TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, - JULY 1, 191G. 13 Mil AGAIN PUTS QUIETUS ON GAME For Second Time in Week, Ju piter Pluvius Halts Angel-Beaver Clash. DOUBLE-DEADER IS TODAY First Game to Be Called at t:30 o'clock Both Managers Chance and McCredle Lament Losses Caused by Bad Weather. Pacific Coast League Standings. w. L. Pet. I W. I Fct. Vernon 48 S5 .578 Portland.. . . 36 3S.j0i Los Angeles 45 3 .556 Salt Lake.. . 83 42 .440 ban Fran. . . 45 40 .52S,Oakland 34 o3 .39T Yesterday's Results. . At Portland No game with Los Angeles; TAt Los Angeles Vernon 1-3. Salt Lake 0-2. At Ran Francisco San Francisco 2, Oak land 1. Just as the Los Angeles baseball club climbed into the Seward Hotel bus yes terday at 1:S0 o'clock and were ready to start for the Vaughn-street grounds and while the Portland players were donning their uniforms, old Jupiter Pluvius declared war on everything that could be bothered by rain; Old Jupe kept on firing until 2:40 o'clock, and when he finished Judge William "Wallace McCredie and his Her culean nephew, Walter, decided that the ball farm was better suited for raising ducks than for baseball, and hostilities for the day were called off. Consequently, there is another double-header which will have to be played off between Los Angeles and Portland. As double matinees are scheduled for today and tomorrow and as three are on the docket when the Angles come here again, late in August, the one caused by yesterday's downpour will most likely be played off in the Cafe teria City when the Beavers visit there next. Chance Shies at Wet FTeld. Frank LeRoy Chance, well-known orange grower of Glendora, Cal- spent the remainder of yesterday afternoon and last night paying his compliments to the Oregon climate. The Peerless Leader, if he had his way, would never send his team on a ball field on a wet day. "In the Pacifio Coast League, where you are allowed to carry only 18 men to be within the player limit, I can't ceo Virvnr If fx srnoA business to play ball if the grounds are slippery and wet," eaid Chance yesterday. "You are running chances of having a gooo. Dan player stove up and perhaps kept out of the tramp, for a weeK or so. "If It is a Saturday, Sunday .or a holiday, then it's all right to take a chance with the adverse conditions, but on a week day -when there are only a few people out what's the -use?" con cluded the crafty pilot ot rowers an gelic horde. Kash to Join Angels. According to "Toots" Weber, secre - ta-ry of the visiting club. Los Angeles " uau iia. -ill season. Two games have been lost almost continually when the Angelic choir was here last. On their first trip to Salt Lake it snowed apd the coldest weather experienced in San Francisco came when Los Angeles was playing the Seals and Oaks. Manaeor Frank Chance of the Angels received word from President Powers that Shortstop Nash, of St. Paul, wouia Join the club at Salt Lake Tuesday. As a result. "Spike parson, seirii.-nrui.eo-sional shortstop, who has bee'n filling in for the Cafeteria City skipper, was sent home last night. Charley Garrity, shortstop, coming from the Arizona Tri-Copper League, l. also scheduled to Join the Angels on their arrival in Salt Lake, but now that Nash is sure to report. Manager Chance may telegraph Garrity not to come. The Los Angeles boss has decided to carry Shortstop Johnny Butler all season and Dlav him regularly. Nash will be used as utility infielder. The first game of the double bills on the bill of fare this afternon and to morrow will start promptly at 1:30. Z. Z. "Rip" Hagerman and Byron Houck for the Beavers are scheduled to oppose George Zabel and Pete Stand rtdsre for the Angels this afternoon. Hasrerman's arm. although still a trifle sore, is in good enough shape to war rant his pitching. Louis Guisto will hardly be able to ret in the fray today or tomorrow and the present intention of Boss Walter is not to use him until Tuesday morn ing, when the Beavers clash with the Seals at Oakland. Louis heel, which was spiked by Bunny Brief last Satur day, is still sore, and Trainer Clough wishes to give it plenty of time to he,aL Judge McCredle telegraphed Owner Russ Hall, of the Tacoma Tigers, at Butte, Mont., yesterday asking him If he could use "Chick" Baker, the catcher of the Klrkpatrlck team of the Inter- City League. Baker has been working out with Portland since the team came home and, although he is not a young- eter. Walt McCredie thinks there are six or seven good years of baseball In him. ir Hall can t use him the Mc- Credie's will try to place him else where, as Walt isn't going to take him on the road trip. SEALS HOIST FLAG AXD WIX Wolverton's Men Celebrate by De feating Oakland, 2 to 1, BAN FRANCISCO, June 30. San Francisco hoisted the Coast League championship pennant won last season today and celebrated the event by de featingr Oakland 2 to 1. Fanning was in hot water a number of times, but luck was with him. Bodie's sensational fielding added spice to the game. The championship pennant was hoisted with appropriate ceremonies, in which about 300 naval apprentices from the Yerba Buena training station participated. Score: Oakland I San Francisco a h ual xi H OAK Tavls.3. 