Till: MORXIXO OKEGONIAN. TI KSDAY, FKIJKUAKY 13, .1916. 12 FRED DERRICK SOLD; GARISGH IS LET OUT Beavers Arc Clear of "Dead Timber and Almost Ready for Camp. LIST IS NOT QUITE FULL Oatrirl.W ib4 Plu-twr .rr Marly to fw A.llrj IWtnrf Tralalnr ISa Hllrb Work Ivral 1"T Smharaa. rr r.oon tatvcftt. .,:. ,ni and eUettor war a tout welcome tafcolc plarue around trie roriland Coast Uf H haadiaartar. It waa W. W. M.-erede'a bui. eoatrart-malltnc dT and fc "ade a bi arterwoon of It. H.ailri natlina- eontrne'a to all of ki. an.im-d dimon.l star, tb Port land mnal- c.oead aJ for trie aala of .! partua. flrat tmo, to Ulrntlftflia A 1a.. da" of the rwutnern Laua. and formally d;av Boaed af OB" fcoMout ht raieasing; out rust trtd Cariara. catca-r. Rmm Malta r Way. T--. rfi II rf-r-toD. waa maitad a rel.ae- laat rldy. but V. W. MrVTadla kept fe to Himself until vester- day. t...irk-. aale to 'rmlnaaro waa aa outruhl altalr. I'or " Wait . !! Baa ba-a trylo to pedd.e ie,-a la a trad for Meuaal. out fielder, but rUrmloa-ham finally turned k:m dowa and ta aale to. ."""- Portland etu la now elear of all the ao-ealled "dead umoer. It baa a a a atraaooua houaa-clanina" 6 ..i no.t tftorouah. involvm aura tra aa Hal.e aad Covalesaia and each f.-..r att:i!a aa Iav!a. ani Kmm. Writ-. Cartiaie. :aoa a la-her. Bhraeaea wtr Head? faaa. Mth tha adittion poattty of another itfiak.lr and pitcher, the Ilaavara ara r.ady for "Erna" ramp. Ft'lder Jone baa rtentv of niehrs under him at st Uula ill Walt M-Oodla fiaires It li bo a rtaca to obtaia plenty of a-ood la artlata If ba finds tola preeent rr?a balow par. Ha may al rra a tro4 cat'bar abojl cam?-6raim tlwa. fwt af tho yutara en tha Tort- land rotr already Inkad t.ialr rentra-ta. aa It waa not tar to wa.fa mora atamra oa tham. I n.Kii.d acMtaa ara: ihr. Noroa. hthorva. Ward !p. fi'impt. Joulb worth. Who. Vauiftn. llo.U'kT and .Niton. MkMa ftaal tlaa intra 5oma liftla bitra already baa ar:o btaian ta o-al maanat.a and Allan p.t oroo, tba tt. Louia p.t. hr. Ar ctftint to J'Jdao M"rdia. ha offral fintnoron It'i mora thaa ha waa rr rrtrina' front ft. L4ua. ! Hothoroa llraph'i buk a demand for an la rM af t4ia or bla ana jor Iracua Cfrrt will not wavta mx-b tima orar m. aai.t trraldal M.Cradia. -If h tioa t want t" roma at t'oaat Laairua ari. ba ran atr la tha lul." Aotioroa la a "" fallow. IX yaara old. acl ia MUforl U. A-rotd- na? t Samurl sm:th. aportina: alitor of tho Wh i-.iu lcia. Joi.mron i. a alocky tad and a "ol bactar and fl'ldrr. Ha waa ta4 aa pm.b blttar oa numrroua vmIou laxt ar at W if Mia. ila ana a paulinr aid-arm dal ry. fothoroa apaU'd bla aatna utbara laat ar. bat orllrncly thia waa not rorratt for ha awttrhad to Sothoron aa aoa aa St. Louia puld bira back to tia b.f lima. Irxxi; TDMS TITI.K ruv o Thrry I nlrantaUIn I'larra la llnnnii Ilcforw Srml-Ilnala. NKW TrHK. l ab. li. Tbraa matehaa ruld trdy aa tha pUrra won tbalr plaraa In tha round bforo tb aaml f'nala of tba National Indoor tranla rhaaiplon.hi hr. W. C. Ormnt. Oor Klrc. A. II Mann. Jr.. IT. A. W. att. W". M. W aahburn anI O. A. Walkar. Jr. ram throucb to atand wttb K. Llodlay Murray, who adtanrrd to tha round on f-iturJjy ''.rant, flra tlnaa hoM-r of tba hon or, racurnad t hta old form, drfaat lie K Howard Voahall. of Hrooklya. T-i. i-T. Kin, tha Columbia I'nl- rity champion. pUyxl with rn.ny aad bla ft ccntruta.1 to tha dowa fall of tiaora O. W asnar. tha fluffalo atar. at f-4. 1 Mana. formar Tata captain. arnvr4 too T..ojrrf'il for It t Tarhrr. Harvard. iwd and won at 1 :-. t-7. ATOISI. lirJT.lTS CUirsKAVIL Lower i:irr IVall Towrr tarry Off Honor. If it It. C1Tj.K.XIK. Or. rb. I u i .-rv'-Ciai 1 n tha raataat and moat Inlrr- itm in plyd In tho lower J u m o r Kiy.r I.aua thi aaaaoa. tho ACon liUb ! hool qu:n'.rt dafCcrd tha total tiy hare Kxurtlay avantne. l-t. Tha oma. whl-b waa haru f 'uaht from atart to fiBta. waa playad b-for tha larcaal crowd of tba aon. ahout 2" fana balna In attanUanra. uf tha about 1') w.ra Attoria reotora, who acrompanlr t tha tram bra. Tha Clataaaaia p;yra led at th of tba fir.t haif. l i Sima waa ailr tha tar of tb cm f-r tiio doaa rur acrccatlon. whtla i; rtn ant I. Van played a whirl wtad tn f r tha loara. sior ri-w ;oz.ga Uhin;lna Mltr and Idaho .Mo to Ho lr on Toar. Ml. fl. Mont, rh. II lrr'al) Tha I'ntrrraity of Montana baakrt ball tram will ma t Rodmii L'nlerity In rptikiiM tomorrow n:ittt. for th ffrt of a arrla. af two fm.a. lu-for r"Brninf to JlinnuX Montana all n-t Washington jitata Coi.'f la fu'.l ma. and tha I nliarltjr of Idaho la r ..