Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 28, 1916, Page 19, Image 19

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Tho vines are entirely free from vemln
which usually visits this crop. ; -
The growers at Sara are very enthusiastic
over the prospects of a good normal yield,
although It Is a little early to predict.
Joseph S. Harris, of Sara, has six acres of
hops, while P. L. Stlnson has seven acres,
besides other yards which are owned by
people In that district.
berries; $404.60; raapborrlea, $4t&; lemons.
S4.25i4 75; grapefruit. $2:2.25; oranges,
$3.25 v 3.&0; bananas, Hawaiian, 75c & L&O ;
pineapples, Hawaiian, 60c& $1.50.
Receipts Flour, 30OO quarters; barley,
2570 centals; beans. 1367 sacks; hay, &2.S
tons; potatoea, 2843 sacks.
Coffeo Futures Close Lower.
NEW YORK. June 27. The market for
coffee futures opened steady at an advance
of two to three points on scattered cover
ing and a little European buying, which
may have been promoted by an Idea that
recent liquidation Had strengthened the
technical position. The official cables re
ported further declines In Brazil.
December contracts sold oft. from $8.08
to $ and March from $8.23 to. $S.1. with
the general market closing at' a net loss
of three to seven points. Sales, 53.750 bags;
June. $9.76: July, $7.67; August. $7.76:
September, $7.85; October. $7.90; November,
$7.95; December, $7.99; January, $S.04;
February, $8.09; March, $A,15; April, $8.19;
May. $S.24.
Spot coffeo Steady; Rio 7s, T; Cantos
4s, IO c
Santos 4s were said to be offered tn the
cost and freight market at 8 for July
and August shipment and Rio 7a for 8.
both on the basis for London credits.
The official cables reported deel ines of
75 to 100 reis In the primary markets.
Rio cleared 15.QOO bags for New York.
Higher Prices Are Named in
California Advices.
Upward Revision of Prices in
Wall Street.
Small Demand for Hops.
There is practically no demand for hops
at the present time, and except for a little
business In the lower grades,, the dealers
are Idle. A SO-bale lot of this quality was
bought yesterday at 8 cents, and in Cali
fornia a car of cheap Sacramentos changed
hands at 74 cents. Good hops are firmly
held at the old prices.
Strawberry Season Ending:.
The rain has practically ended the straw
berry season. The demand yesterday was
very small and tho quality, generally poor.
Prices on the street ranged from 75 cents
to $1.25 a crate.
Cantaloupes sold fairly well at unchanged
prices. Other fruits were slow.
Speculative Baying Responsible for
Abnormal Values Now Current in
Southern State Government
Purchases Anticipated.
Factors of Helpful Character Are
Many Reading and Steel Lead
: Movement in Representative
Stocks War Snares Firm.
1 N
lis k
There was some talk of an 11-cent bean
market yesterday, but Jobbera -were adverse
to putting out such an extreme quotation,
notwithstanding the further advance In the
south. In fact, Portland Jobbing; prices are
below a parity with California. It Is believed
there are encragb beans here to meet the
restricted requirements during the remainder
f the old-crop year, but If the supply is ex
hausted, it cannot be replenished at exist
ing prices. While the main factor In the
strength of the market Is the Government
aemand, there is little doubt that speculation
bas playsd an important part In bulling
prices In the south. The available supply
of white beans In California Is limited, and
appears to have passed Into strong specu
lative hands
Advices received from San Francisco yes
terday said small whites were practically
cleaned up at shipping points at lri cents
and very few Lady Washing tons wore left
at 9 cents. There was a good demand for
Iylmaa, which were advancing In sympathy
with the high price of white beans. Pinks
are cleaning cp fast and are expected to go
higher and higher prices on bayous are also
looked for.
Demand Is Small and Prices Are Generally
The wheat market was quiet .yesterday
with a firmer undertone, but prices were
generally unchanged at the Merchants' Ex
change. The demand continues limited.
The barley market was strong, with a fur
ther advance In California on both options
and spot barley.
There were no new developments In the
oats market.
Commenting on the course of the Chicago
wheat market, the latest news bulletin of
Kenskorf, Lyon & Co. says:
"The depression in evidence at the end
of last week gave way to Improvement based
on the Mexican situation, but the 3c rally
seems to iiave eliminated the short Interest
and prices are again receding. Much is
being made of the large world stocks, but
tliese are being fast discounted and they will
in no way counterbalance the promise of
iyie-17 ' yields in either the producing or
consuming countries. A much smaller busi
ness than usual has been put through on
early shipments of our new crop and it is,
therefore, still ahead of us. There Is no
evidence of pressure from Argentina, Aus
tralia or India, while an Improved tone is
reported from the English markets. The
doilar line is likely to arrest bear operations
rT- tnm. 4-ti-r.a. At leflHt- VPn If It dO&B SOt
prove about the bottom."
As to California's wheat requirements In
the coming season, the Government monthly
crop report says:
'California, once an Important wheat state
and noted for large bonanza wheat farms.
Is no longer classed as a wheat-producing
state. Twenty years ago It produced 45,
000.000 bushels of wheat, shipping much of
It .o Europe. This year its production will
probably be not much more than 4.0O0.0OG
bushels and It will need to ship in from other
states 10,000,000 bushels -or more to meet
Its own food requirements."
Argentine freights, according to yester
day's advices, are holding at 140s, a decline
of 6s since Friday.
Bradstreet's estimates the visible wheat
decrease at 4.6S0.O0O bushels.
Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported
by the Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Klour Oats Hay
Portland. Tue. 6
Year ago
fie as' n to date. 10451
Year ago 10tKH
Tacoma, Mon. 14
Year ago 37
fefas'n to date. 7164
Year ago 027
Krattle. Mon. . S
Year a no 2tl
Beas'r. to date. 8007
Year age 7iG4
3 2 7 3
X 1 2 i
152S 19R 11S3 2666
1118 181MJ 2027
1 1 7
528 .... 432 2410
31 .... 6S7 32S5
1 2 10 20
2 24 9
1467 2157 1133 4424
1143 2458 1304 47S9
Exports From United States and Canada
Increased in Paet Week.
The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer
chants' Exchange follow:
American visible supply
2,011. (V00
i,2oy, ox
June 26, 1916 4.647.000
June 2S, li13 10lfl4.00O
June 25. 1014.
June 30, 1913.
.. .2:t.249.00O
. . .12,036.000
. D.7r6.00O
. . .ia7.ouo
.. .46.S4UOOO
July 3, 1912
July 5, 1911
Julv 5, 1910
July 0. l!)0:
July 6, lrOS
July S. 1U07 .
Quantities on -passage
Week Week Week
ending ending ending
Vot June 24. June 17. June 2S.'15.
TTnlted King. .lti.SKM.OOO 19.-IXO.000 24,024.000
Continent ....41,040.000 41,296.000 20,200,000
Totals. . .
.. .57.S61.00O 6O,72tJ,O00 44.224.000
shipments, principal exporting
flour included
Week Week Week
cntlins ending ending
June 24. June 17. June 26.' IS.
TT.S. & Can. ..11.122.000 H7:'rt.0OO ti.6O.VO00
Argentina . . . 1,092. CKH 2.576.000 1.2&2.O0O
Australia .... 1.016.000 1.232,000
Ttussia 28S.00O
India 712,000 I.06S.OOO
Totals 13.042,000 14.S44.00O 8,693,000
World shipments, season to date
Total tnnre t tame period
July l.'l.V last season.
V. S. and Canada. .4SM.3P3.00A 41H.3iM.00O
Argentina 57,57i,ooo 199.0 H
Australia 31.714,000 6.2V.S.O00
Panube 0u 0
Kussia 4. 192.000 12.432.000
India 13,42.000 . 50.45.000
Totals fi9.207.00O 657,71 S. 000
Current Receipts Sell Freely at Half Cent
Advance Quality la Setter.
The egg market was firmer at the produce
exenange, witn saies or case count at 21H
rents, an advance of half a cent. The qual
ity of the eg its now coming In has Ira-l-roved,
and this is mainly responsible for
the betterment of the market. Receipts
are also somewhat lighter.
Butter was rather weak. Extras offered
i i;o cenis, wun :; cents bio. Prime
firsts were offered at 24 i cents, with 24 H
rnts bid. and firsts at 24 cents, with
4 cents bid. Seconds sold at 22 cents.
Cairy butter sold at 21 cents.
The cheese market was active, with sales
f triplets at 15 cents and Young Americas
at 16 cents.
Hens sold on the board at 14 cents.
. Broilers were offered at 19 cents, with 17H
' cents bid.
On the street country dressed meats
dragged. eal was quoted at 10H and 11
cants and pork at 10 and 104 cents.
A masting of the egg committee of the
produce exchange was held last night to
revise the rules governing the sales of
ggs on the board.
Clark County Hops I Welt.
RIDGEFIELD. Wash.. June 27. (Spe
cial. tub nop crop tn the. western part
or in:s county, mciuoing sara, east of here,
is said to be In good condition, and al
though the growth has been retarded by
tho chilly weather of the past few weeks,
the present warm rains and weather are
taiwai uit tuim in znaas a last growth
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland fl, 783.673 $114,011
Seattle 2,411.143 276.SS5
Tacoma 486.194 104,074
Spokane 690,18.7 48,023
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Merchants Exchange, noon session.
June delivery. Bid.
Wheat Bid. Ask. Tr. ago.
Bluestem $ . $ 1.03 $ 1.00
Fortyfold 86 .93 .97
Club .83 .96
Red fife 83 .95
Red Russian S3 ' .90 .94
No. 1 white feed 26.00 26.75 26.75
No. 1 feed 27,00 23,80
Bran 23.00 24.50 24.00
Shorts 26.00 27.50 24.00
Futures Bid. Ask.
July bluestem t .. .$ .95 $ l.oo
August bluestem 92 .99
July fortyfold 83 .91
August fortyfold &2 .91
July club S3 .89
August club 2 .89
July red fife 83 .89
August red fife S2 .89
July Russian. .83 .89
August Russian .82 .89
July oats 26.25 21.75
August oats 25.75 26. SO
July feed barley 27.00 28.50
August feed barley 25.00 28.00
July bran 3.00 24.50
August bran 22.50 24.50
July shorts 26.00 27.50
August shorts 26.0O 28.00
FLOUR Patents. $5 per barrel: straights,
$4.304.S0; exports, $4.10; Valley, $4.80;
whole wheat, $5.20; graham, $5.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, $23 24
per ton; Valley timothy, $181; alfalfa.
$1415 per ton.
MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran, $2626.50
per ton: shorts. $29 29.50 pr ton; rolled
barley, $31 .50 32. 50.
CORN Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, $38
per ton.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local jobbing quotations:
TROPICAL, FRUITS Oranges. Valenclas,
$3. 50 3.75 per box; lemons, $4 5.50 per
box ; bananas, 4 tS-4 V. c per Dound : pine
apples, 6'g7c per pound; grapefruit. $2.505.