3 2 0 1 llAutrey.l. . 3 15 10 Mid'eton.l 3 Lane.m... 4 Kenw'hy.2 2 Gardner.r. 8 Barry.l ... 4 H.EUlott.o 4 Berger.s. . 8 1'eer.p.... 2 Cook.l. 2 Crand'." 0 Barbeau.s 0 o u uiscnaller.l 0 OliDalton.r. v u u,fcjoaie.m 2 00 7 2 0 3 2 0 Downs.2.. 0 Coffey.s. . . 3 Jones.3. . . 1 Sep'iv'da.e 3 15 0 2 3 OFanning.p. 3 0 0 0iHaUIn-n,f,2 3 u u u 0 0 0 Totals. .80 7 24 13 2 Totals . .28 8 27 111 Oakland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits 10021200 1 7 San Francisco ... 0 0020000 x 2 Hits 0 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 x 8 Haillnan batted for Downs In fourth In ning. "Cook batted for MIddleton In sev enth inning. Crandall batted for Beer In nineth Inning. sBarbeau ran for Crandall in ninth inning. Runs. Gardner, Dalton, Bodle. Two-base hits. Dalton. Davis. Coffey, Haillnan. Sac rifice hits, Coffey. Davis. Base on balls. Beer 6. Fanning 7. Struck out. Beer 8, Fanning VH. nit oy pucner. iven wortny. eioien naie, Jones. Runs responsible for. Beer 1. Fanning Left on bases, Oakland 11, San Fran - claco 0. Time of came. 2:15. Umpires, Fin ney and Guthrie. VERXOX TAKES TWO GAMES Salt Lake Loses Close Games by 1' to 0 and 3 to 2. LOS ANGELES. Cal., June 30. Ver non took both games from Salt Lake today, winning: the last contest, 3 to 2, by a ninth-inning; rally which netted two runs. Fromme triumphed over Klawitter In a pitchers' battle in the first game. Vernon won, 1 to 0. A double play, Mattlck to Rtsberg-. in the third in nlngr, spoiled Salt Lake's chances of scoring: after the bases had been filled with none out. Vernon s run was made n the eighth inning on Rader's triple and Doane's sacrifice fly. Score: First same: salt Lake I Vernon B H O A El B H O A E 3 2 2 0 1 Qulnlan.m 4 2 4 0 O Doane.r. . Katn.a... a t t lvorcnmn.i 3 Brelf.l... 4 O 8 0 0Risberg.2. 3 Ryan.)... 4 15 OOBates.3. .. 2 Murphy.s. 4 0 0 4 0; Daley, 1 3 Orr.s 3 12 0 OjMattlck.m 3 0 1O O 1 14 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 00 O 2 1 o 0 1 O 1 1 32 O 0 4 0 uuignt.z. m u u V' ypencer.o. a Hannah. c. 4 0 4 0 Oi Raxler.s. . . 8 Klwlfr.p 2 11 3 O Fromrae.p. 3 vann a... 1 O O O0I itals..S2 5 24 7 of Totals.. 82 5 24 7 0r Totals. ..26 5 27 13 5 Batted for Guigni in ninth. Salt Lake OO000OOO 0 0 Hits 1 O 2 O f 1 O O 1 5 Vernon O 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 Hits 0 1 1 1 O 1 O 1 - 5 Rune. Rader. Three - base hit, Ra- der. Two - foase hits, Doane. Sac rifice hits. Rath, Orr, Bates. Klawitter, Gleichmann, Doane. Stolen bases, Klawit ter, Daley. Struck out, by Fromrne 0, by FORMER PORTLAXDEH'S PE CULIAR DELIVERY CAUSES , ANOTHER RUMPUS IN MAJORS. Carl Mays. Carl Mays, former pitcher for the Portland Colts of the North--western League now chucking for the Boston Red Sox, let Washington down with two hits yesterday, beating that team 6 to 1. During the contest Mays hit McBride, of Washington, with a pitched ball and then McBride proceeded to throw his bat at Carl: In the hostilities that fol lowed. Catcher Agnew, of the Sox, knocked Manager Griffith, of the Senators, down. During the latter part of last season, Ty Cobb, of Detroit,'' threw, his bat at Mays after nearly be ing beaned by a pitched ball. Mays has a peculiar underhanded delivery which seems to fool op posing batters to such an extent that many times they are unablo to get out of the way of an In side ball. Klawitter 2. Base on balls, off Fromme 1. Run responsible for, Klawitter 1. Dou ble play. Mattick to Rlsbcrg. Umpires, Held and Brashear. Time, 1:35 Second game: Salt Lake I Vernon B H O AE B H O AE Qulnlan.m 4 0 0 Doane.r.. . 3 0 0 Kath.2... 3 Brlef.l.s.. 4 Ryan.l 1 2 0 orchm'n.l 4 2 2 RIsberg.2.. 4 0 OlBates.3. . . 4 1 0 Daly.l 4 1 0 Mattick.m. 3 2 0 Spencer.c. 3 2 0 Hader.s a 3 0 Mitchell. p. 0 OlPatterson 0 0 0 Griggs". . 1 7 10 3 6 1 0 0 0 Murphy,l, 4 Orr.r 4 Gulgnl,2.. 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 ann.c. ... 3 Hughes.p. 3 Hannah. .1 1 r'ittery.p. 0 0 0 0 0 IDecannlert 0 0 Totals. 80 6x26 13 2 Totals.. 33 8 27 13 2 s Two out when winning run scored. Ran for Spencer in eighth. Batted for Mitchell In ninth, t Ban for Griggs in ninth. Salt Lake 00000110 0 2 Hits ..... ftiniloin o a Vernon n 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 X 1 U 8 O O O 1 28 Runs, Rath, Orr, Mattlck. Rader, Decan n ?r- ,stleh bases, Daley 2. Three-base hit. Griggs. Struck out, by Hughes 2. Bases on balls, off Hughes 3, Mitchell 4. Runs responsible for. Hughes 8, Mitchell 1. Seven hits. S runs. 82 at bat off Hughes in 8 2-8 Innings. Charge defeat to Hughes. Double plays, Orr to Vann; Rader to Risberg to Gleichmann. Time, 1:50. Umpires Brash ear and Held. Spalding's Bookings for Tomorrow. Fulton Greys vs. Estacada, at Estacada. 2:30 P. M. Capitol Hill vs. Kendall, at Kendall Sta tion. 2 p. M. , Lang & Co., vs. McMinnville, at McMlnn vllle. 2 P. M. Portland Heights vs. Oswego, at Oswego 2 P. M Beans vs. Llnnton. at Llnnton, 2 P. M. Meier & Frank vs.