THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1916. 11 HI IPBMMWW iUll 1 1 1 1 :bic EjxT7p3L jjrr3i3rj jolzice .,)Jlllllllillllllllll oooooooooooooooooacxjoffocioaooo'ooooo oooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO o oooooooo ooo ooo o oooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo oo ooo o o o o o o o o ooooo' 1 ! CALE.DAR KOll TODAV. Clubs. Social Workers to mf't in Li brary, room A, 10:30 o'clock. Political meeting; Central W. C. T. U.. 171i Kleventh street. 2 o'clock. . Stephens Parent-Teacher Asso ciation programme tonight; Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, Superintend ent Alderman and other promi nent speakers. PREPARATION'S are under way for the entertainment to be given April 14 and 15 for the benefit of Hlount Tabor Parent-Teacher Associa tion. Miss Nina Greathouse will direct the entertainment. The purpose of the entertainments is to enable the Parent-Teacher Associa- tion, under whose auspices they are Ibein;? given, to purchase a. curtain for he school stage and to defray ex penses incident tq the Installation of a jiot lunch department in the school asement. The association, under the I rf Arthur Hprflpv. rhair- nun of the hot lunch committee, has a ine equipment and is carrying on a ucessful work. The social service committee, under he direction of Mrs. Walter Shamway, hairman. has accomplished great hinprs this year in relieving the needs f the poor of the district. Officers of ho association are: Mrs. E. A. Mc 'herfon, president; Emeroi Stacy, sec etary. and Mrs. Walter Shumway, reasurer. "The Trojan Women," read by Mrs. John Suttle, formed the central feature f the programme for the Laureihurst ritudy Club on Monday. As a. back ground, or a preliminary to the main event. Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst "read 'Troilus and Cressida" and Miss Lura Tamesie read the story of the Iliad. The next lesson will be given on If April 10, when Mrs. Herbert Mc- Cuteheon will read "The Madras House" (Granville Barker). Election of offi cers will be held on this date. On May day, the Laureihurst Study Club will have a social programme. Miss Nina Greathouse will read "The Piper" (Josephine Peabody). Refresh ments will be served. Guests will be invited to share in the general merrymaking. The Coterie will have an informal luncheon party on April 5 at the home of Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst. who will assist at the invitational con cert to be given in the Heilig on April 3 under the direction of Rose Coursen Jleed are: Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Mrs. John H. Tuttle. Mrs. Xettie Greer Taylor. -Mrs. Hazel Koontz-Day, Miss Jeanette Crosfield, Mrs. Maude Ross Sardam,. Miss Marion Brodie, Mrs. Helen Brigham-Gregg. Mrs. Margwct Gray, Mrs. Helen White-Evans. Miss Madeline Stone, Miss Clea Nickerson, M rs. Raymond McKalson. Miss Gene vieve Butterfield. Mrs. Donald Lamont, Miss Nina Dressel, Mrs. Belle Willis Sherman, Mrs. Rose Friedle-Gianelli and Mrs. W. II. Chatten, with Miss Kvelyn Ewart, accompanist. The Asorah Delphian Club will give a May day dancing party at the Hotel Benson, Monday night. May 1. The affair is being looked forward to with much pleasure by the younger set as It promises to be a novel and enjoyable event. The business meeting of the Oregon Graduate Nurses' Association will be held today at 2:30 o'clock in the Cen tral Library. The Nurses' Alumnae of Good Samaritan Hospital will meet with the above association at 3 o'clock for a parliamentary drill. This is the first of a series of drills to be con ducted by Mrs. Grace Watt Ross. Mrs. Ross is a prominent clubwoman and an authority on parliamentary rulings. There will be no meeting of the Sunday School Workers' Union on Thursday, owing to the fact that the members have been actively engaged in the Sunday school convention, which has been in session in the First Con gregational Church. . The Civic Welfare Club will meet on Thursday in the Library, 2:30 o'clock. Candidates will speak. The Women's Auxiliary to the Rail way Mail Service will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Govro, 157 East Sixty-fourth street North. Thurs day at 2 P. M. sharp. