THfe MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916. 19 JREGON. HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BEI.MOXT ST. hones. East 142:1, B 2315, Open Day and Night. leport all cases of cruelty to this of Ice. Lethal chamber for small amimals. lorae ambulance for sick and disabled Knimals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring pet may commun'cate with ua. NEW TODAY. FARM HOME ISO ACRES. ' SBAR YAMHILL RIVER. Good county road; two houses, barn, school, church, telephone; running water: four miles to railway town: crops in; plenty of machinery; 45 acres in cultiva tion: some pasture: pood timber. Price J9000. Want Portland prop erty. See Hart. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. 401 Board of Trade. 6 rtiolr tn of $10,000 and T"-. On Improved Bniinu Property tor lor Improvement Purpose). J. T. LIPSCOMB. . UZ Stark btreot. r- MORTGAGE LOANS a Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. ftFECIAL. RATIOS O-V LAltl.K LOA53 IV ni7SI.VESS PROPERTIES. A. II. BIRRELL CO. kl7-21t Narthvreaterai Bank: IS nil dine MinbiilKIU. A 4118. uuiiiimmiiiiiHiimiiimiiimiiiiiimmu MONEY FOR FARMERS E - At Carrent Rates. H COJIK I" A.VU TALK. WITH US or Write. . : Bankers' SlartK'Re Corporation. Capital 00,000. Title A- Trust Bide., E S Portland, Oregon. rNiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiii!imiiiiiiimmim MORTGAGE LOANS Wo have Insurance Money at 5 Private Funds at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bnnlc Bldg. i .Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Corrent Rates. M I'XICIPA j AND CORPORATION ' BONDS. MR.1I AND CITY LOAN'S, 0 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg;. raiO E.G0UBEYE0 SEL 5& 7 Obi MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTHWUILFIN UMHt. OUILUlKt Qrcgonlifc MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city prop erty at Lowettt Kates. 817 Corbett. B'.dg-.. Fifth A Morrison Bts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. OREGON THE WONDERLAND OF THE Portland the metropolis. Buy my lots and make money; lots 33, 35, 3i. block 44. Jrvington Park Addition. Address Geo. W. Crosaley. Sebring, Florida. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Big sacrifice, large view lot, central part of Heights; cheap est good lot and best good lot on the Heights. Main 1003. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS Has a large number of lots in all parts of the city at appealing prices. OLIVER K. JEFFKR Y, President. CHEAP Laurelhurst Addition sacrifice; lot 15,' block 20. Karl F. Milir, 1010 37th st., Milwaukee, Wis. CHOICE 4 lots for $2000, one corner 100X 100, two Inside, Irvington. fine location. East 273. W. II. Herdmau. For Sale -Houses. GOING TO BUILD T Go to an established imn and avoid worry and risk. We, as L. R. BAILEY CO.. contracting architects, have been at 324 Abington bldg. 5 years; hundreds of jobs to our credit- Sketches and esti mates free. FURNISH THE MONEY if desired. You deal with ONE PARTY and pay only ONE PROFIT; wo ACTUALLY SAVE YOU MONEY and guarantee satis faction. We de-sign and build residences, apartments, stores, factories, a n ythlng. IRVINGTON NEW HOME IN $20,000 CLASS AT BARGAIN. Must be seen to be appreciated; 17tb and Stanton sts. ; quarter block. 12 rooms, spacious verandas, hardwood floors, hut- water heat, two bathrooms, 4 toilets, 5 lavatories, full basement, every modern convenience, double (taratre: terms and key by owner. V. A. Sanderson, 741 Weid- ler st. Tel. East lObo. IRVINGTON. 539 E. 24TH ST. NORTH. Exceptionally well built home. 7 rooms. hardwood floors and white enamel finish throughout, tile floor in bathroom, 3 nre places. billiard-room in basement; garage. This is offered for quick sale at & bar gain. All street assessments paid. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 272 Stark St. Main 3026. A 1251. ONE of the finest bungalows in Rose City Park at 423 4bth st. North, near sandy; 6 rooms, all on ground floor, 3 bedrooms, large attic, full cement basement, fur nace, shades, fixtures, fireplace, all built in features, laundry in basement. Open Sunday. 2 to 5. Pnone Tabor 2161. Owner. HOUSE BARGAINS. 4, 5 and 6-room modern bungalows, with all latest built-in conveniences in restrict ed district, near cariine: price $700. $1475. $1950, $2300 and 12500: easy terms. Umb denstock & Larson Co., 306 Oak su. ground floor, pnone uawy. icos. ML'RRAYMEAD. Six rooms, sleeping porch, large living room, opening into living-room porch beautiful home In beautiful M ur ray mead ; sacrifice: owner leaving city; equity $1500. will accept part in traae. 804 E. Sherman st. pnone sseiiwood 44 (. LAURELHURST HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes just completed in Laurelhurst; the addition of beautiful noines, irom jouu up. on rent-UKe terms. LAURELHURST CO., 270 i. Stark st. Main 17UO. A loio. IDEAL new homo. 8 rooms: built-in side board, bookcases, fireplace, full cement basement, plastered; two porches, white kitchen ; one block from Broadway car, near Irvington tennis courts; assessments pain, wakeneia, .tries & Co.. o 4th st. :iain 1 4. uuuu, comfortable, homey, nearly new house at 511 E. 47th st. N. . Rose City Park ; 5 rooms downstairs, cement base ment, furnace, nice yard, every thin r com plete and good neighborhood; terms if a5irea. inquire next door. Tabor 2079. THE OREGON HOMEBUILDERS Will build to your own ideas on monthly terms mat your rent money win care ior. n.rt iv. j iije rHiti i , .fresiaent. BEAUTIFUL new 5-room modern bungalow I paid in $830. will sell equity for $150 casn, Daiar.ce easy trms. Air. xiageman. Phone Broad v. ay i,.s. LARGE 6-room modern house, 50x1 04 lot, electric lights, gas. fruit, etc.; $260O, or will trade equity of $1300 for lot. acre age or smaller houses. 173 E. 58th st. N FOR houses or lots in Irvington or Laurel hurst see Sanderson & Grauel. 62S Cham br or Commerce. Marshall 2160. IRVINGTON Swell and cheap homes, easy payments, he uianunt. pnone fc-ast 32d MODERN cosy 5-room bungalow Meat Market. Linnton. Or. cheap MODERN, artistic bunrnlnw; terms forfeited; lu'J3 E. 25th N. Owner, M. 730. REAL ESTATE. For bale Uoum. M V new modern S-room, 1 -story bunga low, located at 117o E. Burnside. near 3yth. one block from Laurelhurst park.; pressed brick porch, witn concrete floor, large living-room with Hasside fireplace, buitt-ln dining-room with large handsome built-in buffet; these rooms are finished in old ivory and mahogany, beau tlfuli decorated, marblelzed kitchen, with built-in breakfast nook; tiled bathroom, den or music-room, 3 bedrooms and a very large sleeping; porch; all hardwood floors down stairs; upstairs floors are all finished and polished; full basement with laundry trays and furnace, bricked-in frultroom; price $-4500; this includes garage; may takty a, good clear lot as part payment. Owner, a. E. Anderson, Tabor 54S2. Git ANTS PASS residence, best locality in city; alwaa rented; pays over 12 per c.