Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 14, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Managing Editor Main 70T0. A n!W
City Kditor Main T070. A 6095
feunday Editor Main T07O. A 8"5
AdvertiBinr Department . ..Main 70T0. A 6fS5
City Circulation Main 7070. A 0o
Composing-room Main 7u7l. A 6OI1S
Printing-room Main 707O, A -
Superintendent Bulldlns .. . . Main 7070. A oui5
rison atreets) Baker Ktock Company In
"What Happened to Mary." Tonight at
ORPHECsr fBrcadway and Tamhlll street)
dlg-time vaudeville, 2:20 and 8:30 P.M.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Etark street)
Vaudeville. Performances 2:30. 7:30 and
:li P. M.
Pj?"AGlS JA,der and Broadway) Vaude
ville. Performance 2:80. 7:30- and 8:14.
JT.RIC-r"ourtl nd Star streets) Dillon
and Kins; In musical comedy. Afternoon
ana night perlormancea dally.
S'vIA;JfIi.,'fPark- West Park and Stark)
vajaevMie and motion pictures, continuous.
vertlsements Intended ror City News
f" rlet' columns In Sunday's Issue must ba
eanded In The ' eregonlan business office
o o'clock Saturday, evening.
reFl.t SuiT 18 Filed. Suit for $60.
- 665.08. alleged to be owing on a $75,000
contract for property in Resent
,,,8 t8, entered into in .September,
1910, was filed in the Circuit Court yes
terday by the North Portland Invest
ment Company against the Lakeview
Realty .Associates and the Regent
Realty Company. The contract, it is
allegred. wa assigned from the Realty
Associates to the Realtv Pnmnanv
Aprl; 27. 1912. Payment within ten
vaays after judgment or the annulment
of the contract Is demanded by the
- plaintiffs, who are represented by At-
Army Supply Station Opened Here.
t' The" Quartermaster's Department of
the United States Army.' has opened a
supply station in the Blackstone Hote"l
building, 429 Stark, street, and it is
understood that .two men from the post
at San Francisco have been ordered to
take charge of the newly Installed
station. It Is rumored that in the
event of more serious difficulty with
Mexico, the Portland station would
serve as a distributing point for sup
. plies and also for" outfiting soldiers
leaving for the front.
Br. Eliot to Lecture. Rev. "W. Q.
Eliot. Jr., will speak today at 2:30
o'clock in room 320 Courthouse, under
the auspices of the Oregon, Congress of
Mothers. Parents" Educatlorfal Bureau.
The subject will be "Moral Awakening
and Training of Children. '.' The lecture
Is free and the bureau Invites all
young mothers who are Interested In
the problems of child trailing to hear
Dr. Eliot. A free lecture Is given by
some specialist or leader in educational
worjt every Friday at the same hour. .
T. M. C. A. Boys Hosts ToNraHT.--New
members of the boys' division of the Y.
M. C. A. will be entertained at a
reception and programme In the junior
lobby tonight at 7:30 o'clock.. Three
hundred and fifty boys, taken in as
members in the course of the Portland
Seattle membership contest, have been
invited. Reproduction of life at the
Spirit Lake camp, musical numbers and
speeches by leaders of the clubs will
be features of the programme.
Aged Woman . Dies. Mrs. Maria
Anderson, aged 9 years and 7 months,
died at her home, 341 Tillamook street,
Wednesday. he is survived by the
following children: Alfred - Anderson,'
Mrs. E. Blankenholm, Mrs. F. Blied,
Miss Theckla Anderson. Mrs. "Anna
Ericsson, of Portland. Funeral serv
ices will be held today at 2 P. M.
from Pearson's chapel, Russell street
and Union avenue. Interment- -ill .be
made in Rivervlew Cemetery. . .
Farewell Given Pastor Tonight. A
farewell reception will be given Rev.
G. L. Lovell at the Ockley Green United
Evangelical Church tonight. Rev. Mr'.
Lovell. who has been pastor of the
Ockley Green 'Church for the past three
-years, has been .transferred to the
pastorate oi the Salem United Evan
gelical Church, and will leave shortly
for his new work.
