tite aroirxiNG okegoniait, Thursday, may 25, 1916. ZSKIRTS CUT TO MEASURE FREE IF MATERIALS PURCHASED HERE SKIRTS ACCORDION, BOX OR KNIFE PLEATED, $1. SECOND FLOOR.'. BOHN SYPHON $50 REFRIG ERATOR FREE Come in and see this nationally renowned refrigerator then write and bring or mail to us your "Ten Best Reasons Why a Bohn Syphon Refrigerator Should Be in Every Home." Contest now open. A $50 Refrig erator to the winner. 6th Floor, 5th st. SEND IN MAIL ORDERS EARLY as sometimes quantites are a bit limited on sale merchandise, though we guarantee to take care of all orders in a satisfactory manner, no matter when they are received; Note the good "bargains" on this page they're all worth your attention. STORE YOUR FURS IN OUR VAULTS Perfectly refrigerated from our own ice making plant on the premises. Always be low freezing temperature keeps furs in per fect condition. Absolute protection from ' fire, theft, moths and loss. Special rates now on repairing and remodeling. 4th Fir. - ,Trit Quality. Store or- Portland - Nearing Decoration Day-Are You COME HERE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS. COME HERE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS. Prepared? Men's "Thermo " Sports Coats m At $3.75 The newest, smartest thing for golf and all outdoor wear, indoor wear, or may be worn under a coat in fact, the sports coats' for every occasion. With V-neck, two pockets, cuff tabs, natural shoulders, set-in sleeves. Made of sea sonable all-wool knit cloth in Angora finish. Colors are Oxford, blue heather, green heather and red heather. All Plain coat, S3.75. Pinch back, $4.75. , VnHT? A Just received, 10,000 beautiful new washable Fiber-Silk J- Ties. Snappy new patterns in a truly wonderful color assortment. " On display and sale for the first time ' 1 O J -today. Men's Furnishing Shop, Main Floor. . J- .- C sizes. 75c to $1.00 Laces Yard at 59c Newest Most Desirable Kinds Thursday a sale of the very laces you will want for sheer, dainty party and Summer frocks. Lovely net top and shadow flouncing in white and cream; widths are from 17 to 25 inches. A splendid variety of patterns and widths' for your choosing: today at, yard 59c. Come early, as the limited quantity will go quickly at this y ice today! 20c-30c Dainty Embroidery Today, Yard at 15c Flouncings for petticoats in. dainty Swiss and nainsook embroideries. A wide selection of desirable patterns 17 inches wide is offered you today at 15c yard, instead of 20c or 30c. Lace Shop, Main Floor. $75 to $150 Model Gowns $48.50 "Ravishingrly lovely!" "Individual in style!" "Wonder-, ful values!" These and other enthusiastic exclamations from women. who appreciate true values and have seen these exquisite evening gowns. Model gowns only one of a kind from America's foremost garment house. The styles are so advanced, yet so refined, you may feel assured of being able to wear these gowns next Winter if you have no immediate use for them. Pussy willow silk, shimmering satin. Georgette, net, metallic nets and laces everything that makes the evening gown lovely has been used in these unusual models. An exquisite array for your choosing at $43.50. $50 to $75 Model Street & . Afternoon Frocks, $32,50 ' Another group of models from this famous house. These are taffetas, La Jerz, crepe, Shantung, pongee and Tussah in delightfully original styles for afternoon or street wear. A most remarkable showing of elegant $50 to $75 frocks at $32.50 Apparel Shop. Kourth Floor. FISHING TACKLE FOR DECORATION DAY TRIPS EVERYTHING YOU'LL NEED HERE REASONABLE PRICES BASEMENT BALCONY New Welworth Blouses at $2 r-Two facts stand out prominently in Welworth Blouses they're the best ever offered at the price $2 - and you are absolutely assured of their style and up-to-dateness! Every week new Welworths arrive each week's new ' arrivals excel those of the week before. Come in today, sure, and see the newest models and remember you can buy unexcelled Welworth Blouses al ways $2 at this store only in Portland. -5 Sis -Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. New Needlework Novelties Jor Camp and Beach 7-piece Luncheon Sets $1 ' New crab and clam sets, stamped on un- bleached domestic in characteristic designs. Delightful "pick-up" Summer work, charming ly appropriate in Summer cottage or camp. Cloth and six doilies in set $1. Pillow Tops and Backs With Stamped Tops, 59. Pillow tops and backs are of Delft blue and brown art denim, stamped in unusually clever designs for outlining. For bungalows and porches. Canoe pillows of art denim, too, stamped for the new applique work. Each 59c. Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor. Sale of Curtains $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.50 $6.50 $8.00 Curtains Curtains Curtains Curtains Curtains Curtains Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced to to to to to to $1.37 $1.70 $2.00 $2.50 $3.20 $4.48 Your choice of Irish Point, Cluny and Braidon Curtains, in scores of attractive and effective patterns. So wide is the range of - prices, styles and materials that whatever your needs, they can be satisfied in this bip; Thursday Curtain Sale. Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor Hair Switches Are Reduced $12.50 French Hair Switches, $9.50 Pure French wavy cut hair. Full and perfectly made. German Hair Switches, $3.98 Wavy cut hair Switches, 34 inches long. All shades. German Hair Switches, $1.98 Wavy cut hair Switches, 26-inch length. All shades. Transformations made of French cut hair in all shades special, $10 Gray Transformations, made of French cut hair, very special, $12.50 The charming puffs and curls for the new coiffure at reasonable -Hair Goods Shop. Fifth Floor. prices. GET YOUR TENNIS AND GOLF NEEDS HERE FOR DECORATION DAY BEST LINES COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS SPORTING GOODS SHOP Just in! New Vogue Hats Vogue hats are designed particu larly for out-of-door wear. They are original, distinctive and de lightfully becoming. The very newest white models Leghorn and hatters' plush com bined are here, and very chic. Every style smartest for midsum mer wear is shown in these new Vogue Hats. New untrimmod Vogue Hats of Leghorn and plush are here. Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. Silver for the June Bride Complete Assortments "1847" Rogers' Silverware You could find no gift more desired, more welcomed, and more useful for the bride than a set or part of a set of Rogers' "1847" Sil verware. Every piece is sold with a guarantee that it will give 50 years of service and sat isfaction. Our stocks of patterns, both estab lished and new, are complete. Here are two gift suggestions many more could be made. ;. 32-Piece Set, "Cromwell" Pattern $37. 6 Medium Hollow-handle Knives, J?6.2o. 6 Medium Flat Forks $4.00. 6 Table Spoons, for $4.00. 6 Teaspodns, priced Jj52.O0. 6 Individual Salad Forks .$4.25. 1 Sugar Shell, priced 70. 1 Butter Knife for 80. 1 32-piece Chest priced $15. Other sets $19.25 to $J1. Silverware Shop. Main Floor. 12-Piece Set, $15 6 Hollow - handle Medium Knives $6.25. 6 Hollow - handle Forks at $6.25. 12-piece Chest $2.50. Today's 9th Floor Specials! 15cCup Cakes, 1 0c Genuine Homemade Kind! Made from Royal Banquet butter and flour in our daylight bakery all in plain view of the purchaser. Fresh all day, and sold at 10c dozen instead of 15c. No phone orders nor deliveries. . Candy Specials Niftee Chocolates, box 29c Our own make purest ingredients. Old - fashioned Molasses Mint Chews, lb. 19c Made fresh all day by our expert candy makers. Fresh in the Candy Kitchen all day. Standard Tomatoes, Doz. 87c No. 2i cans, labeled "Puree." Regular 3 for 25c tomatoes. Case of 2 dozen, $1.70; dozen, 87c; can, lyoc. Karo Syrup, "Blue Label." Fine for cakes, No. 5 cans 29. Crusto, the new shortening", No. 4 size 75c, No. 2 size 30. Butter, Jersey, the well-known good brand, the roll 60. 'Oregon Prunes, fine bright fruit, 50 to 60 size, 3 pounds 25. Whole Wheat Flour, freshly milled, in Ne. 10 sacks, 35. Alaska Salmon, Victor No. 1 tall cans. dozen $1.70, can 13c. Smoked Shoulder, sugar cured, medium weights, pound 13V? f. Steel Cut Coffee, "Early Dawn," 3-lb. cans 79c, 1-lb. cans 2S. Ginger Snaps, freshly made, packed in No. 26 cartons, 25. Blackberry Preserves, Gold Leaf, tall No. 1 jars, 15. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. Victrola VI Outfit $29.75 $1 Down, $1 Week Portable size machine especial ly desirable for Summer days and nights together with 6 double faced 10-inch records and 500 nee dles, all delivered to your home upon payment of $1, balance pay able upon the very easy terms of $1 a week. Choose your records here from the largest stocks in Portland. Basement Balcony PLEAS OF JO AVAIL Convivial Farewell Brings : Party Into Court. LANDLADY DEFENDS MAN Goodbye Visit, However, Costs $10 .Fine Woman of Underworld Asks Leniency Because T: ' or Her Children. I Two women made pleas before the Municipal Court yesterday. One asked that the sentence of the court against her friend be set aside. The other wanted a chance to remain in Port land and complete a 'millinery course, that she might' keep her children in school. Both were women of the under world. i Krick Johnson was goins to the mines and had announced his depar ture to North End friends. Someone told him. that "Goldie" wanted him to come and say good-bye. When the woman ran a rooming-house. Erick had rented one of her rooms for more than year. So, on the eve of his leaving, he bethought himself iof "Goldie" and his obligation of friendship. In certain circles of North End so ciety there is a fine disregard for ronventional speech. They carry oh .their gossip with an Elizabethan, free dom from all restraint. In "Goldie's'' room, the officers say, the anecdotes were racy and the comment rancid, 'rhey listened for a time, then entered the place. Convivial Signs Found. TTpon the tables were several emptied freer bottles and foam-smirched glasses. A haze of cigarette smoke luing about "Goldie." her friend "Maude," and Krick, who had come to bid his former landlady farewell. This is the story that was told In Municipal Court. Judge Langguth, who hears 60 'of similar sort through the month, rebuked Erick for the company he kept. The young man flushed. He mumbled rebelliously when he heard the words, "Ten dollars." Up from a seat in the audience sprang "Goldie," whose own case had been postponed y the absence of her attorney. Blonde and rouged and con fidently comely, she reached the bar and stood before the court. "Your honor," she said, "this man does not deserve a fine. He roomed with me for a long time and I asked him to come and say good-bye. He is a laborer, a hard-working man. He can't afford it." Just for an instant her bold blue eyes lowered, then lifted again. "As for me," concluded the woman, "well, so far as Im concerned it's different, I guess." The fine stood. Other Woman Worried. There was no boldness In the atti tude of the other woman, whoso name Anna. Her face was white with worry and her grey eyes were filled with fear. "When she spoke the words were scarcely audible. Yes, she said, "I have. But, your honor, 1 cant always get enough sewing to keep the children in the country. They go to school there, both of them." A throat spasm held her speech. My husband? O. we don t live to gether. I don't know where he is," she wearily replied to another ques tion. Then the court told her that she must mend her ways or leave the city She did not simulate the fright that followed close on the words. "I can't leave town." she Implored. "I can't leave my studies. I'm taking a course in millinery and the children must stay m the country. Anna was fined $10. Bad-Check Artist Works Grcsliam. GRESHAM. Or., May 24. (Special.) A bad check artist enjoyed a short stay in Gresham the other day, and passed worthless checks on two merchants, Adolf Tietze and C II. Lane, for about i0 altogether. Tietze lost $10.75 and a check for 112 was cashed by Lane. who sold a small bill of goods to the man. The check artist said he was working on the Base Line road near here, and would be in later for the merchandise he had purchased, but never i returned. The checks, however, returned and are held by the merchants as mementos of the sad occasion. FLAX ACREAGE IS 1000 STATE ASD CITIES CO-OPERATE TO TEST OUT JiEW CROP. chased a. small bill of groceries and tendered in payment a check for $7.60. drawn on the Ladd & TUton Bank. The check was returned, marked "has no ac count." Mrs. Westover sought in vain for the" address given her by the swindler. Other checks, passed by ft man an swering to the same description, are in the possession of the police. Oregon Industry Is Attracting Wide Attention In East and Letters of Inquiry Are Received. Oregon's flax plantation this year will comprise a total of nearly 1000 acres, and the news of the activity the state is taking in this industry has al ready attracted interest and inquiry from important concerns in the East- Ansel B. Clark, foreign trade secre tary from the Federal Department of Commerce, with the Portland Chamber of Commerce, furnished an article on Oregon's flax enterprises, which ap peared in Commerce Reports of May J 3, and already a letter has been re ceived from an important New York company asking for further lnforma tion and expressing deepest interest in the enterprise. Six hundred acres of flax is planted this year in