-nt; owner elsewhere; below cost, J 1150 ; worth $ltioO. Address L. A. Launer, Grants Pass Or. Suburban Home Property. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well de veloped community ; 30 minutes out, with 30 big red steel trains daily each way through it. Buy now at our low prices and easy payments. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. A FINE, IMPROVED 4 acres on hard-surfaced Base Line road, near electric sta tion; can be bought at an extremely low price and easy terms. Ready to move in. Umbc'cnstock & Larson Co., 306 Oak. at. Ground floor. CHICKEN RANCH.. A very desirable 1 1-3 acres with 6 rra. house In city limits, Oc fare, extreme ly low price and easy terms to reliable party. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 800 oak st. Ground floor. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carina-., easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 35b5 or Sellwood 470. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. A REAL HOME. 3 acres, cultivated, cosy 4 -room house, well, barn, chicken-house, fruit, vegetables, etc., 8 miles from Portland, near station. Tabor 6404. For bale Acreage. 10 ACRES, near good road, good soil, half mile to electric line, four miles from Port land; $2G5 per acre. 2 acres, good, modern 7-room house, barn and excellent water, gas and electric connection; half mile from Concord Sta tion, 30-minut car service; $4500. H. G. STARKWEATHER, Kisley Station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. UOBLK For a big logging company, we are offering 3000 acres of the best logged off land in Oregon at low prices and on easy terms; good roads, richest soil, pure water, employment near by; these are some of the advantages; lO-acre tracts S2oo to $350: your own terms; send for folder. G. Wyna "Wilson, 310 Chamber of Commerce. ONE acre of ground with dandy little 4-room bungalow, chicken-house and barn, land all under cultivation; close to good carlin; to be sacrificed at $1660; small payment down balance like rent. For particulars, call at 515 Piatt bldg. BIG MONEY IN LOGANBERRIES. "We have close-in desirable acres suit able for this paying Industry. UM EDEN STOCK & LARSON CO.. Ground floor. 300 Oak St. ACREAGE in famout Tualatin Valley; best of soil, good location, low prices, quanti ties and terms to suit purchaser. Handy Bros., owners, 201 Stock Exchange bldg. Tel. Marshall 205. 7 ACRES, 8 miles from Vancouver, 6 blocks off streetcar line; all In cultivation; good onion land; no builornga. Price $1400, terms. G. A. Long, E. 72. 462 Hawthorne. CHICKEN, - FRUTT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre-; easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. ACRE tracts, near city, on cariine and paved road; $5 cash, $5 per mo., 6 per cent in terest. Owner, 617 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES in potatoes. 5c fare, Mt. Scott Drug Store. Lents. $1200. Call Homesteads. COLVILLE reservation map and description $1. Clair Hunt. Colville, W ash. FREE booklet. Stare. U. S., land. Maps. Bargains. Joseph Clark, Sacramento, Cal. For tale Farmo. A MONEYMAKER. $7500 An elegant dairy proposition. 720 acres of leased land on Sauvles Island. only a little way north of the ctiy limits oi portiana, ; spienaia cows, 14 year. ins heifers. 5 2-year-old heifers, a lot of hoes. chickens, ducks and geese. A good up-to-date man can make this place pay better ythan $1000 monthly. Sickness the only reason lor selling. Place is paying now. COE A. M'KENNA & CO.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. BUY KlVK ACRES and plant part in logan berries; they thrive in Oregon and can be profitably raised for juice or for drying; we have cleared bench and bottom lands. one mile to good Valley railroad town; finest soil, creeks and springs; good roads, employment. schools; five acres with house, $25 down, $10 month; unimproved lands at less; let us show you. J. R. Sharp, S3t 3d St., room 557, Portland, Or. 6000 ACRES of logged-off land in various parts or southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only at prices ranging from $r per acre up. bmaii casn payment down balance in 10 annual payments, with in terest at 6 per. cent. Call or write tor particular. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 0 ACRES, 15 under cultivation, 1 acre In orchard; a good house and barn and other outbuildings; running water on place; large team, wagons, cow, chickens, farm tools and crops: under good fence; 10 miles from Vancouver, on main street road, 1 mites west Manor. Price $3500. Owner, J. J. Wilson. Vancouver, Wash. Route 5. Box 164A. HOG AND DAIRY KANCH. 168 acres, clorfe to Newberg. on Co. road and Willamette River; 130 acres in wheat and oats,- 20 acres timber, bal. brush; no better soil; fair buildings and fences; price for quick sale, $90 per acre, $5oO0 cash, bal. 6 per cent. Goddard & Wiedrlrk, 243 Stark St. A BIG BARGAIN. $1100 20 acres, 2 miles from station on the electric, 2 acres in Yellow Newtowns, 3 acres In crop, 4-room house, garden, fine spring, good well. This is a forced sale. Coe A. McKenna & Co., 727 Cham ber of Commerce. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY lands In Kaetern Montana, $2.50 to $18 per acre. Suitable for farming or grazing. Easy terms. For Information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. BUY IMPROVEMENTS, will throw In land; 25 acres, xa mjies romanu ; u acres cleared, improvements worth $4000; price $3700. Arthur Gilfeather, owner, an couver. Wash. 4000 ACRES stump land. In solid body, high percentage level, spienaia jy waterea witn flowing streams ; ideal for stock raising or dividing; price $10 per A. 910 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. $5 TO $10 per acre. Portland, good land. Wltnin i." roues; near pianx roaa, it. it. and river; creeks, some easily cleared. J O'Keane, Vancouver, Wash. 47 ACRES, 1 mile from Roseburg, river front. standing oaK, xencea, smait nouse ; sacri fice $3 00, terms. A. Bronk, 3920 11th ave., W. Seattle, Wash. LOGGED-OFF stump land. $10 acre up; terms; gooa sou; running water, markets, employment. J. R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. 