Elks to Entertain. The Portland
Lodge of Elks will entertain their
friends with a. band concert bv the
Portland Elks" Band at the "Elks'
Temple, Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.
This is .the first of a. series of monthly
band concerts to be given by the Blks.
Under the direction of Conductor
Tigaho, the band has made wonderful
Andy Lewis Is ' Dead.- A wireless
from-Juneau, Alaska, announcing the
death of Andj- Lewis, a young Portland
man, was received yesterday by F. P.
Mays. Mr. Lewis was well known in
this city as an. automobile driver and
fancy skater. . Though no", .details are
given, the dispatch says, his death was
due to an injury. He has brother
in Juneau. .
Hoffman Circle to"" Meet. The
regular monthly meeting fit thfe Hoff
man Parent-Teacher Association will
be held today at 3 o'clock in the school.
Miss Hart and Miss Snook have charge
of the programme. Reports will be
made. Blue ribbon essays on tobacco
. will be read and refreshments will be
served. A large attendance is desired.
H. H. Hebdma to Speak. Tonight
at 8 o'clock in Library Hall. H. H.
Herdman will deliver a lecture on "The
Men and Women of Shakspeare." This
is one of a series of lectures given by
Portland students of Shakespeare on
subjects connected with the great
dramatist and constituting one of the
extension courses of" Reed College.
Suffragists' Entertainment Planned.
A meeting to plan for the entertain
ment of the Eastern suffragists, who
will be here the last or this month
will be held tonight in the Hotel Port
land. Miss Prlscilla Webster, of Bos
ton, will give a short talk on the con
ditions 'in the East.
Jubilee Sixgers to Be Heard Tonight.
The Jubilee- Singers of Tuskegee In
stitute will give a concert at the Third
Baptist Church. Vancouver avenue and
Fargo street, tonight at 8 o'clock. The
concert is for the benefit of the "church
fund. '
Ali, Perrons having any unfinished
business to transact with the under
signed will kindly rail and see us, as
we are leaving Portland, May 1. 1916
A and M. Delovage, jewelers, 324 Wash
ington st. Adv.
Labor Leader to Deliver Address.
W. J. Kerns, of San Francisco, --a
labor organizer, will deliver an ad
dress tonight in Arion Hall, f eeond and
Oak streets, on "The Socialist Move
ment." , . " )
Election of Officers Planned. The
women's auxiliary to Company H, Sec
ond Oregon, will meet today with Mrs.
D. McDonnell, 550 Overton street. The
election of officers will he -hejd. All
meihbers are asked to attend.
Minnesota. Society to Meet. The
Minnesota State Society. will meet this
evening at the Oregon building Fifth
and Oak streets. Following the busi
ness session there will be .cards and
other diversions.
. Miss Hammond Lectures Today.
Miss Josephine Hammond, of -Reed Col
lege, will address the kindergarten
council in the Library today at 3:30
Easter Sale of merit today at First
M. E. Church; attractive fancy articles.
caps, aprons, bags, towels, pillow
j.i jooKoAn tAfttf Prices rea
sonable. All day, open il A. M. Adv.
for Rent. West Side. 6-roorh flat,
r.lpsn. newlv kalsomlnedi very desir-
KI fine neighborhood. near hew
Couch School. Rent reasonable. Phone
East 8412 for particulars. -Adv.
Penny Luncheon today a First M. B,
Church.- 11 to B o'clock. Home cook
ing". Best In town.-r-Adv.
Coffee Day Paturday. Our 40c bulk
coffee. 25c. limit 4 lbs. .We deliver.
Phone early, M. or Ai893. Martin Marks
Coffee Co., 63 3d et Adv.
Loans 7, ho torn.! elose-lh residences.
Commerce. S.D. & II. Co. Mn. 3067. Adv.
: '
!','5l8& " : '.: y'' V ' ; ; .'. - ' .'z&&4: y: ' '4
P'OM'flWlaML ' S-.--- ' '" ' v" ."-. . '
In "Uncle Tom's Cabin,"- the thrilling escape of the slave woman,
Eliza, over the drifting ice in the Ohio River is featured by the
Baker Players.
