16 THE MOItXIXG OREGOXTAX. TliUKSJJAT, JUT 11, 1916. STEEL PLANT GROWS Shipbuilding Causes North west Company to Extend. SHOPS NOW BEING BUILT Building of AVays to Begin When Dredging Is Completed, About End of May, to Be in Readi ness for First Keel. Probably not many persons interested in a general way in the construction of a fleet of modern freighters at Port land realize that establishing- a . yard for that purpose means that the North west Steel Company will practically du plicate its existing- plant, erecting shops alongside of the present struc ture so that while the shipwork is go ing ahead there will be no interference with the regular trade of the company In structural steel and other material. The shipyard is going up on the south of the main shops, and a force of carpenters is engaged in framing for the mould loft, which will be 200 feet long and 80 feet wide. The loft is on the west end of a strip of ground reaching about 700 feet to the river, and the duplicate shops will be placed east of the loft, leaving a passageway between. To the south of the buildings will be the ways and equipment required in assembling thtfc hull and deck material, to completely install which a, considerable sum will be spent. The fill being- made there by the dredge Portland is advancing, and by the latter part of this month it is in tended to begin building the ways, so when the filling terminates all will be in readiness to lay the first keel. Steel ordered from the Kast should be on the ground about June 1 and from then until the height of construction, when probably close to 1000 men will be on the payroll, there should be no cessa tion of activity. The establishment of the new plant is not solely to take care of vessels now contracted for, the company intending- to bid for other jobs so long as it in possible to compete with other American plants in turning out steel tonnage. South Portland is going ahead as a shipbuilding center, the Portland Ship building Company having its plant a short distance south of the steel yard, and it is said a site beyond there is being considered for a wooden motor fchip yard. SPRUCE GOES TO ADELAIDE Carrier Dove Is Ready for Voyage to Antipodes With Lumber Load. More "than half of the lumber cargo of the schooner Carrier Dove, cleared yesterday for Adelaide, is madeup of spruce, there being- 462.154 feet aboard, that is valued at $4881,54 and in addi tion is 443,360 feet of fir at $4235.80. The vessel was hauled through the bridges from the Multnomah mill to the lower harbor yesterday afternoon and leaves down tomorrow. The steam rr O. M. Clark sailed yesterday for Mazatlan with 500,000 feet of lumber and 38.0001ineal feet of piling. The British steamer Hazel Dollar will get 'away from Westport tomorrow with a full cargo of fir for China and the barkentine Echo will be the next dispatched from Portland, she being at the North Pacific completing1 her load for Australia, IIOSE CITY NOW IX S EH VICE Noisy Farewell Accorded Liner on . First Trip iu 191C. "Whistle salutes and dipping the colors signalized the departure of the steamer Kosts City, Captain Rankin, yesterday for California on her first trip since January 1, wince when four new boilers were installed, a job that enriched Portland contractors and lirms by ap proximately $100,000. Fred A. Ballin, patentee and builder of the boilers, left on the vessel to watch the steaming' features as far as Astoria. William Lovell, master me chanic, will f?o as far as the Golden Gate. G. L. Blair, general manager of the line, who spent most of the past month here because of the overhauling, departed for his San Francisco head quarters, and Harbormaster Speier was aboard on his way to San Francisco. OCKLAHAMA IX COMMISSION Tort Tow boats Will Take Dredg Tualatin to Multnomah I'alls Today. Like the return of a deepwaterman after a lonij voyage was the reappear ance of the Port of Portland steamer Ocklahama in the harbor yesterday, following a period of repairs dating back, to the ice trouble in the Columbia, when the towboat was struck by the steamer Temple E. Dorr. Thn Ocklahama has been pressed into service with a pickup crew owing to the demand for log rafts. She shifted the schooner Carrie Dove through the bridges yesterday, and, with the dredge .tenders Pronto and John McCraken, will take the dredge Tualatin from the Peninsula mill to Multnomah. Falls today. PIBL1C DOCKS IX DEMAND Kast SUle Wliarf Assured of Xearly Capacity Business for Time. High water conditions have drawn many requests to the Commission of Public Docks for space in which to atore various commodities, but only Dock No. 1, at the foot of Seventeenth street, is available. Pock No. 2. . at the foot of East Washington street. Ts holding considerable freight now, and there Is a shipment of 1,000.000 feet of hardwood and 500 tons of sulphur due from the Far East this week to go there. The lower level there is covered by the freshet. The vessel bringing Oriental cargo will also discharge 1200 tons of sulphur at Dock No. 3. St. Johns. Freslict to Pause Today. Between 8 o'clock yesterday morning and 6 o'clock last night the Willamette Kiver rose only .2 of a foot. as shown on the official guaire, at taining a stage of IS feet above zero. Assistant Forecaster Drake, of the "Weather Bureau, says the river will come to a stand today at 18.1 feet and fall slowly for a few days. For 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock