Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 25, 1916, Image 19

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Purchases to Date Are Below
Normal Volume.
Bulk Talk Is Also Factor Statisti
cal Position of Market Is
Bullish Jfo Surplus
' Is in Sight.
There is not much business in the train
bag market these aays. It is time that the
farmers were providing tor their require
ments, but nearly all of them are holding
back. They figure that prices cannot go
higher and that there is a chance of a
break coming sooner or later, so they are
putting off their buying until the last possi
ble moment. They have had a little en
couragement already, as one or two dealers
hire reduced their bag prices, but on the
whole the market Is fairly steady.
The talk of bulk shipping, which Is more
or less general all over the Northwest. Is
also an influence in retarding the bag move
ment. Yet, so far as can be learned, not
much has been done In the wheat-growing
sections Jn the mater of providing elevators
for the handling of grain in bulk. The grain
dealers are not lending any encouragement to
the building of elevators, and If any are con
structed. It will bo with farmers' money.
After the war Is over, when bag prices again
become normal and shipping by the Canal
route is resumed, the elevators are likely to
be found an unprofitable investment, in the
opinion of the grain trade.
In the meantime, there has been no in
crease in the available supply of bags, and
the stocks in sight will not be top-heavy.
If the Coast crops come up to estimates.
"Writing to a local bag dealer, a San Fran
cisco firm says, under date of May 17:
'The market here on bags remains un
changed with somewhat more inquiries than
we have had for Aulte a while. We our
selves have sold quite a number of bags
in the last few days at 13 c each, although
In comparatively small lota. Probably some
bags are obtainable from speculators at
slightly less money, but these are not being
altered very freely. ,
"A cable was received here in San Fran
cisco a few days ago, which gave the clear
ances of bags to the Pacific Northwest as
JO.3OO.OO0 and to San Francisco 13,100,000, or
a total OF23.40O 00 for the Coast; these fig
ures are said to Include the 'Atagonsan
.Maru' and Barotse which sailed May 4
and May 8, respectively, both direct to San
The actual, available supply of Calcutta
bags now here on the Coast we think less
than G00O -bales and when harvesting starts
in a week or two, it should not take long
to absorb tha suppl. Our own Ideas on the
situation are still bullish, notwithstanding
numerous discouraging reports emanating
from your section of the country, and we
cannot help but feel that one of these days
the bears' in the north will realize that
there are not as many bags available as they
now think. . .
'Reports now coming in as to the crops
In California Bhow an Improvement over
former estimates, and we believe that wheix
the season is over the same will apply to the
Business Is Quiet Here and at Country
, Point.
Tho local wheat market was steady yes
terday because of the moderate Improvement
at Chicago, but trading was exceedingly
quiet. At the Merchants' Exchange bluestem
.bids "were 1 cent to 2 cents higher than on
Tuesday, but other-bids were practically un
changed. The condition of the Winter vheat crop m
France is placed at 68 per cent and the
Spring crop at 72 per cent. The acreage
Is 12.U00.00O, compared with 14.100,000 last
In an Interview, President Marcey, of the
Armour Grain Company, was credited with
saying that the wheat crop of North Amer
ica will be &00,OO0,0OO bushels under that
of last year. Mr. Marcey says that the
Winter wheat crop of the United States is, in
poor shape, and this condition, with the de
creased acreage in the American Northwest,
suggests a falling off In the production of
,00,000,000 bushels. Ho is counting on a
shortage In Canada of 200,000.000 bushels,
due to the curtailed acreage and labor con
ditions. Mr. Marcey jaj-i that he ha not
thought of the effect of a definite peace
move on the market, but emphasizes the
prospective shortages in North America and
decreased acreages in foreign countries, lie
further believes that the com acreage m
the United States will be large, and that the
start of the oats crop is generally good.
Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported
by the- Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay.'
rc-rtl'nd. Wed. ol .... 2 9
Tear sro..... . . . . a 2 4
Peas, to date. 10,145 1514 5708 10CO 5B!6
"S ear ago 15.821 18S9 1S47 195-". 2004
Tacoma, Tues. 14 7 7 5
Tear ago 4 2 .... 3 1
heas. to date. ,7t mi 2R2 230"
Tear ago 8,10 5S5 .... 648 2041
Feattle. Tues 3
"Year ago 1 1 3 2 " 2
Feas. to date. 7.RS3 1257 2MS 1021 41fio
year aeo 7,71 10C9 22H2 1201 3543
tool Weather Retards Progress of fpring
Bown Cereals.
Following fs a summary of the crop con
ditions in Oregon for the week ending May
23. 1918, as reported to the local office of
the Weather Bureau by special correspond
ents throughout the state:
The week Just closed was generally cool
and showery throughout, although the open
ing ami closing days were mild and fa
vorable. Agricultural operations as a con
sequence were somewhatlnterfered witht
as the ground in the western .counties
was too wet for working.
Farm work progressed in. most eastern
counties and Summer fallowing is nearly
finished. Seeding also has been practically
completed. Winter wheat and alfalfa made
fair growth, but the cool weather retarded
the growth of Spring wheat, oats, barley,
corn and garden truck. Pasturage is good
and stock Is thriving.
The frosts and freezing temperatures
of the preceding week are found to have
caused considerable injury to fruit in ex
treme southern and eastern counties and
Indications are for a light crop of peaches
and a fair yield of cherries. Reports on
the apple crop from southwestern coun
ties were not received.
The rains bave saturated tho ground in
many sections and under the mild influence
of tho opening days vegetation made no
ticeable advancement. What is needed now
is higher temperatures svlth plenty of sun
New Exchange Will Hold Its First Session
The Portland Produce Exchange held a
meeting yesterday, attendod by about 30
members representing all branches of the
produce trade. It was unanimously voted
to .go ahead with the plan of establishing
a butter and egg board in this city, and
today was fixed upon as the time for hold
In the first session of the board, whlcn
w ill meet In the quarters ef the (Produce
Credit Association at 208 Alder street at
11:30 A. M.
Instead of elcctinj regular officers. It was
derided to put the affairs of the board in
the hands of an executive committee to
serve for a month, after whleh, if the board
Is a .success, regular officers of the ex
change will be chosen. The executive
committee consists of E. L. Martindale, of
the Union Meat Company; H. J. . Faust, of
the Alsea Creamery Company; J. J. Schek
ter, of the Beaver Produce Ubmpany; C. M.
Dilley. of Pita - & Son. and Adolph
Schneider, of the Portland Cheese Company.
Kennewielc Shippers Advance Their Quota
tions Vegetable Prices Are Firm.
Strawberries were in fair supply yesterday
and prices held steady. Sprlngbrooks sold
at a range of $2.25 to- J 2.73, according to
quality. Kennewlcks were quoted at $2.75
to (3. Another shipment of California ber
ries arrived and they sold at fl.7S to t
Vegetable prices generally -were Arm. Peas
were higher at 88V4 cents. Beaas were
quoted at Sll cents. There was a scarcity
of bunch asparagus, but Walla Walla was
available at $1.6501.75 a box.
Hothouse cucumbers were plentiful and
quoted at 75 cents to $1 a dozen.
