TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEDRUARY 15, 1916. JURSE ONGESLEUTH FOR HER ACCUSER Kidnaped Boy Found Twice by Woman Now Suspected of Betraying Employer. MISS JACK PLANS DEFENSE Jrlanrr. TiLrn Iron Portland to Kratilr. .aj Mi Va In I -alter tot trai Any Calll. ?:attu; w.h. rn. m .pe- rial M:m rrinoi Je.-k. tn nurse ti w m rrt la rortlend li( Frl dir ind kroof to fatt! oa a chars; af sldneninx S-vear-oUt 0erla Hr ti.rt ftari'D la aatt!e on December last. xim!i:4 t.iar that she bed acted as a prtveta dtrtive for liemard M .-ton-h. the dot's father, la flndinc the Lad when ha di.-r:earad I lea bafor T. ir I lo. at.l the boy tor Ma f'h-r. but I have never saea ellhe -. b-)T or the mother." said Miss Ja-h -Mr. -torh evidently I pnder the I itno ion t"at I have eetraved Mm. or a would not hsve brouarht IMt ) M":rt charse acalnst mo. -1 have lived la Vancouver. It. C. for erl vers. bat I never lived ti att!e. I In iaitie on tne day ir tT d..a:paard. tut I hnoar Both In f tha arfe.r. from -att ! I won to foreland la any professional i Miss Jai-k ha one cod an attorney l- rr""nt her at the romlnf hoar In; lru:r ITosaeutor P!trw arlll tit cur.- of tha rase for tbe (lata. Mra. ?tr.rrh. 6o la In tha etty and 1j u l!l in b I wfieo the bojr dtaap- (irl. t qmc Mr. Morro for divorce. t-h c!iiri na ho boat hor and as- tat.d a UN other om. and tt or on arruion ho lull arr to "lake the tr and t out." In a Ilt of qitlna propounded by er attorney Monday Mr. lorch I ak"t when and a here ha ! marrloo) to I'ora M rin.h. and that If bo waa ailvorred from bar when ha married tna pre.ent Mr. Plor.fi la t'rookaton. Mnn.. on iM.br S. IW. where im hco h obtained the divorce. REGISTRATIOHTOO SLOW cot.i;Tto rr.tRK.n rxtK or Lis. MirtHoiM or o-rr.i. ska Mill (la A aril I aaa ta Data Oaly 33.(31 Oat af Mara Tkaa Un SlaaeaL. A UKM. Or, Feb. II. apocial T'ntaaa toe recistratlosj of voters pro rrxot much faster la tha futuro than In trie past, a ronsestloo of work w ill easua. according to Ix-puty Secretary Of Stat a Kowr. Tha total restslratlon up to tha prea ont ta 2J.UI. arhtla tha total rearlstra tlon at -1a Ust election waa aad It U a'ttroatad tnat tTt will ba aa I no r aaa ranslac from li to So par cant. L'n4ar tha law tna ractatratton boo a a n-jii claa April If. Iravlna Juat a taw da y a oar two tnontha fr tho irnuinlBf oloctora to rltr. Of tha total nacAr rrclatartd. iZ.iii ara Ha puM:rana. 11 ara Iamorratji: : ara t'rotfraaatvaa: iJt ara Frohtbttlonlata; H ara Sorlallata. and lJI ara mlacal-lanaoux CAR SHORTAGE MENACES Urr;un IIIU Hud IMrrk-nlty la Shipping Lurobrr. El'GIUNi Or, l'ro. It. 5pclaL) Tha anormouo aomaad for cara to oa baa! ta tha abtpmcnt of mualtlona oX war t caporta oa both tha Atlantic anat I'ac.fie roaata Ibraatana to cauaa a car ahortasra aad may handicap tna operation af lumbar milia la tho I'a cifxr ortbwaat. acordin to railroad an.l liimrmto. A. t. IMaoa. nauor of tha Booth Kaliy Lumbar t'orapany. today prad craaa far that hla company wnuid ba abla to ravaiit rara aufft ciant l harwla aMpmanta from tha comaanf'a plant to taa tsuth and Kaal Mr. Ltun aail that lua mill at Wand tin will raaurra oparaltona Moaday, auppttn work fr about maa. frat Wraka, It la admitted by atand rattara that tha Colonel will rat tha barklna of moat of Xrw Knaland. and hla atrrncth will ba apparent to the real of tha country. T. PL. Oat Beat W llaoa.' Krpraaentatlve Fall, a Republican of Tnneea. la Juat bark from a malt to Ootcr Kay. and ha ears tha Colonel told Mm ha would ba for anyono "to beat Wilaon." Aaaociata Juatlce Huchea haa DOt been thrown Into tha diacard. but ha had Indicated that ba will not permit any deleaatea to ba Instructed for him. triourn thera la little qdeatlon that ha would accept tha nomination If unani mously tendered to him. Republican leadar. hoaaver. look aakanca at Mr. Ilushaa berauaa they reaiisa they ran not "do buatneaa with htm. and. more over, ahould bo ret Ira from tha Kuprema Court of tha l'nltd Mataa, Trealdent Wilaon mlcht make another Brandeli appotatment. Tha National Leacu of Bepubllcan Cluba announced today that It waa on dartaklnc a Plan lo braak tha olld Mout.i ao aa to Inaura tha election of a Republican l"raaldent In November. Cluba wtll