THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATtTRDAY MAY" 20, 1916. " 13 TENNIS TOURNEY IS ON AT MULTNOMAH Entries in Singles Play Runs Beyond Half Hundred -ii. Mark This Spring. KATZ TROPHY IS OBJECT A. B. McAlpin, Chairman, Announces Thnt Games Will Start at 2 O'clock, and Hun Throtigli to 5 Kvery Day for' Week. ACUh more than 50 entries in the singles and half that many in the doubles, the annual iprinK handicap tournament of the Multnomah Ama teur Athletic Club will start operations this afternoon on the Winged "M" courts. A. B. McAlpin, chairman of the club tennis committee, haa arranged for five matches at 2 o'clock this after noon, the same number at 3 o'clock, six one hour later and half a dozen more starting at 5 o'clock. Interest this year has been keener than ever before and the fight for the Alma D. Katz perpetual trophy will be a Ion? and hard-fought one from the way things are starting out. Matches will be played every day for the next week. Of the players slated to open the tournament this afternoon Kenneth McAlpin, J. H. Mackie, R. Newland, C. McSnow, W. O. Daly, "William Howe. "W. Wheeler, L. M. Starr, W. H. Lewis, I' Freshman and A. B. McAlpin are listed at scratch. Following- are drawings for the sin gles elated for this afternoon: 2 P. M. (J. If. Mackie. Bcr., vs. K. McAl pin. scr.: P. W. Lewis, scr., -vs. J. F. Bwing, O. 15; Killalee. scr., vs. R. W. Withers, scr.; F. E. Harridan. O. 2-6, vs. D. Mallett, K. 3-6; A. it. Bailey, R. 15, vs. J: Cahalin, R. 15 1-U. 3 P. M. J. II. Miner, O. 2-6, vs. V. Smith, O. 2-6; A. ft. Frohman, O. 2-6, vs. A. D. Nor ris. O. 13: J. Lee, R. 15, vs. H. Wells, O. 15; M. Crumpacker, R. 3-6. vs. V. Anderson, R. 15; J. W. Ladd. R. 15, vs. K. Smith. O. 2-6. 4 P. M. R. Newland, scr., vs. C. McSnow, scr.; w. A. Ooss, O. 30, vs. B. Cole, R. 3-6; O. Lewlfl, R. 15. vs. A. B. McAlpin, scr.; A. Wakeman. O. 15, vs. W. K. Lewis, Jr., R. 3-6; K. DeNeff, R. 3-6. vs. R. Banks, K. -; W. H. Lewis, Br., R. 3-6, s. F. Fresh man, scr. 5 P. M. J. B. BUderback, R. 3-6, vs. J. II. Knight. R. 3-6; F. A. Klohle. R. 15, vs. A. F. Roberts, R. 3-6; C. Livingston, R. 3-6, vs. C Shannon, O. 15; W. Wheeler, scr., vs. W. o. Daly, scr.; H. Stevens, R. 3-6. vs. S. Humphrey, R. 13; L. M, Starr, scr., vs. Wm. Howe, scr. Lincoln High School has opened the 1916 tennis season with a flying start. Klimination matches are being held be tween rains on the courts of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic Club. The Itailsplltters have the largest turnout of players in the history of the sport at the West Side high. Deo Mallett manager of the Lincoln High team. Is . confident that Jus representatives will ""win the title of the interscholastic league next month. The following matches were played this week: Boys' singles Henry ste : vens defeated Reed Ellsworth 6-1, 6-0; Michael Wilsey defeated Donald Scott, 6-1, 6-3; Martin Sichel defeated Scott Brown, 6-2. 7-5: Ronald Reilly defeated Kenneth Warrens, 6-2, 6-3;- Minor S. Keeler won from "Rickety" Morrison, 6-0. 6-0. Boys' doubles Russell Col well and Reed Ellsworth won from Ronald Reilly and Michael Wilsey, 6-3, 6-4. Girls' singles Nancy Holt de feated Calista Eliot, 7-3; Catherine Beck defeated Polly Kerr, 6-1; Made laine Steffen defeated Katherine Wheeler. 6-3, 11-13, 6-1; Lucile Evans . defeated Dorothy Reed. 6-1, 6-4; Eliz abeth Richardson defeated Elizabeth Hailey, 6-0, 6-0. Mixed doubles Doro thy Stine and Deo Mallett defeated Baby Holt and Ronald Reilly, 6-2, 6-4 Stella Riggs and Henry Stevens de feated Ruth Jones and Martin Sichel 6-0, 6-1; Stella Riggs and Henry Ste vens defeated Dorothy Stine and Deo Mallett, 6-3, 7-5. The doubles drawings of the annual Spring Handicap tourney of the Mult noman Amateur Athletic Club were ' made yesterday, but no dates were given out for the matches. Following are the drawings to date: Wakeman and Shannon. O. 15 2-6 tjye vs. McAlpin and Swing, o. -4-6 bye; Ladd and BUderback, R. 4-6 bye., vs. P. Lewis and O. Lewis, R. 2-6 bye.; Webster and Freshauan, bye.: Roberts and Banks, R. 2-6, vs. w. ti. Lewis and Lewis. R. 4-6; Camp bell and Griffith, R. 15, vs. Bailey and Stef fen. R. 4-6; Stevens and Mallett. R. 2-6. vs. Knight and Chipman, R. 2-6; McAlpin and Newland. scr., vs. Starr and Jordan. Bcr.: Frohman and Hendrlckson, scr., vs. Falling and Mackie, scr.; Goss and Smith, O. SU, vs. McVeagh and Daly, O. 15 2-6; Humph rey and May, R. 4-, bye.; Btddle and Howe, scr., bye, vs. Smith and Frohman, O. 4-6 , bye.; Norris and Wells, O. 30, bye., vs. An derson and Kiehle, R. 15. bye. - COLTTJLBIA 10. WASHIXGTON .'I; IjeajTue Leaders Will Play Lincoln High Nine Next Thursday. '' Interscbolastle Baseball Standings. ;'. w. L. .-.I W. L. P.C. Columbia. S O.lO0O!Port. Acad. O 0 .ooo . Lincoln... 2 O .10001 Franklin ... 0 2 .ooo Jefferson.. 