320 ACRES in Central Oregon; 40 in culti vation. 20 In crop. For sale or trade, $3200. Wm. Dorrell, Post, Or. FOR SALE 640 acres cheap for cash, 1606 Division st.. Portland, or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FINE, close-in lot. 50x100; free from in cumorances. Am oiierea loan oi $1000 on this lot. Want close-in acreage on GOOD road ; land need not be improved, but MUST be good soil and lay well. Lot has cost over $2600. Wish exchange about this value ; might assume small amount. ap 623, oregonian. WANTED Of owner, a lot in Alberta. Ir vington Park or Vernon district. W ood- lawn 4602 STANDARD Abstract Co., W. R. Haizlip, president. 402 Stock Ex. bldg. Main 67-., FOR RENT FARMS. FARM to rent on shares or for cash, 100 acres, about 80 in cultivation, with stock and implements, good bldgs., and on fine crushed rock roaa miies irom r-sta-cad a. near school and church, and bfAittifui Dlace to live. Will give good terms to right parties. See S. E. W oos- ter, Estacada, Or. FOR. SALE Lease, stock. crop, imple ments: lease runs four years: 91 acres: 62 in crop; 1 y miles from Woodburn, half mile from electric station; this is a good Route 1, Woodburn. or. 5 ACRES for rent, 4-room house, barn, chicken-house, fruit. crODs all In: 5 mln utes" walk from station. William Krugel Tigard, Or. COURTNEY Five acres, near river, 8-room house, fruit, outhouses, ete. : $15 month. Oregon City cars, inquire airs. AJorn. FARMS WANTED. FOR CASH. 350 to 200 acres, partly under cultiva tion: running water, some improvements, on ood road, not over 2i miles out; cloe to station: give legal description In first letter; will pay cash, but price must be right ; owners oniy. a k t.;, Oregon ran WANTED Stocked dairy farm in Klash aiota of cultivation, within hour from Portland bv electric train, in exchange for vain a oie vv esi nine roii i n nu resiueoce. Aadiesj BD 626, oregonian, WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANT TO GO XN FAKM. Will pay cash rnt for good jlace and buy livestock and Implements. RITTER, LOWE & DU FOREST, 205-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED To rent one or two acres in city with water and fenced. A 634, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRAKEN. ;;04 M'KAT BLDT FOR EXCHANGE Half section. Lene Co., 8.000,000 ft.. $10,000. Want Portland prop erty or near. Address liC 635, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GREAT HOTEL OPPORTUNITY. I will trade this hotel, the only one in a good town, and doing a nice business, for Portland or farm property; 3-story structure, 31 well-f urnlshed rooms, at tractive dining-room; good quarters for owner; storeroom on ground floor; am a single man, makes arrangement diffi cult for me. Value $12,000. See I. McChes Tiey, C03 Title & Trust bidg. Main 3477. STOCK and dairy ranch, R60 acres, very fine land ; small never-falling creek, fine fishing, good springs, new b-room house, furnished, piano, big new barn, tools, blacksmith's out lit; live miles from depot and creamery .about 18 miles from Corval 11s: $50 per acre; will take all or part trade. See owner this week only, 628 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIXE, close-in lot, 50x100; free from in cumbrance. Am offered loan of $1000 on this lot. Want close-in acreage on GOOD road; land need not be improved, but MUST be good soil and lay well. Lot has cost over $2600. Wish exchange about this value; might assume small amount. AP 623. oregonian. 200 ACRES near Monmouth, $12,000; fair bldgs., family orchard, good water; 90 acres cultivated, bal. fine pasture. Trade for mdsc. business. V. W. Green, Rainier, Oregon. WILL TRADE. $20,000 factory, manufacturing mercan tile goods, going business, established for 25 years. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. Properties of merit to match our large lints of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no inflated, values considered. CALL AN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres good wheat land, improved. Crook Co., $16,000. and 320 acres timber. Lan Co., $10,000. Want city. Address BC 634, Oregonian. HOTEL In good Eastern Oregon town; clear of Incumbrance: for Portland or vicinity; $8000. Ill 3d st. Main 334. BEAUTIFUL four-acre orchard adjoining Hood River. Or., for Spokane residence. 228 E. 21st st., Spokane, Wash. LARGE list of city and farm property for f ale and exchange at the right prices. Empire Inv. Co., 401 Board of Trade. TO exchange, $1000 equity in bungalow for rooming-house or acreage close to Port land; will assume. Tabor 650. FOR SALE or trade, equity In acre Powell Valley road. Wood lawn 821. EQUITY In 5-room bungalow; will consider good car aa part payment. Tabor 1071. APT.-HOUSE Will trade for ranch house and lot. 615 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. GOOD team of blacks, sound and true, 2500 lbs.; also one good driver, at a low price. Res. 799 Michigan. Take Mississippi to Failing. A HEAVY team of horses, or will trade for car. Apply at noon or after 6 P. M. 1030 Broadway. A COUPLE of good farm trains; some wagons and buggies for sale cheap. Stable. 20 Grand ave. Eapt 6113. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. CALL at 546 Front; wagons, buggies, har ness, all sizes, all prices; must sell. HORSES frWrebynay or month. C. W. Townaend Co., 3S0 Front. Main 1371. s DEAD horses and cattle tak-n away free. Call day or night. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Horses, E. 7th st. N. wagons, buggies. SS Planes, Orsrans and MnMcal Internments. THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING,' OUT PIANOS, $:i50 Marshall & Wendell Upt. rash...$ 80 $.;oo Louis XV Walnut Upright, cash 45 -iLfv iiiaKenng At bona, old mouei, cash $275 K. jie. C. Fischer, old model 2vj Pianola Player, mahogany $32 5 Lin del I Upright, mahogany $135 Story A Clark Parlor Organ $.00 Emerson Colonial Piano 40 30 4 335 25 103 To first cailer, low 4th. near Washington. Your piano stored for 73o monthly. HERE are real piano bargains from our storage department: Elegant, full-size upright piano. List price. $300; now $125 Splendid little uurlcht piano: fine for practice work; now 80 Beautiful mahogany piayer piano, with lot of music rolls and bench.... 