ba orani-d In tha arlou Southarn atatra. Thla leasua la con' trolled by atandpatera and uodoubt edly will do all It ran to prevent tho election of Fouthera Republican dela- satea for Hooaeeelt. PAHTAGES VARIETY GOOD RAILROAD IS HELD LIABLE FOR TAXES Decision Handed Down at Roseburg by Judge Hamilton in Southern Oregon Suit. Hi'tuur. Mniin. the o-ricB ClatL-.' Hll-l-IAT. .Xaattaal TraTaaty, Kaoay tatertalaera. Rara taaaedleaaea aad Ctevrr Daaeara Ara oa Bill. Ctery act on Pantaea- bill claa a flna account of Itaelf thla weaa. wiin ona or two ehmlne; out liko Kohinoora la a coal acuttla. Iirlllianra and color ampnaana ma bi headline number. It la called -The tflca Ulrle. and thera ara lour 01 them, aaucy littla red-rrocaeo. emu.na atenocraphera. whoao knowledge of keys and dictation la confined to their lovely feet and voice. ver tha steaoaraphera in aumomy la Mile Harris, a lithe, animated lime aona-vtreaa. who would ruin any office discipline aha had charca ot A s-lrl from tha wllda wanders in ana reheareea an act. Helle Montroea plays this role, and doea It ao naturally that ba audtrnca yella for mora, fhe does i eons; and attempts a danea and than returns to show 'em that sho was only foolina; and can really put over real atoff. tuilr Allan sits In tha audlenra ana when ha crows tired of Hellas efforts he cornea on tho staca and snows ae hnw it rauld ba dona. Calllsher and Carlln ara a roupia ot unstera who present a nautical trav eatv. "Ilefora tha Masi. i.aiuaoe noses aa an Admiral, ana t iirun Shaker Lavlnskr. a sort of eea-doa. Be fore a realistic shlp-d-ck scena toay exchanaa nautical observations on verythlna from tha aea to tna war. ana provoke rlota of mirth. Then they sine nd dance, and and witn a ouriesqueo aath scena tbat sends tha audience nto hysteric-. 1-auahaettera ara two ebony enler- alnera. Hucker and Winnlfred. Ona Is e-arbrd as a Chinaman. Tha other, as ery black rent, raaents belnc dunned nublrc. They never ftet anywnara. but tha araument la one of tho funnl eat acta Imaarlnable. Two pretty maids ara Misses llarri nd Nolan, rara comediennes. Keesran and Ellsworth are billed as week-enders." Their weak end Is rer alnly not their feet, for the steps they ave mastered are artlxtlc and delight tieaala Harvey opens the bill with nterestlna; art- On her bl white borae he poses and slnss. while a myriad of Iceons. let loose about the theater, y to her en the stace. AMOUNT DUE IS $30,000 Ainonjj Other Contentions Is Charge of Ovcr-.aeaiM.nt In View of 1'rtlcral Ilollnc That allr of Company la Only 9S.50. IS rriwiw or hoitheii crecos RrPt BI.ICAX IMPBEMK. tie PRESIDENT IS IN RACE aelna. wa aaeks to be elected a delegate to taa National rvmovratic coavaatloa. wbi' h la lo asaaeab.e In Jane nest. Teo e laew la Bay atale. Not all Ike staadpat Kapubilcaa lead ers are for Colonel Uooaalt by aay means, and they ara at III ecurtnc a camlHlate whom be will tadorae to aod his earn. nation. A teet of H aalt Wl l orcrtr la ataaMctiualta. senator Waaka. af that a late, la a ' raadidale la tha primaries, and bis reereeentativee af the ticket will ba ocprmed aa deieaatee-el-larsre by four proauaant f'.epublicane who are oat for Kixneve: t. senator tdfa ra.antlv aaaoancad hla mtantloa lo support bis colleague. but Kapresantatlae (iardaer. oaa of the Knoaevell candMatea. la Lodges eoa-la-Uw. It Is etpacted. therefore, that Mr. Ut backinsr of Mr. Weeks will ba lukewarm. If Kooaevelt S na . rr.'l l.. rapraaarttattvaa ahonUI do- HOW I DARKENED MY GRAY HAIR Lad' Givr SiiapU I1oea Rrcipo That Sho l'rw to Darke Her Gray Hair. roe years t tried to reetore my array kair to Its natural color with tha pra Baraal draa and stains, bat so so of t&aea cava satisfaction' and they were all eiaenalve. I finally ran onto a aimale rorlD-e which I mliad at keiat that slvea wonderful raaolta. I cava aa rec-tp). which la ae follows, to a nam bar of mr friends, aad they ara a.1 datis-nted with It. To I oaa. of water aid a small bos of Herb Com pound. I oa. of bar rasa and a oa. of e-iyeertae. Tbaaa Ina-redleata eaa ba booshl at any druatora at aery little coat, t aa every other day aa til tha kalr bacocaaa tha reejalred ahada. tkaa ovary two week. a I will aot only darkee tha fray kalr. bat remarvee