THURSDAT, APRIL 20, 1916. 17 THE "liOlTNING OREGON'IAX REAL ESTATE. Fr r-aie OWNER GOING EAST aell modern S-room p!inr?M y tui!t liome in bt part of I.L'KKUil.KT. i 1 1, -tisht X 'oi- overlo'iklnn bautiiu. I.AURKLlltF.?T PAI'.K; titcowood lloor, throughout; hot water healing rslem; homa environment tii. v.ry b-t : !up-c-tion of th. :. by appointment only, brl.j- or.Ty iOou. term to re la bia buyer. J. W. Cro..i!y, U'vhz S'.ara et. Main lf'0. Au;o service. FOR sale Ilouae and 10 I la. barn, chick- r.-rwm-s fru.t tr-s, pootl wnti. J- 'i,'kth.rn". West f'ortlai.d Park. For nuine Property. i'Otl S.Ij riot! jurrjin-i property, la Si.eriilan. Or. Kor Information, write to Kl- har-i SAaMnger. Frlnev:i!e. Or. nbiirlan Home l'rnjertv. 4-. Al'Kf.S WITH iiuriii; ON" Xt'W HAil-.-il HKACKIJ HOAD. About 7 miles irom city: noime. !src aood .;. - ' In r,rnii. oititv or,-nar'l. one t lock to e'c-lrle fl tion; will soil cneap and Kva le1"" l ni:.dniii ok Ac oak at-, OI3SUX HALF Al KKs. -; O'l hoi., KO'Hl water, cloae to ra. line, ttrn.!.; v.Ki MillJ to Jlt purchaser. J'Uonc Marshall l'V, or "O'l 6. J.jlIN ; I Ll.lON. .OWN Kit. 1-3 -Al KE. gooa h7,u-. 4 block, from car fare. On. for chicken ranch; a big nap ltt5o. term., tniiweinlock Ui on. 3f- oak at. roaoay ICS. Tor Arrranf. 10 ACivKi, near eooi road, good .oil hait mile u elactrlc four ml.ea from Port. lanrl. 405 par acre. 2ii acre., good modern 7-room hruje. Urn ana escc.iet water, gas and eiectric connection. ha,f 'n.; from Loi.cord la-ti-.n. i"-nnnutf far frn.-e; 4i,o0. STAr.KWtATHi-ii. liis.ey ttalion. fnoae i.'aK orove 1 --V UAIaK i MICKK1H ND DUCKS . IlllIA.l ' .in. J. T'ri-e $oo and up; I'rmi $o and HO per month; rm wlt.i riiunn water a. so lhta and phon-i. Tie fare; uiveaugate and make- y.oir r-rit buy j -ou a home lie Ati'hlrion-A;i :i f ..... " HOMK In Nen- nt a bargain. r.Ehl in town; 1 . arrey It-room i.uua---. barn, o rhicnen-hnu'-.. ." cl.ijic.n-. J" '2 n.l 4-m.nth.i iieirer; fruit and berries. 14W.. terms; no trade, t. E. Peckham. N vt .rir. or. UN 1I f, arrea I GAl'.iiKS LA.b. at C.a- station; very ,, r.rn A S., ISKe ci-a . 4Tr,o Daymeiit. ba V ' I " i 1 " k . V - - - ' "opUAhP A TVIEDIUCK. 243 Etark SU jv.iCRK S VC-IFIE In cultivation, pool i . on bounty road, only ;.. r" erf Purtlano : nil: wa k to c utarton. .'ait at Jot Concord bla. u jou COBLS 10. 2- and 4-acre tracts. 2 2iii' from mil and nw; perfect r4i; r'-.i. 1-en noil; rrat for dairymjr; lo an acre. Terms from J;o .ash. byiance ja-y. t;. wyim Wneon. main, ot tom. iC'ftEAiiL in famous Tualatin Valy; bfist -,f Aotl, good location. VjW prlc'-s. J.!aJ- Pros., rn-rr-, "1 tock. atlxcnango bic. T!. Mgr-ba'.! -'" 5 ACRE.- U ili-iii. tt- frontac. Tt:?I.iv srat.ion. 1 .: rre; a. so rh'-r- I none w n -7 . fcMALF FARMS. J tint tr.s thinK joj want. UAKTMAN THOMVpv.N flint MafK. near iui., top cjjiK i acf r deiea :ana. i'ou- !; County. Or.. T0- Jacrci ra:roa.l Un and iip: ov-PTticr.r-i. - ifin" 1-1 Utvion. Tabor '-s-- . CHTrKBN. Kill IT. 'SARl'hN I i A N 1 1 r-.-- Noar Portlf-iM. Ti to $J ' p-r ar av frms. t--st Farmn for sal. all MKarTan.l. :.f. Y-m b!'1c Portlnu. ACRE tract, iar . ity. on ararw ami raved rcot; 55 -. p-r iii". t red il. Ktrcnir. ."17 f ham her of Commerce. 1 ACRK pn-e for-V-; "c enrfarp; ay terms. KITTkli. 1.'VK ft UK FOHKST. .7 I;oarl of Tnt'le Jii. 1 TO 4 acr.n near Orrw-m City car; $r,m pT Jicr". W. I Mark leather (owner j. H. 1. Mllvrankl. r, EfiTL.N ORK'iuN ar"air o',tap; owner, tnx "'..". route 1, MilwaiiKif. Or. I nnit Mls TWO very choi lionieta'ia ot o '-'re ..-h: more than half of -each i coon whr-at Unil ttife rt bunch ra rwture; -water on h : in ftl.t'l rommunity. on Ito-.d autf:n..l,: HU.l. i" t- transpor tatlon sciiooi. pt ores and warehouse" Aa-vm-lated liiiiUers Company, 4w Henry . - tolA-U,K Hsi:fiVATlu.N". n:ai and de-H4-ripiior. $1. !a:r Hunt. olvi.W-. A uU. -Farm. STOrK A NO GRAIN- FARM, coo acre-: a"r.-a r.ouoirt, ail rlarefl, balance past uro and so mo timber; all fr.-d- ovk l"f a-rPB Fall and :-prins crops VeM-d: a'-r i" elover; tbe larm if; niuated in Ddiigins County. -Uro-Kon '.o-.- to th Si. P. Hallway, utl the ;t'a"ffic KlEhwav; has runniriK prin natfr, -room house. 2 Varnd and other tiitldinps. horses, r.o rows and our. rflP mostly Durham; ov ion pheep and Umh". hoe?, icoatx. turkeys, chickens and al farm lmplemPti; tMs farm hn- h-n ta';-n ovr to avoid fnirlosure, a rwl not t,fii.K a farmer v.i'l pe:1 for its re- valtift pv-rjtbin included at :;o per acre; win rive terms hut it wanted. Address A F ."'!'.. OrrTr.tan. i"CK SAL.K ! acr In 1 , I or 'Ji-acr tractd. per a re, ."t pt rent interest: IO rears" time; no monv down f irft 5 --ar. intret only ; principal to te paid durinic F'cond 5 years, payments to suit; all lvcl. po.i bla.-k soil, oak Kru laiid; 1 ml e to V. R. Churrh. mil to Artv Church. 2 miie to hlqh school ; (traveled roads. R V. U. milk and cream route, on Cinitoi Highway. mih s to hoat latiJirg. ; miles to k. it. A. M. Klrkwood, Amity, Or.. K 1, 13-- 60-A"R farm, fuiiy rtiJipP-d. located milea north Portland, near Silver 1-a ke; 2 mares. i colts. i cows. calves, o-, chickens: pood barn?, shop other buildings. 1'f-room modern house, furnished; alr-prt&sure -water system. engine, rream separator, telephone, oaily high school, family orchard, small frultn. crop In- price l0.t'no. 4o.o rash, balance 7 year?. Owner UL'DLKY BKO-S.. castle "Rock, Wash. . Bono ACHES of lopped -off land In various parts of Southwestern Washington for sale to puttiers only at prices ransr'.ni? from $5 pr acie up. Small casn payment down, balance in 10 annual payments, with interest at per cent. Call or writ for pa rticu la r. WKTF.RHAF.OKR TIM UK R CO., Tacom,B!fie., Tacoma. Wash. DANDY Ni- F. i tl'NTRY HOUR of a fras, within one-half mile of lfc r-onk fare station; nice .".-room California Vunmlow. pood v e'l and trout stream ; -'i a--r-s fine onion cronnl: jprins; garden In aid u nice ; nnr-'ir '-erv and Hi'lew a Iks : Jij.'.fHl, 'of which 7'o o 10't must !e cafh : balance .to rnorit ha; n trade. tee Mfrrl. -' 1 V'Otl hl'!ff HACRIFT'R SAT.F:. 40-acr runrh. 11 l miles from Fort land, r.earlr a'l trr : roved, on Tualatin Firr. 1 i mH-s from S. V. Electric sta tven. 7-room house, larse barn. et.-. ; bst r.:fer take thj; prt cah. balance time, no f)fl:arff. W M. Oregon lan. fcMALI. Miovrl firm, $!' eah and j monrhlv; v.r i;,'r"'l or tnxs; hlphl. pro d ictive' lard : -io to three Ms markets. Write for photograph informa tion. Munzer. 1 l'J N. V. IM Ins. bldg.. Kir,M Clt". M'- FO R S A I.K Oi easy terms, af-k ranch of acres, in I .inn Count v ; mortsa ze of t:H'fi. over ears to run. r wi'l rhance for ur ir.c-.;m be red income propertv. Fric-- P1" ;cre. Addree-s Oeo. W. Wrurhi. AT. si-y. Cr. I Y $7of0 city ranch. frey irricated. dair. co i-kens. fruit. to.: and ?tok: " If tak n bt for Ju-ie I; the Carlsbad of Am. rlca, p.jnt.1.1. ion ; no; altitude 'jono; f IsnirtK and hunt i 1:1c. M. J acker. Ash land, 4 ,i. 1 Y, r ' H ' V. I larni acres. sood build n. !!. runnhie water. open TAi-z.'