Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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1800 Students and Citizens
Take Part in Ceremonies at
High School Event.
Misses Verna Barker and Gladys
HolIinrrsxvortU Pull Ribbon Tliat
Uncovers Big Bronze Piece
Mayor and Others Talk.
" The etatue of Thomas Jefferson, the
purchase of which was: made possible
hy the co-operation qf Jefferson stu
dents and. members of the Board of
tKducation, was yesterday afternoon
tin veiled on the grounds of Jefferson
jriprh Echooi.
In the presence of more than 1800
pupils and citizens the purple and gold
xibbon that Dound the American flag
o the bronze figure was loosed by the
Mieses Verna Barker and Gladys Hol-
Jtnsworth and cheers greeted the un
covered replica or the masterpiece
.Karl fitter.
Judge M. G. Munly, chairman of the
Joard of Kducation, was the principal
speaker. After eulogizing "the archi
tect of the American plan of popular
fovernmont," Judge Munly urged, that
the students emulate Thomas Jefferson
In his spirited desire to do the most
or the common good.
Judge Munly said, in part:
"This beautiful ntatue, Just unveiled,
not only exemplifies the loyalty of
Jefferson students to their school, but
it shows that they have caught from
th.nir studies here the right , American
spirit some of the patriotism which
animated the fathers of the Republic.
Jefferson 1Va Many Bided.
"Aside from his claims to rank first
ismongst our statesmen and diplomats,
e was a man of varied accomplish
ments. He was a law reformer as well
es a lawyer; an author, a scientific
farmer, an authority on economics, a
financier, an architect of no mean abil
ity, having designed s.nd built the fa
mous mansion at Monticello; an in
ventor of agricultural implements, and
the' real founder of the University of
"But the work which must forever
secure hi3 fame is the Declaration of
"Although the gospel of the brother
hood of man and the dignity of the
human soul had lung been engrafted
upon the Christian democracy of Eu
rope, now for the first time In the his
tory of the race these ideas the recog
nition of the God-given right to life,
liberty an-d the pursuit of happiness
were written into a political document
which thereafter became fused into the
fundamental law of the land.
Virtue Are Extolled.
"In the shadow of this beautiful
monument, let us rejoice that the young
men and young women of our schools
cherish the memories of our historic
men and keep alive the traditions of
reminded that in ereoting this statue.
u but do honor t-j yournelves; that
sculptor's chisel, nor arilotlj con
ception can do Justice to Jefferson.
The most enduring monument to his
genius is the success of his political
principles as exemplified In the history
of this republic.
"Let us on this occasion I-ledse our
selves to imitate tho simple and homely
virtues of a God-fearing race the pio
neer Americans, sobriety. Industry,
lionesty, self-denial, good-will towards
ell men."
L. R. Alderman, Superintendent of
Schools, pointed to the statue and asked
the pupils what it meant to them. He
naked that the great deeds of Jeffer
son be impressed upon their minds and
to make his principles of justice their
Mayor Albee felt "that Jefferson
High School was the best high school
that he had ever seen and wished that
Ills personal interest in the school
iwould always endure."
R. H. Thomas, school clerk, and F.
'A. Naramore, superintendent of prop
erties, also spoke.
The monument that was unveiled yes
terday is a replica of the original that
fctands on the campus of the University
of Virginia. Jefferson founded the Uni
versity of Virginia. The statue is by
Karl Bitter, who came to this country
In 1S89 and soon won distinction.
The statue at present occupies a
rlace In the center of. the stairway that
eaua to the north entrance of the
ifK! ::-X- -' mini niBUKfriwwi r , '.-4 i S -
i- ; Jt jwiiiiiiii"WMimwjjgBwitM v . f i. I -s$!, 3 , t .
(Ji ' p-i s
;V"-'-J"' - . , "v -V
' Cls sjfrj!
. s.sps . .& 9)f n- - Jt-x ,..
I 1 ?! " : - L
ferwrmri nun n in 11 1 imwrras. 1 1 immammf m-
Outsiders Sell Produce Here While
They Are Restricted, Is Claim.