dandruff and) eca! fcumora. aad acta aa a tonae la Ike kalr. II la s'x-ky or rraaay. does aot rub off a4 cs bo to. U avausv aV4r, Mr. Wlthyewaaaa, Caeat at DUaaer Clvea by B la lam let rtaley. Pralaea rarty DaertC Governor Wlthycombe returned from Fouthee-n Oregon last nlshl full . of raise for the spirit of optimism and ty ba encountered anions' the Ka ubllrans lo that portion of the state. waa the aural of Med ford at th Uncola day banquet thera Katurday a also visited Ashland and Koeeur The Governor spoke highly concern- In lbs development at Ashland, where, be says, tho upboildlne of a a: real health resort Is well under way and In, evttabty will mart with notable sue ceaa. At RoeeboraT be aad rotate Treasurer Kar. who accompanied him. visited tha Koldtere Home. lnpctinT it aa mem here of the Hoard of Control which ad ministers to tha Institution. The Gov ernor declared that tha home Is In bet ter condition tfian ever In Its history, and tbat there appeara lo be almost universal eatiefartton with the admin Isiratloa of Commaadant Markee. both oa tha part of I o ma tea and amonsT membere of the community. Iaat nlcht Governor Wlthycombe was a soaet of honor at tho dinner slven tho rub aad Game Commleslon and Its office, employes by citate Bloloclat rinley. PROSECUTOR IS CERTAIN rCaattaoad ream Plrat Paa formed that Miss Lambert was In trouble." Cnrpel either could have filled the phial from the OBlvrralty laboratory, as ha was a student of chemistry, or from the store of poisons In the base ment of tha aTreeabouse on the Mc- Corrnlck estate. Misa Lambert had known for two weeks or more before ber last meetlnaT with Or pet that she was pot In trou ble- aa the result of their Intimate re latlonahla. aad tbat her feare had been Sroaadleea. Her love for Orpet. bow- ever, waa atlll at rone and sho adopted the ruse of allowinc hlsn to believe that she bad a claim on blm In the bopa that ba would marry ber. Miss Lambert had ao reason to Com mlt suicide for fear of dlssrace. and aba well knew this fact. Aftrr a review of the developments la the rase today. Mate's Attorney Dade sed: "The rase a a a In t Orpet la now com plete. Wa bave found oolhlnaT In our InvaatclatloB that contributes In the east to his dofansa on a rharae of murder. lne container of the poison la still m la-In sr. but Orpet purchased a two-oanca phial the day be left Madi son. Ha will bava to explain what became of that phial." No move seek ins; the release of Or- pat waa made by count! retained by hla father, and It waa said that ao at tempt lo ebtala bla release wouid ba until after tha Inquest. tVhool Ctrl friends of Mlaa Lambert were ataeetloned by the Ktele'e Attor ney of their knowledse of the relatione which had etleted between Orpet and the school slrl. KOSEBCRO. Or, Feb. 14 -(Specie!.) la a decree bsnded down In the Cir cuit Court here today. Judge Hamilton held that the taxes duo from the lands of the Southern Orrcon Company In Douglas County for the year 10J were collectible, and tbat the holdings of the company were subject to sale to sat lafy the delinquent certificates tha same as other lands on which the taxes were not paid. The unpaid taxes amount to about UO.OvS. .Suit wss brought aaainst the South era Oregon Company several months ago to 'compel them to pay tho Vx due on their lands In this county for the year ltf. An answer was filed by the southern Oregon Company In which It was denied that the taxes were lien against the land, or that they re mained due and unpaid on the date of reaching; delinquency. It was also al leged by the defense that the certifi cates of delinquency were not filed reg ularly with the clerk. Another contention offered by the de fense wss that the Federal courts hsd decreed that their Interest In the lands did not exceed II SO an acre, while In some Instances they were assessed as hlrh as an acre. Tho defense con tended this was sufficient to nullify tb entire assessment. Tha County Attorney offrred In evi dence the original certificates of de linquency, which Judge Hamilton held were regular and sufficient to warrant disposal of the lands for tsxes. At tor ney John M. Uuerln. of counsel for the 8outhern Oregon Company, announced that ba would appeal the case to the