i ' THE JIORXINO OREGOXIAW. SATURDAY. 3IAY 13, 1916. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGON1AX TELEPHONKS. Managing Editor Main 7070, A. SOBS i uy h,clltor .. Main 7uiu. a wjwj Sunday Editor Main 7070. A BOSS Advertising Department ...Main 7070, A 6095 Composing-room . .... ..Main 7070, A 6095 City Circulation Main 707O, A 6095 Printing-room Main 7070, A 608T, Superintendent Building ...Main 7070, A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. HEILTG fBroadway at Taylor) "Th Birth of a Nation." 2:13 and 8:15 o'clock. VANTAGES (Alder and Broadway) Vaude ville, leiformances, 3:30, 7:30 and 8:15. HIPPODROME (Broadway and TamhlU) Vaudeville and moving pictures from 1 I. M. continuously to H P. M. XYRIC (Fourth and Stark: streets) Dillon and "King In musical comedy. Afternoon and night performances daily. STRAND (Park, West Park and Stark) Vaudeville aud motion pictures, continu ous. BASEBALL (Recreation Park. 24th and Vaughn streets) Portland vs San Fraa clB'.o. Week uays, :uu P. M. : Sundays, 2:S0 P. M. Advertisements Intended tor City News Jp Brief columns In Sunday's Issue most be banded In The Oregonian business office y ft o'clock Saturday evening. J-ttctliib to Be Gives ox "Hebrews." r. A. L. Hutchinson will give his fourth lecture on "Hebrews" Monday night at 7:30 at the Central Library under the auspice? of the Christian Workers Training School. Dr. -Milliken will conduct the "question box" as usual as well as lecture on "The Kpiatle to the J tomans. " llev. J. yi Nelson will prive a. lecture on "rtuKselism." It is expected that Rev. Walter Duff, who has been absent on account of illness In his family will resume charge of school. The public Is invited. Two Druggists Accused. Warrants Issued from the Municipal Court were served on two Portland pharmacists yesterday afternoon, charging them with "misbrandlnjj certain drugs." H. I. Strj ker. of the Asplund Drug Com pany, 110 North Sixth street, and K. P. Scott, of the Brink pharmacy. Thir teenth and Washington streets, will be the defendants in trial cases for the selling of ethyl alcohol without label ing the bottle. The complaint was tigned by State Dairy and Food Com missioner Mickle. Socialists to Talk on Defense. On Sunday, May 14. In the large hall Cen tral Library at 2:30 P. M. the So cialist party will hold a meeting to present its position on "Neutrality and Preparedness." Victor J. McCone. State Secretary, and Albert Strieff, Na tional Committeeman, will present the views which they were unable to dis cuss at the convention of the Ameri can Neutrality League Sunday. May 7. There will be no charge. Samuel Lancaster, to Speak. Samuel Lancaster will lecture on the beauties and commercial value of the Columbia Highway Tuesday, May 16, at 8 P. M.. at the New York Society's rooms in the Oregon building. A musical pro Bramme will be furnished by Mrs. Lon Gray. Refreshments -will be served. All former New Yorkers and friends will be welcomed. After the programme dancing and card playing will be in order. George Hutchen Visitor. George l-i. Hutchen, who for several years was manager of the Portland Rose Festival, is in Portland for a few days renew ing acquaintanceships. Mr. Hutchen is now engaged in Los Angeles in the production of a gigantic moving-picture film "The Spirit of 17J6." It is being produced in collaboration with several of the most prominent film producers in the country. Advertising Solicitor Arrested. On complaint of R. J. Clary, a mer chant of 124 Killingsworth avenue, K J. Ormsby, of 1206 East Main street, was arrested yesterday by City Detec tives Hellyer and Tackaberry. Ormsby Is charged with larceny by bailee. He Is a solicitor for advertising. Mr. Clary charges that Ormsby collected money from him for an advertisement nrt Tailed to carry out the contract. Mrs. Meriman's Funeral, Held. Fu neral services of Mrs. Mary M. Meri man, who died Wednesday at her home, 2 39 Grand avenue North, were con ducted yesterday from the residence and the interment was made in River- view Cemetery. She was the wife of John It. Meriman, mother of Mrs. Har riette A. Sherman, and a -member of Columbia Rebekah Lodge. The family lormeriy uvea in Illinois and Ohio. Pn. S. A. Dauford Returns. Dr. S. A. Danford returned yesterday from Bis marck, N. D., where he was called on account of the illness of his daughter. He will preach Sunday morning