-ow. Montana ptar-1 Wajihlnctoa State rol!aaa la Mnaoula laat wa. nt tha ftrat Kama by a acora of 3i to J I. mr1 woa tho eacoad amo by a a-or of ji to both (tmi wer hotiy coa- t-l-L ST. I.OriS MIKS 'TIOVUS 57diratf la rColaiinc for Tar rftaac of IUII Clab. ST. LtI.. Fb II Ncotlallona for the porchaao of tba St. Louie .National fcy a loral ri.tkt ara balnc Con d ctl by a local ralty flrm. a'cordlnT r y ma aoaoua-mit lo-y by Henry It Wcl.'l. a mamber of tha ilrm. Mr. H'll a H that tha necotla tiena tartd with a proportion by tba VTad.cat to buy tba real eatalo ho d of tha club. for hia property t 1 '.. waa offered. Mra. .'hurlr Uriuen. hweer. waa unwllhnc to a II tha real ate ho! I ns only. Mr. Urtttoa aehrd l4".ea for.tb.e rltifc and It realtv tioMinc. Tt local tndl'-ate rnreented by tha real eatata Arm li n:in( to par I";".. Tner l h aeaoiitiona etand todar. Mr. Welaala would not dnwlnsa the nmi of the m'D la tha arndtrata. but i;rpi conn4-ar that lb deaJ would CO IhtoJih. . nskr.TllI.L lT:itlT KF.KN Kare la t.raj Harbor Irajrne Ia Clooe With Tlirrc? Trama nnnrlMHl. Arirr.nKr". h. b. n 5p. rlaL Keen Inlaroat In basketball la brmc ahowa hre. Intrrat cntartnar In tha samee of tha a;raya Uartor Ivaakal ball lagu. whlr-h la composed of Abar'laan and Hoqulam rlul. Mooeo el'ten, of Abard'an. until laat week, waa undrfaatad. but waa beaten by tha Naval Militia, of Abrrdaan. and th Moqulam T. l. 1. A.. o thaao thrao Allaa Heikaraa. iee r art Lead Hlahl-llaad ntrhar, Vt ho la Moeklaa- at aa tract. team now ara nark and neck In tha rare for tha Incut l-a.-rMp. Th Aberdeen and Hoqulam ITIarh A-hout aro to meet In aetrral aamra In tb near future. BALL PRACTICE BEGINS 1 tunr. BRif. oit rrRK or AriRtNTa at t)Hi:.o. tark IWaaek Will Pal a.aad Tbrwaaa l.lskl Work far r 1f I a per f laaaaara Try Oat. lNIVERSITT or Ol:K-;oN. Euceno, IV b. II I5perlat. With th advent of th firet rral baeeball weather to day between 10 ar.4 2i aaplrant for tb !! unlvralty nln bruahrd th cobweb off their uil. cot out ball and ajloy and after a little battlnc rrlntrd around th diamond and par- formed tarloiu atunta to atl-fy Urn- purariiy their ancuieh for th Kama. Coacn llajjrh had dealcnated a little niuor work for today when he aent out hi call, but all th better waa tha warm outdoor, -flay ball whll th oa ehlne waa tha alocan. and th coa'h made hi inatrwcllona brief. ia- warned hi ol 1 men. 11 of whom are after tba pu. her'a Job. not to try to throw any curvee today. Th atuad waa aant out upon th old dia mond oa th lower corner of tho ca m p u. th acena of man y brilliant battlea la th paat. Th entire weak will be ured la )tit Kettln limbered up. Uoet of th man out thta afternoon wer upper-clamera who will try to wla resular place on tha team. Many free h men hare aicned and will com In Iron a- for net year. To that ond Iiri4ek will roach them rtsht alone with th varalty. Xurreea Ilea with th work or tha old men in col'ec and eurh new ona that ara not freahmen. for th green carper are ruled out thla year. Mora than 44 aro expected to Join th aiuad thla weak. Th Inter-claea basketball aerlee la endlnc. and thla will put mre anplranta on tha field. Tba freahmen eoon will ba placed acalnet tha reculara In practlc fame. CUTLER EXPECTS HATCH D:i. to ii:rT fiort n- tTr.t VICTOR i:RLV Mr Walter Miller la Da Prellaalaary Trala lag la Mi Fraa4aew la t'aew O'laaaell Here. Word received yeterday from Cnartey Cutler and Walter .Miller, th wreatlera who are In San Francisco, la to tha ffct that Cutler baa prac tically cloaed a match for March with th winner of the Gotrh-Santel match, which take place at !in Francisco tr'rbruary ii. Culler and Miller received th eour te.y of the Olympic Club In fn Fran rlaco through KJdie t;rane. th well known refer', and a III do their train ing there. They aay that th weather I the be.t ever down there and that Vllll-r la wearing a b'ummer aull of clothes. Miller will do hla preliminary train ing at the Olympic Club for his cham pionship match on February 2 9 here with Kddie OConnrIL I ndr tha term of th contract be tween GU'h and Kaniel for their mat. h al ian Franctaco February 13. tintrh la to throw tha German twice In one