Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1916, Page 22, Image 22

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Dr. Bryan, Speaking Before
Record Crowd, Predicts
- Return to the Land.
Agriculture Is Most Popular
Courses Offered, 170 Taking
Subject Many Graduates
"V Have Obtained Positions.
' Corvallis, June 7. (Special.) In the
midst of the greatest attendance of
' visitors ever present at the commence
ment exercises at the Oregon Agricul
tural College. 839 students were
graduated today. Of this number 270
received the degTee of bachelor of
science. 18 the degree of master of
science, three the graduate in pharmacy
degree and one. Miss Natalie Peabody,
of Castle Rock, Wash., received a
diploma from the school of music.
. In addition, 37 vocational students in
Agriculture, home economics, com
merce and the mechanic arts, having
completed the required two-year
courses, won certificates of gradua
tion. Dr. Bryan Deliver Address.
Dr. Enoch A. Bryan, ex-president of
the Washington State College, delivered
the commencement address, taking as
his subject "The Agricultural Revolu
tion." Dr. Bryan dwelt on the factors
which have contributed to the sweep
of population to the cities and said
' that the present generation is on the
eve of seeing the great tide turn
toward the land. because of the
economic conditions which prevail.
"A counter current has already
begun," said Dr. Bryan. "It showed
Itself first fn a movement toward agri
cultural education and a scientific
agriculture, and It is you who are
. graduating today in agriculture and
in home economics who will see the
widest possibilities in this new trend
of economic conditions and will be
' railed on to aid in its advance in the
Northwest, an advance which cannot
fail to be quickened into new life by
. the training which you will apply
to it."
The Waldo prizes, given by Mrs.
Clara Waldo, of Portland, a member of
rthe board of regents, were awarded
to one woman from each class, who
according to a Joint faculty and stu
.dent committee has best combined
. scholarship, literary activity, leader
ship and qualities of womanhood. Miss
Geraldine Newins, of Patchogue. N. Y..
.received the senior prize. Miss Martha
Pechen, of Hillsboro, was selected from
the junior class. Miss Marie' Howells,
of Medford, and Miss Christine Abbott,
of Roseburg, were selected from the
sophomore and freshman classes.
Godfrey R. Hoerner. of Seattle, won
the Shakopean cup. given each year to
that member of the graduating class
who, during his entire college course,
has excelled all others in his class in
t orensics.
Masons Attend Exercises.
A large delegation of Masons who
; nre attending the meeting of the grand
, lodge and grand chapter in Albany this
; week today were guests of the college
: and of the Corvallis Masonic Lodge and
; attended the commencement exercises.
Music was furnished by the college
orchestra and by Professor Hellier
! Collens and Mrs. Baum-Gaskins, ot
' the school of music, and by Elizabeth
Hamilton Stowers, contralto soloist.
President Kerr conferred the degrees.
; Agriculture has proved the most
''popular course among the graduates
, this year, 107 having completed their
college work in some branch of that
subject. Agronomy is the most popular
agricultural course, having 33 gradu
ates. Horticulture claimed 20 and gen
eral agricultural courses were followed
by 13-
The remaining agricultural gradu-
ates selected courses as follows: Dairy
; husbandry. 16; animal husbandry, 11:
agricultural education, three; poultry
husbandry and landscape gardening,
each two; entomology, agricultural
chemistry, plant pathology and bacteri
ology, each one. The school of home
economics was second in the number
of graduates with 81.
It was announced that 24 of the
graduates in home economics have ac
cepted positions as teachers or dieti
tians. There were 17 graduates in
commerce and ten in pharmacy. For
estry and logging engineering gradu
ates numbered eight.
All of the 18 students receiving the
"master of science degree were students
in agriculture, with the exception of
two in home economics.
210 Men. 110 Women Gradnated.
It was announced that 35 students
receiving the bachelor's degree had
transferred to Oregon Agricultural Col
lege from other colleges and univer
sities in 11 states. The number of
men in the graduating class was 219.
There were 110 women. The average
age of the graduates was 23 years.
