Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 21, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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There's a
C. I. Ohrenstein, Member of
Lecture Board, Gives Ad
. dress at Second Church.
Smart Clothes.
y. . .
Speaker Says God Is Supreme In-
telligence Man Is Command
ed to Preach and to Heal
Through Knowledge.
Absolute Christianity vas defined as
what Jesus taught, did and Jived." by
Charles I. Ohrenstein, member of the
Christian Science Board of Lectureship,
who spoke to a large audience at Sec
ond Church of Christ, Scientist. Kast
Sixth street and Holladay avenue, last
The speaker declared that Christ di;l
rtis marvelous works because of his
knowlege of their underlying principle
or cause.
"It will be admitted." he said, "that
this knowledge was the knowledge of
God. the knowledge of the reign of the
Jvlngdom of God, the knowledge of man
and of man's relationship to God, which
lie came to teach mankind.
Answering the question, "What is
God?" the speaker said:
"When It is remembered that al that
Is .called Intelligence could not have
formed the idea indicated by the least
primary object, it will be appreciated
that the great First Cause, called God
must be supreme. Infinite intelligence
or mind."
He emphasized the fact that Christ
commanded his followers to heal as
well as to teach.
Healing? Is Commanded.
"Those who were commissioned by
Jesus to preach," he said, "were also
commanded by him to heal. Not only
did Jesu3 command his followers to
preach and to heal, but he commanded
them what to preach, and In the light
of the Christian Science which he
taught it was plain to them, as it is
ouite plain to Christian Scientists to
day, that what he commanded them to
preach was intended to and did heal
the sick, and redeem the sinful. What
was It that he told them to preach?
"And as ye go, preach, saying. The
kinsrdom of heaven is at hand.'
"What Is the kingdom of heaven?
"If we remind ourselves of the idea
of God which Christian Science teaches,
and which has just been indicated, we
hall see that the kingdom of heaven
which Jesus commanded his disciples
to preach is indeed at hand, and that
w-e are entitled to full enjoyment of
this kingdom, for in God we live and
move and have our being.
"Recognizing this that the place
wherein we are is holy ground, how
many of us would behave unseemly,
debauch ourselves or others In any
way, lie, cheat, rob, believe that there
is something in our environment to in
jure, infect or impair us? Would that
disease, or lack of ease, which Is dis
ease In the making, be banished, and
that ease and peace of being in the
presence of our father, God, have pos
session of us.
KlDffdom at ITand.
"Teaching this. Christian Science
(hows it is not strange that the ser
mon which Jesus bade his. disciples to
preacli should heal, and there will be
nothing strange about it if many here
are healed by learning and remember
ing that the kingdom of heaven is at
hand, indeed, not only at hand, but, as
Jesus also said, within yCu, within
Of the question, "What Is Man?" Mr.
Ohrenstein said:
"Jesus showed forth the perfect man.
but not because of his physique. He
said, 'the flesh profiteth nothing.' Can
that which is truly man or woman be
fhown forth by mere flesh and blood?
And God, the all-intelligent, all-powerful,
eternal mind, spirit, life, truth and
love, said: 'Let us make man in our
own image, after our likeness.' 'So
God created man in his own image,
male and female created he them,' and
this godlike man is the only kind of
man there is."
Mr. Ohrenstein said that the recog
nition that no man has any other true
mission than that which Jesus had. led
Mrs. Eddy to the discovery of Christian
Mr. Ohrenstein was introduced by
Attorney B. E. Haney. The lecture will
be repeated at the same place tonight
and Thursday night at 8 o'clock.
Avon. Me., a town -with a population of
SV) in 1M0, has paid off all the last of its
municipal indebtedness, which only 36 years
ao was $10,0l0. The burning of the
list town liond on town metiny day wlii
V the occasion of a celebration.
Noted Authority Says We Eat
Too Much Meat, Which
Clogs Kidneys.
Take Glass of Salts When Kid
neys Hurt or Bladder
Bothers You.