I-ane County Hop Contract.
EUGENE, Or., May 24. (Special.) Two
hop contracts were filed at the offlco of
Iane County Clerk today by John M. Kd
mundson. The li. Wattenberg Company, of
New Yorw, contracts to purchase 40.00?
pounds of hops. 20,000 at 11 cents and 20,
000 at 11 i cents, delivery to be made at
Egg Market Is Firm.
The egg market was firm yesterday, with
23 cents tho general case count quotation
and buying for local storage account active.
There was no. change in butter or cheese
prices. The demand for cube butter was
somewhat better.
Poultry and dressed meats we're steady.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings, Balances.
Portland '. $1,044.2113 1SU,6T7
Seattle a,174.&S4 87H.7.r.
Tacoma ? 3SS.2.-.B KJ.IIS5
Spokane 7o,053 80.U&5
' ;
Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc.
Merchants' Exchange, noon session.
May delivery.
Wheat Bid. Ask. Yr. ago.
Bluestem l.(-o 1.02 '4 ? 1.1714
Fortyfold Bit .H7 l.J 3 vt
Club !'0 .04 1.12
Red fife - .l4 l.OSVi
Red Russian 90 .93 1.00
No. 1 white, feed .. 26.25 26.75 27.50
No. 1 feed 27.00 S3.00
Bran 23.50 24.T.0 2.V
Shorts 27.00 28.n0 2.B
Futures Bid. Ask.
June bluestem t .99 $ 1.01
July blueotem .99 1.01
June fortyf old - .92 - .94 1
July fortyfold ,.92 .94 ft
June club - ' - -93
July club 90 .03
June red fife .90 .93Vi
July red fife !K .93
June Russian HO .93
July Russian 90 - .93
June oats 2,23 26.75
July oats 20.25 27.00
July feed barley 27.00 29.00
July feed barley 2.-.00 2S.C0
June bran' 24.00 24.75
July bran 24.00 2".ri
June shorts 27.T.O 2S..-0
July shorts 27.50 29.00
FLOUR Patents, $5.20 per barrel;
straights, ;i.503: exports. $4.30; Valley,
$4.70; whole wheat. $5.40; graham, $5.20.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, $249
24.50 per ton; Valley timothy, $2122; al
falfa, old crop. 1718.
iriLLFEED Spot prices: Bran, $22fl.50
per' ton; shorts, $29 29.50 per ton; rolled
larley. $31.50fl32.50.
CORN Whole, $3e per ton; cracked, $37
per ton.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Lo-a.1 Jobbing quotations:
TROPICA! FRUITS Oranges, navels.
$2.103.23 per box; lemons. $24.25 per
box; bananas, Co per pound; pineapples, SVs
7c per pound; grapefruit, $2.75(g5.
VEGETABLES Artichokes, $1 per dozen;
tomatoes, $4.25 per crate: cabbage, $2.50
3 per hundred; garlic, 10c per pound; pap
pers, 25n per pound; eggplant, 2025c
per pound; horseradish, 8 Vic per pound:
lettuce, $2&2.40 per crate; cucumbers. 75c5)
$1.00 per dozen: spinach, 40c per pound;
asparagus. 90c&$1.25 dozen; rhubarb,
2c per pound; peas. 8Sc per pound;
beans. Sialic per pound; celery, $3.50 per
crate. -
POTATOES Jobbing prices: Oregon. $1.50
01.75; California, new. 33Ve per pound.
ONIONS Oreynn. $1.50fr2.OO per sack;
California, red. 2.25 per sack.
GREEK FRUIT Strawberries, Oregon,
$2.25t42.75 per crate;' apples, $11.75 per
box; icooseberries, 4&5c per pound; cherries,
$11.75 per box; canteloupea, $5i50 per
ci ate; apricots, $2 2.25 per box.
Dairy and Conn try Produce.
Local Jobbing quotations;
EGGS Jobbinir prices: Oregon ranch can
dled, 24c per dozen; uncandled, 23c per
POULTRY Hens, lCc; stags, 12e;
broilers, 25f?40c per pound: turkeys, live,
1820c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 23 25 c;
ducks. 1B1Sc; geese, 10c.
BUTTER Extras, prints. 2729o; firsts.
2c; cubes. 24- 25c: butterfat. No. 1, 27c,
delivered Portland; No. 2, 25c; store butter,
CHEESE Oregon triplets, Jobbtng buying
price, 15c per pound, f, o. b. dock Portland;
Young Americas. '16c per pound.
VEAL Fancy, HWllVic per pound.
PORK Fancy. 11c per pound.
i T
Staple Groceries.
ToraI Jobbing quotations:
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails.
$3.30 per dozen; one-half flats. $1.56; 1
pound fists, $2.50; Alaska pink, 1-pound
ta'ls, 95c.
HONEY Choice, $3.25 per case.
NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, 16c; Brazil
nuts, ISIJISc: filberts, 1618e; almonds.
16c; peanuts, fiHc; cocoanuts. $1 per
dozen: pecans, 10$r2Oc: chestnuts, inc.
BEANS Small white. 8c; large white,
7.85c: Lima, Sc: bayou, 6V&c; pink, 6Vtc;
Ted Mexican, 8ic.
COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 14988a.
SUGAR Fruit and berry, $S.45; beet.
$3.25; extra C, $S 05; powdered, in barrels,
$3.90: cubes, barrels, $9.20.
SALT Granulated, $15.50 per ton: half
'ground. 100s. $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11.80 per
ton; dairy, $14 per ton.
RICE! Southern head, 5 14091.4 c per
pound: broken. 4c; Japan style, 4Vi5c.
DRIED FRUIT Apples, 8c per pound;
apricots, 1315c: peaches, 8c; prunes, Ital
ian, 89c; raisins, loose Muscatels, 8c; un
bleached Sultanas, 9VI10c; seeded. Bo;
dates.' Persian, lOo per pound; fard, $1.65
per box: currants. 8V4fil2e; figs, SO fr
ounce. $S: IO 4-ounce. $2.25; 88 10-ounce.
$2.40: 32 10-ounce. S5c: bulk, white, 78c;
black, Co per pound.
Hope, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS 1915 crop, 10llc; 1914 contracts,
HIDES Salted hides, 25 pounds arid up,
10c; salted stags, BO pounds and up, 12o;
salted kip. 35 pounds to 25 pounds, 17c;
salted caif np to 15 pounds, 22e : green
hides. 50 pounds, and up, 14c; green stags.
50 pounds and up. 10c: green kip. 15 pounds.
17c; dry' flint hides, 28c; dry flint calf, up
to 7 pounds, 30c; dry salt hides, 28c.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. 20a30c: Valley.
CASCARA BARK Old and new, 4o per
PELTS Dry long-wooled pelts. 20c; dry
short-wooled pelts. 18c: dry shearlings, 10
25c each; salted shearlings, 15 25c each
dry Koat, long hair, ISc each; dry goat
shearlings, 1020c; salted long-wooled pelts.
HAMS All sfzes. choice, 2214c: standard.
21c: skinned, 19020c; picnics, 14c; cottage
rolls. -15 c:
BACON Fancy. 2S30c; standard. 24
23c: choice. n02r..