2 1 .6!7 Washington 0 3 .000 Benson 11 .wv Irving Niles pitched "his Columbia University teammates to a. 10-to-l vic tory over the Washington High School ball tossers on Multnomah Field yes terday afternoon. Captain Niles, al though regularly a third baseman of all-star caliber, allowed only three hits to the W ashingtonians. Captain Niles and Eugene Murphy were in the points for the collegians, while Thompson and "Spud" Normandin formed the battery for the high school ers. Columbia University Is slated to ... play the Lincoln High School nine on Multnomah Field next Thursday after noon. Ed Rankin umpired yesterday- Columbia University made 10 runs, 12 hits and one error, while the" losers , scored once, hit safely three times and- maae miecues on seven chances. WASHINGTON TENNIS MEN VIE T l'ive Athletes Seek Four Places on Iiv- terijcholastic Team. il-'ive athletes are vying for four hon ors in the Washington High School rating tournament and the four win ners will represent the East Side instl tution in the annual Portland Inter- scholastic League tennis tourney on th - Multnomah Amateur Athletip Club courts the first week of June. Manager Jacie Neer, who is in charge of the high school tournament, has " himself. Phil Neer. Howard Werschkul, - Robert Gilman and Wilbur Hood flght : ing it out for the four high positions. ... Jacie will play Robert Gilman on the Washington High courts, next Tueadty afternoon. WRESTLERS HOLD WORKOUTS Miller and O'Connell Scheduled to Meet Here Tuesday. Walter Miller and Eddie O'Connell, who meet in a finish wrestling contest at the Eleventh-street Playhouse next Tuesday night, both worked diligently yesterday. Each man realizes that be will have a- tough contest." Miller weighed 151 Va pounds and will have to make 148 or forfeit his guarantee. In the opinion of Portland wrestling fans, O'Connell compares favorably with the champion in every point" except strength. Miller . is one of the most powerful wrestlers at his weight who ever crawled on a mat. IJALL, sweepstakes "is today Participants in "Wavcrley Matches to Contribute to Pot. A ball sweepstake's is on today's schedule of events at the Waverley Country Club. It is a handicap affair, each participant contributing a ball to the pot and the low net acore walking off with the stakes. At the Portland Golf Club a one-club tourney is on the cards today. En trants will be required to circle the en- lre course using only one club. Most of them doubtless will use the midiron. Cad Jones, of Tacoma, a brother of Howell Jones, is a visitor in Portland and will take on Rudolph Wilhelm in a special side attraction. BEES GET PITCHEU PIERCEV Xew Vork Americans Announce Re lease Under Option Agreement. , NEW YORK. May 19. The New York American League Club tonight released Pitcher William Piercey to the Salt Lake City club of the Pacific Coast League An option agreement was made. 8 TEAMS CLASH TODAY CRANE COMPANY AND FLEISCH.VER TIE FOR LEAGIK LEAD. Wadhams &. Company Will Meet Lane Playern at Sell wood In Attempt to ' Break Into W in Column. Commercial Leagus Standings. W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet. Crane Co.. 4 1 .8n0 N'thwestern 3 Fleischner. 4 1 .800. Seller & Co. 3 3 .50O 3 .400 4 .'Jim 5 .000 LaiiK&Co. 4 2 .Oi.i ! Blumauer.. 1 Blake 3 2 .tiOOi Wadhams. . 0 Today's Gaines. Crane vs. Blumauer. Blake vs. teller. Northwestern vs. Flelschner. Wadhams vs. Lang. - . Crane Company will play Blumauer- Frank Drug Company at Vaughn street this afternoon. Brandt and. Hedman for the plumbers will oppose Bruns and Meyers for the druggists. At East Twelfth and- East Davis streets, Blake, McFall Company and M. Seller & Co. will do battle. Fox and Farrey for the paper merchants will work against Rubinstine or tapham and Toomey. On Montgomery flats Northwestern Klectric Company will combat with Fleischner. If the Electrics can keep up their good work of the last couple of Saturdays and defeat the men's fur nishers they will pull them out of the tie for first place. Batteries North western, Arnold anl Swartz; Fleisch ner. Majeskl ana Doerlng. Wadhama & Co. will endeavor to break into the win column for the first time this season when it combats with Lang & Co. at -Sell wood. Batteries Wadhams, Stuerhoff and Smook; Lang. Johnson and Bayler. All of the contests will start at 3:30 o'clock. The Commercial League meeting. which was scheduled for last night, was postponed until Monday night because of the election. It will be held in the Pittock block at 8 o'clock Monday night. FJiANKXIX. TRACK MEN LOSE Ridgef leld Team Takes Hard-Fought Meet From Portlandcrs. RIDGEFIELD. Wash.. May 19. The Franklin High School track and field team of Portland lost a hard-fought dual meet to the Ridgefield High ath letes, 74 to 59. here thia afternoon. The visitors introduced one of the most versatile athletes ever seen in these parts in the- personage of Scanland Collins. Collins won the 220-yard dash and the 220-yard low hurdles, took second in the quarter-mile high Jump. high hurdles, third in the pole vault and broad Jump, besides running his lap in the relay. He annexed 21 points for coach Dewey's aggregation. Webber and Zanz were the big point- getters for the Ridgefield boys, while Stanley Davis was another Portlander who showed individually by taking" 10 points. mine athletes and Coach "Ad miral" Dewey made the trip from Port land today. - BABY BEAVERS ARE WINNERS First ' National Bank Champions Are Defeated in Ninth. The Baby Beavers., of the Inter-City Baseball Leaguef managed to grab a 2-to-l win from the First National