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Charles Daly and the members of her Bible school class of the East Side Christian Church, called at the home of Mrs. H. N. Reel at 75 East Thirtieth street and surprised her. WARRENTOX, Or.. March 28. (Spe cial.) The Aid Society, of the Warren ton Methodist Church, will meet on GIFTED READER WHO WILL DIRECT BENEFIT PROGRAMME FOR MOUNT TABOR PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION. Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Jesse Thomas. Tonight the Misses Leona and Lulu Townsend will entertain the choir of the Warrenton Methodist Episcopal Churcn. The pastor will meet the chil dren of the Sundav school on Wednps- The members of the Treble Clef Clubday, 4:30 P. M. Prayer meeting is held Baking Powder b'ccuils Light as a Feather By Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, Editor of the Jioslon Cooking School Magazine Baking Powder Biscuits made by this recipe are so far ahead of ordinary ba king powder biscuits that, if once tried, von will never use any other recipe. Try it the next time you run short of bread. Save this recipe. 2 a K C Baklnrf Powder Blacnha ( Three cups Jlour; H to J cup short-ming-; 3 level teaspoonfuls AT C Baking Powder; about I cup milk or water; I ' teaspoonful salt. Sift three times, the flour, 6alt and ) baking powder. Work into the flour the 1 shortening, using lard or butter for I shortening. Then mix to a Tery soft ; dough with the milk. The softer the : biscuit enters the oven, the lighter it i comes out. Never knead baking powder j biscuits; press the dongh into shape and 1 roll lightly. Cut in small shapes and bake on a sheet or very shallow pan ia ; a hot oven. In placing biscuits in the pans place well apart, not aJlowingedges to touch. Small biscuits are better than . large ones. Large biscuits do not have the proper amount of time to raise and bake. Have yon seen the new K C Cook's Book Brimful of appetizing recipes that simply mush lie successful every time if the few simple direc tions are carefully followed. You would gMdy Vay 50 cents for this valuable book, yet we sen it absolutely free upon receipt of the colored cer tificate packed in every 25-centcan of KC Bakinir Powder. Jaofks Mpo. Co., Chicasro. Small cans do rot have Cock's Book certificate. at the Warrenton church Thursday- evening-, p. M. Miss Lenore Gresrorv. a talented Portland violinist, will go to The Dalles on April 4 to play for the Sorosis Club, of which Mrs. Alexander Thompson Is president. Miss Gregory studied abroad annis a violinist of unusual skill. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Warren, wife of the Episcopal rector of The Dalles, who is also a gifted pianist. Domestic Science By Lilian Tingle. MARCH 6. Will you please give in The Oregonian a recipe for apple butter? Would the Spttzenberg apple give & good flavored butter?- - J. M. YES, I think Spitzenberg apples should give a good flavor. Follow ing: are some old-fashioned apple but ter recipes: Apple butter (1) Two bushels ap ples, four gallons sweet cider, seven pounds brown sugar, five pounds white sugar, three level tablespoons pow dered cloves, four level tablespoons powdered cinnamon, one level teaspoon grated nutmeg. Core and pare the ap ples and put into a large kettle with two quarts cider and begin to cook them. Reduce the rest of the cider by boiling down one-half; then add this to the apples, stirring constantly to prevent burning; cook until it thick ens. Then add the sugar and spices and boll until of desired consistency. Apple butter (2) Cook pared and cored apples in very little water and steam as if for jelly. Boil down one gallon of Juice to two quarts, then add two gallons pared and cored apples and cook to a mush. Add one-half gal lon sugar, one teaspoon powdered al spice, one teaspoon grated nutmeg and cook 15 minutes. Remove from the fire and put up in sterilized jars. Apple butter (3) Boil down one gal lon of sweet cider to two quarts .Fill up the kettle with pared, cored and quartered apples, adding enough more cider to keep the apples from stick ing. Cook to a thick marmalade, then put up in jars. Apple butter (4) Use one bushel sour apples, one-half bushel sweet ap ples and six quarts boiled-down cider. Have the cider