Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 15, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Anniversary of Admission o
Oregon to Statehood to
. Be Observed Annually.
MmtM-r of rnIH" rroo.lrrv.i li
I arly Vrtri of Territory Partlc
Ifwair and Ijr Tribute to
Jltnmr X ho all I'na mlat aoe.
Ti JTth nntrwrT of Oreg"'
Sm:tt.4B-a t b tntos aa f''l
f e.iet tate. rebruarr H. !!. was
coirimivoraEi4 by the N8' an4 leish-
lore of inon I at a banquet
I -i tfte Imperial Hotel last nlcM.
Jre. Ja. H. HuetOB- rre.Me.1 cf the
rrnlullcl. waa toaalmaeter Mr.
tir. a eioneer of t : . I'talee had
been f,r Hi ana Ihry all
Mrv remintecencee cf ewrly c!r
were bronchi t mitvit by trie spoeber
of the tomtit, ojfio, wer O. n Vof.
r.5.54ir t t- tn loaat "Omoii
li,ri II (;in. " topic w
"fi..n..r Vjtaor.' and ttwmraor
T T Ooer. who sec a Tloooor
tlr (ir wool entslde bis atge
to atl.auea III 9 rerollaall
of ts-a reception of tne new of tregon'
it-: fa-o a a state.
"t rwmemnar tfr wt! wbea t
sew arrived.- al4 b. We weeo tho
living la ailvertoa. I we etity year
ei.k Txlfl Bailee away la Patera tner
kil a cannon. wftl.b would b flf4
whenever any eveat of atloaat. Of
ev a of local lmpcrtaa-e eccu rro A.
Inant ! Hear.
On tMe Particular la It H ran.
wl.reMv afior Fehrvery I, for aw
took a UjH lint to com In thoao da'
I we.' plarlsg nlMt whoa I board
the raaa toomlnf. I roaned Into tho
keiiA an'.' aabed mr mother what It
meant. JH. saM. "Ph. I auppooo It
in Orate haa boon mart a state
T ' a ev-at heat boon hpk(k) b r
re.i.jent of tho otato for soma tlmo
before t- M arrt..l"
. II. M oroa. ia fc I address on -Ore
roa. toi4 how h bad I "I mtno to
1-urtUnd aa a bahy In ItiJ. Ilo bad
booa bora In Missouri, but staved thoro
Just leas a'.gb to bo born, aa ha
at It.
H paid a ttra tribute to tho char
acters of tho ppemiA8i mo n of Oregon
of t"o- dare. 9'--'h) mon a netor
and a-eloaet R. , fiakor. S-aalnr
omtca. J". Applocato and OoBoral
toao. ho oald. woild ho boon promt
nont and oatoorriod In anr rommuailT.
Mo Ho.-tarod tt ino planoora who o.
t:d iir(ra bad bonorod and not d to-
r. .4 tho raco from whlfh thy
I'laania Wof lr FN
ta bia arf.!r. :or(t It. Hlmoa ro
tatod many IncM'Bta ahowtnc th
oarnoittBooa and d'tormiaatloa of plo-
oioor moehoriw tnofr loyalty and tholr
fnaay btndnro. f( aid tta no plty
aoor rrochoro had orr booa raoro on
of'it or ootf -.r lfclno than thooo
f .
Vlr ptnnoora woro In t dtnnor
fndT. and ono wbona Mr. Illmao
lntro.tu:od oooootaily waa lira. N. A.
Jam-, ono of tho fow ItTifia' arlora
of tho Whltmaa Indian rnaaoacro. No
yomhor J tsl 3'. Iill. SUia waa ona
j, woman and rhtldrn carrtod awajr
by ha Indiana and bold In captivity
tnfil tho fttowtnc January.
IT. and Mra. A. P. Thatcbor. who
ramo l)r(i flo yaara ico Iron
M mrana. aad la rnrttand to mabo tholr
bomo horo !aat Jaooarjr. woro (qoatj
of b.'B'-r Mr. Tftatrhor. aa Mr. Hlmoa
otpUino.l. waa a dauchtor of tho lato
ttrii.if !amitr T. Mtwtr. Boat to
tho :at Torritortal Oovornor f Mon
tana, who roaicaad In li;. Wboo ap
poiri..J llii ho bad boon roaidrnt
of )l.)ti'r. than I yoara. Ilia
pla.-o of roaldoaro waa Xaloea. wblcb
wa la tho orlstnal roun tayltory.
tra. Thatrhor lo alor a a-roat-rrraad-
ti o. f far tain William tlarb. of tba
Ijoji anl t ark 01 poittlort.
la.t BUht'a affair waa tr-o flr.t in
al banit of tho Jtnna of taua;htor
of ivr.joa rionoora. who Intond to moot
arb yoar on Admtaolon day. Ft b-
r-iary I.