No man or woman who eats meat reg
ularly can make a mistake by flushing
the kidneys occasionally, says a well
known authority. Meat forms uric acid
which excites the kidneys, they become
overworked from the strain, get slug
gish and fail to filter the waste and
poisons from the blood, then we get
tick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, Dervousness. dizziness,
Sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts or if the
urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi
ment, irregular of passage or attended
by a. sensation of scalding, stop eating
meat and get about tour ounces of Jad
baits from any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast and in a few days your kid
neys will act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush and
stimulate the kidneys, also to neutral
ize the acids in urine so it no longer
causes Irritation, thus ending bladder
w eakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
Jithia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complications. Adv,
Sixty-One Years of devel
oping styles, Sixty-One Years
of obtaining quality fabric,
Sixty-One Years of tailoring
this combination to a grace
ful fit these are behind and
through every Stein -Bloch
garment of today.
Wholesale Tailtrs
Methodist Ministers Indorse
Preparedness Plans.
speculation. But In passing this sen
tence I desire to err on the side of
mercy rather than on the side of ex
treme justice.
"From the testimony It is apparent
that this company had no other pur
pose than to sell something that didn't
belong to It, In this Mr. Kiddell was a
Execution of the sentence was stayed
pending the preparation of a bill of ex
ceptions for Mr. Kiddell by Attorney
McCamant. This will take about 40
Maintenance of National Honor
and Protection of All Amer
icans Supported Final
Vote Is Overwhelming.
Portland Methodist Episcopal minis
ters yesterday went on record as fa
voring preparedness, the protection of
American citizens at home and abroad
and the maintaining of the honor of the
Nation's flag. A resolution embody
ing those principles was passed at the
meeting of the Methodist ministers,
held at the First Methodist Episcopal
Church yesterday, following a stormy
session. The final vote was overwhelm
ingly in favor of preparedness.
A copy of the resolution was imme
diately wired to President Wilson.
The question of preparedness came
up at the meeting of the Methodist
ministers a week ago. At that time
a verbal resolution favoring prepared
ness was offered, but as a result of
the opposition which immediately de
veloped final action was postponed un
til yesterday.
The resolution as finally passed fol
lows :
"To the President: - The Portland, Or..
Methodist preachers' meeting heartily
sustains you and the National Congress
in your efforts to care for the safety
and peace of the country: to protect
American citizens and American inter
ests at home and abroad, on land and
on sea, and in all necessary prepara
tion to maintain the honor of the Na
tion's flag."
The resolution was signed by Rev.
C. O. McCulloch. Rev. C. E. Cline. Rev.
Frank L. Loveland and Rev. B. J. Hoad
ley. A. F. Cramer, secretary, who was
not in favor of the resolution, desired
that his name be withheld.
Additional supporters of the resolu
tion as finally passed were Rev. S. H.
Dewart and Rev. E. O. Eldridge.
Ministers who took the opposing side
included: Rev. T. W. Lane, Rev. C. C.
Rarick. Rev. R. E. Smith and Rev. J.
A. Hampdon.
Coast Contracting Company to Do
Work at Fairvlcw for $8 73 6.
The Coast Contracting Company was
awarded the bid for the Fairview un
derground crossing by the Board of
County Commissioners yesterday at the
recommendation of Roadmaster Yeon.
Seven bids were received and that of
the successful bidder was lowest by
nearly J2000. It was for J8736.
The deed of "dedication for the Mar
quam Hill road was turned over to the
county yesterday by the O.-W. R. & N.
The bid of J560 by the St. Johns Lum
ber Company on lumber to he used in
repairing the ferry W. S. Mason was
accepted by the Commissioners on
the recommendation of Superintendent
V. n. Riley and Colonel Baker to
Attend Xaval Base Convention.
Frank Branch Riley and Colonel
David J. Baker, Jr., have been named
by the Chamber of Commerce to rep
resent it at the preparedness confer
ence at Spokane, March 27-28. This
appointment was announced yesterday,
following the receipt of the official
invitation to send a delegation to the
The principal work at the meeting in
Spokane will be to organize a cam
paign of the Inland Empire and Co
lumbia basin, in behalf of the estab
lishment of a naval base of the first
class a: the mouth of the Columbia
Judge Bean, Answering Pica for Mercy,
Declares There Mast Be Prison
Term In Svch Cases.
Four months In the County Jail and
a fine of $2500 was the sentence Im
posed by Federal Judge Bean yester
day on H. H. Riddell. Portland attor
ney and former secretary of the Ore
gon Inland Development Company. Mr.