boiling rapidly, gradu ally add the pared, cored and quar tered apples, adding them until the mixture is cooked to a mush, stir con stantly. When well reduced add six pounds sugar with cinnamon to taste and cook to a smooth mass which does not separate. You will see from the above that both sugar and spices may be varied "to taste." the important part being the long cooking and boiling down of apples and apple Juice to de velop color , and flavor. The first recipe is more like mar malade than apple butter, but is usu ally well liked. The spices may be re duced in quantity or omitted to taste. The third recipe calls for neither sugar nor spice, but both may be add- f fctory taSt!" " thB fIaVOr 13 satis- WsatTo o i -rEOPLE who are planning to plant .17 gardens this season had better make their purchases of seeds and tup-pliea-t once, or they may have diffi culty in getting waited upon in the local seed stores," says one of Port land's seed men. speaking of the imme diate developments of the garden situ ation. "People do not seem to get the gar den 'bug1 .except when the sun is shin ing, and tne result is that during the rainy days business falls to a mini mum in the seed supply houses, just when WA rA 1r a ,. : : . . - yvoinuu 1 u give most time and advice to customers; nunc, sunny nays, wniie they should n f out wnrkinv thl . - - " sAiucxja, xney have to wait their turn in the seed Dw' ""o wilii nunareas of others who delayed in the same way." It is especially essential that sup plies for gardening be laid in at once since the backwardness of the season in the past month means that every thing will develop Just that much fAster nnw that mm ........ ouu li5 uui again, and the amateur gardener is apt to find fcdiucii 1 uiiuiDs away - irom him, unless he ia thoroughly ready to deal with it. The state of Washington consumes an nually over ::.300,0rt) curds of fuel wood Reduced to board measure, this amounts to approximately 1,672,000,000 board, ieet. GRAIN ORDERS EXPECTED RI M OR OF PURCH ASE J .V POHTL AXD FOR MEXICAN TROOPS DE.MED. Vol Only Ia Report Fale, but Per manent Order With Albers Bros. Has Been Canceled. Portland grain dealers believe the operations of Government troops in Mexico and on the border will result in the placing of ordersjiere for oats and .other cavalry forage. Up to the present time, however, no such orders have been received. George A. Westgate, of the Albers Bros. Milling Company, denies em phatically a rumor to the effect that his company has received a rush order for 500 tons of oats to be forwarded to Mexico. The firm has a yearly con tract with the War Department to provide California Army .posts with oats, but since the cavalry has been sent to the border the contract has been temporarily canceled. Jt is not known yet whether the department will draw upon Oregon for further supplies, or purchase the need ed quantities in states nearer the scene or the trouble. ANOTHER MILL TO REOPEN Slade JPJant Will Be Only Idle One on Grays Harbor Soon. ABERDEEN", Wash., March 28. (Special.) After two years of idleness the Federal mill will reopen here in the morning with from 75 to 100, men. Simultaneous with the opening of this mill comes the announcement of ex-Mayor France that he wilT-ne-oDen the Western mill, also long Idle., some time this summer. When the Western mill re-opens, the Slade mill will be tne only idle Aberdeen mill. The Slade mill when runnintr full force employs about 250 men and is the largest mill on Grays Harbor. It has been idle for more than a year and is in need of repairs It may not re- open until ships become more Plentiful. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Stuyvesant Insurance Company "S" Tork, in the state of New York, on the, 31st day of December, 1J15. mads to the Insurance Commissioner of the iitato of Oregon pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $ 400,000.00 Income. Net premiums received during Interest, dlidenda'and Vents' rj,;"-5'88-34 uuiiui ine year 46.560.83 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 27 301 75 Total income Jl.097.844.8; Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year t llvidendg paid on capital atock iv menus paid on capital ato during the vear X Commissions and salaries paid during- the year Taxes, licenses and fees paid during- the year Amount of all other expenditures Total expenditures $1 Assets. Due on paid losses f, . Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) Loans on mortgages and special deposit Cash in banks and on hand.!! Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 3 015 Interest and rents due and 'accrued 656,191.07 20,000.00 338.9-1.76 28.R.,;4..10 8S,4S.2a ,031,808.30 26,015.01 932,705.00 26, 33, 216, 4 000.00 3tf0.0t 230.99 ,378.31 Total assets 1.288,779.37 Less special deposits in any state Uf any there be Manitoba.. 6,425.10 Total assets admitted In Ore gon $1, 282,354.27 Liabilities. M Gross claims for losses unpaid. J 180, 448. Aiiiuuui. V uncni hcu premiums on all outstanding risks 5R3.8SA 30 All other liabilities 28.i7.17 Totat liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of f. 784,801.85 Total premiums in force Decem ber 31, 1U15 1,119,188.65 Business in Oregon for the Year. Total insurance written during tho year $1,360,262.00 Gross premiums received during the year 31.9G0.61 Premiums returned during the year 7. .".OS Losses paid during the year.... ::, o8.:tl Losses Incurred during the year 22,501.04 Total amount of insurance out standing in Oregon December 31. 1915 1.920.000.00 KTL'YVKSANT IXSl RAXfE COMPANY, By A. 15ARTHVVAITE. Vloc-Fles. Statutory resklent general agent and at torney for service: O, is". &AVJ.DSOX, Portland. Or, Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of Month Will Go on April Bill, Payable May 1 Dress Skirts, Box, Accordion or Knife-Plaited, Ready to Put in Band, $1 See Model Skirt individual bakeibeans V With Bread and Butter 15c One of the Many Appetizing . Dishes Served in Basement Lunch Room. Olds, Worpman $e King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 TAKE LUNCHEON With Your Friends in Our Tea Room on 4th Floor. Prompt Service and Unexcelled Cuisine. 'itiiytrl fjoov,WiiTrtn TODAY - 10 S &H Stamps Free to All Visitors to Premium Dept., 4th Fl. ORDER YOUR GROCERIES AND PROVI SIONS FROM OUR MODEL GROCERY ON 4TH FLOOR. PlIONE MARSHALL 4800, A 6231. Millinery Opening All this week the Millinery Sa lons, Second Floor, will hold spe cial exhibit of the New Spring Hats. Every woman is cordially invited to come and see the many beautiful creations. Such famous designers as Lichensteln Waters Tappe Germain Marie Louise Bendel Joseph . Lewis and many others have contributed their choicest productions. TAILORED HATS SEMI-DRESS HATS - PATTERN HATS Spring Style Exhibit Fashion Salons, Second Floor Formal presentation of authentic Spring modes in Women's Suits, Coats, Gowns, Dresses, Waists and Ready-to-wear Apparel of all Kinds also exclusive and distinctive new Millinery. Make it a point to see this com prehensive and interesting showing of authentic Spring modes. Jus t In! New High Boots for Women MAIN FLOOR Women's New Champagne Lace Boots of extra fine quality stock. 8 inch tops. Priced , at $8 pair. Women's White Calf Boots in lace and button styles,- 8-in. tops. Price ?8 the pair. Women's White Nu - Buck Lace Boots, 8-inch tops, $7 pr. Women's White Nu - Buck Button Shoes, priced $6.50 pr. Women's White Canvas Button Boots with 8-inch tops. Very smart for Spring wear. $5 a pair. ' Washer $12.50 Third Floor Hand-power Wash Machines Hke above cut. Easy to operate, no heavy , machinery to lift when opening top. Adjustable handles. Will wash anything from finest goods to overalls. Extra well made j? Tf O and priced at. . . V J- v New Suits at $25.00 Matchless Showing of New Models Fashion Salons, Second Floor The tailoring, the fabrics, the styles are such as you would expect in Suits selling at a much higher price. There are any number of models in this collection from tailored effects to more dressy cuts. Especially smart are those shown in new checks and stripes. Belted, semi-fitting and flare effects. Some trimmed with braids, oth ers with buttons, bands, etc. All sizes for women and flJOHT )A mises. See these attractive new Spring Suits, priced p&3JJ New Spring Coats $16.50,$18.50 New Waist Special $2.49 Second Floor New. Spring Coats for women and misses. Today we feature a special showing at above prices. Belted full flare and nov elty