Oregon is listed as the home of 222
of the graduates and every county with
the exception of Gilliam, Grant. Lincoln
and Tillamook Is represented. An un
usually large number of the graduates
are from the East and Middle West.
Washington leads all states other than
Oregon in the number of students in
the graduating class with 29 and Cali
fornia is second with 23.
There were 39 of the class registered
from Multnomah County. Benton
County was second, having been
designated as the home of 34 of the
graduates. Other counties were rep
resented as follows: Marlon. 19; Linn,
15; Lane, Yamhill and Umatilla, each
10; Polk and Union, each 9; Clackamas
and Jackson, each 7: Wasco, Washing
ton, Wheeler and Clatsop, each 4; Wal
lowa. Josephine and Morrow, each 3
Coos, Douglas, Harney, Klamath, Mai
heur and Sherman, each 2, and Colum
bia. Crook, Hood River, Baker and
Lake, each 1.
Mrs. E. Hoffman, of Tacoma, is at th
R. E. Lynch, of St. Helens, is at the
C. O. Ballou, of Boise, is at the
R. R. Turner, of Roseburg, is at the
' R. B. Butler, of Kelso, Wash., is at
the Eaton.
Howard W. Turner, of Madras, is at
the Perkins.
C. L. Lindsay, of Elmore Park, is at
the Cornelius.
Mrs. C. C. Bashor, of Kelso, Wash,
Is at the Eaton.
Roland G. Gamwell, of Bellingham,
is at the Portland.
Hans Kruger, of Marshfield, is regis
tered at the Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith, of Seattle,
are at the Portland.
W. E. Smith, of Pendleton, -is regis
tered at the Perkins.
C. P. Lewis, of Roseburg, is regis
tered at the Imperial.
John A. Ditter and Mrs. Ditter, of
Sublimity, are registered at the Per
O. B. Robertson, of Condon, is regis
tered at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mayer, of Klamath
Fails, are at the Imperial.
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Pilkington, of
Astoria, are at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knighton, of
Salem, Or., are at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernard, of
The Dalles, are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Reynolds, of Red
mond. Or., are at the Cornelius.
Benjamin Brick, merchant of Salem.
Or., is registered at the Portland. .
Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons, of Los
Angeles, is registered at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy C Jacobs are reg
istered at the Imperial from Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Tuttle, of
Centralis, Wash., are at the Oregon.
Captain Olaf Anderson and Mrs. An
derson, of Astoria, are at the Seward.
Fred J. Johnson, Mayor of Astoria,
is registered with Mrs. Johnson at the
George F. Rodgers. capitalist and
manufacturer of Salem, Or., is regis
tered with Mrs. Rodgers at the Oregon.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buck'
Ingham. 607 Highland Court, on Tues
day, June 6, an eight and one-half
pound baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. R- E. Paddock and
party, who motored to Portland from
Walla Walla, Wash., for the Rose Fes
tival, are at the Cornelius.
Froxramine Being; Arranged by Gover- I
nor Withrcombe, Who I Secre
tary of Conference.
SALEM, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
Nine Governors of Western states, and
probably three ex-Governors, including
ex-Governor West of Oregon, will be
present when the Conference of West
ern Governors convenes at Salt Lake
City June 26, according, to announce
ment today of Governor withycomDe,
Governor Withycombe is secretary of
the Western Governors' Conference and
now 1 arranging the programme for
the sessions,
The Western Governors' Conference
will be followed by the National con
ference of state executives, its sessions
being scheduled for June 27. 28 and
Governor Withycombe said today
that to a certain extent the pro
grammes of the two conventions would
overlap, as several of the Western Gov- Coast ports until the union demands
ernors will speak before the National I were complied with. It had been antici
conference. I pated that the meeting might lead tn a
Exclusive of the Western states, the
Governors of the following states will 1
be present: Alabama. Kansas, Mis-1
sissippi, Connecticut. Kentucky. New
Hampshire. Virginia, Illinois, Mlnne-
i u amo.
