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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1916)
THE jrORXTXG OTtEGOXIAX. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 191G. PRESIDENT WILSON'S GRANDDAUGHTER JIAS HER SLEEPING QUARTERS EM WINDOW CRIB. REPRIMAND - GIVEN INFANTRY OFFICER Sto Opens ' t0T .es , m-- Phone: siarthaS'sosa The Most in Value, fW Best in Quality A 2112 j 1 " . i : ;i v. 'i " --.''-v., s.vs " .! j Second Lieutenant Taintor Is Confined to Vancouver Bar racks for Six Months. Goods That Will Arouse Quick Interest DRUNKENNESS IS CHARGED i.frlolr. A hn Wntm 4 imnilln la ArMi. loaixl .allt 4Harge af Vbalnt frit lU-s- al rlo;toe t lab ttrrr. S Tl M" I f. I - .efel -,rna4 Uilunt Hei-old ft Tatnlof". af ! Twenty -nr InfeBtr. an of"-r -It fcn-wi here, and w. w ap fioire.d ta tha refrirTii.i.-re.4 per.onn.l I Jkrmr frana la ITi'pur. vta e aceclal art ef Contreea In, ltl has receive M .s-rtr aer- I-a-ans Ve ; a. rl J franklin a the ra'tl af the -n-r.l court. r--tIt that ra.:nt'r eJB.nel al Van. .a''!" Harroclaa la rooi!f rnaria m4 esaiital Taiotoe. T;no.-' a , T"nj oENf thing. !4 ef "enlsririg aad l-akin ad-v.nfes'- af In- prlIIce-. sf the Ar luit. 'luS. of IVirtiaaa" of whB rU k- waa a mamaer. a a nl nt;tl"l a tha rii! of the eluh, hit in w"l.n institution he a'arn'd "nits' far p"jf-r.aee and failed fa pl .Mao T""'"' we. acia'd of iwm at -an a la a t"b'te pto.-e In fort In n1 ' di.l f'm et.t-e.lve trlntn ef infoai. -sting liqjor.. rnl'f hlmwlf aaf.t f -r military dutl.a."" (Jew Ibt U ratal, f tno ac i1'-a'or inai Titni .. lr.pia.-a af in privilege af In ,i! ..-t'tn I 'Wo wh.n ha woa Pol . n t-M'-f rn d the rnr-lrr!ul found lh Uyi.nni Jl. but "attached aa rminIi' thereto " Me a found of g ultv an tea M'C f a.llo la pi .Mt.' at na i jb affrr h" bed . tn4 tbm. lie was lo -ind guilty " t',- rM'- of In t a 1 1, all n ( ii-if-r 1 1 s'l.-h an Html that ran J. r. ) klrr-jrlf 'inll for hl military 4 if lr In acri-ain t .an'ra'a that Ti- nlhnril.o ar 1 I1 ba r..nfln-l In : loi' 'f "a IM Ka r' fnr it mn(n. Iiaarl a Jiinttrr. lhi rlMn rTft" mntl. 'ta t fir4oir.c af .ron4 Li- il-nanl Harol.1 II. Tmlntor lh ! In. i i prntfil A court of hi f -I-r, .m r Mm aranllr-c la tha I nf H r'.- ha r l rivJr ah-n. at hi jinll -nation. Iha lirtr. tnant ri4 a aeartal ttaiula alloa-ln- .'n l tioH a eTimialoo la ll f itr Armya bo4y rf effi'-r. rw raUkaTat lllalaa. -Tha oainawant l fx limlta m .t.rutad at atatloo of Ma or- mut!rif. an4 II la atpart.f that f a' will ha a aharp nnnfidrr of Iha - fo uu at hia falira la bjI lb i.nUftnal of ha p.--vic h- aaa o t itilrr It la I fc I T hat a atlU mora bittr aisarlarxa la alora for U4l ajnt TaiBtor Jf ha diariaa"- Xon af IM oo." T.noi- waa a prlala anJ Corporal tn latl--r an4 n4 llal'alloa Jar. aat-Vialar of tha Thirt llaUt Arttl-l-ry from iKtNar II. lI. aalil fta-k-r I. !!. Oa War V. 111. ha ha . rr a 5aon Liglnol la lh fMiirp'B. Vmn ajni. h comtnll" a 14 ti4 a h ' n J- a remmmmMd a tha racilar aaraa. Mimr of Iha A rtmK'nn CluK m ": l a ftht'in luh for roaa at .n.l rr lr-t .. d t not a-m na art4 un r aftal jtmni Talnmr la t