Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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..fae "i-' t.!V v Tr .
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. t 1 fi I Kl- V. tori
S ..i-ia fn. . ,.i MftIS.
!.,... in.!.i. mn tr
wtus-il ..i.a. We fnwa '
W .jnJf. tftra
ivui :jml4j. ao rnuia .
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.na luin ' rr-.ri.-T t
f.i tn.'li4 lsntf a4 ' .
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..- : . : . -. raeaia --a-..,
nrrw-T.rj-- .
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w.rT. trn it. .
trrru or c ir.irm ixtKrmr.
With th co.Urt cf wotr
Ltsr ih rcir.o North-l haa
ot-r- t np.-a ef int-Ta4 -t-rtal
-trirr artB whKh II IU
rri-PTifr M t rr ctST x-tioa
tt t. country nj-
j th TUt our JoJiMtrt.
J jit- br Itt r pooiin lit- lf
o.i.u. no t6r t-" br '". mlfj r t-
tinc loto trtto rtr a prcxl of
ln. t! a f rr. ? tam. T
. f rimoB.t. bol fcy Uck. of li
en-i rlTc-l. horr. In d'UrlB. If
rot rrr-" nrd4 output
wm.-U niliM ho iaptJ !? rrd-
m.f.t ha pri cr
tf rr...l ;t.B. Is f ft. frn tb Urn-l.r-n-n
ua ! point, ft BUM h
fcn bltrf ha.! thut upfil' cob
I. !-. ! t r tr month nat4 of
month, for lfta or4r vouU
i,rumuU!l to a Jwlnl
tn r inj t)rrvl.l mitht flo h
hr-vfit ff-t f p:bt ttn
t. m inufat t jr m sit hJ bn
port' n4 If B"t rtl.
tiriutl'm of prtvi-n-tion lo Iho r d"n4al t rru tt r flr
bfn t' pr!'i'-r nn.J roMurrr biC
!nf, ..;! without fI'.iB foul of fl
l.. u "f ur!it f th C:tt
rn !.r brtr It , about. Luaib-r
Cirr-.;ar.i! M' t fiBfl-UtIjr -un4
rTt-tB-l -.HI lh B"t tO
. thir ft. Nit mill f.-v'.Io
irntM whK-h r mnB. thourh
frr.t!fr mbirral. f-r bark r
to tl thrn ovrr h- th-y
pio ability 1 pr out of drbl within
rnabU tltn. TTicro 1- rc.!u
htt-n n r hp!tly lotoliffU or
ln.-.jmrtot'.jr nut4 tht bu.tart
-!:i.-tron U lattab!. Th illailM
tion nf u- h cncrn. though cTUt
t t! lr!i.laI tr.trtJ. wlil
.s.'i. ll to tho tB.Iutry tut lol.
I'. w'.tt ! t!f prorrtir In th
bc l. if trr-r nrrt-.. ht B l'l r.ot
erri' m?!! t Um in tru-sl to
pontpor bnkmpU-T. tl t-"a -m)
rarrt of w n r frnm tft
mirlnt. Tr ! la th ttmbr
tn.ii..ry ur' thi tho prorrb
-fVmr'l"n la too !!' of tr4."
U U b ma44 tt lh prl
Hil ccmsnittt;.o. cml tn tx'.rfmr.
t tit dlt of ptvult cl. lhrfor.
f prrp4TlJ.
, rnf' d'4Tr of rcfxntr
t!a in cror hnl ccdarinif lr
r.B!M wnrll ! n'l t tat V
f v!i?rnl bran-ft of tho tumbr
trj. ! Bl in nt;tiBUon tf br-prolticM.
Kimrmtit of lnIutry on tftor
tiii: r unmuU. U niBB thl lor
.r wouiJ B'jt mrty cut loo mor
rpUM 1 alt I Wmxt th Unxi
t-r,:-j ut tump. Bub " mutlUt"l
touoi tr-. Tblr lBuutTT would
B.iu4 tho utt'.jation for Bomo pur
p., of miun tny cut. th t-
ir.ctMo from atnmpai of thw rou
m rltJibr lr.rtllnu tby cor.ulo,
t.. r?rt!nt: of not-TWulturmI
lr. I nJ th prprtlot for Bttl
m.p.t of Uu i a-tt4 for c;V.iBMon.
- tit BAVitiiil lb m prtnclpU
iu:j b folio", out by Iho coar
toa l omB n. of bII prt of th
!.- IncU.'iO tlw Ubo. lt BwduBt
jb! q t br. Mr. Hjb. of
:rt.!I Vl?. .lutrt4 t.Mw pt
it an al.'r t iui lrncl-:o. wba
h ui?tl tht pl-B of lumbar
tri.t w t.x ir.:t fr Boy othr
ru.iM bo m! lnt' cklMran't biM
lc b:.jk. la fcl. Btbluihmol of
:m lunbtr ir.lutry a Pro bi
A jrjprity dp-! oe Bpp!i-aton
r' tn .rn ru' whh-h fuib' tb
-i4';vlr ! if lbt h all of
t . hue '-v( th ijmI a4 that hW
t fjiit or t:' I ml oot oa ttio
'-f but B tfco b-prvKiuv t. Tb
ik.r.ftf b nnw ouU thi conBiBt la
ts. m.Dutuiura of trwoo Inta a rt
r'r t rnmnottltlM ohkll WOttl4 BUT
prM tf MntntEi,t't.