The tentative programme as arranged
by Governor Withycombe for the West-
ern Conference will include an ad-
dress of welcome by Governor Spry of
Utah, and an acknowledgment by Gov-
ernor Lister of Washington, president
f the Western conference. Governor
tiJ??XUnMt- wh ha been conducting the
eral Aid in Land Settlement": Governor
Alexander of Idaho. "State Administra-
tive Problems"; Governor Hunt of Art
zona. 'State Administrative Problems"
ex-Governor Hawley of Idaho, "The
West and Its Water Power."
Governor Withycombe will read
paper entitled "Practical Preparedness
for the Pacific Northwest
Paying of Fee to Get on Ballot, In
stead of Filing; Petition. In Con
tended to Be Illegal.
SALEM, Or.. June 7. (Special.) To
test the constitutionality of the Olson
law passed by the last Legislature.
wherein candidates are given the op
tion of filing by petition or by paying
a iixea lee, JH, M. Patton. of Portland.
today made a formal demand on Gov-
ernOr WithVPOmhn that Vi len Vtim
a certificate of nomination by the Re-
publican party for the office of State
senator from Multnomah County, and
that he refuse to grant certificates
either to Gus C. Moser. A. W. Orton.
Conrad P. Olson. S. B. Huston or R. S.
In his demand Mr. Parton rnnt.nj.
that none of the above named candi-
dates were legally nominated since
they filed by paying a fee instead of
by petition as he did.
Governor Withycombe has notified
Mr. PatCon. through his attorney W.
T. Hume, that he would refuse to grant
his r.yuest when Secretary Olcott
should transmit to him for signing-
the certificates of election for Messers
Moser, Orton, Olson. Huston and Far
In a letter accompanying Mr. Pat-
ton a demand upon the Governor, his
attorney. Mr. Hume, said that the de
mand was made for the purpose of
laying a foundation on which to apply
to the Oregon Supreme Court for
writ of mandamus to test the consti
tutionality of the 1915 act relating to
primary nominations.
Charlea G. Barton Probably Will
Speaker Before Grand Army
Member! at Eugene.
EUGENE. Or.. June 7. (Special.)
rv, r- tj i.T "
commander "of the OlStl'lll l0F
tepurjiic. will be the guest of the De-
Kmev.nt, re0n at ecri,me!t
to De neia in Eugene June 14. accord-
f, f!-""' t0da7 y
general encampment committee,
Mr. Burton was National commander
of the Grand Army in 1907. His pro
posed visit to the Oregon Department
is in connection with plans for the
National encampment to be held in
Kansas City in September. He will
probably be a speaker on the state en
campment programme.
At the weekly Chamber of Com
merce luncheon today the people of
ciugene were urged by speakers to
take part in the Flag day parade and
to assist in the entertainment of the
veterans of the Civil War.
Flight Is Successful.
One of the Festival features Tester -
day was a pretty aeroplane flight by work. The mill had signed the long
Lieutenant T. T. Maroney. of the Wash- shoremen's scale, but could not load
Ington Naval Militia, over the down -
town sections of the city. The hydro
arose from the river near the Broadway
bridge about 12:30 and alighted in the
Willamette near tne AiDina rerry about
o minutes later. xne aviator later
ip the day gave another spectacular
San Francisco Union Leaders
"Stand Pat" Nonunion
Men to Be Used Today.
Gang of 500 Is Assembled and
Quartered on Barges Employ
ers Say They Will Begin
Work This Morning.
Seattle Secretary of Labor ad
vises union that alien sailors
will not be allowed to do work
of longshoremen on wharves.
Crockett, Cal. Nonunion men
under guard unload sugar from
steamer Manoa.
Astoria Agreements signed by
shippers are forwarded to union
executive committee at San Fran
cisco. Marshfield Two lumber plants
and shipyard are being forced to
close by lack of shipping to hah-'
die business.
San Francisco Union leaders
reiterate determination to remain
on strike until demands are
granted. Employers threaten gen
eral employment today of strike
breakers. PortlandRiver steamboatmer
have small fight with strike
breakers. Coastwise shipping
cargoes are still tied up.
cific Coast district board of the In
ternational Longshoremen's Associa
tion announced at the conclusion of a
meeting here today that there would
" no cessation of the utrlka hii.
has tied un shipDine- In all Pm-ifin
settlement of the strike.