DRY SALT Short,' clear, barks, 140180;
exports. l5tMc: plates, 1213ito.
LARD Tierce basis, kettle . rendered.
1414c: standard. 14e; compound, 12io.
BARREL GOODS Mess beef, $18; plate
beer.. $22; brisket pork, $19; tripe, $10.50
11.50. .
KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels
or tank wagons. 10c; cases, 17 V4 -82040.
GASOLINE Bulk, lhc: cases, 28e;
napthH, drum. lSVfcc; cases. 25fte.
UNSEKD OIL Raw, barrels, 87c; raw,
cases. 92c; boiled, barrels, . SOc; boiled,
cafes. 94c
TURPENTINE In tanks, 61c. in cases,
68c; lO-csse lots, 3 c less.
TURPENTINE In tanks, 67c; la cases,
c; 10-case lots. 1c less.
I Naval torr.
SAVANNAH, ufay 24. Turpentine, firm.
38c; sales, 398 barrels; receipts,-4i4 barrels;,
shipments. 450 barrels; stock, 9W9 barrels.
Rosin, firm; sales, 1141 barrels; receipts.
1184 barrels; shipments, 1867 barrels: stock,
B5.79H barrels. Quote: A. B. $4,2344.40; C,
D. 4.30(6'4.40; E. $4.35S?4.40: F. $4.40: G,.
$4.45if4.50; H. $1.50; f, $4.50'a4.55: K, $4.fi0
f4.6; M. $4.60(S4.75; N. $4.905.00; WG,
$3.303'5.25; WW. i.S5G 5.40.
Dried Fruit at Newr York.
NEW YORK, May 24. Evaporated apples,
dull. Prunes, dull, but steady. Peaches,
Wall Street Believes Upward
Swing Almost Too RaDid.
Reading Conspicuous in Its Decline
From Recent High Record ; Move
ment in Specialties Conflict
ing Bnnils Are Irregular.
NEW YORK. May 24. In the vernacular
of the speculative element, today's market
went through the process of- "healthy re
action," Investment stocks as well as spe
cialties developing marked heaviness on
fairly large dealings.
Washington's note to the British govern
ment anent mail detentions and the Krencn
admission of a German gain in a portion or
tho Verdun sector formed the basie of
bearish sentiment, but in all likelihood to
day's reversal resulted chiefly from the be
lief that. the upswing had proceeded almost
too rapidly for safety.
Reading, which led the recent advance
on Its series of new high reeords, culminating
In the previous day's maximum of 110, was
not less conspicuous on the decline, falling
to 103 ;i and closing at lO-J'.i, an overnight
loss of 5 '4 points.
Other active rails were lower, at inter
vals iwith the exception of Rock Island, which
was in marked demand at an extreme gain
of 2 Vie to 214. presumably in consequence
of the company's excellent earnings and
progress towards a friendly reorganization.
The movement of specialties was confus
ing, suggesting a conflict between the short
and long accounts, but higher prices pre
vailed atter midday. Mexicans wre once
more active and strong on "Intervention"
rumors. Automobile shares for the most
part "added to yesterday's substantial ad
vances with a new high record for Chandler
Motors on its rise of 5 to 15.
Such war and semi-war description as the
locomotives. Crucible Steel, General Electric
We8tingl:ouse and United States Industrial
Alcohol were galvanized into renewed activ
ity on reports of foreign contracts. Coppers
were firm to strong, and shipping shares,
particularly Mercantile Marine preferred,
figured prominently at higher leveif
United States Steel fell back with the en
tire list in the final hour, when Reading
and other erstwhile favorites were at min
imum prices, the market closing with heavy
Total sales amounted to 790,000 shares;
Reading's contribution being almost one
quarter of the whole. I
Foreign exchange. notnMy sterling, con
tinued quiet detpite additional receipts of
gold from Canada,
Reasous for the recent activity in Wabash
Issues at material gains were found In the
April, statement of the foad, showing an
Increase of $580,0u0 over the same month
last year.
Bonds were irregular on an expansion of
operations. Total sales, par value, aggre
gated $4,480,000. Government bonds were
unchanged on call.
Sales. High. Ixw. bid.
900 73 Vi 73 7tt
80O rij' fitt'.i 58
2,9l0 C2H HI C1H
2.2 7114 73
13.0'O 102H 10!. 10OS
5O0 312 112',, 112'4
700 129 129 120
2.000 88 87 874
8,800 85s 85" 8.-..
,ro. lint jo.Vi 105
22.3"0 91 'i 8.S1. !X
S,3 l3vs 92 92
40l 87 87 87
3,:iim 94 H 94 f:i4
2.1100 2:1 ; 22 22
2S.4O0 lSl'i lO 3 SO
200 T-4 54 54
51 K lKi 3 3
5.100 30o 99 99
15,8iK 21 i 19 20
1.2iK 54 63 53
2.800 44 434 4K
35.700 8C,j S4 - 8B.
5.000 51 N, 51 M $b
17.30O 39 r.K 3!)
-59 373 372 372
8K 122 122 12a
7.9O0 42 41 4 41 4
400 1 04 103 103
1 S
3,300 45 . 45 45
- 3 1 1
40,w 93 88 92
70 2 20 2
23,900 55 65 55
42.ROO 112 109 110
1,4HI 3ii 3i 8
2"0 32 12 31
1.20O 79 79 79
900 B7 7 7
3 2,1 (M 1S 18 1S
3 1.400 107 lo 30H
3.200 f.2 60 C,1
!0 325 12." 325
2,04,0 114 in: 113 V
2'o 34 33
2.900 6 f.s r.8
5.10O 2:1 23 21
18.400 10 s lo:; 103
50O 47 47 47
7O0 32 32 32
7. SOO 300 l'M) 3(o
4.100 23 22 23
16,500 344 341 141
50 4; 45 4
400 394 392 192
20.400 141 140 34l
11.300 3 59 15(5 358
33.800 85 84 84
8O0 317 11 116
1.700 81 M 81
B.f,iM 29 28 28
4.200 -9(1 94 pr,
3.20O 2 62 fii
the dar, 720,000 shares.
Am Sug Refg..
American Can..
Am Car & Fdy.
American Luco.
Am Sm & Refg.
Am Sug Refg..
Am Tel & Tel..
Am Z L & S. . ..
Anaconda Cop..
Baldwin Loco..
Bait & Ohio
Br Rap Transit.
B & S Copper..
Calif Petrol
Canadian Pacif.
Central Lealh..
Chcs & Ohio. . ..
Chi Ml! & St P.
Chi & N W
Colo Fu & Iron.
Corn Prod Rof.
Crucible Steel..
Dist Securities..
General Elect...
Gr North pfd. . .
Gr Nor Ore ctf.
Illinois Central.
Int Cons Cop. . .
Inspiration Cop".
Int Harv. N J . .
In M M pfd ctf.
K C Southern..
Kennecott Cop..
Louis & Nash...
Mexican Petrol.
Miami Copper..
M K Sc. T pfd . . .
Missouri Pacif..
Montana Power.
Nstionai Lead. .
Nevada Copper.
N Y Central...
