Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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ler e Are Real Used
Republican Delegates Urged
to Forget Disaster of 1912
L and Work for Victory.
Convention Throng Applauds Per
oration on Americanism and
Republicanism Xeed of. Ade-
Quate Defense Pointed Out.
COLISKUM, Chicago, June 7. Empha
sizing: that it was not a time for re
crimination, but of recpnsecration,
Senator Harding-, of Ohio, in tho key
note speech today urged the delegates
to the Republican National convention
to forget the disastrous differences of
four years ago and plunge into the
coming campaign with a declaration or
principles which would, bring success
at the polls.
The convention received the tem
porary chairman's speech with punctu
ations of applause and cheers and his
sallies against the Democratic Adminis
tration with laughter and handclap
ping. Mr. Harding closed with a peroration
on Americanism and Republicanism.
The close of his address was greeted
by a brief outburst of handclapping and
cheering lasting less than & minute.
Senator Harding said:
It is rood to erect this representative
body of that American Republicanism on
fwhich are centered the high hopes of the
republic I can believe nay, I know that
a. vast majority of the people of our United
States is expecting the party sponsors here
assembled to write anew the sacred cove
nant of Republicanism, and reconsecrate the
party to the Nation's service and the peo
ple's advancement. That same majority
expects you to select a standard-bearer who
shall not only typify our expression, of faith
but shall so enlist the confidence and trust
of our American citizenship that the work
of this convention will be confined over
wtaelmingly at the ballot-box next No
vember. Republican Relief Needed.
The country, wearied afresh by a disap
pointing and distressing Democratic Admin
istration, is calling tor Republican relief,
and there is every' inspiration, every en
couragement, every confidence that the light
of Republican conscience, set aflame in this
convention, 'will illumine the way , to the
country's restoration.
We did not do very well in making for
Si armony the last time we met. The coun
try has regretted, let us forget and make
amends to our country. We did not divide
our fundamental principles, we did not dis
agree over a National policy. We split over
methods of - party procedure-- and preferred
personalities. Let us forget the differences,
and find new inspiration and new compen
sation in an united endeavor to restore the
The essential principles of Republicanism
re unchanged and unchanging; the lofty
Intent, the indestructible soul and the undy
ing spirit of Republicanism are as dominant
today as in the destined beginning ttO years
ago, or at any time during the intervening
.years, and they are emphasized today by
the proof recorded to Republican credit in
the matchless chapters of American progress.
No political party ever has builded or
ver can build permanently except in consci
entious devotion to abiding principles. Time
never alters a fundamental truth. Condi
tions ' da. change, popular interest is self
asserting. 'and "paramounting" has its perils,
as the Democratic party will bear witness,
but the essentials of constructive govern
ment and attending progress are abiding and
For example, we ought to be as genuinely
American today as when the founding
fathers flung their immortal defiance in
the face of old-world oppressions and ded
icated a new republic to liberty and justice.
We ought to be as prepared for defense as
Washington urged amid the anxieties of
our National beginning, and Grant con
firmed amid the calm reflections of union
It is not my understanding that the re
marks of the temporary chairman are to
be taken as an expression of the party faith.
Such expression must come from this con
vention, made up of delegates who be
lieve in popular, representative government
through the agency of political parties.
You come directly from the people, com
missioned to speak their hopes and aspira
tions, to utter their patriotic desires and
pledge their abiding faith. Out of the con
victions and Judgment and wisdom as ex
pressed by the majority will come the sacred
and sincere covenant of the Republican
Day One of Reconsecration.
W stre a voluntary organization and
must find our strength in the enlistment
of volunteers who find the nearest or best
expression of their Individual convictions in
eur party declarations, and there can be no
treason in withdrawal if our declarations
fall short In their appeal. But I am old
fashioned enough to believe that In pop
ular government party success and party
capacity for service to the Nation must He
In making the will of a righteous majority
the willing pledge of all.
Gentlemen of the convention, the first and
foremost wish In my mind is to say that
which will contribute to harmony of effort
and add to the assurance of victory next
November. I wish that because we believe
Republican success to be for the best in
terests of our common country. The allied
hosts of the believers In Republican prin
ciples are in a vast majority in this country
wnen tne banners or harmony are un
furled. We have witnessed the comeback of
our party in various states. We have seen
the re-enlistment of those who believe la
Republican doctrines, and Victory has fol
lowed and rejoicing has attended. No apol
ogy has been asked, no forswearing required.
This Is not the time for recrimination. It is
cne nay of reconsecration.