The formal statement of the union
officials reads:
"We are ready in rxrfri-m th.
of any or all employers in all ports on
racmc tjoast, provided our wage
scale and working mi nr. .nTtii.
with, and further, provided that said
employers agree to pay such waees
and observe such working rules in all
ports on the Coast."
i commenting on th t.,...t x
J. fa1pv nr.M.n ... '
ernKfl in Snn Fro r. J . ,
A "."viou, ucuiiirea it
mpant elmnlw thaf
would 'stand r.t , , lorem.?n
JL . ?n .the'r deraails-
-a s m nie progress
me BiriKe nave been received, he
said, from all of the Pacific ports. The
following cities were represented s.t
the meeting by executive members of
ine longsnoremen-s organization: San
Pedro, San Francisco. Marshfield. Port
land. Seattle. Everett. Vanmnv,.
Victoria, B. C
The announcement of the Ions-shore
men means that the suggestion of the
employers that they return to work
penaing tne efforts toward mediation
on the part of Deputy Immigration
Commissioner White, of Seattle, is to be
The Waterfront Employers' Union.
which includes in its membership most
of the large deep-sea and coastwise
steamship companies out of San Fran
cisco and the Northern Pacific ports,
has threatened to commence the gen
eral use of strikebreakers tomorrow.
work will begin in the morniner-
was the declaration of R. C. Thackars,
secretary of the employers' union.
upwards of 500 strikebreakers are
said to have been recruited by the em
ployers in preparation for moving car
goes tomorrow. a Hundred or more
were at work yesterday and today un
loading sugar from the steamer Manoa.
at the dock of the California & Hawaii-
an Suar Refining Company at Crock
ett, Cal. With a few other exceptions,
no deep-sea cargoes have been loaded
or unloaded since the inception of the
strike, on June 1.
No efforts have been made to use
gangs of strikebreakers elsewhere, the
remalner of the 600 being "bunked" In
readiness on barges near the Oakland
long wharf
or. me soutnern Pacific
Longshoremen Quiet, but River
Steamboat Men Row.
Today marks the beginning of the
second week of the strike of longshore
men and steamboat workers for ad
vanced wages and certain changes in
working conditions, and prospects of
a settlement seem to hinge solely on
the conferences Deing held at San
Francisco between union representa
tives and employers.
- Portland longshoremen are hopeful
that a settlement will ensue. Yester
day all was quiet along the waterfront
district. Among the steamboat union
men a few clashes were the onlv in
cidents, two of the crew of the steamer
Jsaran uixon Deing attacked on North
aecona street, when on their way up
iua uingij. uincers or tne company
cam noiiuer -was injured beyond
bruised nose for one and a few
scratcnes for the other.
The Yellow Stack steamer Gratia
iiiuua, me tiew or wnicn tiad an en
counter with strikers at Salem Tum-
day night. "arrived late last night and
ner orticers saia tne clash was not
serious. The attackers hurled rocks
and Captain Bluhm, Mate Seguin and a
aecicnana were struck.
C V. 1 . j ..
1 .ca...iuuo.. uiiciaiun aeciare tney are
I r ., , j,, , .
fr the" steamer Bowdoin. lying at
Couch-street H rtclr . frnm -nrVi Ink 1 AAA
barrel, of asphalt were unloaded Tue,-
main untouched pending the, outcome
of the San Francisco meeting. The
steamer Rose City sails at 3 p'clock
tuia aiteruuou igr iaxitorma ports with
a fair list of passengers, no cargo
being carried.
I Lack of Shipping Hits Lumber and
Shipyard plants.
MARSHFIELD. Or., June 7. (Spe
cial.) Coos Bay tonight commenced to
feel the effects of the longshoremen's
strike- when the Buehner Lumber Cora-
tlflnv mill at Porter rlrmnH riw. i
1 definitely and threw SO men nt t
1 lumber. The North Bend Mill &- T.nmh.r
Company plant at North Bend will
close tomorrow night, according to
Manager George Stephenson, who said
I tney would be closed at least a week.