- Pleasant Home, at Pleasant Home, 2 P. M. Oak Grove Juniors vs. Ventura Park, at Ventura Park, 2 P. M. Bricklayers vs. Clear Oreek Creamery, at Carver. 2:80 P. M. Kenton Club vs. The Dalles, at 2 P. M. Columbia Park vs. Multnomah C. C, at Multnomah station, 2:30 P. M. Newsboys vs. Erroll Heights, at Erroll Heights, 2 P. M. Oakhurst Grays vs. Tigard, at Tlgard 2:30 P. M. Lents Grays vs. Maccabees, at Sellwood, S P. M. Maccabees vs. Sellwood, at Sellwood, 8:30 Golden Rods vs. Peninsular Grays, at poninsuiar grounds at 3:30 p. M. I Piedmont Maroons vs. Arleta, at Arietaj z:au f. At, Knights of Columbus vs. Tillamook, at Til lamook, 3 P. M. Log Cabin Bakery vs. Gervais, at Gervals, 2 P. M. Honeymans vs. Columbia Park Juniors, at columella rarit, z:oo p. M. Ames. Harris A Neville vs. Peninsular Mon arena, at Peninsular School grounds, 1 P. M. Postofflce Named Wemme. A new postoffice has been estab lished on the Mount Hood-Barlow road between Welches and Cherryville, in honor of the late E. H. Wemme, who worked energetically in lehalf of the road. The station has been named Wemme. and will serve the district be tween Cherryville and Welches. L. A. Wrenn has been selected for postmas ter. His bond has been approved and final commission is expected soon'.' The J postoffice Is in the Bungalow store. V- ? V - - ' v. f 1 ' ' f WEST MEETS FATE Eastern Tennis Champions Are Too Much for Youths. SENSATIONAL PLAY SEEN Church and Mathey, In Wonderful Form, Trim Davis and Johns, of California, in 3 . Straight Sets for Clay Title. CLEVELAND, O., June 30. 'The East triumphed over the West today when George M. Church. Tenafly, N. J., and Dean Mathey, Cranford, N. J., former Princeton team, retained the doubles championship of the United States on clay courts by defeating Willis K. Davis and Harold Van Dyke Johns, of San Francisco, 7-5, 4-0, 6-2, in the chal lenge round of the doubles events in the seventh annual National clay court tennis tournament on the courts of the Lakewood Tennis Club. The champions more than lived up to their reputations. Church, In particu lar, played spectacular tennis. His ex hibitions at the net bordered on the sensational. Mathey played excellent tennis, considering that he has not been on the courts as much as Church this season. The Californians performed cleverly in the first set, but from then on were very erratic. Conrad B. Doyle, of the Columbia Country Club, Washington, D. C, reached the final round in the men's singles today by defeating William Mc Ellroy. of Pittsburg. Doyle's opponent in the final round will be Willis E. Davis. This match, which will take place tomorrow, will be for the National singles championship, as R. Norris Will iams, of Philadelphia. 1915 champion. will not defend his title in a challenge rouna. summary Point score, first set Church-Mathev ..246 410 142 455 38 7 Davis-Johns ... Second set: Church -Ma they Davis-Johns ... Third set: Church-Mathey Davis-Johns . . . ..404 144 414 233 34 5 444 44525 8 022 023 9 0 2B4 414 84 33 8 -..442 242 61 25 2 Men s singles, semi-rinnl rnnnrf rnnmrf B. Doyle. Washington, beat William S.-MC-Ellroy. Pittsburg. 6-3. 6-3 7-S Mixed doubles, first round NTIk r!nr,ni BaUln and E. R. McCormick beat Miss Buda siepnens ana l . van Dyke Johns. 6-4. 6-3 C. B. Doyle and Miss Bickle beat W. S. jucr-.iroy ana Miss Cutbrle. 6-2. 0-2. PACIFIC COAST DOUBLES OX Roland Roberts and Teammate Among First Day's Victors. LONG BEACH. Cal.. June 30. Pre liminary matches were played today in the Pacific Coast men's sectional doub les tennis championship with 31 teams entered. Interest centered in the ap pearance of Maurice E. McLoughlln many times a champion, who was paired with Ward Dawson, of Los An geles, a class two i-layer. Thomas C, Bundy, who with LicLoughyn held the doubles title three years, did not con sider himself to be a serious contender this season and forced McLoughlln to find a new mate: Summary: Roland Roberts, Pacific Coast Junior sin gles champion, and Bowie Detrlck, of San Francisco, defeated R. and M. Reinke, of Lps Angeles. 6-1. 6-3. 6-2. Elliott and Reginald Macswaln, of Sac ramento, defeated J. Tominaga and T. Lmetsu, of Los Angeles, 6-2, 6-2, 7-5. Harvey Snodgrass and Wilson Jones de feated E. and H. Weller. all of Los An geles. 6-1. 6-1. 6-4. Frank Donley and Paul Kinney, of ' Los Angeles, defeated Ray Greenberg, of San Francisco, and Edward Simmons, of Los Angeles, 7-5, 8-6, 4-6, 6-1. J. H. Freeze and F. W. Sanger de feated L. and V. Duque, all ot Los An- geies. 0-2. s-, Erie and Clarence Parker, of Pasadena, defeated Robert Rager and Harold Davis, oi aanta Monica, b-t, 6-2, 7-5. 