ciri-iiro'UIK'f .1 l?a rtix It - w.. r.laln.l ( i( tftal ha doiM tnMirH rT a i haa haaa of Iha tl'4k a aa4 miU on ' aaa r llai In ; nairNr ar ha ra'jM -rat4 IKa prtt'aa ! a ohiainr ti-ror Ft l nn.lftol lhal h p-tvr:Ca tty f4ilmc t1 m-t Ma a-fiftr Inara. a.. aa artA-haa of tha rlah f-outd iait4 Ina pta--a Tx-ol art lal Blast, fa l an.'f a fa tlmaa. OFFICERS DENY SMUGGLING mlillns CM- Tk-ad. w rnoafi" . u im- w. rtioa afTW Wila aa4 amptoraa plaad 4 not c!tr o-1 aihaa arralna4 aa r4r IndlcimasH rhrlBC a coo apirav, to imufll ll thta p.-.-r. Cuuaaal for tha mu praaata4 a ti!.mrl ahoarin f"a.t Iha man wara at earat4 rarant.r of iri:r rharcr. affr an inrti-lloi hy tha tapart man! af Cnmmarva. Taariiy-aaiaa parana lf h'l wara !n i. t4 in coonf'V wim Iha ai;aaa4 fintgirur, which waa aai4 to fcaa rantrra.t ol tha 4oirr of l maa on Iha prif!- Mail ilmr Vnn:a laat TatL Tha oth-r la l iHa.J offiar of tha Worlol a. ri. ara aecoad ara . T. Boyca. 4apt comr:iloer; Jo.'h X. "tran't Inapaclor. rr. !. Inaparior; W. f. ularnJaBnlna". Intarpratar; aa4 two wat.-hmaa. U J. 'Tilth aa4 I ald T. CraMn. r.rllMi Hold Soalh Amrrhran Iall. 1iXfiOX. Tab. 11. X Rautar 41a ratrh from Tha Hjtua r tha fo'jth Amart-an tr.all on hcarH tha t'utch taa.-nar tJairla. whlofc aaH4 from Am .'.rCarn rrruar1 3 for Buaaoa Alraa. t, h--n rf-fiin. al fal-noMth. liATURE WILL CURE CONSTIPATION Al aNa wa a w- . C.ata m ca-jad ha "."T? aW oar praara aval af . . caaao ataiy itam wtthaat ts hiaa4 eralara . a4 aiaaa aa ha faal. - a4 r""t"7""" ar. T BKh 4 !"-4 P l.n taa t. la Htrraal '-t anta W ra "J" a aa-laci! aarwal aa4 raiwaai at J tha - a4 -ooa J mi fc aaaanI aaa aa aa Wr a parfact.T knMv coa.twa. . JTBnab.- aawcaaWul aa I aa-w aat-Bfaa aa.a M a ' !- b' . aa4 aaat. T, -I I. Of..!." I. .Hoa, h-"l. a Ca.-a lr v. m Pw!a4. I 1 4 rU.a ia .arply M .aa.piIa.a laaaa " a iaau ia w4 art nal ' . . i : J .1 . t , I I I w - 1 a I INI H r-.- J, ! (fsl' 1 m Li ; i' : '3i''P!t II ?f J I- ' tiiiEfi. . Jr-.-Jftii.-- lit v'!:-. !' B n V . WJ . -, .... . , it t am mm .m VIPM J' ' 7"T 14..,. r.m W,,-n McAd-p who ttlrn. t. bam rr.rH a, a -frrah-alr VcAd-o apartmaat In W.,hl-.or. Ih. II auy b- a-UB put fro.a a -'"ow. zz.:: ryx:: RHOEIff ETHICS OP Ex-Business Associate to Give Adverse Testimony. RIVAL COMPANY DEFENDED Pn t) I ! Ilrarlnc lata ouiliilln for haprrair Court Jm-iirr- 1VIII IVo riraanr.l TfMlay hy Srnatct Ja-Uir-lary ab-f'iMiinilllrc. v.5iin;t"s. rb. 11. rubMc in- t'4ry Ifito tha romlaatlon of tula D. Hrandri. to tha s iprraa r0urt of tha I ritrd rttatca will ba rcaumad tomor row hr ta J'4-liclary ab-omrnllta of tha rntl'. t tha wltBO.a aland will ba afftrtaia of tha tnllad fhoa Ma rhin.rr I'ornpahr. with whirfi Mr. Iirndrla formariy wa alat4 41-ra-ir aed arartaral counal -i W . M in.inw. of tha I'Bitad Mioa frhinary l'oD:pan. who w ubrruil. notl(l4 Iha ub-com-mitia nfii i hat ha would ba pr-ct-Taatin-.ooy w:i b- wutH racardiBk rh.ra.. of "tirathlfaj coodact on tha part uf Mr. Ilrandcla fn tia ra'alloca with thia company to Iha effect tliat. aftac ar,m aa atloraay ahd director of iha con.pan. h withdraw and lalar act4 a. for a.aroup of