THE 3IORXING OREGOXTAX, FRIDAY, JtTLY 14, 1916 AMUSEMENTS. IPPODROME Feature Photoplay and Vaudeville. 2 to B; 6:45 to 11 P. M. Sat.. San.. Holidays 1:15 to 11. Mats.. 10c; Nights. 15c. The greatest from the Operas. The melody of Venice. The harmony of Italy IIIK I.A SCALA SEXTET. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS 6 Boies, first row balcony seats reserved -y phone. Curtain. 2:30, 7 and 9. OAKS PARK Chat No. 62 The f-pirit of Summer is rife at the Oaks. AH sorts of things are happrning. I n: uh 3 on know Summer is the season of joy and leisure. You can't all be idle, but there's no excuse for a bad disposi tion when you've a playground like the Oaks to stir up enthusiasm and make you happy and husky. That's the reason there arc so many Oaks Park picnics. Tofci,v i "Gopher day" at the Oaks. Our Mnnesotii friends will be here for their annual picnic and reunion. All families and persons who formerly re sided iu Minneryota are Invited to come and brine their friends and lunches and have a Jolly koo1 time, for the society is i.mictputing one of the largest gather ings that the Minnenota State Society ha ever hud. Picnic luncheon will be served about G:'SC o'clock and the party will have a gay evening at the park. "Hoosier day is tomorrow. That will he a i to i her great picnic, for the Indi anians number hundreds of people. Ian dng In the pavilion, picnic In the grove and song of the Wabash will be features of the affair. "The Astronomers" is given every aft ernoon and evening at the auditorium as u free entertainment and proving a great success. On Sunday. Knight's Trouba dours will produce another gay, tuneful music comedy, with many girls and new songs. M usic lovers are sending in arrange ments for parties at the Oaks for the rermlo concerts that will be given when the great bandmaster and his gifted Ital ian bund arrive. Cars leave First and Alder street for Oaks Park every few minutes. JOHN P. CORD RAY. Read the Chat Daily for Oaks Park Events FIRE WORKS Council Crest TONIGHT! DANCING Nelsen-Butterfield Orchestra. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 1.13 Courthouse, 5th-street Kntrauce. rimne from 8 to 5 Main :".. Home Phone A 3523. Night call after office hours Main 270. Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animalr Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets, communl t:e with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There Is no more city pound, just Oregon B umane Sorlety. NEW TO OAT. 3 Story Brick Bldg. 5th St., Near Couch 15,000 feet floor space, vault and shelving, two elevators, 3 minutes' walk from "hub" of city. RENT HALF OR WHOLE Very low rate to good tenant. Ap ply to owner, A. G. LONG. Phone Main 3009. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money nt Current Kates. Ml'MCIPAL A.D C'ORI'ORATIO.V UODS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO I''ourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 6 T.oans of $10,000 and Up on Im- f roved Business Property (or for mprovement Purposes.) J. P. LIPSCOMB, 242 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SPECIAL. RATES A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114. A 4118. IHiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi S MONEY FOR FARMERS E ZZ At Current Kates. COME IN AND TALK WITH US H or Write. S Bankers' MortK'iKe Corporations, ZZ Capital $500,000. ZZ Title .v. Trust Bldg.. ZZ Portland, Oregon. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiirc TO CI.OSK OUT. Vow Is your chance In Capitol Hill to buy for $150 and $2O0 per lot for what similar lots sold for $500 and $000. Capitol Hill has city water, city school, electric light. 8c carfare; sas Is now being put in the streets of Capitol Hill. We have a few of these choice lots left and will sacrifice the same to close out and clean up the tract. Title perfect. Call at once if you want these lots before they are all gone. M. .? CI.OHKSSY. 416 Ailing-Ion Building. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Funds at 6 Co and 7rc ROBERTSON & EWTNG 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bids. EDWARD EGOUDEYCO rn 6, 7 LOANS "&Vf-T ON MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTnWL51tRN BANK BUILDING REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $325 Lot 3. block 141. 49th. near Alameda, Rose City Park. Owner. A 2952. St. Helens and other property cheap. H. fct. Nicholas. 713 Orcsonlan bldg. Mala U3u5. REAL ESTATE for Sale Lots. MUST sell this week, fine 50x100 lot on Longvlew ave.. close to carllne; improve ments in; lot clear; actual cost will take It. 50S Broadway bldg. For Sal -Beach Property. GEAEHART LOT BARGAIN. Geariiart lot, 50xluO feet, on ridge over looking ocean, about two blocks north of Gearbart hotel site; beautiful view and very choice building location; price $900; terms if desired. PAKrUBH. WAT KINS A CO., 106 2d St. Phone Main 1044. FINEST located lot in Bayocean will be sacrificed for cash. J. B. Ruley Co., 928 Chamber of Commerce. a-or aaie -Houses. LAURELHURST. Come and see this gem of a new modern, 5-room bungalow, only one block from Laurelburst Park; large reception hall with coat closet, ex tra large living-room with artistic fireplace and French doors opening Into dining-room with mahogany buffet, finished in old ivory and white enamel trimmed with ma hogany, tapestry paper; tile bath. 2 large bedrooms with large inclosed sleeping porch, dandy kitchen with breakfast nook with table and seats, fine basement. furnace, fixtures, shades and garage. A real bargain at $3800 on easy terms. J. DELA HUNTY. Main 1700. Evenings Ta bor 5845. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 3OO-S07 DEEUM BLDG. (An Oregon Corporation.) Operating under State License. CHATTEL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, warehouse receipts, diamonds, etc 1 QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Reasonable rates of interest, without any brokerage or appraisal charges, with favorable monthly or weekly installment terms of repayment if desired. Loans may be repaid at any time with interest charge for actual time money is used. OVER $6500 FOR $4000. OR $5500 FOR $4000. HOME AND TWO LOTS. Over $6500 put Into the place now worth $5500 for only $4000. well-built six-room house, located 1326 Rodney ave., ex clusive residence addition of Piedmont, taken in on a mortgage and must be sold to close up an estate; Just what a person would want for a home; the finest yard of two lots, full of fruit trees, you can find in Portland, and the best construction in the house for one of Its kind; get the key the next door south, or phone East 72S or Marshall 4022. WEST SIDE VIEW. Nice 7-room house, built 2 years, has all built-in conveniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, shades, fixtures, screens, hard-surfaced street paid for. large lot. close to car. 20 minutes' walk, on West Side. Owner must raise a little money, says to sell at $3800, some cash, balance 3 years. 7 per cent. Geo. G. Mair, Railway Exchange. GOING TO BUILD? Go to an established firm and avoid worry and risk. We as L. R. BAILEY CO.. contracting architects, have been at 324 Ablngton bldg. 5 years; hundreds of Jobs to our credit. Sketches and esti mates free. FURNISH THE MONEY if desired. You deal with ONE PARTY and pay only ONE PROFIT; we ACTUALLY SAVE YOU MONEY and guarantee satis faction. We design and build residences. apartments, stores, factories, anything. ROSE CITY PARK $2795. WITH FINE GARAGE $20t CASH. $15 MO. AND INT. 1V4 BLKS. TO CAR. Oak floors, 6-foot leaded buffet; beau tiful bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, fireplace, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, ce ment basement, reception hall. shade trees; sacrifice. Phone Tabor 1900. I MUST SELL beautiful 7-room. nearly new home, near Piedmont. 1 block from Peninsula Park; all built-in conveniences; cost $3800 2 years ago; will sell for $2950 on easy terms. This is a real bargain. Mr. Umb denstock. 306 Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658. LAURELHURST HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes Just completed in Laurelhurst. the addition of beautiful homes, from $2500 up. on rent-like terms. LAURK.LHURST CO.. 270 '4 Stark St. Main 1700, A 1515. A HOME. $600 TODAY. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Irvington Park 3-rm. cottage, close to car, 50x100 lot. Absent owner ' offering snap. Lot worth entire price. Must call at once. Main 9313. 517 Cham of Com. bldg. LARGE HOME of 8 rooms with 5 lots of ground in trees and shrubs, which we are compelled to sell at the exceedingly low figure of $2750. Property Is worth nearly twice that amount. Terms can be ar- ranged. See attorney at 512 Piatt bldg. IRVINGTON Beautiful new modern home. Could not be duplicated for $18,000; will sacrifice for $10,000: must have $3300 caBh. other to remain. Only those with cash need answer. Owner. T 713, Orego nian. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room house, lot 50x100. on East 5 2d s. E. ; place is worth $2500; take $1800. part cash, balance terms. For particulars write AO 707. Oregonian. FOR SALE or lease, beautiful three-room bungalow, almost new, partly furnished, near M t. Hood; fine river view; one block from Arran Wanna Hotel. AG 709, Oregonian. CHEAPER THAN DIRT. $1750, $15 monthly. Alberto, bungalow. $1975, $20 monthly. Piedmont new home. MAIN 3730. SEE THIS TODAY. Modern 5-room bungalow, $2400, $100 cash. bal. $25 month. 730 E. 37th N. Take R. C. car. 51-5 LOTS Modern 4-room house; full basement: near Reed College, also carllne ana cogoi; price So.AK.. East 3230 FOR SALE Modern and attractive 0-room house, all Improvements, near Sandy blvu. 403 E. 44th N. Tabor 295 TWO modern bungalows for sale: one 6-room and one 7-room; all improvements in. See owner. 485 East 47th. Tabor 1966. IRVINGTON Swell and cheap homes, easy payments. See Delahunt. Phone East 1275. $1600 MODERN 5-room bungalow, built-in conveniences. Woodlawn 3229. NEW. modern homes, by owner. R B Kite. East 2432. For Sale Business Property. GOOD opportunity, 2 business lots for sale. Owner leaving for Europe Tom Glvas. 2 North 5th. Broadway 4225. CLOSE-IN property paying 12 per cent on price: 4000, A cash. Owner. 290 Weidler. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms; will build to suit purchased. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 476 JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. 1 1-3 ACRES (or less) with 6-room house, in city limits. 5c carfare, fine soil: $275o. easy terms; fine for chicken rauch. Umb denstcck & Larson. 306 Oak st. For Sale Acreage. 20 ACRES. $600. Easy terms, only 35 miles from Portland, running water, good soil, close to school and stores. 1 inlle t R. R. station and town: AKERSON. GOOCH & CO., 005 Stock Exch. Bldg. COME OUT SUNDAY. Small or large tracts. Some in fruit; $400 buys acre. $1 down. SI week. No cltv taxes, no gravel, and sightly. Alberta car 10 jarreit, men o diocks east or heniiedv new school to 42d. R. W. Cary, 1003 Cham, of Com, bldg. POULTRY FARM, on good carllne, only 20 mlnu'es from center of Portland, wltn 4-room bungalow, chicken house and barn; one acre of ground, all In cultivation, $1650. Call for particulars at 512 Piatt building. $950 5 acres, 24 acres in cultivation, good barn, shack, spring water, lana good, level and sightly, over Mt. Scott. 10 miles southeast of Courthouse: very cheap small home. J. W. Ogllbee. room 11. 145 u 1st Bt. ACREAGE In famous Tualatin Valley; best of soil, good location, low prices. Quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy Bros., owners, 201 Stocn Exchange bldg. Tel. Marshall 205. CHICKENS, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $75 to $200 per acre: easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. Mi Far'and. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOR arrease on Oregon City carllne see L. A. Mathlsen, 1025 Yeon bldg. Homesteads. TW- hevy timber homesteads in Siietx. if taken Quirk s3nn eseh nnii Hnu- good roads; good neighbors; close to L" anii mm 4U.) Merchants Trust bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. FOR SALE 10 acres. 7 In prunes. 15 min utes from Slfton car line. Write or call at 2115 B St.. Vancouver, Wash. For Sale Farms. LOQGKD-OFF stumti land tin -r. nr. terms: e-norl nfl mnrn. .-i..,. employment. Mr.' sharp. 