yesterday, the gain was .2 of a foot. Grain Cargro Is Cleared. Flans for towing the British bark Invergarry to sea today have been changed until word is cabled by the owners to Captain King and it is pos sible she will get under way tomor row or Saturday. She was cleared yesterday for the Azores for orders, with 22,407 bushels of wheat valued at $21,287 and SO. 6 17 bushels of barley valued at 56.ll5. Mate Wanted on Dollar. Agents for the British steamer Hazel Dollar, which is due to leave Westport tomorrow for China, are in search of a man to ship as third mate at $60 a month and even though it is stipu lated a licensed officer is not required, a wide awake sailor being acceptible, it has proven no easy matter to obtain a man. The vessel is to return to the Coast on discharging her cargo. Northland in Port Again. Thoroughly overhauled and reported in better condition than since the early days of her career, the steamer North land reached the harbor last night from San Francisco with a cargo of &00 tons of general freight. On discharging the vessel works a return cargo of lumber, sailing Saturday, and then will be pre pared for an engagement of six months in Northern waters, operating between Puget Sound and Alaska under an at tractive charter. Marine Xotes. San Pedro Is the destination of the steamer Olympic, which was cleared yester day with a lumber cargo measuring 730, Ooo feet. Carg-o aboard the gasoline schooner Ahwaneda, cleared yesterday lor .Ban don. totaled 75 tons. Inbound she brought 73 tons of coa, 150 cases of cheese and two tons of merchandise. Port of Portland Commissioners will gather in regular session at 4 o'clock thin afternoon and in the main routine matters are expected to be taken up. United States Steamboat Inspectors Ed wards and Wynn have set V o'clock this morninc as the hour when an Investigation wli be held in connection with the steamer Grahamona having been struck by the draw of the Morrison-street bridge at t o'clock Monday night. Annual Inspection of the f ireboat David Campbell wilt be conducted today at the instance of United titates Steamboat In spectors Edwards and Wynn. To look after details of steamboat opera tions on the Snake River and Coeur d'Alene Lak "Captain" Budd, commodore of the O.-W. K. & X. fresh, water fleets, has left for the interior. Largest of the passenger lists carried this season from Portland to Upper Co lumbia points was on the steamer J. N. Teal leaving yesterday, says Charles Steel smith, manager of the line. One party of 25 was bound for Arlington to work on the highway. The steamer Twin Cities left Lewis ton for Portland yesterday and is looked, tor here tomorrow night. Of two horses that fell into the river at the foot of Oak street Tuesday night, being on their way to The Dalles, one was drowned. O. J. Jones, of The Dalles, w as th e owner. Advances In the. northbound tariff an nounced last mouth by steamship lines op erating between Portland and California harbors became effective yesterday. Insisting on being paid immediately, though tomorrow is the regular payday, men employed to assist longshoremen In handling cargo on Ainsworth dock yester day made demands, but were not success ful. Stevedores, as well as steamship lines, have designated paydays, only advancing them, as a rule, when holidays intervene. It was reported yesterday that wheat was 'being assembled on Puget Sound for shipment to the United Kingdom next month aboard the British steamer Teucer, of the Iodwell line. There will be another cargo loaded here, that for the British steamer King Malcolm, due shortly from San Francisco. Xew8 From Northwest Ports. COOS BAT, Or., May 10. (Special.) The steam, schooner Cleone. which reached port last night. Is loading at the Courteney mill on Isthmus Inlet, The steamship Breakwater arrived from Portland at 0:30 this morning and sailed for Eureka in the afternoon at 4:30. The North Bend Mill & Lumber Company is sawing: on a luO.Ouo spruce order for the Olen Martin Aeroplane Company, of Los Angeles. The steamer Adeline Smith arrived from San Francisco at lO o'clock this morning. GRAYS HARBOR May 10. (Special.) The steamer Carlos got out this morning for San Pedro. The steamer Grays Harbor arrived early this morning, and after discharging freight here proceeded to the Ljtle mill in Hoqulam to load. The schooner King Cyrus completed load ing at the A. J. "West mill today for Australia and will sail probably the latter part of the week. ASTORIA, Or., May 10. (Special.) After discharging fuel oil at Astoria and Port land, the tank steamer Argyle bailed today for California. The tank steamer W. F. Herrin sailed this morning for California, after discharging fuel oil at Portland. The gasoline schooner Tillamook sailed to day for coast points with general freight. A wipe leas message received this morn ing by the Columbia River Packers' Asso ciation stated that at S o'clock last even ing the cannery ship St. Nicholas wa at Unlmak Pass. She was making fair progress, and all were well on board. Bringing freight for Astoria and Portland, the steam schooner Northland arrived this morning from San Francisco. Tho steamer Sue H. Elmore sailed this afternoon for Tillamook with freight from Portland. The steam schooner Santa Barbara sailed today for San Francisco with lumber from Westport. The gasoline schooner Delia arrived today from Nestucca with a cargo of cheese for Portland. NEW CAMPAIGN BEGUN POLK RKPt'BLICAX COMMITTER PLAXS BIG .MEETI.