I The isortb Bend Mill has no further
I room for lumber and one day's run
will fill the docks. The North Bend
shingle ' mills have several 'million
shingles on hand and will have to close
down by Sunday night, unless the
strike situation is relieved at once.
The Kruse & Banks shipyard, it
as stated tonight, will also have to
suspend by Sunday night, as- they have
a contract in Worth Bend, and with
both mills closed they will be unable
to obtain ship timbers. The yard has
two vessels under construction.
Government Will Not Allow Them to
Work on Wharves.
SEATTLE, June 7. Union longshore
men at Everett. Wash., today began
to load 1,300.000 feet of lumber for
the United States Railroad on the
barge W. H. Smith for shipment to
Alaska. The longshoremen's district
executive board, in session at San
Francisco, granted permission, at the
request of the Alaska engineering com
mission. A telegram was received today at
longshoremen headquarters from Sec
retary of Labor Wilson stating that
the Unltetd States Immigration Serv
ice would not permit alien sailors to
leave their ships to go on the wharves
to work as longshoremen, and further
stating that he would take the matter
up with the Seattle immigration serv
ice officials at once.
The telegram was in reply to one
the longshoremen sent the Secretary
Informing him that Japanese and
Chilean - sailors were being used as
strikebreakers at Seattle. Tacoma and
other Sound ports. The Secretary's
telegram says that the Government
will not permit alien sailors to do
work other than that covered by the
ship's articles.
The Humboldt Steamship Company,
operating the steamship Humboldt be
tween Seattle and Southeastern Alaska,
signed the longshoremen's scale today,
and union men began to unload the
Humboldt's cargo.
Union shipwrights and joiners to
day refused to build bunks on a barge
moored at pier D, for the purpose of
accommodating strikebreakers being
assembled by the Waterfront Employ
ers' Union. This refusal was followed
by a sympathetic strike against em
ployers involved in the longshoremen's
Nonunion Men Unload Sugar Car jo
at California Port.
CROCKETT. Cal.. June 7. Strike
breakers brought here to unload the
Matson 'Navigation Company's steamer
Manoa went to work again today un
der the protection of armed guards.
Crockett's striking longshoremen of
fered no resistance.
Last night the strikebreakers were
quartered aboard a river steamer and
in the Town Hotel after a half day of
work unloading sugar from the Manoa
at the dock of the California-HawaliaD
Sugar Refinery.
G. M. Rolph, brother of Mayor James
Rolph. Jr., of San Francisco, and gen
eral manager of the sugar company
here, said two union 'stevedores re
turned to work today. He has twice
offered the men higner wages than
they demand, he said,- but refused to
concede the closed shop demand.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 7. The Mat
son Navigation Company today con
tinued to unload perishable fruit from
the steamer Matsonla. with a force of
office clerks and company officials,
without any trouble from San Fran
cisco longshoremen.
"Black Ciangs" Appreciate) Anchor
age in Fresh Water.
Officers and men of the battleship
Oregon and cruiser South Dakota, who
have billets in the "black gangs," have
become boosters for Portland harbor,
not alone because of the depth of water,
absence of strong current, freedom from
stiff winds and general snug moorings
available, but owing to the abundance
of fresh water that can be pumped
aboard for steaming purposes, thereby
cutting down the amount condensed.
In fact they prefer to take the water
from the river rather than cause the
Harbor Patrol force the trouble of run
ning a line of hose from shore to supply
Bull Run. For drinking purposes tne
latter is In high favor, as it has been
with all naval ship crews visiting here.
As the South Dakota has been on Puget
Sound, and the Oregon in San r rancisco
Bay. salt water conditions have been
contended with, necessitating fresh wa
ter hauling, or condensing.
Departing Norwegian Representative
Local Delegate on European Trip.
Endre M. Cederbergh, Norwegian
Consul at Portland for years -and who
Is returning to Norway for an indefi
nite stay, has been presented with cre
dentials by the Chamber of Commerce
as its accreditel representative on tne
American-Norwegian Chamber of Com
merce business men's excursion, which
leaves New York aboard the Norwegian
fcteamer Bergensfjord June 24.
