch, private bath, closet, phone, heat. 551 E. Yamhill. E. 1710 .T00, Swim, lac Cr.at Britain right, rriervc d. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. A HOL'SE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A bouse of quality, comfort and service. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Cojt; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. I'n furnished Apartments. IRVING APARTMENTS. Three and 4 rooms, unfurnished, all out ride rooms, verandas, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; garage in con nection: reference required. 6 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Coach sts. Marshall 2550. Mod ern new building, 2. 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. BRUCE APARTMENTS. 6-room apartment and sleeping porch, modern. 2iid X. 25 th t-, cor. Xorthrup. Main 4008. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway S. On 4-room unfurnished first-floor corner apt.; separate bedroom and wall bed In Irving room; very desirable. Main 2506, A 3149 STEVENS Most comfortable apt, in the city, 6 large outside sunny rooms; plenty of heat, hot water, phone, front, back and sleeping porches. 791 Xorthrup St., nr 24th. 325 10TH. near Clay, 5-room apartment; large sleeping porch, front veranda, oak floors, gas range, refrigerator, heat and hot water, new. modem, unfurnished. KEELER APTS , 14th and Clay sts. Hand some unfurnished apartments for perma nent tenants only. Tel. Marshall 5758. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5. 6 rms., reas. M. 7516, A 2076 APARTMENT, 5 rooms, 125 ft North 16th, $15. Key 83 North 16th. GRACE APARTMENTS, 24th and Xorthrup. 5-room modern apartments. Marshall 1079. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3, 4. 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. MEREDITH. 3 .rooms, folding bed. front. $24. Washington ana a. Aiain i ia-. Furnished or Fnf urnlshed Apartment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, superior serv ice, unsurpassed view, walking distance. HIGHLAND COURT APTS., 22D AXD G LI SAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apart ments In city; furnished and unfurnished; sleeping porch; walking distance, MARSHALL. 31S1. BARKER APARTMEXTS. Furnished an unfurnished 2, 3 and 4 room ; ra tes modera te ; good service ; spe cial arrangement for permanent tenants. Phones. Marshall 2961 and 2964, Walking distance. 21st and Irving. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucre t la et., near 23d and Washington sts. From 2 to 5-room apts., most modern apt. house, with lt-class service; rents reasonable; ref. required. Mgr., Mar. 1513. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Sunny side carline. close In ; 2 and 8 room ; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. - 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. IRIS. 3C2 THIRD STREET. MARSHALL 2188. A 8017. Modern 2-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished ; $15 and up. THB Bl'EN'A VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern ; all outside apartments; Ideal location ; .references. Phone Main li!)l ai.d 1052. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 54 King et. 3 and 4 rooms; high -class; references. Main 2053. ROSENFELD (brick), 14th and E. Stark, 8 and 4 rooms; private phones; quiet. 658 FLANDERS. 5 and 6-room furn., $45 mo. L'nfur. apts.. $32 mo. Main 8'J."L Flats. MODERN 6-room upper flat. In Al condi tion; furnace, gas range, water heater, 15th and Davis. 2 blocks of Washington, phone Main 8983. $10 A MONTH, 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 5-ROOM uppers, 25th and Hawthorne. Call Wdln. 1797 and will tell you all about these beautiful flats. IRVINGTON. new 6-room flat and sleeping porch, sa range, choicest location. Ta bor 3811. 699 GL1SAN modern 6-room upper flat. Sell wood 1S03. FLAT of 6 room and bath. 731 Hoyt at. In- qulre 130 6th. Phone Main 6-ROOM UPPER Strlct'y modern, steam heated. 