Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 13, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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time last year, went down a few Inches
last night, owing to the cold and
snowy weather. A further rise is ex
pected today.
Steamer Carmel In Tow for Ksanii.
nation as to Damages.
.ABERDEEN". Wash, May 12. (Spe
cial.) The steamer Carmel. bound
from Raymondto San Pedro with a
cargo of lumber, lost her rudder Just
inside the Wills pa Harbor bar early
today. The lifesavers put out to her
but found the vessel in no immediate
danger. Tonight she was in tow of a
Carefully Planned Political At
tack on District Attor
v ney Neatly Parried.
Procrastination on Part
Congress Blamed for
Highway Commission Is Told
Governor's Order Imperils
Grant County Work.
Present Situation.
V Willana Harbor tug on her wav back
into the inner harbor, where the extent
of her damage will be ascertained.
It Is expected that the Carmel will
be towed to San Francisco in her pres
ent condition and there placed upon a
drydock. for repairs.
Plot to Spring Half-True Facts
About Liquor in State Too Late
for Explanation Is Check
mated by Mr. Evans.
Humore spread for political effect
that the dry law was being1 violated
flagrantly by big breweries in Oregon
were neatly quasbftd yesterday in a
special report of tne Multnomah County
grand jury on an investigation begun
by District Attorney Walter K. Evans.
They were nice, healthy little ru
mors, too, Intended to reach their full
frrowth in newspaper publicity about
two days before the primaries too late
for a full investigation and refutation
of probable charges of criminal laxity
in the management of the District At
torney's office. But a little echo of
nn active little rumor reached the ear
of the efficient incumbent of the county
prosecutor's office.
Mr. Evans only smiled, and began to
"bring a few things to the notice of the
grand jury. Attorney-General Brown
nrrived from Salem early this week -on
nn apparent pleasure trip. But he was
5een in the entrance of the grand jury
room. Daniel J. McGill, of the United
States Internal Revenue office had a
"business engagement at the Courthouse.
Mayor H. R, Albee found it convenient
to drop around while the grand jury
was in session
Brewers Give Testimony.
Paul Wessinger, of the "Weinhard
llant; A. I. Blitz and Adam Mueller, of
the Portland Brewing Company, and
others connected with near-beer inter
ests took occasion to tell a few things
to seven intensely interested men. R. P.
Hut ton, superintendent of the Anti
Saloon League, also made a few re
marks on the situation in a little room
on the sixth floor of the Courthouse.
The ubiquitous rumors were of a
plausible type and seemed well forti
fied against sudden dissipation.
"Why. look here." they said. "Boer
is being manufactured openly in this
county and shipped to California. All
under the very nose of our District
Attorney, who claims to be an effi
cient, conscientious officer. Oh, he
knows on which sido his bread is but
tered, and he ain't offending no rich
brewery interests."
"Rot." was the reply to the insinuat
ing rumors.
Beer Tax Ik Cited.
But the microbes of doubt sniffed,
and in a most convincing manner, con
tinued, "Rot, nothing. How do you
explain this? Wo can show you bills
of lading where beer is being shipped
from Portland to California in carload
Jots. And that ain't all, neither. The
weinhard Plant, what used to be
brewery, is paying a Government tax
of $1.50 a barrel for the manufacture
of beer at the present time. Guess
that don't prove nothin huh?"
Being very wise little rumors, they
confined themselves to statements of
fact in their explanations. But they
didn't leave much to be inferred, for
after saying what could not be de-'
Tiied, they went on to say, "Now If that;
don't prove the law is being violated, '
what does?"
Looks reasonable. But here is what
the grand jury found: The Weinhard
estate had on hand January 1 7493 bar
rels of beer manufactured prior to the
operation of the dry act. Nothing in
the law makes it illegal to keep It
here or to ship it to California. Yet
representatives of the estate volun
tarily agreed that the beer would be
consigned to its own agency in Cali
fornia and shipped by June or July of
thi year. This agreement was made
with Governor Wi thy combe, Attorney
Genera 1 Brown and District Attorney
ar-Beer Process Taxed.
Ah. One little rumor bites the dust.
U f at any stage of the process of
manufacture, of near-beer, the bever
age contains as much as one-half of 1
per cent of alcohol, a Government tax
of $1.50 a barrel must be paid, regard
less of the final alcoholic content of
the almost-beer. The Weinhard prod
uct at one time contains almost as
much alcohol as real beer, but this is
boiled out before it is put on the mar
ket. "Pop," goes another little rumor. And
what is left? The unjustified inference,
iinu a bad taste!
Klndlngn Are Reported.
The report of the grand jury upon
Jts investigation of the manufacture of
temperance drinks follows:
Rome time ago Mr. Walter H. Evans. Dis
trict Attorney for Multnomah Omintv re
ported to the prand Jury that it had come
to nis notice that ceram individuals were
circulating a rumor that there was beins
manufactured in this county and shinned
out of the state of Oregon intoxicating
liquors iu violation of the prohibition law.