Rededlcating here and now the Repub
lican party to the progress and glory of the
republic, let us bury party prefixes with
the administration which our differences put
In power. I do not believe there is a really
reactionary Republican bearing credentials
to this convention. If there is. be will de
part, after . our deliberations, solely and
proudly a Republican, with heart aglow with
the party spirit of 1916. And the welcome
delegate who emphasizes his progresslvism
Is expected to do his part In making our
party a reflex of the best thought and best
Intent of sincere committal to the uplift and
progress of the American people, thereby
strengthening party purpose instead of mag
xi if y ins individual belief, and he, too, will
find new rejoicing in Deing a Republican.
No party can endure which is not progres
sive. I know the Republican party is gen
uinely progressive as well as effective, else
It would not rivet the expectations of the
American people today on the most im
isortant convention held since the party
formulated a new political decalogue and
gave to union and nationality the immortal
Abraham Lincoln.
War Influence Ireat.
Tn building the surpassing temple of the
republic, which w have been doing te the
astonishment, sometimes the envy, sometimes
the admiration of the world, and of t times
Inspiring others by our example, there ever
Will be modifications and additions to meet
the public need and conform to popular
Ideals. We do not fear to imitate nor fan
to originate, but there can be no discord
about underlying foundations or essential
walls or proven arches or stately columns.
MIno Is a deep conviction that the founding
fathers were divinely Inspired, and the wis
dom of representative popular government
Is proven in the surpassing achievement.
It is not alone the miracle of accomplish
ment which deepens our reverence; it is not
alone the conviction that we have builded
the first, seemingly dependable, popular
government on the earth and exalted all its
citizenship, which adds to our faith; but we
are the oldest of existing civilized nations
with one passing exception, continued under
one form of government, and under that
form we have developed the highest stand
ard of living in all the world. Surely we
must be right.
Recalling that the mightier forward
strides have been taken under a half cen
tury of Republican control, after we led in
fixing the indissoluble ties of union, the
retrospection, the contemplation and the an
ticipation combine to fill the Republican
breast with pride and hope, and trust and
faith, and magnify jur obligations in this
crucial year of our National life.
Much of the discussion of the hour is
Mnged upon a world at war. We need not
Wonder' thereat, because the enormity of
Piano Bargains
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the conflict and the influences of Its horrors ;
have set mankind in upheaval. The tradi- ;
tions of civilization, laws have been ig
nored. There is a tidal wave of distress and
disaster, there are violent emotions and
magnified fears. There are the extremes
of Incalculable sacrifices and measureless
new fortunes not all American. There are
new wonders and new hindrances in com
merce, changed balances of trade, new mar
vels In finance and utterly changed eco
nomic conditions,. These have attended em
barrassments in oar foreign relations as dif
ficult as those which the individual citizen ,
experiences whose every neighbor is involved
in deadly quarrel Everything is abnormal
except the depleted condition of the Fed
eral Treasury, which s characteristic of
Democratic control, and the facility of the
Administration for writing varied notes
without effective notice.
Amid these conditions has stood this un
armed giant, typifying the American Re
public, neutral and sane, to whom the neu
tral nations have turned for leadership. Our
National unselfishness had been proven, our
devotion to humanity had been established.
our committal to international justice had
long been proclaimed. The world had pre
viously heard the voice of American fear
lessness, and all the conditions single us
out for leadership among the neutral pow
ers, but the Administration at Washington
spoke with more rhetoric than resolution.
and we came to realize what the warring
powers soon came to know that the official
American voice lacked the volume of deter
mined expression that once demanded Inter
national heed, and we lacked the strength
of confidence in our own defenses.
Nation Negligent of Defense.
It is too early to estimate the debit and
credit account of the European war with
civilization. Out of measureless cost and
inestimable heroism must come a rebirth of
individual spirituality, reawakened national
hopes, new liberties and new baptisms tn
patriotism which must prove some compen
Ration. But we have seen civilization
e tripped of the pretenses which clothed
man's savagery, and we have seen elemental
man, developed in genius and more formid
able because of that, intoxicated with powet
or impassioned in the greed of conquest,
offending or defending, contradicting every
evidence of mankind's humane advancement.
In tne envy or jealousy or rivalry or hatred,
refined by boasted civilization, are the bar
barities of primitive man, and the seal of
obsolescence is not yet stamped upon the
warrior's sword.
Perhaps it is a reminder more than a dis
covery, but there has come to us a convic
tion that this great Nation, rich in resources
and strong in patriotic manhood, has been
negligent concerning Its own defense. We
have dwelt in fancied rather than real se
curity. Pride mingles with regret in this,
because it suggests the mind of a Nation so
f roe from in tended offense that there was
no cultivated thought of needed defense.