Una.r 1m b I a promotion bjw
t- n weivh W"uM brjn b-for ry
lria in ry rt)rkt. dortiMtltf or
r..r.un. th mrlt of it rt"U prol
vif. I:. -tiB'my. attlitT br4 rirw
rif::i euUt; oB buil!tn tnt
ru!. whn property trtl. BhouM
t bj wt.Uly a.Jrt-t "co
rn. nt. brvrk and trra colt. Tba
trlti of Its proJu.ta
t"i" mr o.i;y fc mpy Bhoittd
. wril aenwa a tbo -1ubJ Bumbr
rt irtti of KllitiJ) pit k to.
T tarntwr Itunu fjuturcr. tJia plnlr
ta I turmn ou'l bibs. IP- o1bb
aim mnufBt:turr bo4 tho furcitura
-nrufturr B a c-joimunltr of
I-t..r.t whii-h mlBftt JiMrtlfy thra In
'"itbiflnf oa a promotion an4 Bob
I . ir arhrmo that wooH P thair
ri-iu pro.u t bafor tha ronrn-r
.a. I wou!t ft-t a a y!ubte Ir.tro-
'j:ioa f :t t!r tilrmen.
rw Titiu or few ntrrrwx.
tn h'B p:h st MJfor4. Ornor
Withycoroba raLwJ a Btandard of
raw fraeUum for tho WrK bb an
,iltraita to that which la ofTarod
t.r tha Wilaon AlmlnUtratloB. Tn
J.'rarnr prorxmB da!opmnt of th
watrr powrr n. othar rwaurrW of
rr-a tate tn tha tVat andar that
r:' own law. Contrary ta th
(i rhrfr md by adocalaa of
t a taral UaitorJiBra. la do. BOt fa
.r fcandicc rap watar potr t
tnonop-ity onraatralna-t by public cob
tril. oor d'aB h propoaia that Na
t!Tt for' ba thrnwB pan to !
tjfi.m by timhar baron.
Tfca C jyarnor propwi that power
C'ijupna b placa.i nndar control of
tn I'ubtli! I'Ulltlaa Commtwl"n and
of i.rraa"a laws, andar whlvh iorbl
trt rc cannot b charcat and only
w ra.jjnabi ratura apoa th lnat
mrni U !!')td" If propo-) tt
tip b hrraat4. that acrt--u:tural
UnJ In th National forrat
V than rn ! ! Btt!arnp.l and that
lin-ifruu:turi lnl b rtf'-rt.J.
That Is th nd which the moat ardent
coonratioBita profeaa a dara to
attain. Than what coocolabl ranaon
for dtffaranc of opinion can exUt?
Th ! rima of controvrray la
lb aitampt of th Adniifilalratlon. on
Irt pfatat thai th iVertern BtJtaa
ra I. u dUhubaat or too lucompctant to
manar thair own affiilra. to Irnpoaa
upon tham a pa-lrB of abaante lanJ
lorvltam hl-h ha tual rrolt In
arary country Whar It haa bran al
tamptad. That tm cbukI po
artv. dlturbanc and outnc In Ire
land until th trtth jmrromrnt
abotUhed it at enormnua coat. Th
Wllann AdmlrlatmKon bow would
Impoa thia diav rodltabt Btan o
te Waal and afravat th wronj
by co):ia. tin rent on water wMch H
admit that th utate oB. In BO
dome th Admtnlatratlon l aupportd
by tn two Ortion Senator, who ar
tfi'ia fala to tho lnlrret of tha atal.
Th urat mean of uphol.lln th
richt of prron acalnat Kedrral en
rrinikmcM, abaantc Uni!lorJIm and
Kadaral exartloa la to plat- In power
ml ahlnsta ltpubllcwn Admiala.
t ration which will reap"! th riht
of tt atataa. and to Bnd to Waahinf-I-b
t$r.Ura who will defrnd tho
Mi, wttaojra BtilTl avrcirc
Th attantlon of Th Ornlan has
bten dirrtiad to th onanu of th
broakfaat orlr4 br rrldnt Uuoa
th olh. r day at Cleveland whit oa
bl paklr.; tour.
Iter It la:
U444 Wl B.M-aJI aad CTaaav
Hoi .-4 .. a
Ta raM. vi4
Hftra Ta
Aa A p pa I Ura. W lla
It I uated that from a ul-teliC th brrakfa! will "tmpraaa
moat Amartrana wittl th fart thai
th ITaldanta I4ea of prparednea
d aot apply otly to th National da
fa. but to th ronaa-rtallon of
hawitri and bodily ntceea fir th day-
work. la other word, b I a man
who haa learned that powrr to do
thine come from laadlec th slmpl
tat othar Ihoufht Intrude.- "An
appl for Sirr Vi;on. I that all?
liar ts aomrthln lo Intereat woman
kind and something; for womankind
to tmutate. Photographs of lr. WIU
bob Indlcal thai ah I th embodl
mnl of buty and fowd hea'th. ltr
bloomlr womanhood may wall b a
xtad by aoy latar. I this har rrelp?
Th tor.Ic qualltla of th appl ar
umlupuUO. A areat. strorr man. of
cour. ra! a aomrtMn mr than
an appU for breakfant. and bcld- he
ts not unuaattr aotKltous about his
physical attractloaa. Rut If evrr
woman woull t on appl and
nothlrc; : each momlns; th cos
metic makers would boob .b put out
of bualnr.