VEGETARI.FS ArHrholr TKo?S1 tmt
dozen; tomatoes. $1.50 1.65 per crate; cab-
udKe. per Hundred; garlic. 10c per
pound; peppers. 25c per pound; eg-gplant,10c
per pound; horseradish, 8ic per pound; let
tuce, $1 531.25 per crate; cucumbers, 75c
$1.15 er dozen: spinach, 45c per pound;
asparagTis. 75c$l per dozen; rhubarb. 16
(0-c per pouna; peas, 4o per pound; cauli
flower. $1.25 ner crate : beans. 8 9- tier
pound; celery, $11.15 per dozen; corn. 65
dj. ."c per tiozen.
POTATOES Old. $L50; California, new,
22tC per pound.
ONIONS California red and yellow. S3 a
8.25 per sack.
GREEN FRTJIT Strawberries. T5c?1.25
per crate: apples, new. $2 r,er box: cherries.
3&5c per pound; cantaloupes, 50c&$2.25 per
crate; apricots, $1.351.75 per tox; peaches,
$1 1.10 per box ; watermelons, 2c per
pound; figs, $11.50 per box; raspberries,
$2.25 g 2.75; plums, $1.35; prunes, $1.75.
Dairy and Country Prod are.
EGGS Orejron ranch, exchange prices:
Current receipts, 21c; rots and cracks out,
22c; extras, 23 Vic per dozen. Jobbing prices:
Oreg-on ranch, candled, 25c per cozen.
POULTRY Hens, 14c; stags, 10c; broilers,
17 l8c per pound; turkeys, live, 20f21c :
turkeys, dressed, choice, 23 & 25c ; ducks, 15
12' -oc; geese, luspisc.
BUTTER Cubes, extras. 25c bid: prime
firsts, 24Vsc; firsts, 24c; seconds, 22 c. Job
bing prices; Prints, extras, 2729c; butter-
rat. o. l, 27c; No. 2, 2oc, Portland.
CHEESE Oregon triplets, jobbing buying
price, 15c per pound, f. o. b. dock. Portland;
Young Americas, 16c per pound.
VEAL Fancy. 10V4i9llc per pound.
PORK Fancy, 1010c per pound.
Staple Groceries.
Local Jobbing quotations:
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails,
$3.30 per dozen; one-half flats, $1.50; 1
pound flats, $2.50; Alaska pink, 1-pound
tails. 05c.
HONEY Choice, $3.25 per case.
NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, 16c: Brazil
nuts, 15lSc; filberts, 16 18c; almonds.
IQVkc; peanuts, 5 c; cocoa nuts, $1 per
dozen; pecans, 1020c; chestnuts. 10c.
BEANS Small white, lOVc; large white,
0 c ; Lima, 7 V4c: bayou. 7 c: pink. 7 V4 c :
red Mexican, 7Vc.
COFFEE Roasted, in drums. 1433c
SUGAR Fruit and berry, $3.45; Honolulu,
$3.40: beet, S.25: extra C, $8.05; powdered,
in barrels. $8.90 : cubes, in barrels, $9.20.
SALT Granulated, $15.50 per ton; half
ground, 100s. $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11.30 per
ton; dairy, $14 per ton.
RICE Southern head, 54 6 Vie per
pound; broken. 4c; Japan style, 4Vi5c.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, Bo per pound;
apricots. 13 15c; peaches, 8c; prunes,
Italian. 89c; raisins, loose Muscatels. 8c;
unbleached Sultanas. 94 10c ; seeded. 9c;
dates, Persian. 10c per pound; fard, $1.65
per box; currants. 812c; figs, 50 6-ounce.
$2; 10 4-ounce, $2.23; 36 lO-ounce, $2.40;
12 10-ounce, 85c; bulk,- white, 78c; black,
Gc per pound.
HAMS All sizes, choice. 21 V-c; standard,
19Va & 20 Vic; skinned, 18lc; picnics, 13c;
collage rolls. 13c
BACON Fancy, 272c; standard, 23
24c; choice. 17 22c.
DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 13H
15Vc; exports, 1516Vc; plates, 1218V4c
LARD Tierce basis. kettle rendered
14c; standard (tubs), 14Vsc; compound,!
12 He.
BARREL. GOODS Mess beef, $18; plate
beef. $22; brisket pork, $22.50; tripe, $10.50
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS 1915 crop, 8 11c; 1916 contracts,
HIDES Salted hides. 25 pounds and up,
16c: salted hides. 50 pounds and up, 12c;
salted kip, 15 pounds to 25 pounds, 17c;
salted calf, up to 13 pounds, 22c; green
hides. 50 pounds and up. 14c; green stags,
50 pounds and up, 10c: green kip. 15 pounds.
17c; dry flint hides. 2Sc; dry flint calf, up
to 7 pounds. 39c; dry and salt hides. 28c.
WOOL. Eastern Oregon, fino. 23 23 4 e ;
coarse, 30 o 32c; Valley, 30 33c
CASCARA BARK Old and new. 4o per
PELTS Dry long-wooled pelts, 20e; dry
short-wooled pelts, 16c; dry shearlings, 10
25c each; salted shearlings, 15i'25c each;
dry goat, long hair, ISc each ; dry goat
shearlings, 10 20c
KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels
or tank wagon, lOc; cases, 17H20c
GASOLINE Bulk, 19c: cases. 2Vic;
naptha. drums. lSVzc; cases, 25VsC
LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 81c; raw.
cases, sdc ; boiled, barrels, 63c ; boiled,
cases, gSc.
TURPENTINE In tanks, 67c; In cases,
6Sc; 10-case lots, lc le.
More Than Inch Falls in Country Adjacent
to Milton.