(iS. Individual Appeal Will Not Be Allowed and Dlscusaion Will Be on Party Principles. DALLAS, Or.. May 10. (Special.) Initiating a new system of campaign ng in the primaries, the Polk County Republican County Central Committee has arranged a series of political meet ings in various parts of the county be fore the primary election. All candidates are expected to be present, but speaking will be limited to two or three, and those who speak will confine themselves to a discussion of party principles. No personal ap peal will be permitted from the plat form, but candidates will be afforded the opportunity of mixing with the people in the different sections of the county and becoming acquainted. The meeting at Airlie scheduled for last night was given up owing to the heavy rains or the past few days, mak ing traveling too difficult- Perrydale will hold a Republican pow-wow to night, and for the rest of the week the candidates will Journey forth teach night. The race between Ben W. Olcott and Charles B. Moores for the nomination for Secretary of State in this county is most interesting. Each has strong friends ami supporters. MAY DAY TO BE FESTIVE Pacific College Has Programme to Be Given Friday, FOREST GROVE. Or.. Mav 10. (Special.) The annual May Day of Pa cific University will be celebrated on next Friday. An entertaining pro gramme has been provided. From 10 o clock until noon will oc cur the processional crowning of the queen, folk dance3 and the rninuet ; from 1 o'clock until 3 tennis tourna ment; 3 o'clock, baseball game; from 6 to 7:30 lunch on the college campus and 7:30 until S stunts by various col lege organizations. At S o clock the play, "The Ro mancers." will be given as the con cluding exercises of the day. Cliclialis Club Plans Recital. CHEHALIS, Wash.. May. 10. (Spe cial.) The Chehalis Male Chorus Club, under the direction of Mrs. J. V. Kidd. of Seattle, has decided to give Its first recital Friday night. May 19, in the high school auditorium. The chorus has appeared but once this season and Che halis music lovers have been anxiously awaiting the coming recital. The ladies chorus will assist with one or two numbers and the joint chorus will sing "The Recessional" and Tostols "Goodnight, Goodnight My Beloved." HOME OFFER fiOEl M- - , , . l.f I issinq Young woman oan 3 I Have Good Position. RELATIVES' SEARCH FUTILE Clew Ends at Streetcar Trestle Near Columbia lllver and Sui cide Is Feared Because of Employment Kebuff. A home, with board,' and a position paying J50 a month awaits Miss Ella May Harris," pretty Normal School graduate and teacher, who disappeared last Friday afternoon from the home of her friend. Mrs. Frank: A. Thompson, S85 Franklin street. The offer has been made by Mllo C. King, City Attorney of Gresham. Or., who yesterday sent a letter to Captain of Detectives Baty. The detectives and relatives of the girl continued their season, but with disheartening results. No trace, further than that which led to the trestle over Columbia Slough and there ended, has been found. Attorney King made the offer as soon as he learned the girl was despondent because of lack of work, and when he ascertained she was well educated and apparently capable. The offer was in marked contrast to the rebuff received by Miss Harris Mon day afternoon, when she applied for work at a home on Johnson street in Portland, and was told that because of the publicity which had been attending her case she was an undesirable. This rebuff, which came after the girl had once been dissuaded from jumping into the water at Vancouver by a soldier from the Barracks, apparently was the "last straw. and -the girl made her way by streetcar to the trestle, where the clew was lost. Miss Harris left the Thompson home Friday afternoon. On the bridge at Vancouver Private Xorthneff. attracted and learned she was mentally distressed UJ " 1 1 i . " . I ! . . " and that she was considering- suicide. He directed her to the homo of Mrs. Lillian McEroom, in Vancouver, where bhe was cared for, 'jut from which she disappeared Monday afternoon. Relatives of Miss Harris and the de tectives were about reconciled last nieht to the belief that the eirl had committed suicide. Owing to the high water In the rivers and slough, those places were not draerged last night. E. L. GAUDETTE SUCCUMBS President of South Bend Timber Com- I paiiy i -. SOUTH BEND. Wash.. May 10. (Spe- rlnl.l Oeoree R. Cartier. vice-presi- dent of the South Bend Mills & Timber! Company, received a telegram from BellinKham yesterday notifying him of the sudden death of his brother- in-law. E. L. Gaudette, president of the South Bend Mills & Timber Company, Mr. Gaudette had been in a Bellineham hospital for the past few days suffer ing from acute indigestion While I leaving the hospital in an automobile with his sister. Mrs. Cartier. he ex pired. Mr. Gaudette was about 54 vears old and was one or tne pest miilmen and lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. From IjOH AiiKeles. Name. Bear Great Northern. K. A. Kllburn Beaver Breakwater. . . . Ros City , Date. ..In uort . . San Francisco. . . .i? tx Oieieo ...... . .Ios Anpeles. . . . . Han Dier-'o . Ivjs An&eles. -. . , May 1 IS . May i: . May 17 . Mav -M ..May lil DUE TO DEPART. For Xame. Wapama Yale Great Northern "Willamette. . . . Bear Harvard . ...... Northland F. A. Kllburn. . Yosemite