at the jrvington .uemoaist cnurch, corner l.ast Tenth and Weidler streets. The church building will be in comfortable thape and the public is cordially in vited. Good music will be a feature, Central Presbyterian Church. East 13th and Kast Pine. President Wallace II. Lee. Albany College, supply. Sun day. 10:30. "Character Crystallized and Destiny Decided by , Language" (by request : 7:45. "The Bible Definition or a. Christian"; S. S. at 12. C. K. 6:4n. Chorus choir under direction of Maldwyn Kvans. Adv. umbrella Tost in Jitnet. Would the person who took a woman's um brella. with smooth brown handle, from a jitney car on the Williams avenue line. on Tuesday morning please return It to Jitney headquarters, S15 Gerlinger building. Alder and First streets? School Exhibit Arranoep. There will be an exhibition of domestic silence, domestic arts and fine arts -work of the pupils of Franklin High .fcnooi next u nursdav at 2:30 o clock The teachers in charge of the classes pre Miss Gertrude Blackman. Mrs. E. Templeton and MiFs E. Foster. Illustrated Bird Lecture Planned. -A stereoptlcbn lecture on "The Spring Housekeeping of the Birds" will be given by Mrs. Mamie K. Camphel of Multnomah, at the Audubon Bird Clubrooms, 309 l. M. C. A. building, Tonight at 8 o clock. Irish Fair Nets 11500. The Irish fair given in Hfbernla Hall. Russel street, bv the Ancient Order of Hiber nians. . netted to the Hall Association the sum of ?1500. The money will be j used to reduce the debt on the build ing. Mother's Dat jpermon, 7:45 Sunday evening, at the First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder. Half-tone reproductions of statue "Her Son" will be distributed to congrega tion. Special music. Dr. Boyd will preach also at 10:30 A. M. AdV. Ftthian Sisters Called. All Pythian Sisters not connected with any local temple are asked to call the chief of Orphia Temple at Main 333!). to take up plans for the l'ythians convention this Summer. . College President to Speak. At the Waverly Heights Congregational Church Sunday evening the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. W. M. Zumbro. president of the American College at Madura, India. Single Tax Meeting Tonight. The regular meeting of the Oregon Single Tax Association will be held this even ing In room H, Central Library.- Can didates w'lll speak. First-Class. Three-Room Suite. Ex cellent proposition for two attorneys. Prominent building located in the heart of business district. A 577, Oregonian. Adv. First Congregational Church. Park and Madlsop. Luther R. Dyott. minister. At 11A.M. President W. M. Zumbro. of Madura, India, will preach. .At 7:45 P. M. Dr. Dyott preaches. Adv. We Have a three-room suite suit able for attorneys or commercial offices, absolutely the best location in the city. H 56S. Oregonian. Adv. Coffete Dat Saturdat. Our 40c bulk coffee. 25c. limit 4 lbs. We deliver. Phone early. M. or A18S3. Martin Marks Coffee Co., 252 3d st. Adv. English Toi-fes that is really r.rumptuous at the Trail Candy Shop, 702 Wash. st. Adv. Bishop Brtfogel's Appointments Sundat Set. Bishop S. C Bryfogel, of the Evangelical Association, will be in Portland on Sunday. At 11 o'clock in the morning he will speak in the German language in the First German Church, Tenth and Clay streets; at 3 P. M. he will address a union meet ing at the First United Evangelical Church, East Sixteenth and Poplar streets, Ladd's Addition, and at night at the Lents Evangelical Church. The 3 o'clock meeting will be for Evan gelical churches of both branches. On May 18 he will open the Oregon-Wash ington conference at Bellingham, wasn. Fraternal delegates from the United Evangelical Church will attend this conference. Electric Bill $18,460. Suit to col lect $18,460 alleged to be due the Portland Railway. Light & Power Com pany for electric energy furnished the power plant of the Monarch Lumber Company at Kenton since September 1, 1913. was filed in the Circuit Court yesterday. The suit is brought, not against the lumber -company. but against the Assets Realization Com pany, of Chicago, which Is said to be holding the property in trust for credi tors. The total value of power slven is estimated at S84, 219.75 of which C65.759.75 has been paid. Taylor-Street M. E. Church. At the usual outdoor service tomorrow at 10:15 A. M. in front of the locked and barred doors of the church at Third and Taylor streets. The sermon will be preached by Rev. George E. Lewis, pastor of Highland Congregational Church At the close of this service Centenary Church members will furnish automo biles to take the congregation to their church service at which Miss Florence Leach, of the Taylor-Street Church, will render a vocal solo. Adv. Freedom Is Granted. Having al ready served. 