Mr. Cederbergh . will leave Portland
Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Ceder
bergh. A. H. Lamm has been appointed
to act here during his absence.
Under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce a. dinner was tendered
Mr. Cederbergh Tuesday night and a
loving cup presented.
Shipper's Agreement Goes to Union
Executive Committee.
ASTORIA, Or.. June 7. (Special.)
The offer of local shippers tp sign
agreements granting the advance in
wages asked by the longshoremen has
been forwarded to the executive com
mittee of the longshoremen's associa
tion, which is meeting in San Fran
cisco. That body is expected to act
on the matter so that its ruling will
be received tomorrow.
In the meantime, conditions here are
about the same as they have been since
the beginning of the strike. No cargo
is being loaded or unloaded with the
exception of a few instances. Forty
men from the crews of the vessels have
done the work.
Engine-Room of G. C. Llndauer Is
Damaged by Blaze.
broke out today in the engine-room
of the small steamer G. C Llndauer,
lying at a wharf waiting to discharge
a load of lumber. It' was extinguished
with small loss.
Wilson Bros. & Co., agents for the
boat, said the origin of the fire was
unknown to them.
Tanker Loses Say Contending Witn
Northerly Wind and Big Swell.
It is not 'easy for Inlanders, basking
as they have for a few days beneath
tranquil skies, gentle zephyrs and with
perfect temperatures, to appreciate con
ditions at sea in which the northwest
wind whirled down the coast with such
strength as to detain the big ships of
the Coast fleet. But such has been the
case, narrates Captain Alex Klrkwood,
sailing master of the "Rockefeller
yacht," the tanker Atlas.
It was 10:30 o'clock when the Atlas
made the final revolution of her wheel
at Wlllbridge yesterday, ending her
trip from the California oil district.
and she was just 26 hours behind her
stiff northwester and big swells.
County Receives Bill for Rehabili
tating G rah union a.
Repairs to the steamer Grahamona,
which was damaged by the draw of the
Morrison bridge recently, will cost the
county $2129.93. the bills, being pre
sented to the County Commissioners
yesterday by the Oregon City Trans
portation Company. This amount is
about $1500 less than the original esti
mate. The bill of the transportation com
pany alone, which Included cost of ma
terial for the repairs and H0 a day for
loss or time during the period the ship
was inactive totaled 11281.11, and that
of the Joseph Supple shipyard for the
labor was $848.82.
M. Welch, superintendent of bridges
and ferries, put his "O. K." on the bills
yesterday, but the Board did not au
thorize the payment until a formal
recommendation had been prepared by
Mr. Welch.
Honolpu to Drydock Here and Coates
Works Last of Lumber Cargo
Delivery of another lumber cargo for
Comyn, Mackall & Co. was made at
Sydney from the Columbia River yes
terday with the arrival there of the
schooner George E. Billings. The ves
sel got away from the river April 1.
The schooner Honoipu. which crossed
In Monday from Callao and reached the
harbor yesterday, is to be drydocked
at St. Johns today for cleaning and
painting before putting to sea again
witn a cargo of lumber.
Though delayed for a few days In
finishing her cargo at Wauna on ac
count of the, strike of longshoremen,
the schooner A. F. Coates is ready for
sea and was towed to Astoria yester
day. San Pedro Union Has Own Police.
SAN PEDRO. CaL. June 7. Order
continued here today among the long
shoremen who have been on strike for
a week. That the strikers were intent
on preventing trouble has become
evident by the work of the union
police" in taking charge of all in
toxicated members found' on the
Steamer Schedule).
Name. From T)at.
F. a. Kilburn. ... . .Sao Diego. ... ....In port
Rose City ...LoiAnEciel In nort
Great Northern. ... Ban Francisco. ... In port
Breakwater Ban Diego ...lnd't t.
Northern Pacific. . .San Francisco. ... J une 9
Bear. LM An gules. ... ..June 9
Beaver Los Angeiea. .. ... Juno 1
Name.' tor Date.