Beaver Celilo . . . .. Breakwater... . Rose City rmte. . San Dies .S. F. to U A .San Francisco. . .San Diego , Ijos Angeles. . . . .May Jt . May . .May . May . Mav t . to iv. a. . . -May .San Dlejfo May 13 . . .San Dieiro. . May 14 11 19 . . .San Francisco. . . . .Ios Anceles. . . . . . . San Francisco. . . . . San Dleg-o . . . Los Anseles. . -. . . May ..May .May . Mav ..May Movements or Vessels. PORTLAXP, May 10. Arrived Steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamers Rose City, for San Pedro via San Francisco; Willamette, for San Diego ia way ports; O. M. Clark, for Mazatlan; Olvmpic. for San Pedro via Rainier. Astoria, May TO. Sailed nt 5 A. M.. Fteamer W. F. Herrin. for San Francisco. Arrived at 7 and Wt up at 1 A. M., steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Sailed at :no A. steamer Argyll, for San Francisco; at 9:30 A. M., gasoline schooner Tillamook, for Coos "Bay; at 1 1 A. M ., steamer Sue H. Elmore, for Tilla mook. San Francisco. May 10. Sailed at 11 A. M.. steamer Beaver, from Portland for San Pedro. Arrived at noon, steamer J oh an Poulsen : at 2 P. M.. steamer Alcatraz. from Portland; at 3 P. M.. steamers Great Northern, from Flavel ; El Sesundo, from Portland. Coos Bay. May 10. Arrived at 7 A. M., steamer Breakwater, from Portland for San Diego via way ports. San Pedro. May 10. Arrived at 6 A. M., steamers Temple E. Dorr and Shasta, from Portland. May 0 Arrived and railed, steamer F. A. Kllburn. from Portland and way ports for San Df '5o. San Francisco. May 10. Arrived Steam- era Nlchlyi Mart (Japanese, from Otaru; Daisy Putnam, from Wlllapa; Fair Oaks, from Grays Harbor: Johan poulsen. Great Northern and Alcatraz, from Astoria. Sailed -steamers Conxress. ror Seattle- Hornet. for Vancouver; ship Talus British), for j airnouin. Seattle, wash.. Mav 10. Arrived Steam ers Tsiyo Maru (Japanese, from Darten; uy ot Seattle, rrom sou tneas tern A laska; t . S. S. Befir. from San Francisco. Sailed Steamers Admiral Pchlev. F. S. Tvum and colonel K. I L'rnKe. ror i-an r ra ntseo , inKai Maru (Japanese), tor ladlvostok; Dolphin, for goniheantprn Alaska. Marconi AVirelcs Reports. f All position reported at 8 P. M. " unless otherwiHe det.jmateu.) Paralso. San Francisco for Peru, 1S75 mns iouth or San r ranclsro. Mav p. Moffett. towinsr barge 93. Balboa for Kichmond. lOKT miles south of Tigntshlp. San Jose. San Franrlsco fnr Balboa, lti40 mnes souta or mti i-rancisco. Klamath. Guaymas for San Francisco, 670 mups soutn or han rranrisco. Newport. Balboa for San Francisco, 600 miles soutn or .san h ranclsro. Kilburn, San Dieeo for San Francisco, lft miles south of San Pedro. Jim Butler, port Townsend for San Fran- Cisco. 2. miles south of Destruction Island. Iurline. Honolulu for San Francisco, miles iron) San r rancisco. May . China. Orient for San Francisco. 101 miles from Honolnlu, May . Hyades. Honolulu for San Francisco, 1674 milfs from San r rancisco. May P. Sherman, Manila for San Francisco. 1856 miles from Iran Francisco. May 9. Georgian. Hilo for San Francisco, fru miles from Hilo. May 9. Atlas. Kahulul for Richmond, 1145 miles from Richmond, May 9. Enterprise. Hilo for Ssa Francisco, 726 mile from San Francisco. May 9. Hilontan, Seattle for Honolulu, &05 miles from Caie Flattery. May 9. Thomas. San Francisco for Manila, 10H3 miles from San Francisco, May . Beaver San Francisco for ban Pedro, 30 mites south of onnt bur. Multnomah. Grays Harbor for San Fran citfr-o. 20 miles north of Point Arena. Congress. San Francisco for Seattle, 6i miles north of Point Reyes. . Col. Drake, with barge 91. Seattle for Richmond. 3S miles from Seattl Coronado, San Francisco for Aberdeen, 20 nines soutn or munts tter. Celilo. St. Helens for Saa Francisco, 30 mnes soutn or Kianeo. Buck. San Luis for Vancouver, 521 miles Bonn ot wan i.uis. Mills. Portland for Martinez. 324 mil from Martinez. Breakwater. Coos Bay - for Sureka, 40 1 mile souta ot coos Jay. AMrSEMISTS. (1 IIATINLE BAITY 230 Ralph Golden present TAXGOLAXD. A cyclonic musical comedy, -with tuneful meiomc ought in.. .trumB iceMr d the prettle.t of Bins. OTHER BIO ACTS S BoiM. first row balronv mta K phone. Curtain. t:u. 1 and . BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Corner VaGcti mad TwrDtj-loartk St a. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND May . 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. Games Btrla Weekdays at 3 P. M.I SsadaTS. 230 P. M. Reserved Box Beats for Sals at Ed wards' Clear Stand. Sixta and Washing-ton, Sta, Ladles' Days Wednesday aad Friday. iueas. ' 1 Sea-undo for Seattle. ITS miles north of San Kranclaco. Queen. Seattle tor Saa Francisco. .3 miles north of Blanco. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. British ) m rt I nv.r.nrrv i,r,n rt? mfn for Azores tor orders. American scnooner Carrier Dove. 003.514 feel-.lumber, for Adelaide. American steamer Hose City, general ear so, tor San Francisco. American steamer Olympic, 730.O0O feet lumber, for San Pedro. Gasoline schooner Ahwaneda. general VesaeU Kntered Yesterday. American steamer nlvmnii. I,. : i wtm San Pedro. Gasoline schooner Ahwaneda. a-eneral Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. M.V 111 Cnnriltlnti nf - bar at 5 P. M. Sea moderate, wind north. " eab ZBlieS. t Tides at Astoria Thursday. Hlah. l 7:13 A. M 6.3 feet l:.