Our righteousness of purpose is portrayed in
our trust in unarmed safety. But there is
a warning In bleeding Europe, and there is
call today for prudent, patriotic and ample
National defense. There is no mistaking
the sentiment. We are not thinking of the
hysterical, we need not be moved by a pre
paredness which is partisan in conception.
We need not believe In a defense propaganda
Inspired by those who aim to wax fat in the
production of arms and munitions, because
there is none. I deplore the teaching that
an anxiety about our National defense is
Inspired by greed. We rejoice in free speech
and fre press and untrammeled opinion.
but patriotism is 111 promoted by the impu
tation or false motives, whether aimed at
those who believe In defense or those who
doubt Its wisdom. Such a teaching rends
the concord of citizenship, which may de
velop a worse peril from within than from
any enemy without.
Though we do not pretend to he exclusive
In our devotion, we Republicans believe, sin
cerely and soberly, in an adequate National
defense. We have always believed in an
ample Navy, as invincible In modern mieht
as John Paul Jones builded in our freedom s
earliest flight. We have in mind a pro
tected commerce on tne waters, and a sea
coast secure In strong naval defense. We
were building to high rank among naval
powers when the Democratic party inter
rupted, and we subscribe to a stronger com
mittal now, because of a new realization of
the envy which our wealth and our com
merce invite,, and a new appreciation of our
commanding place In the affairs of the
world. I shall not say that it Is ours to
have the greatest Navy in the world, but
noting the elimination of distance and the
passing of our one-time isolation, we ought
to have a Kavy that fears none In th
world, and can say any time and anywher
These are American rights and must bs
Democrats Are Assailed.
It Is not for me to specify the provisions
for naval defense, " Since modern warfare
Is in large part a conflict of brains, so must
naval defense toe aevised In highest intelli
gence. Let us strengthen every arm aerial,
submarine, fleet cruisers and dreadnoughts.
Let him who is anxious about the cost re
member that Republican policies afford the
ample means without conscious burdens upon
the people. Every forehanded American cit
izen, whatever his activity, knows that the
cost of Insurance against accident, theft,
fire, flood or thunderbolt, assessed as a
fixed charge upon his income, is worth the
cost, in peace of mind, though loss never
attends. Moreover, under any system se
curity is economy itself.
There are manifest differences about our
developments for military defense. The
President made a trip from the Coast to the
Valley of the Missouri to tell the American
people the need of preparedness. It might
have been more, seemly to tell the story
to Congress, for that body was In session
and empowered to act, and seemingly ever
ready to testify obedience. However, Con
gress undertook to provide an army for
defense and the majority wobbled between
pacification and preparedness until the Re
publican minority in the Senate put some
thing real in the pending measure. We
Republicans made a rational response to the
call of the land, but Democratio Insuffi
ciency and Inefficiency are recorded In the
conference amended act, and a Federal
nitrate plant to supply powder to thtj
patriots and pap to the paternallsts and
Federal fertilizer to tHe farmers in com
petition with a private enterprise is the
great constructive offering of a Democratic
Until the civilized world Is pledged and
repledged to peace, and until civilization
commits nations to the nobler practices of
the Individuals who constitute them, in
which i would have America lead, this
Republic will have need for a basic army
and a ready provision for military defense.
We have territory to defend, we have in
dependence to preserve, we have lives to
safeguard, we have property to protect, we
have rights to assert, we have missions of
humanity to perform. We proclaim Justice
and we love peace, and we mean to have
them and we are not too proud to fight
for them.
Let no one apprehend the curse of mil
itarism in this fair land. We declare un
alterably against It. Our free citizenship
walking confidently, absorbed in the
triumphs of peace, would tolerate no such
blight on American institutions. There is
to be no surrender of cherished ideals.
With that yearning for peace which has
marked our continued development, with
that same committal to justice which has
given us front rank in the onward march
of civilization, with that rare unselfishness
which led us td unsheath the sword for
humanity's sake and put all territorial ag
grandizement aside, with that belief in the
square deal. Individual, National and inter
national, which Is the foundation of Amer
ican faith, we mean to go on, an exemplar
of peace to all the nations, an arbiter of
justice to all the world, a promoter ot
righteousness to all the people of the earthy
Need of Tariff Restoration Shown.
At the same time we have more to do
than to chart a National course through
the waters surging with the turbulence of
war; our inspiring course Is on the highway
of peace. Our armed defense must ever b
linked with our Industrial self-reliance, and
the nation worth dying for must first be
worm living ior. out or. nature's prodigality
we have lnposslbllltles. and there is need
for the unhindered application of man's
genius and industry to make us as Independ
ent industrially as we are free politically.