Bank champions on the Vafighn-street grounds yesterday afternoon. "Busher Blake worked for Manager "Red" Rupert's representatives, while "Windy' Winterbotham performed as of old for the bankers. The winning run was scored in the last half of the ninth inning on an error by Shortstop Musgrove. Walter Keck former Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club athlete, was the star of the mati nee. He dented. the delivery of Blake four times In four trips to the plate Gordon Brown was the umpire. IOWA STATE BEATS JAPANESE Oriental Team on Tour of United States Is Defeated, 6-1 . AMES, la.. May 19. Failure to hit, together with errors, cost the Waseda University of Japan players the second game with Iowa State College baseball played here today. The locals won, 6 to 1. Albany High Downs Salem. 5-1. SALEM, Or., May 19. (Special.) By connecting with Tollman's offer ings for 10 sife hits, Albany High School today defeated the Salem High School here, 5 to 4. The visitors an nexed their winning run in the eighth frame. Scott, for Albany, allowed the Salem batters only four hits. The score: R. H. Et R. H. E Salem 4 4 3Albany 5 10 Batteries Gill and Tollman; Scott and Eastburn. Mount Angel to Play Silverton. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE, Moun Angel, Or., May 19. (Special.) A base ball game will be .played on the Mount Angel College grounds between the collegians and the Silverton All-Stars, Sunday. The All-Star aggregation has a strong lineup and expects to finish the season with a high percentage. The game will be called at 2 o clock. Cornell and Harvard Row Today. BOSTON. May 19. Cornell's varsity and freshman eight-oared crews went out on the Charles River twice today in preparation for their races with Harvard tomorrow afternoon. Both crews appeared to be in excellent con dition. Harvard Tennis Men Are Victors. NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 19. Har vard's tennis team won all six matches from the University of Pennsylvania today, CREW CAN'T GO EAST Stanford Abandons Plans for Poughkeepsie Regatta. COACH GUERENA RESIGNS Itctirement, However, Is Ieclared to Have No Connection Willi De cision Against. Trip Iefl- ' ciency In Studies Blamed. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. May 18. The Leland Stanford. Jr., varsity crew. Which finished second at xne Poughkeepsie regatta last yefer. ahan- oned its intention today to go tast or the June, '17, regatta this year, and broke training. The decision .caused keen disappoint ment throughout the -Far West, par ticularly because of the crew's splen did showing last year over an unfa miliar course. The Stanford men were efeated by five lengths this year, row- ne at Seattle against the University of Washington, and won by the same distance over California on the. Oak land estuary. Six of this years crew went East last year. Deficiency in scholarship on the part of one member of the crew was the reason assigned. by Earl Behrens. graduate manager, for not making the trip. It was admitted that diiricuny naa been found in financing the project. but this, Behrens said, could probably have been overcome. Husky" Ouerena. coach of the crew. said J600 had been raised of $2600 needed for the trip, and. that his boat was in good shape, even with one man on the regulars out. He expressed hope that the decision might be re versed. Guerena announced his retirement as coach today. His resignation, it asserted, has nothing to do with the failure of the crew to go East. VANCOUVER WINS MEET VICTORY SNATCHED FROM WASH INGTON IV 8SO RELAY, Studer, Star Sprinter, Overcomes Lead and Turns Tide of Meet Pr Sons AIho Is Stnr. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 19. (Spe cial.) Clarence Studer, Vancouver High School's star sprinter, won lor Van couver the dual meet with Washington High, of Portland, here this afternoon. With the score 59 to 58 in favor of Washington, he overcame the lead of 10 yards that Washington had In the 880-yard relay race and won by a few Inches. The time for the relay was 1:40. The finish was one of the most ex citing ever seen here. The meet was a good one, the times being all fast - and every event was closely contested. Vancouver competed without "Red" Norgren, its star point- winner, who wa disqualified on ac count of school work. Parsons, of Washington High, and Young, Van couver, were individual point-winners with 11 points each. Studer for Van couver scored 10 points. - The summary: i20-yard high hurdles Young. Vancouver, first; Campbell, Vancouver, second; Kuhn hausen. Washington, third. Time. :17 3 -. Shot put Parsons, Washington, rirst; Johnson. Washington, second; Campbell, Washington, third. Distance, 45 feet, Inches. loo-yard dash Studer. Vancouver, first; Moore. Vancouver, second; Hd, vasning ton, third. Time. :10 1-5. K80-yard dash Louder. "Washington, first; Caldwell, Vancouver, second; Dedham, Wash ington, third. Time, 3-o. Poli vault Alben, Vancouver, first: cur- tin, Vancouver, second: Pring, Washington, third. Height, 9 feet, 6 Inches. 