-, A. M. .3.3 feet tr. At i.a reet l:.H p. M 1.7 feet COLEMAN FIGHT STARTS AXOTHER WILL. OF late LANE COUMY CAPITALIST IS FILED. Florida Woman Appear, aad' Contest Beslm. at Eirese Dlrorra Ap peal Prods After Death. EUGEXE, Or.i May 10. (Special.) A will contest involving- the estate of John B. Coleman, pioneer Lane County capitalist, who died at Key West. Fla.. March 28, was inaugurated today. Before' leaving Eugene for Florida, in February, Coleman, who was 86 years of age. had his marriage to his I '6-year-old bride of a few months an nulled on the ground that he was in competent to enter into the marriage because of his weakened mental condi- tlon The case was up on appeal to the supreme court at the time of his death Before leaving the city he made a will. bequeathing his estate to relatives in Kentucky. This will was filed sev- eral weeks ago. Today Lulu Sawyer, of Key "West, put in an appearance with a will which she asserts is the last will and testa ment of Mr. Coleman. Coleman a few years ago owned property in Lane County valued at between 10,000 and $10.000. He was involved in many lawsuits, invariably claiming wrongful advantage had been taken of his weakened mental condi tion. His estate at the time of his death amounted to J 5500. The appeal from the decree annul ling Coleman's marriage is still pend ing in the Supreme Court. CI. cm aw a Students GItc Kxliibltion. CIIEMAWA. Or., May 10. (Special.) Tumbling, somersaulting and high jumping, interspersed by fancy drills and musical numbers from the junior and senior brass bands at the Indian School furnished a programme Satur day evening in which 400 students took part, and which was enjoyed by a large number of visitors. .Sixty girlsMook part in a. fancy scarf drill, and an equal number gave a dumbbell drill. A fancy march was made by 50 small girls. Seventy small boys appeared in calisthenics, in addition to the Indian club drill. A rifle drill was given by 60 boys. Professor I. S. Loos was in charge of the brass bands, while Miss Gertrude Brewer played the piano for the calisthenics. E. A. Smith directed the athletics. Sutberlin Young AVoman Dies. 'ROSEBURG, Or., May 10. (Special.) Miss Esther Larson, of Sutherlin. died at Mercy Hospital here today, aged 22. Miss Larson was born in Mlnne sota and. accompanied her parents to Oregon four years ago. In addition to leaving her parents, she Is survived by one brother and four sisters. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Ban amy. Per Une. One time bme a two conseratlTe time. , tmmm md three consecutive times, 1M ts bme ad six or seven eoosecotive ume jm The Dove rmi - appij so MTcnueaifa nnder "New Today saiu mix ouiet riswmci lion except me laiiowuii Situml IOD v Dira mua, Mtutiins V anted nude. For Kent, Rooms Private Families., Hoard and Koora Private Families. MouMkerpinc Koom Private Families AUvt oo the above clsswtf Ire lions A 3 cestts Hue escta insertlosu Tba Oretoalaa will eerept classified sd- veiUements over the telephone, provided u. avlvpriiasM1 la a suttacritMir of Math pbone. AO pnr win m quoiea over ins Shone, Din out wui o tmurrea ino iouowuf ay. Whether wbiequeat advertise men La will oe accepiea over toe pi. one oepeotu upon the prompmn piynrot oi m le an d 'Personal" advertisements will swi e accepted over the telephone. Orders tor eee lniertioD only will be accepted for "rural tore for tie, Huu" Opportunities," 'atoomtnir-nouBca ana v buku m nai. On "rhirtr advert memrnti cnaraea will Ka ha4f. on the number of lines euueerina t be paper, rrv arui r-t oi v. no n umner oi word la eacn line. Minimum charge, twe lines. AHvrrtlM-nents to receive roTer clawd- fleetlon must be In The Orrtonlas. office before :a o'ciock niarnt. except Eenr ,y. cio-uns noar ior iw Banaay v; nnLn win do i low o'ciock piioroir mx Th Africa will be oneu until 10 o'clock . M. a uual, end ell ads received toe lota tec proper clarifies tion will be run under Use Ilea (tine l oo laie io ciwiiuy TelenuoaefrS aiain ?u.u. i AUCTION 8 A US TODAY, At Baker's Auction House, 16-1C Park t. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. MEET-O'Q NOTICES. OREGON COM M AND EH Y, K. T. dDeclftl today (Thurs day) at 4 o'clock P. M. Ked Cross. Regular conclave 7 :3. followed by cards an social, as usual. Brinr a Sir Kjiignt with you, no win appreciate ir. MACCABEES. DOINGS Portland Tent No. 1 and Review No. 7 will rive a card party and dance at tneir nan at 4m Aider street. this t Thursday) evening-. May 11. Good n rites. Maccabee Orchestra. A rood tiros assured. Admission 15 cts. All Maccabees and their friends invited. T7TOPIA REBEKAH LODGE. NO. 62. O O. F. Regular meeting this Thursday) evening In Orient Hall, E. 6th and Aider sts., ioliowea Dy m party. vooa prizes. Admission 1- cents, including refreshments. JBSSIE W. HENDERSON, bee DANCE for Rose Festival Queen tonight. Foresters Hill. 19 Fourtn, lU PrUe waits. 26c per couple . . fl' . wommmmims. This directory la tVi- tha Infnrmstlnn the different Ihiea of bu sines a which the average person may find occasion to uae. Any information wnich cannot bo found here will ba gladly furnished by Phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCORDION PLEATING. fca, bTEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, aldtt pk-ut, buttons covt-rwd; mall orders. plttocs: block. Broadway lout. HEMSTITCHING, buttons and pie Una or SaH promptly filled. Elita Button Shop. JO- si orris on at,, opposite Olds sUn. riiLATlNG, hemstitch. n. buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Co.. 60 Mb, Bdwy. '.WOO. ASrtAYfcltg A1 ANALVhTS. MONTANA ASSAY OF KICK. 13 silver and platinum boujht id- iold. ATTOtltVS. y, J. MAKKL1M Probata, real estate, mtn lnc and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined, written opinions furnished. H34 Northwestern Bunk bld. Main 574c. UK AH AM. BECKETT A COOPEK. General practice; abstracts examined. 