- fToO personal propertv. ymiAtns," All 4T'io. Kaiv terms. owner. "a !,p;-'r,g"0'i, :;r'' Morrison st. .KTW KF V FACIFT; R A1I.W A Y LANDS. K.iB't-rn iiontana. at $-J..".n to ! per acre. .n;ai.k for hrmir.e or sraz'fi?; eav e r -T Fr Info -tT! a : i on write or ?ee W. t" no t y iirs city. Mopt. far-rn of sil krd- and sieS for hale. If - ou w i"n to puy run'. tv or w ni 11 h: hihe!-t references piven. F. Fuchs, to Chiiml T of Cumruerce 10o acr-s.!p frntn statioif in W'l T n IT. f ' t V?ly;gnnrl building: Pri'-e SoiK, r,nirART A- Wl EPRI'K. i43 Stark St. If you want a sood farm, co to heednnarters. HARTMAN & TMOMPfiON St-k. rear 4th. f-rT.T. fnrm near sia'ion; Cure I uildinKS, hou furr.fshed. s-ood car service, neuf Portland. Call A. DerricVson. Tirard. Or. rrnvi.iTZ en. "imn land. $1" a-r up: t rr; Koo.i S'.:I, rimnir? r atf. markes. rmployn-pr'. .J. R. fnarp. 43r. Pit toe k H'. MI I -W AUK i E. pear r:vT. $ h-tc niee fi-room cottage, l oo Rarimosen & Co. Yf-rl SALE t'-1'! aeres cheap for cas.. 15 0J r:v:-(on p . . pe-!atrd. S A CR ES clear, orchard, houw and barn, $12 month. E. 044. FOR SA I.K TIM BF.R LANOS. TTVW.R LANDS v POn::iT and sclp. r J T'C f A K r'. N. 3ii M'KAY T-LPC. FOR SALE One st-.vmU;. 25.oo0 capacity; r,n ca vinSU. jo.nio rmadty. Phone Broad way 270J or Main 30Gu. FOR RKXT KARMS. too-ACF:K farm, ? !n cultivation. 7 acres commercial onhard; river trannportation to Portland; eery convenience lor hoc raisin ; firt-c iafs home ; S prior work ail dune; low eaab, rent. H. K. Noble, Lum bermena bldg. COl'RTNEY 6-room cottage, near river, with 8 aenc-s, part la fruit,' mouth, Rar-musen Co. ,, t-liO jM new modern house, 2 acres rasp berries. 15 mo. Berries will pay more than rent. 2fr,J Wilcox b.dff. Main Sr17. TO KX CHANGE KKAL K STATE- FOR EXCHANGE 173-aere stock farm or. McKenaie Kiver, L.ane Co.. Or., eaet of Eugene, mile from Leaburg; 4't acres of fiiej river bottom soil in cultivation, bal ance foothill land cut off and seeded to ftraim for pasture, lots of outsldo range, fine, mrniern lo-roora bungalow, cost nearly tlooO, a peach; two barns, ho? houses and poultry houses and other buildings; lots of fruit and berries of ail kinds; fine watr piped into the house, iawu and barnyard; j ami extends down to river; price lt.uoo; mortgage 0WH straight loan runs for i Vi year ; trade, for Seattle income and vriil assume small amount if good. For .exchange: 160 acres, ranch, T miles S. W. of Euxene, Or., on county road, to acres creek bottom sol, no do by, Ho acres in cultivation, now in bay; plactt is fenced abutting thousands of acres outside range, fed acres su'id timber, good 6-roora bun galow not finished, barn 34 by 4'J, shop Hud wagon house, 4 btcb orchard, price $i.VK, incumbrance $lbuu. back interest 'uu; trade equity for small acreage or city property, Tacoma, Seattle or any where In i. W. Coaat towns. XORTHWESTERV EXCHANGE. J Looms 8, 9, IO J3eckwith lildg., Eugene, Or. , CAN TAKE CLEAR PROPERTi. I am leaving the city and will take good clear lots for this strictly modern 7-room house on large lot In highly re stricted district near Laureihurst Park; large living-room and artistic dining room, modern kitchen, full basement, fur nace and laundrv; thts house Is two full stories with three light, airy bedrooms and bath finished In whlbo enamel and natural wood ; l t mo call for you w ith cur a.d show you this bargain; coat sooiHi; no reasonable offer rcfuU. U. F. Clurge. Main 17ou. Sundays and evenings, Eat $12,000 HOME FOR $10,000. Fine 0-room house, 3 fireplaces. all built-in conveniences; 5 lots, fine corner and elegant view. Mt. Tabor. Cost louO to build house. Price now $I0.0ud. Wi.l take finall house, vacant lots or acreage to Oou, $'0o cash, bal. long time. GRCHHI A REINHARDT. Hoard of Trade. Main A,2. 31 A SNAP. 4." acres, 6 mi. north of Xewberg; good hlnr, -rm. house, barn, tool and black smith shop, chicken-house; 2 A. cultivated, a.K..nHcnA am aii fruit i easr to clear ; fine for dairy; oven exch. for good clear L . i 1 . U 'laflal sa Tl I I i'Driianu iious- wui i jv-w. . Jtourbough. aJU Stark, at -HARTMAN A THOMPSON" OWN 4 ranches), about VJ acres, the cream of the Vaiiev; all level, ail in cultivation and in crop; no waste land : - depots, store, school on land, warehoUrV, bunga lows, barne; will v-li or trade all or part for a price yrtu will buy if you see It; very little money will handle; olng Kdft. Abing ton bldg. irt i- v-o iCPFi WAVTF.P. Want Improved and equipped an arm; Molalla district preferred: small farm; Molalla district preferred. wi.i trad? four lots, fine f.-room bungalow, l.arn, chicken-house and runs, etc.; price IjuuO. car; will a.ime a little. y 4;Ri:pI r Rf-INHARDT, .TIG Hoard of Traue. Main 45.. LAT'RELHURST HOT'SE. Fine, modern H-room house; hot-water heat parage; $-",oou; will take good lots up to J.Vm or bungalow up to $4bu0. ORlVril & HEINHMIUT 319 Hoard of Trade. Main 4.i2. IF vou have iiny good property to exenange. either city or country, give u a chance. w make jtood. Don't bo afraid your property is ion large; the bigger tne better AYRK & SMITH. ."H NnrthwM F.!dg. 20 ACRES fine garden land, all in cull.. miles rrom k. i;. s'aiiou. mm . whl divide and sell n acres: will se.l on easy terms or exchange for good city prop ertv; guaranteed as advertised. G. Smith v Co A,Z Chamber of Commerce. WANT partly improved farm in w iiiameno Vaiiey up to in ecimiio - '-". about - mile front lilrroi btation; all culu i at ion. , . , . fiOUI'ARD & WIEDRTCK, 243 Stark St. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists ot Improved clt yf farm and Income properties No Inflated values considered. CALLAN Sr K A S Kit. 7-2 -l' 4 Yeon hlog. ICE "PLANT WANTED. Equipped be manufacturi nir plant ana non i o cash for acreage and Portland prop ert" to $1 l.r.nfi ; Rive full part hula r as to'ant and Ircatlon AH ::. Qreponlan. KTRK'TLY commercial apple orchard at Hood I'.iver, acres, urn oenmo , - 1.-..U00; no incumbrance ; will exchange for good business property; assume. ;OrT)A RD A WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. WHAT have you to exchange for my $lloo eriuiry new $2500 S-room bungalow on West Side? Address owner, AK. 539, Ore gontan. For satisfactory e-vhances. 7ee the leaders, -HARTMAN & THOMPSON c2i;o Stark, near 4t h. i TO TR HE Modern cottage In Portland and some cash for live country news paper or interest in one, in Oregon. AG .v:1. Oregronliin. TWO houses In Portland and Uouse in More. Or trade all or either for land or merchandise. John Parry. Warren. Or. loo ACRES, alfalfa and wheat ranch, to trade on Portland property. M FITZMA1 RICE, CONDON, OR. TWO fine Alameda Park lots for Klamath Falls property. P. O- Box 003, Klamath Falls. Or. W H AT have you for my $ 14.500 equity in iH-acrc wheat rancn in nig brnn, Pal. f n 10 years. 