10-8. EUGENE IS FIRST STOP SAN FRANCISCO TRADESMEN'S ITIN KR.VRY IS BEING ARRANGED. Party Will Pass Day In City and Go On to Coos Bay for Celebration of "Railway Jnbllee." EUGENE. Or., June 30. (Special.) The delegation of between 175 and 200 San Francisco business men who will visit Oregojr on a trade extension ex cursion during the month of August will make their first stop in Eugene, according to Henry p. Adams, repre senting- the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, who is in the city today. Mr. Adams said that the San Fran cisco excursion has been so arranged that the visitors will be able to take part in the "Coos Bay Railroad Jubi lee," August 24. The special train will arrive In Eu gene Sunday night. The party will pass Sunday night and the greater part of Monday in the city, leaving at night for coos Bay. It is planned to con tinue on to Coquille River points, to visit Bandon, and start home after participation in the jubilee celebration on the first day at North Bend. On the return trip stops will be made at Oregon towns south of Eugene. Mr. Adams' mission Is In connection with the excursion. He is picking out points or interest for the visitors. $15,000 DAMAGES ASKED W. K. Botsford and Arthur Scrr Arc Sned by Miss Lindberg. William K. Botsford and Arthur serr, who were fined 50 each in the District Court this week for speeding the aftermath of their arrest May 1 after an accident on the Pase Line road in which Miss Esther Lindberg was seriously injured are made de fendants in a $15,000 damage action filed in the Circuit Court by Miss Lind berg yesterday. The young woman, who is still in St. Vincents Hospital, sustained perma nent injuries to her spine, three broken ribs and Internal Injuries in the acct dent. Miss Mabel Morley, her com panion, was uninjured. Botsford was cut about the face, but Serr was un hurt- Serr was the driver, but Bote ford owned the automobile. 307 ACCIDENTS IN WEEK State Commission Report Five Fatalities. Shows SALEM. Or.. June 30. (Special.) For the week ending June 29 a total of 307 accidents were reported to the State Industrial Accident Commission, of which five were fatal. Those fatal ly injured were: Arthur Burke, Clover dale, logging; James E. West, Winters, Cal., railway trespasser; William Fram heim, Acme, railway operation; C. E. Upthagrove, Metollus, railway opera tion; Chiottl Matteo, Portland, tres passer. Of the total number oi accidents re ported, 217 were subject to the work- AMUSEMENTS. !IATINI DAIDf 230 The Musical Wonder Workers; The Rotary Club's Orchestra: The Portland Favorites, 12 Melod.vphiends (directed by Prof. II. A. Webber, creator of Webber's Orchestra), the musical ac superb. Boxes first row hnlrnn ,r,1, MMnrad hv phone. Curtain, 2:30, 7 and 9. - IPPODROME Feature Photoplays and Vaudeville. 2 to 6; 6:45 to 11 P. M. Sat, Sun., HoUdays 1:15 to 11. Mats..10c; Nights, 16e. OAKS PARK Chat ISTo. 49 Today Ik Salem day. All the old rfuldenU of Oregon'! capltol will met at Oak Parle for the annual Jubilee. Some of the mt eloquent and prominent of Salema aona. who have achieved fame on the bench and in the .LeaTlnlatare and Senate, will mp trait. SoiiRi and a general good time will be Included. Our bis; muftlcal pro ar ram me by the Ladles' Columbian Orchestra will he Riven tooay. Tomorrow afternoon la the last performance by the Co lumbian Ladles. Sunday's pro gramme will be a bia; double-header with our new company. Knlght'a Troubadour, In a rlpplna; good mu sical comedy. The Cabaret." New costumes. Brood voices and n bevy of pretty ajlrls are captivating; items. Hon't stay away from the Oaks because of a little rain. There Isn't a place anywhere around that Is better able to make a cloudy day brlsrht than the Oaks. We can shelter and entertain 20,000 people and our auditorium holds SOOO. On Fourth off July we will Klve n bijc patriotic programme, wltl National so mars and melodies. Plcnle parties by the score are planning for a happy Fourth at the park. The ears leave First and Alder every few minutes and then there are launches and a motor road. JOHN F. CORDRAV. Watch the Chat Daily for Oaks Park Events ASEBALL RECREATION PARK, . ' Corser Vasgha and Twenty-foarta Sts. LOS ANGELES, PORTLAND Jmnc 27, 28, 29, 30, July 1 ssd 2. Came. Beds Weekday, at 3 P. M.) Sunday. 2f30 P. at. Reserved Box Seata for Sal. at Ed- waras cigar Stand, Sixth and Washington Sta. Ladles IJsri Wtdnndir and Frldar. men's compensation act, 61 were from public utility corporations, 28 were from firms and corporations which have rejected the act. and one was from a firm operating under the act. following is shown the number of accidents by industry: Sawmill 63. railway operation 69. logging; 62. con struction 36, iron and steel 12. paper mm iz, machine shop 12, foundry 7. mining 8. light and power 7, meat packing 5, tin shop 6, trespasser 3, Oil company 3, furniture manufacturing 4. transportation 2, cooperage 2 and for the following one each: Bakery, dredg ing, printing, telegraph and telephone company, express company, passenger, cannery, rock crusher, condensory, ice plant, fruit products, flour mill, hard ware mercnant, Doming works, glove factory. RATES ARE HELD TOO HIGH Clatskanie Power Company Mast Lower Its Schedule. SALEM. Or., June 30. (Special.) The Oregon Public Service Commission. acting upon the application of the Clatskanie Light & Power Company to increase Its rates, today issued an order in which it held that the company's present rates, except for city lighting, were unreasonable and discriminatory. The following new rates were or dered to be made effective by the com pany August 1: Residence lighting first 16 kilowatt hours used a month. 