MILTON, Or.. June 26. (Special.) A to
tal of 1.04 inches of rain has fallen here
in the last 24 hours, adding much to the
prospects for a good wheat crop during the
coming harvest.
Although in a few fields where wheat
was unusually rank, the heavy rains caused
some damage, generally the rain was a
money-maker for farmers. Most of the
wheat is already in the head, and with
plenty of moisture the heads will fill out to
an unusual plumpness, making up for part
of the thin stand.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. June 27. Copper, dull. Elec
trolytic nearly nominal. September and
latr, 2729.25o,
Iron steady and unchanged.
Metal Exchange quotes tin weak. Spot
offered at SOc
The Metal Exchange quotes lead 6.90c
Spelter, dull. East St. Louis delivery,
llo asked.
Hops, Eto., at New York.
NEW YORK. Juna 27. Hops quiet. Hides
quiet, w 001 steady.
NEW YORK, June 27. The stock mar
ket experienced a general upward revision
of prices today, albeit, the Mexican situa
tion seemed to have lost none of its threat
ening aspects. Recoveries, which were con
siderably shaded In the final hours, were at
tributed In part to the oversold condition of
recent daye as well as to causes of a less
technical nature.
Among the helpful factors were the action
of the Interstate Commerce Commission,
which In essence granted materially higher
freight rates to transcontinental roads, in
creased copper dividends and an "extra" for
Central Leather, additional gratifying earn
ings, a new high mark for the country's
export trade and another large Importation
of British gold Increasing the total from
that source to $110,000,000.
Reading and United States Steel led the
movement in representative stocks, the
former recovering 2 points of Its loss of
the preceding day, while Steel made an ex
treme rise of 2 from its minimum of the
opening. The strength of these lcsues went
far toward restoring speculative trade.
War issues were In better demand than
for days past on reports that Washington
was about to award some substantial con
tracts to mam .facturers of munitions.
Crucible Steel was the conspicuous feature
of that group, at Its best showing a gain
of 4 points, while allied industries and
equipments ranged 2 to 3 points higher.
Coppers were naturally stimulated by the
large disbursements to shareholders. Ana
conda gaining 3, and Motors responded In
like manner,
Mexican petroleum and other oils were
firm to strong in the forenoon, but lost
ground later, the former showing a net loss
of 1 point on heavy selling at the close. A
half score of miscellaneous issues. Including
United Industrial Alcohol and shipping
shares, recorded variable but substantial
gains during the Intermediate session.
Aside from Reading, railroads were list
less during the forenoon, but contributed to
the activity of the later dealings, mostly at
better prices.
Total sales of stocks amounted to 535,000
Union Pacific showed a net gain for May
of $1,582,000, ' and various Southern and
Southwestern lines reported Increases over
the corresponding months of last year.
Foreign exchange was marked by con
trasting movements, sterling being strong,
with heaviness in marks.
Bonds were Irregular with slight heaviness
in Canadian Issues. Total sales par value,
$2,790,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Sales. High, Low. bid.
Am Beet Sugar. 5.400 87 34 S5 66
American Can. . 8.2t0 52, 5'H 51 U
AmCar&Fdy.. 1,000 G 54 H 644
American Loco. 6.400 74 65 4 06 H
Am Sm A Refg. 4.300 03 H 01 ' 2
Am Sug Refg... 700 10Vi insi 109
Am Tel & Tel.. 1.200 130 129 "4 129 'A
Am Z L & S.... 5,400 41 39 H 40
Anaconda Cop.. 19.4W 81 774 79
Atchison 2, 900 104 k$ 103 104
Baldwin Loco.. 11.300 79H 76 77U
Bait & Ohio 2.2O0 SSi 87 83
Br Rap Tran... 200 M4 8514
B & S Copper... 5.500 67 6C1 66 i
Calif Petrol 1,200 16H 15 1H
Canadian Pacif. 500 176 1754 175
Central Leath . . 6,800 56 H 55 55
Ches & Ohio. B.0OO 61 i 60 tto
Chi Mil & St P. 2.000 97 Vi 6 06H
Chi & N W 123
C R I & P Ry.. 3,800 2314 22H 22H
Chlno Copper... 1,900 49 4SH 49H
Colo Fu & Iron. 7.400 421! 89-" 41 H
Com Prod Ref.. 6.600 14"g 14', 1434
Crucible Steel... 34.f,00 77? 73' 75 4
Distil Secur 2.700 45 43 43H
Erie 14.n) 334 S4H 35
Gen Electric..,. 600 1654 165 165 -
Gt Nor pfd 700 I2014 194 119H
Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 2.100 34 33 34 34
Illinois Central. 104 H
Int Con Corp.. 1.100 174 164 1T4
Inspiration Cop. 11.500 49 47 49
Int Harv, N J 112i
Int M M pfd ctf. 20.600 89 86 87 i
K C Southern 24
Kennecott Cop.. 16.800 474 46 47
Louis & Nash 132
Mexican Petrol. 39,on 954 91 4 924
Miami Copper. . 1.300 34 i 84 i 4
M K & T pfd 324
Mo Paciric 2O0 64 6H 6
National Lead.. Soo 6514 65 64
Nevada Cop. . . . l.ono 164 164 164
X Y Central.... 8,400 I03-4 10314
NTNH&H.. 600 61 61 61
Nor & West 1.70 131 1304 131
Nor Pacific l.loo 113H 1124 113 -
Pacific Mall .... 200 20 20 21
Pac Tel & Tel .' 35.
Pennsylvania .. 5,200 C7 57H 5"
Ray Cons Cop.. 1.800 21 21 21
Reading 45.200 9674 94? 97!