"Strawberries, apples and peaches
from Hood River, tomatoes and grapes
from The ralles, popcorn and green
corn from Eastern Oregon are sold at
,the public market on Yamhill street
Tny merchants who pay no taxes nor
license and often are not even resi
dents of the county, while we, who buy
much of our popcorn at the market,
for the privilege of roasting and sell
ing it, are required to pay a license
of $60 a year and are restricted from
selling in the business district."
i This is the plaint of the popcorn
men, in an amended complaint filed in
the Circuit Court yesterday against
the City or J'ortland by Charles Rosa,
K. Wilhelm. Mohammed Kahn and Joe
IMn, who ask that the' city he restrained
from enforcing discriminatory ordi
nances against them.
The Fallacy of Paraffine Base
Eastern oil manufacturers have long extolled
the superior virtues of paraffine-base motor
oils. Of course! Paraffine-base crudes were
nearest home and freight costs lower.
But Pacific Coast motorists
have proved for themselves
that Zerolcnc, an oil made
from selected California
crude asphalt -base, gave
best results.
Now their practical experi
ence is supported by the tes
timony of international ex
perts. Lieut. Bryan, a U.S. govern
ment expert, stated before
the American Society of
Naval Engineers, at Wash
ington, D. C: "Oils .made
from the asphalt-base cru
des have shown themselves
better adapted to motor
cylinders, as far as their
carbon forming proclivi
ties are concerned than are
paraffine-base Pennsyl
vania oils."
Zerolene is the oU. used by the
majority of Pacific Coast motor
ists. Highest competitive awards,
San Francisco and San Diego Ex
positions. Next time you empty your crank
case refill with Zerolene.
the Standard Oil for Motor Cars
Dealers everywhere and at our
Standard Oil Company
Cmr mf mJJrmat m Motor -CylimJmv Lmbricmtimn. hmrorw tkm Antmritran 5octy
Mmvmt Ens-taOTrs. jr Limmt. Srjtmm. U. S. N. . milt km ( iwnl.
known orlgrin last niirht partially des
troyed the branch here of the Creueot
Gun Works.
Arrested Speeder Gets Free
dom on Bad Checks.
Fine of SIS aa4 jmm ef 20 fop
Ball Are PaU With faovr W kirk
'Pram Wortalesa.
(1 1-lie MImm Verna Barker and Uladra Halllngaw,rth I nvelllnn the Statue.
(2) Mayor Albee. 3 31. V. Munly, Chairman of too Board of Induration.
4) L.. R. Alderman, Superintendent of Schools. (SJHopkin Jenkins, Prin
cipal of Jefferso Ulsh sohool.
Fred A. Ballin Candidate
School Director.
Latest Asiilrant Advocate of Vo
cational Training and Is Be
liever In Physical Exercise
Without Athletic Surfeit.
Fred A. Ballin, well-known marine
architect, has decided to become a can
didate for election ti School Director
and his friends propose to conduct an
active campaign in his behalf.
Mr. Ballin has been a resident of
Portland for many years and in that
time has taken a personal interest in
the schools, inasmuch as he has six
children that were educated here.
Now that Mr. Ballin is in the race
four candidates are in the field. They
are: airs. s. M. Blumauer, k. a. aiac-
TrUes Offered in Domestic Science
and Manual Training.
Flans have been adopted by which
the schools of the districts embraced
by I'nion Hitrh School No. 1, on Colum
bia Highway, will hold & contest May
13 at the Union HiBh School building
In all lines or aomesiia science.
Prizes will be given the girls for the
best bread and cake, and also for the
best and neatest plain sewina and
fancy work. Prises will be riven also
for the best essay on home beautiftca
tipn; for the best general school ex
hibit, and for the most carefully made
manual training exhibit . prepared by
the pupils of the school under tho di
rection of the teachers.
All the exhibits will be shown at tho
Canyon City Oddfellows Elect.