Taoao praaant wra:
frt K Mlnoo f- J rra
wf rl 'no Vi V J f'ran.-.a traaO
a r!m-aHl-i Mra. Virg o.a
r4 llrwo a
V-. A J..-..M
- i:a Ma1al
Jfiaaia it IUJ1
tt W t'-.-a
r !a r-a tkco
Jvr a i m
Jt-a. .ort r Halt
Vra. lrbort Moi:DaB
A t. I
v-a. tr rxt
nma WT '
A -rt V V a
4 'Mn t'-tf-aaa
r .laai" K tT-aa
Vf Aa ll- pftrvt
T im f K l i
Vra. II. Kl'ila
X' M ftraaiHt Wood
warn awa'ay
Vca wrT iiart.2aT
In tba bait!, bl1a airman hava
foocbt oacb other tbott tho linoa and
bara boos eaononadd from blow by
tho anti-aircraft mm.
Tho Uormana foliowod op tholr rocont
acrooaln Cbampacna by tho captura
of an additional bait milo of tronchoa
around Tahura la that dlatrtrt and
tbolr artlll-ry bombardmanta In tba
Baisbborbood of Vlaaatcaa and Nararlo
havo boon anaworod la kind by tba
t roach.
To tba north of flolaaona, around
Tamy. and alone th Riror Alano tba
liarmaoa atartod an Infantry attack.
bat tho From h pat It down.
To tba aoutb of tba Sornmir tba Oor-
mana andaarorod to aurround outpoat
tronrhoa. but daaljtrd undar baary fir
of tba Franrh.
to lppor Alaaro tba Cor man a turnod
loooo thatr riuna on tronrhoa tho
Kroarb bad roraplorod from thorn, but
tba rnrb durtn tho nlrht had
acuat-d tham and tho ahoilina; did
no othor damaca than to ahattrr tb
Jtoyontoon fiarhta In tho air la tba
ravord of Sunday roportad officially by
tba Brltl.h alona tbotr llnoa In Flar
era. In addition thara baa boon activity
aootb of l4 ILaaaoo Canal, whoro th
Oarmana aaplodod aaran mlr.fl, lloary
bumbardmonta and aa Infantry attark
In tbat aoction alan la rrportrd. tho
iknuni urcoodinc In nlortraT
firlti.h tronrh Thoy wrra drlvan out
almoot Immodlatcly.
tn Albania, tba Araon I:!rar. which
rrtna woatward aero. a Central Albania
and omrtloa into th Ray of t'urano.
baa booa roa-nad by tho Aaatro-llun
aarlon yanaruarda. awcordirc to lonna.
Tba Ilulcartana hava on-apiod Klnaaaon.
an important nm In Central Albania.
Thora fcava boon no Important aventa
on tno oaatora front, but tba Kuaolana
tea I'avaaua hava occupied ono of
trto Knarum form and baa tabon
larao numbora of Turblah prlaonera.
rioaaral Turklab bat'-rla on tho Tral
buonl roaat of tho Ilia, k . hava boon
atlned by tha Kaaalan warablpa.
Kinat Ferdinand of llutsarla. Vlrnrta
raporta. baa arrived to vlait F.mpror
I r a no a Joaopb. Thta wootd Mam to
t at nauatbt recent anoffirlal report
that Kuicarta bad aaked tba entrnta
llla for a aoparat peace.
Anolber Hrltuh craUar baa met dia-
aater. Tha Arotbuaa. notrd for ber
ftchtlna qualltl'a. atruck n mine and
I believed to have boon totally
wrecked. Ton man loot their llvaa.
CHU -n
11 :
Kt-ritr.inrT tio i
tlf of w ratery la Takla) rowtlnwow aad
C I'aa t aaatrttaa Wltb) Ravwtaw
teas la lallaaatoo.