N Y NT H & H. .
Nor Western.
Nor Pacific
Pao Tel ic Tel. .
Pennsylvania ..
Ray Cons Cop. .
Rep Ir A Steel.
Shat Ariz Coo. .
Southern Pacif.
Southern Ry .
studebaker Co. .
Tennessee Cop..
Texas Co
Union Pacific
do pfd
C S In Alcohol.
U S Steel
do pfd
T'tah Copper...
Wabash pfd
Western Vnlon.
Westing Eiect..
TJ S ref 2s reg. .9i (Northern Pan 3s. (lt4
TJ S ref 2s coup.'Ort'nlPac T & T 5s. ..100
TT s 3s reg 101HjPenn con
IT P 3s coupon. lOl'l aoulh Pac ref 4s 8'4
1T.H 4s reg 110 do cv 5 105S
IT S 4s coupon. 111U Union Pac 4s.... P7H
Am Smelter Cs.,109 do cv 4s 93
Atchison gen 4s 93 TT S Steel 5s 105 H
NYC deb 6S..1I4H Anglo-French 5s. 95 -5i
Northern Pac 4s 92 M
Miuloc Slocks at Boston.
ROSTON. May 24: Closing quotations-
Allouez ,9 iNorth Butte 25
Am Z, L ft Prrt. 87 Old Dom 70
Calumet & Ariz 75 Osreloa ........ 91
Cal & Heola....574 KJulncv .., 97
Centennial 1 Shannon 8
Cop Range Con. 87 -Superior 3
Kast Butte Cop. 32'Pup ft: Bos MIn. 4
Franklin 8 fami rack r
O'anhy Con .... 8S (U S Sm. R & M . 75U-
Ifle Roy (Cop). 29 do pfd 61
Kerr Lake .... 5 irtsn'Con 14
Lake Cop IfllilT'tah Coper Co. 6
Mohawk Pfl 'Wolverine 57
Nipissing Mines. 7!Butte & Sup.... 93
Money, Kxrhancf, Ktc.
NEW YORK. May 24. Mercantile paper.
Sterling. RO-dav bills. 14.72; demand,
14.73; cables. 4.78 7-16.
Bar Silver. 71 c.
Mexican dollars. 55c.
Government bonds steady, railroad bonds
Time loans, steady: 80 days. 2t3 per
cent: 90 days, 3; six months, 3.
Call money Arm. High. 2; low. 2;
ruling rate. 2: last loan, 2; closing bid,
2; offered at 2. ,
SAN FRANCISCO, Miv 24. Sterling. 60
days. $4.82; demand, $4.75; cables. 4.75.
Mexican dollars, 68c; drafts, sight, .01;
do telegraph, .02.
LONDON, May 2. Bar sliver. 34 3-1 6d per
ounce. Money,. 44 per cent. Discount
rates, short bills and three months, 4
4 per cent. '
Montana Power Increases Dividend.
NEW YORK, May 24. The Montana Pow
er Company announced today an Increase in
the quarterly dividend of of 1 per cent to
1 per cent. This placed tho stock on a 4
per cent annualbasls.
Stocks Lower at London.
LONDON. May 24. American storks were
marked lower in the forenoon and closed
easy after a fair business.
Prices Current on Butter. Eggs. Kruits,
Vegetables. Etc.. at Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 24 Butter Fresh
extras, 25c; prime firsts, 25c; fresh firsts.
24 c.
Kggs Frch extras. 24c; fresh firsts,
22c; pullets, 21c.
Cheese New, 33c; Young Americas, 34c.
Vegetables Asparagus, S2.25ii2.50; string
beam. 4'aoc: wax. 3'4e: lima, liij Kc: preen
peas. Si4c Summer squash. 75c'j85c; cu
cumbers. 755rp0Oi'; tomatoes. S2. 25 fsi 4.50 ; egg
plant. SlOc; bell peppers. 1551-20c; rhubarb,
05 S5c
Potatoes Lelta, Jl.35gi.50; new, 22c.
Fruit Peaches, ll'ul.50; strawberries.
S3.50P5.50; cantaloupes, $3.504 per crate;
lemons. S2.75f3.0O; grapefruit $1.50 Gj 2.25;
orang-a, S1.753.00; bananas, Ifawailan 75c
611.50; pineapples. Hawaiian, 1.70i.OO.
Receipts Flour, 2546 quarters; barley, 7S35
centals; beans, 1248 sacks; potatoes, 2115
sacks; hay, 250 tons.
Coffee JFuturee Irregular.
NEW YORK. May 24. There was a . re
newal -of realizing or scattered liquidation
in the coifee market and the tone was more
or less unsettled, with fluctuations irregu
lar. The market opened unchanged to 5
points lower and active months showed net
losses of about 4 to 11 points at one time
during the day, with May selling at 8.38
and September at 8.62, or about 27 points
under the high level of last Saturday. Some
of the recent prominent buyers were among
the heavier earlier sellers, but seemed to be
giving the market support at the decline,
and. late months rallied in the late trading,
with the close net 1 point higher to 11
points lower. May and June were lower,
with other months net unchanged to 1 point
higher. Sates, including 'exchanges, were
111,250 bags. May, 8.38c: June, 8.43c: July,
S.55c; August, 8.62c; September. 8.70c: Oc
tober, 8.75c: November, 8.80e: December,
8.84c: January. 8.89c: February, 84o;
March, 8.99c; April, 9.04c.
Spot coifee, Viulet; Rio 7s, dc; Santos
4s. 30T4.
' No change was reported In the cost and
freight situation, but Santos 4s were offered
here at 10.15c f. o. b. Brazil for June and
July shipment on the basis of London
credits. - -
The official cables reported a decline of
75 rets at Rio with Santos and the rate of
Rio exchange unchanged.
Local Market Is Holding Steady.
Bnlk of Hog Sales Again
at SS.95. '
There was a good run of cattle at the
stockyards yesterday, IS loads arriving from
California, of which several loads were of
fered on the open market, the remainder
being consigned to packers. The market
ruled steady, with the best steers selling at
$3.35 to - 8.50. Choice cows were very
There was no change In the hog market,
th.. bulk of sales again being at S8.95. Sheep
and lambs were also steady.
Receipts were 63 cattle, 562 hogs and 1047
sheep. Shippers were:
With cattle A. F. Hunt. Merced. Cal.. 4
ears: o. K Allen, Amador, 1 car; C. Scully,
Amador, 3 cars, and S. L. Akin. Tulare. 10
With, hogs -C. P. Hembree. Polk, 1 car.
With arheep E. T. Young. Yakima, 3
cars; F. E. Parker. Brooklyn. 2 cars; J. M.
Reynolds, 1 car.
With mixed loads Elton Webb, Canyon,
1 car cattle, hogs; C. R. Belshee. Sherman,
1 caV cattle, hogs, sheep; J. E. Parrish,
Marlon, 1 car hogs, sheep: Reese & Loop,
Yamhill. 1 car cattle, hogs; W. H. Block.