41 days in Jail while awaiting a hearing on his appeal. Jose Montero. convicted of larceny in the Municioal Court and sentenced to 90 days' imprisonment, decided to plead s-uiitv hefore Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday and was paroled in view of his Inner term in lail. Me was. con victed for the theft of a watch valued at $20 from Mrs. H. O. Meyers. Mazamas Will Go to Tunnel, Spun. For a local trin on Sunday the Maza mas will leave town on the westbound train from the -North Bank depot at 8:10 A- M. and go to Tunnel Spur via the United Railway. The hike will De back to Portland over the Skyline boulevard, a distance of 14 or 15 miles, affording many fine views. Dr. Cheney to Bb at White temple. -Dr D. B. Cheney, of Superior. Wis., who occupied the White Temple pulpit ast Sunday, will preach again tomor row morning and night. His topic in the morning will be "The Glory of Motherhood" and at night "The Moral Strain and the Moral Crisis." Gospel Meetings Continue. Gospel meetings will continue for another week at Anabel Park. Creston Station. The Christian Workers will have charge. Rev. Walter Duff will give lectures. A Word to thb Wise. Better hear That Second Mile," Sunday eve. at Calvary Presbyterian Church. 11th and Clay. Morning "Mother's Day." Adv. POOL HALL CLOSED Columbia, on Sixth Street, Gets 30 Days to Quit. POLITICS PLOT CHARGED NOTION FILED OVER COUNTER COSfPtAINTS AGAINST M'ARTHCB. Elimination of Irrevelant Portions of Answer to 950,000 Libel Salt j Is Requested. GAMBLING CHARGE CAUSE That the counter-charges against Representative C. N. McArthur, set forth In the answer of R. P. Hutton to the $50,000 libel -suit filed by the Rep resentative are in contempt of court and were made solely for the political purpose of republication as campaign material is stated in tne motion to strike out the alleged Irrelevant por tions, filed by Attorneys H. S. Mc- Cutchan and Jay Bowerman yesterday. rue ODjectioname matter, wnicn forms what is characterized in the mo tion as a "pretended" defense, harked back to land-fraud revelations regard ing Mr. McArthur and political charges, all discovered in an investigation ad mitted to have been subsequent to the publication of the alleged libel. The ground upon which Attorneys McCutchan and Bowerman ask that the major portion of the answer be stricken from the records is that it is sham. frivolous'. ' immaterial, irrelevant and redundant: 'is not in good faith, but was set up by the defendant in con tempt of this court for the purpose of having the same republished as a cam paign document in the publtc press, in order furlher to injure, damage and defame this plaintiff, and entirely for political purpose and not in the belief that the same was any defense to the matters and things alleged in the com plaint." The libel suit is based on the dlstrl- button and publication by Mr. Hutton. as superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, of a circular scoring Mr. Mc Arthur and upholding E. V. Littlefield opponent of Mr. McArthur for Re publican nomination as Representative and urging dry forces to register Re publican to defeat Mr. McArthur. Mayor's Vote in Council Decides Question Mr. Baker Dissents Because of Police "Stool Pigeon" Evidence. A ridiculous exhibition." commented City Commissioner Baker yesterday when the City Council, by vote of three to two. revoked the license of the Columbia Poolhall on Sixth street be tween Stark and Washington, streets. on a charge of having permitted gambling in the place. The revocation will not take effect for 30 days. I don't see how any fair-minded man could vote for this revocation on testimony such as was introduced in this case." said Commissioner Baker after the vote had been taken and the revocation adopted by vote of Mayor Albee and Commissioners Daly and Bigelow, against Commissioners Baker and Dieck. "The only person who had any evidence of gambling was a police 'stool pigeon.' I certainly would hate to have any case Involving my self tried before