CANTON CITY, Or., May 1. (Spe
cial.) The following were elected as
delrpates from the local lodge of Odd
fellows and Rebekahs, to the grand
lodge, which meets at Roseburg, May
16. and 17: The Oddfellows will be rep
jesentfd by Frank Oliver and H. V
Pounds. nd the Rebekahs, by Miss
Mabel Muldrick and Mrs. Bsssia Pln-
in the development of our city as a manu
facturing and maritime center, to accomplish
which it Is not only necessary to establibti
places of manufacturing, but also to instill
Into our coming generation a well-dirscted
IntAreat in snd knowledge of technical
Having- assisted six of my own children in
their grammar and high school studies. 1
have become conversant with the scope and
results of past snd present educational meth
ods and my observations have led me to ths
conviction that the "practical" education of
our boys and girls, Instead of being consid
ered paramount, is as yet given only sec
ondary consideration in the curriculum of
our puoiic schools.
Whl!s education In abstract subjects Is de-
Irable to shape snd form the minds of our
youngsters, it is ths knowledge of concrete
matters which prepares them for life's strug
gles when the lmmutnsile law of the survival
of the fittest has no pity for ths unprepared.
w nit tins country needs is mechanics,
ngineers, builders nnd Droducera whn Br
ibe backbone of our commonwealth.
I believe a practical system of co-operation
can be inaugurated between all .
plovers and the schools for the education of
their apprentices, many of whom are obliged
to work for a. livinir rwfor- !,-
of a sufficient training. ,
I believe In physical culture, but not In ex
cessive sports, which detract from studies
in i. . V " oUy awe:i Ticslthy mind
snd it is of as much i nort rw- , . .
one as ths other.
zl l'tVy. ,5al,,""t rnr be objected to bj
.C ,i V ruulnieiita such training
should be embodied in the physical exer-
Touna.t.r. "'stiiiing into the minds of our
- , , - ' wwjci-nonanie spirit.
her." "Ztrrl lrie"1"- n0:.'n? " "w.
offer my service, to the vo ilr. hTk.J!
a candidal, for schMil director. If the..
M.T .on,h-" Br"'""''nl qualifications."
lag election " '""r at th. com-
Rush Swamps Count and
Standings Are Changed.
- i
r jr-
i. -ft
A. Ballin, Candida
School Director.
Naughtdn, Dr, Francis J. Drake and Mr.
In declaring his candidacy yesterday
Mr. Ballin said:
For 20 years I have been sssoctsted with
Industrial affairs of Portland, budding ships.
dredges, machinery of .11 kinds. Goners, etc.,
and actlna as consulting engineer for th
machine shops, shipyards, mills sad Chip
owners here and on Puget Sound.
It is natural that I take a great Interest
Colored Women's Council Issues An
nual Report.
c.i.ta was STlVCn tO GZ ntriniii
who were ill or in need during; the year
1913-11 Just closed by the Colored
women s uouncll, according to the re
port of that body Just Issued.
T.I. m . 1 . . . .
.ctivn. anows mat 1107. IS was
taken in during tho year, and of that
amount 103.16 wag expended.
ma council cava 14 entertainment.
during the year, 11 dinners, and three
a no uiiictri UI tne orzanizstion a
as ioiiows: Mrs. K. K. Orlffln Stanley
i'""1". irs. j. v. liraveon. vice
urcpititini Alias .C11! ri ( , rn v M-,.r- .
.Mrs. waiao Bogle, corresponding aecrt-
w"j . Jiary i nomas, treasurer.
St. David's Parish Women Have-Pro
gramme for Thursday.
Tha Woman's Ouild of St, David'
psrlsh nas arranged a programme to
be siTen at their parish bouse Tours
day evening at I o'clock. Cards an
lniormw aaaolnsr will follow ths pro
grvamme. .
Tho vocalists will bo Misses Asenath
Barnes, Elolae Hall. Josephine Miller,
nuen uouuur ana v. a. ilacKle.
Violinists, Misses Elsie Lewis and
Emma ilelb.
Readen. Mlasea AJleen Brotig, Doris
Clark and Graoo Miller. Aocompanlst
Mle.c. Mabel Jlerneca Wirren, Claire
Oakea. Mry Hrib acd iirs. I.
ported to b a contracting roofer of
Tacoma, as he handed a slip of paper
to District Clerk Prank Hennessy one
day last week. He received back 1-0
in coin of the realm.
"I was lined' 115," went on Bents.