224 Abing ton bldff. LARGE list of city and (arm property for pale and exchange at the right prices. Empire lnv. Co., 4nl Hoard of Trade. CITY '.OT wanted in exchange, for new when unswerfng. slate pri'je and 1o-ation. J 4.12, oroicoiitan. LARGE list of city and farm property for sale and exchange at !he right prices. Empire fnv. Co.. 4"! Board of Trade. LARGE LaurelhurHt corner lot and 80 aer s timber near railroad, for modern house, ri'-ar. AK 34 4. Oik gonir-n. I HAVE a well locat ed residence lot that I will exchange for tinting and painting. See Mr. Parker, H4 3th st. FOR PA I.E. Hordes, Vehicles, Harness, Kte. SPAN of gray Percheron mares, one with foal to imported horse: free of bieinlslics a r.d true, weighing 21Zo lbs., 8 and lu jears old, $200. Hak Percheron mare, 6 years old. sound and true, weighing 135o lbs., blocky built, $120; also some well-matched young vvork teams, sound and true, at Model stables. Fift h and Davis FRAKIER & MLEAN. KSTAB. 32 YEARS Understand their business and are in a position to furnish you with horses and mules for all purponcc. Draf t, express driving and farm chunks; draft teams for hire; all good workers and in flue shape, fiur locat ion alwa vs the same, 3th and Taylor sts. Mai shall AUCTION : A UCTION ' The McCleilan Hon" & Mule Co. hav reopened staioe at 24 E. Mh; auction sal. every Monday and Friday at 1 u A. M.: horses, tnults, vehicles, harness, etc., fobi on strictly rnmrni.,ion basiH. ONE 1050-ib. 7-j ear-old horse, harness and spring wa gon ; w ill work single or oouhie. No 1 sad'i le ; no use for him; must sell. Tabor 140. 1!17 K. Stark st. NK E ranch team, harness, wagon. $!0. Pair in a re ponies and harness, ; te in, w nt ".:;"!, harr.f." and wagon. $125. Z'JZ Union ave., cor. Cay. Hawthorne car. AUCTION SALE. H irses, w a sons, tami ni'Mi, Monday and Thursday. Star iStabit s 3 Front ft. Main 171. o'clock. Star Horse Sa lo Co. G I work team of horses, weight 2550. harne.. wagon and plow; cheap. b E. th st.. WooiHiock ar. 'i H 11 best pony outfit in cltv; also fine Sellands; might exchange. 102J E. Yam hill st. GOOD 24f'0-lr. team cheap; trial a Ho wed. Gary Ice i.'o.. 3-Un aiiiiIJ. Yamhill. HORSE? for hire by day or month. C. W. Tow nsend Co., CS0 Front. Main 1571. HORSES, harness and warons for ale. f2 Union ave.. cor. Ciay. Hawthorne car. CALL at 540 Front : wagons, buggies, har ness, all sizes, all prices; must sell. FOR SALE Horses, wagons, buggies. S8 E. 7th st. N. DOflf and horses clipped. tfVl. East 1S47. 415 E. ith. B afianos). Organ and .Musical Instruments, HAVE your piano ttired. repaired or re finislied by our professional men. Port land Piano Tuning. Repairing tk Mfg. Co., 24n Hawthorne. Tel. East 1072. WILL PAY cash for piarlos, any condition. Portland Piano Tuning. Repairing and Manufacturing Co., 246 Hawthorne ave. East 1072. FREE use of piano or player piano 21fc years. See display adv., or gchwau Piano Co., 111 4th at. FAMOUS-" "REES WjI.TN?" AND REPAIR ING. 41S ALISKY BLDG. WI rL pa v cash for your piano if price is right. Call 111 4th at. FOR SALE. Piano, Organs sind Musical Instruments. A DKASTIC TALKING JJACHINE A sale of used machines, also some shop worn styles taken back from dealers who went out of business. Unless otherwise specified 12 selections In either double-disc or single records will be included with each machine at the re duced price. Any machine under $50. terms; $3 a month, pome 2 a month. Two $J." machines now only $19.30. v One $40 machine now only $l'0. , Three ."0 machines now only 27-50. One $oo machine now only $3. This includes a cabinet to match. One '-t0 machine now only $u, pay ments $1 a month. Two $200 machines now only $110, pay ments $ a month. Two $d0 machines now only $2S.70. To close out all cabinets we offer; New $i'."i mahogany now $l.o0. New $42.0 mahogany now $J1.25. New $l0 fumed oak now $7. New $17.5( mahogany now $i. New $27i oak now 15. "ew $7.00 oak now $4. New $".0 mahogany now $1S. Two $52. &0 sectional bookcase design cabinets. leaded yasi, now $zo. FILERS MUSIC HOUSE, Talking Machine pept., lid Floor. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. $40 Haines Hro., fancy model. .... .$ Co $325 Heliize Oak Upright $4."U Musi-al o. Upright 110 ;;oo Houdoir Walnut Upright Co 4'0 Chle Hiring, old model. $4.0 Brad bury, rosewood 45 Security Storage Co.. 100 4th. Storage 75c mo $5 CASH. 11.25 Weekly, sends new $325 piano to your home at 4245. oltab prices; mem bers shore 23 to 30 per cent in price; no interest ; time privileges ; total saving $142. J 7 to you. See display adv. or call fccnwan Piano Co.. lll4LhstJ 2 $43 PHONOGRAPHS," each $" fi.00 1 SfO Phonograph at 6.H0 1 $l5 Disc Talking Machine 1 $100 Lisa Cabinet 55.00 S C HW AN PI AN O CO. .11 1 Fourt h St. LEAVING town this week; who wants $.Xt0 Kimball piano, mahogany, fnr $20u? Oood as new, I'hone .Broadway 20"!. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE f ' r sale as good as new; go ing East. 931 Commercial St. iJngt. iSirdf and Pet Stock. IMPORTED and American raised canarlerf, -cage, luod.i and supplies, parrots, cavies. etc. Special new illustrated bird catalog Just Issued. Rout ledge ceed & Floral Co., Itii 2d St., city. A1KKDAI.ES-1MP. ST. RON AN AT STUD. LAD1UX KE.NM-U ESTACADA. OR. MALE pointer pup, 5 mouths old. pedl t reed Ktock. liar tier shop, 244 3 Wasii. FvK SALE C iiea p. Airedale bitch, 0 months oil. Pnono Wuwllawn -134. Poultry. Will T E LEG HORN BABY C H IX from proved heavy-layinsr stock; May delivery; per loo; we guarantee safe arrival. THE PIONEER HATCHERY, Peialuma, Cal. I-lvetock. T WO you ii k fresh cows. Just, in from Val ley; bartafn. i'hone East 0435. GOOD, fresh cow for sab S. fcj. 4012 -i'Jtli at. Launches nntl Hoat. JbAKGAiNS IN BEDROOM FURNISHINGS. New su-ei springs at half price. Sim mons steel sprmgs. 4 In. riser. 1l( in. pipe idde rails, sanitary links. Will not sax; jtuaranteed for 115 years. Itegular $5. While they last. $2.7-". SIMM ONS K EDS AT H ALF PRICE : 2-Inch continuous post, bright burnifchod steel tubing, asy on rugs and floors; reg ular $lo.iW, for $0.50. COMBINATION MATTRESSES, roll edge, f u'l sir.e, f fno art ticking, regular $5.6u; our price $2.50; no de.ivery; 1 only to each custom r. M ish Furniture Co., 1 4 First st. Money back If not satisfied. FOR SALE Household. furniture. prac t it-ally new, at fitf K. 40th st. N'. Take BcaumoRt ar to Stanton st., two blocks nht. V f3 7 , O r e g o n i a n . 3-ItOOM houseboat for ia!c, furnished, A-l onriition. teautlful location on beach, foot Cuilfornla St., No. 77; $40. 6 ROOMS, complete bargain, opt. No. 2. Main 1778, Typewriters. WE can save from 30 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; sent! for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 3Jl Wash. St. TY PE WRITERS for rent ; 3 months for-$5 and up: 0 months rent applied nn pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. SO Broadway. Portland, Or. NEW, rebuilt second-h a nd rentals at cut rates. P. I. Co., L'31 Stark. Main 1407. Automobiles. FORD FORDS FORDS FORDS 3013 Ford touring, practically new, $395. 