Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 29, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Double Stamps Wednesday
and Thursday With Coupon
Wednesday and
Thursday on cash
purchases of $1.00 or
more with the coupon
Vanaelng- Kditor Main 7"70. A niws
1 1 y Kditor Main 7n7n. A !m3
f-uiriay Kiitor Main 7070, A
1 vrtiini Department.. -Main 7170, A mi'.'S
Cily Circulation Main 770. A '.'
"nmpopius-room Main 7"70, A o:5
rrlntlnx-room Main 70TO. A C.O'.'S
Superintendent Di.lldin. .Main 707U. A JUU5
HKII.IfJ (RriiT. t ThvIoiO Mr. and
Mr. Vernon Castle in photoplay. "The
VVIiirl of J.lfa." Continuous. 1 to 11 P. M.
JltpponRnvp1 thwatkr tsiatth and Mor
rinn pl.rta Raker fitock Con-many in
"Th. Man Krnm Home." ThU afternoon
at 11:15 and tonight at 8:15.
ORPVv:rf i Rrr.a w r v and Yamhill Btreet)
Bis-time vaudeville, i:L'0 and 8:.".0 P. M.
EMPRESS (Broadway and Starlt atreet)
vaudevlll". perrormance. :Hu ana
PAXTAnus fAlder and Tlroadwayl Vaude
viile. Performances 2:30. 7:TK and 9:15.
LTRTC rKourth and Stark street Dillon
and Kine Jn musical comedy. Afternoon
and nig-tit performances dally.
ETRAN'I) fPark. West Park and Ptark
audevllle and motion pictures, continuous.
The anniversary of the birth of Thad
deua Stevens will be celebrated on
Tuesday evening at a. dinner, at the
Hotel Benson by the Pennsylvania tlu,
-n interesting programme has been
prepared and the principal Fpeakers
will be Wallace McCamant and D. Solis
John. Governor Brumbaugh, of Penn
sylvania, has written the Portland club
a letter on the life of Stevens and his
services to the cause of free educa
tion which will be read at the meet
ing. Governor McCall, of Massachu
setts, who wrote the life of Stevens, has
also sent a messagce. The character
of Stoneman in the photoplay "The
Birth, of a Nation" was supposed to
represent Stevens and one object of
the meeting will bo to correct the im
pressions made by the picture play and
Thomas Dixon's novel "The Clans
man." Vernon Church Reports Show Pnorj
besb. At the annual meeting; of the
congregation of the Vernon Presby
terian Church Monday nisrht reports
were received from all departments
Fhowlng enconraginsr "progress In all
lines. Rev. II. Is". Mount, the pastor,
has been In charge lor four years, and
during that time he received 166 mem
bers Into the church. Three elders were
elected, William Brown. H. T. Bush
nell and II. P. Loy. and two trustees, R.
Ti. Wallace and Jessie Hoyt. Mrs. S.
Leighhold was elected treasurer and
Miss Mary Berl organist for the year.
It was announced that the Spring meet
ing of the Portland Presbytery will
be held in this church April 11. with
the opening sermon by Rev. H. S. Tem
pleton, of Vancouver, Wash., on the
night of opening. Vernon Church will
entertain representatives to presbytery.
Convention Speakers Arrive. Rev.
W. T. McArthur and Rev. H. H. Cox
have arrived and are assisting at the
annual convention of the Christian and
Missionary Alliance In session at the
tabernacle. East Ninth and East Clay
streets. Addresses are given at 11
A. M.. 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. every day.
On Saturday there will be no service.
The convention will be held Sunday.
The addresses cover a wide range of
topics. Rev. Mr. Cox parsed many
years as a missionary In India, and his
addresses refer mainly to missions.