440-yard dash Hayslip. Vancouver, first; Gregory, Washington. second; Litchfield, Vancouver, third. Time. :06 1-5. ".no-yard dash Studer, Vancouver first; Johnson. Washington, second; Young, van couver. third. Time, :4 1-0. Mile run Graves, Washington. first; Landerholm, Vancouver, second: Hitchcock:, Washington, third. Time. 4:06 4-r. Discus Fa!k. Vancouver, first: Ptrow- bridge, Washington, second: Parsons, Wash ington, third. Distance, 106 feet. 220-yard hurdles Young, Vancouver, flrBt; Kur.nhausen. Washington, second: xiol- lenbeck. Vancouver, third. Time. :JT. Javelin throw Johnson, Washington. first: Parsons. Washington, second; Morrow. Vancouver, third. Distance, 138 feet, - Inches. Broad jump Persons, Washington, first; Wells. Washington, second; Beal. Vancou ver. third. Distance, 18 feet, 7 inches. High Jump Wells, Washington. first Campbell, Vancouver, second; Mead. Wash ington, third. Height, 5 leet, o lncnes. Half mile relay Won by Vancouver. Time. 1 :40. Vancouver runners, Moore Litchfield, Young and fituder. O. A. C. 6, WILLAMETTE V. Doolittlc Is Invincil-Ie In Listless Contest at Corvallls. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, May 19. (Special) In a listless baseball game the Aggies team this afternoon defeated Willam ette University, 6 to 0. Doolittle, pitch ing for the Aggies, was invincible. Rexford pitched well for the Methodists until the eighth inning, when four hits including a home run by Goble, pro duced four tallies for the Aggies. The score: R. H. E. Aggies 10100004 0 6 10 4 Willamette. 00000000 0 0 6 Batteries Aggies. Doolittle and Wel- le-rsy: Willamette. Rexford and Brown. Home run. Goble. Struck out, Doolittle 3. Rexford 3. Umpire. Cooper. Amateur Athletic- MANAGER CRONQUIST has gath ered a strong aggregation to rep resent the Multnomah Commercial Club of Multnomah, Or., and last Sunday his teammates administered a 14-to-10 trouncing to the Oswego, Or., aggre gation. Erickson, twirling for the winners, allowed only four hits, bu they came when hits meant runs. The Multnomah delegation is credited with 22 safe bingles during the afternoon's entertainment. V Lents Grays and Golden Rods will hook up tomorrow morning on the Peninsula Park grounds, and in the afternoon the Grays have been matched to meet the Overlook contingent on the same grounds. Ed Huesing and Chamberlain will form the battery for the Lents team in. the afternoon, with Johnson doing the twirling in the aft ernoon. " Last Sunday the Golden Rods won from the Knights and Ladies of Se curity balltossers 16 to 4 on Mont gomery Flats. The catching of Clifford and the twirling of "Shorty" MacKenzie were the features of the game for the winners. The Golden Rods want out-of-town games. Call Manager George MacKenzie at "Woodlawn 3323 after 6 o'clock at night. ; s - s Max Politz for the Iion Clothing Com pany baseball team defeated a picked nine on the Vaughn-street grounds 9 BEST TREATMENT FOR CATARRH S. S. S. Removes the Cause. Specialists have agreed that Catarrh is an Infection of the blood. Once you get your blood cleansed of the Catarrhal poisons you will be relieved of Catarrh the dripping In the throat, hawking and spitting, sores In the nostrils, and the disagreeable breath. It was caused, in the first place, because your impov erished blood was easily Infected. Pos sibly a slight cold or contact with some me who had a cold. But the point is don't suffer with Catarrh it Is not necessary. The remedy S. S. S-, discov ered over fifty years ago, tested, true and tried, is always obtainable at any drug store. It has proven its value in thousands of cases. It will do so in your case.- Get 8. S. S. at once and begin treatment. - If yours is a ions-standing case, be sure to write the Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, Ga., for free medical advice. They , will tell you how this purely vegetable blood tonic cleanses the impurities from the blood by liter ally washing- it clean. to 4. Groom, of the Lions, made live hits in five trips to the plate. - The Ben Htir club continued its win ning streak last Sunday by defeating the Peninsula Park Grays 4 to 3. Hyronimous, the crack Ben Hurtwirler. has not lost a game this season.. Wat- Kins did the receiving for Beniiur. Woodstock defeated the Portland Heights team 11 to 8. Poor support to Degidio was responsible for the wal- oping of the Portland Heights organi zation. A return game will be played on the West End grounds in the near future. Out-of-town games are wanted by Portland Heights. Write to Man ager W. D. Pierce. 167 North Seven teenth street, or call Marshall 395a. Kstucada Has Games Scheduled. EST ACAD A. Or., May 19. (Special.) -The Estacada baseball team next Sunday afternoon will play the Log Cabin Bakery team, of Portland, at the Estacada grounds. Last Sunday's game was one of the best ever staged here, with the Bricklayers, of Portland, win ning bv a score of 9 to 6. Another game between these teams has been ar ranged for two weeks from Sunday. Colorado uses more than 2.000.000 ler- trlcal horse power every day to - run its Industries. TOO I.ATK TO CLASSIFY. WAXTKD Competent girl for housework; gooa cook. fcL'S Kearney. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR TUB FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING! YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGON IAN OFFICE: A r.:l. 45. 