175 GRAVES MUSIC CO., , 351 4th St., Near Morrison. A RICH-TONED upright piano In small case, $05; Hardman upright pluno, splendid con dition, $125- Guild piano. $25: Kimball organ, $30; Christie upright. $S5; full-siaee mahotrany piano player. $225. Pay $. cash and $1 per week. These instruments are from our storage department. Graves Mu sic o., loi th st.. near Morrison. iih,K h; are real piano bargains irom our storage department: Elegant, full size up right piano, list price $300. now $123; Splendid little upricht piano, fine for prac tice work, now $80 : beautiful mahoanv player piano, with lot of music rolls and Dencn. $itr. uraves Muslo Co., 151 4th t., near Morrison. xou ioias wno use to piay the piano, you zoias wno enjoy tne oia songs or long ago, can now piay your iavorite selection on the wonderful reproducing piano player. piayers priceq; irom $125 and up, terms as low as $5 per month. Graves Music lo., jt tn st., near .Morrison. ARTISTIC piano players in mahoaanv. nal nui ii u u oi ik ii o in our storage dept., priced from $125 to $230: nav 5 cash nnrf $1 to $1.50 per week ; bench and music rolls included. Graves Music Co., 151 4th EASY monthly payments on the following pianoB. uuua, naraman, iiti; i?rad- bury, rich tone. $1S0: Lighte, $00. Write ior our uargsin nst. t raves Music Co. 151 4th st., near Morrison st. COME in and inspect this snap, beautiful a-note piaer piano, iiKe new, priced at - lenns, iu casn ana naiance on easy monthly terms. Graves Music Co., 151 st., near Aiorrison. $10 WILL place an 8S-note mahogany piano Pinyei- in your nome ana per month will keep ft there until paid for. price $230. rolls and bench included. Graves Music o., ioi tn st.. near Morrison. r-uys $:2;j iyio model piano for $245; ioihi edving !-.. i&cnwan piano co. 311 4th st. at Washington. WILL rent 88-note piano player with 25 roils or music. per month: rent can apply on purchase price. Graves Music tjo.. li 4tn st.. near jviomson st. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or re- iinif-nea Dy our proiessionai men. port land Plar.o Tuning. Repairing Mfg. Co., 40 Hawthorne. Phone East 1072. AN elegant mahogany piano player, music rolls ana oencn oniy $io. aay terms. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St., near Mor rison. DAINTY bungalow eS-note player piano, was S-'.-so, tmmv 4.o; pay m casn. rn.e oalance like rent. Graves Music Co., 151 4th at., near Morrison st. GOOD walnut piano player, lot of mueie rons. oencn hhu bith ri, cJ-; pay S1 casn, $7 per month. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison. KIMBALL $-150 upright oak piano will close out i or ssa casn mis weoK. fcecurity Storage Co.. 109 4th st. WRITE today for "Bargain Piano List" of loo pianos, braves Aiuaic co., 151 4th St., Portland, Or. FAMOUS "REES VIOLINS' and REPAIR ING. 418 ALISKY BLDG. $55 CASH buys a $4.".0 Haines Bros piano tomorrow. Security Storage Co.. 309 4th. FOR SALE, one piano, nearly new. 431 12tb street. i Fumitnr for Wale. SPLENDID 48-inch top, flush rim. quarter sawed oak dining table, 10-Inch pedestal, up to the minute, fumed finish, regular $23 for $17.50. Other extension dining tables, solid oak. 42-inch top in good as new shape an low as $8.50. Mish Furniture Co., 184 First st. Y'our credit Is good. A SNAP Furniture for five rooms for sale cheap; must sell, as am leaving town. 120 E. 33d st. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-rootn house, fine condition. - Call Marshall 9M. IKigH, Bird and Pet Mock. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies. $5 eacn. m .. iveuogg, at. jonni. phone Coiumma 401. AIREDALES IMP. ST. DON AN AT STUD. LAl'DIX KENNKLS. ESTACADA, OR. DOGS and horses clipped. lt2. East 3S47. 415 E. 7th st, U Livestock. MY fancy Holatoin milch cows. 35 head. tio to $ i ; also my fancy Holstein 2-vea olds. $40 to $ 0; payment in -ah or beof or stock ratTie. r rank l. Mmith, Scap poose. Ore gon. BP-UCE sol is good dslrv corr Union Stockyards. Wu;n 2100. on terms. FOR 8 ALE Foultry. WHITE LEGHOffN DaDy chlx from proved heavy-laying stock ; May and J une deliv ery; $3 per 10O. We guarantee safe arrival and ship C. O. D. PIONEER HATCHERY, Petaluma, Cal. Launches and Boats. CABIN CRUISER, 3,0 ft., 20-H. F heavy duty motor, in fine condition, launched 1 year ago. D. A. C, 167 Broadway, or phone Tabor 4182. ELEGANT 3 2 -ft. cabin launch. In fine con dition, and laTge boathouse. at now cost. Roo m 4 2 2, Carlton Hote I. HOUSEBOAT, modern built, almost new, suitable for family, 'very cheap. AH 633, Oregonian. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up. 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remlngrou Typewriter Cora- pany. euJ5roaaway. rortiaQ, ur. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters ; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 32 1 Wash, st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 3407. Automobiles. HUPMOBILES. 1915 Hupp, $800. 1914 Hupp, elec starter and lighter. $67d. 1916 Overland, 83, $575. 3916 Allen, run less than 2000 miles, $650. 1914 Michigan. $550. 1911 Cadillac, $450. - - Terms If desired. Open Sundays. DUTJMAGE-M ANLEY AUTO CO.. 46-48 20th st., near Washington, Marshall 1699, A 1299. USED CAR BARGAINS. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. 39lo ?EO. 5-passcnger ...$200 1911 INTERSTATE. Just the thing for a classy "bug" 250 3913 REO. the car that's always good 375 1912 LIGHT HUDSON. 3-Daasenircr roadster 8O0 3911 POPE, 5-passenger 400 1914 OGLE. 7-passenger. electric lights end starter 650 1913 CADILLAC, -passenger, electric lights and starter 750 191 4 WTLLYS TRUCK, unusually fine condition 800 USED CAR DEPARTMENT. OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CON VENIENCE. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., BROADWAT AT COUCH, OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT Offers the following bargains: OVERLAND Six, 1913, 7-paas., fine family or rent car $800 ST UDE BAKER 20, touring car 225 BTUDEBAKER. electric, A-l condi tion ; might consider some trade. . 400 PIERCE-ARROW "48," 7-pass., can't he beat f cr reliable service. CHALMERS, light six. 5-pass 830 ALCO SIX; this is some automobile; you must see it to realize Its value. DODGE, touring car. in first-class condition; a good buy 650 ALSO MA NT OTHERS NOT LISTED. CALL AND INSPECT OUR. USED CARS. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. Main '6244. OVERLAND, electric starter and lights $425 Studebaker, 6-cyi., late ruoaei no Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl 325 Ford late model, with electric starter and lights 440 Terms If desired. OAKLAND AUTO CO.. Main 414. 16th and Alder. CADI LLAC touring car, Timken axles. fine condition $375 STUDEBAKER "4," 1915 model, elec tric starter and lights 625 STUDEBAKER 2u." touring car, first-class condition 250 STL'DEKA KER 4," 1014 model, elec tric rtarter and lights 475 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Ptudehaker Distributors, park and T) via. USED AUTO SNAP, TERMS GIVEN. Large etock to select from. Prices $300 up; also 10-pass. hotel bus. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO., East 7272. B 1216. PRICE $175. Bulck truck, completely overhauled; Storm body, completely inclosed; would make dandy car for long overland trip. Price $175. 303 East Oregon su East 7222. 5-PASPENGER OAKLAND. Here's a genuine bargain for some one who wants a good car in first-class shape; elec. lights, no starter; will trade in email car. 363 East Oregon st. East BUICK BARGAIN'. Buick. 1914, small 5-passenger, Delco electric starting and lighting system. Just overhauled, new parts, two new tires, ex cellent condition; $450 cash. Room 321 Seward Hotel. PIERCE-ARROW chassis, with stake body; dandy light truck. Price $50. 303 East Oregon st. East 7222. 1912 MARMON. The quality in this car is recognized by automouilists, and its mechanical condi tion is good; nscd as private pleasure car only. Price $650; terras. Phone and see me. Sellwood 274S. STUDEBAKER. $225. Touring car. in good shape, good tires, Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Wash ington St. Main 0244. FOR SALE Ford ton truck; first-class con dition: will trade for cordwood or horses. O. A. Long. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840 or E. 72. HAVE Studebaker chassis, 3912; will sell $375 or trade lor unincumoereri property. Owner dead. East 1624 or see Harry Gray son, oregonian. 1915 FORD touring car for sle; has been used as private car ; no jitney; can be seen at 86 10th iL Phone Marshall 1897. MODEL K CHALMERS, touring, exception ally gooa unapt; ; or ana new extra tire. .r i u iui . c ii. I WILL pav ca-h for Fords and Pulcks. -::ANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Eact 1 IPO. E, 33th ar.d Hawthorne ave. WILL sell my fi-pass. model 20 Hay nes cheap: must return to cauxornia oy rail. BD 633, Oregonian. DANDY BUG Can be seen now being over hauled; $200; terms or pay cash . differ ence for good Ford. 2"' 1 1 th st. WILL sell 3-ton truck cheap ; only used short time. AN 582. Oregonian. bLiGHTLY used tires from $3 to $10 each; vulcanized. 23c; tire repairing. 207 Madison 1W14 FOR D touring car; fine condition; $205. 69 N. 23d. Automobiles Wanted. TO TRADE for automobile, $175 equity In w arrenton lot near tne new naval base, or 5 acres In Clackamas Co. Might con sider steamer. Might pay a llttie cash. Write L. Asher, 7ooy 00th ave. S. E., city. WANT late model light 5 -pass, touring car in first-class condition for unincumbered lots in Oregon City (cash value $375) and some rash. Phone afternoons. Main 3142. WANT Ford or any good make touring car, $375 cash for 11 acres river bottom; fenced, in crop ; house, barn, orchard, mile to town. Box 133, Toledo. Wash. WILL trade my 3911 Cadillac for Ford run about or touring car. Easy payments on balance. Main 4244. WANT Ford or similar car; $150 cash, terms. AO 633. Oregonian. Automobiles for Hire. 5-PASPENGER CAR or delivery cur. with out driver, any length of time. 209 Union a ve. N. $1.25 PER HOUR 3916 8-cylinder auto; $1 per hour, 3916 Ford. Marshall 349. 1916 DOLGE, $1.25 per hour, touring, calling and shoppin- Main 74S5. KJN-7 S AUTO for hire. 1 1 23 per hour. Phone Marshall 2350. A 29K3. AUTOS without drivers for hire. Long oc Silva, 42 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. OS40. Moiorcycie BICYCLKS and motorcycle bought an sold. 1 B, H Blocker, 276 Taylor, corner 4n, I OK LE. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES, perfect condition, terms if cesirea; open evenings, runaays i v iu IndiHn Agency. .273 3d. Main 6139. INDIAN twin. 1913 model, seven-horse power, engine just overnaulca, iuny equipped. 567 E- Davis st. phone E. 44:. Miscellaneous ALMOST ALL GONE Out of four cars this is all that's left. WIRE KOPK. ; Second-hand plow steel cable at less than half price. 750O fet-t 1-ln. 6-strand plow steel. 0f0 feet 3-i-in. 6-strand plow steel. 3Crs feet 3-ln. 6-strand plow steel. 6h0 feet l-ln -strand plow steeL STANDARD CONSTRUCTION. RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before ehlpment. Prices quoted on request. CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRADES. We bave a big stock at the old prices. F. B. MALLORY COMPANY. 235-87 Pine St., Portland. Oregon. FOR RENT OR SALE. MARION 80 STEAM SHOVEL. Revolving type. Hoisting engines, pile drivers, derricks, concrete mixers, pumps, machinery and equipment of all kinds. STANDARD MACHINERY CO., 46 2d st. We rent, buy, aell. FOR SALE Miscellaneous rails, relaying rails. In stock rady for shipment- 40 tons 43-Ib. rails, lOoO tons 50-lb. and 56-lb. roi! Vumpram oihr sizes. Contractors equipment of all kinds. Second-hand pipe and screw ensing. San Francisco Iron sz Metal Co., 206 North Point St., San Fran- cisco. cai. rASTT rpiristera. slls-htlv used, reduced prices; cecond-hand and rebuilt National cash registers low priced, easy monthly pay ments. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 802-854 Burnstde St., cor. 8th, Phone Broadway 1816. ONE -HALF1 PRTCE S-A 4x5 folding East man Kodak, like new, urst n.-o casn, no less. Mahogany hornless phograph. excellent condition, nice size, about 30 r.Mrri. first rash $15 takes it: no less: some dance records. leaving city. E f.909. BD 632, Oregonian. PIPE Second-hand and new. blark and gal vanized, any amount of any size. Get our prices and we a get your oracr. .n. x & Sons. Th House of a Million Bargains. Main and Front sts. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed nut TI rnnhpfl H H $ R !1 ("1 XiVtl bOX tOPS. $2 and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores, 2S3 Alder st. and 242 Alder st. SEWING MACHINES of all makes sold for l-fis ; no agents employ en . oiu macnina taken In exchange; machines rented. $2 per month. " Sowing Machine Emporium, i!f 3d, near Taylor, Main V431, a. oo-o. Ill i.LI ARn tables, new and second-hand" and accessories; barber fixtures and chairs. easv payments. ine jtrunswica-isaitce Coilender Co., 46-48 5th St. w Kin RST cash rtrice Tald for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged, Hochfeld's Camera Exchange, 85 Sd st. Main 3511. PORTABLE garages. houses, hunting cabins. ch Jokn-housea. wooasnens. etc "Millmade Corstruction Co.. 544 Hood st Main 1167. Residence phone Wdln. 8615. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used: our prices are lower. Cash Kccisier n-icnangc, Washington st. iviain eut. THREE roll-ton desks. 1 fLat desk. 1 book keeper's cbair and filing cabinets. 