At that time the TMstrtct .Attornev requested
mis poay careruny to investigate these
rumors and the conditions surrounding the
inauuiiiciure oi so-canea temperance bev-:
crages within Multnomah County, and to
take such action ns should be necessary to
prevent the violation of the prohibition act
and to punish violators thereof.
From our Investigation we learned that
the only plares within Multnomah Oount
in which non-inloxicat in substitutes for
beer were heinp manufactured were the
J'ortlanrt Brewing Company, located at Up
shur and Twentieth streets, and the W'eln
hurd plant, located at Rurnside and Thir
teenth streets, in the city of Portland Ore
stoii. The product of the "Weinhard plant Is
known as "N'ectar." and that of the Port
land Brewing Company is known as "Blita."
Both of these products are manufactured
from practically the same Ingredients used
In the preparation of ordinary b-er. but the
process of manufacture differs in each case
In the preparation of "Blitz." It appears
that after the malt, hops and other ingre
dients are brewed and yeast added thereto,
the prooMS of fermentation is, after the
"Apse of a few hours, checked or retarded
by the addition of other substances. This
course, a patented process, is adopted to
prevent the natural action of the Ingredients
of the mixture developing an alcoholic con
tent in excess of of 1 per cent by volume
as prohibited by the prohibition act.
Boiling- Keduce Alcohol.
In the preparation of Welnhard's "Nec
tar," It appears that after the malt and
hops are brewed, this mixture is permitted
to ferment tor a few days. During this
time, due to the natural action of the in
uretiients used, the alcoholic content becomes
In excess of one-half of 1 per cent bv volume
but at that time, however, the mixture is
r.ot marketable and Is not Intended or rea
sonably likely to be used as a beverage
Thereafter this mixture Is boiled, whlcb has
the effect of driving the alcohol from the
mixture as a apor. which is not retained
but is permitted to escape through the chim
nev. Thereafter it is filtered and carbon
ated. The regulations of the Treasury Iepart
ment of the United States Government re
quire the Collector of Internal Revenue to
collect a tax of f 1.5o a barrel for tae zuanu-
laeiure oi temperance beer from malt, if
.., .nv wi in") process or manufacture
the beverage contains as much as one-half
of 1 per c nt of alcohol without regard to
the final alcoholic content of the beverage,
t'nder this ruling the Weinhard Estate is
required to pay a Vnited States Government
tsx on its product although chemical analy
ses of its product show that it contains ap
proximately two-tenths of 1 per cent of al
cohol. The United states Government reeog.
ulzcs this fact because it does aot require a
'.iA,-af' .rf-ir r jv. jlt-y-.- &
ft ; ! ---eg- 5. rTT ; i cFTFJ
sdr Oft Wf&mwM n?fe
Federal license from any retailer of Weln
hard's "Nectar." i
lieer On Hand. I
On January 1. lOltf, the Weinhard estate i
had on hand T40.'t barrels of beer manu- i
factured prior to the operation of the pro- i
hlbttfon act. Since that time no beer has
b-en manufactured by the Henry Weinhard
plant. Neither the prohibition amendment
nor the prohibition act made it unlawful
to ship to California the beer la Oregon
which was man u fact ured prior to January
1, 1916. Futhermore, unless the beer wa
used for unlawful sales within the State
of Oregon, it was not subject to seizure
by the local officers. Although the Wein
hard 'estate could T:ot have been lejcallv
compelled within any certain time to havti
transported their beer outside the state. Its
representatives voluntarily agreed with the
District Attorney of Multnomah County.
Oregon. th Attorney-General of the State of
Oregon and the Governor of the State of
Oregon, the officers of the state charged
with the enforcement of the prohibition act,
that the beer on hand January 1, lttlti.
would be shipped to California by June or
July, 1016, consigned to its own anencv.
The records show that this Is being done
as rapidly as possible. In this connection
we find further that the Weinhard estate
has taken unusual precautions to see that
none of this beer is reahlpped Into Oregon,
and so far as the grand jury can ascertain,
none has been reshipped Into the State
of Oregon, although this might legally have
been done.
The grand jury has made an exhaustive
examination of the manufacture of these
products, has examined a large number of
witnesses In regard thereto, has examined
the books and records of these plants, has se
cured expert testimony on trn manufactur
ing processes of thee beverages, has per
sonally examined both of the plants from
top to bottom, has secured expert advice as
to the law. not only from the District At
torney of thin county, but from the Attorney
General of the State of Oregon, has carefully
checked the Vnited States Internal revenue
records and railway bills of lading, and has
presented tf it the results of chemical
analyses of the products, all with a view of
ascertaining whether or not any violation of
the prohibition act has been committed.
This investigation has required some time
to complete, but has been gone into thor
oughly by the grand jury that the public
may be fully Informed ttint the prohibition
act is heing strictly enforced.
Believing the public to he sufficiently in
teresaed in this matter to be fully informed
as to the true farts In this regard, we there
fore beg to submit this partial report cover
ing our investigations at this time.