Atu not orly would th problem of
two llvlne a cheaply a on b Bolred.
but Oreon. whl.h haa a lone suit
In applr. would prosper amal
lnty. Tuh. tuh! Who cares what
th ITealdent eats for braakfaat. whan
th matters of femlntn beauty, hous
hotd jipeB and o-al prosperity ar
in hand!
imiur tnro aciix.
rrty unity for th serrlc of tha
Nation wa th keynot f th
spche at th rtepubtlcan banquet
oa Lincoln day. Th aaaambltnf
around on board of men and woman
who had quarreled politically three
jean was a proof that they har
resolved to fort th quarrel and
hav com together acaln. knit In a
firmer onion by th ra!liailon that
their points of nrremnt far tran
scend In important th points on
bUh they formerly ulasred.
It wa most r.ttlnc that the occa
lon of this reunion shook! ha been
reverrnc for th memory of th man
who, as savior of th I'nlon, stands
tid VBhlnton. founder of th
Nation, a n of our two crcatest
Presidents In th public estimation.
Only la !ea deir than of Lincoln's
day la It true of th present tlm that
Its problems deman 1 union of all man
and women who plac th honor,
eafaty and prospiity of their country
Bbov all other considerations. Thus
who attenJd th banquet and th
taouaaad of others for whom they
pok ar of on mind In th convic
tion thAt Republican supremacy and
tha triumph of IlpubtlcaB principles
ar -Mctll to th Nation's honor,
safatr and rroaPrtr.
No personal amblUon. no prIJa f
plar or leadership anoold stand lo
tb way of compt'l and hearty union
for th succasa of th raus. Without
re card to former aff Illation. th
party's most bonorabl. abl and rep
resantatir man should b chosen to
carry l! standard to victory net
Noverobrr- Formar leadership should
b causa for neither retention nor re
tirement of aoy individual; ab.llty Bnd
wtU'ecnaaa to do cood seme In the
rutur should b th sol teata.
rut wii or the AtmitTic
Aowu-ta'a cor.ouaat of Montanefro
and Northers Albania and th suc
ruaful a. I inca of her troopa farther
southward In th latter previne ar
th rreutt of aaother failure or tn
alliaa lo aeli opportunity whl! It of
faead. In lh flral months of th war
th Ar:o-Kro.h Mediterranean
fleat attempted a blockad of th
Auatrtmn roast la th Adriatic, but U
a-aiod ao uccaa In orrnslv war.
IVKa. Turkar snterad tb war most
of this ft was rt to blockad th
l).r.nt! and continued lb BDor-
tiv adventur lh that quarter until Its
f.nal abandonmanL Lurln tn laax
tew months It baa divided attention
btwea th iMrdanelle and Salonlkl
sad tdea(stch. Uavlnf th Adriatic
to Italy.
Aiihourh on natter Italy haa a navy
superior to Austria's, only partial ad-
vantac baa been taken 01 in i.iri.
Italy has found Trieste. Tola. rTume.
fattaro and th other Auntrlan port
too well defended by forts, mine and
submarine to tv hop of successful
attack from th sea. but sho should
hat been abl to shut up th Aus
trian fleet by a Ions-ran. blockad.
So far baa sh failed that Austrian
ship hav bombarded Montenegrin
ports and hav co-operated at Cat
Laro In th cartur of Mount Lorehen.
th Montenegrin pak which domi
nates that port. Italy ha ma.! no
batter us of her naval superiority
than to transport an army to Ardena.
to carry sappllaa to Srbla and Mont
nero and to carry away funuve and
Austrian prisoners from that country.
From the first day of th war th
Adriatic was on of th moat Impor
tant Held of operation. Had they
mad a determined effort to destroy
th Austrian naval baM. or at least
to destroy or pen up th Austrian
fleet, and then landed a considerable
army In Albania fir th reinforce
ment of th two "lay klr.lom. th
allies mlcht have chanced th whole
courw of th Balkan campalcB. Fear
of antaor.iirt Italy may have re
strained theca prior to that countrj
accession to their rank. Since that
event no reason of strategy seems
valid for any of the nations, and
Italy's Inaction la explicable chiefly
by the fact that the Herb and Croats
are rival claimants to Italia Irredenta
and that she did not wlh to strenRth
en them. Had th alllas gained and
held full commend of the Adriatic
and had they i:ed tt to strengthen
Serbia and Montenegro, the entire se
ries of dla:utera which began with
th lt Teuton Invasion of Serbia
might hav been averted.
rorrKV. 'trutmiL aii ikhobtau
Public taste has at times elements
of quiet stubbornness which cannot
be subdued r modified by the most
emphatic edict that Iseua from seuts
of judgment over th literary products
of the world. Henc It comes to pass
that toms resardod by the elect ns
of eurh small Importance that even
tb name r ineir writers
persist paat the f.rst appearance of
their product, sometime show a vi
tality that much b dlsconcertlns;. to
u ik. to than in whom Is
reeled ultlmat literary authority.
True, th mass or tno peopio -iuo...
diaput th Judgments of the trained
literary critics. To him on-whom the
academy has conferred Immortality
they accord Immortality without a
question. Chaucer, hhakespvare, MII-
rnvann and th Vast host Of
th Immortals who sjwoclat with and
follow them receive tn meea 01 rrv-
ik.i I . unntlnationably due
them: tb gems that com perfectly
polishes rront ineir nn
urd unlrersally.