F. A. KJIbura Ban Diego Indeft.
Breakwater fcaa Diego Indeft.
Great Northern. ... San Francisco. .. . Juno 8
Rosa City L.o Angeles. ..... June V
Vale 6. F. to Lt. A.. . . ..June 0
Wapama San Diego. ...... J une l
Beaver Los Angeles June in
Klamath San Diego June JO
Northern PactflG. . .San Franclaco. . June lo
Harvard S.- F. to L.. A. .... .June 10
Bear .l-oa Angeles. . . .. Juno 18
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. June 7. Arrived Steamer
Atlas, from c"an Francisco; schooner Hono
lpu. from CaKao. Sailed Schooner A. F.
Coats, from Wauna for Hllo.
Astoria. June 7. Arrived at 12:3r, TV M
Steamer Great Northern, from San Francisco.
Arrived down Rt r ju.. schooner A. r .
Coats. Arrived at 2:4I5 and left up at 4
P. M. Steamer W. S. Porter, from Port San
SAX FRANCISCO. June 7. Sailed t 1
P. M. Steamer Bear, rom San Pedro for
Portland. Arrived at 3 P. M. Steamer
Northern Pacific, from Flavel. June 6
Arrived at U P. 31. Steamer Oleum, from
Seattle. June 6. Tuflr Henry J. Blddle.
from Anchorage, for Portland, was 10 miles
off Sisters Light at S P. M.
SYDNEY, June 7. Arrived Schooner
Geo. B. Billings, from Columbia River.
Astoria, June 6. Arrived at 9 and left up
at 11:30 P. M.. steamer Atlas, from San
Seattle. June 7. Arrived Steamers Hum
boldt, from Southeastern Alaska: North
western, from Southwestern Alaska; Aro
Une. from Anchorage.
San Francisco. June 7. Arrived Steam
ers Westerner, from Santa Rosalia; North
ern Pacific, from Astoria. Sailed Steamers
Congress, for Seattle; Bear, for Portland.
Yokohama, June B. Arrived Steamer
Buyo Maru. from Pan Francisco; Pennsyl
vania, rrom San Francisco.
Balboa. June f. Sailed Steamer J, A,
Moffett, for San Francisco.
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 P. M-, Jane 1.
unlet otherwise indicated.)
Lurllne. Honolulu for San Franclsod. 1904
miles from San Francisco June 41.
Sheridan, Manila for San Francisco, 1605
miles from San Francisco, June l.
Congress. San Francisco for Seattle, off
roini Arena.
Willamette. Grays Harbor for San Fran
Cisco. 30 miles south of Point Arena
Bear, San Fra&clsco for Portland, off Point
n r-nn.
Will be the most interesting and compl ete issues ever published.
want to send these copies to your friends.
Five Complete Issues, Including Postage, 15c
(Wednesday, June 7, to Sunday, June 11, Inclusive)
Fill Outflank Form and Send to The Oregonian, Portland, Or.
. . . (
; Name Street Town State
r I '
9 ;
10 -
12 ; .
The Oregonian, Portland. Or.
Gentlemen: Inclosed find , for which mail The Rose Festival
Oregonian from Wednesday, June 7, to Sunday, June 11, inclusive, to ?ach of
the above.
(Inclose 15c for each name.)
Jl Low i
Round-trip Summer excursion ticket3 on sale
daily from June 1, to Middle West and to East
States and Canada.
The finest, daily, to Eastern terminals, Chicago,
St. Louis.
Northern Pacific Ry.
The Yellowstone Park Line
Interesting. Let us explain.
TO CALIFORNIA Have your ticket read from
Portland via"G. N. P. S. S. Co.," new, fast, pala
tial steamships.
Tickets, east, north; boat to California; to
Alaska, one way or round trip; sleeping car or
boat reservations, etc
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland Or.
Queen, Seattle for San Francisco, nlns
miles south of Mendocino. .
Drake. Point Wells for EI Set-undo. 50
miles north of San Francisco. '
Mills. Matlnei for Seattle. 253 miles south
of Seattle.