Rep Ir A Steel.. 2.200 434 42 42
Shat Ariz Cop.. 700 2 27T4 2S 14
Southern Pacif. 3.300 T 74 96 3 96
Southern Ry.... 3.2O0 224 21 22
Ptudebaker Co.. lO.eoo ir;s2 ir,5 3.164
Tennessee Cop.. 2.400 344 334 33
Texas Co 1.600 12 1774 1S7
Union Pacific. . . 7,200 136 1354 13.1 u
do pfd 500 824 S2 82i
TT S Ind Alcohol. 0.700 141 137i 139
U S Steel 71, S00 844 82 834
do pfd I.400 3t7i 216 317
Utah Copper S.SO0 76 75 76
Wahash pfd B.. 1,900 26 264 264
Western Union. 200 93i 92 93
Westing Elect.. 5.900 5S 56 67,
Total sales for the day, 635,000 shares.
TT S ref 2s re. .90
U S ref 2s coup.OO
U S 3s reg lo0
U S 3s coupon. 10O
U S 4s reg 110
U S 4s coupon. 110
Atchison gen 4s i2
Am Smelter 6s.. 106
NYC deb 6s. .112
Northern Pac 4s 92
Northern Pac 3s 65
Pac T & T 5s. .100
Penn don 44s. .104 4
South Pac ref 4s S9
do cv 5s 303
Union Pac 4s. . . 97
do cv 4s 9i
U S Steel Ks 105
Anglo-French 5s. 97
Mining Stocks at Boston.
BOSTON, June 27. Closing quotations:
Allouez 4itMohawk 97
Am Z, L. & Sm. 40 Nipisslner Mines. 7
Arizona Com .. S North Butta ... 21
Butte & Sup... 6Vi'Old Dom 65
Calumet A Ariz. 67 Osceola 0O
Cal & Hecla...525 iQuincy 86
Centennial .... 15 'Shannon 8
Cop Range Con. 59 Superior H
Kast Butte Lop. iiiup & tins Mln. H
6 Tamarack
Granby Con ....
Greene Can .....
Isle Roy (Cop).
Kerr Lake
Lake Copper....
85 I U S Sm. RAM. 65-74
37 f do pfd
7 H 'Utah- Con 12
4 Wolverine 54
11 I
Money, Exchange, Etc. '
NEW YORK, June 27. Mercantile paper.
3i $3 per cent.
Sterling 60-day Mils. $ 1.72 ; demand,
$4.76; cables, $4,76 7-16.
Bar sliver. 66c
Mexican dollars, 50 c
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
Time loans Easier; 60 days. S4,!f3 per
cent;-SO days. 3 S 4 per cent; six months,
4 If 4 4 per cent.
Call money Firm; high, 3 per cent; low.
24 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent: last
loan. 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent;
offered at 8 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 27. Sterling 60
days. $4.71: demand. $4.75"i cables.
$4.7J. Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts Sight, lc; telegraph, 3c.
LONDON, June 27. Bar silver. 81 H d per
ounce. Aione, 4 per cent.
Discount rates Short bills, 6 per cent;
three months. 54 per cerw.
Anaconda Dividend Increased. "
NEW YORK-. June 27. The Anaconda
Mining Company today Increased Its regular
quarterly dividend irom f 1.50 to $2 a share.
Stocks Idle at London.
LONDON, June 27. American sHares were
Prices Current on Butter, Egnrs, Frul ts.
Vegetables, Etc., at Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jnne 27. Eggs Fresh
extras, 24;c; fresh firsts. 24c; pullets, 22HC.
Butter Fresh extras, 24 Vic ; .prime firsts,
24c; fresh firsts, 24c.
Cheese New, 15c ; Young Americas, 16c.
Vegetables Asparagus, $1.25 a 2; string
beans, 5'i6c; wax, 5r6c; limas, 75c: green
peas. 2i3c: Summer squash, 40ii ftOc: to
matoes. 25 Q 35c; ege-plant, 6 7c; bell pep
pers. i(i"Wc; green corn, .ovt
Onions New, $2.25 fQ 2.50.
Potatoes New. $1.50tt2.00.
Fruit Plums. 40? 50c. loganberries, 23c;
peaches, 50d 70c; currants, $3 s$ 4.60; black
Bulk of Sales Daring- Day Arc at
f 8.20 Skeep and Lambi
Are Weak,
Receipts at the stockyards were tight, but
there was a moderate supply available, as
some stock was carried over from Monday.
Prices In general were the same as at the
opening of the week. The bulk of the hog
sales were at $8.20 and the market was
steady. Cattle prices paid indicated an
easy tendency, most of the steers selling at
$6.25 and $6.30. Sheep and lamb prices are
also tending lower.
Receipts were 23 cattle, 5 calves and 216
hogs. Shippers were: F. B. Ferguson, Yam
hill, 1 car hogs; Jack Davis, Cowlitz, 8 cat
tle, 5 calves, 83 hogs by boat.
The day's sales were as follows:
Wt. Price. I ' wt Trt
1 bull ....1100 $S50 2 steers ...1150 $6.60
a caivci .. our o.uui
8 cows . . . 810 5.00
3 cows .... 873 4.25
1 cow .... S30 3.00
2 cows . S15 3.00
2 cows .. . . 6:i5 4.23
4 hogs ., .. 18S 8.75
88 hog. 17 8 20
4 boss .... 148 8.00
1 hog .... 460 7 20
5 hoes ins 6 50
1 calf ... . 270
S steer, . . 690
1 cow 1030
2 heifer,
" 1 heifer
1 heifer
2 cow,
1 cow ..
8 cows .
2 cow, .
2 cow, .
1 calf ..
1 cow
2 heifer,
40 steer,
23 steer.