Hot. quit asld from their worship
ik orthodox lemnt of art. the
people Ifemlat In maintaining Innu
merable little unautnonifn icinj'ia
of their own. There they may be
found burclnc their Incens often to
some unknown god. and offering the
etttf . f thalr worshln to some
obarur llttlo Idol thst haa never even
been proo-d for a nlrne in in granu
Nearly everybody who maintains a
Kyk r follow the mor slov
enly and universal habit of carrying
cllpplnga in in vesx pocaet unwi n.o
text Is obliterated by continual un
folding and thumblna- nearly every
one who lets h!s fancy stray among
t..Am nf snhamarB In newspapers and
current Journals, can be found In the
list of the silently ewtinjue nirrarj
he ret Irs.
A local sage said a few years ago:
-t i- onnvk tion that the really
great poms of any period are not
. ...
contained in in pnnica wore.
ureal poeU f that period: but ar
rather struck off. In a whit heat of
Inspiration, by obscure writers In the
nt th tima. It Is these
obscure Pecks f Inspiration, these
sweet and startling non-s irom me un
known Blngars In the crowd, that clus
ter lu th Immense and teeming an
tholoev which U never caught and
classified, never analysed and ticketed
by the literary authorities as good.
k..4 a inf iffarant. but which, with si
lent, obstinate, unconquerable Immor
tality. prlt. in worn ana jcuow
clippings, or even in the more Intan
gtbl form of uncertain memories,
they continue to dwell In th shrine
that have been erected for them by
the Individual or by the small group
amon the reople that fouad them
aIlsftr.g to their peeils.
And after th classic or assurea
stability hav been read and recited
and commented upon, there always
cornea a tlme'"Vhen a man will bring
forth hl dearest and most Intimate
bit of poetry, and one reallxcs, with a
start, that It la quite an alien In the
Parthenon, and according to all the
laws of literature should be. by this
time, f ir mor dead than Oreat Pan,
of whom the classic poets lument.
Th vast number of contribution
sent to The Oregonlan recently, to be
printed on Its page of old favorites of
poetry, gives an Idea of tha Immensity
of this unauthorised! Immortal an
thology. Mor than half of th offerinns be
long to th type that Is resarded ordi
narily aa ephemeral. Of many of them
the authors' nsmes are unknown by
the contributor. Of still more the
names of the author belong In the list
of poets termed -minor." The con
tributors give their source a old
srap-books. "something my mother
used to recite fifty yearn ago." a vers
-we used to read in the old fourth
reader when I was a boy."
The waifs f poetry, cast out by the
Judge f their contemporary litera
ture lo perish on the bleak hillsides
of unappreclatton, have, with unex
pected vlgur. lived through th ordeal.
They have bn taken In and warmed
at th kindly hearth of a great pub
lic which, whl! It recognlxad the au
thority of trained Judge of lltorature.
still maintain stubbornly It own
right lo decide what It likes Tor Us
own Intimate, personal tre.ururlng.
Sid by sl with the distant footsteps
ih arand old masters, echoing
through th corridor of tlm. patter
th million llgni ana gnoswy im 01
k tim alnra who have found fa
vor In the e of the people and who
continue to tread pains or onecura
immortality In the hearts of thousand
of reverent readers.
all rrm ox Trr.Tt
Having been somewhat unfortunate
In rltlug th benefit of single Ja in
Vancouver. Tlouston and elsewhere,
the local propagandists will probably
b pleased to learn. If they have not
. i a k.iiii f it. that the Governor
and military commander of Tucatan
haa promulgated an agrarian law
-ki. k r.1.1. tha tooal. half-way experi
ments f th North quite In th shad.
Yucatan ought to be quite an iui
....f.1. from th standpoint of th
promoters of the Oregon single tax
and farm loan measure. It Is remote:
doubt exists aa to the safety of the
live of Investigators of economic
conditions there, while If the Mexican
Bovernment ever does become gtab!
and the plan fall, there Is always the
argument of Mexican gran, inrm
clency and laxln to fall back on.
The edict of th Oovernor of Tuca
tan la based on the resounding decla
ration "that no one Is exclusive owner
of the land In like manner'as no one
can be exclusive owner of either light
or atmosphere. " Our translation of
th document Is somewhat Imperfect,
but apparently lurge landowners may
be dispossessed by exercise of a sort
of right of condemnation. The land
and improvements ar Raid for In ac
cordance with the values fixed In the
tax list. Payment Is' made In bonds
drawing i per cent Interest, which
have the guarantee of the stat land
tax. The stute land tax Is paid by
th holders of land, as will be here
after explalneJ. One peculiar Mexi
can trait I revealed In the provision
that the bonds shall be paid off not
In the order of their Issuance but by
a lottery stcm as I lie fund therefor
The lands are distributed to such
Mc&ican or foreigner rcsiumg la tbe
state, older than 17 years of age, who
may wish to dedicate themselves per
sonally to cultivating It. Allotments
vary In area from ten to 100 hectares,
depending on the character of the land
and it proximity to towns. (A hectare
is 2.471 acre.) The appllciunt plays
nothing except for the cultivation al
ready performed on the land and his
"debt of cultivation" Is paid In yearly
Installments. For use of the land the
holders pay !4 per cent annually on
the value, ns determined by the tax
UsL Of this tax. 1H Per cent la
rental and the other 1 per cent Is the
land tax. which goes to guarantee the
purchase bonds Issued to the original
title owners.