Yours very t ruly.
H W. WATTACT;. Foreman.
W. A. HKMIJ-; BEN, Sec'y.
w. a. ii,lix;e:.
ConunlKHlonera Order Work Amounting
to About $4000 to Be Done by
Superintendent Welch.
Repairs to the steamer Grahamona,
which crashed into the draw span of
the Morrison bridge Monday night,
shearing off a portion of the super
structure of the boat, will be assumed
b- Multnomah County. The Board of
County Commissioners yesterday au
thonzed Bridpre Superintendent elch
to attend to the repairs, charging the
expenditures to the emergency fund.
The damage was more than J4000.
A worn gear in the bridga machinery
was the evident cause of the accident.
allowing the span to swing past the
draw rest before it could be stopped,
directly in the pathway of the steamer.
District Attorney Evans will bo asked
to pass upon the responsibility of the
county for the damages, but ho Is ex
pected to hold that the county must
yig Berven, night operator, and J. H.
Richmond, foreman of the Morrison
bridge, turned in reports on the affair
to the Commissioners, blaming a strong
gusty wind and a worn gear for the
draw -'span's failure to come to rest
where it should.
Dock Construction to Begin.
Work will start Monday on a new
cargo dock for the Peninsula Lumber
Company that will be 1000 feet long
and have a width of 125 feet, with an
approach 500 feet long leading from
the mill. A contract was signed yes
terday by the corporation with the J a
cobson Construction Company. The task
is to be finished irk 100 days.
A feature of the new development Is
that the dock will be equipped with
tracks, so cars can be handled direct
from the main line of the O.-TV. R. &
N". and to the plant of the Peninsula
Shipbuilding Company.
Two Coasters Are Taken.
To replace the steamer Northland
and take care of increased business.
the Parr-McCormick line has chartered
the steamers Coaster and Bowdoin. In
addition it is announced that the
steamer San Ramon, owned by that
line, will sail from Balboa May 16 on
her way to Portland via San Francisco
and will be retained in the Portland
California trade.
The Northland leaves here today with
lumber for 4an Francisco and for six
months will ply between Puset Sound
and Anchorage.
' 'i
Vr Alii lit 1 i' I
(1 Th. Onan of Smllr That IMbtiI
Ir not m 1 nanlmoun olr. t '2 Jr
Standing; to the RlKht. 3 The Arc
ulTe la a JMaysrround
Little Fellow Cinches Council
Playground Vote.
I'lot of 1 9 Acres In Alberta Dis
trict May Ho Ieased for Three
Vears Commissioners See
1000 Children at Tlay.
An overalled tad, about knee high to
a June grasshopper, paddled up to the
members of the City Council yesterday
out at East Nineteenth street and
Ainsworth avenue, and launched his
career as a successful politician. He
wanted a playground for himself and
about 1300 other youngsters who were
gathered about to welcome the Council
on its trip to look over a proposed
playground site and he. said so in so
many words. n e won.
Will he get the playground? Sav
there isn t a Commissioner this side
of the Sahara desert who could have
looked that bunch of kids over and
said "No, no playground today. Jack
Sure they will get it. and it will be
unanimous with the Council. The play
ground win De that agreed upon by
the whole Alberta section, in the 19
acres bounded by Kast Nineteenth. East
Twenty-second, Ainsworth avenue and
Ivilllngsworth avenue. An offer has
been made by the owner, a Chinese, to
lease the tract to the city for three
years, at a rental to average $750
Boy's Work Is Quirk.
Commissioner Baker has nothing on
the aforementioned tad. Mr. Baker has
been trying for some time to land
enough Council votes to put over the
playground proposition. The youngster,
with his substantial backing of smiling
iaces. aid it in less than a minute.
The Council at V, ednesday's meeting
arranged to go out and see air. Baker's
proposed playground. The hour was
set. The Council sallied forth expect
ing to see only the big vacant tract, to
give it the "once-over." and then to
return to the City Hall to ponder over
the proposition.
But when they got there, what
difference! All the schools, six of them
in the vicinity, had been dismissed, and
there were easily 1000 children gath
ered about the appointed spot the Coun
cil was to visit. A large number of
them were lined up for wand drills and
calisthentics. The rest were scattered
about, looking on.
Spokesman Bndly MlMed.
The astonished Commlf-loners did
not have a chance to ask Mr. Baker if
this was a "frameup. They unloaded
and became part of the crowd. Then
came the Juvenile politics. The ring
leader had been playing- in the street,
and his face and hands. therefore.
would not have passed muster In
baby show, but his tongue hadn't jrot
tied tip. and that was all he needed
to pet in his political licks..
"Please. Mr. Commissioners, we wan
a playtrround," he said, as he looked
earnestly up Into the battle-scarred
face of Cornmlssioner Baker.