Supreme Court- The questions Involved In the case sre Identical with those or the Oregon aV California grant lands. accord Inr to local attorneys. older men In tho service should be Riven the foremen positions held by more recent appointees. Commissioner I'aly. backed by the Council, haa held tbat this would disrupt the working forces of his Water Bureau, and that be should bo able to select men he believes competent to serve as foremen, especially when the men now in the positions are trained and experienced In their work, which requires extensive knowledge and executive ability. Tha Civil rvlce Board ruled with the union people and railed an exam ination for foremen and assistant fore men to be held February 29. The scone of this examination was announced yesterday and is now the subject of attack by tha labor union people. They aay too much credit is Riven the men who already hold the positions and that tho examination as arranged will en able only these men to pass. THE MIX-OP" 15 FUNNY LYRIC OFFERS DILLON AND KING IX FLEAM VG COMEDV. PICTURES ARE IN DEMAND STRtCVSK MAKES BID FtR RICH. WAY FILMS. toeretary of Chamber of Caaaaaer) Tearsjrepka far Date Aftrr See I as; J Eaklblt at vYashlaanew. The first notes of appreciation of the showing of the Berger-Jones color plc turee of the Columbia River Highway In Washington last week have begun to reach the Chamber of Commerce In Portland. Lachlan MacLeay, secretary of the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce, who was a delegate to the National Cham ber convention In Washington and who saw the pictures, sent -a telegram which' was received here yesterday an nounclng arrangements to have tnt pictures shown In Syracuse. N. T. The message follows: I saw the wonderful pictures of tns Columbia Klver Highway at Wash ington Wednesday. Understand they ara being routed through the Kast, and upon telling my people of their beauty waa Instructed to ask If they could be stopped at Syracuse to be shown at Joint meeting of the Syracuae Cham ber of Commerce and the Admen's Club. Please advise by wire if this can be done, what the expense will be and what data we ran have." Dally Beach, Iteae Hathaway, With Delia Reaalg, letredare fame Ckarsalag Seas; Xasnbf ra. The Mlx-l'p," with Its funny en tanglements, music and girls In fan ciful costumes, is one of the best Lyric Mils in all tbe 1 weeks under Dillon and King. A good cast of eight prin cipals Is supplemented by the Columbia Quartet and a dosen pretty girls in the chorus. It happened that Mike Dooley (Ben T. Dillon) has a brother. Dan. who is a woman-hater, and has a lot of money. Mike falls In love with Nellie, and marries her under the name of "Jones." This lesds to all sorts of complications. A girl friend cornea to visit them and next comes Ike, who Is in love with Nellie, Nellie is plsyed by Dolly Bunch, and as usual Ike is Will King. Rose Hathaway, the pretty girl who visits the J nes family, la Ruby Lang, who Is passed off ss Mrs. Jones. "Swing. Swing." by the entire chorus, opens the bill, and then Del. a Romig. assisted by the chorus, charms with the song, "Teach Me How to Swim." "Come to Me. Rose Marie." is the motif for charming demonstrstlons of "different wsys of making love." Miss Oskley Is featured in the skit. An en joyable song and dance number la that called "A Girl for Every Season." sung by Clarence Wurdlg, and in which the girls of the chorus are costumed to represent the seasons. Ruby Lang In her "So Long, Letty,' song, proves to be a big success. The climax ot the comedy comes after many unususl and ridiculous pre dicaments. OWN CEMENT MAY BE USED Orrcon Material Likely to Be Made for Paving Work in Portland. DAIRY MEET NOT HELD LACK OF QI ORI N, HOWEVER, DOES HOT PREVENT LAYING OF FLAMS. Fear Deswtle Frees State Food aad Dairy t'ewaaelealeeer'e Office Are I aa sect la g Aaterta Plaats. The meeting of temporary directors of the new Vregon Co-operative Dairy Exchange, called for yesterday was postponed until a later date, owing to the lack of a quorum. Two of the di rectors. W. A. Smiley, of Reedsport. and Kd Carey, of Lafayette, were un- ble to be present. As soon aa a full meeting of the di rectors can ba held tha revised articles of association will be drawn up and sent lo the Commissioner of Corpora tions for bla approval. Tbe directors who were In tbe city spent the day In the office of J. D. Mickle, State Dairy and Food Commie- sioner. and tha plana for the exchange ware fully discussed. Four deputies from the office of the Dairy and Food Commissioner are working In Astoria tbls week Inspect- ag bakeries, restaurants. butcher hops, slaughter-houses and dairies. Seaside Institutions wsre Inspected last week. m ONION HITS CITY CIVIL SF.RVICK EMPLOYES" BODY FOtrXD BEHIND TROt BLE. Concrete pavements of Oregon ce ment soon may be constructed In Port land. 