TOKIO. Jan. 1 1 Corrapondenco of
tho Axwlated lTeaa. tun Tat n.
th firal provialoaal president of China.
raportrd to bava wadded bla pri
vate aerratarr. Jkllaa llutllu. aecond
daucbtar of Sunt Chlaabu. of Canton,
who I tba chlaf accountant of th Chi
bo Itailroad Corporation at Canton.
of wblcb I'r. fur. waa ona-tlma preal-
It. tiuQ continue hi lifa of myatary
at Tokin. II and hi follow ar ara
described aa being clooaly In touch with
tb revolutionary movement In bouth-
rn Cblna.
Inr. tun llvaa In Japan nndr tb
Japanoao nam of llayaahl. II I sup
posed lo be under I ha protection of
Japanes detective lo prevant poaalbla
aoaaaainatlon by represootatlvea of tb
C'utnea monarchy movement.
Dr. Son'a Iloy lioabla.
BrRK-rXITT. Cal.. Feb.-M. (tun Bo.
son of tr. fun Tat Son. who la n alo
dent at tho Iniveraity of California.
Id today thai b did not brllav th
report that bla father bad married
aaaio. lie aald bla fatbsr would bava
nrormed him If it woro m fart. Ilo aald
hla mother atlll was llvina In China.
State Commission Commends
Superintendent Clanton for
Work at Bonneville.
" J t,nrtrr-
a.--. A HMd
"-lT IC IdMiffl.
It 1-t lfrry
Vf run m
-m T Wn
.1 rt'Td
If t,- H'mast
A T l t
Jftri lv"r!a
V mm Kfa M rJtItl
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rmv n..a j-t:i-r
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. H H jiU
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t al-Wni Vr-ft
Mft r ... H-aJUr
r.-rti. K-(toT
3f--i ic vr oT'ra
a. r
r io o-Pf-M
Maaf linH-H fTa.4Jstal
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a.' tff, W T J ty. o rtj
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frJf ifi Hm.rtTt
t-f A T' -r
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w r. M.i
l" !- . i b-eftrtt
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Vn, A MI Hirr
oai M f't'4jwrtf
r--ir K-Adat-
n bi r'V
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iti a. Pn.
II A. I-ts.
Ww It A. f att
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' a. !
M-.i t M
Urt W Ja r
I II. lAmpvaa
Orrf;cB) raonrrf uf lT
Away In Scant Ir. '
: ATTt.E. W aah, Fab. 1 1. . Special I
William A. Templeton, an Uroajon
Pioneer of tel.. died bare runday.
Mr. r Templelon was bora TO Holt
County. MiMoorl. March . Ili. Two
oars later - hla parents crosaod th
plains In an ovrart. takinc on a home
atead near flroa navllle. In Oralon.
lie freer up amont pioneers and
rrarrlnd Klla Antoinette Meeker, thtnl
ataacblor of f:ra Meeker, th famous
trail b laser. Mrs. Templeton survives
her huaband. .
In t4 Mr. Temple on waa elected a
member of tha lower lloua In the C'ra
(on lclstatur. He movasf to Sealll
la .
Mr. Templrton's surrivlnc son ara
Ray. II. f. Templeton. of Vam-ouecr.
Ytaab.: TV. C. and Uoyd TempJston. of
rirownavtllo. and Frank Templeton. a
l orttsnd rommlaaion mercbant. Charles
and Joseph, of fealtle.
Woman Ij Claim to ltatr.
Pre mature. LI be ration of 3,000.000
Tiny Salmon 1'orrcd, bat 1.S00,
000 Are Ilrportard to Mare l
raprd Alive Into Colombia.
Despite tha recent storms alone th
t 01 urn bla. tba most aevar la recen
history, the slat lost only approxl
mateiy per cent of It flab fry In tb
nafrherlea at Bonneville.
This Is the estimate of Frank M
Warren and C F. Mono, members of
th btale Fish and Oame Commission.
wbo submitlod a report on tha allu
lloa to tb whole Commission yester
uurrr (ha fry at tha hatch
ry. they say. 2.000. 00 were lost, but
of thl number fully 1.60.000 found
tbelr way. alive. Into the Columbia
river. Tb remaining iOO.OoO were
Tha Commissioners cave special
praise to K. tl. Clanton. supariotenden
of batchsrtes for bla efficient work In
preserving the flab and other stale
property at tba time of th storm.