Reward Offered for Fugitive. A
reward of $25 was offered by Sheriff
Ilurlburt yesterday for the apprehen
sion of Charles M. Ivle, the "trusty"
who escaped from the County Jail Sun
day night, by climbing through a trap
door and wriggling through an unsus
pected hole in the fire wall of the
Courthouse. Communications were sent
yesterday to Sheriffs throughout the
Northwest In the hope of heading off
the fugitive. Bertillon description ac
companies the notifications.
I Mosher Asks Divorce. Because
his wife's actions caused neighborhood
possip, because she hit him with her
fist, because she cursed him, because
she was intoxicated last Kail and he
had to call a policeman to take her
to jail and because she left him for
parts unknown on March 21, last, L.
Mosher yesterday filed suit with
County Clerk Coffey against Mrs.
Myrtle Mosher. They were married in
The Dalles in 1910.
Mrs. Ellen D. Starr's Funeral. Is
Today. The funeral of Mrs. Ellen D.
Starr, who died at her home near Rus
sellville. on the Base Line road. Sun
day, will be held today from Dunning
& McEntee's chapel. Interment will be
in Multnomah Cemetery. Mrs. Starr was
75 years of age, widow of the late I
V. Starr and sister of James W. King
and Mrs. Carrie King, of Portland, and
Mrs. F. W. McLeran, of Wilhoit. Or.
Another Arthur Kern Not Con
victed. Arthur Kern, convicted of
gambling and fined $10 in the Munic
ipal Court last week, was not the
Arthur Kern who lives at 178 East
Fifteenth street. The latter Mr. Kern,
who works for the Oregon Independent
Paving Company, h'as been the subject
of many jests as the result of a name
sake's arrest.
Boxr to Be Sent to Salt Lake
Funeral services of James Fitzgerald,
who died at his home, 1616 Kerby
street. Saturday, were conducted yes
terday from St. Mary's Church, Will
iams avenue and Stanton streets. He
was the husband of Mrs. Elizabeth
Fitzgerald. The body will be taken
to Salt Lake City for burial.
Kansas Society to Meet. The Kan
sas Society of Oregon will hold Its
regular monthly meeting Friday night
at Foresters' Hall, 129 Fourth street.
A musical programme has been ar
ranged. All ex-Kansans and friends
are invited.
Webfoot Camp to Meet. Webfoot
Camp, Woodmen of the World, will hold
its weekly noonday lunch at the Ger
man delicatessen, 406 Washington
street, Wednesday noon, and all Wood
men of the World are invited to be
Social Workers to Meet. The social
workers of the city, will meet this
morning- at 10:30 o'clock in room A,
Library. The committee on organiza
tion, W. L. Brewster chairman, will
Dr. J. D. Duback, eyesight specialist,
moved to 120 Broadway at. nearWach
L Adv.
The Original English Toffeb at
the Trail Candy Shop. 702 Wash. Adv.
A Lifflo Blossom
To Gsllgfif f ho ilcn.3
"When it is known that In thm rtamr
V future the home ia to be blessed with a
nvr arrival the first
thought eh o u 1 d b a
'Mother's Friend."
This is an external
remedy gently applied!
over tne stomach mus
cles. It makes them
firm and pliant, they
expand naturally with
out undue strain, it
removes from the
nerves those influ
ences wiiicn are re
sponsible for much of
the pain incident to tha
perioo. or expectancy. It is for this reason
that much of tha distress such as morning
aicaness is avoided, ah prospective lathers
should see to it that the expectant mother
is provided with bottle cf "Mother's
The directions are simple. Get It at any
Hni? store. It is applied by the expectant
mother herself, it penetrates deeply and af
fords cruick and splendid relief in a most
rratifyinjr manner and reflects a physical
betterment to the nervous disposition of the
baby. Don't fail to ret a bottle of "Mother's
I'riena' today and then write Bradneld Res
lilator Co., 41 S Lamar Bid., Atlanta, Ga.,
for a pretty little book brimful of informa
tion for expectant jaoUtfr, U ia m delight
a fa.
i i
5 x t
i i
"The Whirl of Life," the big feature film presenting the Vernon Castles,
the country's leading exponents of modern dancing, is proving a stellar
attraction at the Heilig Theater, society folks being particularly enthusiastic
spectators of the terpsichorean offering. Many box parties have been ar
ranged by members of the "smart set."