1014 Ford roadster, like new, $273. 1114 Ford touring, finest condition. rent covers and. electric S323. lights. 3II4 Ford delivery. beautiful steel panel hodv. ?-", 1911 Ford roadster, $395. Terms if desired and a year's free service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. E. 119. E. 13th and Hawthorne. . COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. OVERLAND Six. 7-pass.. like new $S50 PACKARD IS. touring car .Mu H UDSON 20. lipht roadster; thor oughly overhauled $225 Motorcvcles $30 to $'jnn FORD delivery body . ...$5ti Touring car starter and electric lights, great buy $350 Bl'K'K 20, make fine speed buir ; onlv ilitO HI'PMOBILE. classy, rebuilt speed bug ' $375 Also others not listed. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington. USED AVTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MTTCHELL, 5-pass. G-cyl J5R3 OVER LA N D, 5-pass., 4-cyl $450 FTODD AR1 7-pass.. 4-cyl $375 HAYEKS. 3 - p a s s . . - cy 1 $535 VELI E. 2-pass.. 4-cyl 350 OAK L ND 5-pnss.. 4-cyl $450 MAXWELL. 5 - pa ss.. 4-cyl 4 50 M ITCH ELL, 2-pass.. fl-eyl ?fl5( IlI'T'SOV, 5-paFs., 0-cyl ..0 JO-PASS. HOTEL HI'S. 8-cvl $1500 SFVER L OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST A VER CO.. Eadt First and Tlast Morrison sls. East 7272. B 1210. $500 EAST TERMS. 1913 Michigan, with electric lichts and starter: car has never been abused ; here Is a good light car buy. The Win ton Co.. 23 1 and Wash ington. IDEAL RENT CAR. 1 91 4 Cad iliac. 7-pascnger ; o verba tiled, repnlnfed and new seat covers; looks lilce new car; will consider smaller car in trade; easy terms. Main 4244. 1314 COLE. r-pas.. Tvlco starting and Itshting. new tires, run but very little; pract bally nw car; $t50. Hem ph HI. Broadway 53G8. Car can be seen at Keats AUtrj Co. STAGE CAR. Garford 40: largo roomv 7-nassenger bodv; A1 mechanical condition: $130 down. S25 per month. Tim Win ton Co., 23d and Washington. LIGHT HUDSON" ROADSTER. Own-r has just spent $175 to put tola ear In fine mechanical condition. Price $225. Main 0244. $400 BUYS elegant 5-pass.. 3014 auto. Al running condition; elcct-ic l'chta, gener ator, presto, starter. 402 Flint St.. nr. T-iursell and Williams ave. OVERLAND SIX. 7-PASPENGER. This 1915 rir is In Al condition, JS50. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. WE have several good buy3 in used cars. &ee them at COVET MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington sts. BARGAIN for the man who really wants to buv a ood-car; 1914 Cadillac, Al run d It ion". $50; easy terms. L. G. GaHutti, 341 Washington st. WE will pav cash for late model FORDS. DODGE F ROS. and BUICK automobiles. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., 514 AUir St. Main 396ft. ROADSTER, fully equipped, ele.-t rie gen erator, completely o erhaulod. fine car for salesmen; $310 terms. 5S 23d ct. PA Ito E liI4 5-passengcr. good as new, elec tric starter, etc.; extra tire; $05o; terms. 38 23d st. NfTw and second -h and Ford bod ie, $15 to $75. Benj. E. Boone & Co.. 514 Alder it. Main 39ob I WILL pav cash for Fords and Buicks. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. East 1190. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. CADILLAC. fore-door, 3-pass.. completely oer hauled and repainted. $373. Mr. Slow. Broadway 3J$ 6 8 . j GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BilOADWAY ALTO PAl.NTINO CO., Keats,Auto Co.. 2d floor. BT'ICK 37. o iarsenirer in perfect condition; car Is being repainted ; $:Q. Main 04 4. $4'J5 BUYS American roadst r. 'J nearly few tires, good condition. Call J 3 East Water tt. FOR SALE 1 Ford trtick. ton capacity- Phone E. 45, 4i2 Hawthorne. FOKD. 1114. 5-pass.. new tirs. siirt.'k ab sorbers; pood condition. Tabor 61 78. 3913 OVERLAND loiirfn. cost 12nr, prac tically new; $550 cash. 4"3 Fit toe k block FOR SALE. Automobiles. 30 CARS. 30 CARS. Tour pick from 30 or more bigb-grad used autos, which we must dispose of w ithin the next few days at whatevef price tn-ey bring, and at your own terms act quickly. II. L. KEATS AUTO CO. t Broadway at Burnside. - , Open evenings. Phone Broadway 53G&. CHALMERS DISTRIBUTORS. BARGAINS in used cars. These cars are overhauled and ready for demonstrations. 1910 PTE A T;NS . . . 11)1 I APVEHSON . . 3911 INTERSTATE 3914 AUBURN 1033 COLE ..$350 . . 325 . . 250 . . 51 . . 625 Open till 8:30 evenings all day Sunday. NORTHWEST At'TO COMPANY, 331 Couch St., near Broadway. STUDEBAKER "20' roadster, first-class condition. Just repainted; $250. STUDEBAKER delivery car, express bodv, electric starter and lights: $550. CADILLAC touring car, Timken axles; ffno condition; S300. EVERETT "So" touring car; detachable tonneau ; first-class condition; $173. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., " fcjtudebaker Distributors, . Park tund Iavis Sts. 5-PASSEN5ER FORD In good condition. 563 Williams ave. Automobile Wanted. 6 ACRES, 25 miles from Portland. In culti vation, fair buildings, price $1000; mtg. $350 ; consider 5-passenger Ford as part payment; thia is a snap, 1037 Chamber ot Commerce. Iyl4 OR 1915 FORO ROADSTER Must be in good condition; state mileage and low eat cash price in first letter; I am, not a dealer. AM 54i. Oregon i an. WANT AUTO Will s.icrifice my equity In dandy modern bungalow for a car; quick action. 304 R. II. Fix. bldg. WANTED Late model car for $l'JO0 equity new $.i500 5-room bungalow on West Side. A d drees owner, A K 53 S. 'regoniati. WANTED ill buy. -The best 3915 Ford that $300 Call East 2G52. $imx MORTGAGE; will take part cash, balance for auto. AL 5 "3, Oregonian. IMPROVED city or cIo?e-ln acreage, ex clfaiige for auto. 34 Morgan bldg. $2r.O CASH for 3 915 or 191C 5-passenger auto. ti 530, Oregonlan. Automobiles for Hire. lDlfi RIG 6-cvllnder auto for hire; $1.25 pe: hour Marshall 149 or Marshall 3s4. 1910 DODGE. $1.25 per hour, touring, calling and shoppinrg. Main -7433. AUTOS without drivers for hire. Long Selva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. KING iS) AUTO for hire. Phono Marshall 2350. $1.1 per hour. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES. perfect condition, terms if desired ; open evenings, Sundays 10 to 12. I nd in 11 Agency, 273 3d. Main 6139. 10 FLYING MERK ELS, NEW, at prices never heard of before ; your chauce. Mr. Hemphill. I'hone Broadway 5 3 Go. I WANT to buy a good second-hand motor cycle. 839 Union ave. North. Machinery. - BARGAIN 4-cyL. 4-cycl. marine engine.! high-tension mag. D i33, Qregonian. MiscelUiueoua, BILLIARD TABLES, new and second hand, and accessories; BARBER FIXTURES and CHAUtS; easy payments"? THE BR L NS WICK- BALK E-COLL EN DER CO., 4G-48 Fifth St. CASH registers, slightly used, reduced prices; second-hand and rebui It National cash registers low priced, easv monthly paym'ta, NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 352-354 Burnside St., cor bth. Phone Broadway 3 816. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S, S. Siegel. two stores, 383 Alder st. and 242 Alder st. N EW linoleum, inlaid, regularly $ 1.25 yd., special all this week. 7f. Printed lin oleum, best g rades, regularly oc, special for t hree days, 58c yu. Feldsieiu Furni ture Co., 8S-94 Grand ave. SEWINU MACHINES of all makes sold for less ; no a gen ts employed ; old machines taken In exchange : machines rented, $2 per month. Sewing Machine Emporium. 19o 3d. near Tavlor. Main 9431, A 30 HIGHEST cosh price paid for rifles and shot puns, cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hoch f "Id's Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Main 3581. PORTABLE GARAGES, houses, hunting cabins, ch !ckei-houses, woodsheds, etc. M il lmade Const ruction Co.. 544 Hood st. Main 1107. Residence phono Wdln. 30i5. y A FES New and second-hand. Your old taken in exchange; terms. Norns Safe & Lock Co., lo5 d st. ' 47 XA RIETIES borne canned fruits, jellies, preserves and pickles; also Havilaud china dishes. 424 E. Mh. B 1120. C A S F I REGISTERS. slightly used : our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, ;i53 . Washington st. Main tioti LA RGE fireproof office safe for sale at a Aery low figure. The Oregon. News Com pany. 71 Front St. N ICK EL-PLATED f-tcwart 6-holo range with ir-burner gas alt ach inert : f irst-Llass condition; $30. Call Tabor 6770. ELECTRIC motors for alc, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. FOR SALE or rent Logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails cars. Ttailwav Equipment Co.. 70 1st. Main 2363. FOR SALE CHEAP Used office tables, chairs and desk. Call between 10:30 aud 1;30 at 107 Second t. PLUM BIN' J sunpltes n t wholcsa le pr icca. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main ,797. GARLIC 8c lb. Call 1735 E. 17th st. Phone SeUwood 1MS7- USED bicvl.n and motorcycles bought and nln. R. H. Blocker, 'J 70 Taylor, cor. 4th. BEARING size apple tree?, r.Oe each. Mitch ell Nursery. Tacoma, Wash. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. 50c. . Rose CiLy I'rintery. 3d St.. cor. Taylor. ALASKA Bag A Junk Co., 235 Front, pays highest prices junk all kinds. M. 4086. CASlT registers, sa fes and st ore fixtures. Hochfeid Bros., 1st and Yamhill. M. 36. MACHINERY' bought, sold and renaird. N. W. Lend & Machinery Co., 311 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE. 203 First. KLINE'S. '208 First. MAIN 309. A phono call will bring the buyer with th monev. We buy and sell everything for the house; no lot too small or too big for us. WE PAYTHE BEST PRICES. LEVIN HDW. AV FTRN. CO.. 221 Front L We buv. sell, all kinds of household goods, fi'rniture. carpets ami ranges, restaurant outfits, hardware, including tools of any description ; a 'so trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, riflfcB. Main 9072. A 174; MISH FURNITURE CO 384 First. Main 376S. 184 First. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of same. I"lEED a lot of second-hand furniture and carpets to ship out of town; can pay more than Portland second-hand dealers. Phone .1 . a 1.. it r. rv, - " SECOVD-HA NT) " HOUSEHOLD GOODS. phovm MAIN 3332. A 2567. CLL Marshall 1S22 if you want best cash "prices for used furniture. WlT7L7"pav cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call M r. WaVh burn, Mar. 4783. OWL FURNITU RE CO. pays the best price for your furniture. 204 3st.Majn V -a-l n; Ft your furniture to the Fort Inetion Co. Main 8951. J1 1 lt St. V A N T ED l ISCEIX ANEOt'S. C h Paid for old phonographs and rec ords. Flarr Piano Music. 128 First, near Ald;r. Main 4 495. WE kal.a-miinp rooms for $2.50; guaranteed " jronii housepalntiJg work. East 502. OLD Tcm7o and coal tanse wanted. Mar shall 783. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. J UNK. JUNK. JUNK. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES for all kinds of metals, rubber, auto tires, machinery, pipe, beiting, plumbing; sup plies, burnt plants, plants wreaked and dismantled; make no difference what It is. big or small; get our estimation before you sell; we can pay more; we sell direct . in carload lots. ALASKA BAG & METAL CO. 173 Front St., Cor. Yamhill. Main 8232. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay the highest price for ladies and gents cast-oft clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and pay for If. GLOBE bTORE, 285 FIRST. Main 208O. Main 2080. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER J. Meyer, the tailor, pays you more for clothing and shoes. Reliable buyer. Call Marshall 1229. 221 Madison st. CASH prices for diam&nds, old gold, silver, platinum, antique jewelry, pawn tickets. J. Golden. 410 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main 3055. Will call. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING "BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. We pay highest pries for all kinds of clothing, shoes, etc. Call Main 4776. 247 Front St. HIGHEST prices paid for - second-hand clothes, shoes and all kinda of carpentei tools. Main 4802. II, Cohen, 273 Front st. WANTED Kitchen heater, wood or coal, to use with gas range; rug tx12 and fire place screen. X 539, Oregonlan. ROCK DRILL complete, Nd. S1i ; Wood pre ferred; must be in Urst-class shape. 500 Concord bldg. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler, 218 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED National cash register. 606. AGlVa Washington st. ALASKA Bag & Junk Co., 235 Front, pay highest prices junk all kinds. M. 4 6 HQ. WILL PAY caah for S. & H. green trading stamps. HOO Northwestern Bank bldg. PIANO lor team, harness and wagon. Main 14M. R 5.5, Oregonlan. WANTED Cash register, showcase. 1st and Yamhill. Main 3880. WANTED To buy or rent, wagon for wood hauling. 303 commercial oik. HELP WANTED MAXJE. TACIFIO EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. FEW SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Two dumber-markers, $2. DO and $3; 2 carloading talleymen, $2.30 and $2.75; 2 millwrights. $50 and board; 3 machinists, SOO and board; 2 rough- carpenters, 40 and board; 2 box .factory cutoff men, $2.50; 8 young men and boys to work In box: factory, $2; grader, from planer, $2.50; man to run small trimmer saw in planing mill, $2.25; carriage rider, $2.50; lumber truck teamster, $2.50; 2 planer feeders, $2. DO and $2.75. 20 LOGGERS, $2.00 TO $5. 10 'FARMHANDS, $25, $30. $35. 6 MILKERS. $30, $33, $40. Others too numerous to mention here. Hundreds of new jobs every day. WATCH OUR BULLETIN BOARDS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT" COMPANY, Corner First and Couch Sts. NORTHERN PACIFIC LABOR AGENCY, ;Ht North fcjerond tit. Loading engineer. $2.75. Choke rni an. $ 2. 