"You've got my vote said Baker,
Bljc Part In W inning: Over a Majority
HHngr for the Council. t'ommlaalonera
Ufflcnt That Won Won't lou lleaae
i And then the 3'oung-stor tackled the
I other?;.
1 "What could a fellow do but rrom-
ise" asked Blsrelow afterward. And
he tad's fifrht wan won. He had three
votes, and truat was all that was needed
Hut that was not all ho won. He won
them all.
Mrs. K. If. "Works, of the Vernon
Parent-Teacher Association, was re
sponsible for the appemblasro of youn
strs at the playground site. The chil
dren had lHanned a drill in preparation
for the May Fentival to be trlven
Wednesday at 3d ultnomah Kield to
raise funds for the rosebud parade,
and it was decided that the playground
site would be an appropriate place for
t. I'rincipal William Parker, of Ver
non School, had charge of the young-
Western I'nion lias Speeial Blank
for Messages Sunday.
The "Western Union has a ppecial
blank for "Mothers' layM next Sunday,
which has been put out for use unti
Tuesday. Sunday is set aDart in hono
of the mothers of the land. The white
carnation is symbolic of the occasion.
Flowers are beinor telegraphed an
messages are already being1 filed for
delivery on the special blanks to
distant points. '
(Steamer Schedule.
Name. Prom Date. Anm Angeles In cort
lreat Northern. .. .Han Krancisco. . . .In port
K. A. Kilburn Diego Mfly 13
Heaver .... Angeles Hay 17
Breakwater. San Diego
May 21
. Aluy 11
.May 13
iloy l:t
.ilay 1.1
.May 1J
May 14
..May 1.1
May 10
May lu
May 31
M a y z;i
.May 14
.May f4
May z
Great Northern.
Harvard ........
F. A. Kilburn. ..
Yoaemlte. ......
Reaver. ........
Rose City
.San Krancisco.
Ixs Angeles. ..
. S. K. to U A . . .
.San Iiea-o
.an .
.8 F.loLA
.Han Franelfco.
.Ixia AnKelen. . .
. San Kranciaco.
. San Diego
. I.os A nRelea. . .
. San I'lef.
.San Dieico
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. May 3;. Arrived Japan
ese steamer Mayaehl' Maru, from Otaru.
Sailed Sehooner Carrier Dove, for Ade
laide; British bark Invergarry, for Azores
for orders.
Astoria. May II. Sailed at 4 A. M..
steamer IVapama. for San Dleico via wav
porta. Arrived at 5:40 and left up at 10
A M-. Japanese ateamer Mayachl Maru.
from Otaru. Sailed at 9 A. M., British
steamer Hazel Dollar, for Hankow. Arrived
down at l:M P. M., British bark Invergarry
Arrived at 4:10 P. M.. steamer Great North
ern, from San Kranciaco.
San Franciien. May 12. Arrived at 4 A
M.. steamers Celllo and Mills: at 5 A. M-.
steamer W. F. Herrln; at IO A. M., steamer
Argyll, from Portland: at 1 P. M-. steamer
Breakwater, from Portland arid way porta,
for San Dtego via way ports. May 11 Ar
rived at 1 P. M.. steamer Neeanlcum. from
Columbia River, sailed at 7 P. M-. ateaxner
enaiem, lor fomana.
San Pedro. May l'J. Sailed at 1 P. M.,
teamer Beaver, for Port'.and via San Fran
cisco. Eureka. May 11. Sailed at 6 P. M .
steamer Breakwater, from Portland and
tooi Bay. for Fan Dletro via way ports.
San Kranciaco. May 12. Arrived Steam
ers Tacoma British , from Taku Bar: Ta
ntalpals and Carlos, from Oravs Harbor;
I'nkal Maru No. .1 (Japanese!, from Koba;
TJlmanoek (Duteh). from Bata-ia; CeMlo.
William F. Herrln, and Breakwater, from
Astoria: t-'nlted states ship Albanv. from
Bremerton: Mills, from Portland. Sailed
Steamers E; Sea-undo, for Seattle; jiuro
Maru (Japanese), for Yokohama
Yokohama. May P. Arrived steamers Ti
tan, f-cm Seattle. May 10 Klorldan. from
San Kranciaco.
Mo'lenrto. May It. Arrived Steamer Co
lumbia, from San Franejaco.
Anlofajtsau. May .11. Arrived Steamer
De Soto, from San Kranciaco. Sailed Staam
r C W. Elu:r. tor baa FrancUco.
Conditions at Moutli of Columbia
Grave and Those Who Have
Worked for Improvement Pc
! nounce Blocking Vrosress.
Proscrastination on the Dart of Con
gress in Kjelayinft the passage of the
rivers and harbors bill will bring aDost
a shutdown of the plant on the nortn
etty project, at the mouth 01 tne t-o-umbia
River. June 15. unless it comes
to pass that appropriations are made
accessible before then.
Funds are on hand for a month s run
now. providing suincient aaumonai
aid is set aside to guarantee the big
dredge Chinook being kept in opera
tion at the entrance to the river until
October 1. Only by discontinuing the
ettv work can the Chinook be main
tained during the open season, if no
additional money Is allotted.
