16 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, MAT 10, 1916. NEW BOAT PICKED Steamer Northland Chartered for Alaskan Line. PUGET SOUND AFFECTED San Kainoii Will Ply Coast Under arr-McCormick Flag, Carry ing Lumber at Rates . Above Normal Charges. At a rate of from $350 the steamer Northland, McCormick fleet, will to $375 a day, of the Parr ply between Seattle and Alaska for a period or six months, under a charter closed this week. That" is news sent from San Fran cisco yesterday concerning the vessel, which is due today from the Golden Gate with general cargo. Discharging that, she will load lumber for Califor nia delivery. Then she will be turned ovpr to the charterers. The Northland carries 825,000 feet of lumber. She is to be used in the transportation of lumber northbound, and probably other freight at times, loading for the return with bulky cargoes available. She has been in tne trade in other years, also the steamer i San Ramon,- both having been under, the Dodge flag. At present the San Ramon is ply ing under high financial returns in the Mexican-Central American trade, though she is looked for here next month to re-enter the Coast lumber business. Like the Northland, she now hails under the Parr-McCorraick em blem. The engagement of a steamer last week to load lumber on Grays Harbor for San Pedro at $7 a thousand feet, being an advance of 5 cents, shows how freights are climbing, and the fixture of the Northland is viewed as most attractive for her owners. The Puget Sound-Alaska trade Is Increasing. An estimate several weeks ago was that regular lines would op erate fully 30 ships, while in addition Portland will contribute to the fleet with a line of barges maintained by the Columbia Contract Company. Port land business men are behind the Oregon-Alaska Steamship Company, which has been formed to operate from here and is expected to start the first ves sel about June lo. Added to the general trade of the North is new business resulting from Government railroad construction from Anchorage, and not only in lumber, .steel and such material will there be gains, but stocks of supplies are being gathered for the railroad camps that are increasing the movement. LIFK EXDS "WHILE AT SKA A. Thodt, of .Los Angeles, Found Dead in Stateroom on Bear. A. Thodt, a passenger from Los An geles for Portland. . committed suicide a board the steamer Bear about noon Monday when the vessel was at sea. The body was turned over to the Coro ner of Clatsop County on the arrival of the liner at Astoria yesterday morn ing and Mrs. Klsie Thodt, of Santa Ana, Cal., was notified in accordance with a request made in a note left by Thodt. It is said Mr. Thodt was about 65 years old. He did not appear for lunch Monday and investigation led to the discovery that he had shot himself with a revolver while lying face down ward on a settee in his stateroom. The mhot entered the right side of the head, back of the temple. The revolver was found on the floor, with one shell ex ploded. Mr. Thodt was a member of the I. O. O. P. lodge at Spangle, Wash. He had evidently been ill, as among his ef fects was a card of the relief commit tee of the I. O. O. F. lodge of San Francisco. Other papers indicated the man was the owner of large property interests in Los Angeles. The body will be held here to await the arrival of relatives. I SANTA ANA, Cal., May 9. Andrew Thodt, a retired rancher of Washing ton and Oregon, came here with his wife recently and bought a home, from which the occupants disappeared last night. Neighbors knew little of them. A young woman and her small son lived with the elderly couple. Recently Thodt suffered a slight stroke of paralysis. ST. YKUOXICA CASE CLOSED Pilot Roarcl Holds Captain John Lapping N'ot Responsible. Pilot John Lapping, a Columbia River bar pilot, has been exonerated of responsibility for the British steam er St. Veronica having crashed into the Mack Dock, at Astoria, in March, when hound for sea from the Hammond mill with a cargo of ties for England. On receiving a report of the acci dent, the Oregon State Board of Pilot Commissioners began an investigation, conducting a hearing at Astoria. Tes timony was given in effect that after Pilot Lapping stopped headway on the vessel, when a heavy fog bank shut down, the master of the steamer had ordered full speed ahead, and the ship failed to clear the dock. Copies of the transcript of testimony were gone over and the decision given out at yester day s regular meeting. The river branch licenses of Captain Julius Allyn and Captain A. L. Peaee were reissued yesterday and Captain Charles E. Anderson and Captain H. F. Astrup, bar pilots, granted leave of absence. ST. HELENS YARD GROWING lourtli Cradle for Deepwatermen Is Being: Built at Present. Construction of a fourth set of ways is being carried along at the plant of the .St. Helens Shipbuilding- Company, and when ready another vessel is to bo started. She will be an auxiliary srhooner to be named the City of Eu reka. The City of Portland is receiv ing: the last attention there -before starting to ioad, and the City of t. Helens is on the stocks, also a three master is being- rushed for Captain "VS'risrhtson. of Mobile, and a second or dered by him has been begrun. Two steam schooners ordered by the firm of Wilson Bros., of Astoria, are ;n frame, ano the next vessel decided on will "t a motorship. The "Wilson plant may also extend. WAPAMA IS ONE VEAU OLI Transports More Than 3000 Persons nd 25,000,000 Feet of Lumber. Celebrating her first birthday and her 22J voyage, the McCormick steam er Waparna was in the harbor yester day with 1000 tons of cargo, after tfis vharging which sne proceeded, to the West Oregon mill and goes to the Clark & Wilson plant today to work more lumber, finishing at St. Helens and sailing tomorrow. "We have carried more than 3000 passengers and 25,000.000 feet of lum ber, making three voyages between Puget Sound and California, also one between the Columbia River and Mexi- co, the others being between Portland, and California harbors," said Captain Foldat. TWO LIXEKS IN HARBOR Rose City and Bear Meet and Former Makes Ready to Sail. Two "Big Three" liners in full com mission are in port together, due to the Rose City having ended her repairs here and being slated to depart this afternoon, while the Bear arrived yes terday and sails Saturday afternoon. Passengers on the Bear numbered about 140 and she had. virtually a full load of freight. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Raley and Mrs. F. S. Doernbecher were among- Portlanders returning from the southland. A gentle rain fell after the Bear made fast. Schooner Coquille Bought. MARSHFIELD, Or., May 9. (Special.) E.- E. Johnson, manager, of the Co quille Lumber Company, according to reports, has purchased the sailing schooner Coquille. built at Bandon in 1883, and will utilize the craft in ship ping the output of the Coquille mill. The schooner is a two-master and carries 170,000 feet of lumber. Ship ments from the mill managed by Mr. Johnson have heretofore been made by rail to Marshfield, and from here to San Francisco by steam schooners. Co quille is situated 26 miles from Bandon on the Coquille River, but there is a sufficient channel to float the schooner with a full cargo, which will pass over the Bandon bar. DAMAGED SHIP VISITED MR. EVAJfS SEES GRAHAMONA, HIT BY" BIORRISON'-STREET DRAW. Repairs Are Completed to Bridge, bat 94000 Work on Steamer Will Be Arranged for Later. To ascertain for himself the extent of damage to the steamer Grahamona, which collided ' with the draw of the Morrison-street bridge Monday night, ripping out several staterooms and much of the superstructure. District Attorney Evans paid a visit to the boat yesterday. No suit has been threat ened against the county, but Mr. Evans wished to familiarize himself with the details of the accident, should the Board -of Commissioners call on him for advice. The boat was half-way through the draw, when the swinging structure, in stead of stopping wide open, kept on its way around striking the boat in spite of efforts to escape. The damage is expected to amount to about $4000. United States Steamboat Inspectors Edwards and Wynn will go over the uranamona today, in advance of con ducting an investigation. The vessel was visited yesterday by Multnomah County Commissioners. Repairs are ex pected to be begun as soon as it is decided whether to ask for bids or do the work on a day-labpr basis. The steamer Pomona was placed in commission yesterday, vice the Graha mona, on the Upper Willamette River route, and as long as there is no in crease in freight she can handle the traffic, although a much smaller car rier than the damaged vessel. Damage sustained by the bridge through the impact with the Gra hamona put the draw put -of commis sion and no streetcar traffic was per mitted over it until 1:40 p. M. yester day, wnen repairs were completed. Liner Takes 12,000 Tons. The steamer Great Northern sailed from Flavel yesterday with 100 pas sengers and 1200 tons of freight. Her cargo was made up of wheat, oats, box shooks, paper, yeast and potatoes. On account of heavy freight offerings an embargo has been placed on baled hay for which there is a tremendous de mand at first-class prices. Japanese Liner Is Overdue. SEATTLE, Wash., May 9. The Os aka Shosen Kaisha liner, Seiko Maru, which sailed from Tacoma March 21 for Yokohama, has not yet been reported, and is 21 days overdue at her desti nation. Murine Notes. One of the tasks directed yesterday by United States Steamboat Inspectors Kdwards and Wynn was the inspection of the steamer tiage. at St. Helens. As she boasts a total of two gross tons it was not a long Job. That the Government dredge Col. P. S. Mlchie handled J .)() cubic yards of ma terial at the entrance to Coos Bay from April 25 to May 5, Is news brought by J. S. Polhemus, assistant United States engineer, who has returned from the scene. Heavy current in the Columbia River has proved more than the steamer Stranger could stem at certain places, so she has been withdrawn from the run by the Regulator line, temporarily. The steamer Dalles City will be continued on the daylight run and the steamer State of Washington in the night service from Portland. Two sailors required to fill out the crew of the British bark Invergarrv were cent aboard yesterday and she may leave tomor row for the United Kingdom with her grain cargo. The Inverlogie went to the stream and the work of supplying 14 tars for her Is under way. It was reported to Inspector Warrack, ot the 17th lighthouse district, yesterday, that the w his t ling buoy at the entrance of tne Coqueile River was not sounding. 