The career of the Castles, showing how they became involved in the dance
world and depicting their meteoric rise into international prominence, is
shown. An analysis of the various dances is another interesting phase.
Manager Pangle, of the Heilig, is planning a special entertainment for the
benefit of school children Saturday.
School to Receive Indian Relics.
Dr. Dav Raffety will turn over to the
school district tomorrow night at the
assembly hall of the Brooklyn School
the Indian relics and minerals which
he has gathered. O. M. Plummer, rep
resenting the Board of Education, will
receive the relics. Dr. Raffety will
give explanation of the significance
of the relics, where they came from
and what they were used for by the
natives. Dr. Raffety devoted more than
30 years gathering these specimens
and they cover practically all Indian
mplements or domestic life as well as
warfare, all gathered in Oregon and
Washington. These specimens have
been classified and labeled and are
for the use of the schools. The minerals
were collected from many sources,
many coming from outside of Oregon.
Celilo Canal Model Being Made.
An exact reproduction of the Celilo
Canal on the Columbia River is under
construction by E. V. Jensen, of 287
Weidler street, Portland. Mr. Jensen
has been working on the miniature
model for some time and he expects to
have it completed and on display soon
after the middle of next month. When
completed, the model will be nine feet
long representing the nine miles of the
canal. Mr. Jensen has three feet already
completed, showing the various gates
and levels as they exist at Celilo.
Mr. Pfahler to Be Tried Tomorrow.
Charles B. Pfahler, secretary to the
late Bishop Scadding, will face trial in
the court of District Judge Jones to-1
morrow, charged with destruction of
the books of a corporation. The records
of diocesan funds were made away
with by Mr. Pfahler at the death of
Bishop Scadding and he is to be called
to account for them. Bishop Walter
Taylor Sumner swore to the Informa
tion on which the warrant for Mr.
Pfahler was issued last month.
Kenilworth Church Members to
Meet. The annual congregational
meeting of Kenilworth Presbyterian
Church will be held tomorrow night
at 7:30 o'clock. Annual reports will
be heard and addresses will be given.
Next Sunday night at the church a
copy of Sigismund Goetges' celebrated
painting, "Despised and Rejected," will
be given to each one attending the
services. Rev. L. K. Richardson, pastor,
win preacn on tne painting.
A. P. Morse Buys Interest tn Firm.
C. T. Higdon secretary of the East
Side Slabwood Company, yesterday sold
his half Interest in the firm to A. P.
Morse for $15,600. The purchaser will
become secretary of the company under
U. S. Howland, the president, who owns
the other half interest. Merely equip
ment, the fuel on hand and the good
will of the business went with the sale,
there being no real estate involved in
the transaction
Blackmar Circle to Entertain.
Blackmar Circle, Ladies of the Grand
Army of the Republic, will hold an
April Fool dance Saturday night at
Strahlman's Hall. East Thirteenth
street and Spokane avenue. Those
who attend are expected to wear any
old article of apparel and are to look
as ridiculous as possible.
Maurice- Harnett Dies. Maurice
Harnett, for many years a resident of
Tualatin Valley. Fairvale District.
passed away Saturday, March 25, at
the age of 74 years. Mr. Harnett lived
for more than 38 years in the house
where he met his death. He leaves a
widow, Mrs. Ellen Harnett, a daughter,
Caroline, and a son, John Harnett, of
Sylvan, Or.
Work to Start on Improvement.
Grade stakes have been set on Bybee
avenue from Milwaukie to East Thir
teenth and on East Thirteenth from
Bybee avenue to Maiden avenue, in
Sellwood, preparatory to the paving of
these streets. The Oregon Independent
Paving Company has the contract and
will start work soon.