this Council." Litigation la Threatened. Fred Hussman, proprietor of the poolhall, which is one - of the largest establishments In the city, declared after the vote had been taken that he would take the question into the courts on writ of review proceedings. He said he considered it an outrage for a Council to attempt arbitrarily to put a business establishment out of commis sion without having satisfactory evidence. Mayor Albee, before he voted, said that he considered the evidence satis factory in the case and that in addi tion to the evidence presented he had complaints of all sorts against the place. He said this poolhall was the subject of more complaints than prob ably any other in town. The testimony presented to the Coun cil in the case was in the form of statements from policemen and one "stool pigeon." None of the policemen said positively that there was gam bling in the place, but some said it was their oplnon that there had been gambling. Bet Is Related. The "stool pigeon" stated positively that he had placed a bet in the hall with Kugene Conn. Mr. Conn testified that such was not the case. Com missioner Dieck explained before he voted against the revocation that he did not believe the evidence warranted a revocation. He said he was unwillV lng to believe anything the chief witness, the "stool pigeon." had given. "No Jury . in the world would have convicted the place on the testimony submitted." said Commissioner Baker. "The Council certainly was sitting as a jury in this case. Objection was made by the attorney representing the poolhall against Mayor Albee voting on the revocation. nasmuch as he had been the complain ant and the prosecutor in the case. But the Mayor voted and his vote de cided the case. JOHN ROBIXSOV SHOWS TO BE HERE 31 AY 20-3O. v PYTHIANS TO SEE SIGHTS Cliicajro Party Will Como in Special Train to Convention in August. CIRCUS COMING SOON son," said the judge. "Un your next conviction you were to go to Jail." A rush of words from the aerenoant halted the judicial speech. "Judge, our honor." pattered Jacobson, "I aln t driving a jitney no more. I've sold my car. He. fumbled at nis coat in nerv ous haste and unpinned his chauffeur's badge. "Here, your honor," he prof fered," "I'm turning In my badge. 1 m through." The iitnev driver was taken at nis word, and Harry P. Coffin accepted the badge to forward to the Secretary of State, with a request for the revocation of Jacobson's license. At the bar of Judgment also stood A. Lischinsky, another Jitney chauffeur. Judge Langguth spoke to both defend ants. Because you are quitting the busi ness," said the court. 1 am going to fine you only $5, Jacobson. As for you, Lischinsky, your fine will be $10." Toward the courtroom celling Lis chinsky lifted his hands. "Why didn't I turn in my badge, too?" he wailed. Both arrests were made bv Harrv P. Pythians of Chicago and suburban towns have arranged for a special train to carry members of their organization to Portland for the annual convention in August. The train will be operated over the Milwaukee railroad to seaiue, thence over the Union Pacific to Port land. The train will leave Chicago at S P. M. on July 2. and will arrive in Portland four days later. Several sightseeing stops will be made or the westbound trip. Extensive entertain ment plans are being made at some of the principal points cn route. Time will be provided for a trip to some of the mines at Butte and Anaconda. The train will be operated slowly along the shadowy St. Joe River, one of the most beautiful of Western navigable streams. A m pMmmt Field on Coaat Is Seized When ojber Outfits Are I.nred East By Ready-Cash Stories. What will very likely he the only circus to pitch a tent in Portland this season is scheduled to appear here on May 29 for a. two days engagement. For thefirst time in many years, the JonnKooinson Ten Big hhowa are making a tour of the Far West, and the reason for their presence on the Coast is the total absence of any of the other big tented organizations. The rival white-top combinations that have vis ited Oregon regularly In former years evidently figured that the "picking was softer in the East, where the early reports seamed to show a greater plenitude of ready cash, and the Sells Floto shows hied themselves thither many weeks ago, with the Al G. Barnes following suit more recently. . AVhen the Sells-Floto