inaau- farturara la a ault acatnl tea com pany a aa unlawful truat. Mr. Bran d'l raaia-fiad aa diracior of iha com pany In l-acmbar. . and retired aa Ita coanaal In January. l07. la 111 ha tpiwarrd aa rnumrl for tha Phoa Manufacturara Al'tanca la a ault acttn.t tha corrpaoy. It la iKild. wltnaaa will oa called In defan.a of Mr. tlrandrla. whoaa taatimony will ba dalned to prora that Mr. withdraw from tha l'ntt'4 Shoe Machloary Company ba cau.a ef aoma of V builnea method It had adopted POISON PLOT IS WIDE .inf"pqH f-"- fH- Plf. ) ter aaid: Thia bomb wtil aend up any prle.t or any olber raligloua man who la out fr a good time on tha fat of Iha UnJ and tha fat of tha people. It would blow on of tb-ee men to atoma " t-atacttTa Idrcto aald tha latter alao referred to tha manner In which a Catholic prleat could ba deatroyed by au-h a bomb. Pet.ctlvra headed by Sergeant Mike MUIa detailed at the office of Deputy rVhsettlar renewed their aearch for anarrhl.ta who may throw light on the wb'rrabout of Cronea. Tha pollea today learned where Cronea obtalnej enough araenle to kill of tha guaata at tha Arrhblehop Mundelein dinner al tha I'nlveralty Club. Broth Tklaaed After Chef Leave. Cronea purchaard an ounca. or 40 iralB. of araenle from the Oroebel In strument Comrany. of Carbondale. Pa. Thia corr.pany la managed In connection with Iha International Corre.pondence --hao!. of which Cronea waa a etudant TR ounca of areertlc waa aent lo Cronea on January I. Two grain of araenle la enough t kll a paraon. Thoa the arain In tha ounca would eufflce to hill :0 paraon. If Cronea put tha grains of araenle in tha rhickVn eoup he prohably thought he would eucceed In killing the ! (tteat orlsina ly Invited lo the ban quet. But after Cronea left the club kitchen .w. .n..ra of tha dinner aent word that there would b extra gueat. r -"7 r L..A u n- I I I .' WJ' ''BWWJLI.l.l.g l'hoto copyrmni oy winoe". LOWIII ltRT-tHAWKD PICTfRK Of THE CRJB. fatW J. - M .par f "w.noowor th"n baby. In Iha . i.r .l.rol n anir tara. Tha crib la ao conatructed that '"d' A'a to ll in fr.h air without tha con.tant tha ch''4 bn;0r;,b d,ar. ,Ph.t t particularly adapted to ::v:ndhV:T.hfu,. p,.c .r, U'alar waa then ad.led to Iha iioup. Thl thlnnlna; of tha broth probably ad tha Uvea of all prant. In their aaarch for Cronea tha pollca turned their attantlon to Mr. Sophia Hreacl. anarchlat leader and widow of tha aajiaaain f tha into King Humbert of Italy. , . Cronea and Mra. Bread ara reported tn tiava dl.appeared ahortly after the affair of ninht. They were reported aaan In M. Faul Sunday. Chief llaUy at ont raquoted tha t-t- raul authorltlea to aearch for tha pair. l-apara found today connert Cronea with Mra. Dread for a period of throe or mora yeara. Mra. Hreacl la known lo ba an anarchlat Bent. for a while Cronea llred at Mra. llreed'a home, then at Varnon Tark plac and Fhollo rlraet. Hrrrral weeka aito. however. Iha widow of the regicide moed to St l-aul. fnaUff-eaaful effort were trial" by Iha police to find thn plant It an ninhui publication ihrough which they hcllered Ibry nilsht catabliah that Cronea waa allied with a world group of anarchlata which had plotted vlulenca la Kurope. rallar la Calarada Slim. It waa eald the letter taken by do tectlvce from All'grlnl'a room rare ertdaaca of an unaucreaafut attempt to atlr sp an anarrblatlc movement among tha Italian mtneworkera In Colorado. Una letter algned "Allrgrtnl" and dat-4 Kail da. Colo, April 17. 