1 car hogs, sheep.
ino days sales were as follows:
Wet. Pr. Wrt. Pr.l
19 lambs. 60 $7..V 1 steer... 9.107.00
7 lambs. 69 9.00 1 steer... 7S0 !.50
O lambs. 53 9.00 lste-r..." 400 4.75
24 lambs. 72 9.00 1 heifer.. 740 7.00
14 lambs. ) 7.50 1 heifer.. 650 C.50
64 ewes.. 320 5.75 1 heifer.. 0.60 5.50
94 ewes.. 340 6.75 1 heifer.. o.oo 5.O0
12 steers. 30OI .75 3 bull 34SO 4,50
leteer.. 3170 .50j lbull.... 3170 5.
S steers. 3095 8..VH lbull.... 10OA 4.75
11 steers. 3H10 8.50 Shoars... 386 R.fiS
5 steers. 3232 8.35 SI hogs... IMI) 8.95
34 steers. lOSO 8.35 3 hogs... 130 8.90
25 cows.. 645 6.S5 2 hogs. .. 233 8.4.1
26 cows.. 1070 7.35 2 hogs... .HO 7.95
4 cows.. 970 5.75 3 ho. . . y 113 7.90
22 cows.. 3019 8.85 5 hogs... 348 8.90
41 cows.. 305 8.50 3 hogs... 306 7.50
2 cows.. 30i! e.oo 6hogs... 320 7.K0
3 cows.. 3170 7.IM1 7Thogs... 209 8.93
3 cows.. 3066 6.75 Triors... 30.7 8 83
3 cow... 3 070 4.00 2 hogs. .. 3""0 7 95
7 heifers '7."t 7.50 8 hogs... 397 8.95
lcow... 900 5.75 A hogs. . . 160 8.90
2 cows.. 9SO 5 90 5 hogs... ISi 8.95
4 cows. . 3083 7. mi 1 hog 290 8.45
lcow 101O 6.50 lho.. 150 4 00
3 cows.. 823 0.25' 3 hogs.?. 360 8.90
lcow... 930 .2."H 3 hog.... 1IK 7.90
3 cow... 96 5.00 2 hogs... 3.V. 8 90
lcow... 6S0 5.0OJ lhog.... 330 79O
31 steers. 1151 7.75( 67 S.lambs 63 9 60
2 steers. 855 7.50I 2 S.lambs 60 7.50
35 steers. 30 7. go1 1 ye.irl'g. 140 7.50
Prices current at the local stockyards on
the various clssses of stock;
Steers, choice grain and pulp 8 900.00
Steers, choice hay S.AOtfft 8.8S
8teers. choice grass ............. "8. OO-:? 8.50
Steers, good 8 151 A.58
8teers. medium ............... 7.60r& 8.06
Cows, choice ........... , ..... . 7.594 7.75
Cows, good ... 675 7.25
Cows, medium ................ 6.25-sj 7.25
Heifers B.,',0 8.00
Bulls 8.00
Stairs 4.502 7.00
Prime light 8.90f" 0.00
Good to prime 50f 8 85
Rough heavy 8 OO 8.50
Pirs and skips 7.600 8.00
Sheeo -
Yearlings ......
"5wea ............
8.25 9 0
8.00 0 9.05
7.00 & 8 25
9 00 8 50
Omalia Livestock Market.
OMAHA. May 24. Hogs Receipts 92O0.
hlcher. Ifesvy. 9&089.75: light. 0.40a
9.65; pigs, 8i9: blk of sales, 9.55S9.70.
Cottle Receipts 6000, strong. Native
steers, 8S?S10.25: cows and heifers. S7"r0:
Western steers, $7.50fj.9; Texas steers, $7
Sheep Receipts 4OO0, sleady. Yearlings,
$94rll: wethers. ?8.25',0.75; lambs, $101512.
' Chicago Livestock Marker.'
CHICAGO, May 24. Hogs Receipts 24.000.
slow,- 6c under the opening, which was 5c to
30o above yesterday's average. Bulk, $9.75
30; light, $9.300.95; mixed. J9 0.oino.05;
heavy. jn.BO&lO.OOej rough, $'J.S0.e; pigs,
$7. 50 9.35.
Cattle .Receipts 13, OOO. strong Native
beef cattle, $S.2510.3O; Werrn steers.
$.50&v).45: stockers and feeders. $.1039:
cows and heifers, $4.600.75; calves, $3.5V
Sheep Receipts 17.0OO. weak. Wethers,
$7.6fl9.75; lambs. $8.012.75; Springs. $11
Hood River Exchange. Malls Final Remit
tances to Growers.
' HOOD P.TVER, Or., May 24. (Speetal.1
The Fruitgrowers' Exchange yesterday
closed its pools on Newtown apples, mailing
final remittances to its affiliated growers.
AH other varieties were settled for several
weeks ago. The exchange reports the fol
lowing f. o. b. Hood Rlver prices on its
Newtown crop: Extra Fancy. Fixes of 363
and larger. C1.R5 per box: Fsncfpg, $1.10;
and Speclsl and C grade. 80 cents.
The exchange has Installed an electric
elevator at Its local warehouse, making
ready to handl the strawberry crop Just
reaching maturity.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, May 24. Copper, firm. Elec
trolytic nearby, nominal; August and later,
28 nr. a soc.
Iron, steady and tmr-henged.
Metnl Exchange quotes tin quiet. Spot
offered at 48c.
' The Metal Exchange quotes lead. 7.15
Spelter, easy. East St. Louis delivery.
14 o asked.
At London, lead, 81. 7s, d. ,
Chicago Dairy Produce.
CHICAGO. May 24. Butter Fnchanged.
Kggs Lower. Receipts, 28.0OO, rases;
firsts. 21 17821 c; ordinary firsts. 20'ff20c;
at mark, cases Included. 20i21c.
w York Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. May 24. Raw sugar, quiet.
Centrlfug.TI. C.27c; molasses. 5.30c. Refined,
steady.. Fine granulated, 7.65c.
lions. Etc.. at New York. .
NEW YORK. May 24. Hops. steady.
Junes, iirm. wool, steady.
Tlalnth Linseed Market.
DTJLtlTH, May 24. Linseed, cash, $1.87;
May, tl.SS; July, $1.88.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. May 24. Spot cotton, steady.
Middling uplands, 13.05c. sales. 4245 bales.
Albany Men Elected Directors.
ALBANY. Or.. May 24. (Special.)
E. D. Cuslck. J j. M. Curl, W. S. Hidden.
Oeoraro C. Brown, A. J. Hodgea, George
Taylor - and J. A- Howard have heen
elected director of the Albany Jr'rutt
Juice Company, thev recently-organized
corporation which 'Is to establish a
plant at this city for the manufacture
of loeranberry Juice. Three-fourths of
the $20,000 capital to establish the
plant has been subscribed by' Albany
men. Flans are being made to estab
lish and equip the plant at once, and it
is proposed to have it ready to take
care of this year's berry crop.
Bead The Oregonlan's classified ads.
Peace Rumors Do Not Have
Full Effect at Chicago.
Traders Are Skeptical Kcpardinj
Authenticity of News of Von Bue
low's Mission, to Washington.
Reports of Crop Damage.