Improvements amounting to at least
SO per cent of the Intrinsic value of
the land must be introduced during
the first ten years of occupation. If
the Improvement regulations are not
complied with or the occupant falls
to pny the rent to the state he forfeits
possession, receiving 60 per cent of
the value of accumulated Immovable
property, freed of all Incurobrajnce-
Possesslon of a lot may be devised
by tho holder to his heirs or to a
stranger, but no one Is permitted to
become the beneficiary of more than
one lot. Kvcry contract of mortgage,
rental or sale made by the occupants
of land distributed by the government
Is declared void. The distributed land
is not attachable nor Is it subject to
any Intervention. Judicial or adminis
trative. No sale of land by present title
holders are permitted without the
Intervention of the agrarian commis
sion. The forests and the waters are
declared to be public property and all
water concessions made sine 1S54
whenever neded for public uso are
abrogated. A rural 'credit system ex
ists for making cultivation loans to
land holders: tracts may be set apart
for public building", for townsltes, and
altogether the plan Is comprehensive
except as to the disposition of town
lots In titles already established.
Lest some good brother arises to
remark that this scheme may not con
template taking for the benefit of
government all the rental value of
the land. It may b stated that In
Tucatan the principal . product is
henequen (sisal hemp) and that the
marketing thereof Is a stato monopoly.
All who produce henejuen are obliged
to sell it to th commission which
regulate th henequen market- Ap
parently there is ample opportunity
for the government to extract from
the producers as much Income aa It
may fancy.
Mr. U'Ren onco announced that
"All th work w have done for direct
legislation has been done with the
single tax in view." and he also once
said some nice things about Villa be
cause of his Interest in distributing
the land among the people. Yet we
have had direct legislation fourteen
years, but have not acquired single
tax while C'arranta, with a bunch of
ragged soldiers, has put tt Into force
through a military autocrat In Yuca
tan In a fraction of the time spent In
propagandizing In Oregon. It la a
wondt-r Mr. U'Ren docs not In disgust
throw popular government overboard
and take up the sword.
At incredible cost of life and ammu
nition the Anglo-French and German
armies are swaying; each other's line
to and fro, with no apparent change
in the general situation. This simply
goos to prove that the struggle in that
quarter Is on of endurance. Any de
cided advantage must be gained In
some other field of operations.
The Ftate Department tries to save
Itself the trouble of caring for Ameri
cans In belligerent countries by pre
venting them from going there. Should
a Ford pacifist attempt a speech In
Germany, he might land In Jail. It
Is essler to keep him out than to get
him out.
Aerial mall service may soon bring
the remotest parts of Alaska Into close
touch with the cosst, and at the ssme
time train a body of airmen Inured to
extreme cold w-ho would be or great
value to the Army.
When an old cock retains his honors
he l worthy of mention. For exam
ple, the Rhode Island Red rooster that
won first prize In Portland two years
ago took the blue ribbon at Mcdford
last week.
There seems to bo enough tragedy
In the case f the l-j ear-old girl
who would leap from the bridge with
out the attempt nt suicide. Four
words express It: "The girl was pen
niless." Kvldence accumulates that the I.
V. W. ts not a labor organization, but
ts a criminal conspiracy against life
and property. Th Chicago poisoning
cas ta the latest proof.
Th rook might have used some
kind of an "Old Cleanser" for thick
ening the soup at the Chicago ban
quet by mistake, and If ap his absence
is not remarkable.
Discovery of another gang of white
alavers In Chicago Is neither new nor
thrilling. Such things must be ex
pected w hile men ar wit ;ed and girls
are foolLsh.
Th Indiana man who has a baby
daughter younger tha a great-grandchild
Is 74 and a Civil War veteran.
Thai's what swells th pension roll.
If It were not for the American le
gations, the Ford delegates left In
Europe would appear more absurd
than those who cam home.
There Is woe among the British
bachelor slacker, but there is Joy
over their discomfiture among the
married volunteers.
A lot of money Is to be paid this
year for services of county agricul
turist and it is up to them to begin
to make good.
The death of the girl In the woods
near Chicago and arreat of the stu
dent Is Just another phase of th old
atorr. .
Archbishop Ireland saw service In
the Civil War and his views on pre
paredness are founded on first knowl
edge. General Gocthals has found that the
Panamans' appetite for unearned In
crements In land value Is fully devel-opea-
Great Britain begins against the
shirker this week. All single men,
except those exempt, are called out.
The search for Captain KldJ's lisot
!s not a marker to the faith show
the Cocos Island "treasure.
How to Keep Well
By Dr. W. A. Kvana.
Septic Sore Threat.
What is septic sore throat? If it is
to Important why is it that nobody
heard of It until recently? These are
bard questions to answer. Septic sore
throat starts with a high fever, head
ache and general aching. The throat
is sore. Wben the throat Is examined
it is found to be swollen and rather
evenly red. The throat looks very
much like a scarlet fever sore throat,
and wben the sick person is a child
wbo has never had scarlet fever that
disease is suspected. But the scarlet
fever rash does not appear. A little
later white patches like those of fol
licular tonsllitis appear. By this time
th glands of the neck have begun to
swell and the patient complains of
profound weakness.
These are very good signs of diph
theria and you suspect that your child
has tbat disease. But by this time you
have one or several reports from the
laboratory to the effect that there is
no diphtheria. The laboratory reports
bow streptococci. Already scarlet
fever has been ruled out and now
diphtheria Is discarded.
But the patient is very evidently
sick with some grave disease, . The
weakness is all out of proportion to
what you would expect from an ordi
nary sore throat Probably by this
time you have discovered that the
glands of th neck are forming ab
scesses. You begin to suspect septic
sore throat. About this time you be
gin to hear of other cases of sore
throat. Your milkman tells you that
several people on his milk route are
sick. When you ask him what is the
trouble he does not know for certain.
He has heard that they have sore
throat. Some hav had their throats
lanced, but nobody seeme certain what
the disease Is.