15 steers
1 cow . .
4.25 87 hogs .... 188 8 20
COO 4 hogs .... 1R5 8 20
3.50 4 hogs .... 269 7.20
4.00 1 hog .... 220 8 00
5.00 1 hos .... 250 8.25
6.30 6 hogs 177 8.20
6.23 3 hogs 126 6.75
6.251122 lambs .. BS 6.00 8 lambs .. 73 8 23
. . 8!)3
.. 78
. . 866
. .. 850
. .. 86S
. .. 130
. .. 175
. .. 177
6 cows
8 cow.
3 lambs . . 73 8.25
14 lambs .. 75 8.25
72 lambs . . E8 6.75
15 ewes . . . 124 4 23
4 ewes ... 155 8.00
3 ewes . . - 1S5 8.00
16 yearlings. 107 6 23
2 hogs .
19 hogs .
6 hogs
3 calves
1 heifer
8 201
1 heifer
u yearlings. 7S 5.00
Prices current at the local atockrarda on
th various classes of stock:
Steers, good
Cows, choice.
Cows, good .,
Heifers ..
Prime tight .
C-ood to orltra
Rou-Jh heavy .
Pigs and slclpa
7.50(1(7. 711
6.75 & 7 50
6.25 a 6.50
5.50 ITS. 75
3 00 5.75
4.50I& 7 00
8 031? 8.25
8 ones 03
6 60 a 7.10
Tearllnga 6.5096. 50
Wethers S .inS .50
Ewes 4.753 6.00
Lambs .. 7.00&8.25
Omaha Llrestock Market. .
OMAHA. June 27. Hogs Receipts 11.
500. higher. Heavy. $9.6039.85; light. $9.30
S9.75; pigs, $89; bulk of sale., $9,55 0
9. 70.
Cattle Receipts 4000, steady. Katlve
steers. 37.2510.20: cows and heifers, $6.75
8.73: western steers. J7.50W9.25: Texas
steers. $78: stockers and feeders. S6.75&
Sheep Receipts 14.000. slow. Tearllnrs.
$7.257.75; wethers, $0.757.23; lambs.
f W.ZU 11.13.
Chicago livestock Market.
CHICAGO. June 27. Hors Receipts 12.-
000. slow. moBtly 5c under yesterday's aver
age. Bulk. $9 65ii9.90: light. $9"35 9.85;
mixed. S3. 45(519. 95: heavy. $9.4039.95;
rough, $9.409.55; plga. $7.00 9.20.
Cattle Receipts 2000. steady. Native beef
cattle, $7.o011.85; Western Btaers. $8,800
9.40; stockers and feeders, $5.75r8.75; oows
and heifers. $3.75g.75: calves, $8.5011.75.
Sheep Receipts 11,000, weak. Wethers.
$7(0-8; lambs, $3.40-9.75; Springs, $7.75
Bain Prevents Fire Dunirr and Hrlps
MARSHFITELD. Or.. June 27. X Recent
rains In. this section of Oregon have been of
incalculable value, and ranchers on every
hand say the precipitation will add much
to the character of all crops. Principal
among the needs was refreshment of th.
grass on the ranges and in pastures, where
it had been materially shortened during
the month of May and the early part of
The rains will save the Coos County fire
patrol hundreds of dollars and postpone for
at least two weeks the necessity for start
ing the full force of fire wardens Into the
Mlsh Bids on Fine Product 23 to 25
Cents and on Coarse 2S Private
TV-mdera Higher.
BAKER. Or., June 27. (Special.) Out of
148,000 pounds of wool, practically all fine,
offered today "in Bakr at tbe annual wool
sale, only 23,000 pounds were sold, although
other deals whtclf may be closed later were
pending1. High bids on fine, wool ranged
from 23 cents to 25 cents, while for 4000
pounds of coarse wool from the S els-Ash ford
ranch. In Grant County, a high bid of 2$
cents was received. Isador Koshland, of
Portland, was the bidder.
With the exception of 10,000 pounds sold
by Walter Steiger, of Baker, at 25 cents, to
John Glorleux, of Woonsocket. R. I., all the
clips offered were from Grant County. The
only other clip sold was that ox J. C. Moore,
who sold to Mr. Glrft-ieux at 24 cents.
Mrs. Kenneth McRae. of Prairie City, had
the largest clip for su-le. 65.000 pounds. It
Is understood that a private bid made yes
terday tops the price tendered today. Mas
call & Rlnffsmyer. of Dayville.- were offered
23 cents tor their 4u.OUO-pound, clip by Mr,
Koshland, whlla C. H. Green, of Portland
offered to take over the 16.000 pounds of
line wool zrom tne beis-Ashrora ranch at
23 V4 cents.
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH. June 27. Turpentine, firm.
ZShi cents; sales, 3V4 barrels; receipts,
oanre.s; stock, jo,.-.v rarreis.
Rostn, firm: sale. Iti62 barrels: receipts,
21"1 ban els; shipments, 2423 barrels; stock.
67.1M barrels. Quote: A. B. S4.90fiS.30:
C. D, E, SS.iO-aS.SOi-F. $5.S55.80; G. 3.25
3.33: H. 1. $3.:i03 85; K. ?5.351?5.60: M.
t5.40.r5.7o. N, 5.&5&5.90; WG, Zk806;
Dulutb Linseed Market,
DULUTH, June 27. Linseed on track.
ei.n Juiy, i. (o asaeaj September,
$l.S0ii asked; October. S1.79U asked: No
vember. $1.79 asked; December, $1.79 nom
ChJcaa-o Dairy Produce.
CHICAGO, June 27. Butter Unchanged.