307 11th st., apartment A. Furnished Flat. 4 OR 5-room well furn. flats ; clean, desir able, gas stove, wood range, electricity, sleeping porch, well lighted, cool, nice lawn, walking distance, , two carline. 772 E. Taylor. East B260. WHO wants a clean, well furnished modern 5-room flat cheap : gas. electricity, fire place 9T4'-. East Morrison. Tabor 179S. ju 5 rooms, strictlv modern, clean, sleep ing porch. 572'4 Mill. Main 6447. 5-ROOM furnished flat. West Side; beautiful view, strictiy monern. .Main -m 7 BEAUTIFUL 8-room furnished flat, folding bed, sleeping porch. Woodlawn 1CT. Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. walking distance, both phones ; $2 per week ana up; newiy renovaiea. jaain tii. The Warrenton. 4024- 3d at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and tran sient, 2 a weeK anu up in suites or single. 240 5th st. BROADWAY", near Madison, nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms, with sleeping porch. Rontiui. THE GILMAX 142H 1st St. Furn. H. K. rooms for bachelors and families $1 wk. up. SINGLE AND SUITE free lights, phone and bath. Merceaes, utn ana .Morrison. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. ; reasonable. ROYCREST. 175 12th Airy suite, private bath, also gmgierLJi.j,oonn, use or piano. ROOM for light H. K. 410 1 Morrison St., earner um. HouM-keeping Rooms In Private Fa ally. NICELY furnished 1 and 2-room suite for light housekeeping; heat, light, phone and gue. lzo x. itstn. cor. unsan. TWO or thre modern II. K. rooms; heat and hot water. si Kearney. Mar. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close in. large grounas, pnone. eu n. sin. S27- SIXTH, large room with kitchenette, use piano ; mouern residence. Marsha!! o7M. $10 2 NICE, clean furnished housekeeping rms.: phone, light and bath. 30 E. 11th N TWO 3-room suites, with sink. $1.75; sleeping-room. $1 week. 183 Holladay. $1.50 WEEK up; fine H. K. suites, sinks. oain. -ot jvnon, near v imams. TWO well-furnished H. K. rooms, including wooa. z weeK. an jaaiiw st. FURNISHED rooms $1.5 w-ek up. House- Keeping rooms aieo. ia west r'ara. I'SJLL' o&. Vol), ma WJHtA "Did VoO agA ReyUt.red in U. S. Fatrat Offic TIME AAD TIDE MAY SOT WAIT 7:30 o'clock Satqrday evening and 8:3(X o'clock other evenings is the closing hoar for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified Advertisements ac cepted after these hoars will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT. Housekeeping- Rooms in Private Family. THREE large, cheerful, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, piano, porch and yard, nicely located, modern home, adults. 2SM E. 47th. south Hawthorne ave. PARLOR SUITE, 2 large rooms, kitchenette, extra fine, rent separate, best location, t walking distance. 67 N. 20th st. THREE pleasant H. K. rooms, modern, lower floor, $13. QtU E. Hurnaide st. DON'T search 2 or 3 extra well furnished modern rooms. Main 7133. Houses. 4-ROOM BUNGALOWS, With bath, hot and cold water, self-lighting gas ranges, water heaters, coolers, lin oleum in bath and kitchen, built-in beds and bookcases, hardwood floors. full basement, fine attic, gas and electricity, clotheslines, lawn and each one fenced by Itself, on Webster and K. 13th sts, 1 block north of Alberta car. Blanchard & Clem son, 702-3 Selling bldg. $10 MODERN 5-room cottage with garage. on racmc Hignway, ait. tocott car; gooa neighborhood, near fine school; payments may apply on purchase if desired. Tabor 1270. Mr. Brock, Lents C-KUOM house, good locality, bet. 31st and aza, up and uownstairs, zurnace, oatn rootn. linen loset. nice lawn. 058 K. Gluan st. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and snippers. Manning Warehouse e Transfer Co., Uth and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. DESIRABLE HOUSE Six rooms, sleeping porcn, otner moaern conveniences; oeau tlful lawn, roses, etc. Inquire owner, 435 E. 7th st. N.. corner Tillamook. FOR RENT $20, 5-room modern bungalow. completely furnished, gas. electricity, tel ephone, furnace; on carline. 