Meeting Open at Stephens School.
An open meeting for the public will
be held tonight at the Stephens School
for fathers, mothers and all others in
terested. The speakers will be O M.
Plummer, Alva Lee Stephens, District
Attorney w alter H. Evans and City
Superintendent L. R. Alderman.
BnLDERS' Exchange Plans Smoker.
All members of the Portland Build
ers' Exchange have been invited to
attend a smokervin the exchange rooms
at 201 Worcester bunding next Fri
day evening at 8 o'clock.
Wisconsin Society Folk in Plat.
The Wisconsin Society will present
"The Spinsters' Convention" at the
Hoffman School tonight at 8 o'clock.
The proceeds will go to the socia
service work of the district.
Fountain Desired for Fairview
Sohool A moving-picture show will
be given tonight ia the Fairview City tne proceeds to be used to Install
a drinking fountain in the, publio
scnooi or tnat place.
Automobilibts. Attention!
Watch the Northwest Auto Co'a dv
Sunday for sensational announcement
which will interest all automobile
owners and prospective buyers. Adv.
the Portland Art Association begins
Saturday afternoon. April 1. Register
Museum of Art, Fifth and Taylor. Adv.
New Class now forming. Roth
Memory School. Call Main 6778. Adv.
Daughter of P. J. Sullivan
Chagrined. Pretty Miss Helen Sulli
van, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Sullivan, of 985 Concord street, gained
much unpleasant notoriety and experi
enced considerable annoyance yester
day when she was confused with an
other Helen Sullivan who had been ar
rested for "joy riding" in Vancouver,
Wash. The Miss Sullivan, of Concord
street. Is a member of the sodality of
the Church of the Blessed Sacrament,
is a representative of an estimable
and conservative family, and she felt
deeply chagrined when she was mis
taken for the young woman who had
been sentenced to serve several weeks
in jail.
Jitney and Private Car Collide.
When W. H. Slavens, contractor and
builder 1036 East Ninth street North,
who was driving his auto south on
Third street, swerved to one side to
avoid a pedestrian at Couch street yes
terday at 1:30, ai Albina. jitney, driven
by C. H. Parrish, 191 Union avenue
North, struck his machine from behind
with the result that both cars were
damaged. The damage to the cars con
sisted principally of bent fenders and
broken lamps and they were both able
to ba taken away on their own power.
The accident was reported to the police
authorities by Sergeant TV. E. Robson.
Driverless Auto Hits Restaurant.
When A. Dobner, 452 East Market
street, who drives a delivery car for
the Western Fluff Rug Company.
stepped to the rear of his car at the
comer of Third and Glisan streets
yesterday about 5 o'clock to adjust a
door, which had fallen off, he left the
engine running. The result was that
the machine slipped Into gear and the
car started off on its own accord,
smasning into the windows of the
restaurant at the southeast corner of
Third and Glisan streets. The auto
mobile also was damaged.
S. C. Lancaster Talks. Samuel C.
Lancaster gave an account of the
recent tour of the Berger-Jones color
photos of the Columbia Highway, at
the Rotary Club luncheon at the Ben
son yesterday, outlining the effects of
tne trip to interest the Eastern tourist
not only in this great highway, but in
the other scenic attractions ot Oregon.
R. C. Holman, County Commissioner,
spoke on the needs of a county and
city hospital, and L. A. Spangler dis
cussed the advantages that Portland
would enjoy from the development of
a municipal golf course.
John Kendrick Bangs Club Guest.-
John Kendrick Bangs, the author of
tne "Genial Idiot" and the "Houseboat
on the Styx," will be the guest of honor
and speaker at the luncheon of th
Portland Ad Club at the Imperial Hotel
today. W. E. Conklin will be chairman
of the day and Nelson G. Pike will
introduce the speaker.
Two Centers for Testing Meat to Be
Sold in City Proposed.