91 Park et. c a ktt IPTIRS. National. sold on monthly payments; liberal discount tor canh. Hochfeld Bros., 1st and Yamnni sts, ELECT RIO motors for sale, trade or rent ; expert repairing. TVfliKer Electric works. 413 Bnrnjooe st. Broadway or A 56.4. POSTAGE STAMPS bought and sold. 3r8 McKay nidg., 102',3 3d st. Mam 1004, Mar. 3793. FOR S A LE or rent Lor King and hoisting engines all Kinds macninery. rans. cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main S363 TWO pool table. fvl!y equipped ; good as new. cnenp. w nonnwn ..uo. ROT.L-TOP desk. $15: flat-too desk. $7.50 alo chairs, tame, ruing cabinet, iut a. ron sa l .V. 1 bench drill. 1 emery stand pulleys, nemnr ana sn string. Tanor PLUMBING supplies at wholesale Prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 7W7. BEAUTIFUL colored lantern slides, worth $1 each, at ftc. 3 2W 1st, near Aider. NEARLY new-round oak dining table, chairs. sectional DooKcases cneap. r.sst w. FOR SALE Candy cass, steel chairs and tables. Mam 449.. 123 First, near Aider. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front et. NEW beautiful homemade rag rugs cheap, Woodlawn 4V51 : call Monday. FURNITURE WANTED. SPOT ('ASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 20 First KLINE'S 20S First. MAIM 300 A phone call will bring the buyer with the money. We buy and sell everything for the house; no lot too small or too big for us. ivh f-av twv. REST PRICES. OFTVT-TtTy-: bus -vour furniture, stoves, rugs, carpets, organs, etc. We pay tn vi.i.a., i, n r i r- fnr the above house hold cAmlH. Phone and our buyer "ill cn 11 at once. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 207 1st. between Taylor and Salmon, Phone Marshall 5S7. I NEED a lot oC second-hand furniture and ramcti t n .hln nut of town: can pnv more than Portland se'ond-hand dealers. Phone Main 57 KS. J C P E D E K S K -N , WILL pav highest prices and spot rash for good ued furniture, rugs. etc. Pronmt at tention and courteous treatment. Phone J. Walker. Main 4773. I WANT good second-hand furniture, car pets, ranges, etc.; i win pay casn. MARSHALL 6981. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAI N 3332. A 2567. Tiir:T?trST PRICKS PAID for second-hand furniture. household goods, 51 -3 N. 8d. Broadway 119. BE WISE, sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main r.tvi, it sc. OWU FURNITURE Co. pays the bet price for your furniture. 204 1st. Alain 40-1. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Wnsnnurn. aiar. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Rrrnvn.HAvn CLOTHING WANTED. J, MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $6 FOR HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER, CALL MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. ir i vt L't orpoVn.H AND CLOTHES w' rv the hichest urice for ladles and rents' castoff clothing, men's suits $6 and up. Ev-.rythlng in mercnanaiee. tn us We neea it ana pay ior it. GLOBE STORE, 285 FIRST M a i n2 0 so. M ain 2080 T.irrTv wntv a. tti-r-v. cO.. 221 Front 1 We "buy. sell, all kinds of household goods, furniture, carpets and range", resiauran nntfit.- hnrrlu ar. Including tOOlS Of m.U description: also trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, rules. Main v -. WE pay highest prices for metals, rubber, auto tires, macninery. oemng. ALASKA BAG & METAL CO. 173 Front st.. Cor Yamhill, Main 8232. WANTED Machinery, pipe. etc. We buy or dismantle old plants, can our juns: Tor vour unK. M. uaruo 0c and Front sts. TV- 1 V-TT-I-i tar.nni1.nanH flotheSI houet d Sl We pav $6 for meis suits and highest prices for all kinds clothing, shoes, etc tau Main i ( r ruin u wir.HPST nrices paid for second-han clothes, shoes and all kinds of carpenter tools. Main 4SQ2, H. Cohen, 2i3 Front st CASH for vour old gold, silver, platinum and hleh-grad ore. H. M, Pickering, mfg. jeweler, 21S Oregonian bldg. PHDVOr.R APH AND RECORDS. Wanted; cash paid. 128 First, near Alder Main 44P&. WANTBO Cash register. showcase, and Yamhill. Main 4SS6. SPOT CASH FOR TIRES AND OLD METAL. Auto Wrecking- Co.. 271 Front. M. 1939. ALASKA Bag & Junk Co.. 233 highest prii-es junk all kinds. Front, pay M. 4656. WANTED National cash register. o6 :t'1 i Washington st. H inn it ST cash nrices for diamonds, old gold, si.ver. pKtlnum. Golden's, 167 1st s CASH paid for stocks of merchandise an WANTED Ruud water heater, cook stove, la.wn mower, tent, sea 10. 1001a. Jiam WE buy and sell new and necond-hand suit cases and trunks. Main Of72. A 7174. . i false teeth bought. Send or write R- Uhler. 321-Hewes bidg., San rranctsco. HELP WANTED MAT E. SPLENDID career open to good mechanics practice I courses in an bran c nes or en ineerinr: work helps pay tult'on: illus trr.ted catalogue from Seattle Engineer- In g- HtooiioyBtarM m 1 ri 1 ii.K.AOKD man and wife to care fo kennels anl do chores; references. Box 80. Estacada, Or. WAST to buy a clothes. 105 W. few silrhMv rn men Park vt. Broadway 1718. PALTRY cook, ion et. (30 per week. 332 Washing WANTED FI-emen and dc'-k huns ti.r boa us. Koom 32, No. 150 Buiudiue st. HELP W-VNTED MALE. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 34 th and Johnson Sts. 17. S. Government Kmploj meat Of flea Co-uperatiufi. BERRY PICKERS WANTED. We will want 3000 berry pickers for the Hcod Klver district and White Salmon to ship out this week. All those who have registered for the work please report at once to this office. Men. women and children wanted, season lasts about four weeks. Increased prices for picking this year. , NO FEES CHARGED. Main 3555. A P624, Y. M. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training In re pairing, driving and machine ork. in cluding forge, lathe, shaper, drlllpress, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational office Y. M. C. A. bldg.. to inspect our shops and methods. t OM 1'ETEN r CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS AP PLIED. Tuition fee Includes MEMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT use of 60-ft. swim ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. ANY Intelligent person, either sex, of good euucauon ana Dusincss auiuu, uimi able to handle correspandence and write good business letter: an opportunity to start a small but profitable mail order business In your own home or office; rood for $100 a week when established; can be managed in spare time, evenings, or as a side line at f.rst; grows rapidly; send for particulars. Heacock Co., 807 lleacock bldg., Loekport. N. Y. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. 