12 cents a kilowatt; next 15 kilowatt hours used a month, 10 cents a kilowatt hour; all over SO kilowatt hours used a month, 6 cents a kilowatt hour; mini mum monthly charge 11. Commercial lighting First 30 kilo watt hours used a month per kilowatt connected, 12 cents a kilowatt hour next 30 kilowatt hours used, 10 cents a kilowatt hour; all over 60 kilowatt hours, 6 cents a kilowatt hour; mini mum charge $1 a kilowatt connected no minimum less than fl. FEDERAL OATH IS TAKEN Albany Coast Artillery Company la Sworn In. ALBANT, Or, June 80. (Special.) Most of the members of the Fifth Com pany. Coast Artillery Corps, Oregon National Guard, of this city, were sworn into the Federal service tonight. This action was taken pursuant to the provisions of the recent act of Con gress, which goes into effect tomor row, placing the National guardsmen under Federal control. The oath was administered to R. R Knox. Captain of the company, by a notary public, and Captain Knox then swore in Lieutenants Baker and col lins and the enlisted men. - Blanks for the purpose were received today, and all of the men who could be notified were present at the Armory tonight and took the oath. FRUIT JUICE PLANT OPENS Loganberry Product Now Being Made at Albany. ALBANY, Or.. June SO. (Special.) Albany's new plant for the manufacture of fruit juices was placed in operation this afternoon, and the first Albany- made loganberry Juice came from the presses. Everything about the new plant worked satisfactorily and with enough berries coming In now to assure a reg ular supply the plant will begin oper atlng regularly tomorrow morning. TOO LATE TO CXASSrFT. A DELIGHTFUL 13-room, well-built home on West Side; centrally located, with flowers and yard: partially furnished If desired: rent reasonable. Phone Mar shall 2324. MUST sell today. feather pillows, bed dresser, chair, kitchen tables, garbage can. cheap. 500 B. 14th at. K. . FOR HIRE 5 and T-passenger automobiles. Call U. S. Garage. Woodlawn 4870. FIRPT-CLASS live-wire kalsomlner by con tractor. 008 Tourny bldg.. 1 A. M, m m UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AN1J MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGON IAN OFFICE: A 5TH, 680, 061, 606. 867, 669, 670, 671. 673, o. 687. 6. B 661, oil, 672, 68T. ft V ."3, 6(51. 608. 670. 67L I 0(15. 6S, 671. 6f. 60. 641. 642, 601. 605. 663, 671, 673, 677, 688. 600. r 60S. 606, 663, 665, 666, 663, 669, 673, 6i4, 687. 6811. x G 650. 653 65. 660, 68T, 689. H 576. 57U. 632, 671. J 519. 664. 67. 669. 671, 764. K BOO. 63. (167. 672, 685, 6U0. L 642. 643, 60U. 670. 688. M S42. 62. 634. 643, 668. 6S6. 690. ' 644. 6.')0. 653, 655. 660. 661, 665, 672, 68T. O "8 651. ' 73. 674. 675. 6HO. p 837; 63S 630x 665. 668, 671. 0S7. 688. . K 579, 638. BUT, 671. 675. 690. 6 558. 638. 684 685. 667. 668. 689. 675. 68. T 578. 5H8, 658, 660, 661. 683, 672, 674. 686. V 519. 638. 647, 653, 664, 607. 668, 670, 61L 673, 683. 684. 688, 0L W 576 658, 662, 663. 666, 668. 670. 674. 675. 685. 686, 688. 689. X 20, 676 678, 652. 668, 669. 670. 683, 699. XX 700. ' Y 260. 574. 678. 665, 668. 671. 675. AH 637. 640, 667. 669. 670. 674, 682, 683, 686. AC 619 639, 655. 661, 669, 670. AJJ 608. 611, 68. 673. 683. 687. AE 639, 672. 675, 6S2. 683. At 507. 615. 671, 6i5. 68a, 68O. 000. 000. Afi 668. 6BB, 63, 684. AH 656, 609. 671. 681. 683. AJ 648. 662, 60S. 670, 672, 674, 675. 683, AK 3f, 640, 654. 663, 667, 670, 673, 6S1. A I. 812, 640, 642. 681. 682. 669, 670. 684.. 688. A I 6 1 i. 642. 645, 651, 657. 670. 682, 683. 686. A 642, 645. .r.O, B.-iO. Urtl, 60S. 674. 686. AO 640, 641. 652, 656. 6G6, 672. 679. 683. AP 218! 623, 625, 641. 600, 660, 668, 669. AR579?640 .643. 644. 646. 66T, 672, 687. 688. Bf 639, 642'. 657, 658. 661. 6S. BD 567. 600. if ahfl'va answers are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Daily ana Sunday. Per. Una. One time 15 feame al two consecutlv. tunes i rianie ad tliree consecutive time. Stte in,M ail six or seven consecutlv. time.. .660 Xb. above rate, apply to advertisements under -fw 1UQBJ muu au viucw i wim Uone except the following Situations Wanted Male, feituatlons anted female. tor Kent Booms Private i-amillea, Hoard and Koom Private Pamlliea. unnMbMnlM Rooms Private iamillea. let.. n tlie above classifications 1 3 cents a line eacn uiHru, ' s iimouiui win scfdi cwMiicg ..n l..m,ni over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber of either phone. No prlc. will be quoted over tu. phone, but bill will be rendered the following OSit. Whether subsequent advertisements wiil be accepted over th. phone depends ........ .h, nroiuDtnees of payment of tele-. phone advertisements, situations Wanted" and ''Personal" advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone, urarra lor on. insertion only will be accepted for "Furni ture lor rie, xuiMr! I' i. uuii.. Atoomlng-xtousee auu icu cai. n. iliarc" advertisements charaes wll h. hmmii on the number of lines supearias In the paper, regardless of th. number of words In each Una. Minimum charge, tw. 'Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must b. In Th. Oregonlaa offlc before 8:45 o'clock at night, except Satur day. Closing hour for Th. bunds Ors- !onlan will be 7:80 o'clock Saturday night, he offlc. will be open until 10 o'clock P. M. as usual, and .11 ads received too lute for proper classification will be ran under the Hearting 100 i. te 10 vwn Telephone: Main lu iv, a oowo. MEETINO NOTICES, lr.M'RT.irxff leweirv. buttons, cnarms. pins, Saw designs, jaeser Bros., jsi-s iiii OBEdO.V LODGE. NO. 101. A- F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Saturday) avenin t A o'clorlr. vljiitlnor brethren cordially invited. By order of tne w. M. LESLIE 8. PARKER, See. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thia (.Saturday) evening 7 o'clock. E 8th and Bumslde. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome, order w. m. J. H. RICHMOND, fcieO. rnrrft1 v ri,i1rnatfl emtrtem cards for all orders. Kllham Sta'y & Ptg. Co.. 5th oak. preo. WELCH At Spokane. Wash.. June 29, James T. Welch, native of Portland. Or. aon of the late Captain James J. Welch. Remains arrive In Portland care of ths Holman Undertaking Co. Announcement ot funeral later. O'DO.VNELL June 80, 1916. at 163 Morris t.t.. Mrs seoenia O'Donneu. aged 61 years. JJelDVed .wire of Domlnlck o Donnell. ite ms! us at Pearson's undertaking parlors, rtusseu st. at union ave. STEELE June 29. William Steele, aired 67 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's pariors. xsotice oi runerai later. FINER A I. NOTICES. BAUMAN At the residence, 18 Mason st. June 27. Miles E. Bauman. aged 19 yearj beloved son of Mr. and Mr- Frederick L nauman, brother of Ruth E.. Haxel E 1 homas C. and Frederick I Bauman. Jr. r uneral services will be held Saturday 2:i0 p. M. at the above address. Inter ment Rose city Cemetery. Arrangements in care ot Miner & i racey. Fl NKKAL DIRECTORS. Tears of Experience Enable This Firm to Give You PERFECT SERVICE This modern establishment, with, its conveniences, including a se cluded driveway, insures abso lute privacy, causing In no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 8. A 1699. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Street. Main 607, A 1611. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICE FOB LESS $15Q FUNERAL FOR S75 STILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Lndr Assistant. Washington at Ella st-. bet. 20th and 2 1st. Main A i txo. west bias. DUN-NINO A M'ENTEB. funeral directors. Broadway and pine. Phoa. Broadway .30, A 45os. Laay atienaani. F. S. DUNNING, INC st Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street. East 68. B 2528. A. R. ZELLER A CO , 692 WILLIAMS AVE. feast lust), c jum. Laay attendant. Day and night service. BREEZE A SNOOK, nunnyslde Parlors. Auto hearse. 1026 Belmont- Tab. 1358. B881 P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets! Lady attendant- iast lai. a ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrlaon sts. Main 613a. A 2233. R. T. BYRNES, Williame and Knott. East 1113, C 1943. Lady attendant MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E 80th and Glisan. Tab. 4318. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COHPANT. Sd and. CJay. M- 4112, A 2o2L Lady attendant. mum, rm77xftW: i ii 1 1 1 mm IT t t This directory is for the information the different lines of business which use. Anv information which cannot phoning Main 7070 or A 095. House 40. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAX, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, side pleat, buttons covered: mall orqera. ga fittock bin, roadway lotf. PLEATING, hemstitching, buttons covered. .astern Novelty Co.. so H olh. B dw y ai'OQ. ASSAVEHS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, Hi iid- ioid. suver and platinum bougat. WM. BARKER. JR. Cut-rate assayexi gold. uc. 4-u a. luth St.. Eugene, or. ATTORNEYS. W. J. MAKEL1M Probate, real estate, min ing and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined, written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 6748. GRAHAM. BECKETT & COOPER General practice; abstracts examined. 601-3 Piatt bldg. Phone Main 0880. CAFETERIAS. PURITAN Cafeteria, Stark, bet. 3d and 4tb; wk piace to eat. 11. c. liranaee, prop. CANCER. . M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATBD. O.llfr Alberta St. Woodlawn 41lH. CARPET WEAVER. FLUFF KIG6 FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refining, etc North west Rug Co.. lsa E. 8th. Both phone. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HUDSON COMPANY. 887 Washington at. Main 312 and A 1204. CHIROPODISTS.- William, Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny. too only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 304 Gerlinger bltlg.. southwest corner 2d and Alder, Phono Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring, Mrs. M. D. Mill. , , r , i , . - i.- i , .. . .- 1. 