outfit migrated eastward, the Robinson shows were just opening their season in Alabama, and immediately rerounting to the Coast, they made a swift movemen across the Southwest and were soon driving their stakes into the soil of Southern California, where the man agement knew they would not encoun ter any opposition. Although on the 89th annual pll grimage. the Robinson shows have not been out this way for close to a quarte of a century. Their home territory I in the Middle West snd In the South below the famous "Mason snd Dixon line. It may be said, and -without any exaggeration, that down In the South proper the John Robinson circus is an amusement Institution. HIGHWAY TO BE VIEWED Pupils, Faculty and l-'rienila of Washington Hign to Take Trip. More than 200 pupils, parents, friends of the pupils and teachers will leave on an excursion this morning for Bonneville and other points on the Co lumbia Highway The trip is made under the auspices of the science classes of Washington High School and will be led by Miss Pauline tebaH, Miss Vera Darling, of the school fac ulty, and Albert Weisendanger. of the local forestry service. The excursion will leave the Union depot this morning at 9 o'clock on a special train that will carry them as far as Shepherd's Dell. From there they will walk along the highway to Bridal Veil Falls, where they will take the train for Bonneville. Lunch will be served at Bonneville, and the fish hatchery will be inspected. Jitney Driver Turns In Badge in Municipal Court. Sixth Arrest Convinces H. Jackson That H Mad Better Seek. Some Other Occupation. Nothing Like This IN THE ADDITION OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES Business cannot invade this exclusive residence park. Without the protection of proper long-term restrictions it is impossible to build up a high-class residential district that will maintain its character as time passes. Portland has had many object lessons illustrating the ne cessity of long-term restrictions safeguarding its residential sections. Business houses, industrial plants, apartment houses, pub lic garages and moving pictures have invaded the most ex clusive sections in the city. These things have hurt the values, lowered the tone and ruined the harmonious beauty of some of the most magnifi- ' cent homes in the city. LAURELHURST restrictions run for some twenty years to come and cover a tract one mile long and three-quarters of a mile wide. They are admitted to be a model for the entire city. i x .' Protect yourself and family by securing a home in LAUR ELHURST, where you are assured of harmonious develop ment and protection, which will mean constantly increasing values. PAUL C. MURPHY, Sales Agent. 270J4 Stark Street. Main 1700, A 1515. Coffin, chairman of the Public Safety Commission, on Thursday night. The two drivers were racing on Third street, from Oak to Stark, to gain lead posi tions. Mr. Coffin requested of the Secretary of State the revocation of another chauffeur's license yesterdaV Con victed of a number of violations of the traffic laws, M. Pearlman dodged a bench warrant and an almost certain Jail sentence. He Is reported to have gone to Detroit, Mich. 25 X BRAZELL, EDWARD J. Ielcgate to Republican National Convention From Third Con gressional District. I am for Theodore Roosevelt for President. Adv. v Read The Oregonian's classified ads. Siliiiiifijl.aiil'iiiiiiii!!:: I ' i M.'.U II I r 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I WWs)nNMnnMnHMIN ill i u fliilil!!!;i f I Sen nM(ii';i(i!iw,",iiH"ni:iii'"'i"t:rir;i'i?-pi':ifrjTpMriii! !":-'.i.h.i' ! '! . ' : ; i : - : kik.'U : ni,'1.!! ill! 3 Wednesday and Saturday Dinner Dance de Luxe $1 Served 5:30 to 8:30 Table d'Hote Dancing 6:30 to 8:30 After-Theater Supper Dance ice a la Carte Dancing 1 0 to 12 Daily and Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner $1' rved 5:30 to 8:30 The Portland Hotel Under Management of Geo. C. Ober iiil.iuMiiliiiiliiuhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ICIPAl. JUDGE LANGGUTH looked even graver than Is his wont when dealing justice in the city's court. Before him stood II. Jacobson, convicted for the sixth time of varying violations of the traffic ordinance. Jacobson Is or was a Jitney driver. He was visibly uneasy as he fidgeted at the rail that has supported many a suppliant. 'You remember our hitrain. .Tnenb- FREE SCHOOL BOOKS. 