1 oung men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre tary. To non-members sv special member ship is Issued, costing $5 per annum, giving service of the department for a ear two months full privileges and re fund of membership fee If satisfactory employment is not secured. MEN'S SUIT BARGAINS. Always $2o value suit! for $14.75, at Jlmmv Dunn's Upstairs Store. All ready to wear No high-rent profit. Oregonian building, third floor. WANTED Younsr man of neat appearance to travel ana sell; man irom out or town preferred : must come well recommended and be able to leave town at once; good pay, steady work. Apply Hotel Carlton, Mr. Dawson. WANTED Bright, strong boy with one or two years experience in country prins lr.g offico to finish trade on evening pa per. Mutt be able to feed cylinder press and set type. Address Foreman, Herald, Baker, Or. LA RGE importers and manufacturers want several young men to start sales aepart ment; instruction given and liberal com pensation to start: onlv energetic workers considered; ref. 21-23 So. Grand ave., Port land.. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy guaranteed or namental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expense provided. Washington Nur sery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. USE YOUR SPARE time to build up a mil! uruer DUBinesi ox your own. v e naip you start for a share In profits; 27 opportuni ties. Particulars free. Opportunities Ex change. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Coat maker willing to make email jobs and bushel. Lester &. Shana- felt. Pendleton. Or. WOMAN to do work at small house; 3 In family. Apply -7 to 8 P. M., 1283 East Salmon, near 44th. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. . Uncalled for suits, $3.50 up. ORfHEt'M CLEANERS. 855 Stark, cor. Park. WANTED Boy to run elevator mornings and evenings Tor room ana Doara. Virginia Hill Hotel. 265 14th St. SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; lib eral commissi on to tne rient man. See manager. 401-8 Board of Trade bldg. OREGON AUTO SHOOU the school of practical experience; special bummer rates. 429-31 Belmont. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS Col,. LEGE Day anu nigui classes, special sum mer rates. Aiisky bldg., Sd and Morrison. COMPLETE MOVING PICTURE ROAD OUTFIT. Your own price. 128 1st, near Alder YOUNG MAN to travel. Be ft inner consid ered, stamp tor particulars. Aiarisnip, Le wist on Idaho. TWO first-class non-nnion glaziers. Central Door L.umoer jo.. 41 t.iisan. PR ESSEft and all-round tailor wanted. ::t"2 Alder. Help w ant rd Agents. WE can give steady and profitable em ployment to a few more responsible, ener getic canvassers. For details or terms and territory address Oregon Nursery Com pany, Orenco. Or. WHY" sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. ,tui woara or 1 raue oiag. Help Wanted enlemeo. TO sell alfalfa land In Government lrrlga- tlon project; prices and terms make easy to sell. Ill 3d st. SALESMAN wanted to sell real rotate- lib eral commission to the right man. See manager, 401 -4 Board of Trade bldg. ENERGE TIC. wide-awake sal cum a n to ell No Glare Auto Lens. Apply Jd Brum Co., 43 l First st.. cor. Ash. TELEPHONE operator wanted. 733 Wash- ington, from 6 to 3 1 P. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W A NT ED At once, competent woman. 25 to- 35 years old. for general housework ; family of 4; good wages. Phone 321 White Salmon, Wash., or write Mm. W. IL Wells. WANTED Experienced, capable girl for general housework : no wasning; must ne cood cook, good wages. Main 3Suu. 7 10 Main st., near King. HUNDREDS Government positions open to women. $iO month: write immediately; free list. Franklin Institute, Dept, 703-O, Kocnemer. N. y. riTM AN or Gregg shorthand, typewriting, mimeographing, dictaphone: a complete course. $25. Progressive business coiiege. .,01 n. w. if. DiOg. WANTED Girl for second work; one who understands nana neeaie work ; gooa home. L 632. Oregonian. WANTED A good girl for general house work ; must be a gooa cook ; references. Phone East 21. WANTED Experienced second maid. Must be good waitress. References required. Phone Mar. 4121. CAPABLE girl, cooking and housework. 2 in family. Marsnaii 014. 44- A nnity piace Apartments. WANTED Girl for general housework. Must be experienced. Good wages. A ply 73. Hancock st. East 3u08 or C 2805. WANTED Girl or woman for light house work and to assist with baby. References required. Mam 2.12. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies oniv; maKe voursen lanepeuueni who rooq trade. 40O-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COL LEGE. Dav and night classes, special tum mer rates. Aiisky bidg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED Experienced operator on power machine. Apply 201 Goodnougn bidg. Aa rlan Neckwear Co. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL In dividual instructions: start any date. 3.: Orphenm bid g. Positions secu red. PUBLIC stenographic work, mimeograph ing, muitigrapning. eiu Aiisay Diag. Aisan S24. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. lavl Company, 423 Plttock block. 3S5 Washington. WAITRESS, chamber maids, family help. Howe s p. Agency, room iit, 20 v asnmpion st- WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply at once. iiO olenn ave.. near Hawthorne. GIRL to take care of baby and assist in light housework. Highlaud Court, apt. 205. 10 to 12. WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework; references. Phone 8164. PRIVATE home for children, any age: 15 year's experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162 GIRL for general housework. 5S9 E. 52d North. Take Rose City car to East 54th st. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand Typewriting. $5 mo. 209 3 4th. Main 3S93. GIRL to assist with general housework. 070 4tn -N. iaoor euu. s WANT e. girl to work in cigar stand. 455 Va as n ington. WANTED "Irst -class cook to go to country. Phone fc,asi oo erter 1 p. it. WANTED Girl to assibt with housework. 237 Olenn ave., corner . Alain. WANTED Girl Phone East 817. for general housework. WANTED Second girl, ply mornings. 67 N. 17th SU Ap- LADY to learn beauty culture; good propo sition. 0V1 . Oil 11 v t-sl OlUg. GIRL wanted for light housework. 203 23d. Apply mornings and evenings. GIRL wanted for general housework. E. 24th North. East 6789. WANTED Experienced girl for arenera housework ; references. Phone Main 8104 WOMA N to do light housework for home " and $1.00 a wren. . 40th ave. s. B. MILLINERY" apprentice: chance for brich girl to advance. 