75. ami i per, $-.50. Camp flunkies, $35. Donkey fireman. $2.25. M an and wile, Montana, $73. Riff rustlors, $2.75. Ratchet setter, $2.50. Lumber grader, $2.75. Drum tender, $2.75. Other positions too numerous to men tion. We are the official labor agents for the X. "P. Ry. Co. and want section, men and extra gang laborers. Skilled help reg i st e red free. Correspondence solicited. "Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL." Da and night classes; training in re pairing, driving and machine work, in cluding forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc. ; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational offico Y. M. C. A. bldg.. to Inspect our shops and methods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUP PLIED. Tuition fee includes - MEMBER SHIP IN Y. M. C. A., and its EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swim mlng pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the Employment Secre ta ry. To n on -members a special member ship is Issued, costing $5 per annum, giving service of the department for a year two months full pri vileaes and re fund of membersnip fee it satisfactory em ployment is not secured. WANTED Married man to take Pare of and farm 33 -acre apple orchard. 0 M miles from Lyle. Wash. spray, prune and cultivate between trees 30 ft. apart. All fenced in. Rent and crop free first year. Must have tarn and some farm implements; soil rich, black and level; references. S 544. Orego niau. 1 MAUB $5o.uo in five years with a smalt mail order business; began as a side line with $5; made $10,000 first year; 1 will show you how to do the work; no can vassing. Send for free booklet; tells how. Heaco ck. Bo x 2')74 . Loc k port. N. T. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly mn make money selling our handy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; caeh weekly; part expense provided. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. DENTIST WANTED FOR HONOLULU. Must be experienced operator; elderly iran preferred; honest and sober; refer ences as to character and ability required. Address AV 900, Oregonlan. SPLENDID career open to pood mechanics; pract bal courses in all branches of en gineering; work helps pay tuition ; illus trated catalog uo from Seattle Engineer ing School, Roy st., Seattle. GARDENER for garden work; steady posi tion; must thorough ly understand flowers and vegetable earden. See J. L. Bowman, Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Mor rison. W A NTED 2 single young men over 21 to t ravel with manager; experience not i' essary ; good money and steady posi tion for right parties. Inquire Carlton Ho tel for Mr. Livermore. CITY salesman, to sell novelty Portia nd souven ier post card as sine linn. 60 1 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash, sts., at noon. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen. $120 monthly; experience un tie c ess ary. R a ilway, Oreg onlan. FREE Tho Portland Barber College will teach you the trade free; pay you while learning;: experienced instructor. 232 2d. TAILOR, to work on alterations; steady po sition. Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Morrison. W A NTED Manager and janitor for small apu't men t -house ; gi vp experience and refei en res. A" 543. Oregonlan. W ANTED at once, linotypo operator, pa, Idaho. com pe ten t non-union Leader-Herald, Nam- WANTED All-around tailor for ladies' and gent s. Steady job ; weekly wapes from $1S to $24. L. Fchm'ifh. Baker. Or. HAWTHORNE AITTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. Students earn board, room while learning. WANTED More boys with bicycles and mo. iorccics to deliver packages; steady work. 35 N. 32th. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 266 11TH. NEAR JEFFERSON ST. WORK YOUR WAY THROUGH. MAN with auto to sell article of proven merit. cjutcK sates. Liberal commission. Give phone nr address. AH 53, Oregonlan. WHY NOT DRESS UP? Uncalled-for men's Spring suits. $3.50 up. Orpheum Cleaners, 855 Stark, cor. Park MEYER, the Tailor, pays more for second hand suits. $5 and up. 229 Madison st. Marshall 122V. TWO live, energetic young men, neat ap pearance, selling ability. 208 Ablngton bldg. WANTED First-class automobile mechanic; no others need apply; good wages; steady work. Fred Dundee. 575 Jefferson st. MALE stenographers or bookkeepers de siring permanent situations, call Broad. WANT to buy a clothes. 105 W. few slightly worn, men's Park et. Broadway 173 3. M AN wit h some cash. No. 1 woodsaw rrop osltlon. J. Boogaert. 2S7 E. Morrison st. TAILOR for country pant and vest maker. A p p 1 y D . B . M c B ride ft Co. , Royal bid g. INDUSTRIOUS stable man, single; must be cf good habits. Apply 15. 7th st. North. EX p" KR I E NC E D solicitor, liberaFcoiiiinissIon p:iid. -40 Hawthorne. WANTED Men s used suits. Will pav $4.50 to $7.00. Phone Main 6701 or Tabor !76. THREE city salesmen ; new offer; live ones. -14 ruiocn oiora. BAKERY helper wanted. Alblna Home Bakery. 787 Mississippi ave. WANTED Experienced man for small ma chine shop. Tabor 573. BOY wanted with wheel to "deliver; $4 per week Call 213 N. 16th St. EXPERI ENCED photo coupon agents; best offer. Davles Studio. Bdwy. and Stark at. TWO live, energetic young men, neat ap pearance, selling ability. 208 Abington bids. V A N TTirr Ida n with auto" to d el 1 ver. 347 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. U S, Government Employment Office co-operating. WANTED, TODAY". 4 boys, 18 to 20, permanent work; large Portland firm, to learn business; must have good school record and references. 5 farm hands. X 1 expert milker. $43. Man and wife. Hood River farm. - Man and wife for Summer resort. Housework and chores. Boilermaker helper. Machine man, sash and door factory. Woodcutters. 6 married mcn for brick plant. 3 0 married men for lumber mill. 60 quarrv laborers, $2.25. 10 men for nursery work. Donkey fireman. Timber fallers. Ratchet setters. a orchard men. 30 yard laborers, Washington lumber mill. 4 yard men. close to Portland. 6 messenger boys; must have bicycle. All-around tailor. Young man and wife for apartment Jan itor; must bo experienced and have ref erences. First-class machinist, auto and general shop experience. Railroad machinists. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR JOB AT THIS OFFICE. Main 3555. A. 5624. WANTED Metal polisher, young man, short experience chandelier work preferred; state wages. The Doerr Mitchell Ekectnc Co., Spokane, Wash. Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS for country and city to sell made-to-measure clothes for $13.50. Call 520 Northwestern Bank bldg. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg- HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar ment Factory, Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. WANTED Capable woman to represent Soirella corsets satisfied to earn $10 to a, week for the first three months; training free. For interview, call on Mrs. Nettie W est, Hotel e n is on. room 71 o . MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand, typewriting-, book keeping. English branches; PERSONAL ATTENTION. Day and night classes. New Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison WANTED Female agents to -handle a new mi !ah!d nutnr in rrr-at demand. For Tar- ticuiaxs. write or call from W At M. to 7 P. M.t room 510 Stock Exchange, Third, near Morrison st. young ladv for telcDhune. filing and mail ing- permanent position; must have- some office experience. Pacific titates Electric Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED A neat, experienced maid for general housework; must be a good, plain cook; city references required. Telephone East 33 16 today. 