The Baker Players will close their present season with an elaborate
production of the play'next week, and all the 'famous old traditional
scenes and characters will be faithfully portrayed. The new play
will open Sunday matinee and continue all next week, with extra mat
inees nearly every day. t-
Concert Set for Tonight.- -Interest
is being shown in the concert and-entertainment
to be given at Trinity
Methodist Church tonight at 8 o'clock.
Miss Dorothy Muns.on, of the Gillespie
School of Expression, will give four
numbers. Among the vocalists will be
Miss Lois Watt. Miss Ethel Luke, Mrs.
Mae Moorehead Dy and Earl Gray.
Two of the Martin brothers will play
a duet on their saxophones. L. Car
roll Day will be the accompanist arid
also will sing. Some original numbers
are promised by Miss Aljce Sundstedt
Educational Officer to Speak. P.
P Claxton. United States 'Commissioner
of Education, will be one of the speak
ers at the noon luncheon of the civic
League fin the Chamber of Commerce
tomoiip'w. Mr. Claxton will arrive in
Portland tonight from Seattle. The
quartet from the Tuskegee Institute
will be ft musical .feature of the lunch
eon. "The League to Enforce Peace"
will receive due discussion. W. D. i
Wheelwrlorht. secretary of the league
for Oregon, will present the alms of
fhe league, and Guy W. Talbot will
Fathers to Meet in Linnton. Prin
cipal E. H. Whitney, of the Ockley
Green School, will speak on -voca
tional Training In the Schools," at an
open meeting of the Parent-Teacher
Association tonight in the Maccabees
Hall in Linnton.. This meeting is spe
cially for the fathers of that district.
A musical programme will be rendered
and W. H. Dunham. school garden
supervisor, will talk oh "Home
Gardens." All fathers In the community
are urged to attend thfs meeting.
Huff Meetings Grow in Interest.
The evangelistic meeting being con
ducted in the former Central Christian
Church. East Salmon and East Twen
tieth streets, by Evangelist Will H.
Huff are growing 'In Interest and at
tendance. His lectures at 2:30 o'clock
in the afternoon of each day attract
about 200 people. Evangelist-. Huff
bases all his addresses on the Scripture
and his explanations of passages are
clearT The music ia one of the features
of all the meetings. Evening services
begin at 7:45 o'clock.
Meat Inspection Booth Permitted.
Permission was granted the. City Health
Bureau yesterday to erect a temporary
meatinspection booth on the Municipal
Dock at the foot of East Washington
street. A shed Will be erected and
equipped for the Inspection of meat
consigned to East Side commission
houses. It is planned to have the booth
on the dock only temporarily or .until
such time as & .more suitable place can
be found by the city.
Jit T-'. Hnn.Kn'ft Frvs-niT. T TnnAT .
FMneral services of Jay E.1 Heller, who
died Wednesday, will be held to-day
from Dunnlng's chapel at 2 P. M. and
the ' Interment will be In the Mount
Scott Cemetery. Services will be under
the auspices of the general relief com
mittee . of the Portland Oddfellows
order. lie was 27 years of age and a
member of Chaffe Lodge, No. 256, L O.
Ov F., of Chaffee, N. Y.
Passover Services Set. Services
will be held at Congregation Ahaval
Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight
at 8 o clock. Tomorrow morning serv
ices at 9:30 o'clock. Passover services
will be held Monday evening, April 17,
at 7 o'clock and Tuesday evening at 7
o'clock. Tuesday and W ednesday morn
ing services at 9:30 o clock. Rabbi R
Abrahamson will officiate.
Mazamas to" Hike Tonight. The
first rwoonlight walk of the Mazamas
for 1916, which is tonight, will be
started from Broadway and- Grant
street at 7:30 o'clock. The climb up
toward the castle will be made rain or
sliine. There will be a campfire and
shelter if necessary at Council Crest.
The walk will be led by Charles E.