hour. The same pair bsve met twice on previous occaeton. In 1 hicago. back In 14 when Gotrh waa at the top of hla form and fantel Just a-coming. the champion threw Ad within the li minute limit. A fw month later they were signed for a 5-mlnute match, but Gotrh fail'd to move a fall over bia opponent. hantr) has Improved since that time and figurce that he haa a chance of making a great showing. a, swi.nisii h:am miaixiixgks Football .rlatlon Tram Offer to (one llrrr. PTOCKllOlJa. F-b. II The Swedlxh Football A-utce latlon haa Invited the Am-rl.an Foothall Asaociatlon to play a match In rweden pen Summ-r. If IMa ta Impoeaible a rwedleh football team will go to tha I'nlted estates, ac companied by an athletic team. Ira Nelson Morris, tha Amerlccn Mmtnter to wedrn. In a statement In a btockholm newspaper, etprrsaed en thusiasm over the prospec ts of an ath letic meeting between the associations of Fweden and tba aseoclattona of America. ' Hutch" llrandl to l lclit llrrc. Charley ("Iut.h" llrandt. a New Tork llchtwrlfht under the manage- ant of W I'l Ijsd'lla. of tha four La- d-lia'. comedians at the Kmpre.a Th-- tr thla wrk. wi'l be In Portland for a mat. n with some of the local light weigbts in the near future. LAD, DEFYING ALL, TO UNMASK IF BEATB Howard Is Sure He Will Land Protege In New York With String of Victories. WILLARD IS CHALLENGED Xo Limit U S-t lo Wrlctit and All Comer Will IW Met lit icartllcwa of Tlwlr Kipcrlrnr. Itrmrr IVwIarrd In l"jut. Can Jack Dillon or Mike Gibbona un maak tha -maaked maryeir ham Howard, who waa In Portland on., time ao with Frank Kartnor. the numnor. Waah.. Ilaht - heavyweight. want to know. arn la at prcaent In ran lanclco aeeklnir matchea for hla myatrrlou protese. Ho aaya that tne fishier will reveal bla Identity If he la defeated. Acrordlna- to Howard, tha maaked lad la a mUllonalrw tlmberman'a ion and la from Portland. Or. He aaya that he la a a-reat boxer and la wllllna; to take on anybody In the ring, weight or repu ration not counting. . It la Howard a Intention to atart hla protege otf In Man rranclaco ana worn hla ay back to New York, which city ha confident r expacta lo reacn unae feated and with a record of vlctorlea to hla creJIL I akaowa riskier eUa 1CM. Tha unknown fighter weigh la potircle. Hla dlagulao coneieta of a thin ruhixr muk. which he will wear In public at all time until he meeta defea In -the ring, when he promlaea to re move 1'ia maxk. Howard aaja'that the unnaklng will aurprlao many people, but Inalata that the) eklll of hla protrge wtll make th data a dintant one. He la willing m hnt nv man In San FrnnWaco. eape el. Me rhooimr Bob McAUIvter and Charlie Miller. a loiter written on an elaborate let ter head and Incloeed In an envelop Portraying the "marvel'- waa received he a conula of Howard's frlenda In Portland yeaterday. It read aa fol t.iwa: -San Franclnco. Cal.. February 12, 1 Tha young fellow I apoke to you about In Portland recently line minion m irm timherman'a aonl I going on tour with m aa a makd marvel. He will meet all comer. That la lor while and then we will work Into match with one of the top-notchera. Hla- aarprlae la Prwaalaed. Tki. bov I even better than thought he waa. Ha will prove to be he hizreet aurprlae of tha year. -Wa open a week' engagement at the Pan lair re February 10. meeting all comer. Will write you more ""' thU fallow when h geta through wun Hob McAIIIater. then I will have a good line on him. -Fr.nk Farmer boxes Jeff Smith or Gua Christie at Eau Claire. ia.. I co ruarv S. He la lut about there now If Fmnk wlna decKively I win onm him bark and tour the country with both h and the "marvel. iirgara to th boy. ISIrned) "SAM IKIWAKL. floward left Portland about 10 daya ago. bound for l acoma. nn Frank Farmer, who boxed Al Homere her a while back. He went from Ta coma to an r ranciecw anj Portland that Farmer left Tacoma tne ame day bound for Kan Clair. Wla. It la thought here that rarmer ia tne "masked marvel." Baseball. Football, Boxing, Persona! Touches in Sport WOMF:V of New Tork have become Interested In wrestling- since th game waa revived there by an Inter national tournament. Each night that bouta are held at the Manhattan Opera house women, elegantly gowned, attend and atreeta In the vicinity are lined iik. llmoiislnea. When Joe Stechrr appeared in new Tork for the first time, meeting th masked