000 East 2 1st st. South. 15-ROOM house, eteam heat, 5 rooms with. hot water, two baths, fresh .kaisomlne, 4 blocks from Portland Hotel; rent cut half. Woodward. 104 2d st. FOR RENT 6-room cottage. West Park, nice. Inquire 433 Montgomery. Mar shall S40U. 14TH AND BELMONT Corner block. 0- room house and garage, $2o. Tabor 3003 or C 1370. 1231 CORA ave., near 42d st., W S car. nice, modern, 5-room bungalow, $12. Ta bor 4H1 2. FOR RENT Modern 0-room house. 04 JbL th st. N., bet. D.-E. GARAGE and 7 -room bungalow; 643 E. 44th st. N. Tabor 4477. eitO EAST OA K, modern, clean, 6-room house, with garage. Phone East 770. 6-ROOM house, modern, good condition; good car service, $12.50. Tabor 4524. 6-room house, modern. East 10th at. ; $16 montn. f hone iast oins. Main ikj7. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 eth. Main 278. MODERN 7-room house, fireplace, 108 E. ISth st. Phone E. 1U22. Rent $20. 14 COLUMBIA Low rent, rar-ln housta Owner, 200 14th. Main 760'.. ROOM partly furnished house, half diock to senwoou car. tKr.f rceetiway st. Furnished House. DELIGHTFUL Summer home. 15 minutes' walk to postoffice; tent cottage overlook ing city ; Sleeping porcn. shower batn, pnone; reasor.aole rent. 420 Hall and 10th C55 TAYLOR, corner Chapman. 5-room fine ly furnished flat, piano, rent $27. 5u; also 4-room xurnisnea nai, piano, rent eA References. FURNISHED 5-room convenient house with piano, nice lawn and roses, 410 2d st. Call Main 6500 after 1 P. M. Rent reasonable. FURNISHED 5-room cottas. $13 mo., with wator. 1:44 Portland Diva.; west, wood lawn SOS. $18 5 ROOMS, modern, good furniture, fln view. 100x100. Irvington car. 012 E. 10th St. N. MODERN. completely furnished, 5-room bungalow, f irw lawn and surroundings rent, $16. Call at 1788 East Davis st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house, 694 xortnrup at. uwner leaving cny. DESIRABLE home at 814 Tillamook st, uui.l fcept. 1. call Main FURNISH ED 5-room house, modern ; also 3-room flats. 727 Clinton st. FOR RENT 5-room fdrnlshed house. Mar Phall 3451. WILL rent my completely furnished home cheap to the right party. Sell wood 14S7. Summer Resorts. 3-ROOM cottage, f urnisned, wood, water and electric lights. Inquire Merlman's store. Seaside, or phone Tabor 3s8. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, fireplace, facing ocean, near Gear hart, until Sept. 1 ; $40 or $10 a week. Woodlawn 4057. SEASIDE 6-room furn, cottage, electric lights, bath, fireplace. Phone East 503 S. FOR RENT 6-romn furnished house at Seavlew East 1692. SEAVIEW Nice cottge. large or small family. Write box 03, Seaview. Waah. COTTAGE on the ridge at Sea View, Wash. Phone Tabor 763 or East 1481. FURNISHED cottage at Seaview, - very cheap. Phone Marshall 1 Sx??' SEASIDE Neat clean cottage. $40 for baT ance of season. Phone E. 24011. SEASIDE Modern furnished cottages over looking ocean; reasonable. Tabor 4S19. POLLY AND HER vJ VkfZ ntpo -Thc FOR RENT. Summer Resort. SECURE RESERVATIONS from the Gilbert company, .JVi lamnui at.. Xor Hotel Becker. Cannon Beach; It will pay you: hotel new, attractive, reasonable; fronted by old Haystack Rock. CANNON BEACH Furnished bungalow. wucrt you can oe warm ana comtortaoie; bath, hot and cold water, fireplace; all the wood you can burn for the cutting. M. B. McKay. Lucretia Court. FOR RENT at Seaside. 6-room cottage. completely iurnisneo, line View 01 ocean. Call 103 10th ave.. Seaside. Cottage open. FOR SALE or rent at Seaside, 7-room mod ern houne. furnished. Near Moore Hotel. Phone Main 8777. GEAKHART Modern cottage. four rms. oatn. Aauress xor particulars "Hiawatha Gerhart, Or, SEASIDE Cottage In Hermosa Park for rent for August; rooms, bath, electric lights. Apply lJiS E. Hoyt. Tabor 3u27. -STORY BRICK BLDG.. 5th St.. near I Couch ; 15.000 feet of floor space, vault and shelving, two elevators, 8 minutes waiK irom "nuo or city; rent naif or whole very low rate to good tenant. Ap ply to owner. A. G. Long. Phone Mam 3 oca THREE loft at 142 , 4th; electrio elevator anu steam neat; suitable for light manu facturing. Jobbing or storage, $50 each. tnvners. aus McKay Dia Main 1QQ4. Office. WELL-FURNISHED private office. also ciesK room, o ana i. 73 Cham, or com. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room reasonable. 303 bwetland bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FO R SALE Confectionary, soda fountain. ice cream and luuches, strictly first-class big business, best town in Southern Ore gon with big payrolls; cleared 10 per cent on 4hiu in June ana getting oeiter; ior quick saie uwv, no agents, av , Oregonian. FOR SALEt Good, clean, well established hardware business, invoice about $4auu: doing $13,000 business; in best farming section in the state; low rent; you can't beat it for the investment ; no traaea. Owner. Address AV 44!. Oregonian, CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate oustness, get aa vice - of .Portland Realty Board. PAUL V COW GILL. Sec' jr. , 202 Henry Bid. H i-:sTAi'iANT Just thorouchlv overhauled and renovated; everything complete from kitchen to front door; a chance for expe rienced man to get started right. Land lord. It 10 th. of com. OPKN ING for enercetic man. able. to keep plain accounts and wait on customers in store; pay ssv montn now, wnicn can w Increased and only $3u0 required. Call smsm stark st. CIGAR stand, periodicals, pool; sickness of owner, who clears loo to $iriy monthly above expenses, makes him sell at half value; terms. Morgan buig. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE Partner wanted to wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc.; pay you $150 month and your money will be securea. can i:4j ttarK st. CAFETERIA Clears $50 per wk. above ail expenses : for sale at a sacrifice: come and make an offer. Room 37, 548 Wash ington st. DAIRY lunch, clearing over $0o0 monthly; owner invalid, will sell on first mortftage or real estate; $lo,5uo require a. aa Mor gan bldg. HOTEL FOR SALE Known as the Hotel Rector at W heeter Or., doing a fin first-class business. For particulars write A. J. Zimmerman. W heeler. Or. BUTTERKIST peanut " and popcorn ma die, Lai. email payments; other business cause. G. E. M-, box 61. Astoria. Q-. RESTAURANT Will sell outright or con sider partner; cannot depend on hired neip. leiepnone aaain ow. FOR SALE Barber shop for sale: good lo cation; 3 chairs and Kood business. Write I. P. wiiijams, iasi -:n. Eugene, or, WhnUial. rxtAll randv co.. established bus! nena. good location. A-l bnslnes for live wires ; invwugaie. n. 1 11, vj enoiiu. iitmo WANTED for Interest in new inven tion; money secured; pay 300 per cent first year, b U, oreonian. A SMALL grocery where you can clear $lo montn ; naa iiv ins -rooms. can 10 taric st. FOR SALE Tailoring and dry cleaning shop running i0 a weeK. 250 CENTRAL AVE. Marshfleld. Or. RESTAURANT, eood location, cheso rent just the thing for man and wife. G 714, oregonian. MILLINERY store for sale; Dekum ave. bargain. 454 GOOD paying cleaning and pressing shop old estaoiisr-.ea. wooniawn LDISOX MOVING PICTURE road show out- lit, cheap ror quicK saie. i-a r irmj. at. GARAGE West Side, good location, for sal cheap Particulars. joq Jitn st- PALS AVJ yOED M. CXS To HhE r"L04T (Wri&d IT isTl aA L T ME ST ""Theism Tfu. Ttot Comb, id - Y 1 NERAL I SPLENDID OPKNINO FOR OS STORE. HOTEL, CIGAR STORE WITH BILLIARD HALL. The town of NeverstlL located at the mouth of Deep Creek, on the Nehalem Rir. on the line of the Columbia & Nehsm River R. R., is the only town on th 30 mlies of road. Seven separate log ging camps are operating on tl:e road, tvto sh;nl m:lli building on Deep Crek. com pany's sli ops and dlvis:oa hcaaquartera wi.l be located her. Both Kerry Timber Company and Railway Company will ac cept orders on empioys from properly equipped stor. which, will require