Establishment of two central meat
Inspection booths, one on Municipal
Dock No. 2, at the foot of East Wash
ington street, and the other at East
Eightieth and East Stark streets, is
proposed by City Health Officer War-
A Good
Here's an Excellent Test
as to the "Pulling
Power" of
Addilwol &BMiiliinatt
There are over five
hundred houses in this
tract. TRY TO FIND
Is there any other dis
trict in the city enjoying
like conditions?
Build where there is a
steady increasing demand
for houses, where they
frequently sell before com-'
Sales Agent
270 yz Stark Street
celius. He submittted the plan to
Mayor Albee yesterday and he will take
the proposal up with the City Council.
It is planned to have the booth on
dock No. 2 operated during the morn
ings only to take care of the meat sent
to East Side commission houses. The
Eightieth-street booth will take care
of farmers bringing meat into the city
by wagons. It is planned also to put a
booth at a handy place on the West
Side for commission houses.
Traffic Snggestions Iteferred by
Commissioners to Mr. Weleh.
An appropriation of $1500 was made
to the Rose Festival Association by the
Multnomah County Commissioners lit
special session yesterday. A commit
tee, headed by E. B. McNaughton and
W. J. Hofmann, waited upon the Com
missioners 'with a request for a dona
tion to assure the success of the June
Festival and met wljh a cordial recep
tion. A request from F. S. Myers, post
master, that special delivery messen
ger boys be allowed a special dispen
sation In the observance of the new
traffic laws governing the bridges
across the Willamette was referred to
Bridge Superintendent Welch. Post
master Myers pointed out that effi
ciency was impaired by the rule com
pelling the messengers to keep to the
roadway, where traffic is slow, Instead
of tha car tracks.
Along similar lines was the request
of A. E. Jackson that care be
taken by the bridgetenders to keep the
car tracks the autoists were compelled
to follow free from . glass. Scattered
broken glass is a daily menace on some
of theb ridges, he wrote. His letter
also .was referred to Superintendent
Walter Damrosch and His Fine Or
chestra to Appear Here April
9 and 10.
Mail orders are now being received
for both appearances of the New York
Symphony Orchestra on Sunday after
noon, April 9, and Monday night, April
10. The evening performance will con
sist, of tha entire orchestra, Walter
Damrosch. conductor, and Josef Hof
mann, soloist. Sunday afternoon the
orchestra with Walter Damrosch In a
complete change of programme. Mat
inee: Floor, $1.50, $1; balcony, 81.50,
$1, 75c; gallery, reserved. 75c. Night:
Floor, $2.50, J2; balcony, 12.50, $2, $1.50,
$1; gallery reserved, $1. Send checks
and stamped envelopes to Steers &
Coman, Columbia building. Adv.
Suits Made to Order This Week
. Only $20.
The bad weather of tha past week
has caused a slump in the wholesale
tailor orders which we dally receive
from all over the West. To keep from
laying off any of our cutters or tailors
we will fill in the gap by making to
order in our city retail department a
nrst-class, high-grade suit for only
$20. Come today, inspect our big plant
and be measured for a suit. Brownsville
Woolen Mills, Third and Morrison sta.
OREGONIANS CANNOT Successfully Compete
for Trade if they Fail to Control the Business of
their own People in their own State
gar I he President of commercial club
and all Other LOYAL Oregonians Advise
Keep Oregon Honey in Oregon
Life Insurance Premiums going out of Oregon
are the greatest drain on Oregon Money.
YOUR Life Insurance should be in
- (I jrCgOn H1IC Insurance Company
The only Company which does business Exclusively . in Peaceful
and Healthful Oregon. Every -Dollar of assets is invested in
Oregon Securities. "
. General Muu Asst. Muaaar
Spring Style Exhibit
The outstanding feature of Port
land's Spring Style Exhibit is of
course Kuppenheimer styles for
men and young men. See them in
our windows then see yourself IN
them. All that's new and correct
is here now in
Kuppenheimer Clothes
$20, $25, $30 and $35
Get your copy of Kuppenheimer "Styles
for Men" today. It's free for the asking.