Riddell was convicted of having used
the mails to defraud in connection with
the sale of alleged orchard lands.
Wallace McCamant. attorney for Mr.
Riddell, emphasized Mr. Riddell's good
reputation and the fact that the trial
jury had recommended leniency. He
asked the court to take this Into con
sideration and impose a fine only. This
Judge Bean declined to do.
"The court is not justified in dispos
ing of such cases with a fine, except
when there are exceptional circum
stances." he said. "There ought to be
a prison sentence, though the length
of the sentence is not so important.
The court should not make it possible
for a man to promote a fraudulent
scheme, expecting to be fined and esti
jnatins hi profits M matter of
t-antf Island is agitating a project for
constructing a canal alone the south shore
to connect the Kreat bays for a distance of
1-0 miles. It would reach New York har
bor through Jamaica Bay.
! li
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Larry P. Woodrom.
Larry P. Woodrum, son of Mrs.
Mary Woodrum, 349 Holladay
avenue, left last week for In
dianapolis, where he will take up
his new duties with the Van
Camp Hardware Company, of In
dianapolis. For the last five
years Mr. Woodrum has been
with the Honeyman Hardware
2 If j
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for every taste and
all taste delicious
What's your favorite biscuit? Whatever it may be
you may rest assured of the highest degree of excel
lence if you firmly insist. on seeing this trade-mark,
IHHi, the "Sign of Prosperity," on the ends of every
package you buy. As you know, this "Good Luck"
seal, is the trade-mark of the Pacific Coast Biscuit
Company the largest pure food concern in this
But, Madam, we do not ask you to buy Swastikas
Pacific Coast Biscuits merely because we are big
and located here we simply ask you to buy Swastikas
because they are the best biscuits sold on this market.
You see, Biscuit Excellence is no mysterious Quality
certain factors insure that to a very high degree.
Grant the purity of the ingredients used the skill of
master bakers the best facilities and the scrupulous
cleanliness of conditions under which they are made
and you're bound to get perfect biscuits, there's abso
lutely no doubt about that.
In other words, Madam, Swastika Biscuits possess
super-excellent qualities because ingredients, condi
tions and skill all combine to make them super-excellent
But that isn't all. Biscuits may be very excellent
when they leave the oven. How about their goodness
when they are sold over the counter to you?
The last word in scientific packing prevails in all
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company's factories biscuits
cannot be better packed than Swastikas. More than
that, Grocers buy them in small quantities so that you
get them practically fresh from our ovens.
The crispness,. freshness and super-quality of Swas
tikas will surprise and delight you if you have been
using other biscuits.
Don't Ask for Crackers Say Snow Flakes
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
Portland, Oregon
SSf ...iii i'ii vai'
A No. 8. I ' " J" " " " 5-i- 7-
I y" JMiW CJtf !
-J y y y Jw 'y 1
k 'f, , ' ' V''' I
r WrvJt - yy
The Moment It Reaches Your Stomach all Pain,
Gases, Sourness, Acidity and Heartburn Goes
Con t suffer! In a few moments all
stomach distress will go. No indiges
tion, heartburn, sourness or belching of
eras, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath
or headache.
Pape's Dlapepsin is noted for its
epeed in regulating upset stomachs. It
is the surest, quickest and most certain
indigestion remedy in the whole world,
and besides it is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat
their favorite foods without fear they
know Pape's Dlapepsin will save them
from any stomach misery.
Please, for your sake, get a la nee
fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin
from any drugstore and put your stom
ach right. Don't keep on being mis
erable life is too short you are not
here long, so make your stay agree
able. Eat what you like and digest it:
enjoy it, without dread of rebellion in
the stomach.
Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your
home anyway. Should one of the fam
ily eat something which doesn't agree
with them, or in case of an attack of
indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement at daytime or
during the night, it is handy to give
the quickest, surest relief known.
A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and AH Uric Acid Troubles
Dear Readers:
I appeal to those of you who are
bothered with kidney and bladier trou
ble, that you gve up the use of harsh
salts or alcoholic medicines and in
their place lake a short treatment of
"Anurlc" I have taken many of Dr.