001-3 Piatt . bids, phop Main &8stt. CANCER. 1 M. JONES, M. U. CANCER TREATED. ' Alberta bU Woodlawa 4KM. CARPET WEAVtK. iLUFF RUGS FROM Ol.D CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc North west Rug Co.. Ib8 E. bth. Both phones. CELL! IAU f TTt !. HA IK, fcJS. THE IRWIN HODSUN COsPAM'. 87 Washington Bt Main 81J and A 121V4. CUIKOIOIHSTS. William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only sUentlric chlrouodista In the city Parlors 3u2 OerlinKsr bid., southwest corner 2d and Aider. Pn0n Main CH1ROPOOY ana psdlcurlnc Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Kllcdoer bid. Main 7. H1KOPHA1TIQ PllksltlANS. DR. McMAliON Chronic cases, takins; time, SI treatmenta w.-t h X."il : so.onam w. health, wealth. 2U6-0-1O-1 1-12 Macleay bid. COLLECTIO.S AOfc-NCx'. NETU St. CO., Worcester bld. Main 17W. No collection, no charge. Established 11MM. CONTR..CT1.NO ARCHITECT. N. O. E K LUND, 313 Henry bid. .Main 5S12. Contracting architect; financing; pians free. OANC INO. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessoiis dally; cli Tuea. Pri. eve.. to IU. 1O0 2d it, beU W'uh. and Stark. Main 22V b. Lessons 2&e. MLLREY BLDG., 2d and Morrison 10 les- sons classes Mon. Krt. eve. Mar 313. LA GENE UK REAL", Oriental. Spanish, toe. iure. bypt lancy, Russian, jaatn mix. 1KJ tHTS. LRKss SUITS for aals or rent at low pries. "We buy d-esa suits at 51 aid SU rK, KAK. NOSt ANU THROAT. Treatment by special .t ; glasses fitted. Or. r. r. easseuay, oil Dekum bldg-. .td m Wo. J-1RK INfcl KANCtk. PACIFIC STATLj F1KK INSL'KANCI CO. HAT rutAMNU. PANAMA HATS cleaned. blocked. 73a, straws, felts. :-Oc; guaranteed, -bi Wtib, near 4th. Sd. near btark. 44 d. M. 7ue. V. E AHE tb. best In cleaning, blocking and mr.i imn mil. JJt 1st St. Jdaln LAWX MOHtK t.Kl.VDlNO. OREGON GRINDERY. 6harp.ns 'sm bstt.r ior leas l. atar. 781. 304 th au OBEuON S reliable. Tabor 84S. MATIKEw MAKJNO. And feather renovating, fhene u tH74. HASTY MKSSKNUKK CO. Motorcycles and blcyclea Fhone Main S3. A 215, MIMICAL. SECURITY 8TOKAOS Co. WILL. CLOtiB OCT FOR CASH. $4oO Haines Bros. & 45 Uradbury . 4i H.lnxe Up right 3 UoO Larg. Up right $110 fJun iioudolr Up right 5 9 400 Chicken n. a.tA TO FIRST CALLElt, 109 4th STKEBST. Storage, toe Month. AVHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS Al'TO AND Bl'tKi Y TOPS. XU.-l.TU.ll AX1XU Utt KRAt.tA. DtrBRUlLd.B m'UBT TOP CO.. 20 Id at. WEIVHARUS GULDEN AMBER .NECTAR. lltaiiry Welnhard I'lant, latu and liurnalda. AUTO M'RINtlW MANfFACTVRING. Phme Main 7'J. A 1172. Q , -cro CDDiur.rn 0Mf- "nd repair- A' LAIN AND LI U1UCAT1NU OIIA. -kAnt-rl ofHINOUJae'm, ; suoo springs W. p. FULLER Co.. I-ih and Davis sta S&SS litntOCt" Couch. PAINTS. OILS AND oLOS. -r RASMLEX A CO.. i:d and Taylor sta UA.,Al.E (llE(ktl) AT UO.UK. f Baggage A Omnibus Trau.fer park Ac Uavla PlPfc. Pil'E 1 lTTlNti A.ND VALVLH. M. L. KLINE. o-d Front st. Royal ker"a.Rc:".?nc'iJl?k and Everett. mu1 kEJ.? B. MM VronVV1 vr .r TirMJblT?,l:,t;,Vii!'T3' I'RlNTLr.3 AND P UI.1HEKH M H. HOLSEH. Board ot Trade bldg. PDIWTIWR W BALTES AND COM PANT OKOCEKd. rniHllllO Flr't A osk Sta Mln !;. A 115 WADTTAM3 A CO.. 7-7o Fourth St. I'lllllIKE IOJUIISMUX MERCHANTS. liAXS ajjb CAPsT EVERDINO & FAKKEI.L. 14o Front .u THANHAI'SEll HAT CO, ij-5i Front St. KOPE AND BINliINU TWINE. Portland cordage Co., 14tli and Norlhrup. HlDtS. WOOL, t ASCAKA BAKK. .TW ,..,. KAH.-l BROS.. 1(1 Front St. SAl ET K.AZOK HONLNt.. AUTOM AT 1C KEEN EUrtF, CO.. 11H 4th. BRADSHAW B K o M o"on and Tth r. w p T-LEr'TO..!?. a.yttvl. sta MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. " WALL PAPEeL rOI.I'MPlA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 6th St. MOROAM WALL PAPER CO.. 219 d St. MEET EN O NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 B?fcul..r meettiiff th( i Thu ra ti ay rvonlnjt. Elks Tmpi, H o'clock. Initiation. Visit ing brother w leprae. By or der of tho E. K. M. K. SiPAUMMN-G. S46cixsiry. EUREKA rOl'NCTTs, NO. 204. K. AND I.. OK S. Mmber r requettd to t tend tli funeral of our lnt mister. J,cuie tmrich. at thu chapel of F. t. Dunnlnir, Kat Side Funeral Lirectnr, J .10 P. M. tomorrow (Fri day . W. L. JOHNSON. Sec. COU'MBIA LOEOE, KO. 114 A. V. AND A. M. Special rom- munlration this Thursaay) fnltiK, at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Tmple. 