'according to a letter received yes terday by City Auditor Barbur from the Oregon Portland Cement Company. The company plans opening Its plant within a short time. Request Is made In the letter that the City Council use concrete pave ment wherever the prices are equal or lower than the prices for other classes of pavement. At present the concrete used In pavements Includes all Oregon products excepting the cement. MERGER ELECTION CARRIES West Linn Votes 62-28 to Absorb Town of Willamette. OREGON CITT. Or.. Feb. It. (Spe cial.) The town of West Linn today voted (I to 2S to absorb tho town ot Willamette. This Is the second election held on this question, tbe previous one being held early in December, but two tech nical errors threw It out, necessitating the one today. Some time ago Willam ette voted to merge with West Linn. The Idea Is to extend the West Linn water system so Willamette will bene fit equally. LICENSE GRANTED WOMAN Hanna M' Prlske Is Examined and Has Car Inspected. Hanna M. Priske, who lives at the Alder Hotel. Ir to be Portland's first licensed woman Jitney driver. She applied for a license yesterday and submitted her car for Inspection and herself for exsminatlon. She will operate her machine on Hawthorne avenue. She Is not a mem ber of the Jitney Drivers' I'nlon. Her application was No. 302 on the list. THE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE U. S. 120 Broadway, New York The 56th Annual Report of the Society, which will be sent to any address on application, show: NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR IN 1913 $ 158,456,612 (The maximum which the Society was permitted to write in that year under the Insurance Law of the State of New York.) OUTSTANDING INSURANCE, Dec. 31, 1915.. $1,529,886.053 ADMITTED ASSETS, Dec. 31, 1915 $4696U12 GENERAL INSURANCE RESERVE $418,826,331 OTHER LIABILITIES 10,079,766$ 458,906,097 SURPLUS RESERVES: For Distribution to Policyholders in 1916 $ 13,573,499 Held awaiting apportionment upon de ferred dividend policies 63,910,551 For Contingencies 10,571,765$ 88.055,815 RECEIPTS FROM PREMIUMS in 1915.. $ 56,015,862 RECEIPTS FROM INVESTMENTS TOTAL INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES .$ 24,899,405 .$" 83,290,810 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS $ 58,371,388 During the year the Society invested $27,888,067 at an average yield of 5.06. The Annual Report contains the Financial Statement, verified by Certified Public Accountants, schedules of investments, and full details regarding the substantia! advances made during the year. It also describes a variety of new policies including one under which the Equitable will pay an income for life to the person insured if he should become totally and perma nently disabled, as well as an income for life to the bene ficiary after his death. Of the death claims paid in the United States and Canada, over 98. were settled within twenty-four hours after receipt of due proof of death. President. EDGAR W. SMITH, Agency Manager OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland, Oregon JURY CITES FRAUD GRiER MARTIN REDDY MUST EXPLAIN JOB- BARTERING ACCUSATIONS. Commissioner Llnhtner Demands Air- Ins; of Charges Made In Attacks on Coaaty Officers. Martin Reddy will appear before the grand Jury to explain why and with what basis of fact he has circulated rumors that road and bridge jobs for the countv are being bartered. W. L LlKhtner. chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, the subject of the attacks, appeared before the grand Jury yesterday and demanded an inves tigation. "Lies being spread about me