cuts in plain colors, checks and stripes, plaids, etc". All popular materials and all sizes. Priced at $16.50 and $18.50. Second Floor. Second Floor Beautiful new Waists in a variety of styles to suit every fancy. Striped wash silks, crepe de chine, voiles and batistes, tailored and fancy models with newest collars and cuffs. All the wanted Spring shades J O Q specially priced atV"f Silk Petticoats, Special at $3.49 New Dress Skirts Priced at $5 Notion Sale Bargain Circle Main Floor DressmakingNeeds and Small Wares Reduced 100-yard Spool Silk in black, white and colors, special 5 5c Carnation Curlers, c'd 3 35c Shopping Bags, now 21 25c Snap Tape, special 1$ 10c Featherstitch Braids, 7 5c Fancy Cube Pins, only fi 10c Coat Hangers, special ( 65c Folding Combination Coat and Pants Hangers 23 10c Curling Irons, special 7f Tie Racks, priced special 4 15c Towel Rings, Strap 110 25c Pin Cushions, now 120 25c, 30c Pearl Collar Sup ports, special sale now 150 Key Rings, ass'ted styles, 50 10c Net and Chiffon Collar Foundations, special price 70 Odds and Ends Collar Sup ports, worth up to 10c, at 10 8c Stay Binding, 8-yds. 30 10c Belfast Hairpin Cab. 70 10c Pearl Buttons, card at 50 Hair Nets, 15c grades, at 1 0 25c Sleeve Protectors, 1 50 25c Skirt Markers for 190 25c Can Machine Oil, for 170 15c Binding Ribbon, blk, 1O0 10c Regena Bias Folds, 50 10c Hair Pin Cabinet, at 30 10c Featherbone, the yard 80 5c Snap Fasteners now at 30 5c Linen Tape, the bolt 30 Dora Hooks, Eyes, 2 cds. 50 Defender Safety Pins, special two cards for low price 5,0 Demonstration Kleinert's Shields Notion Dept. If you want to know just what dress shield to put in a certain gown, consult the ex pert demonstrator. She will be glad to give you any in formation you may desire. Kleinert's Dress Shields can be washed without injury in steaming hot water. Get the RIGHT Shields for your Spring apparel Kleinert's are fully guaranteed. Second Floor New Silk Petticoats in wanted shades to match the new Spring suits and dresses. These are made from splendid quality messaline and chiffon taffeta silks, with full-flare flounces trimmed with tucks and ruffles. Plain col ors' and changeable. We also in clude fancy petti- fi O Q coats in this lot. sfO Second Floor Smart new flare models, trimmed with buttons, .braids, etc. New plaited and kilted effects in a dozen or more fash ionable cuts. Serges, tweeds and other wanted fabrics in black, navy, etc.; also many in stripes, checks and plaids. Som'e have novelty these Dress Skirts at $5.00 asetment Sale Home Needs Cedar Mop Sets 98c Punch Cedar Mop triangular style, with two handies, easily adjustable to any angle and turns to wear every side of the mop. $1.00 Mop with 50c Q Bottle Cedar Oil both for onlyf OC Complete line Garden and Lawn Tools. Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, etc., etc. Decorated Ted Pots at Special Prices Yankee Cleaner Cleans woodwork, removes stains, makes furniture and vuoodwork look like new. 30c Pint Can Yankee Cleaner for 200 50c Quart Can Yankee Cleaner for 350 90c 2-quart Can Yankee Cleaner for 630 6-quart Aluminum Kettles, slightly dam aged in transit by water now for 450 1.. Ask Mrs. Sadowski Pattern Expert LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS If you have any trouble in cutting, fitting or making your own clothes. She comes direct from the factory where they are made and thorough ly understands clothes and knows how to make them stylishly and fittingly. We suggest you talk with her and let her show you how easily you may have a fashionable wardrobe. Basement Black decorated English Tea Pots in assorted shapes and decorations on sale at the following special prices: 50c Small Family Size, special for 350 60c Medium Family Size, special at 420 70c Large Family Size, special for 490 Headquarters Sherwin-Williams Paints. si '".SV." J. -. '.TV a 3 3 T if - Sale of Parlor Brooms Portland-made Brooms of extra quality. 