1-abor In the F. C. oe ltre. Vlttltlns brethren always wt .com, hy oraer w. M. KRKU Lm OlisON. Sec. EMBLKM Jewelry, huttona. charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-S tstxth t- HELDT In this city. May 10. Henry Hsldt. kpu - years. jir.main,a at parlors or Mil ler & Tracey. Washington at Ella. FlR.W NOTICES. FLETCHKR At the residence. OS . South Jersey street. St. Johns. Or., Mav 9, Frank Iawson Fletcher, aged 44 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mr. J. H. Fietcher; husband of Nellie Fletcher, father of James and Harold Fletcher, brother of Hamilton. Alfred and Norton Fletcher, of ei. jonns. ur.; . h. Fletcher, of Mon tana : Mrs. D. C. Mathen y, of Tacoma. "VVanh. Funeral will leav the home at lu::iO A. M. today Thurday). Services will be held at Evangelical Church, corner John and I van hoe. streets. St. Johns. Interment Mount bcott Park Cemetery. Arrange manta In cans of Miller k Tracey. EMRICH In this city. May 9, Rosa Emrlch aged 49 years. H months, 7 days. math-r of G. and L.. Emrlch, sister of Mrs. H. Simon. George and Ixiuls Miller, of this city, and Anton Miller, of Alaska. The deceased was a member of Uermanta I.odpe. O. 1. H. S. ; Eureka Council. ivnignts and Laain oi security, and bell wood Rebecca Lodge. The funeral serv ices will be held at the chapel of F. S. runr.lng. Inc., Kast Side Funeral Direct ors. 414 East Alder St., at 2:3u P. M. to morrow (Friday), May 12. Friends invited. interment Kose city uenitsury. M'KEKCHER Tn this city. May 30. Frank .McKercner. inrant eon or Mr. and Mrs Paul McKercher. of White Salmon. Wash. Private funeral services will be held today inurscay. at j:a o cjock f. XI. at tne lv I den ce establishment of J, P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Interment Rlverview. 2I1-I-INGER The funeral services of the late John O. ZUUnger will be held at the chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., East Side Funeral r1rectors. 414 East Alder st., at zi :..u f. m. ioay i i nurtaiy i ja ay j i. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. O'NII-J- In this city. Mav 4. Edward 0NI11 aged 71. Private funeral services will be held at MT. SCOTT PARK CEMETERY CREMATORIUM, today (Thursday;, st 2 if. - V At th nnhlir trt rlv- tr mm nrtaaibl MIMICAL, Emll Thtelhorn, vlo.in teacher, pupil Sevclk, :o7 Flltuner bhts. A jinriaxa io- OITOMKTR1STS AND OPTICIANS. YOL'R EYES fitted with beat lenses, 'go. U -filled mount l.5u p; lories. up; near and far bifoca, 1. up; lenses duplicated ; mail orders. 1K. J. U. M EK C.UITH, - V asn.ngion eAVE YOLK correctly lttea glaasa. gold tilled mtiii.. as low as $!.; 4T aualLV and service tne brst, Chas. W. Goodman. Optometrist, i!t0 Morrison s t. Main 1134. glxhe: optical co. Best S'.io Claases on aarth. 'loor AUsky ld,.. 22 Cor. Third aod ilorrisoa sts. I'ATtNT ATrOltNtiVa. K. C. WKlviiiT. 2 ytars' cxy.rleac. U. sna foreign Mtrnti. Q1 L-uia bld. AifTUKU. 610 Northwest blq.. ttta at Va.h. I'll LAND 001 Krk CO. k'actory aad otlu-. ntar illh and York sis. Main M. 1-KlNTLNli. Ii IT VkTi iv k' u w wnj- 1 K tlanl.tioelB. mar. iriaUua and tlnotyplna-. lovs trvot .t. c-n.r istara. Mala or A l.lS, hao ki ;..- an o mrr KI.C.3. lnjcratus. siruMvia. .turuaa. Aiminiw. ru rua, all sizt.. mulluruvr. prumpi. ouoa. WKt-TtKN UC'K Kill CO., 54-r.li I nlon av . X. Kast 631. B 14.5. IttAi. UIATK DEAUtlLS. PlU!ri.JtltL: -u . H P.. 4U4 Wilcoa bd. ASma:IATEU l.NVtSTillTNT CO.. 61 YTOH. BENEDICT IJHOS.. 3 Hawthorn, av.nua. M EMC rAINTlNCi. LCEX1C PAINTING and window baca- rnunilf ('nil ThMilur. tMThults. artist. rmrly at linker Theater. bluJlo El Kith t.. 2 blocks north of ;usan. Taoorlffta. M IUVIM. AM) WH1T1:W.JII1. CENTKAI. bPHAVl.SlJ CO. V hil ashln S. coin ater palr.ttns by experts. East STAMP DEALER. I'lNK, stani.a albums, hln.rs and supplies. We buy and sell. Main 7i!u. Columbia eitsmp Co.. H4 North. I6thj fTOKAt.E AMI TKANfFEIt. 8TOKAQE FRER JIOVINO FOR LIMITED TIME IN OR DER TO KILL OI R MODEKN BHllK WAKB llOUsE. EXPERT PACKING .1.111 STui.Aut St TBAS" 44-4rt EAST flXTH ST. . PHONES. EAST 3M!. EAST 5660. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Houseno.o loo.ii specianrtm storano. packing, snip ping and niovu.lt: bors. or auu vans, spevlsl freight rutes to sll points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & bTi'KAQK CO ad and Pine sis. Broad ay QUO. A l."t OitECON TUAX.-1'IS CO.. 474 Ollsan St. corner 13lh Telephone Main or A !; We own and operate two lurga class "A" warehouses on terminal .racks; lowest In surance rates in the city. UAUiSON ST. DOCK. AND WAREHOUSE Ofllce Madison. Ceneral merchandise and forwarding agenta Phone Main 7ell. MT SCOTT and Tremont aurb service. Local and loiig-dutanco hauling, storage and transfer, avl id St. Marshall 473. VKTKKiNA KV Ct HOOlJi AXII (ULUliEU K. r VETERINARY COLLEGE begins 8ept 11. Catr. 'ogue free. - C Keana, Prea. 1M Market St. san Francisco. WOOD. GHEKX A'D DRY SLAB WOOD, block wood. Pa.'.ama Fuel Co. Main 372U. A aM. nER.L NOTICES. MT"RP4TTT In this city. May IO, at th fam lly rtfsldence. 1213 Tlbbets st.. Kti4tao-th Murphy, a iced years, wtf of Peter Murphy sind mother of Cecelia Murpnv ltcr of Mrs. Marv Raber. Mrs. A. K. SanJrock and MLs Kllen Mc.intcan. all of this city. In.- runtrjil tw.-rvit-t will held at St. lgnHu" Church. ::jjo 4il st P. E.. at 1 A. M. tomorrow Friday ). y4-y 1-. Friends Invited. Inttrrnient Mu Cal vary Cemetery. BKARD In this city. May If. "William O Heard. Jr.. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Ullam IS-. Beard, of Hubbard, ur. The funtral servl. es wCl be hell today Thurs- oay p. at - o cioi jc i-. a, at tiie real fie nee -?tubllshmrnt of J. V. K:nlev A Son. Montgomery at Fifth.- Friend Invited. interment at Muitnomun i cmeiry. tm;ral iurectora EDWAKD H0LMAN CO. Established 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Ldy Assistant Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607, A 151L ' PEKiKCT FINEEAL SEBVICE FOB SI jjll FUNERAL FOR MILLER & TRACEY lade pen dent Funeral Director. Lsuly Ajia4aat. Wash Ins ton at Ella at., bet. 20th and 21st Main 2CW1. A He DUNNING &. M ENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and, i'lne. 1'hone inroad way a -ok. Lady attenaaut. A. R. ZELLER & CO.. 51-' W ILLIAMS AV1C last iuv!, C lUbS. Ltdy ait?nuant Lay and nipht iktvut. F. S. LL'NNI.N'tJ, INC. ast Fide Funeral Lm rectors. 