1 .. - , , .. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. SUCCK'SFUL with many so-called incurable cases: 31 adjustments. (15. West bide Macleay bldg. East Side Sanitarium. 734 Hawthorne. Dr. McMahon, Main o5. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17tKl. No collection, no charge. Established luoo. DANCING. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally: class irL eve., to ll. low 2d st.. bet. Wash, .and Stark. Main 82Q5. Lessons. 23c. DE REAU Norn-al School ot Dancing. Toe. cpKuiau xancy, oriental, Egyptian festheuc l-.usslan. soft-shoe. Phou. Main 763a. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND TUROAT. Treatment by specialist: glaases tilted. Dr. r. (.aaaeaay. oil ueiturn bldg.. 3d w n. 1IKK INSURANCE. PACIFIC 6TATEB FIRE 'INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and oicycies. raone Main 53. A 2153. MUSICAL. Smll Thlolhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. -vi k uim. ji. iwj. Aiarsnaii n I IF YOU start today, violin lesson. 40 cants. r.inersiv 102 but 3lh st NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS. Oregonlan bldg. My span 'J i. curonic aiseases: constipation, nervousness, headaches, stomach, liver. "'or. xemaie ana otner enronio trou Dies yield readily to my Improved durg less method: consultation tree. WHOLESALERS AND ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DTJBRUILLF. BUGGY TOP CO. 209 Id St. AUTO S V R1N GS-M. A N U FACT L R1N G. JAnER SPRIN6 CQ-ng";- "w ."prtngi n stocg. 5th and Couch. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer, park Davis BREAD BAKERY'. Royal Bakery 4t Couf. Co.. 11th and Everett. GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUSER. Board of Trade B'.dg. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO.. B7-73 Fourth St. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 63-55 Front St. HIDES WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front st. MII.LINERY. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th ss. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUiriA Neckwear Mfg. Co., 3 'i 6;h st. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and Loral designs. No branch stores. GUSTAV J. BURKHARDT. 112 23d. PHONK MAIN" U93. A 8603. Floral design., cut flowers and ferns. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 334 Washington. Main 2691. A 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 312L Sell ing bldg.. 8th and Alder sta. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 283 Washington St., bet. 4th and 6th. Main 6102, A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 204-266 4th at., opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. EES BLAESING GRANITE to IRQ AT MADISON STRgF T J Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN OREGON HUMANE SOCiETY Office Room 153 CoartbouM, Sth-street Phone from S to & Main Home Fbone A 255. Msbt caU after office hours Alain 870. Report al! ruei of cruelty to th above tddren. Electrio lethal chamber for small animal. Huno ambulance for sick and dis abled anlmala at a moment's notice. Any one desiring- a doc or other pets, communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. KW TODAY. 6 Ovans of H10.0OO and Tr sn Im proved Bwisch Property tor few laaarovecnent Purposes) J. P. LIPSCOMB, 14 b lark btroek. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at and 7 per cent, Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. LAHGE LOANS SPECIAL RATES A. H. BIRKELL CO. T-Xl Nerthwestera Bask Bulidlaa, afarahall 4114. A 4118. i!!imiiiimiiiiiii!imiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui ZZ MONET FOR FARMERS E At Current Rates. COME IX AXD TALK. WITH TS E or Write. S Bankers' Mort a: a are Corporations. Capital &00,0OO. Title A Trast Bldar Portland. Oregrasu riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiin Western Bond Sc Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Current Rates, MUNICIPAL AXD CORPORATION BONDS, PA RSI AXD CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Funds at 6 and 1 ROBERTSON & EWETG XQ7-8 Northwestern Banst Bldgr. FOR SALE: Residence. Eugene. Or. Add. 22i5 DwifiUl, way. Berkeley CaL ramie tin r t m of the Dubllc to give as far as possible the average person may find occasion to be found here will be crladly furnished by OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. SAVE YOUR t Corr,'f,ti? titled Riasees, gum , mountings as low as tl.oo; quality and service th. i . TV. r.n,uimsa. Optometrist. 2"9 Morrison st- Main 2124. t . IT- J ntiaii to fit. aS low as el'.Ml. The best service and material. I grind my own - lenses. Limru pj of Orecon. DR. J. D. ili.Kt.iJi in. "Washington St. , PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIUHT, 22 years- experience U. S. ar.d foreign patents. COl Dekum bldg. PIANOS. sinn-usniii i.M.ii ii mm I OTM AND STARK 3TS V A lg?2 HAPSWALI. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPB C( Factory and office near 24th ana ortc us. juin PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. K. Gantenbeln. mgr. Printing and linotyping. 