50.1, r.34. DOS. BOO. 608. 610. it ."iltu. .V.MP, Bill!, l0, (i(MI, 0(1", 611!). Bll. C tl. 01IIS. Otlll. 5bH, 0UU, 6U8, 60U. I 44:. rli;l, 5ll7. 6I8. 600. K mm. n::. nua. 5113. nne. 611. 022. -fc" 452, r.uo, 5u, r7o, shs, oss, Buo. B04. 0U6. 51IH. OOO 006 607. 608. 571. r.Sl, 600, 704, 958. If 453. 465. Wi:!. 605. 60S. 010. J 504, MX 060, 67:!, 070, 0t8. 500. 503, 504. 50tS. K 550. 570, r0t, 60T, 600. -57. OKI. Mil 681. KID. M 440. 450. OttS. 083, 084. 087, 500, 504. CH7. 610. N 452. B::tl. 567, 680, 594, 606, 608. 609. 610. 568, 600. I 454. OHO. 072. 091, 093, 098. 606. 608, 610. K 5:tl. 5UJ. 5U9. K 505. r.7:i. 504. .105. 606. 609, 611. T 41M1, OilS. 007. 0IIH. 571. BUS, 606. V 54S, 671. 0ii:l. 5114, 000, 608. W 475, 4S6, r, B70, 004, 006. X 572, 607. 609, XX800. Y 451. 400 489. 670. 5112. 603. A B 4K7. GtiS. 5S2, 0X6, 607, 608, 609. AC 5:t8. Otiti, 07O. 503. All 452. 5X2. 5X0, 0!5. 597. AF 447. r.Sl. 503. 568, 088, 593. AE 37H. 003. Ai 442. AIC 545, 568, 578, 579. B0, 581, 083, 587. 693. A.I 447. 648. 500, 6WO. 68.!. AK 448, 519, 54.. 670, 576. AL 443, 487, 045. 604, 019, 644, 508, 579, 503. AM 545. AX 500. 60S. 610. AO 182. 444. 480, 562, 567, 697. 600, 606, 607. 600. 610. AI 21 S. 504. 065. 67T. 503. 599. 606, 608. 609 AK 44l, 500, 570, 502. o8, 610. 5IS. 591 603 5!l... 007. 508. 807. BOW. il 304. r.:il. 509. 671, 5M2. 502. 607. lit' 452, 576. 577. 507, 022. 623. If above answers are not calkd for within six days same will be destroyed. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Dally and Sunday. Per Line. One time lie hitne ad two consecutive times. ...... .SSa bame ml three consecutive tixnea. ...... .see bame ad Six of seven consecutive time -Stic The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tion except tbe following: Mtuuatlons Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. iror Ueut Booms Private Families. Board and Kooiu ITlvste Families. Housekeeping- Booms Private Families. Kate on the above classifications is 1 cents a line each Insertion. lbs OrrKOQian will arrefit classified ad vertisements over tUe telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber of either rhone. No nrlre will be ouoted over tlio phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Wliether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over lbs phone depends upon the promptness of pas meat of tele phone advertlKementN. "Situations Wanted" and "Personal" advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion oniy win lie accepted lor "Fnrni ture for Hale," "Business Opportunities.' "Boomlnjr-liouses" and "Wanted to Kent. On cuance' advertisements charsres will be based on tbe number of lines appearing" In the paper, rrsjardles of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. . Advertisements to receive proper classi fication must be In The Oreajonian offiro before 8:45 o'clock mt nla"ht. . except Satur day. I losing hour for Tbe Sunday Ore. witi no 4 lav o ciock aturuay niKjnt he office will be onen until 10 o'clm-lr t r as usual, and all ads received too late for proper clakslflcation will be run under the neaumg " loo l.ate To Classify." Telephones: Slain 1070. A 6095. MEF.TIXO NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. A cereraonls session will be held on Satur day, June 10, at the Masonic 7"tnple. Petitions will be re ceived until 2 P. M. By ordor of the Potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder, MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 14. O. E. 8. Officers and members . requested to -attend the funeral services oi our late brother. G. O. Worden. at 2:30 this (Saturday) afternoon it P. S. Dunnlna s cnanel. ,ast &lxtn and Alder streets, uruer w. m. BELLE RICHMOND. Seo. "WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) afternoon. 2 o'clock. East Eighth and Burnslde. to conduct the funeral of Brother G. O. Wor- den. latA of Fairvlew LodKe. No. 92. Trout- dale. Funeral committee please take notice. Full attendance auaireu. ah m. ai. inwtea, Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec OREGON LODGE, NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Saturday) evening: at 8 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order or the w. M. t LESLIES. PARKER, Sec EMPTEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs, jaeger .ttros.. ui-s eixtn st. IFI. STARK Tvi C. Stark, late of 30ft Glenn ave.. aKed f4 years. item a ins at p. I L.erch undertaking; parlors, Kant Eleventh an A uiay street. nnerai notico later. ERIKSSON At Seattle. Wish.. May 1ft, Apnea Amelia Eriksson, 31 years lo months ana uayu. Duvia a a us ti tor oi Jimaouoi ana buaua .t.riJtMoa AMTSEMENTS. &KATS NOW l-LINU AT BOX OFFICK. HEILIC Bdwy at Taylor Main X & A-1122 3 Next Monday Prfc." MAT. WED. Chaa. Frohman Presents OTIS SKINNER In His Latest Comedy Hit "COCK O THK WALK . By Henry Arthur Jones Eves., Floor. 11 rows, 2; 7 rows. $10; Balcony, Sl.OO. 75c ROc Cnllery, Soc Special Wed. mat.. Floor.