191i. read la part: "Head your lajt communication and learn that you ara aeeklng lo Intenaify the propacanda In t ' Kven I hera am making every effort lo organ lie a group, but tha Italian element here la compoaed of tbo.e claeaea which are aubj-ct to all prejudlrea and auper atltlana. and. for thta fiion. tha ele ment la aa arid aa ara tho.e mountalna of rock and eand. Hut 1 do not dcxpalr of aucree." It I not known to whom tha letter waa Bent. Senators Vigilant to Make District of Columbia Dry. Mr. Jaaea aa4 Mr kkeppar4. Ardent PrablbltlaaUta. tver Pmeat ta hera Hill aa senate aleagar. 0KEOONIAN NEWS Bl'RBAU. Waah Ington. Keb. 14. Senator Jonas, of Washington, la more constant In bis at tendance In the Senate than any other member of that body, except Senator Hheppard. of Texas. And there's a rea son. Both are members of the District of Columbia committee, ara enthusias tic advocates of prohibition end ar sponsors for a bill to make the Na tional capital dry November 1. Knowing their bill would meet with certain opposition. they played a clever trick on the district committee. mmA Iha first rtav of tha committee's session, w nen intra was onreiy a quor um presem. mrr rvponea out me oia- Irlct dry bill. They bad notified the "dry a" on the committee to be on hand and It I now on the Senate calendar. Hut when that bill was reported Sen ator Jones and Senator Sheppard laid for they discovered there waa a strong sentiment in toe ranaia oi reierring me bill back to the committee with In structions to bold bearings, get a line on local sentiment In Washington and In artva soma considers! Ion to tha peopl most affected. If tha bill once goes hack to the committee It may have difficulty agafn reported. Colonel llouar) at London. UOStOS. Feb. 14. Colonel R. iL ITntisa PVeatdent Wllaon'a naraonal ran reaentativa. spent the week-end In Lon don meeting varioua prominent per son, among whom was at least one cabinet minister. Ta Car A Cel4 la One Day. T.k. i iTiTivr nnosn onxiNI Tsniats t rsaa ft. r.fuad anon.. If It fsl.s to cars, O. W. taawVK a a asaiar ta aa each aaa. Sa. -i-Tl i gat, a. ... . . . s aaa a .- ..,. n ana, I I I ENVOY SEEKS LEAVE Colombian Minister Sees Like lihood of Treaty Rejection. SENATE DECISION AWAITED Julio IWlancoort teajra Concrnion of Intfrnallonal Question of Grave Moment Into Party Jwiue! It Scrioua Mistake. I iv a Kill sr. TON. Feb. H. RecognU- . ., neohahiiltv that the pending 1 1 a v " - i . treaty between the Cnlted Ptatea and hla country will not ba rauiiea oy ma Feruite In Ha original form. Julio Bet- iha r-oiomhian Mlnlaler. baa aaked rila government for a leava of i. t m m v niMnrinn. It la underatood he will area: perma- Jccted or If the Ssenato accepts Ita foreign relation committee a anienu . i i l. inAmnlra foe the .i.lo- of