have got to stop, whether they are made for personal or political reasons," said Mr. Llgbtner. "I want a rigid investiga tion and If there Is a scintilla of truth in the reports, I want to know it." All bridge and road employes of the county, with few exceptions, pay from SS to $300 for their Jobs and from $2.50 to $5 a month in assess ments, alleered Reddy yesterday, who said that the money originally was paid to Robert Shaw, former clerk of the County Court, and later to William Eatchel, superintendent of quarries. He said these men were only collectors and that the money eventually reached the County Commissioners. Reddy said yesterday: "I am certain these things are so. but personally don't know it. I never paid for a job nor saw anybody do so." Mr. Whltcomb had large business in terests in Oresron and Washington. $100,000 LEFT MRS. TAFFE Probate of Will of Late Salmon Packer Is Petitioned. Irwin Henry Taffe, lato of promi nence as a salmon packer, who died January 27, left an estate of $100,000 to his widow, according to the petition for the probate of his will, filed with County Clerk Coffey yesterday. Of the legacy $6U,000 is in real estate and the remaining $40,000 in personal property. Mrs. Mary Helolse Taffe, of 534 East Thirty-ninth street North, is bis widow. ' V. H. Wliitcomb Dead. A telegram received yesterday by J. K. Gill announced the death of G. Henrv Withyeomb, of Worcester. Mass. Itrar-Admlral I'ox Irad. WAMIN5TOV. eb. II Haar-Ad- antral OiarUa r.hen Fov. t". S. N re- red, died eaddew'r at Ma home bare Ul a-cat, (t4 t tears, Flvea Esaealaatleei Prepared far Ca las; ffreeaea la Wttatr Bareaa a fkabjee of A Mark. Tha City Council la havtnr trouble with tha Civil Service Union which It permitted a year ago to orfanlsav Mem bers of this nnlon. which la. affiliated with the Central Labor Council, are ehlod the trouble which has been tlrred op over the retention In the Water Bureau of the district foremen aad assistant foremen who have held their positions, but now must take an examination or ba let out. under the rutins; of tha Civil Hervlre Board. Commissioner Paly, who Is recog nised In the Council as tha representa tive of the I-abor Council, finds him self "buck Ins'' the union move acatnst his nvn. Tbe union people say the dis trict foremen took a laborers examina tion and were promoted without exam ination. A number of men have been laid off In the labor service and the union people Insist that the rule of seniority should irtva.l and that lbs Only Two Days More WHfred Lucas, "Mary A.1 den and Bessie hove IN TT AnTWT An Artistic Triumph of Intense Sympathy and Heart Interest FRED MACE and Roaring Squad of Keystone Jolliers in Love Will Conquer TIIE SCENIC WONDERS OF JAPAN BY MOONLIGHT Tea Served in the Ladies' Room Daily From 3 to 5 P. M. BIG EATERS GET Kune T E SAYS AUTHORITY Take a Tablespoonful of Salts to Flush Kidneys if Back Hurts. Omit All Meat From Diet if You Feel Rheumatic or Blad der Bothers. COLUMBIA Sixth and Washington The Theater Different The American men and women must guard constantly against kidnev trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; tbe eliminatlve tissues .cglog and the result is kidney troubles, bladder weakness and a sen era 1 decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breaWast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can make mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. BAD BREATH i i Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It. Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People aluicted. witn Dad preata rtna quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gent ly but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purify ing the entire system. They do that which dangerous calo mel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits or nasty, sickening. griping cathartics are derived Trom Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping pain or disagreeable effects of any kind. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are pure ly a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. , Take one or two every nlcht for a week and note the effect. 10c and 2uo bus. O. Adv. The Olive Tablet Company. Colum pcr box All drusslsta,