1004 Front at.. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. DDIUTHUr1 F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY rrUllllllO First & Oak Sts. Main 165. A 1165 KAi; Rl:OS AND KI.UKF RUGS. Ingrains. Brussels. Smyrna. Axmuisters. rag rugs, all Lizes, mall orders prompt; 'booklet WESTERN FLUFF RL'O CO., 54-58 Union ave. N. Last O510. B 1475. KEAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAlJtR-JONESCa, 11. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. BENEDICT BUOS.. B3U Hawthorne avenue STAMP-DEALERS. COLUMBIA STAMP CO. Main 73S0. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE FREE MOVING For a limited time. In order to fill ejr modern brick warehouse, located in xt. lie-art of the city. Expert packing and moving. SECURITY STORAGE tt TRANSFER CO.. 44-46 E. Bin St. N. Phones East 349. East 3S0T. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO.. 2d and P!ne its. Brosdway .-iKd. A lif6. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gilsan St.. corner ISth Telephone Main i9 or A 11O0. We own and operate two lar&e class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. - MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office "i SO Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, prions Main "ofil. VETERINARY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sep tember 11. Catalogue free. C. Keane. vres- Ident. 1S12 Market St.. Un Francisco. wood. ; GREE"t AND DRY SLABWOOD, blockwood." Panama Fuel Co. Main 3720. A 8S99. IMANUFACTURERS ::oN-INTO.ICAllNG Br.VtB.iGES. WEINliAKD S GOLDEN AMBER NtOTAR, Henry Weinhard plant. 13tn and Burnslds sis. Phone Main 72. A 1172. ' PLAIN AND LUBRICATING OIL W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davt, Sts. PAINTS, OILS AND tiLASS. R A PMUStEN ec CO.. 2tl and Taylor st P1PU, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 4-fcti Front st I LIMBING AND STEAM blll'UtS. . L. KLINE. M-ii Froi.t st. PRINTING. PPIUTIH'R F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY rnlUMiiU First A Omk Sts. Main It. 5. A 1165 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE. AND BINDINO TWINE. Portland Cordaye Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAFETY KAZOK HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. 1S9H th. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER & CO.. 12lh and Davis ta WAI.l PAPER. M fffflAy WALL lJ.M' 1'. : ( ... NEW TODAY. 3 Story Brick Bldg. 5th St., Near Couch 15,000 feet floor space, vault and shelving, two elevators, 3 minutes' walk from "hub" of city. RENT HALF OR WHOLE Very low rate to good tenants- Ap ply to owner, A. G. LONG. Phone Main 3009. WA. N T E, E A piece of free and clear property, with some income preferred, in exchange for two good houses that cost owner $10,000 in exchanart?. 'With only I1S00 incumbrance; property located on a Kood corner on Kast Pide and not far out. Good deal can be made. (107-8 Henry Bldc.. Fourth and Oak Sta Ir.nin SMsftl. EOlflDLGOUOEYCO G -7, LOANS ONI MORTGAGE SECURITY KKWTMWtSltRN BANK eUIU3IMft REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Now is the time to buy that home In this beautiful, healthful and convenient district; real estate is now ready to ad vance; come and see my astounrilng bar gains: every custodier is a ref vvtnce. .Marshall 4i7. HROOKB. A .is.tn. ROSK CITY PARK. BLOCK. Price tl2o, lOOxluO. all improvement. In. - bouded assessments under $30O; in nicest part of this beautiful addition. STANLEY S. THOMPSON. Owner. Rothrhlld Blog. Ma 111 3044 PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Itipsest sa.-rifii-e ever made on a good Heights lot: In main part of Heights: koo.I virtw and ready ic build on; must be sold at once. Owner. Main lf'3. St. Helens and otir property cheap. H. Ii. Nicholas. 71S Oronian bldg. Main USoA. CASH only, 8 full lots. 12 blks. City Hall. ( 1 ti per lot. Owner. 303 Henry blcig. lor rale Houses. LACKELHVRST HOMES. Befor. buying be sure to loolc at our list of exquisils homes Just completed In Laurelhurst. the addition of beautiful homes, from J.'.'JO up. on rent-like terms. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 h Stark t. Main I70O. A 1515. $900 WILL buy a tSJOO house with J12'i0 mortgage texplres in two yearsi. 1T00 I-terkeiev sr., one bl. from St. Johns car. E. Undatertt. Main jML'tf. 832 Morgan bldg. jiHT.-V NEW MODERN 3-RM. BUNGALOW. 100 CASH: DOl'BLK CONSTRICTED: S20 MONTHLY; GRAND AVK. CORNER. MAIN 3730. 1067 E. BROADWAY. 7 rooms. 2 lots, for rent or sale: furnace, cement tubs, 3 blocks to 37th st. cars, half block to garage. Inquire 10s4 E. Broadway. tTroOM bungalow. IH-etory. modern, cost J3500. cash J430 this week. 03,7 K, 67th Ft. Tabor BBsS. BARGAIN A new .".-room bunralow. corner lot. trees, flowers and p-arden. 872 E. Sld st. N. Woodlawn 2."3S. iRVINGTON Swell and cheap homes, easy paymenta. See Delahunt. Pho n e East 1J75. NEW. modem homes, by owner. r B. Rlce. East 2432. Slttrto MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnaoe, built-in coavenieuces, Woodlawn 3d. - r.