1 he case will be Investigated. In the cargo of the gasoline schooner Tillamook, entered yesterday, from Coos-Bay were 22 cases of salmon and 100 cases ot cheese and butter. Captain Foldat yesterday cleared the Mc- i Cormlck steamer Wapama for Los Ange les with 1,000,000 feet of lumber. Oil aboard the Associated tanker Wm. V. Herrin, entered yesterday from Oaviota, con sisted of 45,000 barrels of crude oil and lSbS barrels of gasoline. , Southerly weather detained the steamer Beaver on her run to San Francisco, she having reported there at 0:30 o'clock yes terday morning. The vessel left Portland at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. News From Northwest Ports. ASTORIA; Or., May 0. (Special.) The steam schooner Willamette arrived today from San Francisco and will load at Rainier and St. Helens. Carrying a cargo of lumber from- St. Helens, the steam schooner Celilo sailed for San Francisco. After discharging fuel oil at Portland, the tank steamer Mills sailed, for Cal ifornia. Bringing freight and passengers for As toria and Portland, the steamer Bear ar rived early from San Francisco and San Pedro. Tne steamer Breakwater sailed for San Francisco and way ports, with freight and passengers from Portland and Astoria . The steamship Oreat Northern sailed for San Francisco with a full cargo of freight and a fair list of passengers. A wireless message was received by the Columbia River packers Association stat ing that on May 8 the cannery ship St. Nicholas that is en route from this port to Nushagak River. Alaska, was 50 miles from Unimak Pass with all on board well. COOS BAY, Or.. May p. (Special.) The steam schooner Coaster entered port last night and is loading at th Smith mill. The vessel will cut out one trip to Coos Bay on account of shortage pf lumber at Smith mill and go to the Columbia River. The steam schooner Acme, due here for transKrting lumber from the Courtenay mill, was oir the nar toaay, but did not enter owing to rough water on the bar. The steamship Breakwater Is due from Portland tomorrow. The steam schooner Speedwell was due from Bandon today, but owing to rough weather did not arrive. The steam schooner A. M. Simpson, pre vented from sailing yesterday by rough weatlier, went down the bay late this aft ernoon. GRAYS HARBOR. Wash., May P. (Spe cial.! The steamer Svea arrived today from San Francisco and is loading at the Wilson mill. The steamer Carlos went down to the lower harbor ready to rlear for San Pedro with a rarjo loaded at the Donovan mill. The steamers Tarn al pais. Daisy Freeman and Multnomah, after being barbound for A5ITSEIE"TH. ttVTINLE DAILY Z3CI Ralph & Golden present "TAXGOLA'D, A cyclonic musical comedy, frith tuneful melodies, bright lines, startling scenery and the prettiest of girts. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS Boxes. firt row ba Irony seats reserredi by phone. Curtain. 2:30, 7 and 9. BASEBALL RECREATIO.V PARK. Corner Vaaarba aad Twenty-fourth St a. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND May 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14. Games fiesrla Weekday at 3 f 9A. Sundays, 2i30 P. M. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Ed wards' Cigar Stand, Sixth, and Washington fits. Ladles' Days Wednesday and Friday. a day, cleared for Southern California with lumber cargoes. The Sophia Christensen has fone down to the lower harbor from the r.ytle mill in Hoquiam ready to clear for Chile. She car ried MMJ.OOO feet of lumber. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, May n. Arrived Steamers Argyll, from San Francisco; Bear, from San Pedro, via San Francisco. Sailed Steamer W. F. Herrin, for San Francisco. Astoria. May 0. Arrived at 4 and left up at 6 A. M , steamer Bear, from San Pedro and Pan Francisco. Sailed at 11:45 A. M steamer Breakwater, for San IMego, via way ports; at l:ao P. M., steamer Mills, for San Francisco; at 2:15 P. M., steamer 'treat Northern, for San Francisco : at 3:13 P. M., steamer Celilo, for San Diego, via way ports San Francisco, May 0. Arrived at 4 A. M.. steamer Santa Monica, from CoTumbta River; at 5:30 A. M . steamer Baaver, from Portland, for San Pedro. Seattle. May 9. Ship Nicholas, from As toria, for Nushagak, was ."VO mlies from Unimak Pass at b last night. Astoria, May 8. Left up at 10 P. M., steamer Argyll. Sailed at 4:30 P. M . steam er W. S. Porter; at 5 P. M .. steamer Ne canicum, for San Francisco. Arrived at 7:30 and I1 ft up at 9:45 P. M., steamer Willam ette, from San Francisco. Hongkong, May t. Arrived Steamer Seiyo Maru. from San Francisco. Yokohama. May 0. Arrivea Steamer Tarnbu Maru, from Seattle. Kobe, May 8. Arrived Steamer Nann Smith, from San Francisco. Shanghai. May 8. Sailed bteamer Java ray, for TiCuma, San Francisco, May 9. Arrived Steamers Pan tii Monica and Beaver, from Astoria; Matsonia, from Honolulu; Umatilla, from Seattle: achoonert Allen A., from Unga; Coquille. from S!uslav River. Sailed. Steamers Helene 'and Coronado. for Aber deen. Seattle. May 9. Arrived Steamers West erner, from San Francisco; schooner Luzon, from Sydney. Sailed Steamers Northland, fo- Southeastern Alaska; Queen, for ban Diego. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUB TO ARRIVE. Name. From. "Rose City Los Angeles. . . . Bear .Los Angeles. Great Northern. . . .San Francisco. . F. A, K lib urn San Diego , Beaver .. .Los Angeles..., Breakwater San Diego DUE TO DEPART. Date. ..In port ..In port .-May 1 . May 13 . May. 17 ..May 1 Name. For. Date. Rose City Harvard kVapama . ....... iorthland Yale Great Northern. Willamette Los Angeles May . . S. r . to L. A. -May . . San Diego. ...... May . . .San Diego May . .S. F. to L. A. May ..San Francisco. . . .. May , . .San Diego. .......May .wear. . .Los Angeles. . ... May F. A. Kllburn San Diego. May Yosemite .San Francisco. . . Beaver. Los Angeles. Celilo San Francisco. . . Breakwater San Diego. ..... May . May .Mav , . May Maraconi Wireless Reports. (All position reported at 8 P. M., May 9. unles otherwi(e Indicated. Enterprise. Hilo for San Francisco, 048 .miles from San Francisco. May 8, S p M Hilonian, Seattle for Honolulu, :tlj miles from Cape Flattery, May h, b P. M. Thomas. San Francisco for Manila. 7S miles from San Francisco, May 8. JS P. M. Coronado, San Francisco for Aberdeen, 0 miles north of Point Reyes. Lucas. El Sfgundo for Seattle. 35 miles north of San Francisco, Mills, P .rtland for Martinez. 