Egea Higher. Receipts. 19.577 cases;
rirsts. zi4 f -i.c: ordinary firsts. 19
au t c ; bi uitvi cases inciuuea, zu & ZL c
New York 8ar&r Market.
NEW YORK. June 27. Raw sugar firm.
Centrifugal $6.40. Molasses, $5.63. Refined,
steady, l ine 'granulated, $7.65.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 27. Spot cotton, quiet.
Mia-upianai, itfawc, &aies, none.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. June 27. Evaoorated an
pies, dulL Prunes, stesdy. Peaches, quiet
uui. iirm.
Ba$sano Dam , S"J
Irrigation- System
near Calgary -
Building the Canadian Nation
Until the Canadian Pacific Railway undertook its three million
irrigation project in Alberta, Calgary was a small rancher's town.
But to-day it is the largest city in that prosperous province
the busy trading centre of an immense etockraising and
mixed farming district
It is the chief supply station of large
mining areas in both Alberta and British
Columbia, with natural gas and cheap
electric power to attract the manufacturer.
From the roof garden of the Palliser
one sees the Rockies 'round which blows
the warm Chinook.
The Canadian Pacific has invested over
$15,000,000 on this irrigation project
which has 1,600 miles of canals and
ditches in its Western section and will
have 2,000 miles in its Eastern.
Ts Partial!
Smallness of Export Sales Dis
appoints Trade.
Opening Is Firm on Higher Cables
and Free Speculative Bay
ing, bnt Recession Follows
Realizing by Longs.
CHICAGO, Jun 27. Disappointment over
the smallness of export sales of United
States wheat caused a reaction today from
an early advance In the wheat market here.
Prices closed nervous at the same as yes-
terdays flnteh to 4e lower, with July
91.01H and September $1.044. Corn wound
up e to Tstflo hlsher, with oats varying
from a shade off to He gain, and provisions
unchanged to a decline of Sc.
Higher cable quotations and free buying
on the part of a leading speculator caused a
material advance early In the value of
wheat. Opening prices ranged from )4c to
c higher, and were followed by an addi
tional upturn and then a moderate reduc
tion. Realising sales by longs led afterward
to a decided reaction.
Corn held comparatively strong deplte the
late weakness of wheat. Liberal export
business and the prevailing cool tempera
tures proved unmanageable obstacles tor the
bears. Besides, gossip was current that Ar
gentine cargoes headed toward the United
States were for trans-shipment to Europe.
Oats were easy, owing to reports of splen
did crop progress. Moreover, available stocks
are 21.000.000 bushels In excess of last year's
Attempts st proflt-tsklng by longs took
the edge from an advance In provisions.
Bxeept in the first half hour It seemed that
temporarily buying orders had mostly been
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. Hlrh. Low. Close.
July 101H 1.02S $Lont Ji.oi
Sept. 1.04 7s 1-05 1.03 1.04 VI
JnJy 74 .74 S4 .74 .74
Sept. 725, .73 .72H .72H
July S!ts .3'4 .304
Sept 3SH .3S". .38 .38 H
Julv 24.50 24.70 24 R0 24 70
Sept 24.S7 24.40 24.20 24.35
July 1322 1 3 22 13 10 IS 12
Sept 13.35 13.37- 13.25 13.27.
Julv 1S.75 IS 7S 13 2 IS 70
Sept 13.S0 13.82 13.70 1S.77
Cash prices were:
Wheat No. 2 red. 1.04ii: Xo. S red.
nominal: No. 2 hard, J1.0JS91.03H; No. 3
hard. C99c.
Corn No. 2 yellow, 77 78c: No. 4 yel
low, nominal: Ifo. 4 white. 76c
Oats No. 3 white. 39!iS8c; standard.
40 He
Rye No. 2. 09 He
Barley 6078c
Timothy- J8.75.
Clover $7& IS.
Primary receipts Wheat. 732.O0O vs. 412.
000 bushels: corn. 652.000 vs. 035.000 bush
els: oats, 618.000 vs. 2S3.O0O bushels. -
Shipments Wheat. 7O4.000 vs. 8SS.000
bushels: corn, 365.000 vs. 416.0OO bushels:
oats, 791, 0O0 vs. 253,000 bushels.
Clearances Wheat. 1.239.000 bushels:
corn. 117.000 bushels; osts, 13,000 bushels;
flour. 27.000 barrels.
Foreign Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL, June 27. Cash wheat un
changed to Id higher; cornDH to 5d higher.
LONDON, Jnne 26. Cargoes on paassgs
unchanged to Sd higher.
Eastern Wheat Futures.
TJULTJTH. June 27. Wheat c!osed : July,
$1.08H fl 1.08H : September, tl.OSts 1.08 :
December. 81. 0 asked.
WINNIPEG. June 27. Wneat closed: July.
SLllVt; October, 81.074 ; .December, 81.06.
KANSAS CITT, June 27. Wheat closed:
'la I V Cffe ? fl1 - n r ll
im - fmlKfT 'T il
vtt i fii. a-. . i i i i i . 1 rvap r .
The immense dam at Bassano, 7,000
feet in length, and the giant aqueduct at
Brooks, are the greatest engineering struc
tures of their kind on the North American
Near Calgary arelocated the large Ogden
shops for the repair of rolling stock of the
Western Division of the Canadian Pacific.
The banker or investor desiring to aea a pro.
gressive Western Canadian dry and study tha
benefits of a constructive railway policy will find
wbat ha wants in the Calgary district.
V. Murphy, General Agent, Puscafer Departaseal
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
Established 1867.
A geaersl bssklsg fesuslneas)
Interest paid on time deposits.