Woodlawn Laundry Destroyed. The
Woodlawn ' Wet Wash Laundry, at
EJisrhteenth and Junfor streets, was
destroyed by fire this morning. The
place had not Been operatea tor some
time, but was undergoing repairs pre
paratory to reopening. The loss was
$400, with no insurance.
Th1eve9 Take Phonograph.- Thieves
with a penchant for music entered the
home of Dr. W. M. K-illingswortn, 1681
Derby street, some time Wednesday
night, arid larried off a new S2s)0
phonograph. From a bureau drawer
they got $25 in moneys Entrance to
the house was gained by Jimmying open
a front wihdow.
Rural Teachers' Club to Meet. The
Rural Teachei-s' Club, which was or
ganized recently to improve the con
ditions in the rural schools of Multno
mah County, will meet at the Y. M. C.
A. at 2 o'clock tomorrow. Elmer S.
McCormick, of Greshamj will be the
principal speaker.
E. A. Baker to Speak. E. A. Bker
will be the speaker on Sunday before
the Current Events Club of West
minster Presbyterian Church, East Sev
enteenth and Schuyler streets. His sub
ject is, "Three Months of Prohibition."
Address will follow the morning
sermon at 12 o'clock. '
"Little Women" to Be Gives To
CTotiT. "Little Women," a play by the
advanced pupils, will be given in Ful
ton Park School tonight. The primary
pupils will give "The Sleeping Beauty."
Several violin 'solos by Arnold Balmer
and dramatic reading by Miss Cordelia
Bsoadbent, formerly of Texas, Will be
additional attractions. The entertain
ment is for the benefit of Fulton Park
School. A candy sale will follow the
Mazamas to "Visit Clarke. For their
Sunday outing the Mazamas will leave
town at s:39 A. Al. on the Vancouver
car and go to "Vancouver. Thence they
will ride to t!tc edge of the town and
start on a tramp through the Clarke
County prune orchards, traveling part
of the time along the Pacific Highway.
The party will go on to Knapp, a sta
tion on tlsj main line of the Northern
Pacific Railroad, to start back to Port
land in the afternoon.
School Entertainment Is Tonight.
An entertainment will be given in the
auditorium of the Washington High
School tonight under the auspices of
the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union and the Hawthorne Parent
TeacUer Association. The programme
win consist or literary ana musical
numbers. The prize essay on "Temper
ance" . in the contest reeently com
peted in by the students of the Haw
thorne School will also be read.
Suits" Are
They're made of handsome, durable
woolens in clever models for boys
6 to 17 vears serges, shepherd)
checks and mixtures every suit
with two pairs knickers. Sold here
i Outfitters ,fe'- Cnildrcrv.
143 Sixth Opposite Meier 4t Fraak
Daughter of Retired Capitalist Is '"Well
Known In Other District Cor
vallls Lms Ia Second.
Anna B. Allen, Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company ..... 5843
Georgie White, Corvallis, .Or . . 5070
Jewell Carroll, Knights and
Ladies of Security "..2,865
Louise Taylor. Western Union -
Telegraph Company ......1277
Marian Anderson, Albany, Or. . 978
Muriel Sallng', Pendleton, Or. . 901
Rose Uptegrove, Oregbn City,
Or 6
Edel Fra.;.sch, Eugene, Or. . . 4
Waive Jacobs, of Klamath Falls;
Augusta Wulf and Lillian C. Hen
drickson, of Portland, have Just
entered the race, and no ballots
have been received for them as
A ner candidate entered the lists
for 3ueen of Portland's Rose Festival
yeBterday, Miss Waive Jacobs, of Kla
math alls, being the latest entry.
Miss Jacobs is a popular girl In- her
own city and will receive the united
support of that district.
She is a talented musician and has
i' X
Ml "Waive Jacob, of Klamath
F'allH, Latent Candidate for
been active in entertainments given in
Klamath Falls. She is well known in
other parts of the Btate and is ex
pected to gain much support.
Miss Jacobs is the daughter of L.