L CHICAGO. May 24. Notwithstanding that
peace rumors led to a bearish reaction In the
last hour, tho wheat market today continued
to hold something of a sharp advance which
had resulted chiefly from Increased reports
of crop damage in Oklahoma and Southern
Kansas. Prices closed unsettled. c to 'fp
c net higher, with July at 1.0! Cr 1.09
and September at $1.10. Corn finished
Jc to c up. oats unchanged to rc
higher and provisions varying from ths same
as yesterday's close to 12c advance
Until speculators began to appreciate the
possible significance which the reported mis
sion of Prince von Buelow to the United
States might have as a definite move lor
an early peace, the wheat market was uni
formly on the upgrade. Skepticism regsrd
lng the authenticity of the news regarding
Von Buclow prevented the bears from oh
tainlng a more complete control of the wheat
market during the late trading.
.or rose with wheat and as a result of
unfavorable -weather, especially in Illinois
and Iowa." Besides, receipts were notably
Damage reports from Oklahoma tended to
lift the oats market. Advices though, were
favorable as to the big central states.
Scarcity of Argentine beef was said to be
a Tactor in bringing about nigner prices on
provisions. The chief Immediate Influence.
however, was an auvancc In the value of
Leading futures' ranged as follows:
Open. High. Tow. Close.
Jutv ...... .1. $1.11 $1.09 $1.09
Sept 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.10
July ;
4014 .41'4 .4014
3S-s .39 .38 H
.Tuly ...
Julv ......23.0O 2.1 00 25.00
Sept. 22.bO ' 22.SO ' 22.07 22.70
Julv .12.82 32.80 32.75 12.75
Sept. 12.K5 12. o 12.83 12.87
July 12.80 32.85 12.77 72.77
Sept 12.87 ' 12.80 12.82 12.S2
Cash prices were:
Wheat No. 3 red. LllfrLllH: No. S
red. $1.1001. 11; No. 2 hard, 1.0Ur 01.11 ;
No. 8 hard, $l.O8a!l.09.
Corn No. 2 yellow, 7475c; No. 4 yel
low. 71c.
Oats No. 3 white, 40 4214c; standard.
Rye Nominal.
' Barley 60 78c.
Timothy i8.
("lover $7 .",0 in 15.
Contract wheat. !t.07!,00O bushels; last
year, 1,583,000 bushels: corn, S.uSl.Ooo bush
els; last year, 3.507,000 bushels; oats, 3.723,
00O bushels; last year, 2.9S. two bushels.
Foreign Grain Markets.
- LIVERPOOL. May 24. Cash wheat un
changed; corn. Id lower; cash wheat closed
LONDON. May 24. Cargoes on passage
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 24 Wheat May,
$1.1.1 Ts: July. $1.14VaT1.14i. Cash. No. 1
hard, 11.20 ; j,o. 1 Nortliem. 1.14g
1.17; 'No. -J Northern. $1.11 1.15.
Barley. 3'fJ73o.
Flax. $Lt43l.S3.
Fnget Sound Grain Markets.
SEATTLE. May 24. -Wheat Bluestem,
SOc; Turkey rea. 99c: fortyfold. 2c; club.
0c: fife, B2c; red Russian, sue.
Barley, $27.50 per ton.
No car receipts yesterday.
TACOMA. May 24. Wheat Wluestcm
$1.02; fortyfold, 3c; club, WV'irOlc; red
lite, aoc.
Car receipts: Wheat 14, barley 7, oats 7
hay 5.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 24. Spot quota
Hons Walla. J1.67 it 1.70; red Rusnlan.
$1 7 u1.7o: Turkey red. $1.78 ki 1.82 ;
bluestem, 1.87 if l.i0: feed barley, l.:i2i:
brewing. 1.35'Tj. 1.4i; white oats, $1.52''4
1.55; bran, 2oU27; middlings, $31&32;
shorts. t'UHZQ.
Call board Barley, May, $1.32 asked; De
cember, $1.82.
Official Report I-rcdlrte Prune
Crop Smaller Yield Kxs-ertcd
In Other Sections.
OLYMPIA, "Wash.. May 24. Spe
claL) Clarke County's) prune crop Is
the only fruit, yield of the state that
came triumphantly through the unusu
ally severe weather of last Winter and
this Spring, according to the official
orchard report made by T. O. Morrison
assistant Stato Commissioner of Agri
culture in charge of the division of
horticulture. - v
Despite considerable dunnage caused
by limbs breaking: under the strain of
the ."silver thaw." Clarke County this
season will produce 7,000,000 pounds of
dried prunes, against last year's output
01 4,aou.uou pounds.
The fruit crop generally in Western
Washington will be less than normal.
Indications are that Cuthbert TasDber-
ries will not yield more than 60 per
cent of the usual crop, and loganberries
not more than 40 per cent, with black
berries probably averaging around 75
per cent, due to Winter injury to the
canes. Apples and pears will not be
more than normal, and in some In
stances the crop will be light In West
ern Washington. This will be true of
cherries In Southwest Washington, with
a heavier yield further north.
Taking the state as a whole, fruit
crop conditions indicate that the pres
ent growing season is from one to two
weeks later than common. Soft fruits
ore quite generally Winter injured, this
damage being increased by several de
grees of freesing Jlay 10". 11 and 12.
Generally the damage has been com
paratively light on the bench lands.
Ice Forms at Dayton.
DAVTON, Wash.. May 24. (Sne-
cial.) Heavy frost fell at Dayton Mon
day night and ice one-sixteenth of an
ncli thick froze on watering troughs
and mud holes in many parts of the
country. Oreat damage was done fruit
and vegetables.
Clichnlls -riant 'to Bny From BIk
Scope of Territory.
'H 1 :lt. LIS. Wash.. May 24. (Spe
cial.) Announcement has been made
by George R. Sibley, manager of the
11. 111c condensing plant at this place,
that his Arm Is In the market for all
the whole milk from Southwest Wash
ington tributary to this city from which
shipments can be made economically
by rail or over the wagon roads. This
means that the cofnpany will renew Its
efforts to secure all the (millc possible
from the South Bend branch of the
Northern Pacific and the district to the
southwest of Chehalls in Pac i lie County.
Also that milk routes will bo re-es
tablished from Toledo and other points
in the Cowlita Valley, In southern
Lewis County, and that probably new
milk routes will be established into the
eastern part of Lewis County.
SCHROEDFR To Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.
Schroeder. 484 Umatilla avenue. May 21. a
BERG To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Berg.
14:t Cook avenue. May 21, a daughter.
(.HHISTE.VSE.V To Mr. and Mrs. Robert
A. Chrlstcnsen, 787 Walker street. May 14. a
OLSE.V To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Olsen, 723 East Sixty-first street .North.
May 14, twin daughters.
BOHOSKY To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bo
bosky. 4 Willis boulevard. May 1:1. a son.
Bl'RT To Mr. and Mm. Arthur Burt.
87 Northrup street. May IO. a son.
P1ERSON To Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin
Piersou. 400 North Twenty-third street. May
0. a son. n
AI.L.iJiJRANT To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen luio Tillamook street. May 13.
a daughter.
HOLDlXd To Mr. and Mrs. Walter F.
Holding. Flfty-fiintli avenue southeast. May
Id, a daughter.