Tbat the disease is epidemic Is about
the best diagnostic point that has
been brought out. There is no way
of diagnosing a sinaie case of septic
sore throat with certainty. Suppura
tion of the glands is suggestive, but
there are other diseases which cause
the glands to suppurate. The same
can be eaid of profound prostration.
But when sore throat with these symp
toms bag-ins to be epidemic it is not
bard to make the diagnosis.
By this time the health department
has become Interested. They find a
certain variety of streptococci In all
the throats. They find that the milk
supply of all the people with this sore
throat Is the same. Finally they run
down the milk supply, which Is at
fault. They find that some person
with septic sore throat or who has
had It recently has been milking the
eows or bsndlin the milk.
Is it a new disease? Probably not.
As a means of prompt diagnosis for
the Individual ease and control or
epidemic. Pr. Kelley says. In the
American Journal of Public Health
every sore throat should be reported
to the health department.
Prenatal Influences.
N A. C. writes: "1. I have been
told tbat If a woman is intimidated
. . rhilH will be a
ourina pit:fc"ow - . ,
coward and t2 that if she sees a
snake or any niueous oojcv-i ...
leave a mark of some kind upon the
Ch"3I'piease explain the cause of
strawberries' and birthmarks in gen
eral. , ,
me some good authority to read up on
the matter.
1 Too have ben Incorrectly toTmme:
The mantal qualities inrludins courage and
To X?dl are Inherited from .nce.tors
ffrgeTy the mind of the mother Is on a par
wltn .that of th. father. But 1 1 1. the mental
fiK-r of tha uarcnt which la trsnsmmea,
rot the remit of l"le -xperi-nre. Tur
thrrnVraf fni mind of the d.veloplnB eh.ld
! completely cut off from the mind of tha
mother and atiaolute'.y protected raint In
fluence from any shock to the mother, miud.
J. Fame anawer applies.
a. Strawberry mark re.ult m,,h "T'JT
deve opment ol ina n ";7'. iW. first
area. The fault occur, a '"J''" hi,
of her pr-snancy It may result from
a local inflammation. Infection, or Injury, or
tha oeveinpmanial process may so wrona for
i"ma reason hard to explain. Mental shock
"o the mother cannot cau.e strawberry or
other Mrthmarks. i,
4. Head Davenport s "Heredity in Keia
tlon to Eufenlca" at the library.
ot Alarmlnar.
Mrs. E. D. writes: "I am told that
I have diabetes and the last analysis
showed 1-20 of 1 per cent of sugar in
my urine."
Ono-twentlelh of 1 per cent ausar Is very
little. Tha use of very delicate tests aho.
flat everybody has "ine sugar In the nrine.
Therefore, you sra not much worn off than
tha averaKO person 11 vu i.-.w -"
or slxn other than this amall proportion of
...w-. . iimir lh, nmotint of Slicar.
candv aweeta !.sert. bread and potatoes
and let It go at that? Oo to see your doctor
one or twice a year.
Lest Taate aad Smell.
D. D. wrltea: "What causes one to
lose the sense or taste anu smeii.
I have for the last four months? I am
21 years old and weigh 9S pounds."
Tha Information contained In your Tetter la
not sufficiently definite to warrant a AfTl
answer. Th.-re are two main causes fimt.
nasal deformity with alnuaes. and. second,
lu. The relation between weight and sue
Is lea alBnlflcant than between height and
weight. Voil ara probably underweight.
Fairly FfTeetlvc.
C. P. writes: "Will you please teU
i . . v. Ui. nt Vn inl the new
mo wiisi .j . i v. - - -
mineral oil for treating constipation?
. . I f it
as it any oaa anci niw-
has what are they? T am a daily
reader of your health hints and w-111
watch for your reply."
It le a form of mlnersl oil al.o called
slan oil. liquid r.etrolatum. etc. These prep
arations are eff-ctlve with soma people and
without bad after effecta.
Personnel f National Bodies.
TLWACO. Wash.. Feb. 12. (To the
Editor.) Please publish tho names of
the members of Supremo Court of
United States: the Representatives
from Washington and tho President's
Cabinet. J- I- STRONG.
The members of the United States
Supreme Court are: Edward D. White.
Chief Justice: and Associate Justices
Joseph McKenns, Oliver W. Holmes,
William R. Day. Charles E. Hughes,
W. Van TJevanter. M.ihlon Pitney and
James C. Reynolds. Louise D. Brandcis
haa been apopinted by the President to
succeed Joseph R. Lamar, who died re
cently. The appointment of Brandels.
Is now In the Senate for confirmation.
The Representatives in the House
from Washington are William E.
Humphrey. LIndley H. Hadlcy, Albert
Johnsorr. William L. LaFollett and C.
C. Pill. The Senators are: Wesley L.
Jones and Miles Polndexter.
The President's Cabinet Is composed
of: Robert Lansing, Secretary of State;
W. G. McAdoo, Secretary of Treasury:
vacant. Secretary of War; Thomas Watt
Gregory, Attorney General: A. S. Burle
son. Postmaster-General: Josephus
Daniels, Secretary of Navy: F. K. Lane,
Secretary of Interior; David F. Hous
ton. Secretary of Agriculture; W. C.
Redflcld. Secretary of Commerce: Wil
liam B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor.
Stiver Thaw and Sleet Storm.
SILVER LAKE. Wash., Feb. 10. (To
the Editor.) Kindly advise mo "if
thero Is any difference between the
sleet storms of the Eastern states and
the silver thaw you have been enjoy
ing In your city. O. E. R.