To conserve funds the Government
laid up the pipeline dredges Multno
mah and Wahkiakum and the suction
drelge Clatsop, so the Chinook Is the
only marine digger now In commission
on the channel between the sea and
Portland. On the north Jetty opera
tions were, suspended the latter part
of 1915 and It was known money was
left with which to start again April 1
and continue for a reasonable time. It
being regarded certain that Congress
would not launch an oratorical cam-
nalirn aaainst the rivers and harbor
bill that wouui be proiongea suca a
Korre Retained at Kort Cmnhy.
For that reason a force waa re
tained during the Winter at Fort Can-
by. the base of the Jetty, so equipment
could be overhauled and the entire
plant kept In readiness for the new
season, but to discharge the men next
month means that there will be only
about half a dozen watchmen and a
few skilled equipment men retained, so
the thoroughly organised Jetty torce
will scatter In quest 01 otner employ
Whether the Jetty task would be tak
en up again this year is said to depenn
on when the rivers anj harbors funds
are to be. had. for if only a short sea
son is Dosstble It is thought the en
glneers would prefer to postpone the
work until next year.
There are about 170 men on the Jetty
payroll now and an average of 28u0
tons of rock la being distributed dally.
The second layer of the enrockment Is
being placed, as the trestle was com
pleted the projected length, two and
one-half miles, last year. The f,irst
layer and the apron were in position be
fore the 1!U5 work terminated and with
the second rock distribution made this
season it was planner! to dump the
third lot of rock In 1917 and that would
complete the project. Whether it can
he declared a finished job next year.
In view of the delay In prospect now. la
SJ.200.000 Hum Required.
Officers of the War Department, the
chief of engineers and the division and
district engineers are agreed on the
lonnt of money required. J1.200.0UO.
to take care, of the mouth of the Co
lumbia River this season.
In view of the fact that the greatest
results were attained laj-t year In the
history of the undertaking, so far as
t related to depth of water and a
wider channe.1 at the same time. It was
felt that 191S would witness a 40-foot
channel there.
Now the situation is declared to he
grave. Those who have made the tO'
lumbia River Improvement one of their
aims feiel that too much has been ex
pende. in finances and energy to see
an obstacle placed In the way or
permanent channel at an early date.
only because representatives at wasn
lngton are blocking the wheels simply
to compel recognition of new projects
or gather more aid for those of minor
Importance, and a general protest from
the entire Columbia River Basin is ex
pected to be one outcome.
New Shipbuilding riant to Turn Out
Quartet of Meel Freighters.
Confirmation of the fact a fourth
steamer had been contracted for to be
turned out Jointly by the Northwest
riteel Company and . the Willamette
Iron & steel Company, as first an
nounced May 5. was given out yester
day. The vessel, like the others, is to
be built for Hanraevlg & Johnson. New
York ship brokers, and delivery Is to
be made in 18 months. The first is to
be ready in 10 months, the second In
12 months and the third In 15 months.
all being from the same plans.
As a means of expediting a fill being
made at the site of the yard, foot
Sheridan street, the Fort of Portland
has consented to shift the big dredge
Willamette there, and she will begin
digging Monday, when the Portland wil
bo withdrawn.
After Today Toivboat AVill Fly Viae
of New Owners Handling Ixigs
Towing the "Big Three-' liner Hea
from the Oregon-Washington dock t
Irving dock to load wheat and the
shifting her to Ainsworth dock was th
last work the steamer Ocklahama i
expected to perform among deepwate
vessels, and she will be lorniany turm
over today by .the I'o r t of Portland
Commission to the western -1 ranspor
tation Company to be used hereafte
towing rafts of logs for paper mills on
the river. Her sale was approved by
the Port Board Thursday.
Informal discussion was Indulged 1
vesterday by Captains A. l. Pease an
J. W. Shaver, who. with Captain E- W
Spencer, are to recommend plans for
a new towboat to tne commission
a complete report Is looked for at the
June meeting.
Seiko Maru May Have Been Taken
by Raider, Say Agents.
TACOMA. Wash.. May 12. Accord in
to a dispatch received by the a gen
here, the Japanese liner Seiko Maru
has been given up for lost by the home
office. She left Tacoma Rl days ago
for Vladivostok with a cargo of gen
eral merchandise valued at $.".00,000 and
Is now 26 days overdue. She carried
no munitions.
Officers of the company believe she
has foundered or burned or was cap
tured by a German raider.
Columbia at 'White salmon Props.
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. May 12.
(Special.) The Columbia River, which
had risen four feet since Saturday and
is now five feet higher than at any
Hardwood and Sulphur shipments
Go on Municipal Iocks.