X e v s From Xortlmest Torts.
GRAYS HARBOR. Wssh.. June 7. Spe
cial.j Tin steamers Hoqulam. Svea and
Fair Oaks are expected to arrive tomorrow
from San Francisco, while the Doris and
Diisy Uadsby are due the latter part of the
week from San Pedro.
The steamer Daisy Putnam cleared for
Pan Francisco from the Eureka mill with
the recently launched steamer Daisy Mat
thews in tow. Machinery will be Installed
in the Matthews at San Francisco.
The steamer Multnomah will clear tomor
row after being in port four days, or twice
as long; as usuaL
The schooner Expansion has shifted to
the Anderson-Mlddleton dock from the
Llndstrom yards and will start loading this
week if longshoremen can be secured.
COOS BAY. Or.. June 7. (Special.) The
rasoline schooner Patsy arrived last night
from Portland at 7 o'clock, bringing mer
chandise. The Patsy was permitted to dis
charge a portion of ber cargo today at the
Ocean dock.
The gasoline schooner Palsy arrived in port
yesterday with a general cargo of freight
lor the stores ok liaroiner ana nccunyui i
ASTORIA. Or., June 7. (Special.) The
tug Gollah sailed this evening for Puget
Sound with the dredge Tacoma in tow.
The crew of the schooner A. F. Coats has
finished loading that vessel at Wauna and
she was brought down by the tug Wallula
this afternoon. The Coats will probably
sail tomorrow for the Hawaiian Islands.
Bringing a cargo of fuel oil for Astoria
and Portland, the tank steamer Atlas ar
rived durlne the nlsht from California.
The steamer Great Northern arrived this
afternoon from San Francisco, bringing pas
sengers and baggage, but no freight or ex
press. The tank steamer W- S. Porter arrived
this afternoon from California, bringing a
cargo of fuel oil tor Portland.
Marine Notes.
That the river will attain a stage of 1R.3
feet here Saturday is the prediction of Dis
trict Forecaster BeaJs, whose reports yes
terday showed gains in the Snake and Co
lumbia, the most being an increase of 1.2
feet at The Dalles. As the stage there was
26.3 feet and what is known as the floo-i
stage ia 40 feet above sero, the rise so far
la not material.
Leaving San Francisco at 1 o'clock yes
terday afternoon the "Big Three" liner Bear
la due here tomorrow afternoon with a num
ber of passengers.
It Is reported from San Francisco that
United States Inspectors Guthrie and Dolan
are to make their decision in a few days
on the Roanoke case, the vessel having foun
dered recently south of the Golden Gate,
and the story circulated was that she was
overloaded. As the Roanoke operated be
tween Portland and California harbors until
a short time before she went south to ply
between Ssn Francisco and Mexican and
Central American ports, her loss with 47
lives, only three being rescued, caused gen
eral reprer.
235 Morrison St. tr
Phones: Main 244, A 1244 ' J9bL3L
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
B:18 A. M 8.4 feetl 0:08 A. M....8.4 feet
8:37 P. 11 7.4 teetll:.M A. M 1.4 feet
Vessels Entered Yesterday.
American steamer Atlas, cargo of oil. from
San Francisco.
Vessels Cleared TesterAay.
American steamer Atlas, ballast, for San
Colombia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. June 7. Condition of the,
bar at 5 P. M. Sea, smooth; wind, north
west. 30 miles.
Face and Body Covered with Blisters.
Started to Spread. Child Very
Cross and Could Not Sleep.
"My niece suffered with Itching; eczema
for nearly six months. Her face and body
were covered with blisters which broke
open and started to spread,
and as soon aa one blister
opened a few days later more
eruptions would appear. Her
face was a fright to look at
and the child was very cross
and could not sleep night.
"Then I used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and
after using two boxes of the
Cuticura Ointment together
with the Cuticura Soap she
was entirely healed."
(Signed) Miss Theresa Sele-
sky. 3016 Cortland St.. Chicago. I1L.
Oct. 10. 1915.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cotirnr., Dspt. T, 1
too. Sold throughout the world.
You will