W. C M ALP AS, Manager.
July. 94 ic: September,
81.00 6 LOOT,.
97 U; Dsoember,
ST. LOUIS, June 27. Wheat closed
99c; September, 81.02.
Minneapolis Ornln Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Juna 27. Wheat July,
81.06: September, 81.07 H 1.07 ; cash.
No. 1 hard. 81.18; No. 1 Northern. $1.07
-1.09; No. 2 Northern, 81.03 1.07 1.
Barley, 6271c. , '
Flax. 81-75 41.79.
Kansas City Casb. Wnest.
KANSAS CITT, June 27. Cash wheat: No.
2 hard 97c a 81.04 : No. S hard. 96c $1 04;
No. 4 hard. 84fi07c; No. 2 red, 93c C 81;
No. 4 red, 83894c.
Grain, at San Francises.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 27. Spot quota
tions Walls, 81.651.67; red Russian,
(1.6001.62; Turkey red, (1.72 1.77 ;
bluestem, (1.73 1. SO ; feed barley. (1.35:
brewing. 81.35 u 1.40 ; white oats. I1.4S.
1.50: bran. $27 4j 27.50; middlings, 832 33;
shorts. 830 31.
Call board Barley. December, 81.B9.
Paget Sound Grain Markets.
SEATTLE, June 27. Wheat Bluestem.
95c; Turkey red, 95c; forty-fold. 86c; club,
8e; fife, 86c; red Russian, 84c Barley.
820.25 per ton. Yesterday's car receipts:
Wheat 8. 'oats 10, barley 1, hay 20, flour 2.
TACOMA, June 27. Wheat Bluestem,
06c; forty-fold, 90c; club and red fife, 86c
Car receipts: Wheat 14, barley 1. oats 1.
hay 7.
Market fop Hood River Fruit Is
Sought by Association.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. June 27. (Spe
cial.) The Apple-Growers' Association
has just sent out letters asking: all
affiliated growers to designate the dif
ferent kinds of commercial fruits
grown by each. 'Where the associa
tion does not handle the product of a
grower it will guide the grower to the
trade that will handle it.
Royal Anne, Governor Wood and Cen
tennial cherries are maturing this
week. The fruit has been sold to the
Libby. McNeil & Libby cannery at The
Dalles for a net price of BV cents per
The prospects for Bings. Lamberts
and other varieties of black cherries
are better than at any time in the
history of the local fruit Industry.
Coo Black Sand Inspected.
MARSHFIELD, Or., June 17. (Spe
cial.) The black sand deposits nearer
the Coast have been optioned to W. J.
Wilsey and his associates. The latest
reports from the black sand investiga
tion now being conducted by Eastern
chemists gives (17.50 in platinum and
$2.50 In gold in a consignment of 85
pounds of concentrates. Chemist Wal
lace, who had been investigating the
THAVEi-EBy oring.
Via Tahiti and Rarotoga. Sailings f-om
San Francisco July 19. August 16. Sept. 18
and every 28 days. Send for pamphlets.
280 California &t.. San Franci-w-o. or local
St. ti. mod R. R. Agencies.
jr HUM 1
: V
1 11 :
TVki St.
Cosmsnerelal I-eerw t Crewlt
Xsaaed. .
Exchange n Lesdss, Eafflaad,
Uonsvat and Said.
, Coast section for several weeks, left a
few days aso for New Tork, taking:
with him several hundred pounds of.
black sand. He will return in July.
' S. S. Great Northern
S. S Northern Pacific
Portland $20.00
to and
San Francisco $17.50
Tourist, 15.0O and S13.50 Sd Class, 83
Special Round Trip Fare, S32.0O.
Steamer Express Learas 9:30 A. Ml
Prom San Francisco, I0i30 A., M.
a-i unu way V2V, a 0671.
348 Wash St, Gt, Nor. Ry. '
Third and Morrison Ets Is'or. JPao.- Ry,
S'l Postal Service lj2S
S. 8. ROC'H AMREAC. JCLT 8. 8 P. M.
8. S. LA TOl RAINE.'. ... .JTLV IS 8 P M.
8. 8. LAFAYETTE JILY . 8. F. M.
C. W. STINOER. 80 Sixth St.
A. V. CHARLTON. 55 Morrison St.
E K GARRISON' C. M. St. Paul Ry.
KOKSEV 15. SMITH. 118 Third lit.
K. F. BAIRD, 11)0 Third St
H. DICKSON. 348 Washington Stl
NORTH BANK ROAD. Fifth and Stark fts.
F. 6 M FARLAND. 3d and Wa.-hL-igton StsI
E. B. DCFFY. la Third St.. Porilaod.
ALASKA, Mrasgrll,
Petersburar. Jnsiean.
Dnnalns.' Balnea,
oslfwir Kane .u4
, St. Michael.
Via Seattle or San
Frsselfco to I.e a As
aelen and San Dlesrn.
Large, commodious passenger
steamers, low rates Including berth
and mesUs. For full particulars ap-
rly or telephone TICKJiT OKB"ICaX
49 Washington Stret PaclX!
Main 329; Home, A 2393.
American-Hawaiian Steamsliip Co.
All sailings between
U. S. Atlantic and
U. S. Pacific porta
are cancelled until
further notice.
C. D. Kennedy, Ast 370 Stark it.. Portland.
Tn WiT tn (In Splendid Trrin-Screw
OCEANIC 8.S. CO. na" seoiu"."rtJta'
rnstLSU Iss f metes. e. lst Cl.JsS.8s: 2nd MM
Umio srSM.Au.raite Sailina-a every 21 dTS,
tuir . S. Aas. 10,