Dependable Wearables for Men and Boys.
Morrison at Fourth
, iSi
Are You Getting
Your. Share?
s Sf, J
sJ0 l
New Business can be 'obtained
by Long Oistance.t
Use your Long Distance Tele
phone and get your share.
The Customers you have and
those you would like to have will
be glad to hear your voice.
;You do not have to leave your
office to "call any one of, over
1 800 cities and towns on the
Pacific Coast.
There are over 45,000 Pa
cific telephones in Portland .
and each is a long distance
f-T- JT-
he Laws of Our State
impose upon state banks wise restric
tions as to investments, and the best
of our banks have gained the public's
confidence through conservative inter
pretation of these rigid laws. Oldest
in the Northwest, this strong state
bank enjoys the confidence of a mul
titude of savings and commercial de
positors who know, and appreciate,
the advantages and protection which
such laws make possible. Your sav
ings account, even though the initial
deposit be only one dollar, is welcome
here. :
Established jn 1859
0 r EES
six-course umner j iQ)C
Served Daily From 5:30 to 8
Sixth and Alder Streets
Music by Dietrich's Banjo Sextet
St. Helens and Scappoose Bus
lavs Broadway and Stark 8 A. M.
Leaves 6t. Helena 10.80 A. M.; Scap
poose 11:0. Ju iX-i Portland 12:40 P. IA.
Hop ski
The Wonder Beverage
Blnmaaer & Hochf
Main 211. A 1004. fORICINAL
TV mm,.,' I
4i ik 1
7 V
sxJLm H
Geary Street, lust eft Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
Breakfast 60 Lunch BOc Dinner $1.00
Most Famous Meals In the United States
Now steel and concrete stmetnre. Center
cf theater, cafe and retail districts.
On carlines transferring all over city.
Take Municipal car line direct to door.
MotorJius meets trains ana steamers.
701-2 Morgan Bide.
Phcn9 Main 310.
Service and Material Guaranteed
f( . ft
To Make Skin Clear I
Don't worry about Ekin troubles. You
can have a clear, clean complexion by
using a little zemo, obtained at any
drup store 'or 25c, or extra large bottle
at SI. 00.
Zemo easily removes all traces of
pimples, blackheads, eczema, and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo is neither watery, sticky
nor greasy and staina nothing. It is
easily appled and costs a mere trifle
for each application. It is alwaya de
pendable. Zemo, Cleveland.
The Y. M. C. A. "
will fit any ambitious young man
or woman for high-class positions la
Bookkeepinic, Sleioirravar aaa
To men this include valuable
athletic, aquatic and membership
firlvllegca, although tuition coat Is
ess than elsewhere.
Phone Malm 7065, A IHHtl.
Our class In public speaking la
riving great confidence and coaa
enand of language to its members.
The cost is small.
Buy Direct From Manufacturer.
Blankets. Mattreases and Feathers
Renovated. We do Custom Carding,
135 10th. Near Alder, l'bone Main 2674
AsTthlnc made of
brass, ailrer. cold-
copper, zinc, alum
inum ia:
new life v
frxl wit
wonderful polish.
tlHI X W t C
er,zinc,alum- r ):f wi
x take on 4
Life when rub. L3JhL
with thie kiTt
Pttck: to act,
oouTenitnt in
form. Sold bj all
Grocery. Hardware
and Drag Score.
Look for Photo
on Can.
For 30 years the most satisfactory
Jewelers In Portland. Out-of-town
customers alwaya pleased to trade
with us.
Diamond Dealers and Jewelers.
130 Eth St., Portland. On
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit
Hotel Clifford
Ea.t Morrison S t., IV ear Grand At
76c. St ptr sari Tilth bath. UjS,
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095