583 Alder at. GOOD girl for general housework ; waees. .".37 E. 23d st. N. good WANTED Girl for second work ; expert trl to wait on table. 264 1st et U1KL lor fctucral uouwork. 1C1 S. i4tC HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED. ABOUT 15 TOUNG SALESLADIES FOR THE L) CAFETERIA. TO BE OPENED ON OR ABOUT JUNE 7. CORNER ALDER AND 6TH STS. E7CPER FENCE r SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar ment Factory, Oregon. City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANTED Lady barber. 264 19 Rurnside t. HELPM ANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE " wants men and women to learn the barher trade; Summer rates; tools free; paid while learning; write for catalogue, 2d ami Burnstde pis. MOHLER BAHBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge in 8 weeks; position bucured ; pay whiio learning. 36-3S N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGEMen anil women to leafti the barber trade in 8 weeks positions guaranteed. 233 Madison. STENOGRAPHIC course! Mins Oftbyea School, 2 months. 211 Stock Exchange bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. .bookkeepers and Clerks TRUSTWORTHY" young man wants clerical position, corporation or other reliance linn; good penman, rapid. lo-al experience; be gin small salary. AN 631, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and bookkeeper wishes position; can furnish bond. AC t3o. Oregonian. M iscellaneous. YOUNG married man, steady and w-UUnf to work, who has learned the machinists' trade, but has been away from the trade the last 5 years, wants work in a machine shop, where he ma- have a chance to 4 advance) pick up the trade again, BC 632. Oregonia n. STATIONARY cusincer desires position; would prefer a large power plant where t hero are opportunities for advancement ; can furnish best of reference. Phone E. 4655. INTELLIGENT, handy man, medium size. would like to do some work in exenanse for a suit of new or second-hand clothe; references. Address P. Hoffman, general 1 delivery, city. ENGINEER with 13 years experience, un derstands oil burning, can do all kinds or repairing and plumbing. Would like a position where an engineer Is required. A B 632. Oregonian. YOUNG mar wants position as chauffeur in privat family. Careful driver ana willing to woi k around the house. Ref erences furnished. A R 34. Oregon i an. JAN ITOR and wife, experienced, want em- piovmenl, aparlment-house or hotel. Main f.453. CHEF wants position: would like to get In toucn witn some hotel or retaurant man. Phone Kelly, Broadway 2216. 365 ftark. NO. 1 PLUM PER w ants steady work; go anywhere; lead worker. A V 241, orego nian. J A PAN E.v" E couple wants situa tion to do any kind of work for a f aiuuy ; both can rook, Hr. t.;.,. Oregonian. j"a P A N ES E couple wish position private family, cooking, housework ; i-ity or out city ; good reference. Main 3693, A 1t9. POSITION WANTED Candy maker by Al all-sound man, wholesale or retail. II. O. Potter. 1716SJ 23d i Tacoma. EXPERIENCED chauffeur would like po sition driving car fcundas and hoiidays. A R 631. Oregonian. JAPANESE Good cook. Mauls place; pri vate imty. 121 N. loth. st. A iKi, Matn 3693. IF YOU have paint in ir or kalsoinining to do. call Broad w ay ltv34 and save money. WE kalsomlne rooms for $2.50: guaranteed good house painting work. Last 502. ALL-AROUND cook wants position, hotel or restaurant. Main room -m. MA N wants wcrk. Janitor; good worker. r-. AQQrriuu, nv. Js. WANTED Lawn or garden work, odd jobs. i.eave oraers. reuwnoa LA N DSC APE gardener and housework ; ref erences Al. ueorge i-cnmiat. sum YOUNG man, experience Jan it or. apart ment-houses or office btdgs. Marshall ibis. WANTED situation by an all-round cook- Sober. reliabiePhoneE 10s. . K ALSOMINING. painting, planter patching. reasonable. oinia 11 PAINTING. carpenter work. remortelinf cheap by contract, pnone t-ci iwooa m. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dnranniakcni. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable. home or day. 0l Aiucnanau oicg. Jiain 9513. 'une. MATERNITY and surgical hospital. 3 095 confinement cases, including physician's services, drugs. dressing-J and 2 weeks' hospital care for $40. Very reasonable prices on major and minor surgical cases. Phone Woodlawn 1G6: MALE NURSE References given. L. H. LEWIS. Broadway .sid. lometic. EXPERIENCED girl desires housework, fiood wages, pnone 1 n j GOOD girl wants place In a email, kind family; plain cook. Tabor 4613. GJRL wants a place, general housework. Phone oodiawn 4ui. EXPERIENCED lady wants plain family work: piain cook; no washing. Main 4:'.3i. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED teacher wishes tutoring In English, algebra. Latin, or grade branches. 50c in hour. AB 635. Oregonian. EXPERIE NCE D woman wants houseclean ing or laundry, 20c hour. Phone Tabor 3430. COM PETKNT woman Phone Broadway t.V wants day work. GIRL wishes to assist In housework; no ob jection to chidrn. 21 N. 19th st. COLORED ladv with 4-year-old Kiri, wishes COMPETENT woman, wants day work and help wl;h dinners. Woodlawn 3 572. LACE curtains laundered b hand; guaran teed; called for. 25c up. Tahor 161 1. GIRL wants general housework. Call fore noon only, freuwooa jqQi. SWISS girl wants general houseworkv aiall family. Call mornings, Sell ood 2S..S. WASHING and ironing. $1.50 erences. Call East 57 '.'7. day. Ref- CA P AB LE woman wishes w ork Wednesday and Thursday; fine ironor. Main 5.'.S4. WOMAN wants housekeeping or day work. Phone E. 459. room S. WOULD care for elderly persons in their home. L 63... Oregonian. EXPERIE NCED woman wants reception room work. East 4469. WA.MED TO RENT. lioiifvc. A YOUNG married couple with no children want to rent a modern 5-room bungalow for a long period ; responsible partie ; prefer East Side, close to carline. L 633. Oregonian. A FURNISHED hoube or fiat, with yard, walking distance of bail park. Mrs. W. K. Rocgers. Cornelius Hotel. bMALL, f u mi shed bouse; must be cheap. Address F. P.. 3'H2 E. Alder st. A pnrt incuts. WANTED (."are of apartment for and small salary. M 633, Oren Buslne AN ethical dentist would like t recopt ion -room with m ph 631 , Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Ronmit, HOTEL UND Comfortable and convenient, modern, clean: 5c up. 44 3d. Bdwy. 4n Maxwell Hall, 207 34th; strictly modern use of parlor; real home. $l.."rO up. M. 1153. EXCELLENT modern rooms, rnuiabe brick bote). $t. tno. to deFirati tenant. E. SV. I Uicity. JcfXcrsou. tear isruadWay.' aT' 111 ant e of a I- Gl 106.2p