GRABKR To Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Graher. Sherwood. Or., May 1. a son.
STRANGE; To Mr. and Mrs. Uuch F.
Strange. 2120 Kast Morrison street. May 14.
a daughter.
HAKR1SOV To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Har
rison, 410 Fifty-fifth street. May S, a. daugh
ter. MOXTANDFV To Mr. and Mrs. K. J.
Montanden. 4o28 Seventy-sixth street South
east. 5I.iv 15. a son.
BRU.N'DAGE To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
it. Bninoage, 10U4 h-ast Irving street. May
5, a son.
GEOROK To Mr. and Mrs. Benlsmln F.
George, luio Kast Lincoln street. March lo,
a dauchter.
XEWELl-To Mr. and Mrs Hiram E.
Newell, lliltadale. Or., May 13, a daughter.
Marriage IJcensea.
nau. legal. Halo Alto, Cal.. and Helen or
born. W-Kal. Cornelius Hotel.
CRA.WLL-WltHART Lawrence K
Craswell. le;al. Gresham. Or., and Rosa
Ishart. legal. Oresham. Or.
hardt. legal, 251 Tenth street, and Hedwig
11. Dahms. leiral. 703 Kast Tenth street. ,
YOI."Ni-WipM AN" Thomas U. Younir. le
rsl. 79 East Kig-hty-fourth street, and Sarah
v mznan. legal, 1704 .ast Y asiungton eireeu
Vancouver Marriage Licenses.
MEEhll.NS-SPICER Basil L. Meeklns. 23.
of Portland, and Miss Anita . Splcer. 2U,
of Portland.
incli, 37, of Portland, and Mrs. Mauu A.
Mulder. 27. of Portland.
SCOTT-BURNS Samuel B. Sott. 5!), of
Portland, and Miss Nancy tlloa .Burns. OL
of Port!anl.
HAHX-VAXDFRLIP Fred Hahn. 2. of
Portland, and Ml&s Ida J. Vanderlip. 11. 01
rnaun, 23, of Linnton. Or., and M!as Louise
LueUtke. 25. of Linnton. Or.
BIXDER-DEFEHR Fred Binder. 21. of
Portland, and Mis Mario Iefehr, lu. of
v BECK-SIT. VA H. Beck. 21, of Rainier.
Or., auid. Miss Lcona Silva, 1U. of Rainier.
Or. ,
21. of Darrlnjfton. Wash., and Miss R. Eva
C'henler. i;. of IjarrlUKton. Wash.
.hiv.MARTlx John Jov. 20. of Van
couver, Wash., and Muss Lna Martin. 20, of
ancouver, w ash.
Building; Permits.
J. SLOAN BttENNAN Erect one-story
framo dwelling. 1541 Third street, near
California street; builder, same: J5S50.
story frame store, 21 Montgomery street. op
Ufa Fourth and Fifth streets; builder,
same: 9000.
B. T. SODEN Repair one-story frame
farare. 374 l;nion avenue North, between
'roadway and Hchuyler streets; builder, Ja.
L. Sanborn; S'.ioo.
ICrcct one-story frame storage, foot of Nine
teenth street North; builder, same; S20O.
A. L. TOAKLEY Erect one-elory frame
dwelling;. 15UO Iancaster street between
Bryant and Buffalo streets; builder, same;
MRS. IT. LAWT.ER Repair two-story
frame factory. 31 Kittventh street North, be
tween Kuruslde and Couch, streets: builder.
Lf". J. Laher: 175.
rmi, iv. 1; it . tvepatr tnree-story or.
ainary store and rooms, 314 stark street, be
tween Fifth and SiXLh streets: builder. Coolev
I Bros. : it5.
1. A. m 1 l f . Kepair one-story trame
staoie, 01a .rirltol street, between Meyers
unti serieca streus; r-utwer, same; yu.
story frame gaxace, 12;;5 Concord street. lp-
ieen i-impson ana jessup struels; Duiiaer.
W. F. Bill; 150.-
one-ntory frame blacksmith shop, foot of
Sheridan street, between Mnotlv and Wil
lamet'.e River: builder, same; f30KO.
ona-story rrame shop, foot of Sheridan street
between Moody and Willamette River;
bulldr-r, same; $200o.
ALECK SAM Erect one-story frame
shack. t20 Princeton street, between -Mc-
jveuiia a-ia wall streets; builder, same: 50.
MRS. DK GKK-K Repair two-storv frame
dwelling. 522 Clay street, between Sixteenth
and Seventeenth streets; builder, M W.
Lorena: lo. I
SCHULTZ BROS. Erect two-story frame
iiKKiuiii, i.-oi r.ast i!:sn street, between
r.ast seventieth and Knat Seventy-first
streets; builder, snme: $100.
W". X. EVERETT Erect one-storv frnme
parage. 11U Royal Court. between Hast
nno uut jrianacrs streets; builder,
same; 920O.
W. N". EVERETT Erect one-and-one-half-story
frame dwelling. 10! Royal Court,
between East Glisao nnd East Flanders
streets; builder, same: S..50O.
MRS. DUNHAM one-storv frame
dwelling. o0-i;i5 East lavls street, between
East Fifteenth and E:i Sixteenth streets;
builder. N. 15. PstrerKWi; 75
r. n. hruwxeix Erect one-story
frame dwelling. 55 East Forty-socond street
North, between East Burnsido and East
Coitch streets: builder. A. Johnson; s.3500
MR. BOWMAN Repair one-and-one-half-Story
frame dwelling, 223 Cook avenue, be
tween Commercial and llaight avenue;
builder. A. Wllhelm: 75.
A. THURt.OW Repair two-story frame
dwelling. 442 Third street, between Hall
and College streets; builder, M. M. McCul
lough; $.ro.
I'E.VM & GARBARIVO Repair three-
story frame rooming-house. .125 Water
street, between Co.umbla and Clay streets;
builder. Columhla Wire & Iron Works: 15i
1. LOODWIKID Erect one-story frame
garage, iv rjsst rirty-rirsf. street North
between Stanton and the Alameda; builder
same; 950.
PORTLAND. Mav 24. Maximum temnera
ture. 6! degrees: minimum. 47 degrees. River
reading. 8 A. M.. 3 5.2 feet. Change in last
24 hours, 0.2-foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P.
M. to- 5 P. M. ). none. Total rainfall since
Stmber 1, 1315. 51.6t - inches: normal
ralnlall since September 1. 41.74 Inches : ex
cess of rainfall since September 3. int.-;.
11.W2 Inches. Total sunshine. 7 hours 35 min
utes; piisslble sunebine. 15 hours IS minutes.
Barometer f reduced sea level! 5 P. M.. 211.7.S
Inches. Relative, humidity at noon. 53 per
cent. River S P. M.. 15.1 feet.
T vv 1 ik;
Atare eS
Hoise .........
Chirago .......