not le than $15,000 cuh Investment; company now feeding 40 to 5o men at this cauip at $6 per wetk, which it will turn over to a hotel vf the rig ht kind. Lumbermen's .riospiiai Association wia ouna a nospitai In th town and board lts patients at the hotel. Passenger service between Neverstil and Kerry starts at ou.ee, connecting with S. P. A S. trains. Address COLUMBIA NEHALEM FIVER R. R., or KERRY TIMBER OOil PAXY. Present address. W" est port. Or. WANTED A reliable man with enough money to make first payment oa Federal truck, balance terms. Have hauling con tract for immediate accept anoe, pays $9 per day. Oerlinger Motor Car Co.. 363 E. Oregon it. East 7221. FOR LE ABE Well-pay tng hotel business w ith bar, surround ea Dy a large garden; within easy reach of San Francisco. Own er wishes to retire after conducting same for 42 years, Thi l an excellent oppor tunity for live parties to make good. Pros per Gadchaux. San Leeauro Alameda County, California. HERE 1 your chance ; country hoteL only oo mtie irom foruana. taaing in -u to $30 per day; also well paying pool hall and barber shop in connect lun ; must be seen to be appreciated; will sacrifice: have other business. See Lewis, 723 Chamber of Commerce. SELL or trade, the only confectionery In gooa country town, aoing a nice Dusinesa, will sacrifice for cash, trade for clear property or good security. AH G$3, Ore aonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WE buy general merchandise or shoe stocks. anysize; casn. v oao, oregonian. . ERCH ANDISfi wanted for improved wheat land. Boa 7, Madras. Or. ROOMING-HOUSED. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg., tiih and Morrison SMALL apartment-house, furnished In 1 and .-room nouseKeeping suites; gooa location. ciean rugs, cneap rent, price oou. Aa dress Erisman. t2 N. 23d U 17 ROOMS, good East Bide corner, $100 will nanuie. n.ast 7 ti. E.osir ANr rorm THE following article were found in csrs ot rortiana Ksuway. Light At Power Co., July 2u; owners may obtain property at station. First and Alder et.: tt umbrella. 5 packages. 1 package tools. 1 haver- cacK. 1 pair glasses, 1 Dtoy l white coat, 1 overcoat. 3 ouraes. 2 oalrm clovea. 1 glove, 1 wall map. X lunch box. 1 license tag. 1 package matches, 1 milk can 1 package dress goods, 1 suitcase, X grip, 1 uasKet, x pin. LOST Blue serge lady's coat, lavender lin ing, on juiy between Villa Fall inn and Crown Point. Finder please notify aiain i4ii ana receive reward. LOST Will party who picked up canary bird 11 iroui u; ruriiauu jiiruia oraa 4th il, kindly return samei to 270 4th street r STRAYED from 121 E. 24 th St., a female brtndie ouiiaog. Reward for return. Mean LOST Small diamond ring in center o town. oat. ancrnoon. Main J. 1 in. nSANCLM MONEY LOANED. Residence property 8 to 8 per cent. Business property 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to 8 per cent. .WHITMLR-AKLLY CO.. 711 Plttock bU We buy mortgage, bond and note. WESTERN Bo.ND as MORTGAGE CO eO 4th st Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purchased ; Oregon vr t a an. n. ouif, Lum:jtniif pi bluar. UOKToAOK loans, no tea, con tracts, in is. a. I'urwuMcu. i.fn t o.. tewis biag. Money to Los n on Kestl Km trntel a PER CENT LOANS will be made on cen tral retail business properties, 6 and 7 per vent on otner securities. tuw ARL tu. CO.. northwestern Bank bldg. 7 PER CENT mony. Willamette V alley i)i ivaua , av ueiay . no commissiona Wfvtreaux jMortgase tompiny, 00; Coa cord LIUg.. 2d anU Stark mi. LEND YOU A il I LLlUN Farm loan. Low Interest rates. Earl rianiey mnn. i-ortiana or Eugene. Or. $20,oK) TO LOAN in sums to suit; buildlnj loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 314-315 816 Faillnx blag, phone Main 3107. bbl us today for loans on improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; $-o and up. Celiars-Murton Co.. b25 Yeon bldg. $luu.u0o AT 7 per cent on choice Oregon iarm or city property; lire insurance. M'KENZ I E & CO.. 613 Uerllncer bldg. o PER CENT, 1 per cent on first mort gages, city or farm property; quick ac- ; uv u c i . . n.rci)i-Lug ua lu., liu jut n, $500, $1000 AND upward oa Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay ; no uroaeran. juiip cam. rt opaiuing Dldg. LOW RATES ON GOOD SECURITY. Portland nrooertr or Vailev farm loans. H. Archer, 404 Northwestern Bank Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. et MORTGAGE CO.. INC, fctcca exchange Plug.. d ana t amhlil. UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 8 to 7 per cent. Kiiy anu iarm proyerij. DUOLEY Jg CO.. 812 Board of Trade B l d g. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FAKRINOTON. 80 4th St.. Portland. Or. $5O0 TO LO A N on Improved city propel ty, Oive description in first letter. Ar 710, oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITT OR FARM PROPERTY. WiLL CALL IF INTEREST ED. Phone xioor aoja. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg- Co.. 41' 4 Cham, of Com, TO LOAN. $5500 or leaa, Improved city or farm property. i r 'i. oregonian. LOAN'S on city and farm property. 8 oer cen up. F. Fuch. 420 Chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 nd 7 PER CENT l,OL l3 3AIU.. -- et OWI s I . 8200. $85f, $000 ' $1200. $1800. Fred W. German 3c Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding, aia cnamoer 01 commerce. MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. J-ieitx. :wu hpaiQing. aiain oosi. $1000 TO $10,000 to loan on city or farm no commission, r. vs. doi bi, city. ITS UP To Vbo, FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estat. Ol R installment p.an la the best and surt method of payii g a loan. $:i.-4 rer month ior months or $21.15 for 60 months, or $13.17 for Ovi moatu pay a $1000 lossj 1 and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. W loan on i:upro ed city property. Or far buildin purposes. No coranii.i.iu charged. EQLTTAHLK SAVGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark ST.. Portland. Or. NEW YORK FUNDS and lowest Inter rates for mortgage loans on Portland resi dences, apart men is or business property. Any amount. Attractive terms ana priv ileges to borrower. Prompt action. Residence loans at 6 per cent. CLARK. KENDALL A CO. 203-206 Northwestern Bank B'dg MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly rinsed. Attractive relating prixiiegea A. H. BlKKtLL CO. 1 7 North w e; era Bank B.dg MarshaU 4114. A 411. MONEY TO LOAN. $1000 to $100,000 on Portland Improved real estate 8 to T per cent. Farm loans Lowest rate. MALL A VON BOHS TEL. 104 Second St. MORTGAGE LOANS IN . ANT AMOUNT. UKt-UUN INV. A MOKTGAGC CO.. INC-. IStock Eachange bldg.. 3d and TaxnhUL $10Oi $150O and upwaraa to loan; no com- iniafion, iinon nana. Main lies. Money te l.oaa on Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 30d-3u7 DEKUM BLDG. t An Oregon Corporation.) Operating under State License. SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and o there on furniture, pianos, motorcycle, automobiles, diamonds, eta. Legal rate of Interest, withont any brokerage or appraisal charges; favorabi monthly or Weekly Installment term of repayment If desired. Installment loans may be repaid at any tlmo with Interest charged for actual time money l used. Business strictly confiden tial. colttmbia mscotrrr cou SIT Falling Bldg. Salary loans on plain note. Also loans on household furniture p'.auos, etc st the lowest possible rate. REMEMBER W do not remove furniture front your home. Salary loans are strictly eoafi dentiaL You csn repsy us in small weekly 04 monthly payment. COLUMBIA DISCOrXT COt. BIT W-S1n PORTLAND REM ED I AU LOAN ASS'K. protect borrower. CARRTE M Y KHS H K KMAN, Maasuwer. Stark 1st. Between West Park and 10th Sta. riANos and household furniture, ONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rate; all articles held 1 jr.; eatablleae since 1688. Dan Marx. 23 Washington, Loan anted. WANTED Loan of $2700 on good income prouueing resiceuce property in Rose City Psrk. AV 452. Orexonian. $6t0 FROM private party; will give first ' on doup ana 101; no comxnis- sion. AO 7Qi. Or-gonlan. WANTED $60u0 at 7 per cent, property worth $27.0oo. First-class moral risk. F. Fuchs, 4tt0 Chamber of Commerce, $4 75' at 7 per cent on Improved farm ; t'nvai money. l" licox bldg. Mala 3500 ON Income property worth $9500. 