157 miles irum ron lano. Breakwater. Portland for Cona Bay, 85 miles south of th-e Columbia River Oreat Northern, Flavel for San Francisco 121 miles south of the Columbia River. (, elilo, Portland for San Francisco, 40 miles soutn of the Columbia River. Porter. Portland for Point Orient, 353 rams rrom i'ortiana. LI Segundo. Portland for Richmond, 268 miles north or Richmond. Topeka, Eureka for San Francisco, off 5Junts K-eer. Buck, San Luis for Vancouver, 357 miles north of San Luis. Multnomah, Graye Harbor for San Fran cisco. 1.1 miles north of Blanco. Adeline Smith. San Francisco for Coos iay, zj. i miles north of ban Francisco. Newport, Baiboa for San Francisco, TOftO miles south or San P ranclsco. May 8, 8 P. M, Klamath, (Juaymas lor San Francisco. l"-0 miles south or San Francisco. May 8. 8 P. M San Jose, San Francisco for Balboa. 11H0 miles S-uth of San ir rancisco. May 8, 8 P. M. Moffett. towing barge im. Balboa for S Francisco,- 155 miles south of Lightship. Ala v . s r. m. Paraiso. San Francisco for Peru. 15 miles south of San Francisco. May 8, 8 P. M. K.ilburn. San Pedro for ban Diego, five miles south of San Pedro. City of Seattle, Alaska for Seattle, oft Kat Point. Col. Drake, with barge 01, EI Segundo for Seattle. s. mneg irom Seattle. Queen. Seattle for San Francisco, eight miles east ot i aroosn. Vessels Entered Yesterday. American steamer Bear, general cargo. from San Francisco. Gasoline schooner Tillamook, general car go, from Coos Bay. American steamer W. F. Herrin, oil, from Gaviota. American steamer Wapama, general cargo, from San Francisco. American steamer Argyll, oil, from' San Pedro, via San Francisco. American steamer Sua H. Elmore, general cargo, from Coast ports. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Gasoline schooner Tillamook, general car go, for Coos Bay. American steamer W. F. Herrin, ballast. for San r ranclsco. American steamer Wapama, 1.000,000 feet lumber, for San Pedro. American steamer Argyll, ballast, for San Francisco. American steamer Sue H. Elmore, general cargo, lor TlilamooK. Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, May 9. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. : Sea, rough; wind, west 20 miles. Tldee at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. A. M . feet'0:43 A. M 3 0 feet P. M .8 feet:l:02 P. M 1.4 feet G.B.M00RES WELCOMED OREGON CITY FRIENDS GREET CAN DIDATE FOR STATE OFFICE, Five Qualities of Aspirant Asserted by Those AVho Knew Him aa Government Official. OREGON CITY, May 9. (Special.) Charles B. Moores, Republican candi date for Secretary of State, came back to his old home town today and v given a royal welcome. He was en tertained by the Live "Wires of the Oregon City Commercial Club at their noonday luncheon and bad an oppor. tunity to talk to a group or the leading business and professional men of the city. He was introduced by Grant B. Dimick, who spoke in glowing terms of Mr. Moores' sterlfng and lovable qualities that endear him to hundreds of men who knew him well when he lived here from 1S97 to 1904, when he was Register of the United States Land Office. Mr. Moorea d t-I!; This directory Is for the information of tne public, to s;ive as far as possible the different lines or business which the average person may find occasion to use. Any information wnich cannot bo found here will be gladly furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCOKIUQN PLEATING. K. &TEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac .cord. side pleat, but tuns covered ; mall orders. aiiS Plttock block. Broadway luvtf. HEMSTITCHING, buttons and pleating or ders promptly filled. Elite Button Shop. 382 Morrison St., opposite Olds at King. PLEATING, hemstitching, buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Co.. 854 3th. Bdwy. liuOO. ASSAVEB8 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Gold. spver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. W". J. MAKEL1M Probate, real estate, miu l"g and corporation law ; abstracts and titles examined, written opinions furnished. 34;4 Northwestern Bank bldg. Mam 574S. UKAWAM, BECKETT A COOPER General practice; abstracts examined, toOl-i Ptatt bldg. Phong Main CANCEB. 1 M. JONES, M. D. tojl Albert St. CANCER TREATED. Woodlawn 41ot. CABPET WEAVER, Ll'FF RUGS FKOM OLD CARPETS. Carpt-t cleaning, r fitting, etc. North wejt itug Co., las K. bth. Both phones. CELLILOID 31'TTON 3, KAPOKS. THE IRWIN HUDSON COMPANY. g7 Washington St. Main 813 and A 123-1. CHIROPODISTS. William, Eatelle and William, Jr., Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3U2 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner 2d ana Alder. Pnou Main laiuL CHIROPODY ana pedicuring. Hilt. Office Flicaner bldg. Mrs. M. D. Main 3473. 1HIKOPRAC1 IQ PHYSICIANS. DK. MCMAHON 31 treatments, heaith. wealth. -Chronic cases, taking time, !; wru'tn s5u; econom, 2u-9-lu-ll-l Macleay bid. COLLECTION AGENCY. NLTH Co., Worcester bldg. Main 1714. No collection, no charge. Established. ltfUtf. It OM RACT I NO A ROOT ECTS. N. O. E K LUND. 313 Henry bids. Main plans tree. luuti acting architect; fmauciu HliAlH'S SCHOUL Lessons dally; class Tues.. Kri. eve, b to lu. 10 24 st.. bet. Vasn. and Star. Main a IMS. Lessons 2 c ML'LKfcTY BLDG.. 2d and Morrison 10 lea- sonj $3; classes Mou. Frl. eve. Mar aiJ, LA GK-Nifi LK REAL', Oriental, Spanish, toe. naiure. Egypt fancy, Russian. Main DKfcSS SI ITS. 1KSS SUITS for salts or rent s low pi Ices. We buy dress suits at oX ad SU EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. r. r . wasseaay, oil Ucjium btug., W n. I'l RE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. HAT CLEANING. PANAMA HATS cleaned, blocked. 76c; atrawa. fella, utc; guaranteed. 2so V7aibM near 4th. bt 3d. near blark, 44 3d. M. 7U2tt. W AKE the beat In cleaning, blocking and mcuLiiini ntkiw. JBl at. Alain 84-12. LAWN MOWER bKlNDINO. OREGON GRINDERY. (Sharpens 'em better lor leas), ajar. 7bl. 204 4tb. mU OREGON'S reliable. Tabor 349. MATTRESS MAKJNti. And feather renovating. Phcae B 5874. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motor.: Jclea aad picyciea. i-none Alain na, A. alia. ' MUSICAL. SECURITY 6TORAGH Co. WILL. CIX)SE OUT FOR CASH. 450 Halnea Broa. .15 4.W Bradbury . aij :i2- Helnxe Up right $95 Jo50 Large Up right tiio 30u Boudoir Up right $so $400 Chlckerlnc. .. .ta TO FIRST CALLER, 109 4th STREET, Storage, 7oo Month. WHOLESALERS AND AITO A1 BCCMiV TOPS. DUBRL'I LLE BUGGY TOP CO., 208 2d st. AITO SPB IN;S MA X ITAfT I'RING. kMfg. and repair ing: 30ou sprlnes in stock. lr.th A Couch. BA(t(iAI;K fllKllKKIl AT HlkUK. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park oc Davis BKA1 BAKKKV Koyal Bakery & Cent., Inc. litn an3 Everett. CHAIN MtKCHAMi HOl'aKK, Board or Trade blag. OEWIJIW. CO., 67-75 Fourth St. WADHAMS A HATS A.U CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO., 4S-55 Front St. UIXKS, WOOL, C'ASCARA BARK. K All-, BHOS., 11 Front St. MU-UNtKV. BHADRHAW Bhui. Morrison snd 7th ata MKN'H AND HOMEX'S NfcCKWEAR. COLL.MFIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. S3 s &th st. politics. He said he appreciated his welcome. During1 the day Mr. Moores saw sev eral hundred people throughout the city. He was warmly frreeted on every hand by people who are outspoken in their indorsement of his candidacy. He has just returned from a trip over the state and he Is greatly encouraged over the attitude of the Republican voters. Clackamas County is expected to give Mr. Moores a handsome vote. Every man who knows him is- his enthusiastic supporter, and scores- who ordinarily take little interest in politics and can didates are urging their friends to vote for a Republican whose political alli ance has never touched candidates of the Democratic party In this state. Neitla good human food? Of course! They have been known aa auch Immemori al) y In thrifty Switzerland and other careful oountrlvs. There la no better rival to apt- TOO LATK TO CLASSIFT. 13-ROOM modern house; flrat-clans condi tion; investigate if look in Ur something; up to date; desirable location. Main S411. LADIES wlKhln to learn beauty culture; Rood proposition this month. 307 N'ortU wert bldir.. 6tn and Washinpton sts. EXPERIENCED Infant's nura reiilred. Phone Main 1 references CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Saday. Per LAne. One time le Mine ad two conseeatlTe times. ........ .KSs btmt ad tlaree conwecuUve times.. aa lMtuie ad six or even conaecuUve times s The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all otiiex rlsmmra Uwdb except the follow Lns;t bttnatlons anted Male. Situations W so ted k rmade. or Kent, Booms Private Families. board and Room Private F ami ilea. Housekeeping Boomn Private Fassllles. Rate od the above claetJticaUoas la 2 cents a line each lnaertloa. Tne Oresnniaa will aerept elaaalfled ad vertisement a over the tetvphone, provided the advertiser la a subscriber of either phone. No prlre will be Quoted aver the Shone, but bill will be rend ere a the loliowlns wkjm Whether subsequent advertise menu will be accepted ever the phone depends pun the promotDos of payment of Mie pfaone ad vert 1 seai en t a "81tuatloas Wanted" and "Personal" advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Inseruon only will be accepted for "lorn. ture for bale," "HasinetM. Opportunities," Koomlnr-HousesM and "Wanted to Kent. On "chars;" advertisements charfai will be based od the number of line appeariAS In the paper, res;ardea of the number of words In each line. Minimum ciiars,o. two lines. Advertisements to receive proper clari fication mast be In The Orejronlaa office before .45 o'clock at nls;ht. except Sat ar day. Cloalns hour for The (Sunday Ore gon Ian will be 1 o'clock Haturday niabU Tbe office will be open nntll 10 o'clock P. M. as usual, and all ads received too late for C roper clarification will be run under tas eadinjr "Too Late to Classify.'" Xeiavbones 1949, A MCStCAL. Emll Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 2u7 FUedner bklg. A 4lJ0. Marshall 121. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. YOUR EYES fitted itra beat lenses, go.d-f tiled roounia. tin: torlca Up; near and far bifocals. up: lenses duplicated: mail orders. DR. J. JD. MEKfcTDlTH, Stf Wawblngton St. SAVE YOUR $ Correctly Itted glasses, gold fllld 7 - i miKt.. as low as ai.av. r 4. J .,.,,. ..rule. th Optometrist. Morrison st. Main X124. GLOBE OPTICAL CU Best Glasses on Earth. becond Floor Alisay Bldg.. Cor. Third and Morrison a PATENT ATTORNEY!. H r U'KhiiiT. years xuii"nce U. A. nd foreign patents. teOl UeUura bldg. I'KTt KE RAMAN U. ASi'FOKl. 61 Northwt bid... tHU A Wash PIPJu. POHTLANU WOOD PIPE VrO. Factory and office near St4lh and York sta. Main 34. rOTs. XLEa AND POLLS. CEDAR POSTS A large slock, i length ; round or spill. total A Pole Co., Main TittL my sis or Wood Tis PRINTING. KEYSTONE PR Printing and con er Stark, iS J. E. Gsntenbein, mgr. 'inotyptn. lot" Front sU Mala or A 141. RAO Rt ,c AND FLl'FF Kl'OS. lncraii.s. nru.,-l. Hmyrnas. Axmlnater. rsc 1 rus ill alse,; mall orrtra prompt ; booklet I wmi:RN Kii-irp Kim co.. r.l-r.6 Union ave.. N. Kaat O.MB. B 14TS. REAL t.STATK UKAI tltiS. PLUEi!-JutS CO.. H. P.. 404 Wllcos bMl. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 621 Yeon. BENEDICT BRjOS.. pao liawtborna avenue. Bt KNIC PAINTING. :ctSl PA1NT1NO and lndow back- grouncli. Call Theodora bchuln. ant.t. Jormorly at B&ker IhntT. Studio E. Stb. at.. 2 block, north of c:llan. Tabor luS- ttPKAVINCi AM) HITF.WAH11MI. rp!NTRAf. KPRAVIr. CO. While a.hlnc. cola al.r oaiiktina by expena Kaat 3'.2. STAMP DEAl.KK. Klvv: iumn album, hlnaea and auppllea. We buy and all. Main I5o. Columbia Rlamp Co.. t4 North I6th STORAI.E AM) TK.ANISFEH, STORAGE FREB MOVING FOR LIMITED I TIME IN OR- DEIl TO FILL OIK MODERN BRICK WARE HOUSE. EXPERT PACKING TRANSFER CO.. 44-4 EAST SIXTH M. r.. PH4JNES. EAST 3M9. EAST 660. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Houaehold aooila BDeclaiiata: aiora.ee. packing, anip- plr.a and moving: horse or auto vana; knrlnl fr.leht rate, to all nOlntB, C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., ad and Pine ata. Broadway 391. A 190s. nuEr.ns thansker i:o.. 474 GUaan corner 13th Telephone Mala 9 or A 116. We own and ooerale two large class j warehouaea on terminal tracks: lowest In- Buranca ratea In the city. ADiSO.N ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE I Office W Madlaon. General merchandise I and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1. v; i -1 1 't 'i' .nd Tr.-mont .uta aervlce. Looal and lanz-dlfcianco hauling, storage and I iransf.r. aol id st- Marshall 4783. VETKRINABV K'HOOM AND COLLEiiEti. S i-'. VETERINARY tV)LaL.EOE beclna 8ut 11. Cait'OKue frew. C. Keane, lrTea aiarket t, san Franclaco. GRBKX AND DliY tjLABWOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel uo. iain a. ow. MANUFACTURERS NON-l.MO.Vll.Hl-Mi UtiVtsAbLS. TOl.VHAlO'S GOLDEN AMBKK NkiCTAR. Httiry Weinliaid Plant, latu ai,d Burnalde. Phone Main 7i. A 1172. 1'LaAiN AM) W. P. FL'LLEK LI UlilC ATlNti OILS. : Co., lath and Uavla sta FAINTS. Olleb AU OLAtsS. BAEMl'BSKN & CO.. i:d and Taylor I'U'IC. I'lPt 1-ITTINU ANU VALVEd. M. L. KLINE. i4-St Front at. PL L'MUINO AND bTEAM bLia'LLtAT" M. U KLINE, h4-S front at. 1'KiMLn AM UI.lsUKHS PDIWTlWfi W. BALTES ANU COMPANY IIIIIIIMW First Oak tta Main IBS, A Ilea IKOIHIK IOMM1SMOX MERCHANTS. EVkKDlNO & FAKKEL.L. 14U Front at. HOPE ANU BINDING TWINE, Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. 8A1ETI KAZOK UONLNU. AUTOMATIC kvCEN EDGE CO.. bH 4th. HA MI. IMJOKS ANU CLASH. F. FULLER A CO., ll'th and li avis ata WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. W 2d St. AUCTION' SALES TODAY. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. carpel a. etc. bale at 2 P. M. Furniture, At Wilson Auction House, at 10 A. Fumlture. 10O-8 Firat st. M. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3, R. A. M. Special con voce t Ion tnia (Wednesday) eveninR, May lo. 7:3i o clock. Pant and t excellent degrees. Visitors wel come. W. P. ANDRVP, Secretsiry. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. JS, r. A. M. Rerular con vocation this ( Wednesday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock.- East Eisrhth and Burneide streets. Regular or der or business and soctaL Vis itor welconw. Hy order of hi H. P. KO L1Z. L s bee PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. S. R. A. M. Special convocation this fWerinesday) evening. Mav i "i. t ociock. fait ana M. Jb.. At. degrees. isitors welcome, W. P. ANDRl'S. Secretary. SAMAKITAS LODGE, NO. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting Wednesday evening at H P. M at L O. O- F. Temple, 226 Alder st. fefcona aegree. uitors al ways welcome. wm. Link later. N G. R. 0isVOLL. Sec. . REGULAR MEETING this Wednesday) even ing. Eaat 6th and Alder. Visitors cordially Invited. N. G. W. w. TERRY, Sec! MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. a. r . . u a. M.. : ated com- munlcation this (Wednesday) evening. West .side Temple. 7;iU o ciock. r aegree. visiting I uiciui s-u wfitumt J. C. HEXKLE, W. M. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna 1TXERAL NO TICKS. WEBB The funeral of J. X. Webb will he ffiu mc me Lnnsiian cnurch. East Seventy-sixth and Hoyt. at 2 P. M. today i Wednesday). Remains are at w it Hamilton's funeral chapel, l-3ast Eightieth aim Uiioaii. au icr 111 t-I.il ItOIS t It Cem eiery. GRAY At the Old People'a Home. 32d and s-anay bouievaru. May s. Rev. David i. 'ray. aged (U years. Friends invited attend the funeral services, w hich will be I neia at rioiman Tunerai parlors at 2 M. today ( Wednesday), May lo. HARLOW The funeral services of the late Celestla C. Harlow will be held today I (Wednesday at l' o'clock A. M.. at the I residence esta Diistiment or J. P. Flnley Al Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. I jnierment at xone f ir Lemetery. LEAKE In this city. May 4. Chsris Lease, age 61 years. Private funeral services will take place in the chapel of Mount Scott I rarK --emetery crematorium today f. n tuneiaij ; ai iv;ou a, su E. A. SHARON HNEH Al NOTICES. FLETCHER At the residence. l0S South Jersey street. St. John, or.. May . Frank i.w.tBun r icicncr, 1KM 44 jraiS" telOVea son of Mr. and Mrs. J. h. Fletcher; husband of Nellie Fletcher, father of Jam-s and Harold Fletcher, brother of Hamilton, Alfred and Norton Fletcher, of St. Johns, or.; V. H Fletcher, of Mon tana: Mr. t. c. Mutheney. of Tscoma. wash. funeral will leave the home at 10;10 A. M. Thursday- Srvlr.. K he'd at Evan eel icul rhunh -.i-n.i- lryr and Ivanhoe streets. St. Johns. Interment Mount S-ott park Omt'tery. Arrance- nunii in care of Miller & Tracey. LOEB In this city. May . st 431 Benton street. Adam Loeb, SKd T:t year months it aayi, latner or M:ss Carrl. George and Alfred Loeo.Mrs. Mirv X'ol&nn n,i I -n Loeb. all of this city- brother of Mr. Fred Ki.iius. of Springfield. 