35c Parlor Brooms, special, each 250 50c Parlor Brooms, special, each 330 65c Parlor Brooms, special, each 500' 75c Parlor Brooms, special, each fO0 Special bargain offerings in odd lines of Dinner Sets and Fancy China. Yes, we give S. & H. Trading Stamps. Trout Season Opens April 1st Complete line dependable fishing tackle Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Spoons, Creels, etc., on the Fourth Floor. Anglers' and Hunters' Li censes issued in the Sporting Goods Department, 4th floor. PETIY THIEVES ACTIVE SLMEBOUS BURGLARIES REPORTED .THROUGHOUT CITY. Detective Are " IyreUsratln8T Theft From Apartments -Trading Stampa Artlclea Takes. That a sransr. or several . gangs, of petty thieves are operating: in the city is believed by tne police to oe maicateu by the large number' of burglaries which have been reported during the past few days. Practically the entire time of the detective force ia now beins taken up by these crimes and some arrests are expected shortly. Some one with a mania lor collect ing-" trading stamps evidently prowled the apartments of the St. Clair apart ment house, according to a report made to City Detectives Moloney and Tiche- nor yesterday. J. 13. Parsons, apartment 20, reported that somelne entered his apartment and took 1000 green trading stamps and a revolver. Merrill, of apartment 21. reported the loss of an automatic pistol, J2 In money, some Jewelry and keys. G. b. Plckard. 1927 Division street, reported yesterday that his house had been entered for the second time and that one razor and one pair of shoes are missins. Five suits ot clothes were taken xome.timo Monday from the cleaning and presteinn establishment. .of .U. iihul, 27 North Sixteenth street. The pad lock from the front door was twisted off and the door forcibly opened. Clark Hadley, 764 Wasco street, re ported a-n overcoat stolen from the Columbia poolhall Monday. The fact that with the coming of the warm weather many people leave their doors and windows open is taken by officers as one reason for the in crease in thefts. SELLWOOD WILL COMPETE Arrangements Made for Floral TMs . play at Rose Festival Center. Sellwood has started an active cam paign to win first prize at the Festival Center this year. At the meeting of the Rose and Floral Association, in the Sellwood Young Men's Christian Association Monday night, addresses were made by Park Superintendent J. O. -Convill on land scape gardening and A. I. Gale on rose culture, and arrangements were com pleted for the part Sellwood will have in the Rose Festival Center this year, and arrangements were made also to hold a special rose exhibition in the Sellwood Young Men's Christian As sociation in May. Prize Essay yriters Announced. RIDGEF1ELD, Wash.. March 28. (Special.) At its regular meeting held Thursday afternoon atv the Felida schoolhouse, the Felida Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union read the essays from the children's prize contest and announced the following winners: Miss Martha Swager if lb. grade, first prize; Irma Carrick, fifth grade, second. Davis and Naomi Davis, third and Janice Elliott. Neville Davis, Gladys I fourth grade, also won prizes. Permanent Relief for Chronic Constipation Knowledge and Practice Correct Daily Habit the Great Essential. of Constipation is a condition affecting all classes of all people and can be per manently relieved only by acquiring habits of regularity. .The most natural time for the ellm inative process is in the morning, when both the muscular and nervous systems are relaxed by sleep and rest. When relief does not come readily. It Is an excellent plan to take a. mild laxative at bedtime. Cathartics and purgatives, that by the violence of their quick action shock and disturb the system, should nob be employed. An effective laxative remedy that is very dependable, and which does not gripe or otherwise disturb the organs involved, is found in a combination of simple laxative herbs known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin that can be bought at the drug store for fifty cents a bottle. Mrs? C C. Allen, 215 Foam St.. New Monterey, Cal., wrote to Dr. Caldwell that she "found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin just what was needed for con stipation and. distress, of tne stomach v 3IRS. C. C. ALLEN after eating. It should be In every household." Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and keep it in the house to use when occasion arises. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 5 Washington St., Monticello, 11L 1