marvel, there were 2000 women aoiong th U00 pereona at the maun. Th.t California's football team will fc a.en in Eastern or Middle Western competition on Chrtstmaa day Is more than a remote possibility. Thla much as Intimated recently by Graduate Manager Johnny Stroud. One of the following taama may be seen on that day In California: Georgetown tnl vrrsity. Michigan. Illinois. Minnesota and the L'nlveraity of Chicago. see There Is serious talk at Pullman. Wash to the effect that Washington Ptate'a team will meet the l'nlveraity of lUttaburg on New Tear'a day. e a a "Oaky-wow-wow" -war 111 ba dropped from the l'nlveraity of Washington's Hat of yells. Thla waa the unanimous decision made by the rootera at the -pep" rally In th varslty'a gymnasium the other night. Tell King Hcrrlrk waa rl'ased with ti vote In the matter of the old yelL He said that California originally brought it to the Coast: that Stanford uses It. and that all of the high schools In the Northwest follow tne example of th University of Washing-ton and copy It. - ... Figures on Penny Kauff. Fed star, who ha been signed by the New York Giants. Indicate he has his troubles against left-handed pitchers. He bats left-handed. Eddie Plank, of St. Ixul.. waa the best Federal League aouthpaw last aea eon. and he held Kauff to a .117 aver age. Kauff batted .417 against Dave Dav enport. St- I.ou!s right-hander, and .172 against MrConnell. Chicago right hander. Plank. Davenport and McCon ne wer the league's leading pitch era. Kauffa average against the three waa .111. a a a Cnarlr O'M'ara. who waa tried out ta the New Tork American outfield Ust season and didn't Ilka his .sur roundings, baa signed a l;rave con tract. a - a a Jimmy Callahan, new manager of th Pittsburg Pirates and who ram. within an ara of being tha manager of the l.o Angeles Pacific Coast I-earue team thla aeason. aaya h may have his play era practice without glovea thla Spring. l"a!lahan aaya soma players ara too en thusiastic after a Winter of reat and cut loos before they aro ready, run ning the rlak of putting their arms out of business. If playera aro forced to play without glovea they will slow down, aaya tha Pirate chieftain. However, one cannot help bellere thsj thla la "nut stuff. a a a r.ecently Kid McCoy put on a Mack ma-k and tried to make a "come-back" In the ring. In iloston they have even a strsncer rase. It revolves around James J. Corbett. Ha has been boxing In amateur bouta. and. although he haa not been wearlus a mask. James J. haa been fighting- under an assumed name, says tho Brooklyn Eagle. Hut It haa all been x expoaed. The New England Amateur Athletic Asso ciation haa been on the Job and has told Jamra J. Corbett that he can no longer go masaueradlng around the country aa "Joe McDonald." Someone told the association ,lhs.t Jim Corbett had been entering amateur bouta under the name of Joe HcDon aid. Th committee did not believe the statement- To settle the rumor a meeting waa held and Jamea J. was eked to drop In and explain the sit uation. Corbett arrived and brarenly pleaded guilty. He atated that he had been entering amateur bouts under the name of Joe McDonald, aa he thought that hla own cognomen waa too well known In the fighting world. The committee was shocked. Such a thing waa paat belief. It bad to end. Jack Grant. Oaa af the Beet Kaowa lleferees oa the Pacific Coast. Waa Will Officiate la the Tare Mala Eveata at the Itawe City Athletic Clab To night. anld the committee, and at once or dered Jim Corbett to fight under his real name. oh. by the way. the Jamea J. Cor bett who waa on the carpet Is not Gen tleman Jim. the former heavyweight champion, but modest Itoston ama teur. a a a Juries Kenesaw Mountain Land Is Is one of the big. real friends of basebalL Knowing the aystem of organized base ball, while necessary to the game, atill la In many waya illegal, he held -of f hla decision in the suit recently ended In which the Federal League waa the plaintiff against organized bail, hia far seeing wisdom telling; him that aooner or later the causa for action the Fed eral promotion schema must collspse. And that came out as he foresaw, w ltn the anti-trust suit dismissed he has ex preased a hope and a belief that the gam he haa loved aa a fan for 30 years will again prosper and ba free from the attacks of would-be wreckera for yeara to come. see "he Pittsburg Pirates have returned Outfielder Paul Smith to the Montreal Hoyals. Smith was taken on la the draft lost Fall, but Manager Callahan decided that ha would ba of no use to the Ptrale. AGGIES Ofi WAY SOUTH QIISTKT TO MKKT CALIFORNIA ON FRIDAY AND SATIRDAV. taaferd Alaa la aa J.lat Title New Pacific Caaat Caafereare Depeada aa Toar. af OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL KGE. Corvallls. Feb. 14. (Special.) The fast-climbing- O. A. C. basketball earn left today for California for a wo-R.ime aerlca with the University f California and a couple of games with Stanford University. Upon the outcome of the games at Berkeley Frl- y and Saturday nights depends the warding of the first basketball cham pionship In the new Coast conference. lifornia and the Aggies are tied for he lead and the coming scries will wind up the conference season. Following a series of six brilliant victories, three of .them over the Uni versity of Washington quintet, which waa too strong for California on the Llerkeley floor, the chances for an Ag in victory are encouraging. Seiberts. Freidman and Rlakeley. forwards: Blagg. center, and Mix, Low nd Johns, guards, were taken on the rip. Low is a freshmun and Ineligible o play against California, but will be srd at guard In the Stanford game. Hlakeley has a bad ankle, the one be urt In the Idaho game. The team will play Medford and Ash- and High Schools on the return trip rom the South. CLUB UP TO VANCOUVER PRESIDENT BROWN SAYS HE HASN'T EvEN CONSIDERED TRANSFER. Shift ta Great Falls Will Be Made Only If Public Seatiaaeat Is Agalaat Sport Daring War. VANCOUVER, B. C, Feb. 14. 'X'n lesa there la o decided expression of ublic sentiment against a continuance f professional sport during the period f the war. the Vancouver baseball club will operate right here In Vancouver his coming season. said - President Bob Hrown, of the Vancouver North- estern League Club today In discuss ing reports that th Vancouver club might be transferred to Great Falls, Mont. 'Reports to the effect that I am considering a sala of my playera and looking for a managerial berth else- hero are manufactured out of whole oth. As far as Great Falls la con cerned I have not been approached ltd any proposition to move over there and have not given the rumors o that effect one minute of serious thought." Some sentiment against professional port having evinced itself Brown has for some time past been quietly feeling out th situation to find out how rone It Is. but he has failed to cover that It Is serious enough to nterfera with professional baseball. KLSU TO 1'IGIIT 20 ROCXDS Offer to Moot Winner of Mandot Dundee) Ilout Is Accepted. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Feb. 14. Fight promoters today closed arrangements with Freddie Welsh, world's light weight champion, to meet the winner of the Joa Mandot-Johnny Dundee bout, to be held here February 21. Welsh will receive a guarantee of 113.000. they raid. The fight will take place In New Orleans on March and will be -9 rounds for Ibc title. Xv ( ) -A " t 1ST Fox and Mascott to Meet for Featherweight Title. FAST CARD IS PREPARED Aolo Gordon and Jockey Bennett Will Clat-h at Rose City Club at 115 Pound-) Trarabitan Will Mix Willi Cross. Tonight's card at the RoseeCity Ath letic Club looks like the best held in Portland for aome time. It is well bal anced, having a' couple of bouts In which there should be speed to burn and two more that should give the fans a taste of mixing. There will be five bouts in all. Jimmy Fox and Billy Mascott will mix for the featherweight champion ship of the Pacific Coast. Fox Is her aided as the best boxer turned out in San Francisco since the palmy days of Abe Attell and is the present holder of tne coast title. Mascott ia the feather weight champion ot the Northwest, ai he defeated "Tex" Vernon here last November. Vernon previously held the title. Abie Gordon, the idol of the Portland newsboys, clashes with Jockey Bennett at m pounds. Able will be out weighed about ten pounds, but hopes to keep dancing around and pecking away at the veteran enough to get a decision. This bout will settle the ban tamweight championship of this sec- lion of tho country. There has been considerable interest shown in the Valley Trambltas-Leo Cross affair. They are 158-ppunders. Cross has considerable more 'experi