33 states have them. Vote for John C. Shillock. X74. for State Senator and help put Oregon on the list Paid adv. GOUNOD'S "GALLIA" Famous Oratorio) at the First M. E. Church Sunday Evening Full Vested Cho'rus. assisted by Miss 'Goldie Peterson. Soprano Ml Alice Jniloi, Contralto orman A. Hoose, Tenor TTartridice IVHlpp. Baritone Miss Mollis Pierce. Violinist THE SERMON A Monnmrnt to a SI 1Kb ted Opportunity." by Walter Lee Airheart Everybody AVeleome All Seat Free (Publicity Committee! ii . i (L Ki ii m rsi u. s. BARRACK SHOES Solid leather soles and beels. leather tips and instep. Cool and easy on the feet. Nothing to equal them (or comfort. Nice for office, shop, homo. Direct from Government. Sizes 5, 6, 7, 8. Price 75c Pair OTHER GOODS mnd novelties galore. Catalog nailed. Or ders filled. W. S. KIRK 94 Third St. I Portland. Or. I $J Telephones: Marshall 1; Home, A 6281 A Toothsome Trio for Today and Sunday's Enjoying BEEF -VEAL-PORK First Quality Steer Beef Choicest Milk Fed Veal Small Grain Fed Pork Are the Meat Specials for This- Saturday Prime Rib Roast Beef, lb.. . : 22S Rolled Roast Beef, lb - 20t Shoulder Pot Roasts, lb . .' , 1GC Plate Boil Beef, lb 10c Best Steer Hamburg;, lb lf Leg; or Loin Roast VeaL lb IGo Shoulder or Breasts Veal, lb . 12l? Loin or Rib Veal Chops, lb 16 Shoulder Veal Cutlets, lb. 14d Loin Roast Pork, lb ' 20 Clubhouse. Sausagre, lb...l5c Fresh Spare Ribs, lhlOc Weiners, Frankfurters, lb 15e Veal Loaf, lb 15 Shoulder Roast Pork, lb..l5c Veal Sausage, lb... 18c SMOKED MEATS JONES "PRIDE OF OREGON" BRAND . has gained its preference through its flavor and nutritive quality. Hams, V or whole, pound 19 Choice Bacon, or whole strip, pound. . . .20S22e Tenderloin Backs, or whole strip, pound. . . .18c Picnics, pound 12!4 Cottages, pound 1 5 No. 5 Pure Lai'd 75c No. 5 Compound 65c No. 10 Pure Lard $1.45 No. 10 Compound SI. 25 Mail Orders Throughout the State Solicited Meats Sent by Parcel Post Every Day Northern Pacific Ry. The Yellowstone Park Line Get the Benefit THROUGH TRAINS KACT NONE BETTER COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSIONS Daily From Jane 1 Westbound Round-trip Summer Excursions noxr in effect., Tc!l your Eastern friends, or let us give them full information. Round-trip Homeseekers Rates TO MONTANA and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them. TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read via the JUreat Northern Pacific S. S. Co." from Portland, on the fast palatial steamships, making1 train time (but 26 hours at sea). Low fares, with berth and meals included on boats. Xicketu and full information: 255 Morrison St. Thones: Main 241, A 1244. - A. D. CHARLTON. A. G. P. A., Portland, Or. TO 442- 2-&) Pastor Benjamin H. Barton, of Philadelphia, if in the city, arvl will deliver a frrn nuhlta lecture t' morrow Sunday), May 14. 3 V. M.. at i'hriRtnnn'a Jtall, 11th and Yamhill trcct. on the aubject "The Lord s Judgment Day HasBegun,HowWfflItEndr Punt or Barton IS" years on th lecture pi a i form hn won for h m an enviable reputation aw an expo nent of profound Bible verities. ard m a n v await hln presentation of lh above aubject with eager anticipa tion. In h!a lctur tomorrow the pas tor promises to elucidate many preaent-day perplex in a problems. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. The lecture ia entirely free. DAN MARX JEWFI.F.n. Now located 283 WASHINGTON ST. Nar 4th. HothrMM BW(, iboattwblblth..-oaar rh. 1 it bv all Giooarr. vara aa4 Dxoc Stores. Look for Photo on Caa ire. Amixr. a A vacation naradiM amid unahlnt f cru, hricinc mr snd irr rii-l enr : 1! hour from I'ort !.nrt. Vor information nArtrr'm . V f. Keeker. t lilt Nalmnn. WaH. -Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel 1 lave Heart f the Olaawlea. America's greatest health and pleasure resort, only a thort distance from Se attle. A ceo m mod at ions for 40 truest For descriptive literature and central information addre.: H. C Bowrrt, Man x r, 1 Doe, Waaa WANTED; CHA1HS TQ CAKE . SCHOOL FOB m2 FOR Pa.RTlCUUA.rt3 CALL a, i. f. urns,- dim M Skidmore Drug Co. Temporarily Located 271 Aider s Street Between TLird and Fourth Sts, Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093 HAIR BALSAM A toil. pmwattoa ( atrlt B.lp. to f4i teat, oaoorn ft. For RmIbrb. CaW uj WANTED CSCAR BARK ORKKOtl GRAPE ROOT Any quantity. Addreaa TV. rOLLAK, Alkaar, Or.