Hera it is," and bo shoved a check for
that amount across the desk. Yester
day the check was returned by the
Scandinavian American Bank marked
'Not sulllcient funds." A little inves
tigation divulged the fact that the 20
bail money puid by Bentz had been se
cured on a check for that amount
cashed at the Imperial Hotel, and also
returned since labeled "N. S. P.
No complaint was sworn to against
Bantz y.sterday, but Clerk Hennessy
asserted that ha might prosecute him
as a fugitive, as ha had not paid his
Bcntz was arrested a week ago Sun
day on the- Columbia River Highway
by Deputy Sheriff Marks for speeding.
He was fined by District Judge Daytoo.
of Day,
Jewell Carrol Is Second and
Fraasch Third at End
With Many Ballots Remain
lng to Be Checked.
Eleanor Jackson, Modern
Foresters of America,
McMinnville .' 112.265
Jewell Carroll, Knights
and Ladies of Security. .110,235
Edel Fraasi-h, Eugene. ... 108,634
Anna ft. Allen, Metropoli
tan Life Insurance Com
pany 107,826
Mildred Pergr, Vancouver. .104,410
Rose Uptegrove, Oregron
City 100.420
Oeorple White, Corvallia. . 98.440
Mrs. Maud Oilman. O. A. K. 94,107
Lillian C. Hendrlcksen,
Foresters of America... 87,921
Louise Taylor. Western
Union 82.032
Muriel .Salingr. Pendleton.. 66.991
Waive Jacobs, Klamath
Falls 66.887
Marian Anderson, Albany. 36,857
Myrtle McClarkin, Rose
City Park 316
RE'S my receipt for bail money,'
ta attractlDa" rrrat interest in mnaicai
and society ctrrlva.
It ts several years since Macter
Cnrlstensen played in public in this
city, and those who have bcrn trivll-dg-ed
recently to hear hlni play pri
vately are most cordial In exprMnr
their appreciation of his wonderful art
as a brilliant violinist. He has been a
violin student with Bach, of the Brus
sels Conservatory, and Lreopold Uchteo
berir. of New York City.
Miss Piper Is a favorite Portland pi
a til ft. Phs snd MHFtT Chrltnr n p
pear in a h ifrh -class pro pram me con
sisting of selections from the works of
Tschalkowsky. Vlotti. Arensky. ltao
decrcr, Kretsler. Scrlabine, Korgold,
Llsxt and Vleuxtemps.
True rata, terser Ihsn ths mx1m tlirr,
hort- ls fl r inoriTi , maal i oni it h
ti-ks la Loth t&e uppr and l r Jaw nnd
s tergal ai.tMjr ef wof-llk rariitora made
lioin In XeLiraakt. mimr in a so.
or, to b exact, tn the tertiary wars, when
mat stale w an xpn of ewampy r " -land.
covered with vernation not unllks
that of the Air asun l.dert.eatMs of the
prrti".t f.i-y
L 1 '
W. Burrell Heaclies Portland on
Way Back East to Win Bet.
On a hike of 7300 miles which he is
takinir in competition for S5000, J. .l
Burrell, 19-year-old secretary-treasurer i
of the Kentucky Boys' Club, of Mid
dlesboro, Ky.. arrived in Portland yes
terday morning. Mr. Ulrreii is com-1
Detine with Harry Mann, who is a mem- I
bei of the same CIUD.
The two boys left Middlesboro April
1, 1915. Each had 50 cents In his pocket
and in order to win they must return!
with $25. They are not allowed to ask
for money or meals, being merely per- I
mitted to reauest a nle-ht'a lodsinsr.
Burrell says he has earned t3.7o
since Jie left and has spent JS57.16. He
has been compelled to postpone) 435
meals and has lost 16 nights' sleep. He I
has worn out 469 pairs of socks and
Is w.arlns his 10th pair or shoes.
Standings of the candidates for
Queen of the Rose Festival were upse
throughout tha list in the count which
was partially completed yesterday,
The volume of votes was so great tha
the manager of the contest could not
set through the entire number of bal
ots deposited and was obliged to Is
sue a count checked up to the time
closing the office last night.