Longshoremen will begin discharging
the Japanese steamer Mayachl Maru
t Municipal Iock No. 2 today and it is
hoped to unload 1.000.000 feet of Jap-
nese oak and Sou tons of sulphur there
o she can shift Tuesday night to Dock
o. 3. where 1200 tons of sulphur is to
e landed. .The vessel Is in to Mitsui
& Co., having arrived last night from
The firm will have the Japanese
tearaer Atagosan Maru here next
month with gunnies from Calcutta.
Marine Notes.
M. McCrum has ben Bipnd master
of th tuc Chis. K. Gretner, relieving J. IX
Towed bv th tu Oneonta. the British
ark Inverci&rrv lf t down ystrday morn-
nic and at 1 o'clock waa reported reacn-
n Astoria. Tht Inverlozle will depart
nvxt week, if her crew is asaembiea.
Comfnr from Lwiston and I'pper Oolunv
bla aoolnts. the at earner Twin CI t lea ar-
'A latit rtlzht. Her owners ara to erect
a 4Xr-bnrrel oil tank at Riparta, ao fuel will
be available at all times for her um ana
hat of the itcamrr J. N. Teal.
ririnitinp; a number of rriSr "n con
alderable cargo, the turbiner Great N'orth
ern reached Flavel from Han Francisco
esterJay and sails today. A new rudder
has been shipped by the Northern Pacific, i
which la being overhauled at the iioidn
Gate, and on her return to the, run next
week the Great Northern is to b withdrawn
for an overhauling.
TTimber-laden for Adelaide, th achooner
Carrier Dov waa towed from the harbor ;
eterOay hy the tug Jhn MeCraken, of
h Port of Portland fleet, which is or
dinarily used as a rt red ice tender, but has
proven iter worth a number or times in
ow Ing soma of th smaller deep-water men.
Oak logs are being drawn from the vlcin-
ty of Scapuooan and other places on the
Columbia, delivery being made on cars
that are unloaded at Municipal Hock No. 1
and he lxga rafted to th plant of the
Emeraon Hat d wood Company.
Steam waa aotten ud Thursday on the
new llghthouae tender Rose, building at
Peattle. says Inspector W arrack, of the
Seventeenth Lighthouse IHstm-t. and her
completion la prcaresslng so that he thinks
mi win tie turnea over to tne uovernmcni
n another month.
In addition to the British steamer King
Malcolm, now at San Krancisco from al-
etitta. and the Japanese steamer Atagosan
Msru. out eiaht djs from Calcutta, the
briilnh ateamer Baroise Is headed for the
toiden Gate with gunnlea and ia four daa
out today.
Recording a helcht of l.l feet above
zero Thursday the freshet has begun to
drop slowly and the Weather Bureau fore
east la that the stream will continue to
recede for two or three day. Warmer
weat her in the Interior may cause another
rl i next eek.
New From Northwest Port-.
GRAYS HARBOR, Wash.. May 12. (Spe
cial.) The ateamr Hoquiam cleared from
ho Hlagen mill in Iloqulam last night lor
tan Pedro with a ear a of railroad tl-.
The achoonT fearless completed loading
rargo of S 7 .""i . feet of lumber for Mel
bourne last nlcht at the K. K. Wood mill
n Hoquiam and will clear tonight or to
The schooner Manila. days from Syd
ney, arrived today and after ha vine a new
inat installed at the I.indstrom yards, will
proceed to the Aberdeen Lumber te .Shingle
Company's mill to load for Australia.
Tne schooner Premier, 1 2 nays from cooks
Inlet, arrived this aft ernion and ill load
at the Anderson and Mlddlcton, or Bay Oty
mill, for china.
The ateamer atsr Gadsby. Coronado and
Helena arc due tomorrow from ian Fran
cisco. ASTORIA. Or., May 1" t Special. ) The
stem s.-hoorer Wapama sailed this morn
ing for I. Angeles, with a cargo of lumber
from port laud.
CarrMnc a raro of lumber from Portland.
the at earn achooner Hymplc sailed during
the nlKht for San Pedro.
After taklnr on bunker coal at the munici
pal dock, the British steamer Hazel Dollar
nailed today fT Hankow and Taku bar,
China, with 8.60.YOmj feet of lumber loaded
Wegtport. Her cargo la valued at
The Japanese steamer Mayacni ataru ar-
rlvej this morning 21 .. n. from otaru.
Japan, with a cirno of oak logs and sulphur.
e-he reDOrts encountering strong ina our-
Inr the ureater portion of the voyage, but
tlu weather waa exceptionally pleaaant dur-
ng the last few oavi.
K. M. Cherry. local a rent for the Marine
Underwriters, has received authority from
A. Esterbrook ft Co., owners of the
schooner Oakland, stranded on the beach
near Nehalem Bay; to call for bids on the
nurchat-e of the vessel and her equipment.
The btda are to be opened on May IT. but the
car no I not to 1e sold.
Bringing all the freight she could carry
and about 175 pHSsenrs, the steamer
Great Northern arrived this afternoon rrom
Sen Francisco.
The British, bark Inversrarry.. rmin laden
from Portland for As," res for orders, arrived
from Portland this afternoon and will aail
COOS BAY, Or., May 12. (Special.) The
Adeline Smith left Prt last night.
Arriving today from Rogue Rlvr. the
gasoline schooner Bustler Is loading freight
for a return trip.
The steam achooner Hardy Is duo from San
The steam schooner Cleono sailed for San
Francisco last nlitht.
The Coos Bay Mill Company transferred
00.000 fe-t of lumber to the North Bend
mill to finish a for the Yellowstone.
The C. A. Smith mill was shut down today
by a break In the new carriage.
FL.ORF.NCE. Or., Mav 12. ( Special.
The Fftwolln achooner Primrose, en route
from Y'ulna to San Pedro, was forced to
call at this port to repair a mainsail.
farcoiil Wireless Tteports.
(All position reported at ft P. M.. May IS,
unleoa otherwise1 designated.)
I-urlJne. Honolulu for tan Francisco, 1410
mlies out. May 11.
Hyaoes. Seattle for Honolulu, lolO xnllea
out. May 11.
Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, 623
miii'i out. 1 1.
Hiloman. for Honolulu. 1110 miles
from Flattery. May 11.
China. Orient for San Francisco, 1T40 miles
out. May 1 1.
At la. KahuTul, for Psn Fedro, ST mileg
from San led ro. May 11.
Georgian. Hl.o for San Francisco, I007
miles our. May 11.
W. S. Porter, Point Orlvnt for Seattle, 138
ml'es from Point Orient.
Willamette. Port. and for Sn Francisco.
ll." ml!e north of San Francisco.
El Sen undo, Kt hmon-1 for Seattle, 1--ml
es north of. Richmond.
Adeline Smith. c,os Bay for San Francisco,
Sr miles north of San Francisco,
Knterprlae, Honolulu for t-an Krancisco, 140
miles out.
Yosemlte. San Francisco for Grays Harbor,
SO mi:es south of Point Gorda.
MofTeit. towlnK barge .:. Pa. boa for
Ri.-hmond, 6T5 miles south of lightship.
Multnomah. San Fnmn.-i-co for San Pedro,
20 miles east of San Pedro.
Beaver, j-an Pedro for Kan Francisco.
mlVf east of Point Conception.
'lt v of para. San Franci .-o for Balboa,
2.-.K miles south of San Francisco.
Speedwell CoqulTle River for COOS Eav,
3 mi leu north of Consul. ! River.
W a p a m a. Port lur.d for San Fran Cisco,
H ml lew south of "olumbla River.
Co tigress. San Francisco for Seattle, 21
m!i eout h of Flattery.
Grace Ioi:r, Tacoma for Pan Pedro, 0tS
mllra north of San Krancisco.
Coronado. San Kranciaco for Aberdeen. 40
miles norih of Blanco.
Lucas. Rl Secundo for Seat tie, 5O0 miles
north of San Krancisco.
Governor, Vict oria for San Francisco, west of Slip point.
AroMne. Anchorage fr Seattle, off Smiths
Buck. San l.uis f.r Vancouver. 9 nailea
fro-n Vancouver.
t Jim Butler. Port To nsend for San Kran
cisco. nine miles south of B'unts Reef.
I rak. m 1th hurt 1 n tow. ,!! f
RIctuauQd, 277 raiiti north of, Ktcatuuod.
State Kngineor Suys Kxcx-utive I-
swed Mandate to Turn Over
to Deputy TroJect Requir
ing His Attention.
SALEM. Or.. May IT. Special.)
Differences between Governor "Withv
combe and State Knglneer I-ewis over
whether the Stat engineer or hw chief
deputy. K. I. Can tine, shall fupervts
the survey of ft road up tlie John Day
Valley, today led Mr. Iewls to appeal
to Score taj-y of State O.cott and Stato
Treasurer Kay for their support in
leaving this survey in his charge. Un
less he is allowed to proceed with his
work of arranpinj: the survey of th
Orant fount y road. Mr. lewts advies
the Highway Commission that the proj
ect for a state road connecting witli
the Columbia Highway in Sherman
County and reaching to Ontario is liable
to failure.
At a recent meetlniz of the -state
Hicrhway Commission that body ordered
Lewis chief deputy, K. I. Can tine, to
confer with the County Court of
Wheeler County regarding raising
funds for the proposed survey of the
road throusii that county.
Governor Object a.
In presenting the minutes of the
meeting to the Governor for his ap
proval, the State Engineer met witU
objection f rom the executive, he ha
informed the other members of tho
Commission, to him directing the sur
vey ir. Grant County. Lewi declares
the Governor maintained that the Com
mission alno ordered Cant ine to direct
the survey in (Irani County. The State
Engineer contends tha t no such reso-
ution ever was adopted by the Com
mission, and paid that he already had
gotten the work well under -way. so
that to take the authority to supervise .
the road from him and give it to Mr.
Cantine would tend to Jeopardize the
success of the road.