- $l.oO, l.O0. Balcony 1.00, 7T.C. f.Oc. Giflery. GOc OAKS PARK Chat 7o. 13 In increasing numbers during; the past years organizations and con vention committees have arranged to hold their gatherings at the Oaks. Set among giant oak trees, edg ing the east bank of the Willamette River, smooth lawns are found, broken here and there by artistic ally arranged flower beds. We have exerted ourselves in every way to preserve the natural beauty of the spot and to intensify it in every way by artificial means. The auditorium affords seating capacity for 3000 persons. It boasts the largest stage of any theater in Portland and is fortunate in pos sessing extraordinary acoustic properties. This great building is centrally located in the park, and arrangements can be made for its use for speaking and business meetings. Picnic pavilions have been built for this season of varying capacity, so that arrangements for seating your party can be made with little difficulty. A large kitchenette has been installed on the grounds, where attendants will assist in the preparation of tea, coffee or other hot beverages. In selecting the Oaks for your meeting place this Summer you will afford your members and friends a day of unrivaled entertainment. A carefully planned programme has been arranged for every day of the park season. Numerous diversions are found, including the newly laid roller skating rink, the Blue Streak scenic ride, the Chutes, and, for the children, the always-absorbing miniature railway. The roller skating rink will be open for patrons on Sunday. A new maple floor has been laid. JOHN F. CORRAY. WATCH THE CHAT DAILY FOR OAKS PARK EVENTS 1MIPP0DR0ME (Formerly Orpheum) BROADWAY AT YAMHILL FEATURE fJLTjjJJ,! FIRST-nUX PICTITRKS VAUDEVILLE . COME EARLY ALL SEAT MATIXEES, lOrs EVENINGS. ISO. (Sl.NUAV, ALL SKATS lte.) Continuous Performances 1 to 11 P.M. Complete C'bmnce Sunday nnd Wednesday -rtATlNIX DAILY 230 THE JUNIOR REVIEW OF 1916 Vaudeville's biggest and merriest musical production csst or ao. UTIIt,K Hill At I Boxes, first row balcony seats reserreti by phone. Curtain. CUD, 1 stn4 s. DIED. FINK At her late residence, 814 Mississippi ave., aiay 1. ivamcnue,c r in., 78 yeats, la days, beloved mother ot A. R. Fink, of Sacramento. Cal.: J. 14. A. Klnk. Mrs B. E. McAvenney. Mrs. George Lewis. Mrs. L. Bliger, Mrs. Allen P. Cowan, of Portland. Remains at R. "1". Byrnes-" funeral parlor. Williams ave.. at Knott st. Announcement of funeral later. VAN" HOL'TEX At Shoemaker. N. M., SIsy 18. Erf Is J. vsn Houten. wits ot J. f. Van Houten and daughter of the lata Charles M. Cartwrlght. Remains will be sent to Portland lor Interment. Funeral notice later. ALERT In this city. May 10. Margaret Alert, aared 42 vears; beloved wile of Gustav Alert. Notice of funeral later. Remains at parlrtrs of Miller sc Traooy. :ELCH In this city. May 19. William Kelch. aged 2 years 9 months 25 days. Remains are st Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. FFXEB-U NOTICES. LENTZ At the residance of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Miller, noiorooK, .r., aisy jo. aos .L. Lentz. aged 3S years 8 months 21 dsys. Sister of George Lentz. of St. Helens: Mrs. Collie Kenney. of Gresham: Mrs. W. J. Miller, of Holbrook: Mrs. Hannah Klmb ' Icy, of Anderson, Or., and Mrs. Emms Sessions, of Nebraska. - Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 11 A. M. today (Saturday). May 20. Inter ment. Uamascus, Or. BERGMAN At the family residence. 69-1 Hoyt street. May j. josepn mrgmnu, aged e years S months a; days. Beloved husband of Karlina Bergman, father of Nathan J., Ida and Samuel K. Bergman. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at II A. ,M. tomorrow (Sunday), May 21. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. Please omit flowers. WATSON May 19. Margaret Watson, aged 71 years, wile ot l.. J. waison, ot Denver. Colorado. She is also survived by 1". W. and W. S. Watson, of this city; Mrs. L. Razier, of Denver. Colorado; Mrs. 11. S. Harvey, of Denver. Colo., and Mrs. J. E. Robinson, of St. Louis. Mo. The remains will be forwarded to Denver. Colo., for services and Interment by F. S. Dun ning. Inc., East Side Funeral Directors. HARLOP Dr. E. B. Haslop, at his home, ir'f - F.sst Couch street. May "18. He leaves to mourn him his wife, who was formerly Miss Nettle Bartiett: his par ents one brother, and three sisters. Funeral services at W". II. Hamilton's funeral chapel. Fast Eightieth and GUsan streets, today tbaturngyi, May ztr. at P. M. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. WORDEN The funeral services of the late Guilford Oliver Worden will be held at the chapel of F. S. Dunning, lnc cast Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder sC. st 2:llu P. M. today eSaturdayl. May 20. tinder the auspices of Washington Lodge No. 48. A. t . ana A. M. rnenas invited Interment Rlverview Cemetery. g VX Tho funersl services of the late Alfred i-.t will be held at tbe chapel of the F. 8. Dunning Inc., East Side Funeral Direct ors 414 E. Alder st.. at 1 P. M. today (Sat urday). Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. SHRAKE The funeral services of the late Franklin L. Phrake will be held at the .Chapel of F. S. Dunning, inc.. East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder st., at 111 a. M. (Saturday). May 20. Friends in vited, iuturmcni iiunuomaa Lctuuiery, r-opiiann-v) i 11 Tu,a.dlr!ct?ry la for the information .,.1 """fent lines of business which the nii ?. . TP"11011 wnicb. cannot b Phoning laln 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCORDIOX PIJSATIXU. K- STtiPHAN, hemstitching, sclloplug, ac cord., side pleat, buttous coven d ; mail orders. I'JS 1'ittock block. Broadway 1 '.. HEMSTITCHING, buttons and pleating or ""s promptly filled. Elite Button Shop, -- jimr.aon St.. opposite olds & Klnu. I'LKATINO. hemstitching, buttons covered. Kantorn Novelty Co.. B'day iluoo.;ksaia a i . v sts. MONTANA ASSAY OKKIClCTilid Gold, sllvvr and platinum bouKht. ATTOR.NEVS. . J. MAKKL1M 1'rubale. real estate, win ing; and corporation law; .bMrai-ts and cities examined, written opinions furnlsli.d H:l4 Northwestern Hank bl.lg. Main ST-isI GRAHAM, BECKETT & COOl'tlt i.enrral practice; .bauacu examined. Oul-a I'lutl pkik. l'hone Main ,"mi. CA.M'KK. "n.'iHJ"'- M- U- t-ANCKR THEATliU. 1 's Alberta at. Woodlawn 4100. CAKPBT V KAY K K. FLLK1.- Itl tis KROM OI.I OAIU'ETS. larpet cl.-auliix. refitting, etc. Nnrth T"st Rug Co., IS K. Mil. hoth phones. Kl.l.t MI B1TTOXS. lt.VIH.KS .-H ll,lW1X ItOUSON COMPANY, -w. Washington ,t. Main pi a and nilKOIIHUSTS. William. Kslelle and William Jr. Dcvi-nv, the only scientific chirr.podu.ts in the cltv .Jr r,:iu- Ocrliiiiitr blue., southwest torner Sd and Alder. Phone Main loin. CHIROPODY and pedlrurliiK. Mrs. II 1). ...... viucg ria-qniT bldt. M CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS? DR. McMAHON Chronic cases, taking time 1. treatments. li; won It . . onomv. health, wealth. L'ns-K-io-i l-u- Maclt-av bid COLLECTION AtiENCY. NKTH A CO.. Worcebter bide. Main 17'.. C o collection, no clisrse. KxtaMish. d l:i. JCIV1L ENGINEER. V. -a RDSOv- 3-i Henry bldjf. Phone 11AM ING. HKATH-K fCHOOU Lesson dail ; .... s io 111. CM ad St l.,-t WmmIi and -Stark. Main 3 jn.'.. Lesson's MLI.KKY BI.1X;.. ad and Morrison 10 leJ sons, t..; classes Mon Frl. eve. Mar ;i.i ut.Ms Dfci BliAi:, Oriental, l nature. Egypt tancy, Russian. Ipantsh, toe. Main ."ail". DRESS ISLITS. DRESS SUITS for salo or rent at low pr buy dress -suits at 01 ad st. KVE. KAK.XOSKAN"l" THROAT Treatment hv snccla Mnl - 1 ....... , -. . TT . . .. l". K. Casscdav. .m 7 rlt.,r 1.1' .... ' ' h.. -IU Ql H II. PIKE INM RANCE. PACIFIC STATES HUE lNSIl;v.-iw i: .' HAT CLEANING I'ANAMA HATS cleaned. blocked 7c"- straws, felts, file: iuirnnt.i near 4th. :td. near stark. 44 3d. M. Vnai';! OUKOON-S RELIABLE. Tabor 34 !l. MATTRESS MA K I NgT And feather renovating. Phone Kant .'.ST4 MESSKXGEK KKKYK'K I 1 v l CO. Motorcycle s and A l!l.-,:t. M CSICAL. SECURITY STORAllE OUT OR CAKH $4..0 Haines Broa..f0:, I; J'ra.ibury ....145 Jieinase t-prlght -.,at U. 5o..o Largs Upright at $110 3x Roudolr Un- .,r'Fni. -.0 cnicKcrinc ..33 TO FIRST CALLER, 100 4TH STREET, Storage, Too Monthly. WHOLESALERS AND Al'TO AND UUGGY TOPS. WBRl'l LI.E BUGGY TOP Co.. aoo ;d st. AUTO SPRINGS MANIKACTIRINO. Mfs. and repair ing ; aooo springs in stock. l.".th and Couch. .LAtlER SPRING CO, BAGGAGE CIIKCK.EI AT HOME. Pagguge & Omnibus Transter. Park & Liavls. ItREAO 1JAKLRY. Royal Bakery Conf.. Inc. 11th and EVerett. GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOUSE R. Board of Trade bldg. M. II. iRH ERS. WADHAMS fc CO.. li7-7.- Fourth St. HATS ANI CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., .-.:l-". F . HIUKs. WOOL. CASCARA It ARK. Kill N BROS., I'll Front st. MILLIN'EKY. FR.tSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. MEN'S ANT WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, COLUMBIA Neckwear Mf- "'., S-'-'i .'th s ITXEML mRECTORS. Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Utve You PERFECT SERVICE This modern, establishment, with Its conveniences, including a se cluded driveway, insures abso lute privacy, causing: in no way a departure from aa established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman. Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON. The Progressive FUNERAL. LllHECTORS. .Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9. A 1509. EDWARD H0LMAN CO. Established 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507, A 1511. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICE FOR I-ESS $1 Rfl FUNERAL FOR MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Lady Assistant. Washington st Ella sL. beL 20th and 21st. Main aoI. A ibsO. West tside. A. K. ZELUER 4fc CO.. 0K2 WILLIAMS AY si. East lues, C lub8. Lady attendant. Day and night service. F B. DUNNING, ING. st Elde Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East &2, B a2u. DUNNING & McENTEE. funersl directors. Broadway and Pino. Fhoua -Broadway 3U, A 4558. Lady attendant. R. T. BYRNES. Williams and Kuoiu East 1115. C 143. Lady attendanu P. L. LURCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady assistant. Fast 781. 12tn and Morrison sts. Main 01 BREE.E & SNOOK, tiunnyside l'srlers. Auto hesrse. la Belmont. Tab, lap. B .aja. MR. AND MRS. W. 11. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E. both and Gilsau. Tabor 4.113 SKEWES LNOERTAKI NO COMPANY. 3d I and Clay. 'L 4U5a. a iUal. Lady aLicudanu , TTT, T3 LismessH du eim . of the public, to give aa far as possible average person may find occasion to found here will bo svladly fumishe-4 by. MUSICAL. Emll Thu-lhoi-n. loliu ua.