ence than the Portland Roumanian, but Valley expects to offset this by hia aggressiveness. Bill Grant and Jack Allen, 140-pound boys, win meet In a return engage ment. They fought a six-round bang- up draw before the Evergreen Club of ancouver, ash., a wee or so ago. The curtain-raiser was originally scheduled between Earl Zimmerman and "Toughy" Wing at 115 pounds. Zimmerman is ill, however, and "Kid' Weston or some other good boy will be substituted. a a a Jack Grant, who refereed bouts In Portland in the '90s, will officiate in the three main events. Grant's name has been prominently mentioned as referee In many impor- atnt bouta throughout the entiro coun try, th'e most notable event being the (Jans-Nelson affair at Goldfield. Nev in 1906. lie waa practically chosen to referee the Ritchie-Welsh match, which was acheduled to take place at Van couver, B. C. three or four years ago, but was called off. Grant has a reputation throughout the entire country of being one of the most impartial and squarest referees in tha business. Ralph Gruman will referee the first two bouts. Jack Fahle will keep time and Leo "Frisco" Edwards will an nounce. Manager Fred T. Merrill has an nounced that the curtain-raisers w-ill start promptly at 8:30. a a a Lawrence Duff, for-ner Multnomah Athletic Club wrestler. Is contemplat ing taking up the art of fisticuffs. Frank Renlck. former boxing Instructor of the Winged "M" Institution, will take him in hand. Duff will weigh about 162 pounds when in shape. He recently returned from Pendleton, where he has been residing fcr the past two yeara. a a a Charlev White, of New York, un doubtedly will be the referee of the Wlllard-Moran bout scneauiea ior March 8. Jack Skelly haa refused to act because both Tom Jones and Ike Dorgan had criticised his worn, uorgaa is looking after Moran's interests, a a a Manager Fred T. Merrill says that if he doesn't hear from uiuy "eons pretty soon, he will substitute Komeo Hagen, the Seattle middleweight, for him In a bout with tari -Mieous as inn main event of a Rose City Park Club show February 22. Hagen is in Port land. KANSAS BUYS CATCHER BERRY Reverting of ex-Beaver Dy i-eace Pact Prevented by Sale. PITTSBURG. Ta.. Feb. 14. The Kan sas City American Association club has purchased Claud Berry, a catcher, from ih. TMttaburir Federal League club, ac cording to an announcement here to day. The purchase price was not made public. Berry was once a Pacific Coast League player... i Berry Jumped from the Portland Coast club in 1913, after one season under Walter McCredie. He caught ex cellent ball for the Pittsburg Feds, it is said, although he did not bat strong ly. His sale to Kansas City removes the possibility of his being returned to Portland. Had Pittsburg released him outngnt he would have reverted to foriiana under the peace agreement rules.' JESS WILLARD AGAIN IS ILL Clianipion'a Battle With Moran May Have to Be Postponed. CHICAGO, Feb. 14. (Special.) For the second time within ten days Jess Willard has been forced to abandon training because of illness, and it is feared that the $47,000, ten-round bat tle with Frank Moran in New York, scheduled for March 8. may have to be postponed. The heavyweight champion was scheduled to resume training at th Chicago Athletic Association today, but he did not show up. It was learned that the champion is suffering from another attack of the grip and has been forced to abandon training tern porarily. It waa only on Saturday that Willard had recovered sufficiently from his first attack to do any work. Tex Rickard, the promoter, is going right ahead with arrangements to stage the bout- EUGENE RIFLE CLUB ELECTS Simon Klordalil, Presidcat, Names Committee to Lease Range Site. EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) The Eugene Rifle Club, a civilian or ganization for National defense being supplied with guns and ammunition by the Federal Government, neio its an nual meeting last night. Simon Klov- dahl waa elected preside.nt for the en suing year. Other officers were elected as follows: H. C. Watson, secretary; B. B. Brnndage. treasurer, and W. W. McCornack. esecutlve officer. W. W. McCornack. w . L ivlncald and John Vale were appointed a committee to lease a tract of land to De used aa a rille range, or make arrangements for the use of the Oregon National Guard range south of the city