With Stte Trca-Nurcr Kay and the
Governor out of the city today, the
Commission did not meet to consider
Kngineer I-ewis' communication, but it
is expected that the Commission will
consider the matter within the next
few days.
Referring to his clash with the Gov
ernor over the order, as written by
him in the minutes of the Commission's
meeting. Kngineer Iewis todav in
formed the Commi5ton as follows:
County fr'otltled to Action.
Vpon presentation to the governor, h
appeal to hae taken the vie t hat a
reKoliulon was tmt adopted, and that the
order direct ine Vr, t'annre to ronfrr with
the Count y t 'our! of Wheeler Count v r--irardii.K
funds, took .re cf the
County surve a rant "ounty has al lott d
to he expended under state supervision
on the survey of a road up the John ly
Valley, with a view to Its ultimate adop
tion as a stete -oad. Such Mctlou
taken by T h Countv C-u rt nar a month
a co. and the rotmiv in entli 11 to oome
immediate and definite action hy the HtB
wn v Com mi on.
Tho people of the John Ty Valley hav
contributed much time and effort to promot
ing tills cros-itate r'dd. with the em-our
a uro me i.t and ro-operi t mn l this off:-e.
They have not confine. i thentne'ves to ihrir
own countte.. hnve held meetings In
adjoining t-nuntlc. ni the mu (.ess of tin
project seems assured. I have secured
promise that the Cn'ted Slates Korest .Service
win care for that portion of the survey on
forest properly bct.f n John Hay and 1,'nity.
Nothing would do more to throw this prel
ect, which has been so successfully launched,
into confusion and jerhp wreck it. thau
f.iilure on the prt of the rommtMlon to en
ter a definite order nt this tune, direct. n;;
hit th nec-ssjirv derailed surveys be madk
fu accordance with the terms of the statu ic.
People Ietre Purvey.
This road 1 not at present a state road.
It Ik the lcitire of tho pcopie to hae It
surveyed and adopt j as urb, so that
state inch way tun. Is mar legally he ex
pended upon It. The irneHiure for su-!
adoption ik for the state klmtinecr to pre
pare a map showms; such main hiirhwats
as. In his Judgment, ate of sufficient Im
portance to he neljnated r Mate roada
ami report the aumu to the commission
for its adoption.
Believing that the aw elearlv made it
tho duty of the State Knpmr to advi?.
the county courts on road matters and a
suinlnc that the hoard would not heitato
to enter the proper order. I pave detailed
Instructions to Mr. Scott some time act
to proceed with the Grant County surve a.
Mr. Scott has just flushed the location of
." miles of new road near Llend, and owtmc
to right -of -wav difficulties delaying Imme
diate construction, it was my plan to transfer
thia party to Giant County. If the commis
sion d iff era w ith 111 as to t he Interprets -t
Ion of the laws and declines to enter t hM
order, an iraiiiedtttte and entire .chango of
plans will be necessary.
I am familiar with conditions in thl ter
ritory through whii h t he road passen. and
appreciate the importance to this undeei
oped region of a throujrh road, following
modern standards, and feel th:it should tho
commission decline 10 take definite action at
this time. It will jeopardize tho success of
this Important undertaking.
IM.U K rfsoi rit:s.
Senator aat Raarbarff I X C-reetcd by
t'rowdrd llouae and Speaks) to
a rtf rass at oltllera Home.
r.OSEBL"RO. Or.. Mm- II. fSprcial.)
Senator Cummins, of Iowa, wbo is a
canrtitlaato for President of the United
States, delivered an eloquent addre.-s
here today before an audience which
taxed the capacity of the Antlers The
ater. The Senator Kaid Oregon was
one of the mot resourceful states in
the Union, but Its development had
been retarded by unfair legislation on
the part of the Kederul Government.
"If I am nominated and elected," said
the Senator. "I will unlock the AVes-t
and open ul its resources to develop
ment." He also discussed the tariff, pre
paredness, transportation and tl.e
Mexican situation.
Foilowine; the arrival of Senator
Cummins and party here at 7 o'clock
thia mornms. they were taken to the
I'mpqua Hotel, where they were guests
at breakfast. At noon they were en
tertained by local Republicans at
luncheon. abater Senator Cummins
fpoke at the Soldiers" Home. He was
accompanied here by J. C. Sammis. tf
Ies Moines, past pranrt exalted ruler of
the lllks. and Tom Kay. State Treas
urer, of SalTn.
ICaiii-h Home Iiurm-tl.
PEXDLETOX. Or.. May II (Special )
The ranch home of Andy Rust, promi
nent etockman. 55 miles south of Fen
dleton, was totally destroyed by fire
Wednesday, according to word received
here today. The loss was approximately
$ 1 joO, covered by Insurance.
Tltse. at Aotorba NslurtliT.
ItiKh. I-uw.
r.n A. fi 3 f-et R ..? A. M I t feet
aJ 1'. il J i..l.C.Cft 1. M -.i feet.