the vicinity of Salem, with seed procured "from the state. The flax will be harvested by convicts and the straw will be sold to the state at a fixed price. The raising of the flax under the supervision of state ex perts. Private enterprise near Gaston has put in 100 acres of flax, with seed pur chased from the state, and the famous enterprise of the Chambers of Com merce of Portland and Eugene at the latter city, comprises 200 acres, the cul tivation of which is under direction of Eugene Bosse, the flax expert. Roseburpr has planted about six acres. BAD CHECK MAN SOUGHT Small Grocery Stores Are Victimized by '-John Marshall." City detectives are searching for a passer of bad checks, who gives his name as John Marshall, and specializes in defrauding small grocery stores. A short time ago the swindler entered the store of Mrs. J. L. "Westover. at the corner of Woodstock avenue and Eighty-fourth street Southeast. He pur- WARMER TRIAL LIKELY NEW INDICTMENT IS DRAWN IN CASE OP ALTO DRIVER. - DR." CHILDS SENTENCED Fraud Conviction Brings From One to Five Years. "Dr." C. Howard Childs, inventor of "A posteriori. " a catarrh "cure." the chief ingredients of which are water. table salt and coloring matter, was given a sentence of from one .to five years in the Penitentiary when he ap peared before Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday, after having been found guilty by a Jury for obtaining money by false pretenses. Childs was found guilty several weeks ago. but sentence was post poned during a determined effort being made to secure a parole, cnuds naa given to J. G. Garman. as security for $800. about 600 cases of "Aposteriori all but 30 of which were discovered to be empty boxes. The discovery" of the astonishing formula for the catarrh remedy was a feature of Childs' trial. More Than 2b Graduate at Gresham, GRESHAM, Or.. May 24. (Special.) The Gresham public school has closed this year's session of school, and pro motion cards have been given to the following, 23 in number: Letitla Pul fer.- Gertrude Dowsett, Wilma Atter-burj-. Eva McCarter, Roth Tibbits. Ruth Inglis. Mabel Metzger. Bemema Math ews. Andrew and Henry Karpenstein, Harry Hamilton. Elton Gradin. David McKeown. George Pullen. Arthur Ny- atrom, Adolph Lauber. Conrad Metzger, David Johnston. Lang Goodwin, Elsie Smith. Esther Peterson. Thelma Metz ger and Robert Thomas. BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN Secure your seats now for comic opera. ra Diavoio. See the great est local production ot opera ever given in the city 100 people ensemble. Performances Thursday Night. May 25 saturnny niannre, may Z7. Popular Prices BAKER THEATER Charsje of "Assault With Dangerous Weapon" Vpon Accident Victim Made to Cover Ground. C. A. 'Warriner is not likely to escape trial on the charge Of "assault with a dangerous weapon." as the result of his automobile colliding with a motorcycle on Columbla.Highway April 9, causing Mrs. Alfreda Beckman to be terribly disfigured. A second imjictment was returned against him by the grand jury yester day, the demurrer to the first having oesn sustained by Judge Morrow on the ground that It did not contain suf ficient facts. The new indictment is more detailed. Juvlge Morrow has in dicated that he will overrule any de murrer against the second indictment on the grounds that an automobile could not be considered a dangerous weapon. The wording of th new indictment is as follows: "C. A. Warriner. being armed with a dangerous weapon, to wit. a motor vehicle, commonly called an automobile, did then and there un lawfully and feloniously assault one Alfreda Beckman with the said auto mobile, by then and there unlawfully, feloniously, wantonly and recklesly driving- and propelling said automobile on. over and against the body of her. the said Alfreda Beckman. thereby wounding, bruising and lacerating the face and body of her, the said Alfreda Beckman." miah J. Harty., archbishop of Manila, has been appointed bishop of Omaha. Bishop of Omaha Named. ROME. May 24. The Most Rv. .Tere- PiH'W'' loaves have X F-V V' been sold in Portland ff FRANZ V ( BUTTERNUT l. BREAD 7 Its Flavor Makes It Most Popular Its Purity Makes It the Best! ' At Yonr Grocer, Baked by f V. n. BAKERY. y East 11th and Planters. J? Your Wif es' Husband can put on one of these fashionable LenOX Felts and come looking like of affairs. home a man Come and rf let us make J) 4t :i . you s m 1 1 e up. 2 Brownsville Woolen Mills Morrison at Third Street