Other Beualaeaa Traeaarled.
Th CrTtnmlsalun at yesterday's sea
lon also voted to lift the uspenalon
of John Larson, deputy fish warden a
Astoria, on March I.
on petition of sportsmen In F.astern
Oreson the Commission decided to
close Fish Lake, In tiaker County, from
November 1 to July lo, both dates in
On account of difficulty In enforcing
the lawa reatulatlnj fishing In tb fa'
ctfie Ocean within tha thr-mll limit.
th Commission will ask tb Federal
taovernment to place a buoy at a point
three miles out from tb mouth of tb
Columbia Itlver.
Report la fclvenv
The committee's report on tb Bon-
nevt.l hatcbary situation In part la as
'lionnavlll salmon Tba loss of
l.JuO.ou live flsb waa caused by tha
breaking of th flume. A couple of
the ponda gave way and emptied their
content Into th rtvar. Th fry which
war lost from the. a. pond ware of
th early hatching: good, healthy fish
from 11 to 11 grain, about ona and
one-ha.f Inches lung, aud should sur
"Utueback. 1I4 fry It waa necea
sary to liberate all of the flsb In one
of tb lower pood.
Tbl la ao loss at all to tb batch
rry. as th fish wer good and healthy
an! averaged something Ilk ZaO
'Bonneville trout fry Out or J.ioo.-
00 of various species of trout and eggs
on band, th loas ta probably about
-The brook trout on hand, although
tbay were not red at all. as the lake
waa covered with Ice. appeared to be
In first-class condition. There Is no
evidence of any los at that point.
-The way In which the batchery has
been bandied during tba storm Is
worthy of praise and commendation.
In fact. It la a wonder that all the fish
were not loot.
"Herman Creek station About S.000,
040 salmon fry were held at Herman
Creek. It Ja probable that tha loss at
this point will not run mora man
normal, in tho neighborhood of 3 per
HAI.KM. Or. Feb. 1 1. Social I
Mra. James Tracy, of Pan Francisco,
toaiay Inatltuted proceedings In the
Marlon County Frobate Court to con
test th will of tba late I'an Tracy,
who died at Fllvermn a year ago. A
tb widow of Jamea Tracjn. con
testant allottee she la th only legal
heir to th I'an Tracy estate, valued
1 ISe The wl'.l bequeathed Jt
each to Fvelrn and HjsM Nutting and
Mr. Beesle Bennett, all of Mivenon.
8. C. ricr lo Addrva ritodrnt.
ft. C. rw will make an address on
tb life or Unroln beior tn stu
dents of th Pacific fnlvrslty at For-
saa (Intra on Th-l-ad-av at 1 o rlocK
Wife of German Asks Washington
lo Intercede.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 14. Efforts ware
being mad through th State Depart
ment today by Mra. Olive Hamer StolL
of this city, to obtain tba releasa of
ber husband. Ir. K. U Utoll. who. ac
cording to a letter she received front
blm. la being detained at Edinburgh
Castle. rVotland. as a prison- of war
of tha British.
Mrs. Moll aald tbat In the letter Dr.
'toll said he was taken from the steam
er Cnlted Plate at Kirkwall. Eng.
while on bis way to Copenhagen, an
route to tlermany. Fhe declares ber
huaband haa boon In. this country 1J
year, but had not taken out naturali
sation paper. Pr. moll, she said, sailed
from New York January S. with tha
purpose of serving In th Ft4 Cross In
1'ren. li Ofrirlal Speaks of Good
leeling Shown by Americans.
PARIS. Feb, 14 A hospital train of
II rare, the gift of two wealthy
American, wa turned over today to
the French government.
Justin Godart. l.'nder-Secretary of
Mates for sanitary aervlca, referred to
numerous similar acts of sympathy on
the part of Americana.
The cars are decorated with Ameri
can and French flaga and tb Hed
Croee Insignia.
Road The Oroltn'. Claaslflod Ada.
: !
Monday's War Moves j
THE whole western fighting front 1
tb scon of eagagemeata. At some
point tba btat gias bay be a roaring
incessantly fnr day, tha Infantry have
boon engaged la hand-to-baad etrwg
g'es: grenade f'cktmg and mining op
eration hava piye.t a prominent part
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 23c at all dmccists.