-h.-r. pupil Soci. -"7 Fl-cdncr Mds. A -410", MaiUil ltt-0. Ol'TOMKTKISTS AMI OPTICIAN. YOUR EYKS fitted with best 1,-iis.-?. oid-;illcd mounts. si.. tip; torics. J'J.OO up: near and far l.ifo.-als. $-. jo up; lensos nuniiratcd: mail orders. I'll. J. I). MKKK1MTH. ;;i".i Washington St. SAVE YOUR t CorreiUy fitted glasses, gold fiih-d -mountings ss low as II.-''"; I quality and s.-rvico tlio st. Chan. TV. ;ooima:i. optemotrlst. 20v Morrison el. Main Kl-4. GLOME Ol'TlOAL CO. P.est (a.r.U Glasses on Earth. S'-cond Floor Allsky bl.lg.. Cor. Third and Morrison sla. PATENT ATTORNEYS. K. i WRIGHT, aa eai' experience I", a. and for.-iK.i pat. -nls. liol li.-kum tnug. PICTURE lUAMlNG. ASHKOIU). CIO Northwest hlilB.. lilli i Wma PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD ril'E CO. Factory ad office 11. ar a4;h and York sts. Main C4'.i. PRINTING, KEYSTONE I'UKSS J. F-. C.a lit elit.oln. lllkr, l'riiiting and ini..t -piti. loo'- l-'iont ft., T-orner sturk. Main or A Ills. RAG Kl GGS AMI I I I I I" Rl GS. Ingrsine.' Rrnsscls. Smyrna. Axmliislcrs, ras rugs. All sires; mall orders prompt; booklet WESTERN" FLUFF R I C. O .. Union se. N. Fast .M". It 14TT.. KKAI. KoTATK KFAI.F.KS. I'.U.MEISJiiNES C11.. H. IV 4i'4 W iieox ASSim-IaTTCIi INVESTMENT CIV, nai Y RENEIHCT BROS.. !i::ii Hawthorne ae bid. eon. M KNIC PAINTING. SCENIC PAINTING and window- l..-k-grotinds. Call Theodore Sclmitr, artist, formerly at llakrr Thi-ater. studio. E. lio'lt St.. a l.loeks north of Gllsan. Tabor li' STAMP liKAI.EIC. COI.I.MI : I A STAMP "Q. sior ir.t- NT TRANSIT-:!!. FREE STORAGI-3 MOVINO FOR LIMITF.U TIME IN" Oll TO "FILL Olll MODEKN i:i:h"K WARE HOUSE. EXPERT PACKING. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO., 4 4-40 E VST SIXTH ST. N. PHONES EAST oM!'. EAST ..'HiO. ALWAYS PICK THE REST Household iinuila speilalists; .loraue, packing, s-.ip-ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to h!1 points, t. O. PICK TRANSFER A: SIOKAC.E CO.. ad and pine sts. Broadway ol.O, A lit!"!. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 4V4 GlUan si., corner 1 :;t ti Telephone Main lit or A lln'.i. We own Silil operate two largo class ".V warehouses 011 termttinl tracks; lowest ln tftirance rates in the city. MADISON ST. IiOClC AND WAREHOUSE Office ISO Madison. General merchaiiil ise and forwarding a-ients. lhone Main Tiil.l. ETLKINAKY SC1IIKLS AN i IOI.I.KI.KS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 11. Catalogue free. C. K.ane, pres ident. ISla Market St., San Francisco. SLAHWOOU. DRY AM) GREEN. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. Mil. .'.',4n. A I"J1 GREEN AN"I DRY SL.VHWOOU. l.lokwo.,d, Panama Fuel Co. Main, A :;.;'.!. MANUFACTURERS XON-INTOXICATIMi RKYKKAOKs, WE1.VHA1UI-S tinl.llEN AM .N El TAR. Henry Wclrhard I'lant. Uth and Ilurnslde. i'hoTio Main 7a. A lla. PLAIN ANU 1. 1 HRICA'I ING OILS. W. P. FULLER Ji: CO.. lath and Havls sts. PAINTS. RA SMI. -sen .V: OILS Cl ... ANI iiLASS. ad and Taylor PIPE. PIPE FITTING AMI VALVES.' M. 1. KLINE. Si-Mi Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SI PPL1ES. M. L. KLINE. 4-vr, Kiont st. e.... J".K.,,1KKS AN, I I BLIIIERS. PRIMTIcJR r' -HVLTEs ANU COMPANY" ""'I IIIW First Oak Sis. MJln 111."".. A 1103 ,,"K,, E COMMISSION MKRCHANTS." KVKRHINH FA I; R E 1.1.. no Front st. t ROPE AMI 1S1N1HNG TWINE. Portland CordaKe Co.. 14tli and Northrup. . SAFETY" RAZOR HON ING. AtTOMATIC KEEN ElKia CO.. lso'i 4th. . SASH. IMXIUS AMI GI-SS. W . P. Fl I.I.HP. t o., lath and I'avls st. MnRQtN-W.,Yi!p;i FLORISTS. MAR. TIN & FORRES CO.. 'lorists B4? Washington. Main al. A SCO. Flowers for all occasions arllntlcally arranxetl. CLARKE BROS.. Lorlsis. a-7 Morrison .u Alain or a lbO.". Flno flowers and floral defiuns. No brmtl'-h stores. WAX M SMITH. Main 7ai5. A 3121. 6!1 Ing bid nth and Alder sts. IONSETH FLORAL CO., 2S3 Washington. St.. bet. th and ith. Main Slni. A mil. MONCMENTS. PORTLAND MA RULE WORKS. '.il4-2r.t! 4ti St.. opposite City Hall. Main S5U4, lullllj Neu A- sons for memorials. j0 BLAESING GRANITE COJ I U THIRD AT MADISON STREET I OREGON HUMNE SOCIETY 574 BELMONT ST. Phones, East 14a:i. H Opes Day and Muhl. Iteport all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment'R nut I r .. a . desiring pet may communicate with us. NEW TOD AT. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved dtjr and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. tl'LCIAL RATES ON LAHOU LOANS ON IICSINESS ritUPEKTICS. A. H. BIRRELL CO. tI7-Sl Nortbwestera Bask Bulldlac Marshall 4114. A 4118. niimiimimmimuiHiniHiiiimiimiiiiit, MONEY FOR FARMERS At Cmrreat Rate. r: COMES IN ANU TALK WITH CS ar Wrtta Bankers' Mortsace Corporatlsa, Ti - Capital VSt0,M)O. Title Jt 'Trust UldsT- Portlaad, Oregsa E TiitniiiiiiHiiiuiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 6-. Private Funds at 6 and 7. ROBERTSON & EWING 307-st N'orthwntrrs Bink Bldg-. Western Bond c Mortgage, Co. Oar Owa Money at Current Rates. HE S1CIPAL AND COHPOKATIOX BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS, bo Komrta Su. Bearsl of Trade It Ida- raDLGQUDEYCO t3 7 LOANS ON MORTGAQC SECURITY KOHTHESTtRN BANK OUILD1N4 It