Colfax ,
4fi0.VM.12i.- IRaln
40 0.7s!. . SB (Rain
Kit .).io;lo s Pt. cloudy
7rt 0.00 . .is iriear
tvt .IS jcloudy
SiO.OOl!SE Clesr
fc2'O.04..iSE ICiear
72 O.OOl. ,'SW Pt. cloudy
54 O.tuVlOjX Icioudy .
ROO.OHI12E ICloudy
40 0. 54-12 NW Rsin
82 O.30I ..IN" ICIesr
!2'14 S K'lear
OO 0.O.112 SW IPt. cloudy
r. (l.iiOi. .;w ll'loudy
f.'i 0.04;. .!SW IRaln
70 0.14 34 K Cioudy
S ll.Onl . . IS ICiear
f.R 0.. 14 SW icloudv
5rt 0.0OI. .INWiPt. cloudy
', 0.1ml. . NB (Rain
ai 0.001.. Is ICiear
B1 0.071. JN'W Cloudy
M O.iW'18 W ICiear
52n.2l..iSW ISnow
n o.on'. .'.sr idoudv
2.1-M..!W IPt. cloudy
r.-'n.r.4 lrt E C!esr
s 0.00 iv stv ICiear
lies Moines . . .
Eureka .......
Gal v-ston
Jacksonville . .
Kansas city
Los Angeles . .
Marshfleld ....
Minneapolis ...
New Orleans . ,
New York . . . .
North Head . .
North Yakima
Pendleton . . . .
Portland ......
Rose-burg ......
Sacramento ...
St.- Louis
Salt llakfl ....
San Francisco
14 20 SW ICloudy
; o
,O0j. .'W ICiear
io 12 X ICloudr
0OJ20 XE ICIoudv
Spokane ......
70 o
AO 0
70 0.
. .iNE ICIoudv
Tatoosh Island
lV Pt. cloudy
S ICloudy
!X (Cloudy
Walla Walla .
.0. .
.011!. .
,oo. .
The Rssln states disturbance has moved
to Northern Colorado and now dominates?
weather condition over pra.cllrally the en
tire country. The pressure iu moderately
high over Upper Canada, but elsewhere over
the country low pressure obtains. Precipi
tation has occurred in Southern and Eastern
Oregon, the Basin ststes. Montana. Wy
oming, the Oskotas. Minnesota. Iowa. Flor
ida and Saskatchewan. Several weather re
ports were not received tills evening. The
weather is warmer a'ong the Pacific coawt.
In Colorado. Nebrsska, Kansas, the Missis
sippi Valley. Tenresaee'snd on tlio North
Atlantic Coast; In general It Is cooler In
other sections. Temperatures continue much
There are approximately ;.00",oo
rtio tor-driven vehicles in thei
' nited States, or one to everv
fifty persons. It. is estimated that
a ithin three years this will be in
creased to 6.000.000. or one to
every twenty persons. The motor
vehicle is no lonser a luxury it
is a necessity and is fast crowd
ing: tho horse-drawn vehicle to
the discard. With this revolution
in transportation methods has
come a new era in road construc
tion: the old roads will not stand
up under this modern innovation,
and road authorities in every sec
tion of tho Union have, after ex
haustive tests nnd practical ex
perience, desisrnated aa the stand
ard of all hard-surface materials.
Warren Brnthers Comranv.
Journal Lids., Portland. Or.
Dedication Day for Calsrabla
Jllehivay .Tone 7 Will
Soon Be Here.
below normal tn Eastern Oregon, Eastern
Washington and Idano.
The conditions are lavorable for showers
Thursday In Southeastern Idaho end f.r
partly cloudy weather in the remainder of
this district. It will be warmer e st of tho
Capende Mountains and Winds will be mostly
Tortland and vicinity Thursday partly
Cloudy, northwesterly winds.
Oregon ar.d Washington Thursday partly
cloudy, warmer east portion, northwesterly
Idaho Thursday showers southeast, partly
cloudy north and west portions, warmer
The WiKameite River at Portland regis
tered 15.1 feet at 5 P. M. tOilav; It x111 re
meln nearly stationary Thursday. Frldsv
and Saturday and rise moderated- fastt Sunday-
Assistant Forecaster.
Lyons' to Get 'ew Scliool.
ALBANY, Or.. Hay 2i. (Special.)
Plans have been completed for the
erection of a new public school at
Lyons, according to announcement
made by a local architect. Tho new
building; will be a one-story structure
with two large rooms and a larsa
basement. It will have a modern
ventilation system and also the latest
arrangement of lirrliting-. It will he
constructed this Summer so that it will
be ready for the opening: of school
next Fall.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
OVIthont Change En Route)
The Bis;.
Comfortable. "
Elegantly Appointed.
Sails From Ainsrrorth Dork
3 P. M., May i'.
IflO t;lden Miles on
Colombia River.
All Kstea lselaile
Bertha and -VI en In.
Table nnd Service
Tho San Francisco 1'ortl.ind S. S.
to. Third and Waaliisgtoa Streets
(with O.-W. It. & X. Co.) Tel Broad
way 4500. A tf 1-1.
1 !KT
a Including Berth and Meals
Sails Thursday. May 35, 6 P. SI.
B Ticket Office 122-A Third St. .
Phones: Slain 1314, A 1314.
Portland $20,001
to and
San Francisco $17.50 J
Tourist. 1.1. HO and 9 12.SOt 3d class. H.
S. S. Northern Pacific
' Steamer Express 9 A. SI.
Sat., May 27
Torn., Thu r.. Sat lire. June t.
Diniiifr Car oi Steamer Express.
Sailingrs- from San. Francisco May 10.
2".. 30. Through- Bleepins cars be
tween Klavel and SeaLtia and Vancou
ver. B. C. Juno 1.
I'lionea Broadway 920. A 6671.
Ketchikan. Wrsngell,
1'etersbnrs. Jnaran,
) o u K I a a . liatinea.
Skaa-Ttay. .Nome and
Si. Mirhnel.
Via Scuttle or San
I'ranrlKco to Lor An
srerea nnd San Dlcero.
Larjre, commodious pansenser
fcteamers. low rates Including berta
and meals. For full particulars ap
ply or telephone TICKET OFFICfci
243 Washington Streat Pacific.
Main 229; Home. A 22S3.
:30 P. M. TOO AY. MAY 25.
San FrincLsoo. l'ortlanrl & Los An9.
Its Suamship io.a Frank Hoi lam,
A5t-. 1J4 Third A 4.".L'G. Main ti.
m Honolulu, Suva, Nw Zoslarid
i-O.CKHl tons dis.) tl:l.30 tons dia.l
Mil from VANtOl'VFR, B. '.. Jam 7. July
a. ititiiM -. ppiy ansxiian Iaciris
Kallivay. S3 Third si., roilland. Or., or to
the lanaiiiSD AiiHtrallan KwHl Mail Line.
440 Srmour Street. Vancouver. B. '.'
i:r-.iisr sstllntrs of luxurious J2..V) ton steam
ers cstoc1h11t vleslirnei for trsrel in th tropics,
fcaa a Ds.nris, Ueaersi Aets 6 Broadsray, ti.T.
IMiaey B. Smith. JChlrd
f 1 J
a tvy
ia ii i rf i h
stPW . - -J .
KV.B Ifal
ssssr isW TC
81 .'nil i r I LfcSAIsvajJ
ad Washuistsn tta