Jacobs, a retired capitalist of Klamath
We are Giving to Oregonians
Life Insurance under most Modern and Up-to-date
Policies and furnishing "Superior Service"
in connection Vvith their Life Insurance
such as they never had before, and sucbTas ho other
Company is in a position to give.
receive the same
minute details, pos
sible under my own
supervision, that I
give my own work.
and at prices that
will be attractive to
Eyesight Specialist,
Washington St.
ng-Hirach Bids.
d Floor, N e n r
Falls, who has been active In the
work of development of that part of
the state for years. Mr. Jacobs rea
lizes the publicity value to the Kla
math country in the honor for which
his daughter will strive and hie will,
no doubt, assist materially in her support.
Miss Lillian Cornelia Hendrickson.
daughter of C. F. Hendrrckson. presi
dent of the Scandinavian-American
Bank, of this city, is a late entry into
the queen contest." There are now. a
dozen candidates, five from Portland
and seven from outside points.
The first count of votes for the dif
ferent candidates has. been made. Anna
B. Allen, candidate of the Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company, led in the
number of votes, with 5843 to her
credit. Miss Georgie White, true candi
date of Corvallis, was a close second,
with 5070 votes.
Alaska Company . Seeks to Enjoin
Use of Similar Xamcs,
S. & H. Stamps Given Ask for Them.
Correct Easter Styles for Men
The Wayne (illustrated) is a good example, of Kuppenheimer
style and tailoring. -It's a two-button model that will appeal to
men as well as young men. See it here today in all the new fabric effects.
The Chester, the Biltmore, the Suffolk are
other new models now here in every new
fabric. All the new patterns are repre
sented stripes, checks, jlaids, mixtures
and plain shades. A size for eveiy man.
You can't do better this Easter than choose
at $20 to $35
Boys' Easter Suits
Sturdy Norfolk Suits in all the new fabrics
and " shades, and many variations of the
Norfolk model, as the Pinch-back, the
pleated back, the box pleats. .Nearly -all
have two pants at $4.85 up..' :: '
New Wash Suits of all the gobd materials
in the new Tommy Tucker, Junior. Norfolk
and Middy styles at $1.50 to ?3.50.
Juvenile Suits of serges, mixtures - and
black and white checks, ?3.85 to' 10. 1
Boys' Long-Pants Suits fijA
Norfolk. Pinch-back and Enrfish styles in W
Norfolk; Pinch-back and English styles in
blue series, gray , and brown cheviots, cas
simeres, tweeds, &t $9.45 and ?12.
Dependable Wearables for Men and Boys
Morrison at JFourth
The similarity of the names of the
Alaska Bag & Metal Co. and the Alaska
Bag & Junk Co. to that of the Alaska
Junk Co., which was incorporated long
before- the former were in existence,
led H. J. Wolf and Sam, Schnitzer, of
the Alaska Junk Co., to file two suits
in the Circuit Court yesterday, peti
tioning for permanent restraining or
ders preventing the other concerns
T r rtm he ins- f word "Alaska" in their
business anvi advertising.
The recently incorporated junk com
panies are stealing the business of the
original one. It is alleged. The name
of the Alaska Junk Co. is "valued, at
Tailored Suit for Easter, $2 5.
There"s no need in paying 25 for an
Eastern ready-made suit, when you can
have youre tailored to your individual
measure for 25 right here in Port
land by the retail tailoring department
of the Brownsville Woolen Mills. Come
and see the many high-class woolens.
We desire to thank our friends and
neighbors for the kindness shown
during our recent bereavement, the
Illness and death of our dear wife,
mother and sister, Caroline Wenny:
also for the many beautiful floral
We desire to thank our friends and
I acquaintances lor mc.i ...v. y.
felons of sympathy shown "us during the
I... rf ..,,. rlnveri wife
and mother; also for many beautiful
floral offerings.
True Economies, Unlimited Assortments, High
est Qualities, Real Service, Quick Deliveries
are among the things you are sure of here,
where you can "select the best from the best"
Solid Pack Tomatoe--Staple
brand No. 24 cans, regular 2
for 25c, special. 6 for.. 55
Finnan Haddies-FIne. thick
tish, lb..