Th3 silver thaw Is just like an East
ern sleet storm, except that, there is
more of It,
Captain Taylor Says American Seenery
To Little Known In America.
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) There is no excuse for the
American people to be as ignorant of
their own country as they are. And
whose fault is it? There is a lack of
the proper teaching in our schoola and
colleges. Our boys and girls are rushed
through the schools with such rapidity
that tha young mind cannot contain all
that the present-day system of teach
ing tries to cram into it.
My daughter came home some time
ago. and I asked her what she was
studying-. She went on telling me the
different things that she was compelled
to study in order to keep up with the
class, and among them was botany. 1
said, "How long have you been studying
botany?" "Six months," was the reply.
"And what have you learned about
botany in six months?" "Well," she said,
"I have learned that the soft maple
tree buds out in the Fall." I said. "Any
old farmer could have told you that
in less than five minutes."
I believe I am sdfe in saying yiat
not one boy or girl in 20 can name
the capitals of our states. In one high
school I visited some time ago I was
asked to speak to the combined classes
of the school, and I asked them to
name the principal rivers in the United
States that emptied into the Atlantic.
Not one of more than 60, tho teachers
included, could tell me. They have no
conception of the vastness of our coun
try br the beauties of this Western
A few years ago I "was in Geneva,
Switzerland, and the people there told
me that 100,000 Americans bad regis
tered at the hotels that year. They had
the impression that we had no moun
tain scenery in America.
We have the greatest mountain scen
ery in the world. Let the people from
the East come to Portland and go up
on the top of any of our high build
ings on a clear day, and we have such
days, and looking east, they will see
one of the grandest sights in the world
Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams,
Mount Hood. In fact, you can get on
the train and see one string of the
most beautiful mountains In the world,
clear to Mount Shasta and then to the
Mexican line, covered with snow all
the year round. Their beauty far sur
passes anything In the world. There
are few higher mountains than we have
in America.
The Yellowstone National Park has
no equal In the world, and many of our
people that have the European craze
have never seen it I have been across
the ocean 23 times and have visited
nearly every nation on the globe. 1 have
been to the East Indies, the West Indies
and every state in the Union but three,
and I can say without fear of contra
diction that we, have the greatest coun
try on the face of God's green earth.
But we should educate our people to
know it and believe it and stick up for
it, as the older countries teach their
But we are in the progressive age,
and who knowB the great lesson this
war is teaching America? There are
some things this country needs, namely,
knowledge of the country we live in,
love of country, patriotism and pre
paredness. CAPTAIN J. D. TAYLOR.
Death of InKeraol.
ALBANY, Or.. Feb. 12. (To the Edi
tor) Please give the circumstances of
Col. Robert G. Ingersol's death. Had
he previous illness to his passing, or
did he pass out without? Give the cir
cumstances as near aB you can. date
and hour. S. H. CLEVENGER.
Colonel Robert G. Ingersol died very
suddenly of heart disease at his home
near Dobb'a Ferry, New York, July 21,
1899. He had been subject to that mal
ady, however, for three years, suffer
ing an attack of It at the Republican
National convention in 1896. He died
shortly before 1 P. M. He had climbed
the stairs and. after a few minutes
conversation with his wife, walked
across the room and sat down In an
easy chair, resting his head In his
hands. In response to an inquiry from
Mrs." Ingersol he said he felt better.
These were his last words. A few min
utes later he expired.
Plural nnd Sinuular Verb.
PORTLAND. Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) Please answer which form is
correct: "The city are doing consider
able work" or "the city is dointr con
siderable work." J. G. STEVENS.
It is customary in this country to
use the singular verb in connection
with "city." "country" or "state" wheD
the government thereof is meant. In
Europe the plural form is the popular
one. This loads to some ourious re
sults in diplomatic correspondence. The
Secretary of State in transmitting a
note to Germany, for example, may in
the same document treat the imperial
government as plural and the United
States Government as singular. A hy
pothetical sentence might then be
worded: "The Government of the
United States Is unable to concede the
Justice of the policy the imperial gov
ernment have adopted
I'se of Verb. ,
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To tho Edi
tor.) Kindly tell me whether the fol
lowing sentence requires a single or
plural verb:
"The last will and testament of John
Doe. deceased, as well as the codicil
thereto, is hereby referred to and b
this reference made a part hereof as
much as if herein fully set forth.
The documents referred to are sepa
rate and distinct. What ruie governs7
- The Binnular verb is correct. : The
words "will" and "testament" are syn
onymous, and as here used mean the
same instrument. The term "as well
as" 'means "In addition to" or "equally
with." The sentence assumes that the
codicil is referred to without question
and that in addition the will and tes
tament is made a part of the reference
Judgment In Lien.
ST PAUL. Or.. Feb. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) A has Judgment against B. Three
months after B gets money from C.
The property Is sold at Sheriffs sale
for the amount got from C and costs.
Does A get anything? If not, what good
Is a Judgment?
Answer. A should recover the
amount cf his Judgment, if B has any
property which can legally be attached.
If a Judgment Is recovered In tho Cir
cuit Court, the Judgment becomes a Hen
upon all real property of the judgment
debtor, as soon as docketed. Any pur
chaser from the Judgment debtor would
take the real property, subject to the
B Is Nearly Right.
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) we wish to decide the follow
ing: A says that no liquors can be
sentor until after the 24th of each
month, and then after that every 28
days. B says you can send any day
during the month after the 1st of
January and get liquor; that le al
lowed bv law, and get it every 28
days. Who is right? J. T.