U't-cixnJto ofcMcril Only
Hundreds of Dainty New
Night Gowns
At $1.00
Never Before o many styles at this
Never Before such fine materials
softest nainsook at
this price.
Never Before such exquisite models
at this price.
These delightful garments will be
a pleasant February surprise at the
They were made after our original designing and made
from a soft, fine gTade of nainsook that was especially chosen
with its wearing qualities in view.
They go on sale today for the first time. Fourth Floor
pSSA if
of U Merit CMy
A Reception A Social Gathering
Our Silt Safe Yesterday
All Portland Seemingly Attended This Event
And the Enthusiasm
The ohs, the aha, and exclamations of delight and appreciation
of the silk bargains. All was hustle and bustle from opening until
closing hour and the Silk Store hang up a new record
for Silk selling. Thousands of yards of silk were sold. Thou
sands and thousands of' yards still remain for disposal. The assort
ments are still intact.
So Come Today
We forecast an even greater response than on Monday,
for many women will see the silks that were purchased by
friends and neighbors. .
59c Yard for Fancy Silks
Fine imported Gros de Londre in beautiful pastel shades; small
jacquard patterns; print warp taffetas; new brocaded taffetas; fancy
striped taffetas, and Persian designs. 22 to 24 inches wide.
69c Yard for Cheney's Foulards
1916 patterns in the well-known Cheney Bros. shower-proof
foulards, which promise to be in great favor this season. Over 50
new designs and colors. Always sold at $1.00 the yard.
7Sc Yard for' Heavy Duchess Satin
Do not confuse this satin with messaline. as this is the best quality
of all-silk Duchess on the market today. Black and all staple colors.
Especially woven for tailors and dressmakers. Regular $1.50
98c Yard for Novelty Silks
Every color and two-tone combination imaginable such as new
stripes, new print ' warp taffetas, black and white plaids, jacquard
messalines and all width of stripes from hairlines up. Also a few
40-inch chiffon crepes in Persian designs.
fl.7S Yard for Thistledown Taffeta
Guaranteed by us to be satisfactory in every way. 40 inches
wide, soft, serviceable and washable. In light colors for under
wear, shirtwaists, dresses and linings. Similar to pussy-willow,
which sells for $2.00 to $2.50 the yard. In ivory, flesh, pink, maize,
rose, Nile, light blue, Copenhagen.' navy and black.
Most Fashionable Black Silks 79c to $1.98
Black Taffeta, 89c, 98c, fl.19, S129, f!33, $1.39,
$1.49, $1.69.
Duchess Satin, 89c, 98c, $1.19, $1J39, $1.48, $1.98. -
Black Messaline, 79c, 95c and $1.19 yard.
Black Crosgrain Silk, special $1.89 y ard Second Floor
cTMeaxKandia. oCfJ Merit Only"
F or the Second Day in This Sale
The stock was a large one in the beginning, enough, we
figured, to last through the week, even with Monday's un
precedented selling. Come today and share in this event,
for it is
A Sale of the Newest Models
in Nadia Corsets for Spring
$3.50 Nadia Corsets
Of fancy broche in flesh tint medium bust
and medium long hip and back. Also of soft
coutil with low bust and medium hip and back.
Sizes 19 to 28. Sale
$3.00 Corsets
Of fancy broche in flesh tint. Low and medium
Ions- hiDS. Some have the tree hips. Hose
suDDorters attached. Sizes 20 to 28. Also p
heavy coutil in all sizes for the medium and stout
figures. Special
$2.25 Nadia Corsets
Made of stripe poplin with medium low bust I
and slightly curved at the waistline. Hose sup-1-porters
attached. Sale '. I
$2.50 Corsets
Of double batiste with medium high bust, curve
waist, free hips. Trimmed with lace and ribbon.
Three nairssof heavy supporters attached. Sizes
19 to 26. Sale
Fourth Floor
6 75Ior5?r Aw
pman Vvoljc & &
t'Hercrvandiss of fJ Merit Only"
The Most Beautiful Embroideries
That Ever Sold for $1.25, $1.75 and $2.S0
Are Here at 49c
Did you secure your share Monday?
If not, do so today for this is the "Embroidery Sale of the
Year a sale that proves its success by the many eager cus
tomers who purchased their season's supply yesterday.