111. The funeral services wi;l be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at Z:'M 1. M. tomor row i Wednesday). May lO. Friend invited. The remslns are at home. The funeral arrangements are in charge of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 Kast A.der street. HI PPER May S. at IOCS East lth st. N, Jaly a. Huffer, used 74 years, beloved mother of F. A. HufTer, of Ta orna ; J.hn Huffer. of Ki mond " Wash : M ri David P Allen. Uu:e L HufTer. Pite. Arts, and Mrs. V. . R gan. of Portland. r uneral ter ic be held from A. rl. Zeiler i'o.'s parlors, .".! W'tlliamm av-.. to day ( Wednesday v. Mav H, ait - P. M. Friends are invited. Interment Rivevtew (mt t-r . ZIT.UMJER In thU r'tv. May . at the family residence. TlSO Division street. John 0. Zi:iiter. aged .VJ years i months and -7 days. hub-tnd of Mr. L" H. 7.1 linger-, and rther of t "aroline II. ZU linger. Fur. era I servioea wt be hed t th. chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., Kast Side funeral director 1 1 4 Last A ld-r st-t ni nil 1 I Thursday. May 11. Pilends invited. Inter- Mieni .uuitnutitah Cemetery. - BA RTHMLOM A In this cltv. Mav st Ms )ai relcic-nc-. M Noifii Seventeenth street. nar.n f-. Hinhlim, aged 47 year, husband of Eima Kartaoloma. The funerjl Tvii-es will be held today I Wednesday . t 'J. o ( lok IV M ml lh rB.d-n.- establishment of j. p Klniev A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. I MAYBKR RY Funeral sevices of Frances ' Ma brrv will ho holri f .-wiav fWdneda. May 10. at 1 o'clock P. M. from th-p residence funeral parlors of Wai ter Kenwoithv. l."tL'-:t4 East Thirteenth street. Seiiwood. Pnnua inited. Inter nint Rivrviw meiery. rrNEUL DIRECTOU 1. Years of Experience Enablea This Firm to. Cilve You PERFECT SERVICE This modern cstablitthment, witft ilM conveniences, including m eluded driveway insures Abso lute privacy, causing in no way a departure from au establianed policy of moderate prices, iiexperienced Wo mar Attendant. J. P. FINIaEY & SON. The I'rosjresalvs FUNtHAU LiKiiJTORa. Jlonigouiery at- CilUv. Maia . A la. EDWARD H0OIAN CO. Established 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. A 1511. PEKavKCT FINERAL 6ERVICK FOR $150 $15 FUNERAL FOR MILLER & TRACEY independent Funeral IHrecters. Lady .assistant. WaBhtocton st KUa st., bet, 2m h and 21st. Mtia nvi. a. .a. e( aide. S. T. RICKETTS, formerly of Santa Rarbara. Cal., ts now at inciaucr fi our ririn. THE CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Uitvotori. Killing worth ul Kerby St. rhoue: Wood. awn aimi. C DUNNING A- M'ENTEE- funorml rllrfor. Brotdwuy and Pine. Phone Ji road way ssjl A. K. ZELL.EK A CO., 602 WILLIAMS AVA. lsy and night service. F. H. Dt'NNINO, INC. East Fla Funeral Directors, 414 Aider atretic East Ci. B R. T. BTRN E3. W 11 llama and Kjsou. ! Eaat 1115 C 11M3. Lady attendant. P. La LERCH. Eaat 1 1th. and Clay stxetftta j-aa y asaiataat. cast i i CRICSON RMldenca rndertaklntr Parlor A-m am jturriaou ata Main eiaa, a. zaaa. BREEZE a SNOOK. Sunnysida Parlor A Sic barae 1029 Belmont. Tsb. 122 MR. AND MRS W. U. HAMILTON Funana service, Eaat S'Hh ana uaua. Tabor 43 IX. SKEWES U.VUEKTA KINO COM PA NT. 4 ad Clay. M. A 3-L Lady attenduc FLORISTS. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. S4T Washington. Main 2el. A zes. Flow for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A loa. r ins riosrers aaa flora. designs. No branch storea MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A. SLIL Ing bidfc.. eth and Alder sta TONftETH FLORAL CO. SKT Waahlngtoa it., bet. sen ana otn. stain biuj, a. s&ox. MONrMcNTfl. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 2A4-2M 4th St.. opposite city au. as am ooosa rauup Nu A Sons for memorlsaS. 0 BLAESING GRANITE! COJ U THIRD AT MAD15QN STREE.T.J OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH 574 BEL MO XT ST. Phones, feaot Ha, B S1&. Opes Day and .-Slant. Report all cases of cruelty to this of flee. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambalance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desirinsr pet may communicate wltn us, HELP WANTKI MALE. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 6 Private Funds at S and 7 7.. ROBERTSON & ETNG 2O7-0 Wsrtbirestfra Bisk Bids;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Mo.rj at Carrrat RatM. SIISICIPAI, AMI COKPOHATIU.1 BONDS. KARJl AXD CITY LOANS. M Ksartk b t Board at Trade Bids. EUlUDLGOUDOfCO 6 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY KOBTHWtSTERN BANK BUILDING NEW TODAY. 6- rhotr Lsasa t (K.OOO Bad Ts r for lmpmut Purp u, . J. P. UIX OMB, HI Mmr. btrvM. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and fu-m property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Lum quickly closed. SrttHL RA1KS ON I.ARI.K LOANi ON IllSl.VKSS l-ROI'tHTIES. A. II. BIRRELL CO. S17-X1S Narth westers Msrakall 4114. Ek Balldlstsb A 411. iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiii S MON1EY FOR FARMERS E At C-arreat Hates. COMB 1-N AMU TALK WITH US a Wrtta Bsakera Marts. xe Corparattaav Capital aaooMMt. Titla at Traat Bids-.. Pert la ad. Oreraa 7illllllllllllllllllllU1IIIMIIII!IIIIIIIUIIIIIIl7 OrcgonTlfc MOKTtiAtiE LOANS on impiovea fity prop erty at Lowest Kales. SIT 'orh.tt HWg. r1fh A Mrnson Sis. REAL KtTATE. t or ale -IOlaV. lil'll.P NOW A lifetime knowing h . bM rif t of nrknirn on lh 'oit. We m ve you t he mi.ltltman'ai profit. fou iuit u. W" fiiiiiiu'. "liom'a," book, of practical mesea: iona. f r C, t on. :tSu NorthmcstTM Hank b.d;. T.i Orr f..n Home HuiidTt( ol.or K. Jcfrrt-y. $i:0 TAKKS f .neat LaUd Addition lot. nrar Hthorn ime, strtet uuprov-nt-iii m.il lu and pa.U. HITT ICR. LOW b: V PF. FORKST, o.'.-lu7 Bverd ot Trad B.us. 4.. CASH. CORNER LOT block f -'Mn H" Uy Park car. i uorth -.K''.'. Addrei-a AL i-'t', Ore- This gocia IsREAT BARGAIN 4 lota. S-'O each; 3 ;ota 1V. improvemeuia paiu, iniu,mn, splendid locatwa. &ast 2,A. W. H lierd-msn- FOR SALE lot on E .tn, near until sold. J Oregon'.an J. IWiWN. 1KR MUMM. rinvloo. on K. .i3d vl. -t feel south of iladstone ae. Main MAKE an b!fr far )nt 31. ."2. ."3. 4; block City Psrk. AV Pa. Oregonian. Ferale Beach Property. (SEASIDE COTTAGE AT SEASIDE. w PAAma Bltteoint Dwrch. fine Mew. beau tiful rrouuds, com er-.lent to ocean beach and boating on Necenicura River; icieal for children or adults; tx.nju. Apply Ji:i Cor bet i bldg. CELLING cotteso. Z, rooms, f urnlshed. Sea- vie. ah. rit juiius lj, " WaUa. Wash or Abe rfclim. 