414 Kast Alder street. Eust o, U R, T. BTRNBS, Williams and Knot East 1115. C Iady attendant. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streeti ljnny a-istant. fc,asi iti. KKIOSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main t13j, a BREEZE SNOOK. Sunnyslde Parlors. Auto hearse, jni; Kimont. lib. lr.s. ti l.. MR. AND MRS. W. srvlc". K.ast SO 1 II. HAMILTON, Funeral i and Olisan. Tabor 4;.to. sKKWISS L'XDKRTAKIXG ('UMPANV. 3d and, Clay. M 41, i--U.. Xady atu:adaau ITKERAL DIstBTTOBA. Taara of Experlenc Enables This Firm to Olv. You PERFECT SERVICE . This modera eata.blisttmnt. wlUk 1 ta conveniences. lncludina t eluded driveway, insures bso lute privacy, causing tn no way a departure (rout au eaLabliahad policy ot moderate price. Experienced Wotuau Attendant. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Tbo Proifresslve FUNi.lt.AX. IJiH-laCTORa, Montgomery tit KKU. Maun . A lis. -!XRlSTS. ilAKTIN & jVHHES CO.. florists. Wa.hincton. Main L'iil;. A -. Klo. for all occasions arlltKally arranged. CL.AUKE liKOS.. florists. 2T Momaon t. Main or A lM'.V Klne floaera and floral clrsliCna. No branch .lorf. MAX M. SMITH. Ins- I Ida.. 6:h 1 Main T J 10. nd Alder s' TtiSSKTH FLORAL CO.. WaahlniKoQ "t.. Let. 4tii and ith. Main .".10i. A 11W. MONl'M ENTS. I'OKTLANP MARW.E WORKS, Vv4-'.-fi--. 4th t. Okio.lte city Hall. Main SiW. 1'hilLP Ncu A: Suui for memorials. EBLAESING GRANITE COJ THIRD AT MADISON STREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY B74 BELMOVT ST. Phoaem. tt 141:3. B 2313. Oi Uay aad .Mjrht. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment' a notice. Anyone, desiring pet may communicate with ua. NEW TOHAY. FIX THAT ROOF We do 'it on a jrilnrantec-. See our repair department about the aleepinc; porch. thoie French doors or a fire place. Kverythlnir for the heme. Including: palntinir. paporintr and kalsocunine. ItlCrAlK QKrARTMOT, The OregBS Home P a I Iderw. 1330 orlk.r.lrrs Bank Hide. Oliver K. Jeffery. President. 6 Choir. Loana af Slt.004) and r O. 1 mprflTpd Hunt ni Property (r lor Impmrmnt ruipisa). j. r. urMUMB, S4X btaxa MtMt. MORTGAGE LOANS on ImproTed city and farm property at current rat. a Attractive repayment prlvllegea Loans quickly closed. brti iAL tx a i t-;; K LAm.r; O.V III SINKS I'ROFEKTIEJ, A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-SC1S Karthwratrra Bank Balldlaa. Marshall 4114. A 4 IIS. Illlllllllllllimilllllllllllimilllllllllllllllll atONEV FOR FARMERS A t Cam-at Rsln. COME 1.1 A.N If TALK UITU VS aar Wrtta Baakcra Mertaaae Oorporatlem. Capital asoo,ono. Title Jt Trut Vkdm- psrtlaad. Or(a allllllllllllllllliriltlllllllllTlflllllllltllllllll MORTGAGE LOANS We bare Insurance Money at S Private Fundi at C and 7. ROBERTSON & EWING 307-S Nerthweatera Bank Bide Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Carreat Rate. MIMCIPAL A.VD COKFORATIO BONUS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. fcO Fearth su Boar af Trad Ble E LTtVAP 0 EGOUDEYCO t35& 7 LOANS ON MORTGAQt SECURITY MOrrMtSTCRN BANK OUILOIN AT ONE HALF of original cost to owner, splendid Irv- inston home; most attractive buy of the day, barring none; price 110.000. For particulars call Kast 1S3. Orcgonlifc MORTT.ACE LOANS on improved city prop erty at Lowest Kates. SIT Corbett Pldp.. Fifth ft Morrison Sts. REAL ESTATE. For !a le -Lota. UL II.l'EH'S OTtoriTlNITV I N L.U RE I.H L RST. I have live nit-- lots near rrk richt In tho ent-r of tne proent bulldtns; ac tivity. I nt to nitr-t and co-operate with a contractor of uniu'st loned risponibUUy who mill take a financial Interest in thJt houses. 1 mut sell these lots and will go the limit with the rinht man. Win securtj you Kod hulld nig loan at 7 per c-nt and in a pcw-tiion to advertise and e II tlie houstii as fat as completed. Nuiin hut hiph-o'.aM operator with relerencca will be tonsutrtU, call cventngs. TLxr MAKi: THAT LUT PAY YOf AN" I.NWMr.. Wo en. do it for you. our tem of fi Bsr.cins. huilciine. rentlnff and seiiuiw and cut tin (t out the middleman profit assures of satifcraotion. Hesults guaranteed In wrli ins. 4it book ou "Horm-s" free, no chars for advkt. THK 0!!K(K HOME PVILDERij. liU Northwestern flur.k uld OU VEKKJ KK KtltT, president. $lHCO TAKES finest Lsdd's Additlonlot, near llawthorno avenue; stret improv xK.'n:s ail In and paid. KiTTER. LOWK Ac DB FOREST. L'".-u7 Board of Trade Htdg. LAl'RKLHL'RST BAKUAIX. Roya I l oun, r.eair Sfh street. SOxyTT,; price Of, subject to lWi bonded. Uod drd A; V-dr:ck. 14:' Strirk st. OKEAT BARGAIN ft lota. .' each; 5 "ots. $176U; ImproveuienLs paid; Irvuiston; splendid location. ast 21 X. W. U. Jtlard- IRVLNOTOX SNAP. K. IJtth st.. near Thompson. flOx 1 1K, 1m- prov-rmenta paid: price fMi'U. Goddarxl W Wiedrick. l:s tiirk street. FOR BALK &vxlOO lot on K. 24tn, aar bandy. 1KI. wia be reduced a day unLrl sold. J 5t9. Oref on.sn, 13 1XWN'. r. PER MONTH. " tiOxluO. on tl. 3d su. 2m) feat south of G ladr tone ave. Main 1CH".S. Far Sale Beach "Property. GKARH ART Miller cottage, on Dunes; ey t'-rms. Photte Iast CTaiU. F. 13 rub a, Oid K. Itumrtde. j:;i.o SNAP; modern buritalow. 73 Fast Mwt North, corner Broacway. Tabor tioi. owner. ' b-R wm I r In it on home, rid leu lously cbeap ; lur mailed l denirvU, i'nona kjix. Mtu.