0-12 o'clock." WANTED Experienced operators on power machine for cloth hats and caps. Apply Jacobs Hat & Cap Works. Phoenix bldg., 3th a nd Oak. WANTED A competent girl for second work and car of children ; German or French preferred. A pply, mornings, 30b N. 22d, near Flanders. HUNDREDS Government positions open to women, $70 -month. Write immediately; free list. Franklins Institute, dept. 7u3 O. Rochester. N. Y. FAMILY of antilts want experienced girl for general housework. Call morning. 445 E, 15th st.N I YOUNG woman to do office work; one that can run typewriter and answer telephone. Ur. S. Laundry Co. WANTED Pupils in S. H.. bookkeeping, dic tation; terms for next 30 days. 228 3d St., room 348. -Main 5330. A 6271. WANTED Experienced cook's helnor, and do pastry work, restaurant. Apply 420 Hoyt. . A BOY or girl to wait table lu private boarding-house. Mondays and Wednesdays. 404 Madison cor. 10th. phone Main 2006. WANTED -Chambermaid, furnished house keeping suite and some cash. Apply 288 'b 3d, 10 A. M. WANTED -Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Via vl Company, 423 Plttock block. 385 Washington. IX dTvt DUAL "instructions ; start any date. Hinsdale's Commercial School, 502 Or pheum bldg. Positions secured. WANTED Expf rlenced women operators on power machines. - Eastern Novelty Mfe- Co., 85 V-j 5th st. WANTED Manaeer and janitor for small apnrtment-houso; give experience and ref ere n ce. A F 537. Oregon ian. WANTED Names of men or women, IS or over wishing U. S. Government positions ; $75 'month. Address A V 750, Oregonlan. LADIES learn beauty culture; evening class also. Reduced rates this month. 307 Northwest bldg., 6t h and Wash, sts. WAITRESS, $25, country, fare paid. Other help. Howe's Agency, 35, 270 'j Washing ton st. WATTED Girl or woman to assist with housework and children; good home and sniail wages. 3 118 E. Lincoln. WANTED Coatuiakers; also pants and vest makeis; good Job. Apply D. B. McBride, Kc al n.oe LADIES of good appearance, for Seaside and Long Beach ; $o0 required. Rooms 502-3 Columbia Bldg. 1 RELIABLE glt'l or woman to assist in housework ; references required. 503 E. 23d st N. Take B car lo Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies only; make vourself Independent with good trade. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. A COMPETENT lady solicitor, one who can meet tUe best people; good proposition. -eti juui bu WA NTED Girl lo assist In housework and take care of chliu. Apply mornings onlj-. 778 Petty grove st. COM PET EN T j'Irl for general house-i ork. 330 E. 17th North, bet. Brazee and Knott, GIRL for housework In flat; small family. H31 u. Northrup st., near 25th. WA NTED Law sTeiioprapber. $75; dicta phono operator, $00. 301 N. W. Bank bldg WANTED Chambermaid ; $ 15 month room and board. 347 oak st. ' Gl R L wanted lor general housework. Northrup st. 874 PRIVATE home for children, any age ; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Ma r, 2162. EX PER I ENCED girl for housework. 709 Lovejoy St. MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand, Typewrltin g. $5 mo. 200 14th. Main 3S03. WAITRESSES, experienced. Apply 247 Vi Stark et. , , WANTED- Girl for general housework. M. 8171. , EX PERI ENCED photo coupon agents; best offer. - Davies Studio, Bdwy. and Stark st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. flOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to l arn the barber trade : Summer rates, tools free; paid while learning. Write for catalouge. 48 N. Jd at. MOHLKH BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade free of charge in 8 'weeks, positions secured; pay while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON T4ARRER COLLEGE, men and women to learn the barber trade; positions guaranteed. 233 Madison. MONEY-MA KING position for good can vasser. No other wanted. 'Call 500 "Will iams. . STENOGRAPHY course in 3 months. $25 or $10 month. Miss Ostbye School. Mn. 3505. HELP WANTED M fSCE I. LA N EO U H. WANTED Names men. IS to 45. wishing to become Portland mail carriers; commence $07month. AV 917. Qregonian. JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau. Mn. 2101 1670. Jap. ass'ii. of Or., 218 Henry LIdg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks GENERAL MANAGER'S ASSISTANT. A competent and reliable stockman and Correspondence clerk experienced In the wholesale and jobbing business, now lo cated in Eastern Massachusetts, deires a responsible position which would war rant him in moving to the Pacific Coast. Salary expected, $200 per month. Ad dress T. A. L., box 377, Cohasset. Mass. WANTED Permanent position as book keeper, clerk or salesman; willing worker; weal references. H 536. Qregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG mail, 20, desires position ; anything accepted; ' good character; references. Woodlawn 1342. Al kiROCERY salesman, retail or road work; pood referenced. Address A. E. G., 102 FJ. Broadway. YOUNG man, 25- years, wants position sheep herder; experienced. A 536, Oregonlan. JANITORor elevator and nlghtwatchman ; A-l references. Call Marshall a 21. PAINTER and kalsomlner wan ts work. Reasonable price. Ref. Main 7051, A 1517. JANITOR work wanted, man and wife. Ta bor 4521. .. EXPERIENCED dairyman wishes position on-large dairy. .Hi, urcgonian. CJT Y salesman desires desirable staple l'ie on commission. T 540, Qregonian. AbL kind a of housework and lawn work by the day. Tabor 454. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. M isrelluneotis. -L PR ACTICA-L electrician, electric ligh t and power man, married, a hustler, guarantee to Increase business and earning capacity; will go anywhere. Address W 55S, Ore goman. EDUCATED lady and gentleman who ara especially qualLfied and experienced de sire employment lit some institution or in some capacity with children. Main 7051, T 1517. BAND and orchestra leader. plas violin and cornet, will accept opening in small town and do other work, object heatt b. D W. Curtis, general delivery, Portland. MAN with experience in auto repairing1 wants pdsit ion in garage and repair shop for more experience; any reasonable oiier considered. V 540, Orcgonian. FOREMAN in loRKinjt camp 15 years ex perience, -ail kinds of conditions and up-to-date logging equipment. AC 530, Ore gonian. CHEF desires position: ::o years experi ence In leading hotels, cafes and clubs; previous record a guarantee sat isf a't ion ; excellent references. H 537, Oregnnian. BAND and orchestra leader, plays violin and cornet, will accept opening in small town and do other work; object health. Main 7051, A 1517. JANITOR, reliable, understands plumbing and general repairs; A-l references. Call Marshall 221. MARRIED counle (Swiss German), position on mil'.c ran eh or farm. Address E. Ui"lei", 2m :jd st.. Port land. Or. STEADY work with good lam ; wife will cook if needed. N. P. Labor Agency. Broadway 4S73. PAINTING. kalsomiiiing. paperh an r: h g. Rooms $1.75 up. Whitewashing basements. Prices reasonable. East iH2P. . KALSOMIING. painting, plaster-patching. Reasonable. Woodlawn 24'JQ. CHINESE boy wishes to b- a r n to c no k 1 11 good family. 