Melton Mowbray Pork. Pies
Made fresh in our own kit
chen, each X5
Ripe OHvea Stellar Brand
3 25c cans for 50
Fresh Mushrooms lb...T5
Oregon grown, fresh dally.
Norway Mtekerel Fine,
tender, fat fish.
40c size weighs about. 14
lbs 35
35c size, about 1 lb.....25
16c size, about M lb lOd
Jones' Dairy Farm Hams,
Bacon, Sausage and Sausage
Meat, td arrive today fresh,
trbm the farm.
Tarklnh Coffee Special to
day, lb.
Visit our delicatessen department when planning your picnic
lunch for Sunday outing. Youll be surprised and delighted.
IV PrtTI II llf Oregon's Successful Life
1vsV!1mA1v Insurance- GompahV
(The Only Company Exclusively Oregon)
sest for Oregonians
Home Office corbett BUimtSc p0ttUncj
- - Corner Firth and Mormon, -
A. L. M1LL5. Pm&nt U SAMUEL, General Mwisrt C. S. SAMUEL, Aniiuat MuuW
t - - .-.." . .- ,vc . .;. . , - r - -. i
' ' 1 I" "-v .J,--,,.
complete with cord and plug
If you will bring in an old
iron, any kind of an iron
will d6. Sad iron. Gas iron
or an Electric iron. These irons are all guaranteed for ten
years. They have an attached stands-it is not necessary to
keep lif ting a six-pound weight from the ironing-board to
stand and back again. They're evenly, balanced. The point
is always hot;' interchangeable switch plug; cool handle.
VVe deliver. .
Stubbs Electric Co.
toth Phones.
Sixth at Pine.
On the Corner
v .:..-ii";--";'.,t?"
& j -. . vV.'v'.
material, mental and mor
al is the compensation of
those "who practice thrift.
Have you begun to enjoy it?
The savinps bank' method de
fines clearly a certain secure
course of realizing this ad
vancement. The thrift habit,
once acquired, is a rare dis
cipline in self-control. No
better time to begin than to
day. - One dollar or more
opens a savings account in
this strong state bank, oldest
in the Northwest.
For Sale by All Dealers.
The JVondcr Drink,
, f a i,
qiiii 1 - ' t
tilumauer & Hoch Jitsi
Distributors. 0R7g?NaL1
- t ;.a 17, HTT L. .L'.ili nil . -i.' nia-T-J-TK k
'r'toJTirijM'L'tt' and
elegantly appointed hotel, poBsesstn
one of the most beautiful corner lob
bies In the Nortii west. Located at
lot to and Aider sts., opposite olds.
Wormian & King's big department
store In heart o retail and theater
district. Rates. $1 and up. Bus
meets all trains. 'V" car also runs
trora Union JUepot direct to HOTEL
cfc-WAH L. W. M. a K WAHl), fro
Geary Streefe. lust oft Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner S 1 .00)
Most Famous Meals in the United States
Kevr 8tel and concrete stmctnre. Center
of theater, cafe and retail districts.
On carlines transferring all over city.
Take Municipal car line direct to door.
Motor Bna meets trains and Eteamers.
. . .ffiyy,.
Surpassingly right
Green Chle,f
for a keen appetite '
T. S. Townsend Cfeamery Co.
"Wholesale Distributers for
Oregon and S. W. Washington.
The Y. M. C A.
1I1 Tit any ambitious young man
or woman for high-class positions ia
Bookkeeping. Stenmtraphr and
To men this includes valuable
athletic, aquatic and membership
privileg-es, although tuition co&t is
ess than elsewhere.
Phone Slain 7063, A 6S61.
For 80 years the most satisfactory
jewelers in Portland. Out-of-town
customers always pleased to trade
with us.
Diamond Dealers and Jewelers
130 Mb St.. Portland. Or.
Hotel Clifford
a.t fllorrinon St., Kear Grand Ave,
9Se. SI Der day .witn bath. S1.23.
Any quantity.
Aildreaa W; PQ1.LAK, Alhanj-, Or.
Phone Your Want Ads to
. ' Slain 707C A C095 1