83 a 3d', rm. 557., REAL ESTATE. For Sale 5ooo ACRES of logged-off land in various parts of Southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only at prices ranging from $5 per acre up. Small cash payment down, balance in 10 annual payments with in terest at 6 per cent. Call or write for particulars. WE YERHAr-fPET: TIMBER CO., Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 118 ACRES GOOD LAND. MAIN ROAD. RUNNING WATER. $2750. 1 mile to school, store, P. O., church, grange hall. Good road to St. Helena, county seat. Some timber, also clearing and fencing. Joins deveioped farms. Some creek bottom. Terms. Land Dept., St. Helens Lumber Co. 517 Ch. of Com. Bldg. $50 PER ACRE. Improved farm 168 acres, crop, stock and Implements, near Eugene. RITTER. LOWE A DE FOREST, 205-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4000 ACRES stump land. In solid body; high percentage level, splendidly watered with flowing streams: Ideal for stoock raising or dividing; price $10 per A., 910 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 15S5. FOR SALE1 Forty acres choice Irrigated land, near Redmond. Oregon partly Im proved; good location; genuine snap at $1000; investigate. Box 56. Browning, Mont. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. E. Ho:t. Miles City. Mont. BIG SACRIFICE. 160 acres, house, all fenced. 25 acres clearbd, balance timber: price $9 per acre; terms. 567 Williams ave. East 3595. 320 ACRES Grant County timber, grazing or agriculture; no agents. AV 426, Ore gonlan. LITTLE farms, clear, level, good soil and house, near town; $25 down. $10 month. J. R. Sharp. 557 Sherlock blk, WANTED REAL ESTATE. FINE. close-In lot, 50x100; free from in cumbrances. Am offered loan of $10O0 on this lot. Want close-In acreage on GOOD road; land need not be Improved, but MUST be good soil and lay welL Lot has cost over $2600. Wish exchange about this value: might assume small amount. AP 023. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 52-ACRE farm for lease and stock and Im plements for rale at a bargain; the parties wish to go East; $500 will pay everything, plenty of land adjoining to lease. Write S. E. Wooster, Estacada. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRAKBX, 304 M'KAY BLDG. 30.000.000 fir. near two railways; bargain. Address AV 367, Oregonian. WANT FIi TIM BE R I.A MIS. TIMBER OWNERS Wanted, location for smngie mm. Address vv. W. Lea. Turn water, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A TRADE FOR YOU. Would you like a home in LAU RELHURST? Will you exchange your present home at Its present cash value for a fine 7-room bunga low on a double corner lot? Lawn, flowers and shrubbery; never been occupied; built when materials were, very low and offered for sale at ac tual cost, price $8350. Including all street Improvements. Nothing like it this side of Pasadena. J. DELA HUNTY. Main 1700. evenings Ta bor 5845. PINE, close-in lot, 50x100: free from In cumbrance. Am offered loan of $1000 oa this lot. Want close-in acreage on GOOD road: land need not be Improved, but MUST be good soli and lie well. Lot has cost over $2600. Wish exchange about this value; might assume small amount. AP 023. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Forty acres young pears, part coming into bearing, located In Los Angela ter ritory, value $600 per acre. Want good dairy and hog ranch near Portland. ANTELOPE VALLEY BANK. PALMDALE, CAL. CITY INCOME FOR RANCH. Two well-located residences in Portland, one clear of incumbrance, both rented to good tenants. Total value $5000. Will ex change for Valley or wheat land. J. B. RULEY CO.. 028 Cham, of Com. JOO-ACRE farm. 100 acres cleared, balance timber, good 6-room furnished house, run water, some livestock, small incum brance; will sell at a bargain or trade for going business or city property. E. J. Rob erson. 702 Title & Trust bldg. -ROOM modern house, basement, bath. Portland; 8 -room house. Hoquiam. Wash.: price $5000 down, mortgage $5O0; will trade for California property. BF 656, Oregonian. WANTED. Properties or merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated values considered. C ALLAN & KASEH. 722-24 Yeon bids. FOR TRADE 160 acres of good farming land in N. Dakota for good garage; must be paying business. J. E. Gilbert, Lents, Oregon. EXCHANGE 10 acres for 5 or 7-passenger car. Must be In good shape. D. M.. 4811 72d St. S. E. $1000 EQUITY In Coos Bay property for Portland property or automobile. AV 427. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Mist Kl.l.ANKOUS. HORSE and cow to trade for piano In good condition. K 706, Oregonian. GOOD piano to trade for ranch team or cows. 1O00 E. Taylor st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Harness, Etc. SPAN of geldings blocky built, sound and true, weighing 2000 lbs., $250. Bay gelding, 8 years old, sound, work single or double, wetlghlng 1100 lbs.. $70, Span of sorrel mares, sound and free from blemishes, weighing 26O0 lbs., $225. Model Stables, 5th and Davis sts. FOR SALE 6 matched teams horses. 4 years eld; also some 8 and 10-vear-old horses at the Star Sand Company's barn, East 9th and Flanders. FOR SALE Team well-matched mares. 6 years old, weighing 3200: one team young horses weighing 2900. 226 Russell st. A COUPLE of good farm teams; some wagons and buggies for sale cheap. Stable 20 Grand ave. East 6113. FOR SALE Horses, wagons, buggies. 8S E. 7th t. N. TO TRADE for cattle or horses, 7-pass auto, good shape. B 6S4. Oregonian. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. CALL at 546 FTOnt; wagons, buggies, har ness, all sizes, all prices; must sell. u'n.rES for hire by day or month, c. W. Townsend Co., 380 Front. Main 1571. PASTURE for stock. Marshall 5454. near Portland. Phone DEn horses and cattle taken away free. '-an uuy or nigin. iaoor FOR RENT Barn at 108 North 12th st. Inquire Union Meat Co.. 4th and GUsan Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments." BEAUTIFUL 88-note piano player. $225"; pay $7 per month; lot of rolls and bench. Graves. 151 4th st. BEAUTIFUL toned baby grand piano $25o takes It; la storage dept. 151 4th st. Make offer. LADY having no more use for Weber piay-r piano will sacrifice. Inspection invited. 283 Morrison st. RENT piano $1 per month and up. Piano players $3 and up. Free music rolls. 