32iV; Couch or A 1175. SITUATIONS WANTED I H.MAI.E. 'look keepers and rtenocrHiiierf. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, typist or filing clerk wishes permanent position; t'OOti references. Y 5,;s. urcgonlan. STENOGRAPHER with threo jvars of pood experienco desires position. I'hone hell- w o o d 1783. t STENOGRAPHER - BOOK K K E E PE-R. gen era I COIII IllfU'iBl e a (m-i inn j , - city. Ali ',s, Oregonla n. BO KKEEPER and cashier. years' whole. stile experience, tie ires permanent pnsi- tion; b -st of references. Apt. P. Main Mi' ; YOUNG woman desires private exchange and office work. Al ref. Main 7031. A 3317. YOUNG lady wishes position as bookkeeper; good references. AH 537. Orepnnian. Dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and remodeling, reasonable; all work guaranteed. Main 8123. Meredith Apt. 300, 22d and Wash ington sts. . FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable ; home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 0513. . . PLAIN or fashionable dressmaking dune at reasonable prices. Call Tabor 150. REASONABLE, shirtwaist, a specialty. 75c tilO1" E. Alder. B 2470. Tabor 5074. SUITS made from $3 t.. 6; hais trimmed. 407 Stark. Main wp.;. TAIIORING and dressmaking, by day home; work guaranteed. Main Mi3. w RELIABLE dresmaking. Tel. Main 6003, C aiHH, . .. Nurse. L'Vl'FHI VA'Cl'M) I ifl'lllrlll tike taking care of ch lldren , reft 1 ehce. C 2331, E-itH 327S. N U R S E wishes work; will assist with other work. Main 305i. COMPETENT, t rained nurse. reasonable; city doctors' references. East 2'td.i. vr ; n k: cr 1 1 iTs 1 1 trained), maternity or in valid; rer-H reasonn nie. rn-nip Tabor 33. PRACTICAL nurse with can f urn ish rei erenre. hospital tiMhiiiiKi Tabor 47i7. Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPING in mot herW ss home, re liable woman; good plain cook. AK 54, o re c o 11 1 n 1 1 . , GOOD, reliable woman wants housekeeper's job." city or couiitr. 1th st . TATLO RING Cora- ts lo 111 ch sure ; evening gow ns ; rates reason a b ie. .Ma r. 6 I I. Dome. ABLE-BODIED, middle-aged w 0111 a 11 wants cooking in camp or on ranch v. here she cm take her 7-yr.-old boy. 2.1 mo. '1 hor oughly vxp. AL ref. Main 7n..l, A l.l. CAPABLE German woman, A 1 cook, desires 'catering; also experienced waitress In con nection wtih catering, 33c hr. A I re. Main 7051. A 1317. YOUNG GIRL wants to assist wtih house work in small family for room and board and some wages Columbia 4(4. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires housework for widower. Alain 2751. r o o 1 1 1 -" M iJcellaneoii-.. LADY or' refinement and exprien.-e ishes to supervise over or will assist In lending rooms In hotel, rootnins'-hou.-e or npHrt . ments in or out of the it; best of ref erences. Telephone Main I Li.t, or BH 57:;. Oregonlai.. . EDUCATED ladv and gentleman, who are especiallv qualified and ex pci ien.-ed. de sire emplovment in some institution or 'ii some capacity with children. F .3, Ore gon ia n. t . REFINED voting lady wishes position as companion; wfil assist with light house hold duties i'or room and board, with permission to practice t-axapbone music. X, 540, Oregoniau. i M. I I)DLE C.E D woman, tier man. Al laun dress, wants permanent day work eery other Mondav. 25c hr. and enrfare. Best of ref. Alain 7051. A 1517. YOUNG woman, capable and refined has been a teacher1, desires one or trto boys (not girls) over 3 yrs. old to board. A I ref. Main ?n31. A 1317. M IDLE-AGED woman desii es housework or helper in camp where she ran take her 2 bovs, 5 and 0 yrs. Wages no object. Main 7i51. A 1517. BOOKKEEPER and cashier. O years whole sale experience, desires permanent posi tion; best of references. Apt. D. Mum -H SI. C A P RLE woman wants permanent day "work for Frldav or Saturday. 2... hr. Ref. Main 7051. A151 YOUNG woman desires w asbiugs to taki home 'no Ironing . Reasonable. Ref. Main 7053. A 1517. , GIRL, emploved from K to 4. Wishes to work for room and hoard. ErW 473J. all for Miss Wolff after 6 P. M. t A A' o UNO woman will do th country for board am or?uouian. lisht wovk in room. " 533, DI N VERS, partios weddings planned, pre pared, served ; rooking week-ends; iron ing. SeUwood IQ'.'O. EXPERIENCED lady will take charge c. rooming or apartment-house. Mam ot'. uoom Y'OI'NG woman wants Summer dresses, shirt waists and starched clothes to launder. A1 ref. Main 751, A 1517. Y OUNG worn an, Al day worker. w; a n t a work 25c hr. Best of references. Main 7051. A 1517. , LACE curtains, draperies, linens hand liin drred. 2"c up; called for, sepwood p.QQ. PI E A3 ANT, quiet girl will care fop cbil drPn Friday to Sunday n ights. Main ,200. COLORED woman wants day work. Wood lawn 4538. . . . WA 1TRES4 wants work; West Sid pre ferred T 5 4 N. 23d Ft. Marshall 1352. YOUNG lady thildren. clay, hour; light Pell wood 1 m! 10. apt. worK. WASHING, ironing and cleaning; good ref erences, r iu'w- " - . VF ? Y -experienced woman wains day work. East 1131. WIDOW woman needs work," washing or clean ing. Tabor 045H. DAY work wanted by a competent person ; rcfereices. Call Marshall -21. GOOD laundress wants day work. Main 5714. WOMAN wants day work for Thursday and Friday. East 1220. . WOMVN to do day work. Phono Woodlawn 3268. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. FURNISHED house complete. 4 or ; bed rooms, adults- reasonable rent, from May or June 1 to Sept. 1; walking distance. West Side, north of Washington, west :'h st. pfd; reference exchanged. AC 53S,Ore gonian, : . (i CR 7 rooms, furnished house, on Y.att Side, not on carline; rc-poiisible parly will 'pay $25 or $3u per mouth. Address A B 335, Qregonian. SM A I.b furnished house ot- houkL"'pliR rooms; clean; on Portland Heights; single lady; references exchanged. Marshall 253. WANTEI 4-rocm modern apartment, f .at or bun?a!ow; must be in Rood district and reasonable. AG53t;, jOregvii !aji1s 1-X'HN'sTlED HOUSE 5 t 7 rooms; pr ni.ineiir; piano, en, electrb; lights; ad-ilts; s i a t e price. Address UK 37. (.ir-Kniiiun. Apart ments. BY couple, no children, 3-room apartment or flaL; must be light. hae balcony. W. st Side, walking distance, iii'"ktii, reason able; give location, ' price. W 530. urcgo niaii. " 1 1 3 rooms, with sleeping porch, fnr n iyiit-u o.' i.n t n rn ifc-h-d. 15 mi n. walk from Hunisido bridge. Broadway 4.S73. Mc-K-cnuctt.