Ample defense rests on Industrial freedom
and self-reliance as well as patriotic sac
rifice, and industrial preparedness gives
that assurance of material good fortune
in peace on which must be founded all
our higher aspirations.
Subsistence is the first requisite of ex
istence, and we have the higher American
standard of living because of the Republican
protective policy which makes of Americans
the' best paid workmen In all the world.
Out of the abundance of employment and
higher compensation. together with th
beckoning opportunity which offers evers
reward, we Americans have attracted the
laborers of the earth, and set new standards
It Is not for me to put the stamp of
relative Importance on pending issues the
Intelligent voters will determine that for
themselvea But I know what they are think
ing, and they believe that the protective
policy which made us industrially and com
mercially eminent Is necessary to preserv
tnat eminence. I know they want it re
stored and .maintained. For myself I pre
fer a protective and productive tariff whlcn
prospers America first. I choose the
economic policy which sends the American
worklngmen to the saving banks rather
than the souphouses. I commend the plan
under which the healthful glow of prosper
ing business Is reflected in every face from
cue great captain or. inaustry to tne scnooi
lng child of the dally wage-earner.
Moreover, I like the abxiing consistent
of our exchanging position upon this policy.
The Republican convention of I860, which
gave to the Nation and all history the nom
ination of Lincoln, made this simple and
ample utterance:
"That, while providing revenue for the
support or the general Government by du
ties upon Imports, sound policy requires
such an adjustment of these imports as to
encourage the development of the industrial
interests of the whole country: and we com
mend that policy of National exchanges
which secures to the worklngmen liberal
wages, to agriculture remunerating prices.
to mecnanics and manufacturers an ade
quate reward for their skill, labor and en
terprise, and to the Nation commercial
prosperity and Independence."
We might fittingly reiterate that utter
ance today. The failure of revenues under
existing Democratic policy, the necessar
resort to the imposition of direct and of
fensive taxation war taxes on a people at
peace to meet deficiencies which ever at
tend Democratic control, the depression and
disaster which followed Democratic revi
sion, which were relieved rather than caused
by the European war all these argue the
Republican restoration.
Prosperity Not Disputed.
No one disputes a temporary prosperity In
our land today. But it is sectional in Its
factory aspect, abnormal m its fevered rush,
fictitious in Its essentials and perverting In
Its tendency. Worse, it is the gold sluiced
from the river of blood, poured out by the
horrifying sacrifice of millions of our fel
lowmen. God forbid that we should boast
a prosperity wrought in such waste of hu
man life. We had rather rejoice in the
prosperity of peace. We had rather boast
our good fortune won from the world as l
stands erect, in a fair contest, where men
openly contend for the laurels of industry
and the garlands of trade. I do not mean
that we must "sharpen our wits in compe
tition with the world." for we tried that
and Involuntarily turned the blade to cutting
our production and severing thousands from
American payrolls. There was no cut in the
cost of living, but a visible back la the ca
pacity to live.
The Democratic party is always concerned
about the American consumer, our Repub
lican achievement is the making of a Na
tion of prospering producers, and by pro
ducers I mean every human being who ap
plies muscle or skill or brain or all to the
conversion of nature's abundance Into the
necessities and luxuries of life or participate
In the ways and means of their transporta
tion and exchange. Far better a high cost
of living and ability to buy than a lowering
of cost attended by destruction of purchas
ing capacity.
It Is worth while to recall the magnified
Importance given to the high cost of living
four years ago; first, to emphasize Democ
racy's failure to reduce It, though it risked
and almost accomplished the ruin of our
good fortune In attempting it; second, to
declare there is no such thing. What was
thought to be the high cost were only the
high demands and the larger capacity to
buy, which were the natural reflexes of the
higher standard of living reared under Re
publican protection.
The one notable advance In cost has prof
ited the American farmer, for whose befit
ting share in good fortune we have stood
unfailingly and sincerely. His reward is a
Republican achievement and we prefer to
cling to the conditions which brought to as
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rlculture Its delayed but deserved reward
and hold It secure In Republican mainte
nance of a home market unmatched In all
the world. More, we want our basic proa
perlty to be homecreated and home-sustained,
and not dependent on conditions
Let us erree riny. Vt us hoant that
American Industry can compete with any
In the world, under like conditions. But
we also boast a condition, created through
Isolation and maintained by protection,
wherein the rate of American wares is
twice or thrice to 10 times that of old world
competition. Reduce our wares and we shal!
have conditions more nearly equal, but no
Republican will consent to that. We ara
wilting- to standardize the wages of tha
world. We are as fit to lead In doing that
aa we were to fix the newer guaranties of
liberty and Independence; but we Republi
cans do not mi-an to lower our scales to ef-
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