The law provides that you can get
the limit not oftener than every 28
days from . January 1. 1916. The 28
days would be figured from the date
on which you received the shipment,
and the fact that you might not have
exercised your right in January would
not allow you to receive a double con
signment in February.
In Other Days
x Hnlf n Century Agro.
From the Oregonlan of February 14, 3SP0.
In accordance with Instructions from
the postmaster-General, Postmaster
Randall, of this city, has given notice
that he is now prepared to furnish
orders on any money office in the
United States.
us more satisfaction to write about
than activity In trade and alter a
. v. e rirpnrv weather tha avAnucs
of trade cut off almost entirely by an
inhospitable w inter, it is gratnying ro
note the signs of the times as indicated
in the results to business.
The party given by the Portland
Leider Tafel last evening- at their hall,
corner of C and Front streets, in point
of real enjoyment was of a high order.
Josiah B. Johnson, of "Blackfoot City,
Montana territory, has been appointed
by Governor Gibbs, Commissioner of
Deeds for the State of Oregon. George
Venable Smith, attorney of this city,
has" been appointed by Governor .Meag
her, Commisisoner of Deeds for Mon
tana. The lecture last evening on the. sub
ject. "Ireland and the Irish." delivered
by Judge Strong at the Methodist Epis
copal Church, was well attended.
From Mr. Duncan, superintendent of
the Brownsville Woolen Mills, we learn
that the factory building is completed
and re-tdy for the reception of the ma
chinery. The steamship Pacific left her wharf
at 5 o'clock last night for San Francis
co with $140,000 in treasure in addition
to general cargo.
Twenty-five Years Ago.
From The Oregonlan of February 14, 1S!)1.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Ellery. of Spokane,
are expected to arrive here soon. They
intend making Portland their home.
Bill Nye, the well-known statistician
and philosopher, has bought a house
at Asheville. N. C, and will remove
thither in the Spring.
Judge George H. Williams has been
engaged to address the students of
Willamette University next Sunday af
ternoon. His address will be in the
chapel of the college in the afternoon,
and he will speak at the Methodist
Church in the evening.
V. G. Rogue, who started for Wash
ington. D. C., a few days ago, has tele
graphed back from Huntington that his
wife has been taken dangerously ill in
Omaha. The many friends of Mrs.
Bogue, who resided here for a number
of years, will be sorry to hear of her
A lr.rgo party of engineers under J.
Q. Barlow IrVis gone over to the Seattle
arid Portland road to run new lines in
the vicinity of Olympia to see if any
easier grades are obtainable.
S. H. Friendly, a prominent business
man and capitalist of Eugene, Is in
this city on business.
Hillsboro has decided to issue bonds
for the construction of a waterworks
and electric lights. Outside capitalists
have offered to supply the Improve
Alaska or Winter Holiin I Coaat IJeni
sen. Says Writer.
ST. HELENS, Or.. Feb. 13. (To the
Editor.) Just a little of your valued
space to correct a wrong impression
regarding one of our feathered visitors
during the recent cold weather, namely,
the varied thrush, sometimes called
Alaska robin, wood robin, or Winter
One of your correspondents, E. L. R.,
asks why should this bird, being mi
gratory and coming from the cold
regions to the north, stop here instead
of going farther south?
p.'ho varied thruBh. or Alaska robin,
is not a migratory bird, but a native
of this Coast, being found at all sea
sons of the year from California to
Alaska. It is a bird that likes solitude
and seclusion, a different trait than
that of our red-breasted friend.
It may be found in the dense forests
and thickets of the Coast and Cascade
Mountains. They are not shy birds
in their favorite haunts, and often have
I called them within a few yards of
me by imitating their evening song, if
song it can be called, for it consists of
one long, shrill note.
I have many times in our Western
foreste camped for weeks at a time
and listened to them every evening.
Distance to Horizon.
PORTLAND, Feb. 8. (To the Edi
tor.) Please tell me how far a per
son can see with the naked eye on a
level prairie or on water.
If the eye was at an elevation of
one foot at sea the horizon would be
1.15 nautical miles away. A nautical
mile is 60S0 feet. If you were to
stand on the water level with your
eye about five feet above the water
t lie horizon would be 2.57 nautical
miles away under normal conditions.
If you were standing on the deck of a
boat between 2.1 and 30 feet above
water level the horizon would be be
tween six and eight nautical miles
away. Or, for example, a tower 'J00
feet high would be visible at 20.7.J
miles to an observer whose eye is
elevated J" feet above the water. If
thero were no obstructions practically
the same would hold true on a level
prairie. 4 ,
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) Kindly tell me what is the
proper mourning, if any. for a man to
wear in case of the death of father or
mother, and how long should it be
worn? J- l- M'
Mourning is a matter of choice. If
a man desires to show he is in mourn
ing he may wear a small crepe band
on the hat or a black band on tho arm
sleeve of the coat. Many men, how
ever, do . not consider it necessary
more than to abstain from wearing
bright hues in neckties and other ap
parel. There Is no set time, but one
to six months is customary, although
some people remain in mourning a
The Name Is Your
When you ask for an advertised
article by name, that name is your
Behind it is the guarantee of a
manufacturer with a reputation to
The dealer who tries to persuade
you to take "something just as
good" is trying to take away thia
Tou may by chance get a sat
isfactory substitute, but you know
to a certainty the dealer is getting
a larger profit.
When you see an article adver
tised in this newspaper, ask for it
by name and insist on getting what
you ask for.