Just think of it, embroideries from 18 to 27 inches wide
at 49c a yard. Embroideries in the newest patterns. Deep
flouncings and corset-cover embroideries on Swiss, nainsook
and cambric. And skirt flouncings heavy with solid and
openwork designs on fine Swiss and voile. Baby flouncings
that are 27 inches wide, finished with hemstitching, scalloped
edges, or with rufflings. ' First Floor
c'MercKandises of J Merit Only" "
It Was Not Tulip Time in Holland
But Summer Time in Portland
All Was Spring On the Second Floor at ihe
Wash Goods Exhibit and Sale of
Luxon and Wilson Weaves
Women sensed the importance appreciated the opportunity-
and were imbued with the fact that this was an exceptional occasion
that called for their immediate attention. They responded to the
sale with more enthusiasm than any other like event ever presented
by our Wash Goods Section.
Women are all Fashion Magazine readers and we lay it to this
service that their knowledge of textile scarcity was gained.
They Came They Saw They Purchased
Today Is an Ideal Day to Select W ash Fabrics
40c New Colored Striped Organdie 29c
In white and solid grounds with cluster stripes and floral effects.
- 40 inches wide. . '
60c Silk-Mixed 36-Inch Materials 49c
Mixed stripes and figures on medium and light grounds.
68c Lace-Stripe Voiles 49c
New weaves, 36 to 40 inches wide, variety of patterns.
35c Figured Floral Voiles 25c
White grounds with figures ; also combination and colored grounds.
50c Newest Striped Rice Cloth 35c
In popular shades; also floral effects. 36 inches wide.
60c Handsome Silk-Mixed Waistings 49c
Striped effects in crepe weave, in beautiful combinations.
' -
50c New Sports Skirtings 35c
Newest thing for separate skirts, in cluster and wide stripes that
are so hard to find. 36 inches wide.
75c Striped and Plaid Voile 59c
The stripes and plaids woven in the material. 40 inches wide.
50c Silk-Mixed Crepe 39c
Most wanted colors, pink, blue, lavender, maize, for waists, dresses
and underwear. 36 inches wide.
75c Novelty Silk-Mixed Waistings 59c
With large cluster stripes in clever color combinations.
Imported Novelty Voiles 59c to $1.25 Yard
Imported direct, and first time shown, including large corded
plaids, splash voiles, lace and gabardine stripes.
Striped and Checked Organdie 50c"to $1.25 Yard
Entirely new stripes and checks, also crepe weaves. All widths
to 45 inches'. For dresses, waists, etc.
rVA.te Gabardine, 36 Inches Wide, 39c to $1.00
The scarcest and most in demand of all materials for suits and
skirts. In serge and herringbone weaves.
- White Corded Colfine 75c to $1.15
The newest thing for coats, suits and separate skirts. Medium
width cord, in good weight. 36 inches wide. Second Floor
U Merchandise of cV Merit Oi
Four New Styles in
House Dress Aprons
At 50c
Made of excellent percale in
good colors of pink, blue or lav
ender, jn light and medium shades
plain colors, in stripes or figured
Envelope style, which fastens from the neck to under
the arm, belted all around.
Middy effect, which slips on over the head and laces
in the front, has sailor collar and kimono sleeves.
Another model fastens down the side front, belted
all around, has kimono sleeves, slips over the head.
The fourth model opens in the back and made with
fitted front, and belt across the back. Fourth Floor
I aa
niy rt
, ' J" Merchandise of cj Merit Only"
A Remarkable Opportunity
For the Purchase of
Pure Thread Silk Stockings
Qualities That Regularly Sell From $ 1.50 to $2
This is an unheard-of
price for silk hosiery of
this superior quality. Yet
we have been able to se
cure 2000 pairs to sell at
this price.
You will find them in
various weights from sheer
to extra heavy with silk
tops and silk soles also
with lisle soles.
Tn Klarlc white, tan.
bronze and many desirable colors and evening shades.
No phone orders, approvals or exchanges will be
granted in this sale. First Floor
Luxurious Glove Silk Undearwear
At These Exceptional Prices
$279 for $3.50 to $5.00 Vests and Bloomers.
Cjq or for $6.00 to $7.00 Union Suits and Combin
PJijkJ tions. First Flo