during the coining Summer. The Eugene Rifle Club was organized NIGHT as a result of interest aroused by Cap tain R. W. Collins, U. S. A., who haa been on detail with the Oregon Na tional Guard and who has Just been relieved by Lieutenant William Shlpp- man. The Coast Artillery Corps gave a military ball in honor of the two officers and their wives at the Armory Friday night. Captain Collins returns to the regular service. PAPER CHASE TO BE SATURDAY Hunt Club Will Hold Closed Event Before Contest on February 22. Harry Kerron, master of foxhounds, of the Portland Hunt Club, has an nounced that a closed paper chase will be held next Saturday. On Washing ton's birthday the usual open chase will be run for a silver trophy offered by Natt McDougall. The chase which was scheduled for New Tear's day and postponed several times on account of the weather will not be held for a few days, because some members of the club still think the weather unfavorable. The date of the New Year event will be announced later. HOCKEY TITLE PLAY HERE VICTORY OR TIE FOR HOXORS BE DECIDED TONIGHT. Uncle Sama Will Play Victoria Septet la Seattle Arena Team Starta North This Morning. Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Standings. tioals W. L. Pet. Fur. Agot. L. 4 0 8 Pet. .7:t3 .8M .47 .2W Portland . , Vancouver 11 5 6 r.s 61 Seattle ... Vicurla . . Totals. . . ...30 SO 244 244 Next Games. Tonight Portland vs. Victoria, at Seattle, Friday Seattle at Vancouver. Friday Victoria at Portland. Another attempt will be made to get closer to the 1915-16 championship of the Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Associa tion by the Portland Uncle Sams to night. They leave early this morning for Seattle for the battle with the Vic toria Aristocrats in the Seattle ice arena tonight. The contest originally was slated for Victoria, but the military authori ties have taken over the ice arena there for the troops to drill. No more games will be held in Victoria this sea son accordingly. Manager Savage and nine Uncle bams are slated to make the trip, although 'Moose" Johnson is under the weather. The big defense athlete was injured se verely in the l-to-0 victory over the Vancouver Millionaires last Tuesday and he clearly showed that he was off color in the game against Seattle last Friday night. The Uncle Sams returned home with an 8-to-4 defeat charged to them at the hands of the Metropolitans. Three more games are on the schedule for the Port landers and two of them must be vic tories in order to win the champion ship of the circuit. A win tonight will make the 1915-16 race, so that there will be no chance for the Oregonians to obtain less than a tie at the end of the regular season. Victoria always has been noted for giving the Portlanders a hard run for their money each night. That the Aris tocrats are in line to put up a great match tonight can be taken from the 7-to-6 victory of the Vancouver world's champions last Friday night. It took 11 minutes of overtime to set down the tailenders and then it was when but six of the losers were on tho ice. Victoria will be the attraction in the Portland Ice Hippodrome next Friday night. Manager Savage has made ex tensive preparations for a large attend ance. Tho Uncle Sams will return to Portland early tomorrow morning, ac cording to present arrangements. FEW BIRDS YET IS DANGER Game In Eastern Oregon Faces Cold and Starvation. Only In Eastern Oregon are game- birds now in danger of dying from cold and starvation. Reports from the game warden's office say that all of the snow In the Willamette Valley and in Southern Oregon has entirely disappeared. In the eastern part of the stale, however, the ground is still covered and It will be necessary for the farmers In that section to continue feeding the game tor some time to come. Thanks to the farmers in other sec- ions, few birds suffered severely from the cold spell just concluded. Few pheasants perished. Quite a number of quail were lost, however. Quail perish easier because of their tendency to squat in the snow and refusing to hunt shelter. WESTERN TO PLAY 154 GAMES Club Presidents Decide on Size of Schedule for Season. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 14. Club presi dents of the Western Baseball League at their meeting tonight definitely de cided on a season s schedule ot lal games. Frank C. Zehr.ung. of Lincoln, the new leagua president, who occupied the chair at today's sessions, said he had not yet received the league records from his predecessor. Morris L. O'Neill. Frank IsbelL of the Des Moines club, said there would bo no trouble in ob taining the records and that O'Neill was ready to turn them over at an early day. Most of the club owners declared their teams were practically made up, and they anticipated a successful sea son. Indians Get Outfielder Chappell. CHICAGO, Feb. 14.-r-Outflelder Larry Chappell will be sent to the Cleveland American League tearri within the week, it was announced here today. The THE BUILDERS . T PSJ ara learning the truth ahont 1V1 ther ara miking about W-B CUT Jeer W. W-B CUT aaers ere. (lad to JUOCE IVC HUNTED FOfCN " THEhl TAKE A C.00p IT MICH OM TO rORTY I LOOK AT IT-"-ITS I rOUft YEAR. J FILLED WITH THE; 1 TOBACCO CHEW J know bow different tt.it from the old kind: how mach better it aatiafiee. Get a poucn trot roar dealer. Yoa can tell by a quality teat that it is Car Totaecm Cktw. "Notice bow tha aalt bring! out tha rich tobacco tarte." Hade by WETMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, 50 Unioa Sqnare, New Tork City HE GOES 10 WORK THISJORNING IN A BRAND NEW SUIT which is interesting in the first place because the Suit is so classy and superbly tailored. But when you hear that this man has been out of a job for several months you'll sec at once that there's more to this than appears at first. It is just this: . HE BOUGHT HIS SUIT ON CREDIT and started to wear it after he had paid a small fraction of its price at C H E R K T'S CREDIT CLOTHING STORE. When, the other day, he found just the opening he'd been looking for, ho knew he couldn't be really "fit" to undertake the work without a natty Suit, Of course, that didn't bother him, because he knew about CHERRY'S, and that's where he got fitted to tho pippin ' he's wearing today. They'll be glad to see you at that popular shop on Washington street and show you all the latest styles and fab rics in clothing, both for men and women. The number is 389-391 Wash ington street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Members Portland Oateopathlo Barrett, Dr. II. Lester, 419 Morgan Bids. fhona Mala 42D. Howland, Dr. I.. 915 Selling- Bldg. Mala 2211, A 2229. Keller, Dr. William G., 808 Taylor St. Fhones Malu 344. A 3444. Lacy. Dr. H, N., suits 801 Morgan Bids. Fnones Marshall lhbs. Tabor 4278. Leonard. Dr. U. 1 ., 757 Morgan 1-ldg. Phones Main 7U0, A 1700. Leweanx. Dr. Virginia V., 612 Morgaa Bldg. Phones Malttj 14aJ, Marshall 4033. Moore. Urn. F. E. and II. C. P, 003 Selling Bldg. Main 6101, A 2466. Korthup. Dr. . K. B.. 808 Morgan bide;. Phones Main 349, East 1028. Walker, Dr. Era S.. 124 East 24th St. North. Phone Kast 5H32. sending of the player to Cleveland by President Comiskey, of the White Sox, is his final payment for Joe Jackson, purchased last Summer from the Cleve land owners. Baseball Merger Is Allowed. AUBURN, N. Y.. Feb. 14 The merger of the New England League and East ecu Association baseball clubs, under consideration by a committee appointed by the National Association of Profes sional Baseball Leagues, is allowed in a decision made public today. The com mittee finds that the' two component interests invested property riftht and a genuine public demand force the con clusion that the best interests of base ball will be conserved by allowing tha merger. licvy After Peace Advocated. WELLINGTON, via London, Feb. 14. The New Zealand government has recommended that 50 per cent extra duty be levied on all German oodd after the war. TO NIGHT Feat h erwH trh t CbamplonHhip BOXING Three Mala Kventa JIMMY FOX Pacific Coast Champion, (Frisco's favorite) VS. BILLY MASCOTT Northwest Champion (Pride of Portland.) 5 BIG BOUTS JACK GRANT, Referee. Moran's Measurements Better Than Willards except in height. Our Suits to Order. . .$25.00 are better than you can secure else where for the money. Huffman & Grant S. W. Corner Broadway and Alder REXMERE Wv Icfe Collars 2 for 25c CEO. P. IDE i CO., Ifikars, Tray, I. T. HUNT IS ENQE0 chewing tobacco Right and left i Chew. aw car. Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew. sa cat. tell the good new. to rriend.-becaojie ther xltRiaffiN ,!" T I a "If t N new f-f v. weight laundered taJjf collar with JLffT-' and CT? buttons W