7 per cent. No brokerage. P 716. Oregonian, PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. SO-inch wavy switch, 2 sep . .$ 1 f-1 4-lnca wavy saltcu, 3 sep......... i.t.a All-around transformation ......... 1.44 Halrdresslug, stianiVocing. face mssae hair bt.ti.Ling, manicuring. 2--c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combing. iK)C We buy your com blues hsnltary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg 34 and Washington. Marshall 37u2. in toupe makers; finest stock human hatr goods; halt dressing, raanicurlnx. face and caii treatment, comuams made up to or der. 147 Broadway. Main 546. GESTO promptly relieves alt forma of c a pepsla. heartburn, bloating. indigestion, acid fermentation and pam ex lit ting after eating. For sale ty Portland Hotel Phar macy, cor. 6th and Morrison 'IF YOU have common sense, have your horoscope cast." quotes EU Wheeler Wj. cox. Adams Asiruiogicai School. fJM1 Morrison street. Wr; or call; best reXer e rices. e BEAUTIFUL private sanitarium for nervous c tutes. in touncu treii. xua t.. Ct-rae. 15 years' experience. V58 Hinsdale ave. Marshall 216. REV. MRS. J. C SCHOR1 taches yoa truth. Circles every nlpht. Readings daily. 412 loth a." Spiritna.im and obeaslon taught, the cure. Main b 1 17. E. F. HUGlil-rs. formerly tuning busine at 414 K. MorrUon. will find It to his advantage to send address to J 578. Ore gonian. LOKA C. Little, health expert; health foods for mind and body; mornings only. 7110 43d v- S. E.. Tabo r 6471. NORWEGIAN trained nurse takes cases la own home. 8uS 8u, Apt. C Main 104ft. l.cjsoiia ble. (iKHMAN trained nurse gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago. neuralgia, eta. ; mwsiise and laths. 2."0 11th, Mar. 5033. SOPHIA B- S'ir. n.entul nod spiritual sci entist. u9 journey biug., 2d and lay lor. Marshall ;U16. vjuestlua Wed.. 8 P. M. ELECTRIO and vibratory treatments, faclaL ec ilp. mtnlcurlng and shampooing. 417 41o Northwestern Bank bldg. hi RS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland; 20tk century acience In palmistry taught; apirit ual readings daily. 373 Taylor st. UMltKELLAS. ail colors and styles; largest stock ; recovering ; new handles put oa. Mereclth a :;2t Wasiilngton st. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for poor circula tion, rheumaiisin, lumbago, face and acaip. alt baths. 426 Clay st. Main 35. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A, Price; circ.e Tuesday. 2; Wed. and Sun., 8 P. M. : read lnns uully. 212 'lay. Marshall Sl60. MANICURING for ladle and gentlemen. Room 22, 350 Alder st. RoSEN A TAYLOR masseuse and scalp specialist. 16'. 1'ark St.. Marshall 8i-w6. BALM OK FlTI COil 1'Ol'ND. hoal Toaio Tablets. 504 Davla at. Phone Main 3313. GENTLEMEN Manicuring or shampoo. 35a; 9 to 6:30. 707 Roth-child. 2S7 Wash. L MlaS JOHNSON', chiropodist and maaseus Appointments only. Main 504. MOLES, auperriuoua hair removed. Mrs. M. lJ.H.ill. 41tf FUedner bldg. Main 8473. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wart destroyed. Mile. De Long. 504 Swetlaod Mdg. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Roam 215, 35o-- Morrison st. MAY IKVIN, facial and scalp treatment. 201 Va Morrison st,, room 3d. XLEOTRIC treatment nd manicure, mas. sage. Room H. lAfaette bldg. Mrs. Bur, MANICURING for ladies and gentlemen. Room 22 35Q S Alder st. MENTAL scientist' advice, treats rheum- ttsm, kln diseases. 3 67 West Park. MKS. JOHN A. WHITE wAnts to hear from Mr. White 21 N. inh st. ISfez:! FO X B PA, BUT MA DOES. BY CXI FT" ITC BJIETT. 1