Pierce's medicines for the past 25
years with good results. I suffered
with kidney trouble for some years. I
recently heard of the newest discovery
of Dr. Pierce, namely, his "Anuric"
Tablets. After using same I .am com
pletely cured of my kidney trouble.
A doctor pronounced roe a well pre
served woman for my age, all due, I be
lieve, to Dr. Pierce's medical aid. "
Note Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braith
waite as well as Dr. Simon all distin
guished medical authorities agree that
whatever may be the clsease, the urine
seldom falls in furnishing us with a
clew to th principle upon which it la
to be treated, and accurate knowledge
concerning the nature of disease can
thus be obtained. If tuckache, sea lo
ing urine or frequent urination bothet
or distress you. or if uric acid in the
blood has caused rheumatism, gout or
sciatica, or you suspect kidney or blad
der trouble Just write Dr. Pierce at
hs Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. T.;
send a sample of urine and describe
symptoms. You will receive free med
ical advice after Dr. Pierce's chemist
has examined the urine thia will be
carefully done without charge, and you
will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce
during many years of experimentation
has discovered a new remedy, "Anuric,"
which is found to be 37 times more
powerful than lithia in removing uric
acid from the system. If you are suf
fering from backache or the pains of
rheumatism, go to your best druggist
and ask for a 50-cent box of "Anuric"
put pft by Dr, Plercet Adj.
Women Treat
With Paraffine
Sufferers From Bane
Women's Lives Use Pe
troleum With Splen
did Results.
Women everywhere have become
enthusiastic about the new petro
leum or paraffine treatment for con
stipation. Most women know how
this bane of women takes the joy
out of life.
"Women, always the worst suffer
ers from constipation, have been the
strongest advocates of the remedy
called Ameroil. which consists sim
ply of a highly refined petroleum,
or paraffine.
The paraffine (Ameroil) taken in
wardly in the ordinary way lubri
cates the hardened masses that have
caused the stoppage. The action
which necessarily follows as the
result of the softening and lubri
cating "process is, therefore, entirely
mechanical, natural anJ. gentle.
Ameroil is colorless, odorless and
tasteless, pleasant to take; it does
not nauseate the most sensitive
stomach. There are no disagreeable
after effects no pain nor distress.
Ameroil is sold at all Owl drug
stores in pint bottles at 60c each.
The Treatment of
Influenza or La Grippe
It is quite refreshing these days to read of
a clearly defined treatment for Influenia or
La Grippe, In an article in the "Lancet
Cllnlo," Dr. James Bell, of New York City,
says he Is eonvlnoed that too much medica
tion is both unnecessary and injurious.
When called to a case of la grippe, the
patient is usually seen when the fever Is
present, as the chill which occasionally
ushers in the disease, has practically passed
away. Dr. Bell then orders th&c the bowels
be opened freely with salts, "Actolds" or
citrate of masnesla. For the high fever,
severe headache, pain and general soreness,
one antl-kamnla tablet every three hours
! aulokly followed by comolete relief.
Ask for A-K Tablets. They are also nnez-
Says we will both look and feel
clean, sweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
Sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides with results that are of
untold blessing to humanity. The lat
est application of its untiring research
is the recommendation that It is as
necessary, to attend to internal sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as It is to the drains of the
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the sys
tem each morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the stom
ach, liver and bowels the previous
day's indigestible waste, sour bile and
poisonous toxins; thus cleansing.
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on,
an empty stomach is wonderfully in
vigorating. It cleans . ut all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and acidity
and gives one a splendid appetite for
breakfast. While you are enjoyinjr
your breakfast the phosphated hot wa
ter is quietly extracting a large vol
umo of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a thorough flushing of
11 the inside organs.
The millions of people who are both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness:
others who have sallow skins, blood
disorders and sickly complexions ara
urged to get a quarte pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store.
This will cost very little, but is suffi
cient to make anyone a pronounced
crank on the subject of internal san
itation.. Adv.
At least there lias been ir.imu a (
absolute vaiu quiti without reparri :o
style or 'what the trade will hear." it beinr
the Rift of au Oliio milllnpr to his sisto--
ceUedforheadache.neariUg1aandaaipUi,Bn"0'a3at,-'ria' 5'J bills of $a