Eleanor Jackson, of McMinnville,
candidate of the Modern Foresters of
America, who held eleventh place on
the list three daya ago, when the last
count was published, leaped to first
place yesterday, and Georftie White, of
Corvallls, who had been first, dropped
to seventh.
Jewell Carrol rose from seventh to
second, and Edel Fraasch, of Eugene,
who has been steadily climbing; on the
list since the contest opened, rose from
sixth to third.
Another sensational rise was the to
tal of Miss Anna Allen, of the Metro
politan, who had dropped to thirteenth
place, and now is in fourth.
Louise Taylor, of the Western TTnlon.
who was third, hss fallen down far
Into the second section, and Mildred
Pesgr, of Vancouver, who was second.
Is barely in the first half dosen on th.
Blx of the candidates are past ths
109.000 mark In the count.
French Gun W'orks Destroyed
CHERBOITIO, via Trals. April 10.
.JJDelayed In transmission.) Fire of un-
Hood River Land Exchanged for
Parcels of Portland Property.
noon RIVER. Or.. May 1. (Spe
cial.) L. A. Herman, who purchased
what was an so-acre tract ot nmuer
land i veara asro. exchanged this East
Side tract to Ruff & Kaser. a Portland
firm, for real estate in that city. Mr.
Herman valued his place. 40 acres of
which la set to commercial orchard, at I
11 R 000.
The property received by Mr. Herman
from the Portland men consists or
five-flat bulldinsr at Thirteenth and
Hall streets, vacant lots in Laurelhurst,
10.000 square feet of Council Crest
property and one and a tenth acres In
the Rlvrrview section bordering the
Willamette River.
- zf3
similarly thcFoodarelRcuJa
ting Uic Suaaris aaLDowJs of
Promotes DiHesttonChrefd-
ncss and festontalns ncfito
OpiuTU-MarpIune narNiacrd
Stoat St
tWWMl- .
fw-W Sunar -liWsjwairawtt
&nprfert Remedv for Corsfo
tlon , Sour Stomadi.Dlantm
Worms JCorwulsions jevErrsu-
negs and LOSS OF SLEEK
r&cS iitxle Signanireof
rar Centaur Compabt;
For Infanta Rnd Cri!lflren.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
re i f r
mm a w k a
For Over
Thirty Years
t-nmCl , l fa. ss-n, a.
- - - r n i ri i? sja-.v! n t a n fi u a. i
lliar, TnHiTin n.s tali sVV 11 H Ci U fi 11
Exact Copy ol Wrapper.
Tns essmua aoMsanv. s veaa an.
Many Macailnre Carry Article
About Portland's Festival.
Returns on tha puMlcity that has
been sent out from the Rose Festival
headquarters to magaslnes of the Coun
try, are beslnninr to coma back In
arrest Quantities.
The N.w West, or Utah, pueiisnea
ten-paae article with IS halftone
The May Kotarian runs a rour-pss;e
illustrated article and the Christian
Herald for April I, has a pave article.
Another Important notice appear..
with illustration, in the April number
of Ceutsch-Am.rllcs, of K.w York.
Clears baxicomploQCTrri
does far more
than remove the dirt
FVotecta delicate skin
Victor Chrlatensen to Be Assisted by
Miss Constanoer Piper.
Vletev Chrlstans.n. violinist, asstst.d
by Mies Constanoe Piper, pianist, will
ba heard In recital tontcut at (:30
o'clock, at Chrlstensen's Hall, Kleventh
slreet. near Yamhill, and the event
Kerp Knir heaJthy
Any Soap will e lean your skin a bar of
laundry soap will do if you do not care
what become of your complexion. But
you know that laundry soap usually con
tains harsh, drying alkali that would ruin
your skin and hair, so you never think ol
using it for your toilet.
Toorly made toilet soaps contain this
same injurious chemical. Resinol Soap
has absolutely no free alkali, while to it is
added the Resinol medication, which phy
sicians prescribe regularly (or skin affec
tions. This gives it soothinp, healinjr
properties which improve the c6mplexion,
protect tender skins from irritations, and
Veep ths hair rich, lustrous and free from
Resinol Is sn'.d T sll drurr'sn. Toe trtal
ala caka, writs to Dpv lo-B. Ruinol, Ualttaww Ma.