151 4th st. DOLL A SONS player piano. $295: was $700. Pay 1 per week. Free rolls and bench. 151 4th at. STEGER SS-note man. player piano 1916 model, bench, 58 rolls of finest music; price $380. Apply 285 Morrison st. FARRAND Cecillan 88-note player piano, metal action. $375, terms. Original cost new $375; rolls', bench. Graves, 151 4th st. NICE, sweet-toned Stelnwav upright piano. Sell low If taken this week. See Mr. Fobs, 151 4th st. STEIN WAY piano. $223, easy terms. Ask tor saia natnaway, xorrlson st. C BICKERING piano. $140; pay $1 per week. Apply 151 4th st. KIMBALL piano. $195; fine tune; pay $1 per week. 131 4th st WEBER player piano. S365; easy terms; rolls and bench. 285 Morrison st. A B. CHASE piano. $200. very easy terms; guaranteed Apply 283 Morrison st. $185 HARDMAN piano, beautiful tone, easy terms. 285 Morrison St. PIANO rents $1 monthly; player rents $4 monthly.. Graves. 151 4th St. MUST sell Weber player piano, like new; make offer. Ask for Mrs. Run. 151 4th at. $25 CASH buys Fischer piano, old model. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th St. caller. Security Storage Co $45 CASH closes out small upright to first low tn st. FOR SALE. Piano... Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT TO THE FIRST CALLEH. Pianola, $250 player. Man., for cash.$ 33 Fischer, $275 old model piano, for cash 25 Collard A Collard. English Upt., cash 40 Chlckerlng A Sons, old model, for cash 45 N. Y. Pianoforte. $1000 grand, cash. 193 Beaty. $75 parlor organ, for cash 15 SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lOO 4th St. ON account sickness and hospital bills must sacrifice beat $150 Vlctrola and over $55 worth of finest records; need at least half cash right away, balance o days; come quick or write. 938 E. Caruthers st. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or re finlshed by our professional men. Port land Piano Tuning, Repairing &. Mfg. Co.. 246 Hawthorne. Phone East 1072. $5 DOWN. $1.25 weekly, without interest, buys $325 1916 model piano for $243; to tal savin? $145.28. Schwan piano Co., Ill 4th st.. at Washington. $90 CASH buys $325 Helnze upright oak. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. Iog. Birds and ret Stock. . ...... r. v- . Dogs boarded by week or month. Spe cial rates to permanent boarders. High grade dogs bought and sold. HILLSIDE KENNELS. G. O. Chabot. Prop. Oswego, Or. i-none Alar, I . EXCLl'SiVE AIREDALE PUPPIES ONLY. LADD1X KENNELS, ESTACADA, OR. DOGS and horses clipped. 415 E- 7th st. B 1962. East 1S47. , Furniture for Sale. $1S MATTRESS for $0. Six only: 50-pound, all new cotton felt, mattresses In finest ticking. Imperial edge. A great bargain. Mish Furniture Co.. 184 First st. Money back if not satisfied. MY fine furniture for sale. 619 E. 31st st. N. cor. Stanton. Livestock. DAIRY. 16 cows. 2 yearling heifers. 4 calves, horses, wagon, milk route, 130 quarts; take Alberta car to end of line, 8 blocks east. TWO chclce fresh milk cows, also regis tered Jersey bull, reasonable. Buckne' Oak Grova. ALL breeds of dairy cows: terms. Bruce. Union Stockyards. Woodlawn 2400. WANTED Thin sows"andold-boara. Wood lawn 2100. Automobiles. BEN J. E. BOONE A CO.. 614 Alder St,. Are offering the greatest values In used Ford cars in the city; not ono car in our stock older than a 1913 model. Highest priced car in stock is $385: you can buy one for $10O cash and the balance on easy monthly payments. Our special for today is a used Roth'.veiier one-ton truck, complete with express body: price $650. WE GIVE A WRITTEN GUAR ANTEE WITH EACH CAR. A complete stock of parta and accessories for Ford cars are car ried in stock at all times. BEN J. E. BOONE A CO., 514 Alder St. Main 3966. FORD OWNERS. ATTENTION! SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. 1913-15 roadster seat covers, mo hair or cravenette, complete with topdust cover; worth $12; price 30x3 plain casings; these are standard makes and are not sec onds, price $8.25. BENJ. E. BOONE A CO.. 114 Alder St, Main 3966. CADILLAC touring car Timken axles fine condition $-73 STUDEBAKER "20." touring "car. first-class condition $225 STUDEBAKER "4." 1914 touring car. I.e5',rlc starter and lights $478 STUDEBAKER "6." 1915 touring ear. electric starter and light $700 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT' Studebaker Distributors. Park and Davis. SPECIAL BARGAINS' 1913 HUPMOBILE TOURING CAR. now tires seat covers: this car Is in excellent condition throughout: best buy in tho city. 1913 BUICK 35, A-l condition mechani cally; good tires: $385. H. O. PECK GARAGE! 1063 Hawthorne Ave. CADILLAC. ,..s.eeu;..for us"" Cadillacs. We have a 1913 Cadillac, overhauled and In excellent shape for $800. Also many other good values In used autos. Main 6244. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. LOCOMOBILE. Six-cylinder touring car. In fine condi tion : big value at -$80O; terms; also a Pierce 48. Alco Six. Cadillacs and many others at right prices. Main 6244 COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD ROADSTER, like new. sloping hood V radiator; see It: $345. Broadway Garage! E. 24th and Broadway. 1912 WARREN roadster. Just painted, good tires all abound, owner leaving city, muit sacrifice. $190. H. O. PECK OARAGE, 1063 Hawthorne ave. OVERLAND 5-pass., good as new: a bargain If taken at once. Might give some terms or trade for clear Portland real estate. Can he seen at 505 Alder St., or phone Tabor 6708. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21at and Washington. Main 6244. NEW 1010 FORD TOURING CAR BODIES, $75. BENJ. E. BOONE A CO.. Main 3lx;6. 314 Alder. FOR SALE Chalmers roadster. 1912 model and In first-class condition; price $35o! AV 705. Oregonian. PRACTICALLY new 5-passenger" Wlntnn Six for sale cheap, has run only 10.000 miles. Call at 354 Bumslde Bt., corner 8th. RX-.O -TON TRUCK One lung, but a good one; car In good shape, with ripn-sii body; $150. 303 E. Oregon st. East 7222. FINE roadster, cost $1185. run 6000 miles sacrifice for $650. Owner. 513 Chamber of Commerce. 