Panama from KS. 000.000 to Ili.000.4ro0 and matting tn opra iion of regret mutual. r ...tamani lAnirht Mr. Bctan- ... ..r.rr.H to iha utitr of hla health. . , which he aal-l mauo it navaapiarj' l him to leava aanington. I am onlv waltlnir. na aaia. to This motorist states a a a a a 7 tically all wno use z,eroienc. That's because Zerolene is scientifically re fined from asphalt-base crude. Zerolene that goes into the explosion chamber doesn't "bresk op" into gummy, carbon-forming deposits, but after complet ing its ernci-nt work, is contumed and passes out on exhaust. Next time you empty the crank-case, refill with Zerolene. Stnd for famfihlet "Motor-CylinJer Lubrication" by Lieut, trjtu, U. S. A'., gtvernmeut expert. $ Standard Oil Company (California) Portland a a aa Ja ' tk 1 a P 1 the Standard Oil for Motor Cars Dealers everywhere and at our Service Stations Use Red Crown, the Gasoline of Quality An Attractive Showing of In view nf tha Bcarcifv of dye atuffs and raw silks this advance showinf; of New Spring Silks in, we think, well worthy to be classed as "an event," for it is more comprehensive than our most ambitious attempt during- the past ten years. While America is, " course, right royally rep- PMenten vat foreifirn ailks ; n naw il..imf and distinctive ready in a profusion of beautiful patterns and rnlnrine-a. No advance in prices is re corded, despite the war abroad. Come Profit by New Swiss Taffetas at .S1.50 Yard America's finest and most wanted siiv trard-tt'ide nure-silk Taffeta of beautiful Swiss finish, shown in both plain colors and in change able effects. An unmatchable silk, at, yard $1.50 New Tub Silks at 75c Yard 32-inch Tub Silks, shown in neat anlorod-ctrine stvles on white ground silks of fast color that make up beautifully a special I value at, yard 730 Yard-Wide Solid Col. Silk Poplins 75c Yd. A complete new line of Silk Poplins in 36-inch width; shown in all wanted colors as well as in black and in white- silk of unequaled quality at, a yard. knn the decision of the Senate on the pendlns; treaty in oraer m "I-, k report ' act,on to my ";?.V!,'n?. wb7cPh will put before the ColombUn Congress the treaty with amendmenta may be made to It that 1, If It Is not approved wth1oui1"8e as my government expects It will De. "I sea with great concern the con version into a party question of an in ternational l-vue which ought to be regarded as one of continental Import ance, considering the state of -"-rs In the world today. There are pow erful reasona which should urge the solid union of all the nations of this continent as the most effective way to Insure the future peace and prosperity of America." , Efforts of the Roosevet. Taft and Wllaon admlnlntretlone to aettle the controveray with Colombia were cited by the Minister to prove that no ques tion of party was involved. "Could this question be settled r popular vote In the United States, he added. "I feel quite aure that It would be decided in favor of Colombia. There are proofs In this legation of tb strong leaning of the most Important commer cial and Industrial concerns of this great country in favor of the treaty. 