41 Mallory ae.. Pot ; 1 ana. Or For rle -Houses, f.V0O-LAl" R ELHt'RS T ; X. I a ni Just f i m M n g s mou e rn - ro m bun ca low. -Tt b:oi-k east of LAV R EL HI RST PARK. I have put into t otery thinK v-osible to make it thoroughly mod em and up-to-date and will guarante conrt ruction throughout to be f irst-cl-s. A tuiiall payment down from responsible partv and fir rent money will carry it. I couldn't iv.:tld it on present market for lee- than 94uuO. yet you can buy it for j:.".'. Conw see t right aw ay and w ill finish tc suit you. No agejus or commis sion. Evenings Tabor ' 4 0. LAl'Rni.HURST HOME. One of th most attractive; fine lawn, rnsen and flowers. J rooms, entrance) living-room, dining-room. kitchen. den. breakfa-st-roosn. U bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath upstairs, all modern conven iences; hardwood fioora. firepdace, fur nace fixtures, shaden. j built-in buffets; terms: might lake clear lot as part first payment. llt."" Haalo near Sfih. Mon- t a vlila or Rose City bor 4.'o5. Park jar. I'hone Ta- QOINU TO BUILD T o an eotablished urm and svrdi nd risk. We. as La. R. BA1LKV C.o t. orry nn r a rf k n arc hittvffl. hlVa Dfn Nl 324 Ablngton bidg., 5 years; hundreds of lobs lo our credit- Sketches snd esti mates free. KL RN1SH THE MONEY If de Sired. You deal with ONE PARTV and pa onlv ONE PROFIT ; we ACTUALLY gAVB YOU M u.N'EV and guarantee satisfaction. We design and build residences, apart ments, stores, lactones, an) thing. Bril.n TOUR HOME with one concern, ns middlemen: save this difference; get better house for the same money. W e guarantee everything m w ntmg from foundation to chimney cap. Artistic, prac tical ideas In free book, 'Homes oet one i:t;;n Northwestern Bank bldg. Tne lregon Home Builders. Oliver 1- Jeffery. president. 1RVIXUTO.V. K. 24TH ST. NORTH. Exceptionally well built horn-. 7 rooms, hard .vood fioors and w hits enomel f imsa throughout tile floor lu bathroom, 3 fire places, billiard-room In basement ; garage. This Is offered for quick saie at a bargaiu All stive i assessments paid. h K. BO W M A N & CO. , JT Stai k SL Vain .";2tV A '' o-ltt 0l BUNG A LOW. el?. Lp against It. I must move; my mod ern home on 71st st.. near i.ltssn st. car line; firt-placo buffet. Hutch kitchen, ce ment basement. laundry trays. large porch; coft me S24."m; will sell for 14... Terms-. Phone B roa dwty !.'! LAl'RKLHIHST HOMES. Before buli.g be sure to look it our lis, of exnuisiie homes Just completed In Laurelhui st. the addition of beautiful homes, from $?.v up. on rent-like terms. I .A L R Fn-HL'KST CU, -70 V fctark st Matn lT'Hl. A IM... - IDEAL new home. 6 rooms; built-in side board, bookcases, fireplace, full cement basement, plastered; two porches. white klichen; one block from Broadway car. n.r irvtncton tennis courts; aaseasmenta sc- tn 14. 1 AM compelled to dispos of my nearly new- 5 -room bungalow, all modern con enlences. large attic. I block from IVninnul Par on Mi-M-ifslppI ave. if you have a little .n- ney I will surprise you la pri.-e. W ould tcke auto as Itret pa) tnent. -..u.w.vf i v : x l.iivv. SI 475 Up againat 1". I mut move; my -modern home on 71it at., near ;iisan at. car- line : fireplace, buffet. kitchen. ment bar-ement. poich; copt me $24 undry ti ays, large . mill aeit for lw; term, I'hon Broadway HAWTHORNE DISTRICT ..ono NEAR E. aii'TH ST. SNAP 7'b lNTLRtsT. Artistic bungalow, brand new. breakfast-room. aU lare rooms, beveled Pl-l'-ft. buffet, piatc-glass windows, colonial brick fronu larpe attic. 're closets oa-t floors etc.; snp. i'wn-r. labor 1WW'. liuOD. cornforrable, homes, nearly new house at ill h- 4ti st. N. tRose City Park ; 5 rooms downstairs, cement basement, fur nace, nice srd. everthing complete and good neighborhood. Terms Jf desired. ln qulre next door. Tabor 079. " BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will build snd flnsnce your home on easy terms. Large arlrtv of plans to select from. t'MBDEN ri'l OC hi et LARSON "0.. Ground floor. 3(Hl Oak Ft. FORCED to sell my 9." equity for 1; house 2 years o!d; cost .".'0; has 6 rooms, full basement, Dutch kitchen, break f ant -room, but It -I u buffet, large attic; Pied mont disixlcL Mr. li age man.. Broad war ir.a. " HOSE CITY PARK SNAP, $3000. jCKW VERY ARTIS1 IO F..Vt?Y TERM?. t'luav six-room bungalow, living -room, l4Uo, ti-foot bee'ed plate buffet, parquet rm it r t4rm. .aA hraM hdw.. sleeuln e- porch. shade trees, etc. Owner. Tabor i .'. MI'S? sell my $-'A0 home for $l'10O; house 1 vcr old: 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, full bssement. lot- 50x100, Mt. Tsbor dis trict; excellent view; on 62 i St.. near GU san. 1 bl"ck to car. phone Broadway ItC.S. 7-ROOM house, with garage: Sunnvside dis trict: to blocks from Laurelhurst park; Mahogany finish and oak floors In princi pal rooms; hot water hunting system. Ap ply Broadway TOO orJTabor 2W3S, Ml'ST sell this week; r.-room house and lot. 34th and Belmont. Sunnyslde: business or apt site future: make me an offer and take it. Apply 70 6th sL tino WILL buy 4 -room celled house on .".x 10O. use of lOOxluo. on TSth and Halsey; easy terms. Phone Bdwy. IrtSS. FOR houses or lots In Irvington or Laurel hurst see Sanderson A Grauel.efi-8 Chr. ter of Commerce. Marshall 21W). FOR S A LE By owner, ft -room thorough I inndern two-storv houwe; value t::t."u; will sell for t'J.MMi; terms. Tshor QUA RTER block with six-room bungalow for sale cheap; cor. S:id and E. tit ark, Sunn side. Phone Main 714. IRVI NO TON BARGAIN My beautiful 9 mom home must be sold. K.H't 41rt". k H V INGTUN 8n ell iuil cheap homes. eay pamentx Se- Ilshunt. phone East "1 27 .. 2 MODERN. 5-room bungalows; 1 T-roons house cheap. Irvington, 67 Clacks maa