3-TON ttuck. first-class ' condition. new tires, easy terms. Owner, 347 I'lttock block. Broadway 1070. SLIGHTLY used tires from $3 to $10 elrri' vulcanized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison USED auto parts at less than half price Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. $375 CADILLAC foredoor, etc.; best buy; see It. Phone Main 4675. BRASS automobile trimmings nfckle plated Main 948. A 5288. BARGAIN in Bulck louring car, in good condition. Marshall 2772. 5-PASS. Bulck for $S9S. See this before you buy. Call 248 Burnslde TWO goon cars for sale. Tabor 4668. Automobiles Wanted. WILL trade horses wagons or furniture for Ford auto, or will pay cash if cheap and good; runabout preferred. Edwards Co., 5th and Oak. WILL pay $100 for light truck or 5-passenger automobile: $20 down, $5 week. Room 6. 91 14 Broadway. WANT Ford runabout: must be In f I rat class condition. Call Broadway 512L No garage apply. WILL exchange acre at Oswego Lake for auto. Phone Main 4675. WANTED Late model Ford; must be In first-class condition. Woodlawn 3219. Automobiles for Hire. 7-PASS. Cadillac. Columbia Highway trips. $1.50 each Phone Main 78S. TOUR Hood River via Highway, 2 days. $18. fine 6-cyl. auto. Mar. 149. SWELL 7-pass. Hudson car; safe, expe rienced driver. Main 5378. 5-PASS.. low rates, careful driver. Tabor 7014. MAXWELL cars for rent without driver. City Garage, 86 10th St. KING 8 auto for hire. $1.50 per hour. Phone Marshall 2350 or A 2983. 3-PASS. Overland, anywhere. Phone Sellwood 198. IT unable 1916 DODGE. $1.25 per hour, touring, calling and shopping. Main 7435. J91C BIX SIX TOURING, $1.23 per hour. 101 II Ford. $1 per hour. Marshall 149. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long A Sllva, 462 Hawthorn ave. Phone E. 6840. FOR SALE. Automobiles for Hire. NEW Oakland Six. anywhere; Columbia Highway a specialty; careful driver. Ta bor 711S. HIGHWAY TRIPS $1.50 each or $1.23 hour. Fine car, careful driver. Woodlawn 3307- Launtbrs and Boat. 11 Hartford cedar hull Fairbanks-Morse en glne. Particularly suitable for family use Owner must sell at once. $175 cash, will give demonstration to Interested parties. 345 Washington st. Main 718. FOR SALE 1-room modern houseboat. Leaving city; will sacrifice tor cash. No. 30. Willamette Moorage Club. Sellwood 650. MODERN hous.boat. 5 rooms and bath. No. 4. Willamette Moorage. Sellwood o4. Machinery. BERLIN 94 matcher. 6x15; now running; good condition; will take lumber In pay ment. NICOLAI DOOR MANUFACTURING CO.. Kenton Station. Portland. Or. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturer's guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models. $3 mo. ; $7.50 for 3 mo.: other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send tor our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE- SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St FOR SALE Smith Premier typewriter $10: has only been used for private work. Phone Broadway 3724. 608 Plttock block. NEW, rebuilt, aecond-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co.. 231 Stark st- Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriters. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., Agents. 110 6th si. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 and up; box tops. $2 and up S. S. Slegel. two stores. 3S3 Alder st. and 242 Alder st. SHOWCASES, confectionery tables, chairs, soda fountain, candy shop, coffee urn. 15 foot countei. antique sideboard, electric drink mixei. small safe, cash register and electric fans, c heap. 312 2d st. PIPE Second-hand and new. black and gal vanized, any amount of any size. Get our prices and we'll get your order. M. Barde A Sons, the House of a Million Bargains. Main and Front sts. PORTABLE garages, houses, hunting cabins, chicken-houses, woodsheds, etc. Mlllmade Construction Co., 544 Hood st. Main 1167. Residence phone. Woodlawn 3615. FOR SALE, cheap. 150 or. is 4-f.i it nod. mixed fir and alder, near Knight Cor ner and Columbia Highway. Phone Broadway 5724. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and ahotguns. cameras, kodak and lenses bought, sold and exchanged.- Hoohfeld's Camera Exchange. 85 3d St. Main 33S1. SMALL orflce safe, $23: two pocket billiard tables. $55 and $65; 4 dozen steel folding chair. $9 per do. Call room 305 Y. M. C. A FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2363. ONE large. 2 small safes, electric coffee mill. Remington and Oliver typewriter. Or. Sal. Ac Merc. Co..1314th st. Main 2057. SEWING MACHINES, new an,! second-hand, at reduced price. Sewing Machine Empo rlum. 190 3d st. Main 9431. A 3626. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used: our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351 H Washington st. Main 6Q6. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent, expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 uumiiae st. sroaaway or a an. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades ; large selection. Pacific Staty. A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1971. TWO high-back settees; genuine leather; cost $120 eacn. tor saie at si -.00 eacn. FOR SALE latest model Dayton bicycle. Address 36 West Altisworth street. TWO pooltables, 4ttx9. with corners, cheap. Woodlawn 2915. FRANCO-AMERICAN articles. Main 3384. Whitney, apt. 3. CASH registers. Nationals, $20 and up. liochfeld Bros.. 1st and Yamhill. MACHINERY bouxht. sold and repaired. N. W. Lead Machinery Co.. 311 Front st. $12 LADY'S $25 gold watch. 373 N. 29th st. Marshall 473. FREE Loose dirt, easy access: 43d, near Sandy road. Phone Main 4112. $100 DIAMOND EARRINGS: 90-100 karat: retail value $175. Tabor 388. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prlcea Stark-Davl Co.. 212 3d t. Main 797. FURNITURE WANTED. WE PAY THE BEST PRICES. GEVURTZ buys your furniture, stove, rugs, carpets, organs, etc. We pay the highest casta prices for household goods. Phone and our buyer will call at once. Gevurts Furniture Store. 207 1st. between Taylor and Salmon. Phone Marshall 587. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 20S First. KLINE'S. 20S First. MAIN 309. A phone call will bring the buyer with the money. We buy and sell everything for the house; no lot too small or too big for us. WE PAY THE BEST PRICE S; LEVIN HDW. St FURN. CO.. 211 Front st. We buy. sell all kinds of household goods, furniture, carpets and ranges, restaurant outfits, hardware. Including tool of any description, also trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, rifles. Main 9072. WANTED A carload of second-hand of fice desks and chairs. Must be bargains. Give quantity and description of what you have, with prices. Address AV 401. Ore gonian. X WANT good second-hand furniture, car pets, ranges, etc.; I will pay cash. MARSHALL 3081. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand furniture. household goods. 51 Vi N. 3d. Broadway 119. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN M332. A 2367. WE want good second-band furniture and will pay the price. Marshall 1822. BE WISE, sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main S591. 191 2d st. OWL FURNITURE CO. pay the best price for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4627. WILL pay cash for 2d-band furniture, call Mr. Wast.ourn. Marshall 47S3. W ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS SUITS. SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 208O. GLOBE STOHS. MAIN 2080 FOUR YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR 8HOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MAK. 1229. 229 M ADISON ST. WE pay highest prices for metals, rubber, auto tires, machinery, belting. ALASKA BAG A METAL CO.. 175 Front st.. Cor. Yamhill, Main sans. WANTED -Machinery, pipe. etc. We buy or dismantle old plants. Call our Junk dept. for your Junk. M. Bardo A Sons. Main C63. A 1663. WANTED Second-hand clothing- try us: we need stock nd pay for it: you'll find your self satisfied with our prices. Call 223 Madison. Main 3192. CASH for your old gold, sliver, platinum and high-grade or. H. If. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler, 218 Oregonian bldg. WANTED 10 or 12-gauge Winchester; must be In good condition and cheap. AU 678. Oreg'inlan. WANTED Your diamonds to sell on com mission. Beldtng. the Jeweler. 245 Va Alder st. Main 1692, WANTED National cash registers. 606. 331 M Washington st. WANTED Second-hand medium -sized fire proof safe. Phone Main 7262. WANTED Roller top desk, size about 54 by 32 Inches. F 706. Oregonian. TABLE silverware replatetfat moderate cost. Main 943. A 3282. HELP W NTLI MALE. WANTED 2 young men to work on passen ger train as news agents; small cash bond required. Apply at tfjMft N. 6th at. MILLER a partner; custom mlTTT must have some money; good on corn, wheat products AL 677. Oregonian. YOUNG man tor wholesale grocery, a good chance tcr advancement: give age. refer ence and experience. AD 706. Oregonian. WANTED Delivery boy for wholesale house. Call 9 A. M Apply D. B. McBrlde A Co.. 3465 Morrison St. WANTED First-class florlstl Apply office Oaks Park. . BARBEIt wabted for Saturday at 1994 Eaj; Stark St. BAItBER wanted for Saturday. Apply 206 Morrison St. AUTO PAINTER A good paying proposi tion. 715 Thurman. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. WANTED Have a good paying position for a man with car. AB 679. Oregonian. MAN and wife for work on farm. Call Hotel Arthur, Friday. KITCHEN helper wanted. 173 .Nona 8th at. HELP WANTtll MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Corner ot Second and Burnsido. TODAYS FEW SPECIAL WANTS. Two stlckermen. $3; blacksmith for coun try shop, $3.30. Man with one or two teams to take contract to haul lumber, tie and timber from mill to R. R. Ten laborer tot street work. $2.50. 8 hours. Rough cuiptnter. $2.75. Twenty-five mill yard laborers. $2.50. fare advanced. Marker on planing mill sorting table, city. Night baker, $50. Car tallyman, $3. Watch lot our big ad. Sunday, and In the meantime come and look over our bul letin boards. A new order every minute. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson Sts. U. S. Government Employment Office Co-operating. WANTED TODAY 10 farm hands and milkers. $30 to $40. Coach painters and carpenters, top pay. Laborers, state high way, Washington. 4 young men to com plete crew. Oovrnmont vessel, trip to Alaaka. and return coal passers, $2 per day and expenses. Also cook for same c re w. ANY intelligent person, either sex. of good education and business ability; must be able to handle correspondence and write good business letter; an opportunity to start a small but profitable mall order business In your own home or office; good for $100 a week when established; can be managed in spare time evenings, or as a aide line at first; grows rapidly; send for particulars. Heacock Co.. 8U7 Heacock bldg.. Lockport, N. Y. a Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training in re pairing, driving and machine work. In eluding forge, lathe, ahaper. drlllpres. etc. ; time unlimited. Secure pass at edu cational office Y. M. C. A bldg. to Inspect our shops and methods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUP PLIED. Tuition fee Includes MEMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C A and Its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swlm mins pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non -members a special member ship 1 Issued, costing $3 per annum, giving service of the department for a year two rjonthar full privileges and re fund of membership fee it satlsfactody employment la not secured. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Men I If you want the best ready-to-wear suits in the city, go to Jimmy Dunn; $25 men's suits for $13; alterations free. 315-16-17 Oregonian bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. ADVERTISING manager to develop a new proposition In a good field, who Isj willing to start at a living salary and get what he 1 worth as he makes It; health, hon esty. Industry and Intelligence must be proved: advertiser well known in Port land for years. BF 658. Oregonlsn. WANTED Young man to asstst In collec tion dept. of reliable corporation : must have good references and $200 cash se curity; salary $18 weekly; for considera tion mention age and reference. O 707. t-lrcKonlan. SPLENDID career open to good mechanics, practical courses In all branches of en gineering: work help pay tuition; Illus trated catalogue from Seattle Engineer ing School. Roy St.. Seattle. BOYS wanted over 14 to work during Sum mer vacation, excellent opportunity to make good money. Apply between 2 and 3 P. M. today, room 207 Oregonian bldg. Mr. Slocum. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy guaranteed or namental and fruit stock: cash weekly; part expense provided. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Cook, waiters, dishwashers, so ber and Industrious: must be nonunion: good wages; 10-hour day. Fare refunded at end of month. Apply at once. 212 Pa cific bldg.. San Franclaco. EXPERIENCED window trimmer. Must be of good habits, strictly temperate, and be thoroughly competent. Answer T 717. Oregon Ian. . YOUNG man dishwasher. $23, room and board; also porter (or hotel at Tillamook. Fare advanced. See party here. Butts Em ployment Co.. 11 N. 2d st. FOUR young men to travel as salesmen; must be willing to work; experience not necessary; good pay; steady work. See Ripley. Venable Hotel. 10 to 12 A. M. WANTED A roan to help milk 13 cows and do general farm work . state wages In first letter. R. B. Denney. Raleigh station. Beaverton. Or. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 429-431 Belmont St. The most thoroughly practical - school. We help students earn board, room. WANTED Young man to work In store as stock clerk, near Portland ; give ex perience, references and phone. AO 705, Oregonian. BARBER First-clasa Steady work. Apply O. K. barber shop. Wilcox bldg., 6th and Washington. v WANT first-class gents' furnishing goods man; must be window dresser. Oregon Salvage A Mercantile Co.. 131 4th st. WANTED Young man as timekeeper for logging camp: give exprlence. references and phone. AO 706. Oregonian. WE absolutely pay highest cash prices for men's slightly worn suits and overcoats. Call Broadway 166A SALESMAN of good appearance to sell real estate; liberal commission paid: reference required. See manager. 401 Board of Trade. ADVERTISING solicitors. experienced In special edition work. Clyde Agency. 207 Stock Exchange. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $45 per month and board. Apply Wash-lni?ton-t. dock. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house: must be first-class. Credit experience preferred: state experience. L 707. Oregonian. WANTED Steady man, work on farm. In quire 375 South ave. Sellwood car, after 7 P. M. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Uncalled-for Suits $3.50 up. OK PHEl'M CLEANERS. 335 Stark, cor Park. WANTED Auto truck driver: competent, reliable, reference; stute wages. F 708, Oregonian. ED stove repair man; state full particulars and 1 si SIS lap BF Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 4 4" Hawthorne Ave. Students earn board, room while learning. BARRER wanted. Steady Job. 246', Couch. Help Wanted Agcnin. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy cost no more. 301 Board of Trsde bldg. II. in Wan WANTED Salesman to sell standard line to hardware stores: good opportunity, good commission. Address 535 Howard t., San Francisco SALESMAN of good pp-aranr to sell real estate: liberal commission paid: references required. See manager. 401 Board of Trade. EXPERIENCED salesman desires grocery Una to take order from merchants. Box 739. Aberdeen. Wash. IIF.I.P WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar ment Factory. Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. " WANTED TODAY Unincumbered woman, about 35, cook for 3 men on ranch, $20. 2 girls for housework on ranch. $20 and $25. 10 girls for general housework. No fee charged. Public Employment Bureau, women's department. City Hall. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies only; make yourself Independent with good trade. 4O0-412 Dcknm bldg.. 3d and Wash WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. viavl Company, 423 Plttock block. 3S5Wahlngton! HINSDAL'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. in" dlvldual Instruction, start any date. 502 Orpheum bldg. Positions secured. WANTED Experienced hand Ironer Applv In pirson. CrystsI Laundry Co.. 21st and Sandy Road. GIRL for general office work: must hsve some stenographic experience. Apply 401 Piatt bldg. NURSERY governess. English or Scotch pre ferred: reference required. Phone Mar shall CO. WANT young lady of neat appearance lo work In confectionery store. Call 188 Mor rlson st.. after 9. WANTED stenographer. Remington oper ator: salary $10 per week. Typewrite your application. X 709, Oregonian. SCHOOL girl to assist with light house work. Main 8620. MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand typewrltlng.$3 mo. 2t 14th. Main 3893 HOTEL cook. $40; country waitress. $25 Howe's Atfency. room 33. 270 1, Wash A LADY wanted to share apartment n 705 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED plain cook at Wasco. Or Apply C94 E. Broadway. WANTED Girl for chamber work and waiting tables evening. 554 Couch st. WANTED Dictaphone and comptom. ter op erators Call Broad, 503. PRIVATE home for children, any act IB years' experience 714 Everett. Mar. iloi HELP WANTED FEMALE. VCMEN. become U. S. Government clerka; $7o month: Portland examination coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti- tuf. Dept. 703P. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and assist with children. Apply 484 East 17th North. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge In 8 weeks; position secured: pay while learning. 36-38 N. 2d St. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men snd women to learn the barber trade. Summer rates; tool free: nald while learn lng Write for catalogue. 2d and Burnslde. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trad In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed. 233 Madison. JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau. Mn. 2101. A 1670. Jap. Ass'n of Or., 218 Henry bldg. Miss DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALJSKY BLD.. 3D A MOR'N. HELP ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men lo try examinations for Government Jobs: $70 month: common ed ucation sufficient. Address Immediately. AV 1O0. Oregonlanj ST K XOC R A E' H I ( T course, speclsl rstes. Miss Ostbye's School. 211 Stock Exchange bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. CITY OF PORTLAND. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th snd Johnson Sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS Salesmen, office men. clerks, mechanics, farm hands, housemen, cook, mill men. loggers, laborers, etc No fee chsrged employer or emplov. Out-of-town orders given prompt atten tion. Main 3553. A 5624. BOOKKEEPER Books opened and closed, statement taken off: it you are not get ting the necessary information for the care and welfare of your business I can assist you; city references. J- T. Stodd. 692 Salmon st- Phone M. 1333. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, ssslstant bookkeeper or shipping clerk; 10 years' ex perience In office work. References. Phone East 6383. POSITION wanted. t-ookkeeper or office man. tn or out of city. AV 404. Orego nian. YOUNG man. stenographer. 20. high school graduate, year experience. Esst 3ut. Waldo. MIeeManeans. CHAUFFEUR with 3 yers' experience wishes position with private family; hsve good reference nd will do own repair ing: 1.1 do other work. Phone Tsbor 1653: WANTED Work, wood splitting, lawn cut ting, carpet beating, window cleaning, house cleaning, garden work, hour or day. W. H. Kessler. Main 3335. , POSITION wanted In store, retail or whole sale: have had 24 years' experience lit retail business: some as traveling man. o 7o9. Oregonian. LOCOMOTIVE engineer, with 14 years' .ex perience on Sharp and Rode engines; have good references. Address AV 403. Orego nian. , POSITION wanttd by young married man to drivn truck or other driving: good mechanic- have run shop two years: reter ences. 41514 3th st. Marshall 27.2- HAVE had 20 years' experience at tinning and plumbing, steam and hot air heating: bandy with any kind of machinery; want position at once. B 708. Oregonian. FOREST . : and landscape gardener, single, thoroughly experienced and hard worker wants position on prlvste or commercial place: At references. AB 677. Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants light work, small wsges, clean habits and willing worker Jake Wensel. Eastern Lodging-house. 1st and Couch sts. JAPANESE couple wants situation: privet family; insn experienced cook, wife second work- with leferance. Jspsnese Mission, Maln'3603. MAN and wife, first-class cook snd helper, hotel or camp: references. 50 1 N. 9th st.. room 5. Phone Broadway 3502. ELDERLY couple, no children, want work, or will rent rooming-house, paying rent in advance every month. G 70. Oregonian. JANITOR Porter work early morning or evening; have other work. F 70.. Ore gonian. , MEATCUTTER and all-around butcher wants position near Portland. AV 400. Oregonian. CVN you use correspondent, mansger. cash ier, credit, collections, reporter? L 709. Oregon lan . SECOND cook Job in country hotel: can cut meat: good pastry and salads. M. iio, Oregonian. PAINTING. carpenter work. remodeling; cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87. BOY with wheel wants work. Phone Main Tggt KALSOMIN1NG. painting, plaster-patching; reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants place high-class family. 121 N. 13th. Main 36l:l. WANTED Position by Janitor and wife, apartment-house ciperknec. Main .4.3. A FIRST-CLASS climber desires position. Write Fred Sensee. Hoquiam. Wash. CARPENTER Screens made to order. Shop 327 23d. Main 3505. SITUATION WANTED 1EMAU C B.okl.erpets anil stenographers. EXPERIENCED young woman desires reception-room work, with some stenograph. Tabor 146- YOUNG woman, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, desires position in city. AN 706. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashrer wants position; 3 years' experience; references. Phone Marshall 1Q46. YOl'NG Uadv. position as stenographer or office work; reference. East 4278. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants whole ir half day position. Mar. 451. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing at home: reasonable prices. Woodiu CALL TABOR 1520 for plain and fash ionable dressmaking. WANT band embrolderlne to do very reas- onable. Phone East 5643. Narte. NURSE with hospital experience lo. work at once; city refs. Main o43... apt. -"- YEVRS' experience, confinements, general nursing. $10 per week. Esst 1552- Housekeeper. YOUNG woman with 6-year-old dsughter wants work Will assist In housework In town or country.- Phone Broadway I80o. or address AB 706. Oregonian. nPSCTABLE lady tshe to take charge of apartment-house or hotel In or out 01 town. 1 111. "ns' "- POSITION as housekeeper by woman with little girl. 495 Davis. Main 4690. VERY neat voung lady wishes to keep house for wldowrr. G 710. Oregonian. laoanestlCa. EXPERIENCED Swedleb girl wants second work or general housework, AB 081. Orc- gonian. NEAT lady dealrea light work, plain adults preferred, no Isundry. M.r':. I - I'.'- M lecelaeous. " CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's I'epartment. City HalL V'O FEE CHARGED. Reliable. competent help. any Una, Promptly supplied. Stenographers, book eeners clerks, housekeepers, domestics, day workers, etc. Marshall 410Q. A 4125 YOUNG woman with child to support am" work where she can go home nights; net afraid of hard work. Phone East 123. sk for PearU WF.I.I. educated refined widow, two de pendent children, wsnts work. Whst you? Phono Main 7S"2. or AK 709. Ore gonian. GO D Iaundr. ss and bouseoleaner wishes work Friday. Saturday, H or all day. Main 5584. RMKINEP eaasj lady wishes second msld or housework. Mar. 771. ENTKKIENCED laundress wishes bundl "wsshlng to take home. Marshall 2451 SCANDINAVIA N" woman wants washing. Ironing and cleaning. Marshall 2341. ANY arorh that a middle-aged woman can dc AJ 703. Oregonian. GIRL wsnts work with old people. G 7 (XV. Oregonian. t VNTKII TO RENT. 11 . WVNTED. Immediately. O-room furnished house in good locality: linen and silver In cluded, for married couple, no children. Rent $35 to $-' R 703. Oregonian. Rooms. JAPANESE gentleman wishes room close In with privste family. Reply by letter only to 702 Wilcox bldg. FOR RENT. ItonlHK. ELTON COURT HOTEL. Yamhill at 11th St. Large, beautifully furnished rooms, with and without private baths, telephones, ele vator service, $3 to $6 per wk. Transient,. 50c to $1.50 per day. Main 6963.