1 have received a great many letters to hla effect." Aberdeen Merchants Victims. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 14 (Spe cial.) Fiv bogus checks, each for .7 vera nascd ori Aberdeen mer chants Saturday night by a stranger rho gave different names. in eatu ase he bought small quantities of oods. 1 e Lels County Bar Banquets. ftifUITTa W..h Feh- 14. (SDC- V Ill.ll.-Hll.-, . . ........ - - . ial.) Th annual banquet of the Iewis i. County Bar Association was attenaea by about IS members of the organlxa- k 1 " "After driving more than 10,000 mile, I couldn't find enough carbon to fill the hol low of your hand." the experience of prac- T3 rv ft "aV Jl W B) "a. C . a. m J 3 AX weaves are an Early Selection New Check Silks $1.25 and 31.50 Two splendid new lines of the ever-fashionable black and white checked Silks Taffetas, Louis iennes and other weaves in stand ard qualities and 36 inches wide at $1.25 and $1.50. Stripe Tub Silks at 31,00 Yard Rich Satin Stripe Tub Silks in 32 inch width, shown in dainty and exquisite color combinations. A quality sold elsewhere at $1.25, priced here at $1.00 . Arrow tion. Several novel and interesting nmi-i. j ... ........... "stunts" were put on by those In evening w ....w Charge John M. Ponder was tolnlJcHenoerson; . - W .jii4..nrin -r-7n-M""'",JWMH Eo i a gawJBBBBBP , giiigiii jrlJ?t ' : ! a I a r i i t I ! -i o mi AT i FOR 25 CENTS EQUAL IN LAUNDRY FINISH AND GENERAL APPEARANCE THE HIGHEST COST IMPORTED ARTICLE CLUETT. PEABODY cj CO., INC. MAKERS The New Wash Goods KIMONO CREPES AT 20 YD. The most extensive vari ety of styles and colorings we have ever shown. NEW REPPLETTES AT 15f YD. A wash fabric that needs no ironing; comes in stripe and check styles. DRESS GINGHAMS AT 12V6t The best standard quality in hundreds of stylos, stripes, checks, plaids, etc. DEVONSHIRE CLOTH T 220 YD. All desirable styles in light, medium and dark col ors washes perfectly. SCOTCH ZEPHYRS AT 25f YD. N eat plaid styles, checks, stripes and rlain col ors. All new goods. NEW PERCALES AT 150 Y'D. About 200 different styles in light and dark colors. Best quality. Open Work and Bordered Scrims 19c Yd. A special underpriced sale of Curtain Scrims shown in open work and bordered styles in white, cream and ecru a qual ity regularly sold at "I Q . . . av w Safety, Convenience, Appearance these are the essential re quirements of the prosperous attorney and of municipal offices, in caring for legal docu- ments briefs, contracts, records and correspondence. These essentials, developed in the highest degree, account for the extensive use, in big lecal offices and municipal buildings, of t-i r e I I lw I I v.Se. a vara. IS0W ' I IU ' " " " SL 1 i1ir-i7ri-- nf the A ne cnoice ui 1JIPMENT Big Business -J:c,.,Wt J.CCI IJOlJ . J interiors forthe private office, upright and horizontal cabi nets, wood or steel, fitted with any and every convenience and adapted to any office, large or small we carry them all in stock. Call, write or phone for catalog. . The J. K. Gill Co. Booksellers, Stationers and Office Outfitters Third and Alder GOTHIC Collar V